Rossana Galdini - (original) (raw)

Papers by Rossana Galdini

Research paper thumbnail of Transforming Obsolete Spaces into Vital Places: Historic Italian Villages as Laboratories of Sustainability

Research paper thumbnail of Bridging the “consent gap”: mechanisms of legitimization in a cross-border megaproject

Policy and Society, May 4, 2023

In the recent debate on megaprojects (MPs), greater attention is devoted to the functioning of th... more In the recent debate on megaprojects (MPs), greater attention is devoted to the functioning of the interorganizational and multiactor networks that are one of the most innovative features in recent years. The complexity of these structures brings out governability issues for an MP's management. Mutual recognition and consent become elements capable of inaugurating more collaborative processes and practices to reduce organizational and management criticalities in MPs. This paper focuses on a neglected relational dimension, namely legitimacy. We argue that legitimacy is instead the central dimension that attributes effectiveness and capacity for action to the organizations involved. Legitimacy regulates the relationship between various organizations-and especially-between organizations and the public sphere. Institutionalist theory assigns a central role to legitimacy in the construction of social processes, defining it as a generalized form of social acceptance toward an actor, an idea, or a project. In this paper, we hypothesize that the legitimacy attributed and "held" by the stakeholders is a crucial element in countering three critical aspects of MPs, namely the uncertainty, complexity, and conflict acting on the construction of public consensus and the quality of relationships between the participating stakeholders. We verify our hypothesis by analyzing a cross-border MP, the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link between Germany and Denmark. The paper concentrates on the mechanisms with which stakeholders can acquire legitimacy using the Eriksen discursive legitimation scheme. These mechanisms are different (evidence-based, public participation, and legislators' command) and produce different outcomes in terms of increasing or containing these three criticalities.

Research paper thumbnail of Rigenerazione urbana e società : analisi comparata di due casi di studio in Italia ed in Germania

Dottorato di ricerca in Scienza, tecnologia e societa', XVIII ciclo. A.a. 2005-2006

Research paper thumbnail of Emergenza abitativa e pratiche informali. Il caso di Roma

Sociologia urbana e rurale, Mar 1, 2017

The paper provides a short overview on the housing emergency in Italy and focuses attention on th... more The paper provides a short overview on the housing emergency in Italy and focuses attention on the case of Rome, where the struggles for the right to the city are rooted in a tradition of grassroots participation. It analyzes the experience of Metropoliz, in the area of Tor Sapienza, an informal and self made practice, a symbolic place where people, from different countries cohabit. Metropoliz beyond being a visible space of struggle, occupation and marginalization, is an example of Informal Urbanism and an urban laboratory of political, social and artistic sperimentation.

Research paper thumbnail of L'uso del temporaneo nei processi di rigenerazione urbana

Sociologia urbana e rurale, Jun 1, 2015

Nei Paesi del Nord Europa ed in particolare in Germania, si diffondono gia da alcuni anni pratich... more Nei Paesi del Nord Europa ed in particolare in Germania, si diffondono gia da alcuni anni pratiche Zwischennutzung, termine che identifica il riuso temporaneo e con esso una serie di azioni radicate piu che negli spazi, nelle funzioni e nelle interazioni che quest’ultime riescono a generare. Lo studio del fenomeno, in particolare a Berlino, suggerisce una riflessione sulla possibilita da parte dei cittadini di riappropriarsi seppure in modo temporaneo degli spazi inutilizzati della metropoli.

Research paper thumbnail of Temporary uses in contemporary spaces. A European project in Rome

Cities, 2020

Temporary uses represent innovative and experimental solutions to give new life to disused facili... more Temporary uses represent innovative and experimental solutions to give new life to disused facilities and spaces while conserving their historical, identity and environmental value. By offering the opportunity to assign new functions and meanings to abandoned places and create economic and social development, these practices can play a strategic role in promoting an integrated approach as a starting point for urban regeneration processes. Based on these assumptions, this paper aims to investigate how temporary uses of disused urban spaces can interact in a practical sense with formal planning systems and urban policies. To do so, it analyses a European project implemented in Rome aimed at fostering temporary activities in public space and reactivating several disused areas by directly involving the local community. The paper proposes a few observations touching on two issues: firstly, whether the temporary use of disused space can be a practical opportunity to not only redesign urban space but also establish a new governance model. Secondly, whether such practices can effectively address the needs and aspirations of citizens, as a precondition for improving quality of life in the city.

Research paper thumbnail of Pratiche di riuso sociale e produttivo tra l'urbano e il rurale

Culture della sostenibilità, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Interpretare la complessità urbana contemporanea: il paradigma della città fluida

Sociologia urbana e rurale, Jul 1, 2022

La città fluida costituisce una delle recenti concettualizzazioni utilizzate per identificare i p... more La città fluida costituisce una delle recenti concettualizzazioni utilizzate per identificare i processi che attraversano la città contemporanea. La trasposizione del concetto di fluidità nella pianificazione e nella morfologia urbana consente di osservare come il dinamismo, la temporaneità, la flessibilità siano adottate come categorie per la rifunzionalizzazione, la risignificazione degli spazi, la creazione dei luoghi e la diffusione di nuove pratiche. Il contributo propone una riflessione sull'esigenza di individuare un approccio alla pianificazione urbana capace di gestire la fluidità e la complessità urbana contemporanea.

Research paper thumbnail of Esperienze di cohousing a Berlino: verso una nuova idea di comunità

Sociologia urbana e rurale, 2016

I processi di frammentazione sociale in atto, la crescente eterogeneita culturale, l’esigenza di ... more I processi di frammentazione sociale in atto, la crescente eterogeneita culturale, l’esigenza di riconfigurare identita collettive e individuali promuovono la riflessione sull’abitare e sulle pratiche di condivisione legate a nuove modalita abitative. Il co-housing, oltre a delineare nuove politiche abitative, sembra essere l’occasione per proporre mix generazionali e sociali tra i residenti di quartieri e per ripensare alle citta secondo una nuova concezione di urbanita. L’articolo propone una riflessione su alcune esperienze realizzate in Germania, sulle linee di orientamento, verificandone la validita, le criticita e la loro eventuale trasferibilita nel contesto italiano.

Research paper thumbnail of Esperienze di innovazione socio-spaziale: tattiche e strategie per la rigenerazione urbana

Sociologia urbana e rurale, Jul 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Ripensare gli spazi pubblici. Usi temporanei e pratiche informali a Berlino

Sociologia urbana e rurale, Jun 1, 2017

Il contributo prende in esame il tema del riuso temporaneo come forma di appropriazione o ri-appr... more Il contributo prende in esame il tema del riuso temporaneo come forma di appropriazione o ri-appropriazione creativa dei vuoti urbani, considerati come spazi residuali ma anche come aree di potenzialita, spazi di transizione, luoghi del possibile. In questi territori incerti, si diffondono pratiche capaci di contribuire attivamente alla produzione di spazio sociale. Azioni temporanee, volte a trasformare queste aree e a integrarle all’interno del sistema degli spazi pubblici. L’analisi di due casi di Zwischennutzung a Berlino pone in evidenza come nel contesto tedesco gli usi temporanei, consentiti dal codice urbanistico, abbiano ormai assunto un ruolo centrale nel dibattito contemporaneo sulla competitivita urbana legata alle classi creative e siano riconosciuti quale elementi strategici e innovativi di un piu lungo e complesso processo di rigenerazione urbana.

Research paper thumbnail of Urban regeneration and re-use: China and Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Urban re-use practices in contemporary cities: experiences in Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Structural Changes in the Tourist Industry

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Aug 1, 2005

The paper focusses on the role and the significance of tourism, as one particular set of industri... more The paper focusses on the role and the significance of tourism, as one particular set of industries that are of great significance in contemporary western societies, namely consumer services and especially tourist-related services. Particular emphasis is given to the impact of tourism on host communities, the changing role of tourism in the European economy, the relationship between tourism and environment, and its place in urban regeneration. Tourism is one of the most significant social forces in the world today. It also has enormous international economic and geopolitical importance. The economic, social environmental and cultural implications of such developments can be seen in a lot of cities. Tourism constructs, rearranges, and inhabits geographic, social and cultural spaces globally. This paper tries to analyze in a systematic way the social and geographical dimensions of tourism. The focus is on spatial relationships, tourism systems and environments. The main theme is that of tourism as a totalizing social construction of places and identities.The strong connections between society,time and space implies that the concept of 'society', the nature of 'locality', the significance of 'economic restructuring', and the concept of the 'rural', are to be examined in relationship to place. The paper then considers how places have been transformed by the development of service occupations and industries. Attention is devoted to the ways in which places are consumed, the visual character of such consumption and its implications for place and people. The 1 implications for nature and the environment are also explored. Places are constructed for tourism consumption through the promotion of certain images that have implications for the built environment. Tourist consumption is a place-creating and a place-altering act. It cannot be denied that tourism is a terrific force for change. It accounts for prosperity in many countries. The hundreds of visitors who come do not only bring money but they also transform the lives of the locals for better or worse.The paper tries to provide a critical approach of how places of cultural significance are trasformed into places of consumption by investigating the relationship between culture as a resorce for identity and social meaning and culture as an important economic resource for post-industrial cities.

Research paper thumbnail of Urban Regeneration Process - the Case of Genoa, an Example of Integrated Urban Development Approach

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Aug 1, 2005

Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch ge... more Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. Terms of use: Documents in EconStor may be saved and copied for your personal and scholarly purposes. You are not to copy documents for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the documents publicly, to make them publicly available on the internet, or to distribute or otherwise use the documents in public. If the documents have been made available under an Open Content Licence (especially Creative Commons Licences), you may exercise further usage rights as specified in the indicated licence.

Research paper thumbnail of Informality and Evolution of Urban Space

Research paper thumbnail of Il riuso creativo per uno sviluppo locale partecipato. I casi di Officine zero e dell'Officina delle idee nel Lazio

Sociologia urbana e rurale, May 1, 2019

This paper proposes a reflection on innovative perspectives of city development, realized through... more This paper proposes a reflection on innovative perspectives of city development, realized through urban re-use practices as re-functionalization and re-signification interventions of the urban voids. In this context, creativity becomes the central category to interpret the transfor-mations taking place in the contemporary city. The case studies of OZ Officine Zero and Pro-ject 33-Officina delle idee in Latium identify the potential for creative re-use, to implement a transversal network for social-economic and local development. In the institutions, this strate-gy can find a supporting role to satisfy the needs and aspirations of the territory.

Research paper thumbnail of Urban informality and users-led social innovation: Challenges and opportunities for the future human centred city

Research paper thumbnail of Not Only For-Profit, Sharing Solidarity and Promoting Opportunities. A Case Study in Rome

Research paper thumbnail of Tourism and the City: Opportunity for Regeneration

Tourismos, Nov 1, 2007

Urban tourism is in full expansion due to worldwide urbanisation and internationalisation of our ... more Urban tourism is in full expansion due to worldwide urbanisation and internationalisation of our societies. New economic impulse created by investments in urban regeneration, and improving the quality of life, produces different consequences. This paper tries to examines the benefits and costs which tourism has on host environments, economies and societies and analyses the strategic conditions which can assist cities to revitalise their territory, through a coherent tourism policy. An Italian case study, Genoa is used to illustrate some of these impact issues. Genoa, after a deep crisis, has regained a new identity and its role in the Italian economic and social system. The paper provides a critical approach of how places of cultural significance are transformed into places of consumption by investigating the relationship between culture as a resource for identity and culture as an economic resource.

Research paper thumbnail of Transforming Obsolete Spaces into Vital Places: Historic Italian Villages as Laboratories of Sustainability

Research paper thumbnail of Bridging the “consent gap”: mechanisms of legitimization in a cross-border megaproject

Policy and Society, May 4, 2023

In the recent debate on megaprojects (MPs), greater attention is devoted to the functioning of th... more In the recent debate on megaprojects (MPs), greater attention is devoted to the functioning of the interorganizational and multiactor networks that are one of the most innovative features in recent years. The complexity of these structures brings out governability issues for an MP's management. Mutual recognition and consent become elements capable of inaugurating more collaborative processes and practices to reduce organizational and management criticalities in MPs. This paper focuses on a neglected relational dimension, namely legitimacy. We argue that legitimacy is instead the central dimension that attributes effectiveness and capacity for action to the organizations involved. Legitimacy regulates the relationship between various organizations-and especially-between organizations and the public sphere. Institutionalist theory assigns a central role to legitimacy in the construction of social processes, defining it as a generalized form of social acceptance toward an actor, an idea, or a project. In this paper, we hypothesize that the legitimacy attributed and "held" by the stakeholders is a crucial element in countering three critical aspects of MPs, namely the uncertainty, complexity, and conflict acting on the construction of public consensus and the quality of relationships between the participating stakeholders. We verify our hypothesis by analyzing a cross-border MP, the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link between Germany and Denmark. The paper concentrates on the mechanisms with which stakeholders can acquire legitimacy using the Eriksen discursive legitimation scheme. These mechanisms are different (evidence-based, public participation, and legislators' command) and produce different outcomes in terms of increasing or containing these three criticalities.

Research paper thumbnail of Rigenerazione urbana e società : analisi comparata di due casi di studio in Italia ed in Germania

Dottorato di ricerca in Scienza, tecnologia e societa', XVIII ciclo. A.a. 2005-2006

Research paper thumbnail of Emergenza abitativa e pratiche informali. Il caso di Roma

Sociologia urbana e rurale, Mar 1, 2017

The paper provides a short overview on the housing emergency in Italy and focuses attention on th... more The paper provides a short overview on the housing emergency in Italy and focuses attention on the case of Rome, where the struggles for the right to the city are rooted in a tradition of grassroots participation. It analyzes the experience of Metropoliz, in the area of Tor Sapienza, an informal and self made practice, a symbolic place where people, from different countries cohabit. Metropoliz beyond being a visible space of struggle, occupation and marginalization, is an example of Informal Urbanism and an urban laboratory of political, social and artistic sperimentation.

Research paper thumbnail of L'uso del temporaneo nei processi di rigenerazione urbana

Sociologia urbana e rurale, Jun 1, 2015

Nei Paesi del Nord Europa ed in particolare in Germania, si diffondono gia da alcuni anni pratich... more Nei Paesi del Nord Europa ed in particolare in Germania, si diffondono gia da alcuni anni pratiche Zwischennutzung, termine che identifica il riuso temporaneo e con esso una serie di azioni radicate piu che negli spazi, nelle funzioni e nelle interazioni che quest’ultime riescono a generare. Lo studio del fenomeno, in particolare a Berlino, suggerisce una riflessione sulla possibilita da parte dei cittadini di riappropriarsi seppure in modo temporaneo degli spazi inutilizzati della metropoli.

Research paper thumbnail of Temporary uses in contemporary spaces. A European project in Rome

Cities, 2020

Temporary uses represent innovative and experimental solutions to give new life to disused facili... more Temporary uses represent innovative and experimental solutions to give new life to disused facilities and spaces while conserving their historical, identity and environmental value. By offering the opportunity to assign new functions and meanings to abandoned places and create economic and social development, these practices can play a strategic role in promoting an integrated approach as a starting point for urban regeneration processes. Based on these assumptions, this paper aims to investigate how temporary uses of disused urban spaces can interact in a practical sense with formal planning systems and urban policies. To do so, it analyses a European project implemented in Rome aimed at fostering temporary activities in public space and reactivating several disused areas by directly involving the local community. The paper proposes a few observations touching on two issues: firstly, whether the temporary use of disused space can be a practical opportunity to not only redesign urban space but also establish a new governance model. Secondly, whether such practices can effectively address the needs and aspirations of citizens, as a precondition for improving quality of life in the city.

Research paper thumbnail of Pratiche di riuso sociale e produttivo tra l'urbano e il rurale

Culture della sostenibilità, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Interpretare la complessità urbana contemporanea: il paradigma della città fluida

Sociologia urbana e rurale, Jul 1, 2022

La città fluida costituisce una delle recenti concettualizzazioni utilizzate per identificare i p... more La città fluida costituisce una delle recenti concettualizzazioni utilizzate per identificare i processi che attraversano la città contemporanea. La trasposizione del concetto di fluidità nella pianificazione e nella morfologia urbana consente di osservare come il dinamismo, la temporaneità, la flessibilità siano adottate come categorie per la rifunzionalizzazione, la risignificazione degli spazi, la creazione dei luoghi e la diffusione di nuove pratiche. Il contributo propone una riflessione sull'esigenza di individuare un approccio alla pianificazione urbana capace di gestire la fluidità e la complessità urbana contemporanea.

Research paper thumbnail of Esperienze di cohousing a Berlino: verso una nuova idea di comunità

Sociologia urbana e rurale, 2016

I processi di frammentazione sociale in atto, la crescente eterogeneita culturale, l’esigenza di ... more I processi di frammentazione sociale in atto, la crescente eterogeneita culturale, l’esigenza di riconfigurare identita collettive e individuali promuovono la riflessione sull’abitare e sulle pratiche di condivisione legate a nuove modalita abitative. Il co-housing, oltre a delineare nuove politiche abitative, sembra essere l’occasione per proporre mix generazionali e sociali tra i residenti di quartieri e per ripensare alle citta secondo una nuova concezione di urbanita. L’articolo propone una riflessione su alcune esperienze realizzate in Germania, sulle linee di orientamento, verificandone la validita, le criticita e la loro eventuale trasferibilita nel contesto italiano.

Research paper thumbnail of Esperienze di innovazione socio-spaziale: tattiche e strategie per la rigenerazione urbana

Sociologia urbana e rurale, Jul 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Ripensare gli spazi pubblici. Usi temporanei e pratiche informali a Berlino

Sociologia urbana e rurale, Jun 1, 2017

Il contributo prende in esame il tema del riuso temporaneo come forma di appropriazione o ri-appr... more Il contributo prende in esame il tema del riuso temporaneo come forma di appropriazione o ri-appropriazione creativa dei vuoti urbani, considerati come spazi residuali ma anche come aree di potenzialita, spazi di transizione, luoghi del possibile. In questi territori incerti, si diffondono pratiche capaci di contribuire attivamente alla produzione di spazio sociale. Azioni temporanee, volte a trasformare queste aree e a integrarle all’interno del sistema degli spazi pubblici. L’analisi di due casi di Zwischennutzung a Berlino pone in evidenza come nel contesto tedesco gli usi temporanei, consentiti dal codice urbanistico, abbiano ormai assunto un ruolo centrale nel dibattito contemporaneo sulla competitivita urbana legata alle classi creative e siano riconosciuti quale elementi strategici e innovativi di un piu lungo e complesso processo di rigenerazione urbana.

Research paper thumbnail of Urban regeneration and re-use: China and Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Urban re-use practices in contemporary cities: experiences in Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Structural Changes in the Tourist Industry

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Aug 1, 2005

The paper focusses on the role and the significance of tourism, as one particular set of industri... more The paper focusses on the role and the significance of tourism, as one particular set of industries that are of great significance in contemporary western societies, namely consumer services and especially tourist-related services. Particular emphasis is given to the impact of tourism on host communities, the changing role of tourism in the European economy, the relationship between tourism and environment, and its place in urban regeneration. Tourism is one of the most significant social forces in the world today. It also has enormous international economic and geopolitical importance. The economic, social environmental and cultural implications of such developments can be seen in a lot of cities. Tourism constructs, rearranges, and inhabits geographic, social and cultural spaces globally. This paper tries to analyze in a systematic way the social and geographical dimensions of tourism. The focus is on spatial relationships, tourism systems and environments. The main theme is that of tourism as a totalizing social construction of places and identities.The strong connections between society,time and space implies that the concept of 'society', the nature of 'locality', the significance of 'economic restructuring', and the concept of the 'rural', are to be examined in relationship to place. The paper then considers how places have been transformed by the development of service occupations and industries. Attention is devoted to the ways in which places are consumed, the visual character of such consumption and its implications for place and people. The 1 implications for nature and the environment are also explored. Places are constructed for tourism consumption through the promotion of certain images that have implications for the built environment. Tourist consumption is a place-creating and a place-altering act. It cannot be denied that tourism is a terrific force for change. It accounts for prosperity in many countries. The hundreds of visitors who come do not only bring money but they also transform the lives of the locals for better or worse.The paper tries to provide a critical approach of how places of cultural significance are trasformed into places of consumption by investigating the relationship between culture as a resorce for identity and social meaning and culture as an important economic resource for post-industrial cities.

Research paper thumbnail of Urban Regeneration Process - the Case of Genoa, an Example of Integrated Urban Development Approach

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Aug 1, 2005

Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch ge... more Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. Terms of use: Documents in EconStor may be saved and copied for your personal and scholarly purposes. You are not to copy documents for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the documents publicly, to make them publicly available on the internet, or to distribute or otherwise use the documents in public. If the documents have been made available under an Open Content Licence (especially Creative Commons Licences), you may exercise further usage rights as specified in the indicated licence.

Research paper thumbnail of Informality and Evolution of Urban Space

Research paper thumbnail of Il riuso creativo per uno sviluppo locale partecipato. I casi di Officine zero e dell'Officina delle idee nel Lazio

Sociologia urbana e rurale, May 1, 2019

This paper proposes a reflection on innovative perspectives of city development, realized through... more This paper proposes a reflection on innovative perspectives of city development, realized through urban re-use practices as re-functionalization and re-signification interventions of the urban voids. In this context, creativity becomes the central category to interpret the transfor-mations taking place in the contemporary city. The case studies of OZ Officine Zero and Pro-ject 33-Officina delle idee in Latium identify the potential for creative re-use, to implement a transversal network for social-economic and local development. In the institutions, this strate-gy can find a supporting role to satisfy the needs and aspirations of the territory.

Research paper thumbnail of Urban informality and users-led social innovation: Challenges and opportunities for the future human centred city

Research paper thumbnail of Not Only For-Profit, Sharing Solidarity and Promoting Opportunities. A Case Study in Rome

Research paper thumbnail of Tourism and the City: Opportunity for Regeneration

Tourismos, Nov 1, 2007

Urban tourism is in full expansion due to worldwide urbanisation and internationalisation of our ... more Urban tourism is in full expansion due to worldwide urbanisation and internationalisation of our societies. New economic impulse created by investments in urban regeneration, and improving the quality of life, produces different consequences. This paper tries to examines the benefits and costs which tourism has on host environments, economies and societies and analyses the strategic conditions which can assist cities to revitalise their territory, through a coherent tourism policy. An Italian case study, Genoa is used to illustrate some of these impact issues. Genoa, after a deep crisis, has regained a new identity and its role in the Italian economic and social system. The paper provides a critical approach of how places of cultural significance are transformed into places of consumption by investigating the relationship between culture as a resource for identity and culture as an economic resource.