Roy Massie - (original) (raw)
Papers by Roy Massie
Background:The maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia is still high with 90% occured during l... more Background:The maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia is still high with 90% occured during labor and after delivery. In 2007–2009 MMR in the District of North Gorontalo is higher than the national. Efforts in order to decrease maternal mortality, especially in the antenatal phase had been formally conducted by health professionals in the form of promotion. There is effort that can be done traditionally by local cultural approach particularly in Gorontalo Province known as the ceremomial Molontalo. Molontalo is a statement from the husband’s family that first pregnancy is fulfilled expectations will be a continuation derived from legal marriage. The purpose of the research was to increase the hulango (village shaman) and hatibi’s (village priest) knowledge of MCH as community and religious leaders through traditional ceremonies Molontalo so the pregnant women can visit the health care workers and facilities. Methods: Operational research, which begins with the intervention, data...
Health Policy frameworks can be described as systemic, where basic objectives or principles of th... more Health Policy frameworks can be described as systemic, where basic objectives or principles of the health system aredecided, and programmatic, where intervention priorities are set and translated into operational guidelines for service delivery.There are many ways of thingking about the policy process as there are about the concept of policy itself. The health policy may take the form of plan or a more generalised statement of approach (Baker, 1996). Implementation has been defined as what happens between policy expectations and (perceived) policy results (DeLeon, 1999). Clearly implementation is a process of turning a health policy into practice. Analysis of policy tends to be restrospective and descritive. Analysis of policy looks back at why or how a policy made its way to agenda. Analysis for policy tends to be prospective. It is usually carried out to inform the formulation of a policy or anticipate how policy might fare if introduced. At times such analysis will result in the...
Buletin Penelitian Sistem Kesehatan
Di Indonesia terdapat epidemi penyakit HIV/AIDS, dengan prevalensi 0,2% orang dewasa. Perlu penil... more Di Indonesia terdapat epidemi penyakit HIV/AIDS, dengan prevalensi 0,2% orang dewasa. Perlu penilaian terhadap integritas pelaksanaan program penanggulangan HIV/AIDS untuk meningkatkan reabilitas dan efektivitas agar paham terhadap kebijakan publik, transparansi, akuntabilitas, partisipasi aktif masyarakat dan pertimbangan etik berdasar PP No. 75/2006. Penelitian ini bertujuan memahami integritas pelaksanaan program dari institusi publik bidang kesehatan dan sektor swasta terkait di Kota Manado. Jenis penelitian adalah observasional dengan desain potong lintang. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam kepada Kepala Dinas Kesehatan, pemegang program, Komite Penanggulangan AIDS Provinsi, Rumah Sakit Provinsi, Puskesmas, LSM dan klinik swasta. Standar dan kebijakan manajemen dari kegiatan penanggulangan HIV/AIDS mengacu pada tingkat internasional, nasional, provinsi, dan kota. Terdapat transparansi namun aspek keuangan dan pencatatan pelaporan kasus masih tertutup. Tata laksana manajemen yang akuntabilitas dan efektivitas belum secara utuh karena tidak didukung oleh sumber daya yang memadai, termasuk ketersediaan dana. Belum tersedia standar pelayanan yang berbasis etik. Kebijakan tentang peningkatan kapasitas SDM belum ada mengakibatkan tidak seimbangnya kualitas dan kuantitas dari petugas. Pelaksanaan pencegahan dan penanggulangan masih kurang pada populasi risiko tinggi dan rentan. Pemahaman konsep dan integritas praktis terhadap petugas kesehatan pada tingkat manajemen dan pemberi pelayanan kesehatan masih kurang. Transparansi keuangan perlu diperjelas. Monitoring dan evaluasi ke fasilitas kesehatan perlu dilakukan secara berkala; kebijakan penanganan pengaduan masyarakat; pelatihan standar manajemen bagi petugas kesehatan; pelatihan konsep integritas kepada sektor terkait. Partisipasi aktif masyarakat perlu ditingkatkan.
Kerusuhan sosial yang melanda beberapa daerah di Indonesia dalam lima tahun terakhir telah menyeb... more Kerusuhan sosial yang melanda beberapa daerah di Indonesia dalam lima tahun terakhir telah menyebabkan lehih dari 1,4 juta penduduk Indonesia meninggalkan rumah mereka untuk mencari perlindungan di daerah-daerah yang aman. Perpindahan tersebut bersifat terpaksa untuk menghindarkan diri dari ancaman keselamatan fisik. Masyarakat international menyebut kelompok penduduk ini sebagai internally displacedpersons (IDPs). Bersaman dengan kejadian di atas, diberlakukannya Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah dan Undang-undang Nomor 25 Tahun 1999 tentang Perimbangan Keuangan Pusat dan Daerah, serta dilakukannya amandemen Undang-undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 (UUD 1945) pada tahun 2002 dan komitmen pemerintah pusat dalam hal ini Departemen Kesehatan dari salah satu pilar yang tercantum pada Indonesia Sehat 2010 yaitu desentralisasi kesehatan. Masih tersisa pergolakan konflik di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia, dimana dampaknya antara lain terjadinya p...
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Kesehatan
Abstrak Penelitian tentang akses lanjut usia (lansia) terhadap pelayanan kesehatan telah banyak d... more Abstrak Penelitian tentang akses lanjut usia (lansia) terhadap pelayanan kesehatan telah banyak dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode yang sama maupun berbeda. Diperlukan suatu hasil gabungan analisis penelitian dan dapat dijadikan inferensi pada parameter yang dapat diinterpretasi. Dalam kajian ini dilakukan meta-analisis akses kesehatan publik bagi lansia di wilayah perkotaan yang tersedia pada tingkat fasilitas kesehatan tingkat pertama. Diidentifikasi kata kunci dari topik yang ada pada kepustakaan melalui pembacaaan abstrak secara berulang kali. Dilakukan pencatatan hasil inferensi, kemudian dipilah sub-topik yang dipikirkan penting dan berhubungan. Ringkasan kepustakaan dibuat sesuai dengan urutan dan relevansi topik masing-masing variabel, yang disesuaikan dengan sub-topik terkait. Akses pelayanan kesehatan terhadap lansia sangat tergantung pada ketersediaan sumber daya kesehatan, peralatan yang memadai dan program yang sesuai. Lansia kurang memanfaatkan pelayanan kesehatan dis...
Since 1998, several provinces in Indonesia have suffered a number of violent conflicts causing ma... more Since 1998, several provinces in Indonesia have suffered a number of violent conflicts causing massive destruction, several thousand deaths and creating over a million displaced people. This happened in North Maluku and Central Kalimantan Provinces. In 1999 the displaced people from North Maluku took flight to Manado municipality and in 2001 those from Central Kalimantan fled to Sampang District. These recipient areas were selected for this study because of their differing characteristics, including presence of IDPs; urban/rural; and levels of development. While the central government was initially responsible for providing adequate support in the first two -three years of their displacement in both areas, this changed at the end of 2003 when the central government terminated their support for the IDPs. During this period, authority for developing health programmes and services had been devolved to local government by central government through the health decentralisation policy in ...
To provide an optimal nutrition care to the patients in a hospital, a proper human resource plann... more To provide an optimal nutrition care to the patients in a hospital, a proper human resource planning should be implemented. The workload indicators of staffing need (WISN) method is a health worker need calculation based on real workload in every facility. This study was aimed to assess the real need for cook in the Nutrition Department of Pancaran Kasih General Hospital Manado by using WISN method.This was an analytical observational study using quantitative method. Work sampling method was used to acquire the number of activity time for each cookand WISN method was used to calculate the need for cook. The population and samples in this study were 11 cooks from Nutrition Department in Pancaran Kasih General Hospital Manado; all were female. This study also used 6 informants consisted of the
Buletin Penelitian Sistem Kesehatan, 1999
Buletin Penelitian Sistem Kesehatan, 2010
Journal of diabetes and metabolic disorders, 2018
The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is increasing in Indonesia due to population growth, urbaniza... more The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is increasing in Indonesia due to population growth, urbanization, and lifestyle. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease that escalates mortality rate, but not all DM develop into chronic kidney disease. To estimate the prevalence of kidney dysfunction (KD) in DM and the associated dominant risk factors among productive age Indonesian based on the National Health Survey () 2013. The statistical data consisted of 15,791 females and 10,349 males, aged 20 to 54, who lived in rural and urban areas. The data was obtained from National Institute of Health Research and Development (NIHRD), Ministry of Health. Data were collected from 33 provinces using cross sectional method. The variables data analyzed were sociodemographic, lifestyle, anthropometric, blood pressure, blood lipid, blood glucose, and creatinine. Kidney dysfunction was defined according to Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation. ...
Buletin Penelitian Sistem Kesehatan, 2012
Background:The maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia is still high with 90% occured during l... more Background:The maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia is still high with 90% occured during labor and after delivery. In 2007–2009 MMR in the District of North Gorontalo is higher than the national. Efforts in order to decrease maternal mortality, especially in the antenatal phase had been formally conducted by health professionals in the form of promotion. There is effort that can be done traditionally by local cultural approach particularly in Gorontalo Province known as the ceremomial Molontalo. Molontalo is a statement from the husband’s family that first pregnancy is fulfilled expectations will be a continuation derived from legal marriage. The purpose of the research was to increase the hulango (village shaman) and hatibi’s (village priest) knowledge of MCH as community and religious leaders through traditional ceremonies Molontalo so the pregnant women can visit the health care workers and facilities. Methods: Operational research, which begins with the intervention, data...
Health Policy frameworks can be described as systemic, where basic objectives or principles of th... more Health Policy frameworks can be described as systemic, where basic objectives or principles of the health system aredecided, and programmatic, where intervention priorities are set and translated into operational guidelines for service delivery.There are many ways of thingking about the policy process as there are about the concept of policy itself. The health policy may take the form of plan or a more generalised statement of approach (Baker, 1996). Implementation has been defined as what happens between policy expectations and (perceived) policy results (DeLeon, 1999). Clearly implementation is a process of turning a health policy into practice. Analysis of policy tends to be restrospective and descritive. Analysis of policy looks back at why or how a policy made its way to agenda. Analysis for policy tends to be prospective. It is usually carried out to inform the formulation of a policy or anticipate how policy might fare if introduced. At times such analysis will result in the...
Buletin Penelitian Sistem Kesehatan
Di Indonesia terdapat epidemi penyakit HIV/AIDS, dengan prevalensi 0,2% orang dewasa. Perlu penil... more Di Indonesia terdapat epidemi penyakit HIV/AIDS, dengan prevalensi 0,2% orang dewasa. Perlu penilaian terhadap integritas pelaksanaan program penanggulangan HIV/AIDS untuk meningkatkan reabilitas dan efektivitas agar paham terhadap kebijakan publik, transparansi, akuntabilitas, partisipasi aktif masyarakat dan pertimbangan etik berdasar PP No. 75/2006. Penelitian ini bertujuan memahami integritas pelaksanaan program dari institusi publik bidang kesehatan dan sektor swasta terkait di Kota Manado. Jenis penelitian adalah observasional dengan desain potong lintang. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam kepada Kepala Dinas Kesehatan, pemegang program, Komite Penanggulangan AIDS Provinsi, Rumah Sakit Provinsi, Puskesmas, LSM dan klinik swasta. Standar dan kebijakan manajemen dari kegiatan penanggulangan HIV/AIDS mengacu pada tingkat internasional, nasional, provinsi, dan kota. Terdapat transparansi namun aspek keuangan dan pencatatan pelaporan kasus masih tertutup. Tata laksana manajemen yang akuntabilitas dan efektivitas belum secara utuh karena tidak didukung oleh sumber daya yang memadai, termasuk ketersediaan dana. Belum tersedia standar pelayanan yang berbasis etik. Kebijakan tentang peningkatan kapasitas SDM belum ada mengakibatkan tidak seimbangnya kualitas dan kuantitas dari petugas. Pelaksanaan pencegahan dan penanggulangan masih kurang pada populasi risiko tinggi dan rentan. Pemahaman konsep dan integritas praktis terhadap petugas kesehatan pada tingkat manajemen dan pemberi pelayanan kesehatan masih kurang. Transparansi keuangan perlu diperjelas. Monitoring dan evaluasi ke fasilitas kesehatan perlu dilakukan secara berkala; kebijakan penanganan pengaduan masyarakat; pelatihan standar manajemen bagi petugas kesehatan; pelatihan konsep integritas kepada sektor terkait. Partisipasi aktif masyarakat perlu ditingkatkan.
Kerusuhan sosial yang melanda beberapa daerah di Indonesia dalam lima tahun terakhir telah menyeb... more Kerusuhan sosial yang melanda beberapa daerah di Indonesia dalam lima tahun terakhir telah menyebabkan lehih dari 1,4 juta penduduk Indonesia meninggalkan rumah mereka untuk mencari perlindungan di daerah-daerah yang aman. Perpindahan tersebut bersifat terpaksa untuk menghindarkan diri dari ancaman keselamatan fisik. Masyarakat international menyebut kelompok penduduk ini sebagai internally displacedpersons (IDPs). Bersaman dengan kejadian di atas, diberlakukannya Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah dan Undang-undang Nomor 25 Tahun 1999 tentang Perimbangan Keuangan Pusat dan Daerah, serta dilakukannya amandemen Undang-undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 (UUD 1945) pada tahun 2002 dan komitmen pemerintah pusat dalam hal ini Departemen Kesehatan dari salah satu pilar yang tercantum pada Indonesia Sehat 2010 yaitu desentralisasi kesehatan. Masih tersisa pergolakan konflik di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia, dimana dampaknya antara lain terjadinya p...
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Kesehatan
Abstrak Penelitian tentang akses lanjut usia (lansia) terhadap pelayanan kesehatan telah banyak d... more Abstrak Penelitian tentang akses lanjut usia (lansia) terhadap pelayanan kesehatan telah banyak dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode yang sama maupun berbeda. Diperlukan suatu hasil gabungan analisis penelitian dan dapat dijadikan inferensi pada parameter yang dapat diinterpretasi. Dalam kajian ini dilakukan meta-analisis akses kesehatan publik bagi lansia di wilayah perkotaan yang tersedia pada tingkat fasilitas kesehatan tingkat pertama. Diidentifikasi kata kunci dari topik yang ada pada kepustakaan melalui pembacaaan abstrak secara berulang kali. Dilakukan pencatatan hasil inferensi, kemudian dipilah sub-topik yang dipikirkan penting dan berhubungan. Ringkasan kepustakaan dibuat sesuai dengan urutan dan relevansi topik masing-masing variabel, yang disesuaikan dengan sub-topik terkait. Akses pelayanan kesehatan terhadap lansia sangat tergantung pada ketersediaan sumber daya kesehatan, peralatan yang memadai dan program yang sesuai. Lansia kurang memanfaatkan pelayanan kesehatan dis...
Since 1998, several provinces in Indonesia have suffered a number of violent conflicts causing ma... more Since 1998, several provinces in Indonesia have suffered a number of violent conflicts causing massive destruction, several thousand deaths and creating over a million displaced people. This happened in North Maluku and Central Kalimantan Provinces. In 1999 the displaced people from North Maluku took flight to Manado municipality and in 2001 those from Central Kalimantan fled to Sampang District. These recipient areas were selected for this study because of their differing characteristics, including presence of IDPs; urban/rural; and levels of development. While the central government was initially responsible for providing adequate support in the first two -three years of their displacement in both areas, this changed at the end of 2003 when the central government terminated their support for the IDPs. During this period, authority for developing health programmes and services had been devolved to local government by central government through the health decentralisation policy in ...
To provide an optimal nutrition care to the patients in a hospital, a proper human resource plann... more To provide an optimal nutrition care to the patients in a hospital, a proper human resource planning should be implemented. The workload indicators of staffing need (WISN) method is a health worker need calculation based on real workload in every facility. This study was aimed to assess the real need for cook in the Nutrition Department of Pancaran Kasih General Hospital Manado by using WISN method.This was an analytical observational study using quantitative method. Work sampling method was used to acquire the number of activity time for each cookand WISN method was used to calculate the need for cook. The population and samples in this study were 11 cooks from Nutrition Department in Pancaran Kasih General Hospital Manado; all were female. This study also used 6 informants consisted of the
Buletin Penelitian Sistem Kesehatan, 1999
Buletin Penelitian Sistem Kesehatan, 2010
Journal of diabetes and metabolic disorders, 2018
The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is increasing in Indonesia due to population growth, urbaniza... more The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is increasing in Indonesia due to population growth, urbanization, and lifestyle. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease that escalates mortality rate, but not all DM develop into chronic kidney disease. To estimate the prevalence of kidney dysfunction (KD) in DM and the associated dominant risk factors among productive age Indonesian based on the National Health Survey () 2013. The statistical data consisted of 15,791 females and 10,349 males, aged 20 to 54, who lived in rural and urban areas. The data was obtained from National Institute of Health Research and Development (NIHRD), Ministry of Health. Data were collected from 33 provinces using cross sectional method. The variables data analyzed were sociodemographic, lifestyle, anthropometric, blood pressure, blood lipid, blood glucose, and creatinine. Kidney dysfunction was defined according to Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation. ...
Buletin Penelitian Sistem Kesehatan, 2012