Rudolf Rieder - (original) (raw)

Papers by Rudolf Rieder

Research paper thumbnail of Athena Alpha-Proton-Röntgen-Spektrometer (APXS) auf Mars 2003 Rover für chemische Analysen der Marsoberfläche: Bau des APXS-Sensorkopfes, des Alpha-Detektorsystems und Integration des APXS-Gesamtsystems : Schlussbericht zum Vorhaben 50 QM 0014 ; Laufzeit: 01.10.2000 - 31.12.2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Chemical Composition of Rocks and Soils at the Pathfinder Site

Space Sciences Series of ISSI

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Research paper thumbnail of Cosmic-ray produced radioisotopes in lunar samples from the Sea of Tranquillity

Apollo 11 lunar rocks and fines cosmic ray produced radioisotopes, considering surface exposure t... more Apollo 11 lunar rocks and fines cosmic ray produced radioisotopes, considering surface exposure to high energy component flux

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Research paper thumbnail of APXS results from the Pathfinder Landing Site

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Research paper thumbnail of Hematite on the Surface of Meridiani Planum and Gusev Crater

Meridiani Planum was selected as a landing side for the Rover Opportunity because of an indicatio... more Meridiani Planum was selected as a landing side for the Rover Opportunity because of an indication of hematite observed from orbit. Meridiani Planum consists of sorted sands with aeolian features like ripples and desert pavements. In impact craters, a high-albedo layered bedrock is exposed. The soil is a mixture of: (i) fine sand material in the size ranges of 50 to 150 m, (ii) sub-angular, irregular particles of 0.5 to 5 mm size with submillimeter circular voids that are most likely vesicular basaltic fragments, and (iii) spherules with a restricted grain size between 4 and 6 mm. The Mini-TES on board the rover Opportunity identified a hematite signature at distance resulting from mm-sized spherules as determined by the Moussbauer Spectrometer. Small quantities of similar spherules (2 vol. %) were found in rock exposures in Eagle crater and were interpreted as concretions that formed by precipitation from aqueous fluids inside sedimentary rocks. At Gusev crater no hematite was obse...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Athena Mars Rover Science Payload

The Mars Surveyor missions that will be launched in April of 2001 will include a highly capable r... more The Mars Surveyor missions that will be launched in April of 2001 will include a highly capable rover that is a successor to the Mars Pathfinder mission's Sojourner rover. The design goals for this rover are a total traverse distance of at least 10 km and a total lifetime of at least one Earth year. The rover's job will be to explore a site in Mars' ancient terrain, searching for materials likely to preserve a record of ancient martian water, climate, and possibly biology. The rover will collect rock and soil samples, and will store them for return to Earth by a subsequent Mars Surveyor mission in 2005. The Athena Mars rover science payload is the suite of scientific instruments and sample collection tools that will be used to perform this job. The specific science objectives that NASA has identified for the '01 rover payload are to: (1) Provide color stereo imaging of martian surface environments, and remotely-sensed point discrimination of mineralogical composition...

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Research paper thumbnail of 23. Cosmic-Ray Produced Radio Nuclides in the Bar Well and Saint-Severin Meteorites

The radionuclides s'P, s6CI, "'Ar, and sOAr have been determined in separate mineral... more The radionuclides s'P, s6CI, "'Ar, and sOAr have been determined in separate mineral phases of the Barwell and Saint-Severin meteorites. Hence, not only the activities of these isotopes in the bulk sample are known, but the contributions of specific neutron-induced reactions to the total activity can be evaluated as well. The activities in the total meteorite samples are, where compa­ rable, rather lower than normal. Of special interest is the ratio ., Ar/" Ar in metal and a comparison of the "S(n, p}-produced 32p with the 40Ca(n, a}-produced" Ar and the '9K(n, p}-produced s9Ar. The 3' Arp'Ar ratio in metal is a direct measure of the intensity ratio of cosmic-ray particles with E;:: 200 MeV in the close vicinity of the earth, to that averaged over many revolutions of the mete­ oroid. At least in the case of Saint-Severin this ratio is slightly higher than the one obtained from target experiments. 32p and 3. Ar have very different half-lives, w...

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Research paper thumbnail of Results of the Alpha-Particle-X-Ray Spectrometer on Board of the Mars Exploration Rovers

The Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity landed at Gusev crater and Meridiani Planum. T... more The Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity landed at Gusev crater and Meridiani Planum. The Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) is part of the instrument suite on both rovers. It is equipped with six 244Cm sources which provide x-ray excitation with alpha-particles (PIXE) and x-ray radiation (XRF). This combination allows x-ray spectroscopy of elements from Na to Br in the energy range of 0.9 to 16 keV. X-ray detectors with a high energy resolution of 160 eV at Fe K allow us to separate even closely spaced energy peaks, such as Na, Mg, Al and Si. The APXS is attached to the rover s arm and provides in-situ measurements of the chemical composition of soils, surfaces of rocks and outcrops and their abraded surfaces. This abstract gives an overview of APXS results obtained during the first year of operation on both landing sites.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Mars 2001 Athena Precursor Experiment (APEX)

The Athena Precursor Experiment (APEX) is a suite of scientific instruments for the Mars Surveyor... more The Athena Precursor Experiment (APEX) is a suite of scientific instruments for the Mars Surveyor Program 2001 (MSP'01) lander. The major elements of the APEX pay load are: (1) Pancam/Mini-TES, a combined stereo color imager and mid-infrared point spectrometer. (2) An Alpha-Proton-X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS) for in-situ elemental analysis. (3) A Mossbauer Spectrometer for in-situ determination of the mineralogy of Fe-bearing rocks and soils. (4) A Magnet Array that can separate magnetic soil particles from non-magnetic ones.

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Research paper thumbnail of Chemical Composition of the Martian Surface as Derived from Pathfinder, Viking, and Martian Meteorite Data


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Research paper thumbnail of The chemical composition of Martian rocks and soil: Preliminary analyses

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Research paper thumbnail of Nanokhod Exploration Rover

IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Two Years of Chemical Sampling on Meridiani Planum by the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer Onboard the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity

For over two terrestrial years, the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has been exploring the mar... more For over two terrestrial years, the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has been exploring the martian surface at Meridiani Planum using the Athena instrument payload [1], including the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS). The APXS has a small sensor head that is mounted on the robotic arm of the rover. The chemistry, mineralogy and morphology of selected samples were investigated by the APXS along with the Moessbauer Spectrometer (MB) and the Microscopic Imager (MI). The Rock Abrasion Tool (RAT) provided the possibility to dust and/or abrade rock surfaces down to several millimeters to expose fresh material for analysis. We report here on APXS data gathered along the nearly 6-kilometers long traverse in craters and plains of Meridiani.

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Research paper thumbnail of Revised data of the Mars Pathfinder Alpha Proton X-Ray spectrometer: Geochemical behavior of major and minor elements

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Research paper thumbnail of European Tracked Micro-Robot for Planetary Surface Exploration

IFAC Proceedings Volumes

Abstract This paper describes the results of development work on a small mobile robot carried out... more Abstract This paper describes the results of development work on a small mobile robot carried out within the framework of ESA's Technological Research and Development Program. The purpose of the vehicle is to deploy instruments or sensor heads, acting as an 'extended robotic arm' rather than covering large distances on various types of terrain, while maximizing the mass allocation for scientific equipment. Even with this limited mobility it becomes possible to expand the investigated area by several orders of magnitude compared to the capabilities of a purely lander-mounted payload. Applications of the vehicle could be the projected European mission to Mars, called 'Mars Express', to be launched in 2003, and future European missions to the Moon as well as potential international missions. The requirements call for a simple, robust device with low power consumption and a net vehicle mass of 1.4 kg, capable to transport and position a 1.4 kg package of scientific instruments Additional 0.5 kg are foreseen for lander-based equipment. In this paper the main requirements are listed and the tracked concept called 'Nanokhod', which was chosen in response to them, is described, with emphasis on the control and data handling aspects, including navigation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Martian surface chemistry: APXS results from the Pathfinder landing site

Composition, Mineralogy and Physical Properties, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Indication of drier periods on Mars from the chemistry and mineralogy of atmospheric dust

Nature, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Bounce Rock-A shergottite-like basalt encountered at Meridiani Planum, Mars

Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Characterization and petrologic interpretation of olivine-rich basalts at Gusev Crater, Mars

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Overview of the Opportunity Mars Exploration Rover Mission to Meridiani Planum: Eagle Crater to Purgatory Ripple

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Athena Alpha-Proton-Röntgen-Spektrometer (APXS) auf Mars 2003 Rover für chemische Analysen der Marsoberfläche: Bau des APXS-Sensorkopfes, des Alpha-Detektorsystems und Integration des APXS-Gesamtsystems : Schlussbericht zum Vorhaben 50 QM 0014 ; Laufzeit: 01.10.2000 - 31.12.2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Chemical Composition of Rocks and Soils at the Pathfinder Site

Space Sciences Series of ISSI

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Research paper thumbnail of Cosmic-ray produced radioisotopes in lunar samples from the Sea of Tranquillity

Apollo 11 lunar rocks and fines cosmic ray produced radioisotopes, considering surface exposure t... more Apollo 11 lunar rocks and fines cosmic ray produced radioisotopes, considering surface exposure to high energy component flux

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Research paper thumbnail of APXS results from the Pathfinder Landing Site

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Research paper thumbnail of Hematite on the Surface of Meridiani Planum and Gusev Crater

Meridiani Planum was selected as a landing side for the Rover Opportunity because of an indicatio... more Meridiani Planum was selected as a landing side for the Rover Opportunity because of an indication of hematite observed from orbit. Meridiani Planum consists of sorted sands with aeolian features like ripples and desert pavements. In impact craters, a high-albedo layered bedrock is exposed. The soil is a mixture of: (i) fine sand material in the size ranges of 50 to 150 m, (ii) sub-angular, irregular particles of 0.5 to 5 mm size with submillimeter circular voids that are most likely vesicular basaltic fragments, and (iii) spherules with a restricted grain size between 4 and 6 mm. The Mini-TES on board the rover Opportunity identified a hematite signature at distance resulting from mm-sized spherules as determined by the Moussbauer Spectrometer. Small quantities of similar spherules (2 vol. %) were found in rock exposures in Eagle crater and were interpreted as concretions that formed by precipitation from aqueous fluids inside sedimentary rocks. At Gusev crater no hematite was obse...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Athena Mars Rover Science Payload

The Mars Surveyor missions that will be launched in April of 2001 will include a highly capable r... more The Mars Surveyor missions that will be launched in April of 2001 will include a highly capable rover that is a successor to the Mars Pathfinder mission's Sojourner rover. The design goals for this rover are a total traverse distance of at least 10 km and a total lifetime of at least one Earth year. The rover's job will be to explore a site in Mars' ancient terrain, searching for materials likely to preserve a record of ancient martian water, climate, and possibly biology. The rover will collect rock and soil samples, and will store them for return to Earth by a subsequent Mars Surveyor mission in 2005. The Athena Mars rover science payload is the suite of scientific instruments and sample collection tools that will be used to perform this job. The specific science objectives that NASA has identified for the '01 rover payload are to: (1) Provide color stereo imaging of martian surface environments, and remotely-sensed point discrimination of mineralogical composition...

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Research paper thumbnail of 23. Cosmic-Ray Produced Radio Nuclides in the Bar Well and Saint-Severin Meteorites

The radionuclides s'P, s6CI, "'Ar, and sOAr have been determined in separate mineral... more The radionuclides s'P, s6CI, "'Ar, and sOAr have been determined in separate mineral phases of the Barwell and Saint-Severin meteorites. Hence, not only the activities of these isotopes in the bulk sample are known, but the contributions of specific neutron-induced reactions to the total activity can be evaluated as well. The activities in the total meteorite samples are, where compa­ rable, rather lower than normal. Of special interest is the ratio ., Ar/" Ar in metal and a comparison of the "S(n, p}-produced 32p with the 40Ca(n, a}-produced" Ar and the '9K(n, p}-produced s9Ar. The 3' Arp'Ar ratio in metal is a direct measure of the intensity ratio of cosmic-ray particles with E;:: 200 MeV in the close vicinity of the earth, to that averaged over many revolutions of the mete­ oroid. At least in the case of Saint-Severin this ratio is slightly higher than the one obtained from target experiments. 32p and 3. Ar have very different half-lives, w...

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Research paper thumbnail of Results of the Alpha-Particle-X-Ray Spectrometer on Board of the Mars Exploration Rovers

The Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity landed at Gusev crater and Meridiani Planum. T... more The Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity landed at Gusev crater and Meridiani Planum. The Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) is part of the instrument suite on both rovers. It is equipped with six 244Cm sources which provide x-ray excitation with alpha-particles (PIXE) and x-ray radiation (XRF). This combination allows x-ray spectroscopy of elements from Na to Br in the energy range of 0.9 to 16 keV. X-ray detectors with a high energy resolution of 160 eV at Fe K allow us to separate even closely spaced energy peaks, such as Na, Mg, Al and Si. The APXS is attached to the rover s arm and provides in-situ measurements of the chemical composition of soils, surfaces of rocks and outcrops and their abraded surfaces. This abstract gives an overview of APXS results obtained during the first year of operation on both landing sites.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Mars 2001 Athena Precursor Experiment (APEX)

The Athena Precursor Experiment (APEX) is a suite of scientific instruments for the Mars Surveyor... more The Athena Precursor Experiment (APEX) is a suite of scientific instruments for the Mars Surveyor Program 2001 (MSP'01) lander. The major elements of the APEX pay load are: (1) Pancam/Mini-TES, a combined stereo color imager and mid-infrared point spectrometer. (2) An Alpha-Proton-X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS) for in-situ elemental analysis. (3) A Mossbauer Spectrometer for in-situ determination of the mineralogy of Fe-bearing rocks and soils. (4) A Magnet Array that can separate magnetic soil particles from non-magnetic ones.

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Research paper thumbnail of Chemical Composition of the Martian Surface as Derived from Pathfinder, Viking, and Martian Meteorite Data


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Research paper thumbnail of The chemical composition of Martian rocks and soil: Preliminary analyses

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Research paper thumbnail of Nanokhod Exploration Rover

IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Two Years of Chemical Sampling on Meridiani Planum by the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer Onboard the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity

For over two terrestrial years, the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has been exploring the mar... more For over two terrestrial years, the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has been exploring the martian surface at Meridiani Planum using the Athena instrument payload [1], including the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS). The APXS has a small sensor head that is mounted on the robotic arm of the rover. The chemistry, mineralogy and morphology of selected samples were investigated by the APXS along with the Moessbauer Spectrometer (MB) and the Microscopic Imager (MI). The Rock Abrasion Tool (RAT) provided the possibility to dust and/or abrade rock surfaces down to several millimeters to expose fresh material for analysis. We report here on APXS data gathered along the nearly 6-kilometers long traverse in craters and plains of Meridiani.

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Research paper thumbnail of Revised data of the Mars Pathfinder Alpha Proton X-Ray spectrometer: Geochemical behavior of major and minor elements

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Research paper thumbnail of European Tracked Micro-Robot for Planetary Surface Exploration

IFAC Proceedings Volumes

Abstract This paper describes the results of development work on a small mobile robot carried out... more Abstract This paper describes the results of development work on a small mobile robot carried out within the framework of ESA's Technological Research and Development Program. The purpose of the vehicle is to deploy instruments or sensor heads, acting as an 'extended robotic arm' rather than covering large distances on various types of terrain, while maximizing the mass allocation for scientific equipment. Even with this limited mobility it becomes possible to expand the investigated area by several orders of magnitude compared to the capabilities of a purely lander-mounted payload. Applications of the vehicle could be the projected European mission to Mars, called 'Mars Express', to be launched in 2003, and future European missions to the Moon as well as potential international missions. The requirements call for a simple, robust device with low power consumption and a net vehicle mass of 1.4 kg, capable to transport and position a 1.4 kg package of scientific instruments Additional 0.5 kg are foreseen for lander-based equipment. In this paper the main requirements are listed and the tracked concept called 'Nanokhod', which was chosen in response to them, is described, with emphasis on the control and data handling aspects, including navigation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Martian surface chemistry: APXS results from the Pathfinder landing site

Composition, Mineralogy and Physical Properties, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Indication of drier periods on Mars from the chemistry and mineralogy of atmospheric dust

Nature, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Bounce Rock-A shergottite-like basalt encountered at Meridiani Planum, Mars

Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Characterization and petrologic interpretation of olivine-rich basalts at Gusev Crater, Mars

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Overview of the Opportunity Mars Exploration Rover Mission to Meridiani Planum: Eagle Crater to Purgatory Ripple

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2006

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