Rulinawaty RULİNAWATY - (original) (raw)
Papers by Rulinawaty RULİNAWATY
Jurnal Manajemen Industri dan Logistik, Jul 6, 2022
The primary purpose of this research is to testify Environmental Kuznets Curve-EKC hypothesis for... more The primary purpose of this research is to testify Environmental Kuznets Curve-EKC hypothesis for the economy of Indonesia. ADF and PP unit root tests confirmed the mixed order of integration in the model based on the,spanning over 1990 to 2016. Furthermore, the result of ARDL-Long-run confirmed the presence of the EKC hypothesis for the Indonesian economy. In the short run, not an inverted U-shaped relationship has been observed between growth and energy. ECM and bond test verified the existence of cointegration in the model while CUSUM and CUSUM square with other model diagnostics confirmed that the model is the best fit. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that short & long run dynamic association amongst CO2 Carbon Dioxide, consumption of the energy, urban populations, and the economic development in Indonesia have been examined in this research. This is an open access article under the CC-BY license.
Ideas/Ideas : Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Budaya, May 30, 2024
Journal La Sociale, Apr 29, 2024
Peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kelompok masyarakat utamanya pelaku usaha saat ini menja... more Peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kelompok masyarakat utamanya pelaku usaha saat ini menjadi suatu keharusan mengingat perkembangan teknologi dan informasi yang semakin maju sehingga merubah cara dan pola dalam memasarkan produk. Saat ini Sebagian besar pemasaran dilakukan berbasis internet dan menudahkan masyarakat untuk mencari kebutuhannya secara cepat dan murah dalam arti harga yang bersaing. Disamping itu penampilan/image produk juga sangat menarik dan eye catching untuk menarik minta konsumen. Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk memberikan pemahaman, pengetahuan serta keterampilan bagi kelompok masyarakat dan pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) di Desa Pakabba Kecamatan Galesong Utara Kabupaten Takalar tentang Manajemen Pemasaran Produk UMKM. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman, pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat pelaku usaha dalam memasarkan produknya dengan menmanfaatkan teknologi dan informasi
Jurnal Pamator, Dec 25, 2023
Jurnal Pamator, Dec 25, 2023
From the results of research on the Lower-Level Bureaucratic Capacity Building Network Model in C... more From the results of research on the Lower-Level Bureaucratic Capacity Building Network Model in Community Empowerment Policy: Case Study of Implementation of Limam Foot Vendor (PKL) Policy in South Sulawesi Province. It aims to find effective implementation strategies so that street vendors can participate in world development, especially specifically in the province of South Sulawesi, precisely in the city of Makassar; the focus of this study includes (a). integrated human resource development in implementing street vendor empowerment policies, (b). Partly strengthen the organization in implementing PKL empowerment policies (c) institutions integrated into the collaborative implementation of street vendor empowerment policies. The research results use qualitative methods, such as case study strategic surveys. The data collection techniques used are in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study show that the development of empowerment coaching.
PengabdianMu, Jul 30, 2023
Tumbuhan yang berbiji ini merupakan tanaman dengan pohon yang tumbuhnya tegak, dilengkapi dengan ... more Tumbuhan yang berbiji ini merupakan tanaman dengan pohon yang tumbuhnya tegak, dilengkapi dengan dahan yang ketinggian dapat mencapai 12 m. Kopi diklasifikasikan sebagai pohon, milik keluarga Rubiaceae, pohon kopi diketahui memiliki akar yang dangkal dengan akar tunggang, sehingga tidak mudah tumbang. Panjang akar utamanya 45-50 cm.
J-ABDI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
It is important for the global coffee industry to make robusta coffee safely and on time. In this... more It is important for the global coffee industry to make robusta coffee safely and on time. In this study, we look at how well a simple simulation-based method works and try to guess how much robusta coffee will grow in the Tuanggung area. The main process is the growth and development of coffee, which simulates its response to climate variations and potential water requirements during the foggy growing process. Such weather conditions make Robusta coffee unique in taste. This model was made and tested for people in Indonesia, especially in West Java, which has many coffee farms. The model building is very important for long-term coffee productivity studies in areas where the climate changes drastically and does not have long-term climate stations. This simple process-based model from research on community service (PkM) can be used as a starting point for making robusta coffee with a season that works with a weather forecasting system. This process will help farmers and businesses bet...
Media ekonomi dan manajemen, Jan 15, 2023
This study aims to determine the performance of local governments in improving city image brandin... more This study aims to determine the performance of local governments in improving city image branding in South Sulawesi Province. This research uses a proportional sampling technique based on the area of the city so that the number of samples between one region and another will be different, using survey techniques in the form of questionnaires. For data analysis, this study used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with a total data of 265 samples. The hypothesis proves that the exogenous variables of city image branding consisting of regiocentric policy, street vendor performance, iconic tourism culinary and revisit destination have a positive influence on city image branding variables. This research contributes to the development of marketing science, the implication is that it provides input to stakeholders to increase the role of government performance on image branding.
JKAP (Jurnal Kebijakan dan Administrasi Publik), Nov 30, 2022
To increase the awareness on the role of employee engagement besides the individual analysis leve... more To increase the awareness on the role of employee engagement besides the individual analysis level and a lack of studies focused on the employee's involvement at the level of organizational, the study aims at investigating the antecedents of COE as mediating variable to increase the organizational performance. The study was conducted for 6 months to enable a deep understanding and evaluation on organizational performance. A non-purposive sampling with purpose sampling technique deployed with multi resources respondent represented organizations method (top manager, middle managers, head department and selected employee). Data analyzed for 380 respondents with Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS 22. Statistical outputs described that the green work design, OCB Organizational Resources, and Innovative Concordance Culture highly considered as the antecedent of COE in developing the organizational performance. The findings also claimed that all hypotheses proposed are accepted. This study strengthens the relationship between the COE and HRM and Enbridge the gaps existed which is informed and extended the area of field research. In another hand, this research contributed on engagement in some ways, such as extending the study on the engagement in the level of organization and provided the solutions secondly, investigating the COE as a main mechanism of the most crucial human resources. This research also developed the antecedents of COE and also highlighted how the top management could strategically increase the performance based on the organizational resources and the leverage the collective engagement continuously pursuit the strategic organizational goals.
CosmoGov : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, Aug 4, 2022
This study aims to prove that government services that regulate the value of ergo-iconic services... more This study aims to prove that government services that regulate the value of ergo-iconic services are expected to improve services, think about existence, become the entrepreneurial government, build, and create innovative ideas. This study uses an electronic questionnaire that is distributed using the snowball sampling technique. The number of respondents collected was 202 people in one month, 20 days from February to March 2020. Questionnaires distributed through online media can limit the number of answers. If they are under 20 years of age or the same as those who have graduated from college, it can be assumed that they often perform transaction services provided by the government. The Ergo-iconic service value proposed in this study is used as an independent variable. This has proven to be a positive contribution and encourage the government to make improvements and accept the values of the community. In addition, the ergo-iconic value can monitor and provide a comfortable function that has succeeded in improving the performance of government services. The indicator of originality in this study is the value of ergo-iconic services developed from previous studies. The implication of the results of this study is that the ergo-iconic service value model can create public service performance and create agile governance.
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
This study aims to produce a UT student service system design at the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJ... more This study aims to produce a UT student service system design at the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ) by applying Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This research is a research and development using the method developed by Borg and Gall. In the first year, field studies, data analysis, and design development will be carried out. In the second year, application development and field trials were carried out. The results of the study found that the majority of respondents had access. Most respondents had no difficulty accessing THE services, TMK, online tutorials and web tutorials. The limitation of this research is that some of the available information does not match the respondent's needs and is difficult to reach. There is no problem with UPBJJ's internal management. The recommendations given are to adjust the organizational structure of the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ) and revise information about THE services, TMK, online tutorials, and web tutorials so that ...
Jurnal Manajemen Industri dan Logistik
The primary purpose of this research is to testify Environmental Kuznets Curve-EKC hypothesis for... more The primary purpose of this research is to testify Environmental Kuznets Curve-EKC hypothesis for the economy of Indonesia. ADF and PP unit root tests confirmed the mixed order of integration in the model based on the,spanning over 1990 to 2016. Furthermore, the result of ARDL – Long-run confirmed the presence of the EKC hypothesis for the Indonesian economy. In the short run, not an inverted U-shaped relationship has been observed between growth and energy. ECM and bond test verified the existence of cointegration in the model while CUSUM and CUSUM square with other model diagnostics confirmed that the model is the best fit. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that short & long run dynamic association amongst CO2 Carbon Dioxide, consumption of the energy, urban populations, and the economic development in Indonesia have been examined in this research.
KnE Social Sciences
The policy tools for implementing services for citizens to increase capacity, competence, and qua... more The policy tools for implementing services for citizens to increase capacity, competence, and qualifications through distance higher education (DHE) are widely accessible. It is however unclear which methods the Government uses and can use to implement these DHE policies operationally for citizens to immediately obtain the benefits. Furthermore, the opportunities for citizens to continue to higher education are limited, as evidenced by the low gross participation rate (APK). This rate is around 34.5% due to factors such as policymakers’ commitment, policy implementers’ ability, inequality of access, and public knowledge about DHE. Information technology is a tool for implementing distance education that has a substantial systemic and constructive impact on dedicated students. It also affects the continuity of the Government, the House of Representatives, and academics. Keywords: policy implementation, distance higher education, information technology
JIAPI: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Dan Pemerintahan Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi kebijakan rektor dalam meningkatkan mutu p... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi kebijakan rektor dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di Universitas Sulawesi Barat. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi yang dilakukan dengan mengamati secara langsung obyek yang diperlukan, dengan memperhatikan: (1) isi pengamatan, (2) mencatat pengamatan: kapan waktu pencatatan dan kapan mengamati obyek penelitian, (3) menjalin hubungan antara pengamat, wawancara, pada tahapan ini wawancara yang diterapkan adalah wawancara bebas terpimpin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan rektor bidang pendidikan pada aspek struktur birokrasi mengenai tata kelola organisasi, bagan, pembagian kerja dan hierarki yang merupakan mata rantai komando dalam menjalankan tugas pokok dan fungsi pada pemegang otoritas atau kewenangan mulai dari pejabat rektorat sampai pada tenaga pendidik (dosen) dan tenaga kependidikan merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam menjalankan roda organisasi institusi.
International Journal of Health Sciences (IJHS), May 17, 2022
In large Japanese companies, in general, the ratio between the number of people in one level of c... more In large Japanese companies, in general, the ratio between the number of people in one level of cement and the level below is roughly one in three. Namely a president with 2 or three people recruited by the manager who is responsible to him, and in charge of approximately 10 heads of departments. Each section is divided into approximately 3 sections and this section is divided into 4 subsections. Although the terminology used for these units varies from factory to factory, the general structure is the same. The one-to-three ratio usually applies at several levels of foremen, with at least two groups of first-line supervisors. The terminology used here varies widely, as are the boundaries of position, authority and responsibility. A common pattern is a work group of perhaps 10 workers led by a team leader whose job is roughly equivalent to the role of a team leader in some American-style jobs, although these positions usually carry no official responsibilities, but in some factories, have official titles and official ranks, In a factory that employs approximately 4,500 workers, about 450 people have the rank of team leader or foreman and about 150 people have the rank of chief foreman, each with two or three teams under it. So, it is within this clear outline of the formal organization representing the large Japanese companies. The rate among factory employees is roughly one in six. Leaving aside the post of deputy and assistant, from worker to president to 9 levels of rank in this minimal scheme, which does not have to be paid as a continuous progression of the distinction between shokuin and coin discussed earlier leads to a clear division and a sharp distinction. area of employees based on background and status, that is, between the section head and foreman levels.
Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya
Four pillars of nationality are strong pillars so that the Indonesian people feel comfortable, sa... more Four pillars of nationality are strong pillars so that the Indonesian people feel comfortable, safe, peaceful, and prosperous and avoid various kinds of disturbances and disasters. Pillars as a support for a building stand firmly. The fragile pillars cause the building to collapse easily. It is very important efforts to reconstruct the four pillars of the national MPR to provide a concept that becomes an integrative, comprehensive Indonesia, and becomes the basis for advancing national unity. The four pillars of nationality or MPR are: Pancasila as the National Ideology, the 1945 Constitution as the state constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) as the Form of the State, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika as the National Motto. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The informants are ASN, the private sector, community leaders, youth, students, the younger generation, community members and related parties in Toba Regency, North Sumatra.T...
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi (Indonesian Journal of Communications Studies)
Cases of Omicron-type Covid-19 have increased substantially worldwide. With the opening of the Om... more Cases of Omicron-type Covid-19 have increased substantially worldwide. With the opening of the Omicron 68 case as of 30 December 2021, Indonesia has become the fourth largest country in Southeast Asia in terms of Covid cases. Singapore is in the first place, with 134 Omicron instances. This study aimed to find online news discourse regarding the spread of the Omicron variant in Southeast Asia. The method used in this research is van Dijk's Critical Discourse Analysis on online news via,, and during December 2021. This study concludes that the three media reported the spread of the Omicron variant in the text dimension and tried to bring up vaccination efforts. In the dimension of social cognition, ensuring public health for the sake of survival is the ideology that is built. In the context dimension, the social context is built by providing equal opportunities to all people in getting the right to get vaccinated so that matters rel...
Jurnal Manajemen Industri dan Logistik, Jul 6, 2022
The primary purpose of this research is to testify Environmental Kuznets Curve-EKC hypothesis for... more The primary purpose of this research is to testify Environmental Kuznets Curve-EKC hypothesis for the economy of Indonesia. ADF and PP unit root tests confirmed the mixed order of integration in the model based on the,spanning over 1990 to 2016. Furthermore, the result of ARDL-Long-run confirmed the presence of the EKC hypothesis for the Indonesian economy. In the short run, not an inverted U-shaped relationship has been observed between growth and energy. ECM and bond test verified the existence of cointegration in the model while CUSUM and CUSUM square with other model diagnostics confirmed that the model is the best fit. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that short & long run dynamic association amongst CO2 Carbon Dioxide, consumption of the energy, urban populations, and the economic development in Indonesia have been examined in this research. This is an open access article under the CC-BY license.
Ideas/Ideas : Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Budaya, May 30, 2024
Journal La Sociale, Apr 29, 2024
Peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kelompok masyarakat utamanya pelaku usaha saat ini menja... more Peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kelompok masyarakat utamanya pelaku usaha saat ini menjadi suatu keharusan mengingat perkembangan teknologi dan informasi yang semakin maju sehingga merubah cara dan pola dalam memasarkan produk. Saat ini Sebagian besar pemasaran dilakukan berbasis internet dan menudahkan masyarakat untuk mencari kebutuhannya secara cepat dan murah dalam arti harga yang bersaing. Disamping itu penampilan/image produk juga sangat menarik dan eye catching untuk menarik minta konsumen. Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk memberikan pemahaman, pengetahuan serta keterampilan bagi kelompok masyarakat dan pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) di Desa Pakabba Kecamatan Galesong Utara Kabupaten Takalar tentang Manajemen Pemasaran Produk UMKM. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman, pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat pelaku usaha dalam memasarkan produknya dengan menmanfaatkan teknologi dan informasi
Jurnal Pamator, Dec 25, 2023
Jurnal Pamator, Dec 25, 2023
From the results of research on the Lower-Level Bureaucratic Capacity Building Network Model in C... more From the results of research on the Lower-Level Bureaucratic Capacity Building Network Model in Community Empowerment Policy: Case Study of Implementation of Limam Foot Vendor (PKL) Policy in South Sulawesi Province. It aims to find effective implementation strategies so that street vendors can participate in world development, especially specifically in the province of South Sulawesi, precisely in the city of Makassar; the focus of this study includes (a). integrated human resource development in implementing street vendor empowerment policies, (b). Partly strengthen the organization in implementing PKL empowerment policies (c) institutions integrated into the collaborative implementation of street vendor empowerment policies. The research results use qualitative methods, such as case study strategic surveys. The data collection techniques used are in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study show that the development of empowerment coaching.
PengabdianMu, Jul 30, 2023
Tumbuhan yang berbiji ini merupakan tanaman dengan pohon yang tumbuhnya tegak, dilengkapi dengan ... more Tumbuhan yang berbiji ini merupakan tanaman dengan pohon yang tumbuhnya tegak, dilengkapi dengan dahan yang ketinggian dapat mencapai 12 m. Kopi diklasifikasikan sebagai pohon, milik keluarga Rubiaceae, pohon kopi diketahui memiliki akar yang dangkal dengan akar tunggang, sehingga tidak mudah tumbang. Panjang akar utamanya 45-50 cm.
J-ABDI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
It is important for the global coffee industry to make robusta coffee safely and on time. In this... more It is important for the global coffee industry to make robusta coffee safely and on time. In this study, we look at how well a simple simulation-based method works and try to guess how much robusta coffee will grow in the Tuanggung area. The main process is the growth and development of coffee, which simulates its response to climate variations and potential water requirements during the foggy growing process. Such weather conditions make Robusta coffee unique in taste. This model was made and tested for people in Indonesia, especially in West Java, which has many coffee farms. The model building is very important for long-term coffee productivity studies in areas where the climate changes drastically and does not have long-term climate stations. This simple process-based model from research on community service (PkM) can be used as a starting point for making robusta coffee with a season that works with a weather forecasting system. This process will help farmers and businesses bet...
Media ekonomi dan manajemen, Jan 15, 2023
This study aims to determine the performance of local governments in improving city image brandin... more This study aims to determine the performance of local governments in improving city image branding in South Sulawesi Province. This research uses a proportional sampling technique based on the area of the city so that the number of samples between one region and another will be different, using survey techniques in the form of questionnaires. For data analysis, this study used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with a total data of 265 samples. The hypothesis proves that the exogenous variables of city image branding consisting of regiocentric policy, street vendor performance, iconic tourism culinary and revisit destination have a positive influence on city image branding variables. This research contributes to the development of marketing science, the implication is that it provides input to stakeholders to increase the role of government performance on image branding.
JKAP (Jurnal Kebijakan dan Administrasi Publik), Nov 30, 2022
To increase the awareness on the role of employee engagement besides the individual analysis leve... more To increase the awareness on the role of employee engagement besides the individual analysis level and a lack of studies focused on the employee's involvement at the level of organizational, the study aims at investigating the antecedents of COE as mediating variable to increase the organizational performance. The study was conducted for 6 months to enable a deep understanding and evaluation on organizational performance. A non-purposive sampling with purpose sampling technique deployed with multi resources respondent represented organizations method (top manager, middle managers, head department and selected employee). Data analyzed for 380 respondents with Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS 22. Statistical outputs described that the green work design, OCB Organizational Resources, and Innovative Concordance Culture highly considered as the antecedent of COE in developing the organizational performance. The findings also claimed that all hypotheses proposed are accepted. This study strengthens the relationship between the COE and HRM and Enbridge the gaps existed which is informed and extended the area of field research. In another hand, this research contributed on engagement in some ways, such as extending the study on the engagement in the level of organization and provided the solutions secondly, investigating the COE as a main mechanism of the most crucial human resources. This research also developed the antecedents of COE and also highlighted how the top management could strategically increase the performance based on the organizational resources and the leverage the collective engagement continuously pursuit the strategic organizational goals.
CosmoGov : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, Aug 4, 2022
This study aims to prove that government services that regulate the value of ergo-iconic services... more This study aims to prove that government services that regulate the value of ergo-iconic services are expected to improve services, think about existence, become the entrepreneurial government, build, and create innovative ideas. This study uses an electronic questionnaire that is distributed using the snowball sampling technique. The number of respondents collected was 202 people in one month, 20 days from February to March 2020. Questionnaires distributed through online media can limit the number of answers. If they are under 20 years of age or the same as those who have graduated from college, it can be assumed that they often perform transaction services provided by the government. The Ergo-iconic service value proposed in this study is used as an independent variable. This has proven to be a positive contribution and encourage the government to make improvements and accept the values of the community. In addition, the ergo-iconic value can monitor and provide a comfortable function that has succeeded in improving the performance of government services. The indicator of originality in this study is the value of ergo-iconic services developed from previous studies. The implication of the results of this study is that the ergo-iconic service value model can create public service performance and create agile governance.
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
This study aims to produce a UT student service system design at the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJ... more This study aims to produce a UT student service system design at the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ) by applying Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This research is a research and development using the method developed by Borg and Gall. In the first year, field studies, data analysis, and design development will be carried out. In the second year, application development and field trials were carried out. The results of the study found that the majority of respondents had access. Most respondents had no difficulty accessing THE services, TMK, online tutorials and web tutorials. The limitation of this research is that some of the available information does not match the respondent's needs and is difficult to reach. There is no problem with UPBJJ's internal management. The recommendations given are to adjust the organizational structure of the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ) and revise information about THE services, TMK, online tutorials, and web tutorials so that ...
Jurnal Manajemen Industri dan Logistik
The primary purpose of this research is to testify Environmental Kuznets Curve-EKC hypothesis for... more The primary purpose of this research is to testify Environmental Kuznets Curve-EKC hypothesis for the economy of Indonesia. ADF and PP unit root tests confirmed the mixed order of integration in the model based on the,spanning over 1990 to 2016. Furthermore, the result of ARDL – Long-run confirmed the presence of the EKC hypothesis for the Indonesian economy. In the short run, not an inverted U-shaped relationship has been observed between growth and energy. ECM and bond test verified the existence of cointegration in the model while CUSUM and CUSUM square with other model diagnostics confirmed that the model is the best fit. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that short & long run dynamic association amongst CO2 Carbon Dioxide, consumption of the energy, urban populations, and the economic development in Indonesia have been examined in this research.
KnE Social Sciences
The policy tools for implementing services for citizens to increase capacity, competence, and qua... more The policy tools for implementing services for citizens to increase capacity, competence, and qualifications through distance higher education (DHE) are widely accessible. It is however unclear which methods the Government uses and can use to implement these DHE policies operationally for citizens to immediately obtain the benefits. Furthermore, the opportunities for citizens to continue to higher education are limited, as evidenced by the low gross participation rate (APK). This rate is around 34.5% due to factors such as policymakers’ commitment, policy implementers’ ability, inequality of access, and public knowledge about DHE. Information technology is a tool for implementing distance education that has a substantial systemic and constructive impact on dedicated students. It also affects the continuity of the Government, the House of Representatives, and academics. Keywords: policy implementation, distance higher education, information technology
JIAPI: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Dan Pemerintahan Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi kebijakan rektor dalam meningkatkan mutu p... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi kebijakan rektor dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di Universitas Sulawesi Barat. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi yang dilakukan dengan mengamati secara langsung obyek yang diperlukan, dengan memperhatikan: (1) isi pengamatan, (2) mencatat pengamatan: kapan waktu pencatatan dan kapan mengamati obyek penelitian, (3) menjalin hubungan antara pengamat, wawancara, pada tahapan ini wawancara yang diterapkan adalah wawancara bebas terpimpin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan rektor bidang pendidikan pada aspek struktur birokrasi mengenai tata kelola organisasi, bagan, pembagian kerja dan hierarki yang merupakan mata rantai komando dalam menjalankan tugas pokok dan fungsi pada pemegang otoritas atau kewenangan mulai dari pejabat rektorat sampai pada tenaga pendidik (dosen) dan tenaga kependidikan merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam menjalankan roda organisasi institusi.
International Journal of Health Sciences (IJHS), May 17, 2022
In large Japanese companies, in general, the ratio between the number of people in one level of c... more In large Japanese companies, in general, the ratio between the number of people in one level of cement and the level below is roughly one in three. Namely a president with 2 or three people recruited by the manager who is responsible to him, and in charge of approximately 10 heads of departments. Each section is divided into approximately 3 sections and this section is divided into 4 subsections. Although the terminology used for these units varies from factory to factory, the general structure is the same. The one-to-three ratio usually applies at several levels of foremen, with at least two groups of first-line supervisors. The terminology used here varies widely, as are the boundaries of position, authority and responsibility. A common pattern is a work group of perhaps 10 workers led by a team leader whose job is roughly equivalent to the role of a team leader in some American-style jobs, although these positions usually carry no official responsibilities, but in some factories, have official titles and official ranks, In a factory that employs approximately 4,500 workers, about 450 people have the rank of team leader or foreman and about 150 people have the rank of chief foreman, each with two or three teams under it. So, it is within this clear outline of the formal organization representing the large Japanese companies. The rate among factory employees is roughly one in six. Leaving aside the post of deputy and assistant, from worker to president to 9 levels of rank in this minimal scheme, which does not have to be paid as a continuous progression of the distinction between shokuin and coin discussed earlier leads to a clear division and a sharp distinction. area of employees based on background and status, that is, between the section head and foreman levels.
Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya
Four pillars of nationality are strong pillars so that the Indonesian people feel comfortable, sa... more Four pillars of nationality are strong pillars so that the Indonesian people feel comfortable, safe, peaceful, and prosperous and avoid various kinds of disturbances and disasters. Pillars as a support for a building stand firmly. The fragile pillars cause the building to collapse easily. It is very important efforts to reconstruct the four pillars of the national MPR to provide a concept that becomes an integrative, comprehensive Indonesia, and becomes the basis for advancing national unity. The four pillars of nationality or MPR are: Pancasila as the National Ideology, the 1945 Constitution as the state constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) as the Form of the State, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika as the National Motto. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The informants are ASN, the private sector, community leaders, youth, students, the younger generation, community members and related parties in Toba Regency, North Sumatra.T...
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi (Indonesian Journal of Communications Studies)
Cases of Omicron-type Covid-19 have increased substantially worldwide. With the opening of the Om... more Cases of Omicron-type Covid-19 have increased substantially worldwide. With the opening of the Omicron 68 case as of 30 December 2021, Indonesia has become the fourth largest country in Southeast Asia in terms of Covid cases. Singapore is in the first place, with 134 Omicron instances. This study aimed to find online news discourse regarding the spread of the Omicron variant in Southeast Asia. The method used in this research is van Dijk's Critical Discourse Analysis on online news via,, and during December 2021. This study concludes that the three media reported the spread of the Omicron variant in the text dimension and tried to bring up vaccination efforts. In the dimension of social cognition, ensuring public health for the sake of survival is the ideology that is built. In the context dimension, the social context is built by providing equal opportunities to all people in getting the right to get vaccinated so that matters rel...