Səadət Nuriyeva - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Səadət Nuriyeva
Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference «Progress in Science» (April 13-14, 2023). Brussels, Belgium, 2023. 249p
Abstract The article deals with dual modality and its componental analysis at the sentence level ... more Abstract
The article deals with dual modality and its componental analysis at the sentence level of the language. “Double modality” is a linguistic phenomenon that belongs to all languages, which plays a key role in the formation of artistic and figurative speech. Two of the means of expression of the modality, in particular, one of the modal verbs, is used to make the same syntactic combination with any of the other means of expression of the modality to strengthen the effectiveness of the speaker’s expressed idea. Double modality is an undeniable phenomenon and has various means of expression. The componental analysis of those means of expression determines that they are realized mainly by means of two means of expression. In the article, for the first time, inversion is analyzed on the basis of examples as the main component of dual modality.
Publisher.agency: Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference «Progress in Science» (April 13-14, 2023). Brussels, Belgium, 2023. 249p
The article deals with dual modality and its componental analysis at the sentence level of the la... more The article deals with dual modality and its componental analysis at the sentence level of the language. “Double modality” is a linguistic phenomenon that belongs to all languages, which plays a key role in the formation of artistic and figurative speech. Two of the means of expression of the modality, in particular, one of the modal verbs, is used to make the same syntactic combination with any of the other means of expression of the modality to strengthen the effectiveness of the speaker’s expressed idea. Double modality is an undeniable phenomenon and has various means of expression. The componental analysis of those means of expression determines that they are realized mainly by means of two means of expression. In the article, for the first time, inversion is analyzed on the basis of examples as the main component of dual modality.
The article deals with "The Particle" that has gained status as a structural part of speech in mo... more The article deals with "The Particle" that has gained status as a structural part of speech in modern English, its research, and different approaches of linguists to it. For the first time, the researcher, acting from a different position, tries to clarify the question of whether "Particle" is a structural or a free part of speech, and in this matter, the author relies on the Azerbaijanian linguist O.I. Musayev's classification of parts of speech. He classifies parts of speech into notional (main), structural (functional) and free (independent) parts of speech. [O.I. Musayev, 2009, p.9] In this paper “Particle” is determined as a free part of speech, not as a structural part of speech. Besides it, unlike other grammarians, the researcher considers “The Particle" one of the ways of expressing modality. She bases on the fact that this part of speech emotionally emphasizes the word it belongs to in the sentence and expresses more modality. “The particle” is analyzed according to the following characteristics, which are the basis for the classification of parts of speech.
1. lexical-grammatical meaning
2. grammatical category
3. right-hand and left-combinability with words in a sentence
4. syntactic function
5. morphological characteristics (elements that make up the foundation)
6. its place in the word order;
In order to determine which group of parts of speech the particle belongs to, different classifications of parts of speech given by well-known scientists are addressed. As a result, for the first time in linguistics, “The Particle” is included among free speech parts.
Another main point of the article is the analysis and justification of ‘The Particle’ as a means of expression of the category of modality. This opinion is supported by the evidence substantiated by the researcher. The researcher notes that ‘Particle’ like interjections and modal words also express modality. He emphasizes that negative sentences express negative modality by means of the negative particles "no" and "not". According to him, if exclamatory sentences express exclamatory modality, negative particles are also a means of creating negative modality. In the article, referring to the opinions of linguists conducting research on “The Particle”, the attitude is reported and the results are systematized.
Müasir İngilis dilində qoşa modallıq gələcək zamanın leksik-qrammatik ifadə vasitəsi kimi
Double modals as a lexico-grammatical way of expressing futurity in modern english Summary ... more Double modals as a lexico-grammatical way of expressing futurity in modern english
The article deals with the double modals in the English language which haven’t been investigated yet. It also reflects the relationship between the categories of tense and modality in modern English. Double modals are a unique feature of English, a sequence of two or three modal verbs which express the speaker’s attitude towards the action in an emphatic way. The article illustrates modal verbs’ quality of expressing futurity in English. From this point of view, the author accepts double modals+infinitive as one of the lexico-qrammatical ways of expressing futurity. The theme was investigated according to the sentence level of the language. Basing on the foreign linguists’ opinions the author gives the list of double modals and their use in English.
Məqalə əsasən müasir ingilis dilində mövcud olan, ancaq əsaslı şəkildə tədqiq edilməyən qoşa modallıqdan bəhs edir, eyni zamanda, ingilis dilində feilin modallıq kateqoriyasının zaman kateqoriyası ilə əlaqəli olmasını əks etdirir. Qoşa modallıq elə bir dil hadisəsidir ki, o zaman modallığın ifadə vasitələrindən ikisi, hətta bəzən üçü cümlə səviyyəsində yanaşı işlənərək fikrin daha da təsirli, ifadəli olmasına, danışanın öz fikrinə münasibətini daha emfatik, rəngarəng şəkildə ifadə etməsinə xidmət edir. Məqalədə müasir ingilis dilində gələcək zamanın leksik-qrammatık ifadə vasitəsi kimi işlənən modal feillər kimi qoşa işlənən modal feil və ya modal ifadələrin hərəkəti gələcək zamana aid etməsi halları tədqiq edilir.
Müəllif dilin cümlə səviyyəsində təhlillər apararaq bədii dil nümunələrinə əsaslanmış, qoşa işlənə bilən modal feillərin siyahısını və işlənmə xüsusiyyətlərini vermişdir.
Tədqiqlər, 2019
The issue of the cultural development of the alphabet and each is considered necessary for prog... more The issue of the cultural development of the alphabet and each is considered necessary for progression. However, on cultural development, prosperity, as well as impeding the development of the literary language was also alphabets. The event, which is full of contradictions deep roots in the wars, massacres, has caused losses. Therefore, the progressive intellectuals rightly reflect the characteristics of our language phonetic alphabet unable to reform it or replace it with a more elaborate system of writing and regularly fought for years.
Keywords: Alphabet, Azerbaijan people, Azerbaijan language, moral values, enlightened.
International Journal of English Linguistics, 2016
Belonging to different language families, the English and Azerbaijani languages differ in all the... more Belonging to different language families, the English and Azerbaijani languages differ in all the aspects (grammar, phonetics and lexis) of the language. Therefore, as non-native speakers, Azerbaijanis have many difficulties in learning English. Many scholars try to eliminate those difficulties by comparing and analyzing the languages, finding out the similarities and differences between the languages compared. One of the main problems for Azerbaijani learners of English is learning the ways of expressing futurity in English to be able to select proper means of expression while translating from English into Azerbaijani and vice versa. The development of linguistics in the last few decades has been so quick and manifold that a new insight has been implemented concerning the current problems. It gave rise to the development of the comparative typological investigation of non-kindred languages. We shall try to investigate future tense in English basing upon quantitative typology that investigates this or that phenomena existing in two compared languages. The aim of our investigation is to show the grammatical ways of expressing the future in contemporary English, reveal similarities and differences between the ways of expressing future in English and Azerbaijan and, consequently, provide corresponding forms in Azerbaijani. As English is much richer in the ways of expressing future action than Azerbaijani, we will analyze and provide all the possible ways of conveying them in Azerbaijani. There are many controversial and quarrel some points concerning the future tense problem in English and Azerbaijani. The article highlights these problems by providing prominent linguists' theoretical points of view as well as the author's own analysis and approach to the stated problems.
International Journal of English Linguistics, 2016
Belonging to different language families, the English and Azerbaijani languages differ in all the... more Belonging to different language families, the English and Azerbaijani languages differ in all the aspects (grammar, phonetics and lexis) of the language. Therefore, as non-native speakers, Azerbaijanis have many difficulties in learning English. Many scholars try to eliminate those difficulties by comparing and analyzing the languages, finding out the similarities and differences between the languages compared. One of the main problems for Azerbaijani learners of English is learning the ways of expressing futurity in English to be able to select proper means of expression while translating from English into Azerbaijani and vice versa. The development of linguistics in the last few decades has been so quick and manifold that a new insight has been implemented concerning the current problems. It gave rise to the development of the comparative typological investigation of non-kindred languages. We shall try to investigate future tense in English basing upon quantitative typology that investigates this or that phenomena existing in two compared languages. The aim of our investigation is to show the grammatical ways of expressing the future in contemporary English, reveal similarities and differences between the ways of expressing future in English and Azerbaijan and, consequently, provide corresponding forms in Azerbaijani. As English is much richer in the ways of expressing future action than Azerbaijani, we will analyze and provide all the possible ways of conveying them in Azerbaijani. There are many controversial and quarrel some points concerning the future tense problem in English and Azerbaijani. The article highlights these problems by providing prominent linguists' theoretical points of view as well as the author's own analysis and approach to the stated problems.
Conference Presentations by Səadət Nuriyeva
The article deals with about the scientific research conducted on the mutual comparative anal... more The article deals with about the scientific research conducted on the mutual comparative analysis of the category of modality in English and Azerbaijani languages, especially the research works written on modality in Azerbaijani linguistics. Different and similar features of means of expression of modality in the compared languages are analyzed. The article also mentions researches about inversion being one of the means of expression of modality. Analyzes are also given on the research works on dual modality and its main features.
Müasir ingilis dilində ismi budaq cümlələr və onların növləri, 2022
The paper deals with the types of nominal clauses in modern English which are an integral part o... more The paper deals with the types of nominal clauses in modern English which are an integral part of the composite complex sentence. The article refers to the views of outstanding linguists who study this topic, analyzes and systematizes their valuable ideas and conclusions on this topic. The reacher’s examples on this subject support these views. The author also clarifies the use of various terms used in modern linguistics on this topic, which are sometimes confusing. The author’s approach to this problem bases on traditional grammar as well as transformational generative grammar being a theory of grammar that accounts for the constructions of a language by linguistic transformations and phrase structures.
Also, this article claims that the nominal clauses consist of subject, object, predicative and complement clauses. The latter referring to the subject or object in the principal clause expressed by the pronoun “it”.
In a final section the different kinds of nominal clauses are given which are differentiated according the means of combining them to the head clause, such as “That clauses”, “Zero clauses”, “Yes-no interrogative clauses”, “Wh-interrogative clauses”, “Infinitival clauses”, “Participial clauses”, “Cerundial clauses”.
Məqaləni yazmaqda əsas məqsəd dilin əsas aspektlərindən biri olan qrammatika-nın xarici dilin öyr... more Məqaləni yazmaqda əsas məqsəd dilin əsas aspektlərindən biri olan qrammatika-nın xarici dilin öyrənilməsində vacibliyindən, lazımlılığından bəhs etməkdir. Qramma-tika hər bir dilin əsası olub sözlərin sistemli bir şəkildə bir-biri ilə əlaqəyə girərək müəy-yən məna ifadə etməsində ən əsas vasitədir. Qrammatika dilçilikdə ən çox tədqiq edilən sahələrdən biridir. Bu isə məhz onun daha çox önəmli olmasından irəli gəlir. İs-tər yazılı, istərsə də şifahi dilin formalaşmasında əsas rol oynayan qrammatikanın öy-rənilməsi ən əsas məqsədlərdən biri hesab olunur. Son onilliklər ərzində qrammatikaya qarşı ögey münasibət onun dilin digər sahələrinə nisbətdə sıxışdırılmasına səbəb olub. Qrammatikanın tədrisinə ayrılan dərs saatlarının azaldılması, qrammatikanın müxtəlif sahələrindən bəhs edən fənlərin kənarlaşdırılması, qəbul imtahanları zamanı qramma-tikaya dair sualların azaldılması və ya sıfırlanması buna əyani sübutdur. Hal-hazırda “Qrammatikasız dil öyrənmək” tezisi narahatçılıq yaradan qeyri-normal bir haldır. Istər-istəməz bu kimi hallar bizdə belə bir sualın yaranmsına səbəb olur. Dilin qram-matik quruluşa malik olmadan, (yəni qrammatikasız) dil kimi formalaşması mümkün-dürmü? Ana dilini çıxmaq şərtilə, hər hansı bir dili öyrənərkən onun qrammatikasını öyrənməmək olarmı? Hər hansı bir xarici dildə onun qrammatikasını öyrənmədən danışmaq mümkündürmü? Bu kimi suallar məqalədə özünə cavab tapır.
Özet Her medeniyet belirli bir gelişme aşamasından geçmektedir. Tarihçiler, günümüze kadar gelmi... more Özet
Her medeniyet belirli bir gelişme aşamasından geçmektedir. Tarihçiler, günümüze kadar gelmiş kimi kaynaklara dayanarak milletlerin doğuşu, gelişimi ve çöküşü hakkında bizlere bilgi aktarmaya çalışırlar. Bütün bunlar bazen doğal koşullarla kimi zamansa beklenmeyen felaketlerle belirlenmektedir. Ulusların yok olan kültürel öğeleri ancak o milletin halkının hafızasında korunmaya devam eder. Tam da bu “korunan bilgi” farklı mitolojilerin kaynağını teşkil etmektedir. Bir anlamda mitoloji, halk hafızasına dayandırılan tarihin bir yansımasıdır denebilir. Mitolojide, gerçek hayatlar ve olaylar yer aldığı gibi kurmaca konular da işlenmektedir. Bazı araştırmacılar, mitlerin çoğu kez gerçek olaylara dayandığını iddia etmektedir. Gerçek olaylar, mit boyutuna geçtiğinde pekçok biçim değiştirme aşamasından geçer, halkın hayal gücü ve mitolojik tabloların etkisi ile kendi tarihi dayanağından giderek kopar ve sanatsal-mitolojik düşünce boyutuna göre şekillenmektedir.
Yaradanı övme amaçlı ve diğer dini bayramlarla ilgili oluşturulan mitler daima mistik bir örtü ile kaplanmışlardır. Onlarda, açık olarak Yaradan’a karşı inanç ve insanın O’na yaklaşma gayreti yansıtılmak istenir. Böylesi gayretler, kötü güçlerin yenilmesi ve iyi güçlerin galibiyetiyle gerçekleştirilmelidir. Bu gibi eylemler, Tanrı’ya yaklaşmanın bir yolu olarak görülür. Aynı zamanda bütün bu durumlar mitolojiye de yansımaktadır. Örneğin, Heraklus’un Hidra’ya, Serber’e, Kentavros’larla ve değişik canavarlara karşı mücadelesi gibi...
Yüce hakikati arayan bir başkahraman, mutlaka yeraltı dünyasını ziyaret etmekle yükümlüdür çünkü orada büyük bir hikmet saklıdır. O bilgiyi algılayıp benimsemeden Tanrı’ya yaklaşılamaz. Yeraltı dünyasının Yunan mitolojisinde de özel bir yeri vardır. Hades’in karanlık saltanatında en özel kahramanlar yüce hakikate, derin bilgiye erişirler. Odiseus, Teseus ve benzer yiğitlerin yeraltı dünyasına ziyeretleri tam da bu istekle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Şota Rustveli’nin “Kaplan Postlu Şövalye” adlı eserinde Gürcü folklöründe yaygın olan yeraltı ve yer üstü dünya, hayat-ölüm meselelerine büyük bir önem verilmektedir. Söz konusu meselelerle ilgili görüşler, adı geçen eserde tamamıyla yansıtılmıştır. Bu çalışmamızda da bu eksende inceleme sağlanmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Edebiyat, Folklor, Mit, Şota Rustaveli, Kaplan Postlu Şövalye, hayat, ölüm.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference «Progress in Science» (April 13-14, 2023). Brussels, Belgium, 2023. 249p
Abstract The article deals with dual modality and its componental analysis at the sentence level ... more Abstract
The article deals with dual modality and its componental analysis at the sentence level of the language. “Double modality” is a linguistic phenomenon that belongs to all languages, which plays a key role in the formation of artistic and figurative speech. Two of the means of expression of the modality, in particular, one of the modal verbs, is used to make the same syntactic combination with any of the other means of expression of the modality to strengthen the effectiveness of the speaker’s expressed idea. Double modality is an undeniable phenomenon and has various means of expression. The componental analysis of those means of expression determines that they are realized mainly by means of two means of expression. In the article, for the first time, inversion is analyzed on the basis of examples as the main component of dual modality.
Publisher.agency: Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference «Progress in Science» (April 13-14, 2023). Brussels, Belgium, 2023. 249p
The article deals with dual modality and its componental analysis at the sentence level of the la... more The article deals with dual modality and its componental analysis at the sentence level of the language. “Double modality” is a linguistic phenomenon that belongs to all languages, which plays a key role in the formation of artistic and figurative speech. Two of the means of expression of the modality, in particular, one of the modal verbs, is used to make the same syntactic combination with any of the other means of expression of the modality to strengthen the effectiveness of the speaker’s expressed idea. Double modality is an undeniable phenomenon and has various means of expression. The componental analysis of those means of expression determines that they are realized mainly by means of two means of expression. In the article, for the first time, inversion is analyzed on the basis of examples as the main component of dual modality.
The article deals with "The Particle" that has gained status as a structural part of speech in mo... more The article deals with "The Particle" that has gained status as a structural part of speech in modern English, its research, and different approaches of linguists to it. For the first time, the researcher, acting from a different position, tries to clarify the question of whether "Particle" is a structural or a free part of speech, and in this matter, the author relies on the Azerbaijanian linguist O.I. Musayev's classification of parts of speech. He classifies parts of speech into notional (main), structural (functional) and free (independent) parts of speech. [O.I. Musayev, 2009, p.9] In this paper “Particle” is determined as a free part of speech, not as a structural part of speech. Besides it, unlike other grammarians, the researcher considers “The Particle" one of the ways of expressing modality. She bases on the fact that this part of speech emotionally emphasizes the word it belongs to in the sentence and expresses more modality. “The particle” is analyzed according to the following characteristics, which are the basis for the classification of parts of speech.
1. lexical-grammatical meaning
2. grammatical category
3. right-hand and left-combinability with words in a sentence
4. syntactic function
5. morphological characteristics (elements that make up the foundation)
6. its place in the word order;
In order to determine which group of parts of speech the particle belongs to, different classifications of parts of speech given by well-known scientists are addressed. As a result, for the first time in linguistics, “The Particle” is included among free speech parts.
Another main point of the article is the analysis and justification of ‘The Particle’ as a means of expression of the category of modality. This opinion is supported by the evidence substantiated by the researcher. The researcher notes that ‘Particle’ like interjections and modal words also express modality. He emphasizes that negative sentences express negative modality by means of the negative particles "no" and "not". According to him, if exclamatory sentences express exclamatory modality, negative particles are also a means of creating negative modality. In the article, referring to the opinions of linguists conducting research on “The Particle”, the attitude is reported and the results are systematized.
Müasir İngilis dilində qoşa modallıq gələcək zamanın leksik-qrammatik ifadə vasitəsi kimi
Double modals as a lexico-grammatical way of expressing futurity in modern english Summary ... more Double modals as a lexico-grammatical way of expressing futurity in modern english
The article deals with the double modals in the English language which haven’t been investigated yet. It also reflects the relationship between the categories of tense and modality in modern English. Double modals are a unique feature of English, a sequence of two or three modal verbs which express the speaker’s attitude towards the action in an emphatic way. The article illustrates modal verbs’ quality of expressing futurity in English. From this point of view, the author accepts double modals+infinitive as one of the lexico-qrammatical ways of expressing futurity. The theme was investigated according to the sentence level of the language. Basing on the foreign linguists’ opinions the author gives the list of double modals and their use in English.
Məqalə əsasən müasir ingilis dilində mövcud olan, ancaq əsaslı şəkildə tədqiq edilməyən qoşa modallıqdan bəhs edir, eyni zamanda, ingilis dilində feilin modallıq kateqoriyasının zaman kateqoriyası ilə əlaqəli olmasını əks etdirir. Qoşa modallıq elə bir dil hadisəsidir ki, o zaman modallığın ifadə vasitələrindən ikisi, hətta bəzən üçü cümlə səviyyəsində yanaşı işlənərək fikrin daha da təsirli, ifadəli olmasına, danışanın öz fikrinə münasibətini daha emfatik, rəngarəng şəkildə ifadə etməsinə xidmət edir. Məqalədə müasir ingilis dilində gələcək zamanın leksik-qrammatık ifadə vasitəsi kimi işlənən modal feillər kimi qoşa işlənən modal feil və ya modal ifadələrin hərəkəti gələcək zamana aid etməsi halları tədqiq edilir.
Müəllif dilin cümlə səviyyəsində təhlillər apararaq bədii dil nümunələrinə əsaslanmış, qoşa işlənə bilən modal feillərin siyahısını və işlənmə xüsusiyyətlərini vermişdir.
Tədqiqlər, 2019
The issue of the cultural development of the alphabet and each is considered necessary for prog... more The issue of the cultural development of the alphabet and each is considered necessary for progression. However, on cultural development, prosperity, as well as impeding the development of the literary language was also alphabets. The event, which is full of contradictions deep roots in the wars, massacres, has caused losses. Therefore, the progressive intellectuals rightly reflect the characteristics of our language phonetic alphabet unable to reform it or replace it with a more elaborate system of writing and regularly fought for years.
Keywords: Alphabet, Azerbaijan people, Azerbaijan language, moral values, enlightened.
International Journal of English Linguistics, 2016
Belonging to different language families, the English and Azerbaijani languages differ in all the... more Belonging to different language families, the English and Azerbaijani languages differ in all the aspects (grammar, phonetics and lexis) of the language. Therefore, as non-native speakers, Azerbaijanis have many difficulties in learning English. Many scholars try to eliminate those difficulties by comparing and analyzing the languages, finding out the similarities and differences between the languages compared. One of the main problems for Azerbaijani learners of English is learning the ways of expressing futurity in English to be able to select proper means of expression while translating from English into Azerbaijani and vice versa. The development of linguistics in the last few decades has been so quick and manifold that a new insight has been implemented concerning the current problems. It gave rise to the development of the comparative typological investigation of non-kindred languages. We shall try to investigate future tense in English basing upon quantitative typology that investigates this or that phenomena existing in two compared languages. The aim of our investigation is to show the grammatical ways of expressing the future in contemporary English, reveal similarities and differences between the ways of expressing future in English and Azerbaijan and, consequently, provide corresponding forms in Azerbaijani. As English is much richer in the ways of expressing future action than Azerbaijani, we will analyze and provide all the possible ways of conveying them in Azerbaijani. There are many controversial and quarrel some points concerning the future tense problem in English and Azerbaijani. The article highlights these problems by providing prominent linguists' theoretical points of view as well as the author's own analysis and approach to the stated problems.
International Journal of English Linguistics, 2016
Belonging to different language families, the English and Azerbaijani languages differ in all the... more Belonging to different language families, the English and Azerbaijani languages differ in all the aspects (grammar, phonetics and lexis) of the language. Therefore, as non-native speakers, Azerbaijanis have many difficulties in learning English. Many scholars try to eliminate those difficulties by comparing and analyzing the languages, finding out the similarities and differences between the languages compared. One of the main problems for Azerbaijani learners of English is learning the ways of expressing futurity in English to be able to select proper means of expression while translating from English into Azerbaijani and vice versa. The development of linguistics in the last few decades has been so quick and manifold that a new insight has been implemented concerning the current problems. It gave rise to the development of the comparative typological investigation of non-kindred languages. We shall try to investigate future tense in English basing upon quantitative typology that investigates this or that phenomena existing in two compared languages. The aim of our investigation is to show the grammatical ways of expressing the future in contemporary English, reveal similarities and differences between the ways of expressing future in English and Azerbaijan and, consequently, provide corresponding forms in Azerbaijani. As English is much richer in the ways of expressing future action than Azerbaijani, we will analyze and provide all the possible ways of conveying them in Azerbaijani. There are many controversial and quarrel some points concerning the future tense problem in English and Azerbaijani. The article highlights these problems by providing prominent linguists' theoretical points of view as well as the author's own analysis and approach to the stated problems.
The article deals with about the scientific research conducted on the mutual comparative anal... more The article deals with about the scientific research conducted on the mutual comparative analysis of the category of modality in English and Azerbaijani languages, especially the research works written on modality in Azerbaijani linguistics. Different and similar features of means of expression of modality in the compared languages are analyzed. The article also mentions researches about inversion being one of the means of expression of modality. Analyzes are also given on the research works on dual modality and its main features.
Müasir ingilis dilində ismi budaq cümlələr və onların növləri, 2022
The paper deals with the types of nominal clauses in modern English which are an integral part o... more The paper deals with the types of nominal clauses in modern English which are an integral part of the composite complex sentence. The article refers to the views of outstanding linguists who study this topic, analyzes and systematizes their valuable ideas and conclusions on this topic. The reacher’s examples on this subject support these views. The author also clarifies the use of various terms used in modern linguistics on this topic, which are sometimes confusing. The author’s approach to this problem bases on traditional grammar as well as transformational generative grammar being a theory of grammar that accounts for the constructions of a language by linguistic transformations and phrase structures.
Also, this article claims that the nominal clauses consist of subject, object, predicative and complement clauses. The latter referring to the subject or object in the principal clause expressed by the pronoun “it”.
In a final section the different kinds of nominal clauses are given which are differentiated according the means of combining them to the head clause, such as “That clauses”, “Zero clauses”, “Yes-no interrogative clauses”, “Wh-interrogative clauses”, “Infinitival clauses”, “Participial clauses”, “Cerundial clauses”.
Məqaləni yazmaqda əsas məqsəd dilin əsas aspektlərindən biri olan qrammatika-nın xarici dilin öyr... more Məqaləni yazmaqda əsas məqsəd dilin əsas aspektlərindən biri olan qrammatika-nın xarici dilin öyrənilməsində vacibliyindən, lazımlılığından bəhs etməkdir. Qramma-tika hər bir dilin əsası olub sözlərin sistemli bir şəkildə bir-biri ilə əlaqəyə girərək müəy-yən məna ifadə etməsində ən əsas vasitədir. Qrammatika dilçilikdə ən çox tədqiq edilən sahələrdən biridir. Bu isə məhz onun daha çox önəmli olmasından irəli gəlir. İs-tər yazılı, istərsə də şifahi dilin formalaşmasında əsas rol oynayan qrammatikanın öy-rənilməsi ən əsas məqsədlərdən biri hesab olunur. Son onilliklər ərzində qrammatikaya qarşı ögey münasibət onun dilin digər sahələrinə nisbətdə sıxışdırılmasına səbəb olub. Qrammatikanın tədrisinə ayrılan dərs saatlarının azaldılması, qrammatikanın müxtəlif sahələrindən bəhs edən fənlərin kənarlaşdırılması, qəbul imtahanları zamanı qramma-tikaya dair sualların azaldılması və ya sıfırlanması buna əyani sübutdur. Hal-hazırda “Qrammatikasız dil öyrənmək” tezisi narahatçılıq yaradan qeyri-normal bir haldır. Istər-istəməz bu kimi hallar bizdə belə bir sualın yaranmsına səbəb olur. Dilin qram-matik quruluşa malik olmadan, (yəni qrammatikasız) dil kimi formalaşması mümkün-dürmü? Ana dilini çıxmaq şərtilə, hər hansı bir dili öyrənərkən onun qrammatikasını öyrənməmək olarmı? Hər hansı bir xarici dildə onun qrammatikasını öyrənmədən danışmaq mümkündürmü? Bu kimi suallar məqalədə özünə cavab tapır.
Özet Her medeniyet belirli bir gelişme aşamasından geçmektedir. Tarihçiler, günümüze kadar gelmi... more Özet
Her medeniyet belirli bir gelişme aşamasından geçmektedir. Tarihçiler, günümüze kadar gelmiş kimi kaynaklara dayanarak milletlerin doğuşu, gelişimi ve çöküşü hakkında bizlere bilgi aktarmaya çalışırlar. Bütün bunlar bazen doğal koşullarla kimi zamansa beklenmeyen felaketlerle belirlenmektedir. Ulusların yok olan kültürel öğeleri ancak o milletin halkının hafızasında korunmaya devam eder. Tam da bu “korunan bilgi” farklı mitolojilerin kaynağını teşkil etmektedir. Bir anlamda mitoloji, halk hafızasına dayandırılan tarihin bir yansımasıdır denebilir. Mitolojide, gerçek hayatlar ve olaylar yer aldığı gibi kurmaca konular da işlenmektedir. Bazı araştırmacılar, mitlerin çoğu kez gerçek olaylara dayandığını iddia etmektedir. Gerçek olaylar, mit boyutuna geçtiğinde pekçok biçim değiştirme aşamasından geçer, halkın hayal gücü ve mitolojik tabloların etkisi ile kendi tarihi dayanağından giderek kopar ve sanatsal-mitolojik düşünce boyutuna göre şekillenmektedir.
Yaradanı övme amaçlı ve diğer dini bayramlarla ilgili oluşturulan mitler daima mistik bir örtü ile kaplanmışlardır. Onlarda, açık olarak Yaradan’a karşı inanç ve insanın O’na yaklaşma gayreti yansıtılmak istenir. Böylesi gayretler, kötü güçlerin yenilmesi ve iyi güçlerin galibiyetiyle gerçekleştirilmelidir. Bu gibi eylemler, Tanrı’ya yaklaşmanın bir yolu olarak görülür. Aynı zamanda bütün bu durumlar mitolojiye de yansımaktadır. Örneğin, Heraklus’un Hidra’ya, Serber’e, Kentavros’larla ve değişik canavarlara karşı mücadelesi gibi...
Yüce hakikati arayan bir başkahraman, mutlaka yeraltı dünyasını ziyaret etmekle yükümlüdür çünkü orada büyük bir hikmet saklıdır. O bilgiyi algılayıp benimsemeden Tanrı’ya yaklaşılamaz. Yeraltı dünyasının Yunan mitolojisinde de özel bir yeri vardır. Hades’in karanlık saltanatında en özel kahramanlar yüce hakikate, derin bilgiye erişirler. Odiseus, Teseus ve benzer yiğitlerin yeraltı dünyasına ziyeretleri tam da bu istekle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Şota Rustveli’nin “Kaplan Postlu Şövalye” adlı eserinde Gürcü folklöründe yaygın olan yeraltı ve yer üstü dünya, hayat-ölüm meselelerine büyük bir önem verilmektedir. Söz konusu meselelerle ilgili görüşler, adı geçen eserde tamamıyla yansıtılmıştır. Bu çalışmamızda da bu eksende inceleme sağlanmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Edebiyat, Folklor, Mit, Şota Rustaveli, Kaplan Postlu Şövalye, hayat, ölüm.