Sugeng Budiharsono - (original) (raw)

Papers by Sugeng Budiharsono

Research paper thumbnail of Factors Influencing The Total Sales of Fruits and Vegetables on Digital Platforms

Jurnal Manajemen dan Agribisnis

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem perancangan pembangunan kelautan dan perikanan/ Budiharsono

iii, 211 hal. : ill.; 23 cm

Research paper thumbnail of Teknik analisa pembangunan wilayah pesisir dan lautan/ Budiharsono

xvi, 160 hal.: tab.; 23 cm

Research paper thumbnail of Semarang waterfront is a unique ecosystem which has a variety potentialities and problem of using some natural resources, especially in the trade-off between economic growth and ecological preservation.  Generally the handling operation of waterfront city in Indonesia is not effective, caused by ...

Semarang waterfront is a unique ecosystem which has a variety potentialities and problem of using... more Semarang waterfront is a unique ecosystem which has a variety potentialities and problem of using some natural resources, especially in the trade-off between economic growth and ecological preservation. Generally the handling operation of waterfront city in Indonesia is not effective, caused by (1) low budged and increase the poverty; (2) over loaded investment; (3) destroyed of ecology and ecosystem; (4) the lost of local wisdom; and (5) other problem in commonly urban city. Based on these conditions, this research aimed to design an environmental management policy ensuring a profitable synergy of all stakeholders without sacrificing the principles of environmental conservation. The objective of this study was to analyze the index and sustainability status of the Semarang waterfront area, based on five sustainable dimensions. Secondary data resources have been used from literature study and references, primary data have been received from questionairy feedback and expert judgem...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengelolaan kepiting bakau (scylla serrata, 1775) yang berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Sambas = Sustainable management of magrove crabs (syclla serrata 1775) in Sambas Regency / Ade Rachmawaty

Research paper thumbnail of Pengelolaan perikanan tangkap komoditas udang secara berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Cilacap = Capture fisheries management for sustainable shrimp commodity In Cilacap

Research paper thumbnail of Berkala Perikanan Terubuk, Februari

Coral reef ecosystems is one of the major coastal and marine ecosystems that have ecological valu... more Coral reef ecosystems is one of the major coastal and marine ecosystems that have ecological value, economic and aesthetic. Unfortunately, the ecosystem continues to come under pressure from a variety of activities such as fishing, tourism, pollution and other activities. This study aims to determine the condition of coral reef ecosystems in the Regional Marine Protected Area (RMPA) East Bintan. Observations of coral reefs is done using a modification of the square transect method and condition of coral reefs can be estimated by the percentage of live coral cover approach. While the analysis of water quality refers to the APHA. To see the linkages between the biophysical environment-chemical characteristics of water with each of the locations used multivariable statistical analysis approach to PCA (Principal Component Analysis). The results show that coral reefs in the Marine Protected Area Region East Bintan including the condition of 'being' to 'good'. This conditi...

Research paper thumbnail of Dinamika Dan Kebijakan Pengembangan Ekonomi Kelautan Indonesia

Jurnal Kebijakan Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan, 2020

Amanat UU 32 tahun 2014 tentang Kelautan salah satunya percepatan dan penguatan ekonomi nasional ... more Amanat UU 32 tahun 2014 tentang Kelautan salah satunya percepatan dan penguatan ekonomi nasional dari potensi kelautan yang ada. Penelitian ini mengkaji kontribusi PDB ekonomi kelautan; dampak pengembangan ekonomi kelautan; dan implikasi kebijakan pengembangan ekonomi kelautan. Metode penelitian menggunakan analisis data sekunder. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder tahun 2010-2015 yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan model I-O (Input-Output) yang diupdate ke tahun 2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase produk kelautan terhadap PDB terus meningkat mencapai 28.01 % pada tahun 2015. Berdasarkan kajian terhadap dampak ekonomi yang dihasilkan, perlu diprioritaskan pengembangan ekonomi kelautan pada tiga sektor yaitu: industri kelautan, perikanan dan pariwisata bahari. Prinsip kebijakan pengembangan ekonomi kelautan harus inovatif dan berkelanjutan yang bertumpu pada peningkatan daya saing, modernisas...

Research paper thumbnail of The utilization status of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) in Morotai Island Regency

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Tinjauan Dimensi Ekonomi Keberlanjutan Pengelolaan Budidaya Laut DI Teluk Saleh Kabupaten Sumbawa

Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan, 2017

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan status keberlanjutan pada dimensi ekonomi dan memberika... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan status keberlanjutan pada dimensi ekonomi dan memberikan rekomendasi kebijakan pengelolaan budidaya di Teluk Saleh Kabupaten Sumbawa. Analisis keberlanjutan budidaya laut untuk komoditi rumput laut dan ikan kerapu sistem KJA dilakukan dengan metode Rap-Insus-Seaweed (Rapid Appraisal –Indeks Sustainability of Seaweed) dan Rap-Insus-Grouper (Rapid Appraisal –Indeks Sustainability of Grouper) telah dimodifikasi dari program RAPFISH. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai indeks tingkat keberlanjutan pada dimensi ekonomi budidaya rumput laut sebesar “39,74” dan untuk budidaya ikan kerapu sistem KJA sebesar “31,23”. Nilai tersebut terletak antara 25,00 - 49,9 berarti “Kurang Berkelanjutan”. Nilai indeks dan status keberlanjutan saat ini menunjukkan kondisi ekonomi wilayah perairan tersebut kurang mendukung pengelolaan budidaya laut, sehingga diperlukan intervensi kebijakan melalui pemberian bantuan mudal usaha, pelatihan teknis budidaya dan pen...

Research paper thumbnail of The implementation strategy of Ecosystem Approach to Aquaculture (EAA) shrimp commodities in Pinrang District, South Sulawesi

Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management)

This study aims to develop a strategy for the sustainability of shrimp aquaculture using an ecosy... more This study aims to develop a strategy for the sustainability of shrimp aquaculture using an ecosystem approach or EAA in Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi. A series of analyzes were carried out, namely the environmental carrying capacity analysis of aquaculture using pond environmental feasibility standards, analysis of critical factors for the sustainability of aquaculture using multidimensional scaling analysis, analysis of the sustainability status of aquaculture using pairwise comparison analysis and analysis of shrimp aquaculture management strategies based on EAA. using hierarchy process analysis. The results showed that the following strategies were needed: a) accelerating spatial planning and implementing programs in accordance with the directions for spatial use and control; b) institutional strengthening of capital cultivators in order to complement and improve facilities and infrastructure in accordance with the SOP; and c) increasing the level of education and providing a ...

Research paper thumbnail of Economic structure analysis in the development of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) fisheries industry in Jayapura City, Papua, Indonesia

The skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) fisheries sub-sector has both the potential and opportunit... more The skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) fisheries sub-sector has both the potential and opportunities to support the economic growth and regional development in the City of Jayapura. It can also encourage and leverage economic sectors in this K. pelamis production city. The aim of the study was to calculate the structural strength and interaction between the K. pelamis fisheries sub-sector and the other marine fisheries, other marine products, the food and beverage industry sector, trade, transportation, hotels, and restaurants and other sectors. The Input-Output (I-O) analysis was used to analyze GDRP 2016 as secondary data. The results showed that the K. pelamis fisheries sub-sector has a contribution to encourage and leverage other sectors. K. pelamis sub-sector was not provided an optimal contribution to the economic growth which reached 1.94%; however, it had an impact on the backward and forward linkages of 1.3234% and 1.3779%, respectively. The strength of the structure and th...

Research paper thumbnail of Challenging for Seagrass Management in Indonesia

Journal of Coastal Zone Management, 2012

Seagrasses, one of the important ecosystems in Indonesian coastal waters, have declined mostly du... more Seagrasses, one of the important ecosystems in Indonesian coastal waters, have declined mostly due to a variety of multi-sector (i.e. ecology, socio-economy, technology and institution) anthropogenic disturbances. The decline and loss of seagrass meadows will have an effect not only on biodiversity and fisheries productivity within the ecosystems but also on the adjacent ecosystems (coral reef and mangrove forest), and even the effect will spread out far to the outside of the areas where seagrass grow. Seagrass ecosystems management in Indonesia is urgently required as part of fisheries management. However, this concept has not been understood by most of Indonesian people, including some government officials. Consequently, the seagrass ecosystems are still marginalized in the coastal resource management practices in Indonesia. In order to sustain fisheries productivity, knowledge of impact scales of each seagrass-related multi-sector human activities are very important as one of bas...

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability status of rice fields in the rice production center of Citarum Watershed

Rice field has multifunctions, including maintaining the stability of hydrological functions (Cit... more Rice field has multifunctions, including maintaining the stability of hydrological functions (Citarum Watershed), prevent flooding, decrease erosion, provide employment, providing a unique and rustic appeal and defend the values of rural culture. Citarum Watershed located in West Java Province, where West Java has the largest contributed national producer of rice as much as 12,083,162 tons of national rice yields by 71,279,709 tonnes. Rice field in Citarum watershed has not sustainable status due to the high rate of land conversion, policy directives are need to clarity of spatial land use with regional regulations to control the rice field conversion, implementation of Sustainable food agricultural land which are owned by the government, opening transmigration area based on paddy field, develop many products from one product by utilizing waste from blue economy concept, so the paddy fields is still needed for other industry as input production

Research paper thumbnail of Teknik Analisis Pembangunan Wilayah Pesisir dan Lautan

Buku ini diperuntukan bagi mereka yang berminat mendalami ilmu-ilmu pembangunan wilayah, tidak te... more Buku ini diperuntukan bagi mereka yang berminat mendalami ilmu-ilmu pembangunan wilayah, tidak terbatas pada mereka yang merupakan pelaku dan peminat pembangunan wilayah pesisir dan lautan. Sehingga dalam memberikan teladan, bukan hanya persoalan wilayah pesisir dan lautan yang dibahas, namun juga persoalan-persoalan kewilayahan lainnya. Bagi mahasiswa SI, S2 dan S3, buku ini diharapkan dapat membantu untuk memahami ilmu pembangunan wilayah dan model-model analisisnya untuk mengkaji pembangunan wilayah pesisir dan lautan.

Research paper thumbnail of Kondisi Ekosistem Terumbu Karang DI Kawasan Konservasi Laut Daerah Bintan Timur Kepulauan Riau

Coral reef ecosystems is one of the major coastal and marine ecosystems that haveecological value... more Coral reef ecosystems is one of the major coastal and marine ecosystems that haveecological value, economic and aesthetic. Unfortunately, the ecosystem continuesto come under pressure from a variety of activities such as fishing, tourism,pollution and other activities. This study aims to determine the condition of coralreef ecosystems in the Regional Marine Protected Area (RMPA) East Bintan.Observations of coral reefs is done using a modification of the square transectmethod and condition of coral reefs can be estimated by the percentage of livecoral cover approach. While the analysis of water quality refers to the APHA. Tosee the linkages between the biophysical environment-chemical characteristics ofwater with each of the locations used multivariable statistical analysis approach toPCA (Principal Component Analysis). The results show that coral reefs in theMarine Protected Area Region East Bintan including the condition of 'being' to'good'. This condition is caused...

Research paper thumbnail of Fish Community Structure over Diel Cycle in Two Different Seagrass Species Dominated Beds in Kapoposang island South Sulawesi

Research paper thumbnail of Dimensi Keberlanjutan Pengelolaan Kota Tepian Pantai (Studi Kasus Kota Semarang)

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability status analysis of shrimp production management at Cilacap Regency, Central Java, Indonesia

E3S Web of Conferences

Shrimp is one of the main export commodities of the Indonesian fishery, which is produced from va... more Shrimp is one of the main export commodities of the Indonesian fishery, which is produced from various regions. One of the areas that become the center of shrimp production is Cilacap Regency. The main type of shrimp commodity in Cilacap is banana shrimp (Fenneropenaeus merguensis de Man) which has high economic value. The production of banana shrimp in Cilacap is declining. This study aimed to analyze the sustainability status of banana shrimp management in Cilacap waters in a multidimensional base (Multidimensional Scaling/MDS) which is seen through the ecological, social, economic, ethical, technological, and institutional dimensions. The tool used to analyze the sustainability status is the Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries (Rapfish). This research shows that the sustainability value of banana shrimp management reaches 49.68 or is in the Less Sustainable status. Referring to the sustainability analysis results on each dimension, it can be seen that the economic dimension is the dime...

Research paper thumbnail of The dynamic model of paddy field conversion control in Citarum watershed

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Dec 31, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Factors Influencing The Total Sales of Fruits and Vegetables on Digital Platforms

Jurnal Manajemen dan Agribisnis

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem perancangan pembangunan kelautan dan perikanan/ Budiharsono

iii, 211 hal. : ill.; 23 cm

Research paper thumbnail of Teknik analisa pembangunan wilayah pesisir dan lautan/ Budiharsono

xvi, 160 hal.: tab.; 23 cm

Research paper thumbnail of Semarang waterfront is a unique ecosystem which has a variety potentialities and problem of using some natural resources, especially in the trade-off between economic growth and ecological preservation.  Generally the handling operation of waterfront city in Indonesia is not effective, caused by ...

Semarang waterfront is a unique ecosystem which has a variety potentialities and problem of using... more Semarang waterfront is a unique ecosystem which has a variety potentialities and problem of using some natural resources, especially in the trade-off between economic growth and ecological preservation. Generally the handling operation of waterfront city in Indonesia is not effective, caused by (1) low budged and increase the poverty; (2) over loaded investment; (3) destroyed of ecology and ecosystem; (4) the lost of local wisdom; and (5) other problem in commonly urban city. Based on these conditions, this research aimed to design an environmental management policy ensuring a profitable synergy of all stakeholders without sacrificing the principles of environmental conservation. The objective of this study was to analyze the index and sustainability status of the Semarang waterfront area, based on five sustainable dimensions. Secondary data resources have been used from literature study and references, primary data have been received from questionairy feedback and expert judgem...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengelolaan kepiting bakau (scylla serrata, 1775) yang berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Sambas = Sustainable management of magrove crabs (syclla serrata 1775) in Sambas Regency / Ade Rachmawaty

Research paper thumbnail of Pengelolaan perikanan tangkap komoditas udang secara berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Cilacap = Capture fisheries management for sustainable shrimp commodity In Cilacap

Research paper thumbnail of Berkala Perikanan Terubuk, Februari

Coral reef ecosystems is one of the major coastal and marine ecosystems that have ecological valu... more Coral reef ecosystems is one of the major coastal and marine ecosystems that have ecological value, economic and aesthetic. Unfortunately, the ecosystem continues to come under pressure from a variety of activities such as fishing, tourism, pollution and other activities. This study aims to determine the condition of coral reef ecosystems in the Regional Marine Protected Area (RMPA) East Bintan. Observations of coral reefs is done using a modification of the square transect method and condition of coral reefs can be estimated by the percentage of live coral cover approach. While the analysis of water quality refers to the APHA. To see the linkages between the biophysical environment-chemical characteristics of water with each of the locations used multivariable statistical analysis approach to PCA (Principal Component Analysis). The results show that coral reefs in the Marine Protected Area Region East Bintan including the condition of 'being' to 'good'. This conditi...

Research paper thumbnail of Dinamika Dan Kebijakan Pengembangan Ekonomi Kelautan Indonesia

Jurnal Kebijakan Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan, 2020

Amanat UU 32 tahun 2014 tentang Kelautan salah satunya percepatan dan penguatan ekonomi nasional ... more Amanat UU 32 tahun 2014 tentang Kelautan salah satunya percepatan dan penguatan ekonomi nasional dari potensi kelautan yang ada. Penelitian ini mengkaji kontribusi PDB ekonomi kelautan; dampak pengembangan ekonomi kelautan; dan implikasi kebijakan pengembangan ekonomi kelautan. Metode penelitian menggunakan analisis data sekunder. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder tahun 2010-2015 yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan model I-O (Input-Output) yang diupdate ke tahun 2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase produk kelautan terhadap PDB terus meningkat mencapai 28.01 % pada tahun 2015. Berdasarkan kajian terhadap dampak ekonomi yang dihasilkan, perlu diprioritaskan pengembangan ekonomi kelautan pada tiga sektor yaitu: industri kelautan, perikanan dan pariwisata bahari. Prinsip kebijakan pengembangan ekonomi kelautan harus inovatif dan berkelanjutan yang bertumpu pada peningkatan daya saing, modernisas...

Research paper thumbnail of The utilization status of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) in Morotai Island Regency

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Tinjauan Dimensi Ekonomi Keberlanjutan Pengelolaan Budidaya Laut DI Teluk Saleh Kabupaten Sumbawa

Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan, 2017

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan status keberlanjutan pada dimensi ekonomi dan memberika... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan status keberlanjutan pada dimensi ekonomi dan memberikan rekomendasi kebijakan pengelolaan budidaya di Teluk Saleh Kabupaten Sumbawa. Analisis keberlanjutan budidaya laut untuk komoditi rumput laut dan ikan kerapu sistem KJA dilakukan dengan metode Rap-Insus-Seaweed (Rapid Appraisal –Indeks Sustainability of Seaweed) dan Rap-Insus-Grouper (Rapid Appraisal –Indeks Sustainability of Grouper) telah dimodifikasi dari program RAPFISH. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai indeks tingkat keberlanjutan pada dimensi ekonomi budidaya rumput laut sebesar “39,74” dan untuk budidaya ikan kerapu sistem KJA sebesar “31,23”. Nilai tersebut terletak antara 25,00 - 49,9 berarti “Kurang Berkelanjutan”. Nilai indeks dan status keberlanjutan saat ini menunjukkan kondisi ekonomi wilayah perairan tersebut kurang mendukung pengelolaan budidaya laut, sehingga diperlukan intervensi kebijakan melalui pemberian bantuan mudal usaha, pelatihan teknis budidaya dan pen...

Research paper thumbnail of The implementation strategy of Ecosystem Approach to Aquaculture (EAA) shrimp commodities in Pinrang District, South Sulawesi

Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management)

This study aims to develop a strategy for the sustainability of shrimp aquaculture using an ecosy... more This study aims to develop a strategy for the sustainability of shrimp aquaculture using an ecosystem approach or EAA in Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi. A series of analyzes were carried out, namely the environmental carrying capacity analysis of aquaculture using pond environmental feasibility standards, analysis of critical factors for the sustainability of aquaculture using multidimensional scaling analysis, analysis of the sustainability status of aquaculture using pairwise comparison analysis and analysis of shrimp aquaculture management strategies based on EAA. using hierarchy process analysis. The results showed that the following strategies were needed: a) accelerating spatial planning and implementing programs in accordance with the directions for spatial use and control; b) institutional strengthening of capital cultivators in order to complement and improve facilities and infrastructure in accordance with the SOP; and c) increasing the level of education and providing a ...

Research paper thumbnail of Economic structure analysis in the development of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) fisheries industry in Jayapura City, Papua, Indonesia

The skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) fisheries sub-sector has both the potential and opportunit... more The skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) fisheries sub-sector has both the potential and opportunities to support the economic growth and regional development in the City of Jayapura. It can also encourage and leverage economic sectors in this K. pelamis production city. The aim of the study was to calculate the structural strength and interaction between the K. pelamis fisheries sub-sector and the other marine fisheries, other marine products, the food and beverage industry sector, trade, transportation, hotels, and restaurants and other sectors. The Input-Output (I-O) analysis was used to analyze GDRP 2016 as secondary data. The results showed that the K. pelamis fisheries sub-sector has a contribution to encourage and leverage other sectors. K. pelamis sub-sector was not provided an optimal contribution to the economic growth which reached 1.94%; however, it had an impact on the backward and forward linkages of 1.3234% and 1.3779%, respectively. The strength of the structure and th...

Research paper thumbnail of Challenging for Seagrass Management in Indonesia

Journal of Coastal Zone Management, 2012

Seagrasses, one of the important ecosystems in Indonesian coastal waters, have declined mostly du... more Seagrasses, one of the important ecosystems in Indonesian coastal waters, have declined mostly due to a variety of multi-sector (i.e. ecology, socio-economy, technology and institution) anthropogenic disturbances. The decline and loss of seagrass meadows will have an effect not only on biodiversity and fisheries productivity within the ecosystems but also on the adjacent ecosystems (coral reef and mangrove forest), and even the effect will spread out far to the outside of the areas where seagrass grow. Seagrass ecosystems management in Indonesia is urgently required as part of fisheries management. However, this concept has not been understood by most of Indonesian people, including some government officials. Consequently, the seagrass ecosystems are still marginalized in the coastal resource management practices in Indonesia. In order to sustain fisheries productivity, knowledge of impact scales of each seagrass-related multi-sector human activities are very important as one of bas...

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability status of rice fields in the rice production center of Citarum Watershed

Rice field has multifunctions, including maintaining the stability of hydrological functions (Cit... more Rice field has multifunctions, including maintaining the stability of hydrological functions (Citarum Watershed), prevent flooding, decrease erosion, provide employment, providing a unique and rustic appeal and defend the values of rural culture. Citarum Watershed located in West Java Province, where West Java has the largest contributed national producer of rice as much as 12,083,162 tons of national rice yields by 71,279,709 tonnes. Rice field in Citarum watershed has not sustainable status due to the high rate of land conversion, policy directives are need to clarity of spatial land use with regional regulations to control the rice field conversion, implementation of Sustainable food agricultural land which are owned by the government, opening transmigration area based on paddy field, develop many products from one product by utilizing waste from blue economy concept, so the paddy fields is still needed for other industry as input production

Research paper thumbnail of Teknik Analisis Pembangunan Wilayah Pesisir dan Lautan

Buku ini diperuntukan bagi mereka yang berminat mendalami ilmu-ilmu pembangunan wilayah, tidak te... more Buku ini diperuntukan bagi mereka yang berminat mendalami ilmu-ilmu pembangunan wilayah, tidak terbatas pada mereka yang merupakan pelaku dan peminat pembangunan wilayah pesisir dan lautan. Sehingga dalam memberikan teladan, bukan hanya persoalan wilayah pesisir dan lautan yang dibahas, namun juga persoalan-persoalan kewilayahan lainnya. Bagi mahasiswa SI, S2 dan S3, buku ini diharapkan dapat membantu untuk memahami ilmu pembangunan wilayah dan model-model analisisnya untuk mengkaji pembangunan wilayah pesisir dan lautan.

Research paper thumbnail of Kondisi Ekosistem Terumbu Karang DI Kawasan Konservasi Laut Daerah Bintan Timur Kepulauan Riau

Coral reef ecosystems is one of the major coastal and marine ecosystems that haveecological value... more Coral reef ecosystems is one of the major coastal and marine ecosystems that haveecological value, economic and aesthetic. Unfortunately, the ecosystem continuesto come under pressure from a variety of activities such as fishing, tourism,pollution and other activities. This study aims to determine the condition of coralreef ecosystems in the Regional Marine Protected Area (RMPA) East Bintan.Observations of coral reefs is done using a modification of the square transectmethod and condition of coral reefs can be estimated by the percentage of livecoral cover approach. While the analysis of water quality refers to the APHA. Tosee the linkages between the biophysical environment-chemical characteristics ofwater with each of the locations used multivariable statistical analysis approach toPCA (Principal Component Analysis). The results show that coral reefs in theMarine Protected Area Region East Bintan including the condition of 'being' to'good'. This condition is caused...

Research paper thumbnail of Fish Community Structure over Diel Cycle in Two Different Seagrass Species Dominated Beds in Kapoposang island South Sulawesi

Research paper thumbnail of Dimensi Keberlanjutan Pengelolaan Kota Tepian Pantai (Studi Kasus Kota Semarang)

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability status analysis of shrimp production management at Cilacap Regency, Central Java, Indonesia

E3S Web of Conferences

Shrimp is one of the main export commodities of the Indonesian fishery, which is produced from va... more Shrimp is one of the main export commodities of the Indonesian fishery, which is produced from various regions. One of the areas that become the center of shrimp production is Cilacap Regency. The main type of shrimp commodity in Cilacap is banana shrimp (Fenneropenaeus merguensis de Man) which has high economic value. The production of banana shrimp in Cilacap is declining. This study aimed to analyze the sustainability status of banana shrimp management in Cilacap waters in a multidimensional base (Multidimensional Scaling/MDS) which is seen through the ecological, social, economic, ethical, technological, and institutional dimensions. The tool used to analyze the sustainability status is the Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries (Rapfish). This research shows that the sustainability value of banana shrimp management reaches 49.68 or is in the Less Sustainable status. Referring to the sustainability analysis results on each dimension, it can be seen that the economic dimension is the dime...

Research paper thumbnail of The dynamic model of paddy field conversion control in Citarum watershed

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Dec 31, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Teori Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal (excerpt)


Menjelaskan tentang teori pengembangan ekonomi digital di era digital

Research paper thumbnail of Membangun Keajaiban Wilayah Perdesaan

Membangun Keajaiban Wilayah Perdesaan

Menguraikan tentang bagaimana membangun perdesaan denagn cara pandang appreciative inquiry



Membahas mengenai cara penentuan status perkembangan desa dengan menggunakan Mutidimensional Scal... more Membahas mengenai cara penentuan status perkembangan desa dengan menggunakan Mutidimensional Scaling, menentukan atribut pengungkit (leverage attributes) dan cara untuk meningkatkan status perkembangan desa dengan melakukan intervensi berdasarkan leverage atributtes. Pad buku ini disajikan juga library untuk menentukan indikasi kegiatan berdasarkan leverage attributes tersebut.

Research paper thumbnail of DESA ZAMAN NOW

Desa Zaman Now (Village in the Digital Era), 2021

Village Development in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 and 5.0 with the eight pillars of vil... more Village Development in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 and 5.0 with the eight pillars of village development.

Research paper thumbnail of Excerpt DESA ZAMAN NOW


This a part of the book of Desa Zaman Now or Village in the Digital Era especially in the Industr... more This a part of the book of Desa Zaman Now or Village in the Digital Era especially in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and 5.0/