Serge KREITER - (original) (raw)

Papers by Serge KREITER

Research paper thumbnail of Lutte biologique contre les acariens phytophages à l’aide de Phytoséiides dans les vignobles de Fronton et de Gaillac en Midi-Pyrénées

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 24, 1989

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Research paper thumbnail of Does agroforestry affect phytoseiid mite communities in vineyards int the South of France?

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Aug 21, 2006

The abundance and diversity of phytoseiid mites were surveyed from April to September 2003-2005 i... more The abundance and diversity of phytoseiid mites were surveyed from April to September 2003-2005 in several grape crops in the South of France, with Grenache and Syrah cultivars, co-planted with rows of Sorbus domestica or Pinus pinea and in plots with monocultures of grapes. Densities of phytoseiid mites differed on the two tree species. Pinus pinea seemed to be a better host than S. domestica. Typhlodromus exhilaratus was the dominant species in the crops and on co-planted rows of S. domestica and P. pinea, whereas T. phialatus was the most abundant species in plots with monocultures of trees. Agroforestry management does not seem to affect mite diversity in vine plots. The densities of phytoseiid mites in vine crops may well be affected by the co-plantation of trees, especially in 2005. Although the densities observed during 2003 and 2004 were probably low due to very dry and hot climatic conditions, the agroforestry management seems to have had a significant impact on mite densities in 2005. Further experiments should be carried out to confirm this effect

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Research paper thumbnail of Rules for importations of natural enemies un Europe and secure indentification: the case of Phytoseiidae

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Sep 2, 2018

International audienc

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Research paper thumbnail of Des enherbements en vergers d’agrumes pour soutenir la lutte biologique

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 20, 2018

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[![Research paper thumbnail of [Release of phytoseids from Swiss and Italian vineyards in Fronton and Gaillac vineyards (Southern France) [Amblyseius andersoni, Kampimodromus aberrans]]. [French]](](

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Research paper thumbnail of Phytoseiid mites are bio-indicators of agricultural practice impact on the agroecosystem functioning: The case of weed management in citrus orchards

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Research paper thumbnail of Phytoseiidae of Vietnam (Acari: Mesostigmata) with description of a new species

Acarologia, Feb 28, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Distribution and biological features of Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) recki (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on Tetranychus urticae, T. evansi (Acari: Tetranychidae) and Aculops lycopersici (Acari: Eriophyidae)

Acarologia, Sep 30, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of The first electronic polytomous key to the world species of the subgenus Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) De Leon (Acari: Phytoseiidae)

Zootaxa, Sep 4, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Molecular and morphological evidence for a new species status within the genus Euseius (Acari: Phytoseiidae)

Canadian Journal of Zoology, Aug 1, 2009

The identity of specimens belonging to the genus Euseius Wainstein, 1962 found on several trees i... more The identity of specimens belonging to the genus Euseius Wainstein, 1962 found on several trees in France is investigated. These specimens are morphologically close to Euseius stipulatus (Athias-Henriot, 1960) except for the shape of the spermatheca and the dorsal shield reticulation. The aim of the present study was to determine if these specimens belong to this latter species and if the shape of the spermatheca could be considered a reliable diagnostic character. Thirty-four characters, including idiosomal seta lengths, were measured and molecular tests (12S rDNA, COI mtDNA) were carried out. Although small, significant differences between populations of Euseius sp. were observed. The morphometric differences between E. stipulatus and Euseius sp. were very small except for the seta z2 and for the length of the ventrianal shield, as well as the length and form of the spermatheca. Molecular analyses support that Euseius sp. and E. stipulatus are two different species. Euseius sp. has been described as a new species to science in another publication under the name Euseius gallicus . Reliability of some morphological characters for species diagnosis is discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Phylogenetic and biogeographic analysis of the genus Phytoseiulus (Acari: Phytoseiidae)

Zoologica Scripta, Aug 16, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Morphological and molecular diagnostics of Phytoseiulus persimilis and Phytoseiulus macropilis (Acari: Phytoseiidae)

Experimental and Applied Acarology, May 16, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Phytoseiid mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) from Central West Morocco: new records and key to females of all recorded Moroccan species


Several phytoseiid species are excellent biological control agents for suppressing mite pest popu... more Several phytoseiid species are excellent biological control agents for suppressing mite pest populations in many crops and preventing yield losses. This paper aims to improve the knowledge of Phytoseiidae diversity in citrus orchards and argan forest in central western Morocco. The surveys were conducted between April and October during three successive years (2017–2019), in nine conventional citrus orchards covering an area of more than 3,000 hectares and on uncultivated plants in argan forest at an altitude ranging from 150 to 700 meters. Twenty-nine species belonging to 15 genera were found, seven of them being new for the Moroccan fauna: Amblyseius largoensis, A. swirskii, Amblyseiella setosa, Euseius batus, E. dossei, Paragigagnathus molestus, and Cydnoseius negevi. Species of nine genera were found on citrus leaves: Neoseiulus, Amblyseius, Amblyseiella, Transeius, Phytoseiulus, Euseius, Phytoseius, Typhlodromus, and Paraseiulus. Stah AlMadina (24.8%), Ouled Abdellah (15.9%), N...

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Research paper thumbnail of Des marqueurs moléculaires pour fiabiliser l'identification au sein d'une famille d'acariens prédateurs : les Phytoseiidae

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 26, 2011

Dans un contexte de préservation de l’environnement, la lutte biologique prend une place de plus ... more Dans un contexte de préservation de l’environnement, la lutte biologique prend une place de plus en plus importante ces dernières années en agriculture. Cette stratégie de protection des cultures présente des avantages majeurs : l’agent utilisé, un parasitoïde, un prédateur, un agent pathogène ou un compétiteur du ravageur dont on souhaite limiter les effectifs est généralement sélectif et n’a pas d’effets négatifs vis-à-vis de l’environnement. Ce type de protection, idéal sur un plan théorique, est en pratique souvent complété par une lutte chimique raisonnée et donc adéquate en fonction des exigences propres à l’homme dans son cadre actuel, notamment socio-économique et politique. Les acariens prédateurs de la famille des Phytoseiidae tiennent une grande place dans les programmes de protection des cultures, notamment dans la lutte contre les deux principaux groupes d’acariens ravageurs des plantes pérennes : Les Tetranychidae et les Eriophyidae. Les travaux concernant cette famille de prédateurs se sont considérablement développés au cours de ces 60 dernières années, notamment la description de nouveaux taxons. Les caractères communément utilisés pour la description des espèces et des genres de cette famille sont essentiellement basés sur la morphologie.Les objectifs de cette étude sont multiples: premièrement, de déterminer comment les outils moléculaires peuvent être utiles pour le diagnostic spécifique chez les Phytoseiidae et deuxièmement, de donner un poids aux caractères morphologiques généralement utilisés pour discriminer les espèces. Ce travail est développé dans le contexte du Barcode récemment développé par Hébert et ses collaborateurs. Il s’agit d’utiliser un fragment d’un gène de l’ADN mitochondrial (le cytochrome oxydase I) pour identifier l’ensemble des espèces du vivant. Ce concept montre que l’on obtient un faible pourcentage de divergence au niveau intraspécifique et un pourcentage élevé lorsque l’on passe à niveau taxonomique supérieur (genre, famille).Dans cette étude, 2 fragments d’ADN mitochondriaux, le COI et le 12S, ont été séquencés chez trois espèces de Phytoseiidae (Neoseiulus californicus, Kampimodromus aberrans et Euseius stipulatus) et des espèces qui leur sont proches. L’objectif est d’évaluer les distances génétiques intra- et interspécifiques pour séparer les espèces sympatriques et morphologiquement proches. Les résultats de cette étude sont préliminaires et montre d’une part les difficultés que nous avons eu pour amplifier un fragment du COI et d’autre part, que le 12S semble être un bon marqueur pour le diagnostic au sein de cette famille

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Research paper thumbnail of Interactions between tetranychd and phytoseiid mite populations and chemical control of weeds in French vineyards, 2: Field data

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Unintentional effects of some pesticides. On Typhlodromus pyri, Kampimodromus aberrans and Phytoseius plumifer]](

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Research paper thumbnail of Vine mite resistance to miticides. Prevention advice

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Research paper thumbnail of Undesired effects of some phytopharmaceutical products on Typhlodromus pyri, Kampimodromus aberrans and Phytoseius plumifer

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Research paper thumbnail of Phytoseiid mites from Tunisia: catalogue, biogeography and key for identification

The authors give a report on results of several surveys carried out to collect Phytoseiid mites, ... more The authors give a report on results of several surveys carried out to collect Phytoseiid mites, between 1994 and 2007, in main crops and surrounding wild vegetation in several regions of Tunisia. A catalogue of all species found is provided with some information on their biology, when available, and biogeography. Almost all species are new to Tunisian and African fauna, one genus and one species being new to Science. Finally, a key for the identification of the species found is provided.

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Research paper thumbnail of Plant Protection in Mediterranean Agroecosystems

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Research paper thumbnail of Lutte biologique contre les acariens phytophages à l’aide de Phytoséiides dans les vignobles de Fronton et de Gaillac en Midi-Pyrénées

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 24, 1989

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Research paper thumbnail of Does agroforestry affect phytoseiid mite communities in vineyards int the South of France?

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Aug 21, 2006

The abundance and diversity of phytoseiid mites were surveyed from April to September 2003-2005 i... more The abundance and diversity of phytoseiid mites were surveyed from April to September 2003-2005 in several grape crops in the South of France, with Grenache and Syrah cultivars, co-planted with rows of Sorbus domestica or Pinus pinea and in plots with monocultures of grapes. Densities of phytoseiid mites differed on the two tree species. Pinus pinea seemed to be a better host than S. domestica. Typhlodromus exhilaratus was the dominant species in the crops and on co-planted rows of S. domestica and P. pinea, whereas T. phialatus was the most abundant species in plots with monocultures of trees. Agroforestry management does not seem to affect mite diversity in vine plots. The densities of phytoseiid mites in vine crops may well be affected by the co-plantation of trees, especially in 2005. Although the densities observed during 2003 and 2004 were probably low due to very dry and hot climatic conditions, the agroforestry management seems to have had a significant impact on mite densities in 2005. Further experiments should be carried out to confirm this effect

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Research paper thumbnail of Rules for importations of natural enemies un Europe and secure indentification: the case of Phytoseiidae

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Sep 2, 2018

International audienc

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Research paper thumbnail of Des enherbements en vergers d’agrumes pour soutenir la lutte biologique

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 20, 2018

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[![Research paper thumbnail of [Release of phytoseids from Swiss and Italian vineyards in Fronton and Gaillac vineyards (Southern France) [Amblyseius andersoni, Kampimodromus aberrans]]. [French]](](

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Research paper thumbnail of Phytoseiid mites are bio-indicators of agricultural practice impact on the agroecosystem functioning: The case of weed management in citrus orchards

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Research paper thumbnail of Phytoseiidae of Vietnam (Acari: Mesostigmata) with description of a new species

Acarologia, Feb 28, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Distribution and biological features of Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) recki (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on Tetranychus urticae, T. evansi (Acari: Tetranychidae) and Aculops lycopersici (Acari: Eriophyidae)

Acarologia, Sep 30, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of The first electronic polytomous key to the world species of the subgenus Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) De Leon (Acari: Phytoseiidae)

Zootaxa, Sep 4, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Molecular and morphological evidence for a new species status within the genus Euseius (Acari: Phytoseiidae)

Canadian Journal of Zoology, Aug 1, 2009

The identity of specimens belonging to the genus Euseius Wainstein, 1962 found on several trees i... more The identity of specimens belonging to the genus Euseius Wainstein, 1962 found on several trees in France is investigated. These specimens are morphologically close to Euseius stipulatus (Athias-Henriot, 1960) except for the shape of the spermatheca and the dorsal shield reticulation. The aim of the present study was to determine if these specimens belong to this latter species and if the shape of the spermatheca could be considered a reliable diagnostic character. Thirty-four characters, including idiosomal seta lengths, were measured and molecular tests (12S rDNA, COI mtDNA) were carried out. Although small, significant differences between populations of Euseius sp. were observed. The morphometric differences between E. stipulatus and Euseius sp. were very small except for the seta z2 and for the length of the ventrianal shield, as well as the length and form of the spermatheca. Molecular analyses support that Euseius sp. and E. stipulatus are two different species. Euseius sp. has been described as a new species to science in another publication under the name Euseius gallicus . Reliability of some morphological characters for species diagnosis is discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Phylogenetic and biogeographic analysis of the genus Phytoseiulus (Acari: Phytoseiidae)

Zoologica Scripta, Aug 16, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Morphological and molecular diagnostics of Phytoseiulus persimilis and Phytoseiulus macropilis (Acari: Phytoseiidae)

Experimental and Applied Acarology, May 16, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Phytoseiid mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) from Central West Morocco: new records and key to females of all recorded Moroccan species


Several phytoseiid species are excellent biological control agents for suppressing mite pest popu... more Several phytoseiid species are excellent biological control agents for suppressing mite pest populations in many crops and preventing yield losses. This paper aims to improve the knowledge of Phytoseiidae diversity in citrus orchards and argan forest in central western Morocco. The surveys were conducted between April and October during three successive years (2017–2019), in nine conventional citrus orchards covering an area of more than 3,000 hectares and on uncultivated plants in argan forest at an altitude ranging from 150 to 700 meters. Twenty-nine species belonging to 15 genera were found, seven of them being new for the Moroccan fauna: Amblyseius largoensis, A. swirskii, Amblyseiella setosa, Euseius batus, E. dossei, Paragigagnathus molestus, and Cydnoseius negevi. Species of nine genera were found on citrus leaves: Neoseiulus, Amblyseius, Amblyseiella, Transeius, Phytoseiulus, Euseius, Phytoseius, Typhlodromus, and Paraseiulus. Stah AlMadina (24.8%), Ouled Abdellah (15.9%), N...

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Research paper thumbnail of Des marqueurs moléculaires pour fiabiliser l'identification au sein d'une famille d'acariens prédateurs : les Phytoseiidae

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 26, 2011

Dans un contexte de préservation de l’environnement, la lutte biologique prend une place de plus ... more Dans un contexte de préservation de l’environnement, la lutte biologique prend une place de plus en plus importante ces dernières années en agriculture. Cette stratégie de protection des cultures présente des avantages majeurs : l’agent utilisé, un parasitoïde, un prédateur, un agent pathogène ou un compétiteur du ravageur dont on souhaite limiter les effectifs est généralement sélectif et n’a pas d’effets négatifs vis-à-vis de l’environnement. Ce type de protection, idéal sur un plan théorique, est en pratique souvent complété par une lutte chimique raisonnée et donc adéquate en fonction des exigences propres à l’homme dans son cadre actuel, notamment socio-économique et politique. Les acariens prédateurs de la famille des Phytoseiidae tiennent une grande place dans les programmes de protection des cultures, notamment dans la lutte contre les deux principaux groupes d’acariens ravageurs des plantes pérennes : Les Tetranychidae et les Eriophyidae. Les travaux concernant cette famille de prédateurs se sont considérablement développés au cours de ces 60 dernières années, notamment la description de nouveaux taxons. Les caractères communément utilisés pour la description des espèces et des genres de cette famille sont essentiellement basés sur la morphologie.Les objectifs de cette étude sont multiples: premièrement, de déterminer comment les outils moléculaires peuvent être utiles pour le diagnostic spécifique chez les Phytoseiidae et deuxièmement, de donner un poids aux caractères morphologiques généralement utilisés pour discriminer les espèces. Ce travail est développé dans le contexte du Barcode récemment développé par Hébert et ses collaborateurs. Il s’agit d’utiliser un fragment d’un gène de l’ADN mitochondrial (le cytochrome oxydase I) pour identifier l’ensemble des espèces du vivant. Ce concept montre que l’on obtient un faible pourcentage de divergence au niveau intraspécifique et un pourcentage élevé lorsque l’on passe à niveau taxonomique supérieur (genre, famille).Dans cette étude, 2 fragments d’ADN mitochondriaux, le COI et le 12S, ont été séquencés chez trois espèces de Phytoseiidae (Neoseiulus californicus, Kampimodromus aberrans et Euseius stipulatus) et des espèces qui leur sont proches. L’objectif est d’évaluer les distances génétiques intra- et interspécifiques pour séparer les espèces sympatriques et morphologiquement proches. Les résultats de cette étude sont préliminaires et montre d’une part les difficultés que nous avons eu pour amplifier un fragment du COI et d’autre part, que le 12S semble être un bon marqueur pour le diagnostic au sein de cette famille

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Research paper thumbnail of Interactions between tetranychd and phytoseiid mite populations and chemical control of weeds in French vineyards, 2: Field data

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Unintentional effects of some pesticides. On Typhlodromus pyri, Kampimodromus aberrans and Phytoseius plumifer]](

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Research paper thumbnail of Vine mite resistance to miticides. Prevention advice

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Research paper thumbnail of Undesired effects of some phytopharmaceutical products on Typhlodromus pyri, Kampimodromus aberrans and Phytoseius plumifer

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Research paper thumbnail of Phytoseiid mites from Tunisia: catalogue, biogeography and key for identification

The authors give a report on results of several surveys carried out to collect Phytoseiid mites, ... more The authors give a report on results of several surveys carried out to collect Phytoseiid mites, between 1994 and 2007, in main crops and surrounding wild vegetation in several regions of Tunisia. A catalogue of all species found is provided with some information on their biology, when available, and biogeography. Almost all species are new to Tunisian and African fauna, one genus and one species being new to Science. Finally, a key for the identification of the species found is provided.

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Research paper thumbnail of Plant Protection in Mediterranean Agroecosystems

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