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Research paper thumbnail of Teknologi Kultur in Vitro Tanaman Untuk Menghasilkan Metabolit Sekunder & Aplikasi DI Bidang Farmasi

The annual research report, 2017

Metabolit sekunder merupakan salah satu senyawa bioaktif yang terdapat pada tanaman yang dapa... more Metabolit sekunder merupakan salah satu senyawa bioaktif yang terdapat pada tanaman yang dapat diproduksi melalui teknik kultur invitro. Bioaktif hasil dari teknik kuktur in vitro ini dapat diaplikasikan pada berbagai bidang industri. Tujuan teknologi kultur in vitro pada tanaman adalah untuk menghasilkan biomasa metabolit sekunder berbentuk kalus yang bersifat bioaktif. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan meliputi: (1) induksi kalus secara in vitro dengan menanam potongan eksplan pada media MS yang dimodifikasi dengan penambahan nutrisi dan dengan berbagai zat pengatur tumbuh, (2) induksi akumulasi metabolit sekunder kultur kalus menggunakan elisitor biotik maupun abiotik, (3) isolasi dan identifikasi metabolit sekunder secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan metode kromatografi lapis tipis/KLT atau High Performance Liquit Chromatogarafi/HPLC. (4) Identifikasi enzim yang terlibat dalam biosintesis metabolit sekunder. (5) Hasil aplikasi metabolit s...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Air Leri dan Media Tanam Terhadap Produksi Vitamin C dan Kalsium (Ca) Pada Microgreen Bunga Matahari (Helianthus annuus L.)

Agricola : Jurnal Pertanian e-journal, May 21, 2023

The spread of viral outbreaks is currently rife, resulting in people lacking the immune system. I... more The spread of viral outbreaks is currently rife, resulting in people lacking the immune system. It is important for people to eat healthy foods in the form of vegetables that can be planted in their yards, given the limited agricultural land. Microgreens are vegetables that are rich in vitamins, and can be cultivated in the yard of the house. Factors that need to be considered, one of which is the provision of nutrition and the use of growing media that can support microgreen yields. There are many types of plants that are cultivated into microgreens, one of which is sunflower. The provision of nutrients such as rice water and the use of planting media such as cocopeat, husk charcoal, and tissue paper are considered to increase microgreen yields. This study aims to determine the effect of rice water concentration and the use of growing media on the yield of microgreen sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). This research was conducted in September-December 2021 in Simo Mulyo Baru, Surabaya City, East Java. The research method used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) system consisting of 2 factors with 3 replications. The first factor is the concentration of rice water which consists of 4 levels of treatment and the second factor is the use of planting media which consists of 3 levels of treatment. The results showed that the concentration of 20% rice water and the use of cocopeat growing media could increase the average yield of microgreens.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Pembelajaran Merdeka Belajar Mahasiswa UPN Veteran Jatim pada Industri Alamanda Farm Berbasis sayuran

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Pemberian Mulsa dan Pengaturan Jarak Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan Jagung Manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.)

Wahana-Bio: Jurnal Biologi dan Pembelajarannya, Jun 10, 2023

Jagung merupakan komoditas hortikultura yang disukai masyarakat karena memiliki kandungan gizi ya... more Jagung merupakan komoditas hortikultura yang disukai masyarakat karena memiliki kandungan gizi yang tinggi dan bermanfaat untuk kesehatan manusia. Salah satu contohnya yaitu jagung manis. Jagung manis biasanya ditanam di dataran tinggi, sehingga perlu dilakukan manipulasi lingkungan untuk ditanami di dataran rendah. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui peran penggunaan mulsa dan pengaturan jarak tanam, dengan harapan pemberian mulsa organik dan jarak tanam lebar memperoleh hasil yang baik bagi tanaman, serta menginginkan tanaman jagung manis dapat tumbuh di dataran rendah dengan menghasilkan produktivitas yang baik dari segi kuantitas maupun kualitasnya. Penelitian dilaksanakan di lahan tegalan Desa Pabian, Sumenep, Madura dengan ketinggian tempat yaitu ±500 mdpl. Penelitian yang digunakan merupakan percobaan faktorial yang disusun berdasarkan Rancangan Petak Terbagi (RPT) yang terdiri dari 2 faktor. Faktor 1 yaitu penggunaan mulsa sebagai anak petak yang terdiri dari tanpa mulsa (kontrol), mulsa jerami padi, dan mulsa plastik. Faktor 2 adalah jarak tanam sebagai petak utama. Interaksi kedua perlakuan memberikan hasil yang nyata terhadap klorofil daun dan jumlah biji pertongkol. Ratarata perlakuan jarak tanam 70 x 40 dan mulsa plastik memberikan pertumbuhan dan hasil yang baik.


Plumula: Berkala Ilmiah Agroteknologi, Nov 28, 2022


Plumula : Berkala Ilmiah Agroteknologi

Tanaman jahe (Zingiber officinale) merupakan salah satu komoditas tanaman yang termasuk dalam suk... more Tanaman jahe (Zingiber officinale) merupakan salah satu komoditas tanaman yang termasuk dalam suku Zingiberaceae yang dikenal dengan ginger. Tanaman jahe merupakan rempah yang paling populer dan dimanfaatkan bangsa Eropa pada jaman dahulu. Selain sebagai tanaman herbal, tanaman jahe menyimpan zat antioksidan yang berguna bagi kesehatan tubuh manusia. Pada tahun 2016, produksi tanaman jahe cenderung mengalami penurunan sedangkan permintaan terus meningkat. Oleh karena itu, perkembangbiakan tanaman jahe dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan zat pengatur tumbuh auksin yang dapat memacu pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman jahe. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui formulasi yang optimal terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman jahe pada fase vegetatif. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan februari hingga bulan April di Lahan Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan percobaan yang disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Produk Dari Metode Kultur in Vitro Pada Berbagai Industrial Untuk Sumber Bioaktif Dan Bioenergi

Seminar Nasional Agroteknologi UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur, May 4, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Pembelajaran Merdeka Belajar Mahasiswa UPN Veteran Jatim pada Industri Alamanda Farm Berbasis sayuran

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fakultas Pertanian UNS, May 17, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Polyphenon Extraction Process From In vitro Culture of Camellia Sinensis L Callus With Ethyl Alcohol

Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018), 2018

The purpose of this study was to obtain a polyphenon profile from callus extract obtained from in... more The purpose of this study was to obtain a polyphenon profile from callus extract obtained from in vitro culture of Camellia sinensis L. Polyphenon is one of the bioactive compounds found in Camellia sinensis L plants which can also be produced through in vitro culture. Polyphenon as a bioactive is often used in various fields including in the fields of industry: manufacturing, food-drinks, health, agriculture, computers. To get a certain amount of polyphenon from in vitro culture, Camellia sinensis L callus was first extracted with water solvent, as well as non-water solvents / organic solvents such as ethyl alcohol. The methods used were: (1) inoculation of leaf explants from Camellia sinensis L in vitro on the media plus growth regulators to form callus, (2) treatment to be able to be reused (3) reap the callus followed by callus weighing and callus observation. (3) extraction and isolation of bioactive polyphenon (4) identification of polyphenon from Camellia sinensis L callus with high-performance liquid chromatography qualitatively and quantitatively. The results obtained are a form of polyphenon chromatogram profile from callus Camellia sinensis L which resembles a standard chromatogram of polyphenon.


Plumula : Berkala Ilmiah Agroteknologi, 2021

Cabai rawit (Capsicum annum L.) merupakan komoditas sayuran yang banyak mendapat perhatian kare... more Cabai rawit (Capsicum annum L.) merupakan komoditas sayuran yang banyak mendapat perhatian karena memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi dan kebutuhan akan cabai terus meningkat setiap tahun sejalan dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk dan berkembangnya industri yang membutuhkan bahan baku cabai. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan induksi pembungaan dan produksi tanaman cabai dengan menggunakan pemberian zat pengatur tumbuh alami dari jagung muda dan jenis varietas cabai yang berbeda. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari sampai Juli 2019, yang dilakukan di lahan kelompok tani Karangploso, Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini merupakan percobaan faktorial yang menggunakan 2 faktor yang disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Faktor pertama adalah zat pengatur tumbuh alami (dengan konsentrasi 0, 3, 6, 9 ml/L) dan faktor kedua adalah macam varietas cabai (Maruti, Santika, dan Jalapeno). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat interaksi pada parameter jumlah daun, jumlah ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Extraction Process ofTrimethyl Xanthinain Vitro Culture of CallusCamellia Sinensiswith ethyl Acetate Solvent

MATEC Web of Conferences, 2016

Trimethyl xanthina is one of the compounds contained bioactive culture in vitro Cammelia sinensis... more Trimethyl xanthina is one of the compounds contained bioactive culture in vitro Cammelia sinensis callus which is widely used in the field of food, beverage, agriculture and health industries. The presence of trimethyl xanthina on food, beverages and health is needed in a certain amount depending on the use which is achieved by the user. To get a certain amount of trimethyl xanthina from callus culture of Cammelia sinensis, the extraction process is performed on the water solvent, as well as non-solvent water / organic solvent such as ethyl acetate. The purpose of this study was to obtain profile of trimethyl xanthina in the extraction of Cammelia sinensis callus. The experimental methods used consisted of dissolution, filtration, extraction with water solvent and ethyl acetate, then followed by identification of trimethyl xanthina using HPLC. The results shows the profile form of trimethyl xanthina of Cammelia sinensis callus have similarities with the standard form of trimethyl xanthina.

Research paper thumbnail of Efektivitas Pemanfaatan SMS Center Sebagai Media Komunikasi Bagi Mahasiswa UT di UPBJJ UT Surabaya

Issue ofthe lack of interaction among the students actually has been attaching in arranging Long ... more Issue ofthe lack of interaction among the students actually has been attaching in arranging Long Distance Education system. However, this factor is thought to be the cause of the high number of non-active students, especially Non-Pendas students program that is not based in student groups. So, UT has developed SMS Center service as a communications student medium with the employee of UPBJJ-UT. This study aimed to describe the effectiveness of the SMS center service, if it is really capable of being a medium of communication for UT students as expected. The study used a qualitative descriptive approach by distributing limited Questionnaires and interviews to UT students in the UPBJJ- UT Surabaya region. Sampling was done by using purposive sampling technique, i.e. choosing UT student who has ever received the message (information) via the SMS center. Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative method and interpreted in narrative manner based on research findings. The results sho...

Research paper thumbnail of Model Pendidikan Keterampilan Hidup (Life Skills) Bagi Anak Putus Sekolah Korban Lumpur Lapindo

Jurnal Pendidikan, 2014

This article aims to describe the development of models of educational research skills (life skil... more This article aims to describe the development of models of educational research skills (life skills) for school dropouts Lapindo mudflow victims. Collecting data dropouts and the desired type of life skills is done through interviews and kuesinoer. While the development of life skills education model using the methods of research and development by modifying the model Plomp. Data were analyzed descriptively and the average percentage and kualitatiof analysis model of Miles and Huberman (1992). The results showed that the characteristics of school dropouts in the Lapindo mudflow victims Siring village and sub-district Renojoyo Porong, Besuki village and Pejarakan Jabon subdistrict, and village districts Sentul Tanggulangin Kedungbendo and numbered 67 people. Of these the majority of high school education or equivalent, ie 30 people or 44.78%, while 26 people or 38.80% junior high school graduates, and 11 people, or 16.41% of primary school graduates or equivalent. Mostly aged between...

Research paper thumbnail of In vitro culture technique of Camellia sinensis L for epicatechin production with phosphor inducer

Berkala Penelitian Hayati

Research paper thumbnail of Growth and accumulation of flavan-3-ol in Camellia sinensis through callus culture and suspension culture method

Journal of Biological Researches, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Teknologi Kultur in Vitro Tanaman Untuk Menghasilkan Metabolit Sekunder & Aplikasi DI Bidang Farmasi

The annual research report, 2017

Metabolit sekunder merupakan salah satu senyawa bioaktif yang terdapat pada tanaman yang dapa... more Metabolit sekunder merupakan salah satu senyawa bioaktif yang terdapat pada tanaman yang dapat diproduksi melalui teknik kultur invitro. Bioaktif hasil dari teknik kuktur in vitro ini dapat diaplikasikan pada berbagai bidang industri. Tujuan teknologi kultur in vitro pada tanaman adalah untuk menghasilkan biomasa metabolit sekunder berbentuk kalus yang bersifat bioaktif. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan meliputi: (1) induksi kalus secara in vitro dengan menanam potongan eksplan pada media MS yang dimodifikasi dengan penambahan nutrisi dan dengan berbagai zat pengatur tumbuh, (2) induksi akumulasi metabolit sekunder kultur kalus menggunakan elisitor biotik maupun abiotik, (3) isolasi dan identifikasi metabolit sekunder secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan metode kromatografi lapis tipis/KLT atau High Performance Liquit Chromatogarafi/HPLC. (4) Identifikasi enzim yang terlibat dalam biosintesis metabolit sekunder. (5) Hasil aplikasi metabolit s...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Air Leri dan Media Tanam Terhadap Produksi Vitamin C dan Kalsium (Ca) Pada Microgreen Bunga Matahari (Helianthus annuus L.)

Agricola : Jurnal Pertanian e-journal, May 21, 2023

The spread of viral outbreaks is currently rife, resulting in people lacking the immune system. I... more The spread of viral outbreaks is currently rife, resulting in people lacking the immune system. It is important for people to eat healthy foods in the form of vegetables that can be planted in their yards, given the limited agricultural land. Microgreens are vegetables that are rich in vitamins, and can be cultivated in the yard of the house. Factors that need to be considered, one of which is the provision of nutrition and the use of growing media that can support microgreen yields. There are many types of plants that are cultivated into microgreens, one of which is sunflower. The provision of nutrients such as rice water and the use of planting media such as cocopeat, husk charcoal, and tissue paper are considered to increase microgreen yields. This study aims to determine the effect of rice water concentration and the use of growing media on the yield of microgreen sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). This research was conducted in September-December 2021 in Simo Mulyo Baru, Surabaya City, East Java. The research method used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) system consisting of 2 factors with 3 replications. The first factor is the concentration of rice water which consists of 4 levels of treatment and the second factor is the use of planting media which consists of 3 levels of treatment. The results showed that the concentration of 20% rice water and the use of cocopeat growing media could increase the average yield of microgreens.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Pembelajaran Merdeka Belajar Mahasiswa UPN Veteran Jatim pada Industri Alamanda Farm Berbasis sayuran

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Pemberian Mulsa dan Pengaturan Jarak Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan Jagung Manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.)

Wahana-Bio: Jurnal Biologi dan Pembelajarannya, Jun 10, 2023

Jagung merupakan komoditas hortikultura yang disukai masyarakat karena memiliki kandungan gizi ya... more Jagung merupakan komoditas hortikultura yang disukai masyarakat karena memiliki kandungan gizi yang tinggi dan bermanfaat untuk kesehatan manusia. Salah satu contohnya yaitu jagung manis. Jagung manis biasanya ditanam di dataran tinggi, sehingga perlu dilakukan manipulasi lingkungan untuk ditanami di dataran rendah. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui peran penggunaan mulsa dan pengaturan jarak tanam, dengan harapan pemberian mulsa organik dan jarak tanam lebar memperoleh hasil yang baik bagi tanaman, serta menginginkan tanaman jagung manis dapat tumbuh di dataran rendah dengan menghasilkan produktivitas yang baik dari segi kuantitas maupun kualitasnya. Penelitian dilaksanakan di lahan tegalan Desa Pabian, Sumenep, Madura dengan ketinggian tempat yaitu ±500 mdpl. Penelitian yang digunakan merupakan percobaan faktorial yang disusun berdasarkan Rancangan Petak Terbagi (RPT) yang terdiri dari 2 faktor. Faktor 1 yaitu penggunaan mulsa sebagai anak petak yang terdiri dari tanpa mulsa (kontrol), mulsa jerami padi, dan mulsa plastik. Faktor 2 adalah jarak tanam sebagai petak utama. Interaksi kedua perlakuan memberikan hasil yang nyata terhadap klorofil daun dan jumlah biji pertongkol. Ratarata perlakuan jarak tanam 70 x 40 dan mulsa plastik memberikan pertumbuhan dan hasil yang baik.


Plumula: Berkala Ilmiah Agroteknologi, Nov 28, 2022


Plumula : Berkala Ilmiah Agroteknologi

Tanaman jahe (Zingiber officinale) merupakan salah satu komoditas tanaman yang termasuk dalam suk... more Tanaman jahe (Zingiber officinale) merupakan salah satu komoditas tanaman yang termasuk dalam suku Zingiberaceae yang dikenal dengan ginger. Tanaman jahe merupakan rempah yang paling populer dan dimanfaatkan bangsa Eropa pada jaman dahulu. Selain sebagai tanaman herbal, tanaman jahe menyimpan zat antioksidan yang berguna bagi kesehatan tubuh manusia. Pada tahun 2016, produksi tanaman jahe cenderung mengalami penurunan sedangkan permintaan terus meningkat. Oleh karena itu, perkembangbiakan tanaman jahe dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan zat pengatur tumbuh auksin yang dapat memacu pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman jahe. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui formulasi yang optimal terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman jahe pada fase vegetatif. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan februari hingga bulan April di Lahan Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan percobaan yang disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Produk Dari Metode Kultur in Vitro Pada Berbagai Industrial Untuk Sumber Bioaktif Dan Bioenergi

Seminar Nasional Agroteknologi UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur, May 4, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Pembelajaran Merdeka Belajar Mahasiswa UPN Veteran Jatim pada Industri Alamanda Farm Berbasis sayuran

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fakultas Pertanian UNS, May 17, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Polyphenon Extraction Process From In vitro Culture of Camellia Sinensis L Callus With Ethyl Alcohol

Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018), 2018

The purpose of this study was to obtain a polyphenon profile from callus extract obtained from in... more The purpose of this study was to obtain a polyphenon profile from callus extract obtained from in vitro culture of Camellia sinensis L. Polyphenon is one of the bioactive compounds found in Camellia sinensis L plants which can also be produced through in vitro culture. Polyphenon as a bioactive is often used in various fields including in the fields of industry: manufacturing, food-drinks, health, agriculture, computers. To get a certain amount of polyphenon from in vitro culture, Camellia sinensis L callus was first extracted with water solvent, as well as non-water solvents / organic solvents such as ethyl alcohol. The methods used were: (1) inoculation of leaf explants from Camellia sinensis L in vitro on the media plus growth regulators to form callus, (2) treatment to be able to be reused (3) reap the callus followed by callus weighing and callus observation. (3) extraction and isolation of bioactive polyphenon (4) identification of polyphenon from Camellia sinensis L callus with high-performance liquid chromatography qualitatively and quantitatively. The results obtained are a form of polyphenon chromatogram profile from callus Camellia sinensis L which resembles a standard chromatogram of polyphenon.


Plumula : Berkala Ilmiah Agroteknologi, 2021

Cabai rawit (Capsicum annum L.) merupakan komoditas sayuran yang banyak mendapat perhatian kare... more Cabai rawit (Capsicum annum L.) merupakan komoditas sayuran yang banyak mendapat perhatian karena memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi dan kebutuhan akan cabai terus meningkat setiap tahun sejalan dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk dan berkembangnya industri yang membutuhkan bahan baku cabai. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan induksi pembungaan dan produksi tanaman cabai dengan menggunakan pemberian zat pengatur tumbuh alami dari jagung muda dan jenis varietas cabai yang berbeda. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari sampai Juli 2019, yang dilakukan di lahan kelompok tani Karangploso, Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini merupakan percobaan faktorial yang menggunakan 2 faktor yang disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Faktor pertama adalah zat pengatur tumbuh alami (dengan konsentrasi 0, 3, 6, 9 ml/L) dan faktor kedua adalah macam varietas cabai (Maruti, Santika, dan Jalapeno). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat interaksi pada parameter jumlah daun, jumlah ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Extraction Process ofTrimethyl Xanthinain Vitro Culture of CallusCamellia Sinensiswith ethyl Acetate Solvent

MATEC Web of Conferences, 2016

Trimethyl xanthina is one of the compounds contained bioactive culture in vitro Cammelia sinensis... more Trimethyl xanthina is one of the compounds contained bioactive culture in vitro Cammelia sinensis callus which is widely used in the field of food, beverage, agriculture and health industries. The presence of trimethyl xanthina on food, beverages and health is needed in a certain amount depending on the use which is achieved by the user. To get a certain amount of trimethyl xanthina from callus culture of Cammelia sinensis, the extraction process is performed on the water solvent, as well as non-solvent water / organic solvent such as ethyl acetate. The purpose of this study was to obtain profile of trimethyl xanthina in the extraction of Cammelia sinensis callus. The experimental methods used consisted of dissolution, filtration, extraction with water solvent and ethyl acetate, then followed by identification of trimethyl xanthina using HPLC. The results shows the profile form of trimethyl xanthina of Cammelia sinensis callus have similarities with the standard form of trimethyl xanthina.

Research paper thumbnail of Efektivitas Pemanfaatan SMS Center Sebagai Media Komunikasi Bagi Mahasiswa UT di UPBJJ UT Surabaya

Issue ofthe lack of interaction among the students actually has been attaching in arranging Long ... more Issue ofthe lack of interaction among the students actually has been attaching in arranging Long Distance Education system. However, this factor is thought to be the cause of the high number of non-active students, especially Non-Pendas students program that is not based in student groups. So, UT has developed SMS Center service as a communications student medium with the employee of UPBJJ-UT. This study aimed to describe the effectiveness of the SMS center service, if it is really capable of being a medium of communication for UT students as expected. The study used a qualitative descriptive approach by distributing limited Questionnaires and interviews to UT students in the UPBJJ- UT Surabaya region. Sampling was done by using purposive sampling technique, i.e. choosing UT student who has ever received the message (information) via the SMS center. Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative method and interpreted in narrative manner based on research findings. The results sho...

Research paper thumbnail of Model Pendidikan Keterampilan Hidup (Life Skills) Bagi Anak Putus Sekolah Korban Lumpur Lapindo

Jurnal Pendidikan, 2014

This article aims to describe the development of models of educational research skills (life skil... more This article aims to describe the development of models of educational research skills (life skills) for school dropouts Lapindo mudflow victims. Collecting data dropouts and the desired type of life skills is done through interviews and kuesinoer. While the development of life skills education model using the methods of research and development by modifying the model Plomp. Data were analyzed descriptively and the average percentage and kualitatiof analysis model of Miles and Huberman (1992). The results showed that the characteristics of school dropouts in the Lapindo mudflow victims Siring village and sub-district Renojoyo Porong, Besuki village and Pejarakan Jabon subdistrict, and village districts Sentul Tanggulangin Kedungbendo and numbered 67 people. Of these the majority of high school education or equivalent, ie 30 people or 44.78%, while 26 people or 38.80% junior high school graduates, and 11 people, or 16.41% of primary school graduates or equivalent. Mostly aged between...

Research paper thumbnail of In vitro culture technique of Camellia sinensis L for epicatechin production with phosphor inducer

Berkala Penelitian Hayati

Research paper thumbnail of Growth and accumulation of flavan-3-ol in Camellia sinensis through callus culture and suspension culture method

Journal of Biological Researches, 2017