Sahuri Sahuri - (original) (raw)

Papers by Sahuri Sahuri

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Menghadapi Regulasi Bebas Deforestasi Uni Eropa (Eudr) Pada Karet Alam Berkelanjutan

Warta perkaretan/Warta Pusat Penelitian Karet, Jun 20, 2024

This paper discusses strategies facing the European Union Deforestation-Free Regulation (EUDR) as... more This paper discusses strategies facing the European Union Deforestation-Free Regulation (EUDR) as well as production models for sustainable natural rubber. The European Union (EU) has established a new EUDR policy that prevents companies from exporting products related to deforestation and degradation to the EU market. Countries that produce natural rubber can apply standardized production models for sustainable natural gum production. The strategy that can be pursued by the rubber industry in Indonesia in the face of EUDR is to establish a Joint Task Force with other producing countries through an international commodity association, to develop a product certification platform for rubber recognized by the EU, and to conduct dialogue and diplomacy for the recognition of the product certification platform established. Furthermore, the government must accelerate the deployment of rubber industry companies through Siperibun, accelerate the deposition of rubber growers through e-STDB as traceability material, formulate and implement sustainable product certification, and mitigate domestic commodity issues, especially at the farmers' level, to create a sustainable natural rubber production model.

Research paper thumbnail of Rubber-Based Agroforestry Systems Associated with Food Crops: A Solution for Sustainable Rubber and Food Production?

Research paper thumbnail of Climate Influences on Latex Yield in South Sumatra, Indonesia

Agromet, Feb 5, 2024

This study addresses the impact of climate variability on latex yield. Field research was carried... more This study addresses the impact of climate variability on latex yield. Field research was carried out in the Indonesian Rubber Research Institute Experimental Field, located in South Sumatra, Indonesia for 2020 to 2022. The study used mature IRR 118 clones of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) planted in clay loam soil. Latex yields for dry and rainy seasons were compared to obtain the effects of climatic factors. A purposive sampling of latex clone IRR 118 was applied in the field. The results showed that declined rainfall and soil moisture content contributed to the low latex yield during dry season. A declined water availability acts as a limiting factor resulting in decreased latex yield. Latex yield consistently decreased when soil moisture content fell below 21.5%. Based on statistical analysis, the correlation between latex yield and climate factor was 0.36, 0.42, and 0.52 for rainfall, soil moisture content, and evapotranspiration, respectively. Our findings highlight the crucial influence of climatic factors, emphasizing the significance of optimal water availability for latex production.

Research paper thumbnail of Tingkat Komunitas Gulma Pada Areal Perkebunan Karet DI Sembawa, Banyuasin

Research paper thumbnail of Tanam Sisip Jagung-Kedelai dengan Budidaya Jenuh Air di Lahan Pasang Surut: Tantangan Pengembangan Berkelanjutan

Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan, Jan 6, 2023

Penanaman jagung dan kedelai di LPS lebih dari 75 % dilakukan secara monokultur. Pola tanam sisip... more Penanaman jagung dan kedelai di LPS lebih dari 75 % dilakukan secara monokultur. Pola tanam sisip jagung+kedelai merupakan pilihan strategis untuk menambah luas tanam dan produktivitas kedua komoditas tersebut secara berkelanjutan di LPS. Pola tanam sisip adalah metode tanam ganda dengan pengaturan waktu tanam dan panen, tanaman kedua ditanam setelah tanaman pertama mencapai tahap reproduksi sebelum siap untuk dipanen. Kedelai memiliki efisiensi penggunaan cahaya dan radiasi yang rendah karena naungan oleh tajuk jagung. Hasil penambatan nitrogen dari udara bebas dengan bantuan bakteri Rhizobium japonicum oleh kedelai dapat memenuhi sebagian nitrogen jagung. Pola tanam sisip jagung+kedelai di LPS dapat dilakukan dengan BJA yaitu sistem penanaman dengan memberikan irigasi terus-menerus dan membuat tinggi muka air tetap, sehingga lapisan di bawah permukaan tanah jenuh air. Sistem ini memberikan solusi dalam pengelolaan air di LPS karena dapat menghilangkan pengaruh negatif dari kelebihan air pada pertumbuhan jagung dan kedelai. Peluang pengembangan pola ini antara lain meningkatkan peran pemerintah, penyuluh, menyederhanakan birokrasi administrasi dan mendapatkan komitmen yang kuat dari pimpinan eksekutif dan legislatif di daerah secara menyeluruh dan konsisten yang didukung oleh lembaga penelitian, penyuluh pertanian dan lembaga keuangan daerah. Kebijakan pemerintah diperlukan untuk mendukung PTS jagung+kedelai melalui penguatan kelembagaan ekonomi seperti lembaga pengolahan hasil, penyimpanan dan pemasaran. Selain itu diperlukan dukungan bimbingan teknis, pendampingan manajemen usaha tani jagung dan kedelai serta diseminasi teknologi untuk mempercepat tingkat adopsi dan adaptasi teknologi di tingkat petani sehingga mempermudah petani dalam melaksanakan sistem usahataninya.

Research paper thumbnail of Tanam Sisip Jagung-Kedelai dengan Budidaya Jenuh Air di Lahan Pasang Surut: Tantangan Pengembangan Berkelanjutan

Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan

Pola tanam sisip (PTS) adalah metode tanam ganda dengan pengaturan waktu tanam dan panen, tanaman... more Pola tanam sisip (PTS) adalah metode tanam ganda dengan pengaturan waktu tanam dan panen, tanaman kedua ditanam setelah tanaman pertama mencapai tahap reproduksi tetapi sebelum siap untuk dipanen. Budidaya jenuh air (BJA) merupakan sistem penanaman jagung dan kedelai dengan memberikan irigasi terus-menerus dan membuat tinggi muka air tetap, sehingga lapisan di bawah permukaan tanah jenuh air. Sistem ini memberikan solusi dalam pengelolaan air di lahan pasang surut (LPS) karena dapat menghilangkan pengaruh negatif dari kelebihan air pada pertumbuhan tanaman jagung dan kedelai. Penanaman jagung dan kedelai di LPS lebih dari 75% dilakukan secara monokultur. PTS jagung-kedelai merupakan pilihan strategis untuk menambah luas tanam dan produktivitas kedua komoditas tersebut secara berkelanjutan di LPS. Tulisan ini membahas potensi manfaat lahan pasang surut, penerapan BJA pada jagung-kedelai, varietas jagung-kedelai adaptif lahan pasang surut, manfaat PTS jagung-kedelai, tantangan pengemb...

Research paper thumbnail of Aspek Teknis, Fisiologis, Dan Ekonomis Berbagai Sistem Penyadapan Frekuensi Rendah Untuk Merespon Tingginya Biaya Penyadapan Dan Kelangkaan Penyadap

Jurnal Penelitian Karet

Agribisnis karet selama satu dekade ini kurang menguntungkan karena harga karet sangat rendah dan... more Agribisnis karet selama satu dekade ini kurang menguntungkan karena harga karet sangat rendah dan rendahnya produktivitas di sebagian besar perkebunan karet. Kondisi ini membutuhkan upaya efesiensi biaya produksi terutama dari biaya penyadapannya. Sistem penyadapan frekuensi rendah (PFR) diuji untuk mengatasi permasalahan biaya produksi penyadapan. Klon yang digunakan untuk pengujian ini adalah PB 260 dan RRIC 100 pada tanaman satu tahun sadap atau TM 1. Hasil pengujian ini menunjukkan bahwa selama 7 bulan pengamatan, klon PB 260 dan RRIC 100 dengan perlakuan PFR d4, d5, dan d7 masih di bawah produksi sistem sadap konvensional d3. Perubahan produksi PB 260 terjadi seiring penurunan frekuensi penyadapan yaitu dari sistem d3 ke PFR d4 terjadi penurunan sebesar 17%, dari d3 ke PFR d5 menurun sebesar 34%, dan dari d3 ke LFT d7 menurun sebesar 52%. PFR d4 pada RRIC 100 menghasilkan karet kering paling mendekati produksi d3 dengan selisih 456 kg/ha/tahun atau 26% lebih rendah. Konsumsi ku...

Research paper thumbnail of Teknologi Dan Analisis Usahatani Kopi Sebagai Tanaman Sela DI Perkebunan Karet

Warta Pusat Penelitian Karet, Oct 16, 2023

Pendapatan rumah tangga petani karet saat ini sedang menurun. Hal ini berdampak pada rendahnya da... more Pendapatan rumah tangga petani karet saat ini sedang menurun. Hal ini berdampak pada rendahnya daya beli, kemampuan menabung, pembentukan modal usaha tani, tingkat kesehatan dan pendidikan keluarga petani karet. Petani memerlukan pendapatan yang relatif stabil sepanjang siklus penanaman karet. Petani saat ini dapat menanam tanaman sela diantara tanaman karet. Tanaman kopi (Coffea canephora) dapat menjadi opsi tanaman sela diantara tanaman karet (Hevea brasiliensis). P e n a n a m a n t a n a m a n s e l a p e r l u mempertimbangkan faktor kompetisi antar komoditi sehingga diperlukan penyesuaian jarak tanam. Jarak tanam yang digunakan adalah jarak tanam ganda (JG) 19 m + (4 m x 2 m) dengan populasi karet 435 pohon/ha. Kopi ditanam diantara jarak tanam lebar dengan jarak tanam 2 m x 2 m dan jarak antara tanaman kopi dan karet adalah 5 m. Kajian ini ditulis dengan metode studi pustaka dengan mengumpulkan data sekunder dari buku, jurnal dan penelitian yang sudah pernah dilakukan sebelumnya. Hasil analisis pendapatan usaha tani tumpang sari tanaman karet dan kopi menunjukkan hasil positif. Pendapatan usaha tani karet monokultur sebesar Rp9.717.159,52 per tahun per hektar, sementara rata-rata pendapatan untuk usaha tani kopi sebagai tanaman sela sebesar Rp38.814.285 per tahun per hektar dan ratarata penerimaan usaha tani karet dan kopi sistem JG sebesar Rp48.531.444. Nilai NPV sistem karet monokultur layak pada tingkat bunga investasi 5%, masing-masing sebesar Rp5,603,746,-untuk sistem jarak tunggal (JT) dan Rp2.819.424,-untuk sistem jarak ganda (JG). Kata kunci: tumpang sari, jarak tanam ganda, tanaman sela, kopi, karet

Research paper thumbnail of 2007年~2009年のカナダ健康評価調査(CHMS)の臭素化難燃剤血清中濃度

Environment International, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Potensi Peningkatan Penyerapan Karbon DI Perkebunan Karet Sembawa, Sumatra Selatan

Addition to its economic contribution, rubber plantation plays an important role in sequestration... more Addition to its economic contribution, rubber plantation plays an important role in sequestration of carbon. Carbon sequestration of rubber plantation could be increased through the application of intercropping system with high biomass timber trees. This study aimed: 1) to asses the potential increase of land carbon stock in rubber plantation intercropped with teak (Tectona grandis) and trembesi (Samanea saman) ; and 2) to examine Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 the r oleoffo r estryplantsinte r c r oppingonrubbert r eesasanalternativeto r educeCO2 emissions.The r esea r ch was conducted at the Balai Penelitian Sembawa ’ s plantation, South Sumatera, with th r ee inte r c r opping patterns, namelyPT1:teak+rubberplants,PT2:t r embesi+rubberplants,andPT3:rubbert r eemonocultu r es.Carbon stocks measu r ement is divided into th r ee components: living part (t r ee biomass), dead part (nec r omass) and soil (soil o r ganic matter). The r esults...

Research paper thumbnail of Model Pendugaan Volume Pohon Karet Saat Peremajaan DI Sembawa, Sumatera Selatan

Jurnal Penelitian Hutan Tanaman

Estimation model of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) tree volume compiled pursuant to one independent ... more Estimation model of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) tree volume compiled pursuant to one independent variable of stem girth. This study aimed to develop a model of mathematical equations to estimate the volume of rubber trees of clones GT 1, PR 255, PR 261, and the combined clones. The experiment was conducted at the Sembawa Research Station, South Sumatra. Sampling was purposive. The results showed that the volume of rubber tree clones of GT1, PR255, PR261 and mixed clones affected by stem girth at breast height and affected by clone.The model of PR255 clone volume, VPR255=0.5827G 1.7182 (R 2 =95.6%), klon GT1 VGT1=0.5818G 1.0352 , (R 2 =97.8%), klon PR261 VPR261=0.5651G 0.6471 (R 2 =93.5%) and the mixed clones, V=0.5806G 0.5696 (R 2 =98.6%). At replanting time, rubber wood has a potential used for sawn timber, plywood, veneer and MDF raw materials. The biggest utilization of rubber wood is for MDF raw materials, because in MDF processing all parts of the trees can be utilized.

Research paper thumbnail of Potensi Penyerapan Karbon Pada Karet Pola Tumpangsari Tanaman Hutan

Rubber plant (Hevea brasilliensis) has a very big role in the economy and the absorption of CO 2 ... more Rubber plant (Hevea brasilliensis) has a very big role in the economy and the absorption of CO 2 . Rubber plants as well as forest plants capable of processing CO 2 as a carbon source that is used for photosynthesis. CO 2 absorption can be enhanced through the implementation of intercropping pattern rubber and forest plant. This study aims to determine the potential for carbon sequestration in intercropping pattern rubber and forest plant. The experiment was conducted at the Sembawa Research Station, South Sumatra, with three cropping pattern (PT), namely PT1: rubber plants + teak (Tectona grandis), PT2: rubber plants + trembesi (Samanea saman), PT3: rubber plant monocultures, PT4: teak monocultures, and PT5: trembesi plant monocultures. Measurement of carbon reserves consist of tree biomass and soil organic matter. The results showed that the amount of absorption of CO 2 /year in the rubber plantations for 10 years for PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4, and PT5, respectively were 86.46 tons/ha, 1...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Produktivitas Lahan dan Pendapatan Petani Melalui Tanaman Sela Pangan Berbasis Karet

Sahuri et al, 2017. Increasing of Land Productivity and Smallholders Income through Rubber Based ... more Sahuri et al, 2017. Increasing of Land Productivity and Smallholders Income through Rubber Based Food Crops Intercropping System. JLSO 6(1):33-42. The land between a row of immature rubber period has a potential to produce food crops. The objective of this research was to study the effect of rubber+food crops intercropping system on increasing the land productivity of rubber, the growth of immature rubber trees and smallholders income. The experiment was conducted at the Sembawa Research Station from September 2013 to April 2014. The experiment was carried out as using randomized block design (RBCD). The treatments were four-planting patterni.e: PT1: rubber+upland rice; PT2: rubber+sweet corn; PT3: rubber+soybean; and PT4: rubber monoculture , with three replications . The results showed that food crops as rubber intercrops significantly effect on increasing the land productivity of rubber andthe growth of rubber. The added value of planting food crops as rubber intercrops are the e...

Research paper thumbnail of Cocopeat as Soil Substitute Media for Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.) Planting Material

Journal of Tropical Crop Science, Feb 18, 2019

To establish rubber plantations smallholders in South Sumatra, Indonesia, plant materials are pla... more To establish rubber plantations smallholders in South Sumatra, Indonesia, plant materials are planted in polybags fi lled with top soil media from the local area. Good quality media is very important to ensure optimal growth of the rubber planting materials. The availability of top soil has become increasingly limited. In order to fulfi ll the need of planting media, cocopeat, which is available in abundance in the area, can potentially be an alternative to top soil. Cocopeat can potentially be used alone, or in combination with other type of media. In this study, cocopeat was mixed with soil at several mixture ratios to determine the best formula of cocopeat based planting media for rubber planting material. The study was conducted from August 2016 to January 2017 in the Nursery of Sembawa Research Centre Experimental Field, Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia. A completely randomized design was employed with six combinations of cocopeat and soil, replicated three times. This study showed that the best mixture ratio is 80% cocopeat and 20% soil, whereas 100% soil or 100% cocopeat is not recommended. The use of cocopeat as planting media should be followed by balanced fertilization in order to provide nutrients that are not available in cocopeat.

Research paper thumbnail of Modification of Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.) Spacing for Long-term Intercropping

Journal of Tropical Crop Science

Low prices of rubber has been a serious problem to rubber growers in Indonesia. Rubber-based inte... more Low prices of rubber has been a serious problem to rubber growers in Indonesia. Rubber-based intercropping systems offers a practical solution to this issue and increasing overall productivity, for example by growing upland rice and maize between the rubber tree rows. This study was aimed to determine the suitable spacing in rubber planting to facilitate long-term rubber-based intercropping systems. A field experiment was established in a smallholder rubber plantation in the Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan with area of 50 ha. Two planting patterns of rubber clone PB260 were tested: (1) single row planting pattern (SR) by 6 m x 3 m, and (2) double row planting pattern (DR) by 18 m x 2 m x 2.5 m. The experiment showed that the girth of the rubber trees with the SR system at the 1st tapping year was slightly larger than that in the DR system, even though statistically it was not signifi cant. The latex yield per tree of SR and DR systems were similar, however, latex yield per hect...

Research paper thumbnail of PENINGKATAN PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL KARET MELALUI SISTEM TUMPANG SARI BERBASIS KARET (Improvement The Growth and Yield of Rubber Through Rubber Based Intercropping System)

Jurnal Penelitian Hutan Tanaman

Research paper thumbnail of Penggunaan Kapur dan Varietas Adaptif untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merill) Sebagai Tanaman Sela Karet

Agrovigor: Jurnal Agroekoteknologi

The land between row of immature rubber period has a potential to produce soybean. However, this ... more The land between row of immature rubber period has a potential to produce soybean. However, this soil type has a high aluminum (Al) toxicity and soil acidity. Soil quality improvement by using liming and introducing adaptable variety are some options to increase soybean yield as rubber intercrops. Field experiment was conducted to study the effect of rubber+soybean intercropping system on the growth of rubber girth and to study the effect of liming and introducing adaptable variety of soybean to increase soybean yield as rubber intercrops. The experiment was conducted at the Sembawa Research Station from January to March 2016. The research was arranged in a split-plot design with three replicates. The main plots were two levels of lime i.e. 0 ton/ha and 2 ton/ha, while sub plots were two soybean varieties, i.e. Tanggamus and Wilis. Observation of rubber trees was conducted using simple random sampling method, comparing the rubber trees growth of soybean intercropping system with the rubber trees growth of monoculture system. The results showed that soybean and liming improved soil quality in between row of rubber trees IRR 118 clone. The rubber girth of soybean intercrooping system more significantly than the rubber girth of monocultur system. The liming increased the growth and yield of soybean at two tested varieties and significantly increased soil pH and reduced soil Al saturation. Tanggamus was more adaptive than the Wilis variety on acid soil.

Research paper thumbnail of STRATEGI PENINGKATAN PENDAPATAN PETANI KARET DALAM MERESPON HARGA KARET RENDAH / Strategy to Increase Rubber Farmers’ Income to Respond Low Rubber Price

Research paper thumbnail of PENGEPEREMAJAAN KARET DAN MODEL PENGEMBANGAN TUMPANGSARI KARET BERKELANJUTAN DI INDOENSIA Replanting and Sustainable Development of Participatory Rubber Intercropping Modeling in Indonesia


Model tumpangsari karet partisipatif berkelanjutan merupakan salah satu strategi yang dapat dilak... more Model tumpangsari karet partisipatif berkelanjutan merupakan salah satu strategi yang dapat dilakukan oleh petani agar dapat bertahan dalam kondisi harga karet rendah saat ini. Tulisan ini membahas model tumpangsari karet partisipatif, implementasi model, kendala teknis pengembangan model, inovasi teknologi dan kelembagaan model, tantangan pengembangan model, dan perspektif kebijakan pengembangan model. Model tumpangsari karet partisipatif merupakan salah satu strategi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas usahatani karet rakyat melalui inisiasi dan partisipasi petani serta layak secara finansial. Model ini dapat meningkatkan pendapatan petani, produktivitas lahan dan dan produktivitas karet. Kendala teknis pengembangan model ini adalah naungan tajuk tanaman karet sehingga tidak dapat berkelanjutan dan produktivitas tanaman sela menurun. Diperlukan modifikasi jarak tanam karet melalui jarak tanam ganda sehingga dapat mengembangkan model ini dalam jangka panjang. Kendala sosial dan ekonom...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Tanaman Sela Sorgum Manis Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Karet Belum Menghasilkan


The Land between row of immature rubber period has a potential to produce sweet sorghum. This sor... more The Land between row of immature rubber period has a potential to produce sweet sorghum. This sorghum is one of high value commodities for food and energy security due to its wide adaptation. The objective of this research were to study the effect of rubber+sorghum intercropping system on the growth of immature rubber trees and to study some agronomic parameters of sorghum and production of sweet sorghum as rubber intercrops. The experiment was conducted at the Sembawa Research Station from June to October 2013. The experiment was carried out as a single factori using Randomized Block Design with three replications. The treatment were 3 varieties of sorghum i.e: Pahat, Kawali and Mandau. Observation of rubber trees was conducted using simple random sampling method, comparing the rubber trees growth of sorghum intercropping system with the rubber trees growth of monoculture system. The results showed that sorghum had a positive effect on the growth of rubber tree IRR 118. Furthermore...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Menghadapi Regulasi Bebas Deforestasi Uni Eropa (Eudr) Pada Karet Alam Berkelanjutan

Warta perkaretan/Warta Pusat Penelitian Karet, Jun 20, 2024

This paper discusses strategies facing the European Union Deforestation-Free Regulation (EUDR) as... more This paper discusses strategies facing the European Union Deforestation-Free Regulation (EUDR) as well as production models for sustainable natural rubber. The European Union (EU) has established a new EUDR policy that prevents companies from exporting products related to deforestation and degradation to the EU market. Countries that produce natural rubber can apply standardized production models for sustainable natural gum production. The strategy that can be pursued by the rubber industry in Indonesia in the face of EUDR is to establish a Joint Task Force with other producing countries through an international commodity association, to develop a product certification platform for rubber recognized by the EU, and to conduct dialogue and diplomacy for the recognition of the product certification platform established. Furthermore, the government must accelerate the deployment of rubber industry companies through Siperibun, accelerate the deposition of rubber growers through e-STDB as traceability material, formulate and implement sustainable product certification, and mitigate domestic commodity issues, especially at the farmers' level, to create a sustainable natural rubber production model.

Research paper thumbnail of Rubber-Based Agroforestry Systems Associated with Food Crops: A Solution for Sustainable Rubber and Food Production?

Research paper thumbnail of Climate Influences on Latex Yield in South Sumatra, Indonesia

Agromet, Feb 5, 2024

This study addresses the impact of climate variability on latex yield. Field research was carried... more This study addresses the impact of climate variability on latex yield. Field research was carried out in the Indonesian Rubber Research Institute Experimental Field, located in South Sumatra, Indonesia for 2020 to 2022. The study used mature IRR 118 clones of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) planted in clay loam soil. Latex yields for dry and rainy seasons were compared to obtain the effects of climatic factors. A purposive sampling of latex clone IRR 118 was applied in the field. The results showed that declined rainfall and soil moisture content contributed to the low latex yield during dry season. A declined water availability acts as a limiting factor resulting in decreased latex yield. Latex yield consistently decreased when soil moisture content fell below 21.5%. Based on statistical analysis, the correlation between latex yield and climate factor was 0.36, 0.42, and 0.52 for rainfall, soil moisture content, and evapotranspiration, respectively. Our findings highlight the crucial influence of climatic factors, emphasizing the significance of optimal water availability for latex production.

Research paper thumbnail of Tingkat Komunitas Gulma Pada Areal Perkebunan Karet DI Sembawa, Banyuasin

Research paper thumbnail of Tanam Sisip Jagung-Kedelai dengan Budidaya Jenuh Air di Lahan Pasang Surut: Tantangan Pengembangan Berkelanjutan

Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan, Jan 6, 2023

Penanaman jagung dan kedelai di LPS lebih dari 75 % dilakukan secara monokultur. Pola tanam sisip... more Penanaman jagung dan kedelai di LPS lebih dari 75 % dilakukan secara monokultur. Pola tanam sisip jagung+kedelai merupakan pilihan strategis untuk menambah luas tanam dan produktivitas kedua komoditas tersebut secara berkelanjutan di LPS. Pola tanam sisip adalah metode tanam ganda dengan pengaturan waktu tanam dan panen, tanaman kedua ditanam setelah tanaman pertama mencapai tahap reproduksi sebelum siap untuk dipanen. Kedelai memiliki efisiensi penggunaan cahaya dan radiasi yang rendah karena naungan oleh tajuk jagung. Hasil penambatan nitrogen dari udara bebas dengan bantuan bakteri Rhizobium japonicum oleh kedelai dapat memenuhi sebagian nitrogen jagung. Pola tanam sisip jagung+kedelai di LPS dapat dilakukan dengan BJA yaitu sistem penanaman dengan memberikan irigasi terus-menerus dan membuat tinggi muka air tetap, sehingga lapisan di bawah permukaan tanah jenuh air. Sistem ini memberikan solusi dalam pengelolaan air di LPS karena dapat menghilangkan pengaruh negatif dari kelebihan air pada pertumbuhan jagung dan kedelai. Peluang pengembangan pola ini antara lain meningkatkan peran pemerintah, penyuluh, menyederhanakan birokrasi administrasi dan mendapatkan komitmen yang kuat dari pimpinan eksekutif dan legislatif di daerah secara menyeluruh dan konsisten yang didukung oleh lembaga penelitian, penyuluh pertanian dan lembaga keuangan daerah. Kebijakan pemerintah diperlukan untuk mendukung PTS jagung+kedelai melalui penguatan kelembagaan ekonomi seperti lembaga pengolahan hasil, penyimpanan dan pemasaran. Selain itu diperlukan dukungan bimbingan teknis, pendampingan manajemen usaha tani jagung dan kedelai serta diseminasi teknologi untuk mempercepat tingkat adopsi dan adaptasi teknologi di tingkat petani sehingga mempermudah petani dalam melaksanakan sistem usahataninya.

Research paper thumbnail of Tanam Sisip Jagung-Kedelai dengan Budidaya Jenuh Air di Lahan Pasang Surut: Tantangan Pengembangan Berkelanjutan

Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan

Pola tanam sisip (PTS) adalah metode tanam ganda dengan pengaturan waktu tanam dan panen, tanaman... more Pola tanam sisip (PTS) adalah metode tanam ganda dengan pengaturan waktu tanam dan panen, tanaman kedua ditanam setelah tanaman pertama mencapai tahap reproduksi tetapi sebelum siap untuk dipanen. Budidaya jenuh air (BJA) merupakan sistem penanaman jagung dan kedelai dengan memberikan irigasi terus-menerus dan membuat tinggi muka air tetap, sehingga lapisan di bawah permukaan tanah jenuh air. Sistem ini memberikan solusi dalam pengelolaan air di lahan pasang surut (LPS) karena dapat menghilangkan pengaruh negatif dari kelebihan air pada pertumbuhan tanaman jagung dan kedelai. Penanaman jagung dan kedelai di LPS lebih dari 75% dilakukan secara monokultur. PTS jagung-kedelai merupakan pilihan strategis untuk menambah luas tanam dan produktivitas kedua komoditas tersebut secara berkelanjutan di LPS. Tulisan ini membahas potensi manfaat lahan pasang surut, penerapan BJA pada jagung-kedelai, varietas jagung-kedelai adaptif lahan pasang surut, manfaat PTS jagung-kedelai, tantangan pengemb...

Research paper thumbnail of Aspek Teknis, Fisiologis, Dan Ekonomis Berbagai Sistem Penyadapan Frekuensi Rendah Untuk Merespon Tingginya Biaya Penyadapan Dan Kelangkaan Penyadap

Jurnal Penelitian Karet

Agribisnis karet selama satu dekade ini kurang menguntungkan karena harga karet sangat rendah dan... more Agribisnis karet selama satu dekade ini kurang menguntungkan karena harga karet sangat rendah dan rendahnya produktivitas di sebagian besar perkebunan karet. Kondisi ini membutuhkan upaya efesiensi biaya produksi terutama dari biaya penyadapannya. Sistem penyadapan frekuensi rendah (PFR) diuji untuk mengatasi permasalahan biaya produksi penyadapan. Klon yang digunakan untuk pengujian ini adalah PB 260 dan RRIC 100 pada tanaman satu tahun sadap atau TM 1. Hasil pengujian ini menunjukkan bahwa selama 7 bulan pengamatan, klon PB 260 dan RRIC 100 dengan perlakuan PFR d4, d5, dan d7 masih di bawah produksi sistem sadap konvensional d3. Perubahan produksi PB 260 terjadi seiring penurunan frekuensi penyadapan yaitu dari sistem d3 ke PFR d4 terjadi penurunan sebesar 17%, dari d3 ke PFR d5 menurun sebesar 34%, dan dari d3 ke LFT d7 menurun sebesar 52%. PFR d4 pada RRIC 100 menghasilkan karet kering paling mendekati produksi d3 dengan selisih 456 kg/ha/tahun atau 26% lebih rendah. Konsumsi ku...

Research paper thumbnail of Teknologi Dan Analisis Usahatani Kopi Sebagai Tanaman Sela DI Perkebunan Karet

Warta Pusat Penelitian Karet, Oct 16, 2023

Pendapatan rumah tangga petani karet saat ini sedang menurun. Hal ini berdampak pada rendahnya da... more Pendapatan rumah tangga petani karet saat ini sedang menurun. Hal ini berdampak pada rendahnya daya beli, kemampuan menabung, pembentukan modal usaha tani, tingkat kesehatan dan pendidikan keluarga petani karet. Petani memerlukan pendapatan yang relatif stabil sepanjang siklus penanaman karet. Petani saat ini dapat menanam tanaman sela diantara tanaman karet. Tanaman kopi (Coffea canephora) dapat menjadi opsi tanaman sela diantara tanaman karet (Hevea brasiliensis). P e n a n a m a n t a n a m a n s e l a p e r l u mempertimbangkan faktor kompetisi antar komoditi sehingga diperlukan penyesuaian jarak tanam. Jarak tanam yang digunakan adalah jarak tanam ganda (JG) 19 m + (4 m x 2 m) dengan populasi karet 435 pohon/ha. Kopi ditanam diantara jarak tanam lebar dengan jarak tanam 2 m x 2 m dan jarak antara tanaman kopi dan karet adalah 5 m. Kajian ini ditulis dengan metode studi pustaka dengan mengumpulkan data sekunder dari buku, jurnal dan penelitian yang sudah pernah dilakukan sebelumnya. Hasil analisis pendapatan usaha tani tumpang sari tanaman karet dan kopi menunjukkan hasil positif. Pendapatan usaha tani karet monokultur sebesar Rp9.717.159,52 per tahun per hektar, sementara rata-rata pendapatan untuk usaha tani kopi sebagai tanaman sela sebesar Rp38.814.285 per tahun per hektar dan ratarata penerimaan usaha tani karet dan kopi sistem JG sebesar Rp48.531.444. Nilai NPV sistem karet monokultur layak pada tingkat bunga investasi 5%, masing-masing sebesar Rp5,603,746,-untuk sistem jarak tunggal (JT) dan Rp2.819.424,-untuk sistem jarak ganda (JG). Kata kunci: tumpang sari, jarak tanam ganda, tanaman sela, kopi, karet

Research paper thumbnail of 2007年~2009年のカナダ健康評価調査(CHMS)の臭素化難燃剤血清中濃度

Environment International, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Potensi Peningkatan Penyerapan Karbon DI Perkebunan Karet Sembawa, Sumatra Selatan

Addition to its economic contribution, rubber plantation plays an important role in sequestration... more Addition to its economic contribution, rubber plantation plays an important role in sequestration of carbon. Carbon sequestration of rubber plantation could be increased through the application of intercropping system with high biomass timber trees. This study aimed: 1) to asses the potential increase of land carbon stock in rubber plantation intercropped with teak (Tectona grandis) and trembesi (Samanea saman) ; and 2) to examine Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 the r oleoffo r estryplantsinte r c r oppingonrubbert r eesasanalternativeto r educeCO2 emissions.The r esea r ch was conducted at the Balai Penelitian Sembawa ’ s plantation, South Sumatera, with th r ee inte r c r opping patterns, namelyPT1:teak+rubberplants,PT2:t r embesi+rubberplants,andPT3:rubbert r eemonocultu r es.Carbon stocks measu r ement is divided into th r ee components: living part (t r ee biomass), dead part (nec r omass) and soil (soil o r ganic matter). The r esults...

Research paper thumbnail of Model Pendugaan Volume Pohon Karet Saat Peremajaan DI Sembawa, Sumatera Selatan

Jurnal Penelitian Hutan Tanaman

Estimation model of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) tree volume compiled pursuant to one independent ... more Estimation model of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) tree volume compiled pursuant to one independent variable of stem girth. This study aimed to develop a model of mathematical equations to estimate the volume of rubber trees of clones GT 1, PR 255, PR 261, and the combined clones. The experiment was conducted at the Sembawa Research Station, South Sumatra. Sampling was purposive. The results showed that the volume of rubber tree clones of GT1, PR255, PR261 and mixed clones affected by stem girth at breast height and affected by clone.The model of PR255 clone volume, VPR255=0.5827G 1.7182 (R 2 =95.6%), klon GT1 VGT1=0.5818G 1.0352 , (R 2 =97.8%), klon PR261 VPR261=0.5651G 0.6471 (R 2 =93.5%) and the mixed clones, V=0.5806G 0.5696 (R 2 =98.6%). At replanting time, rubber wood has a potential used for sawn timber, plywood, veneer and MDF raw materials. The biggest utilization of rubber wood is for MDF raw materials, because in MDF processing all parts of the trees can be utilized.

Research paper thumbnail of Potensi Penyerapan Karbon Pada Karet Pola Tumpangsari Tanaman Hutan

Rubber plant (Hevea brasilliensis) has a very big role in the economy and the absorption of CO 2 ... more Rubber plant (Hevea brasilliensis) has a very big role in the economy and the absorption of CO 2 . Rubber plants as well as forest plants capable of processing CO 2 as a carbon source that is used for photosynthesis. CO 2 absorption can be enhanced through the implementation of intercropping pattern rubber and forest plant. This study aims to determine the potential for carbon sequestration in intercropping pattern rubber and forest plant. The experiment was conducted at the Sembawa Research Station, South Sumatra, with three cropping pattern (PT), namely PT1: rubber plants + teak (Tectona grandis), PT2: rubber plants + trembesi (Samanea saman), PT3: rubber plant monocultures, PT4: teak monocultures, and PT5: trembesi plant monocultures. Measurement of carbon reserves consist of tree biomass and soil organic matter. The results showed that the amount of absorption of CO 2 /year in the rubber plantations for 10 years for PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4, and PT5, respectively were 86.46 tons/ha, 1...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Produktivitas Lahan dan Pendapatan Petani Melalui Tanaman Sela Pangan Berbasis Karet

Sahuri et al, 2017. Increasing of Land Productivity and Smallholders Income through Rubber Based ... more Sahuri et al, 2017. Increasing of Land Productivity and Smallholders Income through Rubber Based Food Crops Intercropping System. JLSO 6(1):33-42. The land between a row of immature rubber period has a potential to produce food crops. The objective of this research was to study the effect of rubber+food crops intercropping system on increasing the land productivity of rubber, the growth of immature rubber trees and smallholders income. The experiment was conducted at the Sembawa Research Station from September 2013 to April 2014. The experiment was carried out as using randomized block design (RBCD). The treatments were four-planting patterni.e: PT1: rubber+upland rice; PT2: rubber+sweet corn; PT3: rubber+soybean; and PT4: rubber monoculture , with three replications . The results showed that food crops as rubber intercrops significantly effect on increasing the land productivity of rubber andthe growth of rubber. The added value of planting food crops as rubber intercrops are the e...

Research paper thumbnail of Cocopeat as Soil Substitute Media for Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.) Planting Material

Journal of Tropical Crop Science, Feb 18, 2019

To establish rubber plantations smallholders in South Sumatra, Indonesia, plant materials are pla... more To establish rubber plantations smallholders in South Sumatra, Indonesia, plant materials are planted in polybags fi lled with top soil media from the local area. Good quality media is very important to ensure optimal growth of the rubber planting materials. The availability of top soil has become increasingly limited. In order to fulfi ll the need of planting media, cocopeat, which is available in abundance in the area, can potentially be an alternative to top soil. Cocopeat can potentially be used alone, or in combination with other type of media. In this study, cocopeat was mixed with soil at several mixture ratios to determine the best formula of cocopeat based planting media for rubber planting material. The study was conducted from August 2016 to January 2017 in the Nursery of Sembawa Research Centre Experimental Field, Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia. A completely randomized design was employed with six combinations of cocopeat and soil, replicated three times. This study showed that the best mixture ratio is 80% cocopeat and 20% soil, whereas 100% soil or 100% cocopeat is not recommended. The use of cocopeat as planting media should be followed by balanced fertilization in order to provide nutrients that are not available in cocopeat.

Research paper thumbnail of Modification of Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.) Spacing for Long-term Intercropping

Journal of Tropical Crop Science

Low prices of rubber has been a serious problem to rubber growers in Indonesia. Rubber-based inte... more Low prices of rubber has been a serious problem to rubber growers in Indonesia. Rubber-based intercropping systems offers a practical solution to this issue and increasing overall productivity, for example by growing upland rice and maize between the rubber tree rows. This study was aimed to determine the suitable spacing in rubber planting to facilitate long-term rubber-based intercropping systems. A field experiment was established in a smallholder rubber plantation in the Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan with area of 50 ha. Two planting patterns of rubber clone PB260 were tested: (1) single row planting pattern (SR) by 6 m x 3 m, and (2) double row planting pattern (DR) by 18 m x 2 m x 2.5 m. The experiment showed that the girth of the rubber trees with the SR system at the 1st tapping year was slightly larger than that in the DR system, even though statistically it was not signifi cant. The latex yield per tree of SR and DR systems were similar, however, latex yield per hect...

Research paper thumbnail of PENINGKATAN PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL KARET MELALUI SISTEM TUMPANG SARI BERBASIS KARET (Improvement The Growth and Yield of Rubber Through Rubber Based Intercropping System)

Jurnal Penelitian Hutan Tanaman

Research paper thumbnail of Penggunaan Kapur dan Varietas Adaptif untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merill) Sebagai Tanaman Sela Karet

Agrovigor: Jurnal Agroekoteknologi

The land between row of immature rubber period has a potential to produce soybean. However, this ... more The land between row of immature rubber period has a potential to produce soybean. However, this soil type has a high aluminum (Al) toxicity and soil acidity. Soil quality improvement by using liming and introducing adaptable variety are some options to increase soybean yield as rubber intercrops. Field experiment was conducted to study the effect of rubber+soybean intercropping system on the growth of rubber girth and to study the effect of liming and introducing adaptable variety of soybean to increase soybean yield as rubber intercrops. The experiment was conducted at the Sembawa Research Station from January to March 2016. The research was arranged in a split-plot design with three replicates. The main plots were two levels of lime i.e. 0 ton/ha and 2 ton/ha, while sub plots were two soybean varieties, i.e. Tanggamus and Wilis. Observation of rubber trees was conducted using simple random sampling method, comparing the rubber trees growth of soybean intercropping system with the rubber trees growth of monoculture system. The results showed that soybean and liming improved soil quality in between row of rubber trees IRR 118 clone. The rubber girth of soybean intercrooping system more significantly than the rubber girth of monocultur system. The liming increased the growth and yield of soybean at two tested varieties and significantly increased soil pH and reduced soil Al saturation. Tanggamus was more adaptive than the Wilis variety on acid soil.

Research paper thumbnail of STRATEGI PENINGKATAN PENDAPATAN PETANI KARET DALAM MERESPON HARGA KARET RENDAH / Strategy to Increase Rubber Farmers’ Income to Respond Low Rubber Price

Research paper thumbnail of PENGEPEREMAJAAN KARET DAN MODEL PENGEMBANGAN TUMPANGSARI KARET BERKELANJUTAN DI INDOENSIA Replanting and Sustainable Development of Participatory Rubber Intercropping Modeling in Indonesia


Model tumpangsari karet partisipatif berkelanjutan merupakan salah satu strategi yang dapat dilak... more Model tumpangsari karet partisipatif berkelanjutan merupakan salah satu strategi yang dapat dilakukan oleh petani agar dapat bertahan dalam kondisi harga karet rendah saat ini. Tulisan ini membahas model tumpangsari karet partisipatif, implementasi model, kendala teknis pengembangan model, inovasi teknologi dan kelembagaan model, tantangan pengembangan model, dan perspektif kebijakan pengembangan model. Model tumpangsari karet partisipatif merupakan salah satu strategi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas usahatani karet rakyat melalui inisiasi dan partisipasi petani serta layak secara finansial. Model ini dapat meningkatkan pendapatan petani, produktivitas lahan dan dan produktivitas karet. Kendala teknis pengembangan model ini adalah naungan tajuk tanaman karet sehingga tidak dapat berkelanjutan dan produktivitas tanaman sela menurun. Diperlukan modifikasi jarak tanam karet melalui jarak tanam ganda sehingga dapat mengembangkan model ini dalam jangka panjang. Kendala sosial dan ekonom...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Tanaman Sela Sorgum Manis Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Karet Belum Menghasilkan


The Land between row of immature rubber period has a potential to produce sweet sorghum. This sor... more The Land between row of immature rubber period has a potential to produce sweet sorghum. This sorghum is one of high value commodities for food and energy security due to its wide adaptation. The objective of this research were to study the effect of rubber+sorghum intercropping system on the growth of immature rubber trees and to study some agronomic parameters of sorghum and production of sweet sorghum as rubber intercrops. The experiment was conducted at the Sembawa Research Station from June to October 2013. The experiment was carried out as a single factori using Randomized Block Design with three replications. The treatment were 3 varieties of sorghum i.e: Pahat, Kawali and Mandau. Observation of rubber trees was conducted using simple random sampling method, comparing the rubber trees growth of sorghum intercropping system with the rubber trees growth of monoculture system. The results showed that sorghum had a positive effect on the growth of rubber tree IRR 118. Furthermore...