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Papers by Sakshi sinha

Research paper thumbnail of Solar Panel Efficiency Calculation using Incremental Conductance Algorithm

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2019

Solar energy is a vital renewable source of energy in India. To extract and utilize this renewabl... more Solar energy is a vital renewable source of energy in India. To extract and utilize this renewable source of energy photovoltaic solar panels are used. To gather the maximum amount of energy a good efficiency solar panels are used. The maximum efficiency is achieved when the maximum irradiation from the sun is received by the earth. The irradiation and temperature are proportional with time, a solar tracker should be developed and positioned to extract the maximum energy with respect to time. This paper is aimed to find the maximum tracking point and the maximum efficiency using Incremental Conductance (IC) algorithm. The IC method is the simplest and the easiest way to find the efficiency of the panels with respect to the time throughout the day.

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Research paper thumbnail of To Identify and Recognize the Object for Traffic Analysis System using Deep Learning

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019

The object identification has been most essential field in development of machine vision which sh... more The object identification has been most essential field in development of machine vision which should be more efficient and accurate. Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence, both are on their peak in today’s technology world. Playing with these can leads towards development. The field has actually replaced human efforts. With the approach of profound learning systems (i.e. deep learning techniques), the precision for object identification has expanded radically. This project aims to implement Object Identification for Traffic Analysis System in real time using Deep Learning Algorithms with high accuracy. The differentiation among objects such as humans, Traffic signs, etc. are identified. The dataset is so designed with specific objects which will be recognized by the camera and result will be shown within seconds. The project purely based on deep learning approaches which also includes YOLO object detection & Covolutionary Neural Network (CNN). The resulting system is fast and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Virtual Reality, Autostereoscopy, and Physical Models for Learning Anatomy: Performance Comparisons

The FASEB Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating Cybersickness in Virtual 3D Models for Anatomy Learning

The FASEB Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of The Cognitive Load of Learning Anatomy in a Virtual World

The FASEB Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of Study and analysis of IP phones

IP phones is widely used in corporate sector. So it is not always necessary that IP phones work e... more IP phones is widely used in corporate sector. So it is not always necessary that IP phones work effectively all the time. Various issues can hinder the proper working of the IP phones. The most severe issue that lies with the IP phones is that the Vlan is not created so there is a need to update the configuration. This can be done by checking the network configuration in settings of the IP phone. The other two defects that lies with the IP phone is the display and power on issue . As the name suggests display issue means that there is a vague hindered data displayed on the screen and the power on issue suggests that there is a power on issue. These issues can be solved if there is a proper knowledge of networking.The attached data is the flowchart how the issues regarding IP phones can be solved and as a case study 31 IP phones from a corporate organization is studied and analyzed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Solar Tracking by using Incremental Conductance

The graphs of the power versus time, current versus time and voltage versus time are given as wel... more The graphs of the power versus time, current versus time and voltage versus time are given as well as table of the calculated efficiency is attached

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Research paper thumbnail of Troubleshooting and Interfacing Problem in WAN Aggregation Router

This a case study on a Cisco router. There are various types of Cisco router like Branch router ,... more This a case study on a Cisco router. There are various types of Cisco router like Branch router , WAN Aggregation router, Edge routers,AP (Access Points), Wireless router , Virtual routers and many more. The WAN Aggregation router is studied in this case study. As per the issue in the router, the gig port 0/0 is not working as it is not showing any type of indication. The interface between the router and laptop is done via console cable then a similar interface is done on a gig port. A putty terminal is used for the troubleshooting the commands on a router. On the console screen the version of the IOS is checked (the image is checked) , the internal fan speed and the temperature is also checked but there was no discrepancies in the result.Then the router is checked with multiple cables still there was no indication at the gig 0/0 port. Then the router was requested for a replacement as it was declared faulty.

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Research paper thumbnail of Utwardzacze do żywic epoksydowych

Przemysl Chemiczny, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Continuous Production of Activated Silica With Carbon Dioxide Gas

Journal - American Water Works Association, 1954

tinuously, employing the simplest and most economical equipment possible. In addition to the alre... more tinuously, employing the simplest and most economical equipment possible. In addition to the already recognized advantages that activated silica has in comparison with other coagulation aids greater effectiveness in cold weather and over a broader pH range, as well as the production of a tougher, denser floe, which settles more rapidly and thus increases filter capacities the use of this material has certain advantages where radioactive-particle removal is of major concern. One black photographic wrapping paper manufacturer has found that activated silica employed as a coagulant aid along with standard alum coagulation is highly effective in removing traces of radioactivity from water. The radioactive contamination apparently originated occasionally in the air over the water supply and was not removed by the usual water treatment methods. Some batches of paper contained sufficient radioactivity to expose photographic film wrapped in it. When activated silica and alum were used to treat the water, no radioactive difficulties with the paper were encountered. The original activated silica process, developed by Baylis (1) in 1936, utilizes a 1.5 per cent SiO2 solution of sodium silicate partially neutralized with dilute sulfuric acid. The general chemical reaction involved is :

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Research paper thumbnail of Biaxial fatigue crack propagation behavior of perfluorosulfonic-acid membranes

Journal of Power Sources, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Study of Photochemical Escape of Hot Atomic Carbon in Mars’ Upper Thermosphere and Exosphere

The production of energetic particles results in the formation of hot atom coronae on the Martian... more The production of energetic particles results in the formation of hot atom coronae on the Martian atmosphere. We have carried out the study of the hot carbon in Mars’ upper thermosphere and exosphere using our Monte Carlo calculations. The most important reactions for producing hot atomic carbon are expected to be photodissociation of CO and dissociative recombination (DR) of CO+ ion. The dominant source of the nonthermal escape of hot carbon from Mars is found to be photodissociation of CO, which is sensitive to solar activity and occurs mostly deep in the dayside thermosphere of Mars. The escape flux of hot carbon from dissociative recombination of CO+ has also been estimated using the latest available branching ratio and appropriate choice of rate coefficient. In this study, the calculated total global escapes of hot carbon from all dominant photochemical processes at different solar activities and Martian seasons are presented. To describe self-consistently the exosphere and the...

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Research paper thumbnail of Proteomic approach for identification and characterization of novel immunostimulatory proteins from soluble antigens ofLeishmania donovani promastigotes


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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Studies on Accumulation of Cr from Metal Solution and Tannery Effluent under Repeated Metal Exposure by Aquatic Plants: Its Toxic Effects

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment - ENVIRON MONIT ASSESS, 2002

The present study demonstrates comparison of Cr accumulatingpotential by the plants of Najas indi... more The present study demonstrates comparison of Cr accumulatingpotential by the plants of Najas indica Cham. (submerged),Vallisneria spiralis L. (rooted submerged) and Alternanthera sessilis R. Br. (rooted emergent) under repeatedmetal exposure and its effect on chlorophyll and protein concentrations. These plants were treated with different concentrations of Cr under repeated exposure in controlled laboratory conditions to assess the maximum metal accumulationpotential. The plants of V. spiralis accumulated significantly high amount of Cr under laboratory conditions incomparison to N. indica and A. sessilis. The maximumaccumulation of 1378, 458 and 201 µg g-1 dw Cr was found in the leaves of V. spiralis, N. indica and A. sessilis, respectively at 8 mg L-1 after 9 day of Cr exposure. These plants have shown a decrease in chlorophyll andprotein concentrations with increase in Cr concentrations. In view of high accumulation of Cr in V. spiralis, the plantswere treated with different conc...

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Research paper thumbnail of Cricket in Colonial India, 1780-1947

Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of On the fluctuations of Cerenkov photon densities in very high-energy gamma ray showers

Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 1995

The number distributions of Cerenkov photons seen by a mirror from pure electromagnetic cascades ... more The number distributions of Cerenkov photons seen by a mirror from pure electromagnetic cascades in the atmosphere initiated by very high-energy gamma rays are calculated. It is shown that the fluctuations of the number of these photons are not Poissonian, in general. It is also shown that the characteristics of the distribution depend on the distance of the mirror from the shower core. Significant correlations are observed between spatially separated mirrors. Also significant correlation is observed between the number distribution and the distribution of the shower maximum position. Differences in the nature of the number distributions and their correlations for different primary energies are discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fold-Thrust-Belt Structure of the Proterozoic Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt: A Proposed Correlation Between India and Antarctica in Gondwana

Gondwana Research, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Validation of a Stability-Indicating LC Method for Assay of Ezetimibe in Tablets and for Determination of Content Uniformity

Chromatographia, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Probing of Strain Mediated Hybrid Multiferroic Devices

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating Autostereoscopy (Alioscopy TM ) Use for Anatomy Education

The FASEB Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of Solar Panel Efficiency Calculation using Incremental Conductance Algorithm

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2019

Solar energy is a vital renewable source of energy in India. To extract and utilize this renewabl... more Solar energy is a vital renewable source of energy in India. To extract and utilize this renewable source of energy photovoltaic solar panels are used. To gather the maximum amount of energy a good efficiency solar panels are used. The maximum efficiency is achieved when the maximum irradiation from the sun is received by the earth. The irradiation and temperature are proportional with time, a solar tracker should be developed and positioned to extract the maximum energy with respect to time. This paper is aimed to find the maximum tracking point and the maximum efficiency using Incremental Conductance (IC) algorithm. The IC method is the simplest and the easiest way to find the efficiency of the panels with respect to the time throughout the day.

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Research paper thumbnail of To Identify and Recognize the Object for Traffic Analysis System using Deep Learning

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019

The object identification has been most essential field in development of machine vision which sh... more The object identification has been most essential field in development of machine vision which should be more efficient and accurate. Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence, both are on their peak in today’s technology world. Playing with these can leads towards development. The field has actually replaced human efforts. With the approach of profound learning systems (i.e. deep learning techniques), the precision for object identification has expanded radically. This project aims to implement Object Identification for Traffic Analysis System in real time using Deep Learning Algorithms with high accuracy. The differentiation among objects such as humans, Traffic signs, etc. are identified. The dataset is so designed with specific objects which will be recognized by the camera and result will be shown within seconds. The project purely based on deep learning approaches which also includes YOLO object detection & Covolutionary Neural Network (CNN). The resulting system is fast and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Virtual Reality, Autostereoscopy, and Physical Models for Learning Anatomy: Performance Comparisons

The FASEB Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating Cybersickness in Virtual 3D Models for Anatomy Learning

The FASEB Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of The Cognitive Load of Learning Anatomy in a Virtual World

The FASEB Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of Study and analysis of IP phones

IP phones is widely used in corporate sector. So it is not always necessary that IP phones work e... more IP phones is widely used in corporate sector. So it is not always necessary that IP phones work effectively all the time. Various issues can hinder the proper working of the IP phones. The most severe issue that lies with the IP phones is that the Vlan is not created so there is a need to update the configuration. This can be done by checking the network configuration in settings of the IP phone. The other two defects that lies with the IP phone is the display and power on issue . As the name suggests display issue means that there is a vague hindered data displayed on the screen and the power on issue suggests that there is a power on issue. These issues can be solved if there is a proper knowledge of networking.The attached data is the flowchart how the issues regarding IP phones can be solved and as a case study 31 IP phones from a corporate organization is studied and analyzed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Solar Tracking by using Incremental Conductance

The graphs of the power versus time, current versus time and voltage versus time are given as wel... more The graphs of the power versus time, current versus time and voltage versus time are given as well as table of the calculated efficiency is attached

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Research paper thumbnail of Troubleshooting and Interfacing Problem in WAN Aggregation Router

This a case study on a Cisco router. There are various types of Cisco router like Branch router ,... more This a case study on a Cisco router. There are various types of Cisco router like Branch router , WAN Aggregation router, Edge routers,AP (Access Points), Wireless router , Virtual routers and many more. The WAN Aggregation router is studied in this case study. As per the issue in the router, the gig port 0/0 is not working as it is not showing any type of indication. The interface between the router and laptop is done via console cable then a similar interface is done on a gig port. A putty terminal is used for the troubleshooting the commands on a router. On the console screen the version of the IOS is checked (the image is checked) , the internal fan speed and the temperature is also checked but there was no discrepancies in the result.Then the router is checked with multiple cables still there was no indication at the gig 0/0 port. Then the router was requested for a replacement as it was declared faulty.

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Research paper thumbnail of Utwardzacze do żywic epoksydowych

Przemysl Chemiczny, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Continuous Production of Activated Silica With Carbon Dioxide Gas

Journal - American Water Works Association, 1954

tinuously, employing the simplest and most economical equipment possible. In addition to the alre... more tinuously, employing the simplest and most economical equipment possible. In addition to the already recognized advantages that activated silica has in comparison with other coagulation aids greater effectiveness in cold weather and over a broader pH range, as well as the production of a tougher, denser floe, which settles more rapidly and thus increases filter capacities the use of this material has certain advantages where radioactive-particle removal is of major concern. One black photographic wrapping paper manufacturer has found that activated silica employed as a coagulant aid along with standard alum coagulation is highly effective in removing traces of radioactivity from water. The radioactive contamination apparently originated occasionally in the air over the water supply and was not removed by the usual water treatment methods. Some batches of paper contained sufficient radioactivity to expose photographic film wrapped in it. When activated silica and alum were used to treat the water, no radioactive difficulties with the paper were encountered. The original activated silica process, developed by Baylis (1) in 1936, utilizes a 1.5 per cent SiO2 solution of sodium silicate partially neutralized with dilute sulfuric acid. The general chemical reaction involved is :

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Research paper thumbnail of Biaxial fatigue crack propagation behavior of perfluorosulfonic-acid membranes

Journal of Power Sources, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Study of Photochemical Escape of Hot Atomic Carbon in Mars’ Upper Thermosphere and Exosphere

The production of energetic particles results in the formation of hot atom coronae on the Martian... more The production of energetic particles results in the formation of hot atom coronae on the Martian atmosphere. We have carried out the study of the hot carbon in Mars’ upper thermosphere and exosphere using our Monte Carlo calculations. The most important reactions for producing hot atomic carbon are expected to be photodissociation of CO and dissociative recombination (DR) of CO+ ion. The dominant source of the nonthermal escape of hot carbon from Mars is found to be photodissociation of CO, which is sensitive to solar activity and occurs mostly deep in the dayside thermosphere of Mars. The escape flux of hot carbon from dissociative recombination of CO+ has also been estimated using the latest available branching ratio and appropriate choice of rate coefficient. In this study, the calculated total global escapes of hot carbon from all dominant photochemical processes at different solar activities and Martian seasons are presented. To describe self-consistently the exosphere and the...

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Research paper thumbnail of Proteomic approach for identification and characterization of novel immunostimulatory proteins from soluble antigens ofLeishmania donovani promastigotes


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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Studies on Accumulation of Cr from Metal Solution and Tannery Effluent under Repeated Metal Exposure by Aquatic Plants: Its Toxic Effects

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment - ENVIRON MONIT ASSESS, 2002

The present study demonstrates comparison of Cr accumulatingpotential by the plants of Najas indi... more The present study demonstrates comparison of Cr accumulatingpotential by the plants of Najas indica Cham. (submerged),Vallisneria spiralis L. (rooted submerged) and Alternanthera sessilis R. Br. (rooted emergent) under repeatedmetal exposure and its effect on chlorophyll and protein concentrations. These plants were treated with different concentrations of Cr under repeated exposure in controlled laboratory conditions to assess the maximum metal accumulationpotential. The plants of V. spiralis accumulated significantly high amount of Cr under laboratory conditions incomparison to N. indica and A. sessilis. The maximumaccumulation of 1378, 458 and 201 µg g-1 dw Cr was found in the leaves of V. spiralis, N. indica and A. sessilis, respectively at 8 mg L-1 after 9 day of Cr exposure. These plants have shown a decrease in chlorophyll andprotein concentrations with increase in Cr concentrations. In view of high accumulation of Cr in V. spiralis, the plantswere treated with different conc...

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Research paper thumbnail of Cricket in Colonial India, 1780-1947

Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of On the fluctuations of Cerenkov photon densities in very high-energy gamma ray showers

Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 1995

The number distributions of Cerenkov photons seen by a mirror from pure electromagnetic cascades ... more The number distributions of Cerenkov photons seen by a mirror from pure electromagnetic cascades in the atmosphere initiated by very high-energy gamma rays are calculated. It is shown that the fluctuations of the number of these photons are not Poissonian, in general. It is also shown that the characteristics of the distribution depend on the distance of the mirror from the shower core. Significant correlations are observed between spatially separated mirrors. Also significant correlation is observed between the number distribution and the distribution of the shower maximum position. Differences in the nature of the number distributions and their correlations for different primary energies are discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fold-Thrust-Belt Structure of the Proterozoic Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt: A Proposed Correlation Between India and Antarctica in Gondwana

Gondwana Research, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Validation of a Stability-Indicating LC Method for Assay of Ezetimibe in Tablets and for Determination of Content Uniformity

Chromatographia, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Probing of Strain Mediated Hybrid Multiferroic Devices

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating Autostereoscopy (Alioscopy TM ) Use for Anatomy Education

The FASEB Journal

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