Samsul Bakri - (original) (raw)

Papers by Samsul Bakri

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Korelasi Keanekaragaman Burung Dan Pohon Pada Lahan Agroforestri Blok Pemanfaatan KPHL Batutegi

Jurnal Belantara

The existence of birds and trees has an important role in the ecosystem, especially agroforestry.... more The existence of birds and trees has an important role in the ecosystem, especially agroforestry. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between bird and tree diversity. Data was collected using plot and point count methods, then analyzed descriptively quantitatively using diversity index, significant value index and correlation analysis. The results showed that the index value of bird and tree diversity was classified into the medium category, namely H'=2.06 and H'=1.02. Correlation analysis shows that there is no significant relationship between the two variables. The absence of a relationship between the two variables occurs due to the lack of availability of bird feed on agroforestry land so that the birds only use trees to play, stop or perch. A more diverse variety of plants can increase bird diversity, but in this study this was not found. Based on the research results, it is hoped that the government and the community will increase bird diversity t...

Research paper thumbnail of Peranan Variabel Demografis, Pemilikan Aset, Dan Aksesibilitas Terhadap Lahan Pada Kesetujuan Perambah Pada Rencana Pengembangan Hutan Kemasyarakatan: Studi DI KHP Selagai Lingga Lampung Tengah

Jurnal hutan tropis, Aug 10, 2022

In order to avoid conflicts the acceptance of squatters on planning estblishment for community fo... more In order to avoid conflicts the acceptance of squatters on planning estblishment for community forest (HKm). This research was conducted to determine the role of variables of demographic, asset ownership, and encroached land accessibility on the ancroacher's acceptance. It carried out at KPH Selagai Lingga Register 39 Central Lampung Regency. Semistructured interviews were conducted on 96 randomly selected squatters. The Ordinal Loglinear Postulate Model is applied at an accuracy rate of 95%. The response variables were scored 1, 2, 3, and 4 which indicated the responses were disagree, hesitate, agree and strongly agree. There are 13 predictor variables: age (years), number of dependents (live), education (junior high school graduation versus not), income (Rp million/year), type of crop (coffee versus others), side business (have versus not), residence (inside versus outside the area), ethnicity (Javanese versus others), area of cultivation (ha), HP ownership (owned versus not), motorized vehicle (owned versus not), distance of land to nearest settlement and main access to land. Optimization parameters using Minitab 16. The results of this study indicate that the level of agreement: [a] will increase significantly if, (i) the age of 1 year is 1.07 times older than the original; (ii) revenue of IDR 1 million to be 1.09 times higher; (iii) living in the area 6.94 higher than outside the area; and (iv) having HP becomes 4.91 times compared to those who don't and significantly reduced if the number of dependents is more than 1 person, which is only 0.32 times the original.


Plantaxia eBooks, 2016

Pembangunan berkesinambungan telah menjadi topik sentral bagi setiap negara di seluruh belahan du... more Pembangunan berkesinambungan telah menjadi topik sentral bagi setiap negara di seluruh belahan dunia manapun sejak kesepakat an dapat dicapaidalam KTT Bumi yang pertama kali diselenggarakan di Rio de Janeiro tahun 1992. Sebagai subsistem dari sistem pem bangunan nasional setiap negara, maka pembangunan sektor kehutanansejak dua dasawarsa terakhir juga mengambil aras kiblat keberkesinambungan (SFM:Sustainable Forest Manajemen) termasuk di Indonesia. Secara generik makna yang terkandung di situ adalah pembangunan untuk memfaatkan sumber daya hutan (SDH) untuk mencukupi kebutuhan generasi sekarang tanpa mengorbankan kepentingan generasi yang akan datang. Pesan moral dari SFM ini menjadi subyek perdebatan yang meruncing menyangkut mulai dari tataran yang bersifat fi losofi s dalam perencangan pengembangan kebijakan sampai ke tataran praktis di level tapak yang melibatkan individu pelaku sebagai aktor pembangunan.

Research paper thumbnail of The fate of mangrove ecosystem sustainability on the shrimp cultivation area in Tulang Bawang District, Lampung, Indonesia

Biodiversitas, Jan 24, 2023

The exploitation of mangrove forests for economic purposes is rampant in tropical countries nowad... more The exploitation of mangrove forests for economic purposes is rampant in tropical countries nowadays, particularly for shrimp farming, such as in the Lampung green belt in the front of the Java Sea. So, ensuring the sustainability of existing mangroves is the need of the hour. In view of above, this study aims to analyze the sustainability index of mangrove ecosystem management and the sustainability status of the mangrove ecosystem from the ecological, economic, social, and institutional dimensions using the Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) method through the Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries (RAPFISH) approach in East Rawajitu Sub-district, Tulang Bawang District, Lampung Province, Indonesia. The analysis revealed that mangrove ecosystem management's sustainability index was categorized as 'less sustainable' (index 43.01 out of 100). Meanwhile, the social dimension (51.65) was categorized as 'quite sustainable', and other dimensions (ecological, economic, and institutional) were 'less sustainable.' Therefore, it is proposed that further development of the social dimension is a strategic way to develop the other three sustainability dimensions to achieve ecosystem sustainability as a whole in the study area. Alternati ve strategies that can be applied for sustainable management of mangrove ecosystems in East Rawajitu Sub-district, Tulang Bawang District are increasing coordination between stakeholders, creating formal regulations, increasing the productivity and creativity of Ikatan Istri-istri Petambak Dipasena (ISTANA), formulating an integrated mangrove ecosystem management plan program, undertaking rehabilitation efforts, increasing the role of mangrove groups, and increase the attention of researchers.

Research paper thumbnail of How Much is the Cost to Reduce the Incidence Rate of Infectious Diseases Through Reforestation? (Case Study on Pulmonary TB under Global Warming Scenario)

Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, Feb 6, 2023

Background: Nowadays, pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is still a major global cause of death. Indones... more Background: Nowadays, pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is still a major global cause of death. Indonesia is a country with a high burden of the disease and is ranked second as a contributor to tuberculosis in the world after India, China, the Philippines, and Pakistan [1] along with the phenomenon of deforestation [2] and global warming [3]. Forest restoration and reforestation are considered costeffective nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation and mitigation to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, provide habitat for species and balance temperatures. Methods: There is no research data on the contribution of the economic value of reforestation to reduce the incidence rate of infectious diseases especially for TB, which is very important for mitigating against the global warming. This research was conducted to determine the economic value of ecosystem services as compensation for the reforestation program. This research was carried out in Lampung

Research paper thumbnail of The Importance of Community Empowerment through Strengthening Farmer Groups in the Forest Management Unit (KPH) Way Terusan Central Lampung, Lampung Province Indonesia

Asian Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry, Feb 7, 2023

This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Author CW designs research, looks f... more This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Author CW designs research, looks for data sources and reviews research results. Author HK designs research methodology and reviews research results. Author SB makes research and collaboration administration letters and reviews research results. Author YSA taking field data and references from all sources and reviewing research results. Author CYV processing data and research results. Author PH Conclusions and summarizing the sources of research results. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Research paper thumbnail of Land Use Change Effect on River Discharge of the Way Pengubuan Watershed, Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Prediction Model for Childhood Diarrhea Based on Maternal Care Variables, Characteristics of Children, Demography and Sanitation in Study Environment Tulang Bawang Barat Regency

International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies, Nov 25, 2020

The problem in this study is a diarrheal disease which is the second cause of death in children u... more The problem in this study is a diarrheal disease which is the second cause of death in children under five years and has killed around 760,000 children every year. The cause of diarrhea is influenced by several factors, such as the characteristics of children under five (age, sex, body weight, weight growth), habits or behaviour of care and family, basic sanitation, and the condition of the home environment. This study aims to develop a model and conduct public policy analysis to reduce the incidence of diarrhea through the development of models of maternal care, maternal demographics, characteristics of children under five and environmental sanitation of the incidence of diarrhea in children under five in Tulang Bawang Barat Regency. Samples taken were 300 children under five. Data collection techniques using secondary data sourced from data from the District Health Office of Tulang Bawang Barat, and questionnaires. This study uses a causal relationship approach that is linear. The postulated model chosen was Linear Log with the response variable using a binary scale, i.e diarrhea versus no diarrhea. Given a score of 1 if a sample has diarrhea and if not given a score of zero. The results show that: This model can be used to predict the incidence of diarrhea against 20 predictor variables which include demographic variables, maternal care variables, and environmental sanitation variables which significantly influence the incidence of diarrhea. Forms of programs that can be proposed 1) Nutrition Counseling; 2 ) provision of food assistance & Fortification of extension sources; 3 ) Procurement of communal toilets; and 4 ) Counseling of composting proposed funding sources through the village budget, APBD/APBN budget.

Research paper thumbnail of Water Pollution and Water Quality Assessment of the Way Kuripan River in Bandar Lampung City (Sumatera, Indonesia)

Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, Jan 16, 2023

The Way Kuripan River is an important water resource in Bandar Lampung City. However, its quality... more The Way Kuripan River is an important water resource in Bandar Lampung City. However, its quality deteriorates continuously due to land use change accompanied by housing expansion and open areas. This study aims at analyzing its water quality and pollution level based on the present land-use zoning. Three zones are determined based on the dominant land use covering the riverbank sides. Water sampling was carried out at nine settling points (3 samples per zone) to measure the level of BOD 5 , COD, TSS, Escherichia coli contends, and also Pollution Index (PI), as well as the Biodegradable Index (BI). The results showed that the water has been experiencing pollution for grade-C river overall data. However, based on the zoning, all of the parameters of the upstream sides are below quality standard (QS), while at the middle stream, the BOD 5 has exceeded QS (21.9-26.4 mg/L), whereas at the downstream, the parameters of BOD 5 , COD, and Escherichia coli have exceeded from the QS. The PI and BI values indicated moderately polluted downstream, with the average biodegradable. For this reason, paying attention to land use change is important to assess the level of river pollution. The study results also found that organic matter from domestic is the primary pollutant of the river. Therefore controlling the upstream in accordance with regional spatial planning regulations and followed by a conservation movement as well as change people's behavior to be more caring about environmental management for catchment areas are the urgent actions for restoring and improving the river water quality.

Research paper thumbnail of Kelembagaan Pertambangan Batubara di Hutan Rakyat

Pertambangan Tanpa Izin (PETI) yang dilakukan oleh kelompok masyarakat dalam areal hutan rakyat m... more Pertambangan Tanpa Izin (PETI) yang dilakukan oleh kelompok masyarakat dalam areal hutan rakyat marak terjadi di Kabupaten Muara Enim menyebabkan terjadinya degradasi lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk kelembagaan yang berjalan terkait dengan aktivitas PETI batubara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang menggambarkan bagaimana PETI tetap beroperasi meskipun ilegal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelembagaan formal yang ada tidak berjalan dengan baik sehingga tercipta kelembagaan non formal yang memungkinkan PETI bisa berjalan. Beberapa persyaratan teknis yang dimuat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan tidak dapat dipenuhi oleh PETI jika dilegalkan menjadi pertambangan rakyat. Koordinasi dan kerjasama yang baik antara pemerintah termasuk aparat penegak hukum dengan perusahaan pertambangan sangat diharapkan untuk mengendalikan perkembangan PETI serta dampak yang ditimbulkan, khususnya di hutan rakyat. Kata kunci : hutan rakyat, kelembagaan, kerusakan lingkungan, pertambangan tanpa izin, tambang batubara ABSTRACT Unlicensed Mining (PETI) conducted by community groups in private forest area is rife in Muara Enim district which causing environmental degradation. The purpose of this study is to find out the institutional forms associated with illegal coal mining activities. The study used a qualitative approach that illustrated how unlicensed mining (PETI) still able to operate despite violating the law. The result of this study indicates the existing formal institutions did not run so well which lead to the creation of non-formal institutions who permits illegal activities. There are few technical requirements that PETI could not provide if they were legalized to be public mining. Good coordination and teamwork between government and law enforcers along with mining corporation are desirable to control the development of PETI and the impact it brings, especially in private forest.

Research paper thumbnail of Satellite based analysis of mangrove cover and density change in mangroves of Tulang Bawang District, Lampung Province, Indonesia

Biodiversitas, Jun 9, 2023

Being a threatened ecosystem of the world, mangroves require regular monitoring to identify areas... more Being a threatened ecosystem of the world, mangroves require regular monitoring to identify areas that need improvement in conservation measures. Considering this, the present study aimed to assess the mangrove cover and density change in mangrove forest of Tulang Bawang District, Lampung Province, Indonesia. Data was collected by remote sensing techniques using satellite imagery viz., Landsat 5 in 2000 and 2010 and Landsat 8 in 2020. It was then analyzed using remote sensing method, namely Object-Based Image Analysis techniques using the unguided classification method to obtain mangrove cover data; while mangrove density information was obtained using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index algorithm. The results revealed the decrease in mangrove cover and density between 2000 and 2020. The mangrove cover decreased from 7529 ha in 2000 to 5551 ha in 2020. Furthermore, density of mangrove forest has also witnessed change from dense density class in 2000 to medium density class in 2020. From this result, it is evident that mangroves of East Rawajitu Sub-district are degrading and require focused efforts to prevent the degradation. Communities, entrepreneurs, and governments have different motives for utilizing mangrove forests that result in damage, so reasonable efforts are needed to manage mangrove forests sustainably.

Research paper thumbnail of Community preferences for agroforestry patterns in supporting future forestry development

IOP conference series, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of IDF (intensity-duration-frequency) curve and unit hydrograph as signature of characteristic changing of Way Kuala Garuntang Watershed

IOP conference series, Apr 1, 2021

There is direct relation between global warming and precipitation. Air capacity of water increase... more There is direct relation between global warming and precipitation. Air capacity of water increase by 7% to increasing of 1°C of air temperature, causing more water vapor content in the air. This research aims to investigate how IDF Curve and Unit Hydrograph can be used as signature of characteristic changing of Way Kuala Garuntang Watershed. The study area is Way Kuala Garuntang watershed and rainfall data source is from automatic rainfall recorder of Stasiun BMKG Maritim Panjang, ARR Tipping bucket installed at Way Kuala Garuntang watershed, and 4 manual raingauges. From the research can be concluded that IDF Curve can be used as signature of characteristic changing of Way Kuala Garuntang watershed mainly the changing of rainfall intensity in various of return period. Meanwhile, due to average of IUH of 5 flood events in 1 year data serie, and significant differences of Qp between IUH and SUH, the Unit Hydrograph was not suitable as signature of characteristic changing of Way Kuala Garuntang watershed.

Research paper thumbnail of The Economic Values of Utilizing Water Services Way Betung Watershed

Jurnal Sylva Lestari : Journal of Sustainable Forest, Oct 2, 2018

Daerah Aliran Sungai Way Betung merupakan sumber penyedia air baku yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyara... more Daerah Aliran Sungai Way Betung merupakan sumber penyedia air baku yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Desa Talang Mulya untuk berbagai keperluan seperti keperluan rumah tangga, pengairan irigasi pertanian padi sawah dan pembangkit listrik tenaga mikro hidro. Ketersediaan air erat kaitannya dengan keberadaan hutan yang ada di wilayah tersebut sehingga perlu adanya keseimbangan dalam pengelolaan lahan hutan untuk menjaga ketersediaan air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat tentang pemanfaatan air untuk rumah tangga, pengairan irigasi pertanian padi sawah, dan pembangkit listrik tenaga mikro hidro dari kawasan hutan serta menganalisis nilai ekonomi air untuk pemanfaatan rumah tangga, irigasi pertanian padi sawah dan pembangkit listrik tenaga mikro hidro serta menghitung kesediaan membayar (willingness to pay) biaya rehabilitasi hutan dan lahan. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara kepada 106 responden pemanfaat air dengan menggunakan kuisioner. Perhitungan nilai ekonomi total pemanfaatan air menggunakan metode willingness to pay. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penilaian masyarakat terhadap sumber daya air DAS Way Betung cukup baik karena 88% responden bersedia membayar biaya rehabilitasi hutan. Nilai ekonomi total pemanfaatan air di Desa Talang Mulya sebesar Rp.2.963.540.390/tahun dan nilai kesediaan membayar biaya rehabilitasi hutan sebesar Rp.5.833.608/tahun dengan rata-rata kesediaan membayar sebesar Rp.22.948/tahun.

Research paper thumbnail of IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science "DF (intensity-duration-frequency) curve and unithydrograph as signature of characteristic changing of WayKuala Garuntang Watershed

Research paper thumbnail of Kontribusi Wanita Tani Hutan terhadap Pendapatan Keluarga diHutan Rakyat Desa Air Kubang Kecamatan Air NaninganKabupaten Tanggamus

Kontribusi wanita tani hutan dalam mengelola lahan hutannya berpotensi untuk membantu meningkatka... more Kontribusi wanita tani hutan dalam mengelola lahan hutannya berpotensi untuk membantu meningkatkan perekonomian keluarga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis ratarata pendapatan wanita, total pendapatan keluarga dan mengidentifikasi kontribusi peran wanita dalam pendapatan keluarga. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur dengan jumlah responden yang dipilih secara acak sebanyak 55 orang. Analisis data secara kualitatif digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk kegiatan ekonomi yang dilakukan wanita tani hutan, sementara analisis data secara kuantitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis total pendapatan wanita tani hutan, total pendapatan keluarga, dan kontribusi wanita tani hutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata pendapatan wanita tani hutan Rp 475.000/bulan, pendapatan keluarga Rp 1.428.000/bulan. Hasil analisis kontribusi wanita menunjukkan bahwa 42 orang wanita atau sekitar 76% memberikan kontribusi yang tergolong kecil karena kontribusi yang diberikan ≤ 50% dari total pendapatan keluarga, hanya13 orang wanita atau sekitar 24% yang mampu memberikan kontribusi yang tergolong besar karena mencapai > 50% dari total pendapatan keluarga.

Research paper thumbnail of Bentuk Kegiatan Ekonomi Wanita Tani Hutan Dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Keluarga DI Hutan Rakyat Desa Air Kubang Kecamatan Air Naningan Kabupaten Tanggamus

Kebutuhan hidup keluarga yang terus meningkat setiap saat menjadi faktor yang mendorong wanita un... more Kebutuhan hidup keluarga yang terus meningkat setiap saat menjadi faktor yang mendorong wanita untuk ikut membantu suami dalam mencari nafkah dengan melakukan kegiatan ekonomi. Kegiatan ekonomi yang dilakukan wanita di lokasi penelitian sesuai dengan kondisi dan kemampuan yang mereka miliki. Mereka memiliki rentang umur 20-70 tahun yang masih melakukan kegiatan produktif. Desa Air Kubang dipilih karena di sana terdapat hutan rakyat yang pengelolaannya cukup efektif dan sudah banyak mengekspor hasil hutannya sampai ke mancanegara. Bentuk kegiatan ekonomi wanita tani hutan di Desa Air Kubang belum diketahui sehingga penelitian ini penting untuk dilakukan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis kualitatif. Analisis kualitatif digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan apa saja bentuk kegiatan ekonomi yang dilakukan wanita tani hutan. Bentuk kegiatan ekonomi wanita tani hutan dapat dilihat dari tiga sektor yaitu on farm, off, farm, dan non farm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wanita yang bekerja pada sektor on farm sebanyak 43 orang atau 72.88%, sektor off farm sebanyak 7 orang atau 11.87% dan sektor non farm sebanyak 9 orang atau 15.25%. Sebagian dari mereka yang bekerja pada sektor on farm karena tidak memiliki keahlian lain di luar bidang tersebut, dan mereka yang bekerja pada sektor off farm dan non farm karena bagi mereka dua sektor tersebut dapat lebih membantu perekonomian keluarga. Kata kunci : partisipasi, pemberdayaan, kehutanan masyarakat

Research paper thumbnail of Contribution of Woman Forest Farmers on Family Income at Private Forest in Air Kubang Village Air Naningan District Tanggamus Regency

Jurnal Sylva Lestari : Journal of Sustainable Forest, May 28, 2019

Kontribusi wanita tani hutan dalam mengelola lahan hutannya berpotensi untuk membantu meningkatka... more Kontribusi wanita tani hutan dalam mengelola lahan hutannya berpotensi untuk membantu meningkatkan perekonomian keluarga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis ratarata pendapatan wanita, total pendapatan keluarga dan mengidentifikasi kontribusi peran wanita dalam pendapatan keluarga. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur dengan jumlah responden yang dipilih secara acak sebanyak 55 orang. Analisis data secara kualitatif digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk kegiatan ekonomi yang dilakukan wanita tani hutan, sementara analisis data secara kuantitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis total pendapatan wanita tani hutan, total pendapatan keluarga, dan kontribusi wanita tani hutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata pendapatan wanita tani hutan Rp 475.000/bulan, pendapatan keluarga Rp 1.428.000/bulan. Hasil analisis kontribusi wanita menunjukkan bahwa 42 orang wanita atau sekitar 76% memberikan kontribusi yang tergolong kecil karena kontribusi yang diberikan ≤ 50% dari total pendapatan keluarga, hanya13 orang wanita atau sekitar 24% yang mampu memberikan kontribusi yang tergolong besar karena mencapai > 50% dari total pendapatan keluarga.

Research paper thumbnail of Coal Mining Institution in Private Forest

Jurnal Sylva Lestari : Journal of Sustainable Forest, Oct 2, 2018

Pertambangan Tanpa Izin (PETI) yang dilakukan oleh kelompok masyarakat dalam areal hutan rakyat m... more Pertambangan Tanpa Izin (PETI) yang dilakukan oleh kelompok masyarakat dalam areal hutan rakyat marak terjadi di Kabupaten Muara Enim menyebabkan terjadinya degradasi lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk kelembagaan yang berjalan terkait dengan aktivitas PETI batubara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang menggambarkan bagaimana PETI tetap beroperasi meskipun ilegal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelembagaan formal yang ada tidak berjalan dengan baik sehingga tercipta kelembagaan non formal yang memungkinkan PETI bisa berjalan. Beberapa persyaratan teknis yang dimuat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan tidak dapat dipenuhi oleh PETI jika dilegalkan menjadi pertambangan rakyat. Koordinasi dan kerjasama yang baik antara pemerintah termasuk aparat penegak hukum dengan perusahaan pertambangan sangat diharapkan untuk mengendalikan perkembangan PETI serta dampak yang ditimbulkan, khususnya di hutan rakyat. Kata kunci : hutan rakyat, kelembagaan, kerusakan lingkungan, pertambangan tanpa izin, tambang batubara ABSTRACT Unlicensed Mining (PETI) conducted by community groups in private forest area is rife in Muara Enim district which causing environmental degradation. The purpose of this study is to find out the institutional forms associated with illegal coal mining activities. The study used a qualitative approach that illustrated how unlicensed mining (PETI) still able to operate despite violating the law. The result of this study indicates the existing formal institutions did not run so well which lead to the creation of non-formal institutions who permits illegal activities. There are few technical requirements that PETI could not provide if they were legalized to be public mining. Good coordination and teamwork between government and law enforcers along with mining corporation are desirable to control the development of PETI and the impact it brings, especially in private forest.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Perubahan Tutupan Hutan Dan Lahan Terhadap Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (Pdrb) Di Sektor Pertanian, Kehutanan Dan Industri : Studi Di Provinsi Lampung

Jurnal Sylva Lestari : Journal of Sustainable Forest, Jan 26, 2017

National economic growth is an aggregate of regional economic growth. Economic growth in both nat... more National economic growth is an aggregate of regional economic growth. Economic growth in both national and local level is closely related to the performance of the productions of goods and services, which measured by massive increase in the amount of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Regional Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) for the region. Lampung province's economic growth performance is high enough but on the other hand had to be paid by land conversion. This study aims to determine changes in forest cover and land as well as its influence on the RGDP in agriculture, forestry and industry. Data collected consist of satelitte image of lampung province RGDP in agricultural sector, RGDP in foresty sector, RGDP in industrial sector and population density data. The research method is to perform modeling of multiple linear regression Ummi Dienelly using Minitab version 16, with the response variable Y 1 is the RGDP in the agricultural sector, Y 2 is RGDP in the forestry sector, Y 3 is RGDP in the industrial sector and the explanatory variables (X) used include the proportion of forest area of the country , privat forests, agricultural land, rice fields, and undeveloped land, plantations, other areas, and the data density of population per km 2. The result showed that there was a significant relationship beetwen changes in private forest cover by 11.055 (p= 0.062), rice field by 7.982 (p= 0.082), and population density by-8.676 (p= 0.000) to the RGDP in agricultural sector. RGDP in the forestry sector is affected significantly by the national forest cover by 1.160 (p= 0.00) and other land use by-0.803 (p= 0.061). RGDP in the industrial sector is influenced significantly by private forest-7.434 (p= 0.077), and plantation by 5.471 (p= 0.00).

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Korelasi Keanekaragaman Burung Dan Pohon Pada Lahan Agroforestri Blok Pemanfaatan KPHL Batutegi

Jurnal Belantara

The existence of birds and trees has an important role in the ecosystem, especially agroforestry.... more The existence of birds and trees has an important role in the ecosystem, especially agroforestry. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between bird and tree diversity. Data was collected using plot and point count methods, then analyzed descriptively quantitatively using diversity index, significant value index and correlation analysis. The results showed that the index value of bird and tree diversity was classified into the medium category, namely H'=2.06 and H'=1.02. Correlation analysis shows that there is no significant relationship between the two variables. The absence of a relationship between the two variables occurs due to the lack of availability of bird feed on agroforestry land so that the birds only use trees to play, stop or perch. A more diverse variety of plants can increase bird diversity, but in this study this was not found. Based on the research results, it is hoped that the government and the community will increase bird diversity t...

Research paper thumbnail of Peranan Variabel Demografis, Pemilikan Aset, Dan Aksesibilitas Terhadap Lahan Pada Kesetujuan Perambah Pada Rencana Pengembangan Hutan Kemasyarakatan: Studi DI KHP Selagai Lingga Lampung Tengah

Jurnal hutan tropis, Aug 10, 2022

In order to avoid conflicts the acceptance of squatters on planning estblishment for community fo... more In order to avoid conflicts the acceptance of squatters on planning estblishment for community forest (HKm). This research was conducted to determine the role of variables of demographic, asset ownership, and encroached land accessibility on the ancroacher's acceptance. It carried out at KPH Selagai Lingga Register 39 Central Lampung Regency. Semistructured interviews were conducted on 96 randomly selected squatters. The Ordinal Loglinear Postulate Model is applied at an accuracy rate of 95%. The response variables were scored 1, 2, 3, and 4 which indicated the responses were disagree, hesitate, agree and strongly agree. There are 13 predictor variables: age (years), number of dependents (live), education (junior high school graduation versus not), income (Rp million/year), type of crop (coffee versus others), side business (have versus not), residence (inside versus outside the area), ethnicity (Javanese versus others), area of cultivation (ha), HP ownership (owned versus not), motorized vehicle (owned versus not), distance of land to nearest settlement and main access to land. Optimization parameters using Minitab 16. The results of this study indicate that the level of agreement: [a] will increase significantly if, (i) the age of 1 year is 1.07 times older than the original; (ii) revenue of IDR 1 million to be 1.09 times higher; (iii) living in the area 6.94 higher than outside the area; and (iv) having HP becomes 4.91 times compared to those who don't and significantly reduced if the number of dependents is more than 1 person, which is only 0.32 times the original.


Plantaxia eBooks, 2016

Pembangunan berkesinambungan telah menjadi topik sentral bagi setiap negara di seluruh belahan du... more Pembangunan berkesinambungan telah menjadi topik sentral bagi setiap negara di seluruh belahan dunia manapun sejak kesepakat an dapat dicapaidalam KTT Bumi yang pertama kali diselenggarakan di Rio de Janeiro tahun 1992. Sebagai subsistem dari sistem pem bangunan nasional setiap negara, maka pembangunan sektor kehutanansejak dua dasawarsa terakhir juga mengambil aras kiblat keberkesinambungan (SFM:Sustainable Forest Manajemen) termasuk di Indonesia. Secara generik makna yang terkandung di situ adalah pembangunan untuk memfaatkan sumber daya hutan (SDH) untuk mencukupi kebutuhan generasi sekarang tanpa mengorbankan kepentingan generasi yang akan datang. Pesan moral dari SFM ini menjadi subyek perdebatan yang meruncing menyangkut mulai dari tataran yang bersifat fi losofi s dalam perencangan pengembangan kebijakan sampai ke tataran praktis di level tapak yang melibatkan individu pelaku sebagai aktor pembangunan.

Research paper thumbnail of The fate of mangrove ecosystem sustainability on the shrimp cultivation area in Tulang Bawang District, Lampung, Indonesia

Biodiversitas, Jan 24, 2023

The exploitation of mangrove forests for economic purposes is rampant in tropical countries nowad... more The exploitation of mangrove forests for economic purposes is rampant in tropical countries nowadays, particularly for shrimp farming, such as in the Lampung green belt in the front of the Java Sea. So, ensuring the sustainability of existing mangroves is the need of the hour. In view of above, this study aims to analyze the sustainability index of mangrove ecosystem management and the sustainability status of the mangrove ecosystem from the ecological, economic, social, and institutional dimensions using the Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) method through the Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries (RAPFISH) approach in East Rawajitu Sub-district, Tulang Bawang District, Lampung Province, Indonesia. The analysis revealed that mangrove ecosystem management's sustainability index was categorized as 'less sustainable' (index 43.01 out of 100). Meanwhile, the social dimension (51.65) was categorized as 'quite sustainable', and other dimensions (ecological, economic, and institutional) were 'less sustainable.' Therefore, it is proposed that further development of the social dimension is a strategic way to develop the other three sustainability dimensions to achieve ecosystem sustainability as a whole in the study area. Alternati ve strategies that can be applied for sustainable management of mangrove ecosystems in East Rawajitu Sub-district, Tulang Bawang District are increasing coordination between stakeholders, creating formal regulations, increasing the productivity and creativity of Ikatan Istri-istri Petambak Dipasena (ISTANA), formulating an integrated mangrove ecosystem management plan program, undertaking rehabilitation efforts, increasing the role of mangrove groups, and increase the attention of researchers.

Research paper thumbnail of How Much is the Cost to Reduce the Incidence Rate of Infectious Diseases Through Reforestation? (Case Study on Pulmonary TB under Global Warming Scenario)

Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, Feb 6, 2023

Background: Nowadays, pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is still a major global cause of death. Indones... more Background: Nowadays, pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is still a major global cause of death. Indonesia is a country with a high burden of the disease and is ranked second as a contributor to tuberculosis in the world after India, China, the Philippines, and Pakistan [1] along with the phenomenon of deforestation [2] and global warming [3]. Forest restoration and reforestation are considered costeffective nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation and mitigation to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, provide habitat for species and balance temperatures. Methods: There is no research data on the contribution of the economic value of reforestation to reduce the incidence rate of infectious diseases especially for TB, which is very important for mitigating against the global warming. This research was conducted to determine the economic value of ecosystem services as compensation for the reforestation program. This research was carried out in Lampung

Research paper thumbnail of The Importance of Community Empowerment through Strengthening Farmer Groups in the Forest Management Unit (KPH) Way Terusan Central Lampung, Lampung Province Indonesia

Asian Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry, Feb 7, 2023

This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Author CW designs research, looks f... more This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Author CW designs research, looks for data sources and reviews research results. Author HK designs research methodology and reviews research results. Author SB makes research and collaboration administration letters and reviews research results. Author YSA taking field data and references from all sources and reviewing research results. Author CYV processing data and research results. Author PH Conclusions and summarizing the sources of research results. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Research paper thumbnail of Land Use Change Effect on River Discharge of the Way Pengubuan Watershed, Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Prediction Model for Childhood Diarrhea Based on Maternal Care Variables, Characteristics of Children, Demography and Sanitation in Study Environment Tulang Bawang Barat Regency

International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies, Nov 25, 2020

The problem in this study is a diarrheal disease which is the second cause of death in children u... more The problem in this study is a diarrheal disease which is the second cause of death in children under five years and has killed around 760,000 children every year. The cause of diarrhea is influenced by several factors, such as the characteristics of children under five (age, sex, body weight, weight growth), habits or behaviour of care and family, basic sanitation, and the condition of the home environment. This study aims to develop a model and conduct public policy analysis to reduce the incidence of diarrhea through the development of models of maternal care, maternal demographics, characteristics of children under five and environmental sanitation of the incidence of diarrhea in children under five in Tulang Bawang Barat Regency. Samples taken were 300 children under five. Data collection techniques using secondary data sourced from data from the District Health Office of Tulang Bawang Barat, and questionnaires. This study uses a causal relationship approach that is linear. The postulated model chosen was Linear Log with the response variable using a binary scale, i.e diarrhea versus no diarrhea. Given a score of 1 if a sample has diarrhea and if not given a score of zero. The results show that: This model can be used to predict the incidence of diarrhea against 20 predictor variables which include demographic variables, maternal care variables, and environmental sanitation variables which significantly influence the incidence of diarrhea. Forms of programs that can be proposed 1) Nutrition Counseling; 2 ) provision of food assistance & Fortification of extension sources; 3 ) Procurement of communal toilets; and 4 ) Counseling of composting proposed funding sources through the village budget, APBD/APBN budget.

Research paper thumbnail of Water Pollution and Water Quality Assessment of the Way Kuripan River in Bandar Lampung City (Sumatera, Indonesia)

Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, Jan 16, 2023

The Way Kuripan River is an important water resource in Bandar Lampung City. However, its quality... more The Way Kuripan River is an important water resource in Bandar Lampung City. However, its quality deteriorates continuously due to land use change accompanied by housing expansion and open areas. This study aims at analyzing its water quality and pollution level based on the present land-use zoning. Three zones are determined based on the dominant land use covering the riverbank sides. Water sampling was carried out at nine settling points (3 samples per zone) to measure the level of BOD 5 , COD, TSS, Escherichia coli contends, and also Pollution Index (PI), as well as the Biodegradable Index (BI). The results showed that the water has been experiencing pollution for grade-C river overall data. However, based on the zoning, all of the parameters of the upstream sides are below quality standard (QS), while at the middle stream, the BOD 5 has exceeded QS (21.9-26.4 mg/L), whereas at the downstream, the parameters of BOD 5 , COD, and Escherichia coli have exceeded from the QS. The PI and BI values indicated moderately polluted downstream, with the average biodegradable. For this reason, paying attention to land use change is important to assess the level of river pollution. The study results also found that organic matter from domestic is the primary pollutant of the river. Therefore controlling the upstream in accordance with regional spatial planning regulations and followed by a conservation movement as well as change people's behavior to be more caring about environmental management for catchment areas are the urgent actions for restoring and improving the river water quality.

Research paper thumbnail of Kelembagaan Pertambangan Batubara di Hutan Rakyat

Pertambangan Tanpa Izin (PETI) yang dilakukan oleh kelompok masyarakat dalam areal hutan rakyat m... more Pertambangan Tanpa Izin (PETI) yang dilakukan oleh kelompok masyarakat dalam areal hutan rakyat marak terjadi di Kabupaten Muara Enim menyebabkan terjadinya degradasi lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk kelembagaan yang berjalan terkait dengan aktivitas PETI batubara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang menggambarkan bagaimana PETI tetap beroperasi meskipun ilegal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelembagaan formal yang ada tidak berjalan dengan baik sehingga tercipta kelembagaan non formal yang memungkinkan PETI bisa berjalan. Beberapa persyaratan teknis yang dimuat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan tidak dapat dipenuhi oleh PETI jika dilegalkan menjadi pertambangan rakyat. Koordinasi dan kerjasama yang baik antara pemerintah termasuk aparat penegak hukum dengan perusahaan pertambangan sangat diharapkan untuk mengendalikan perkembangan PETI serta dampak yang ditimbulkan, khususnya di hutan rakyat. Kata kunci : hutan rakyat, kelembagaan, kerusakan lingkungan, pertambangan tanpa izin, tambang batubara ABSTRACT Unlicensed Mining (PETI) conducted by community groups in private forest area is rife in Muara Enim district which causing environmental degradation. The purpose of this study is to find out the institutional forms associated with illegal coal mining activities. The study used a qualitative approach that illustrated how unlicensed mining (PETI) still able to operate despite violating the law. The result of this study indicates the existing formal institutions did not run so well which lead to the creation of non-formal institutions who permits illegal activities. There are few technical requirements that PETI could not provide if they were legalized to be public mining. Good coordination and teamwork between government and law enforcers along with mining corporation are desirable to control the development of PETI and the impact it brings, especially in private forest.

Research paper thumbnail of Satellite based analysis of mangrove cover and density change in mangroves of Tulang Bawang District, Lampung Province, Indonesia

Biodiversitas, Jun 9, 2023

Being a threatened ecosystem of the world, mangroves require regular monitoring to identify areas... more Being a threatened ecosystem of the world, mangroves require regular monitoring to identify areas that need improvement in conservation measures. Considering this, the present study aimed to assess the mangrove cover and density change in mangrove forest of Tulang Bawang District, Lampung Province, Indonesia. Data was collected by remote sensing techniques using satellite imagery viz., Landsat 5 in 2000 and 2010 and Landsat 8 in 2020. It was then analyzed using remote sensing method, namely Object-Based Image Analysis techniques using the unguided classification method to obtain mangrove cover data; while mangrove density information was obtained using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index algorithm. The results revealed the decrease in mangrove cover and density between 2000 and 2020. The mangrove cover decreased from 7529 ha in 2000 to 5551 ha in 2020. Furthermore, density of mangrove forest has also witnessed change from dense density class in 2000 to medium density class in 2020. From this result, it is evident that mangroves of East Rawajitu Sub-district are degrading and require focused efforts to prevent the degradation. Communities, entrepreneurs, and governments have different motives for utilizing mangrove forests that result in damage, so reasonable efforts are needed to manage mangrove forests sustainably.

Research paper thumbnail of Community preferences for agroforestry patterns in supporting future forestry development

IOP conference series, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of IDF (intensity-duration-frequency) curve and unit hydrograph as signature of characteristic changing of Way Kuala Garuntang Watershed

IOP conference series, Apr 1, 2021

There is direct relation between global warming and precipitation. Air capacity of water increase... more There is direct relation between global warming and precipitation. Air capacity of water increase by 7% to increasing of 1°C of air temperature, causing more water vapor content in the air. This research aims to investigate how IDF Curve and Unit Hydrograph can be used as signature of characteristic changing of Way Kuala Garuntang Watershed. The study area is Way Kuala Garuntang watershed and rainfall data source is from automatic rainfall recorder of Stasiun BMKG Maritim Panjang, ARR Tipping bucket installed at Way Kuala Garuntang watershed, and 4 manual raingauges. From the research can be concluded that IDF Curve can be used as signature of characteristic changing of Way Kuala Garuntang watershed mainly the changing of rainfall intensity in various of return period. Meanwhile, due to average of IUH of 5 flood events in 1 year data serie, and significant differences of Qp between IUH and SUH, the Unit Hydrograph was not suitable as signature of characteristic changing of Way Kuala Garuntang watershed.

Research paper thumbnail of The Economic Values of Utilizing Water Services Way Betung Watershed

Jurnal Sylva Lestari : Journal of Sustainable Forest, Oct 2, 2018

Daerah Aliran Sungai Way Betung merupakan sumber penyedia air baku yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyara... more Daerah Aliran Sungai Way Betung merupakan sumber penyedia air baku yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Desa Talang Mulya untuk berbagai keperluan seperti keperluan rumah tangga, pengairan irigasi pertanian padi sawah dan pembangkit listrik tenaga mikro hidro. Ketersediaan air erat kaitannya dengan keberadaan hutan yang ada di wilayah tersebut sehingga perlu adanya keseimbangan dalam pengelolaan lahan hutan untuk menjaga ketersediaan air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat tentang pemanfaatan air untuk rumah tangga, pengairan irigasi pertanian padi sawah, dan pembangkit listrik tenaga mikro hidro dari kawasan hutan serta menganalisis nilai ekonomi air untuk pemanfaatan rumah tangga, irigasi pertanian padi sawah dan pembangkit listrik tenaga mikro hidro serta menghitung kesediaan membayar (willingness to pay) biaya rehabilitasi hutan dan lahan. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara kepada 106 responden pemanfaat air dengan menggunakan kuisioner. Perhitungan nilai ekonomi total pemanfaatan air menggunakan metode willingness to pay. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penilaian masyarakat terhadap sumber daya air DAS Way Betung cukup baik karena 88% responden bersedia membayar biaya rehabilitasi hutan. Nilai ekonomi total pemanfaatan air di Desa Talang Mulya sebesar Rp.2.963.540.390/tahun dan nilai kesediaan membayar biaya rehabilitasi hutan sebesar Rp.5.833.608/tahun dengan rata-rata kesediaan membayar sebesar Rp.22.948/tahun.

Research paper thumbnail of IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science "DF (intensity-duration-frequency) curve and unithydrograph as signature of characteristic changing of WayKuala Garuntang Watershed

Research paper thumbnail of Kontribusi Wanita Tani Hutan terhadap Pendapatan Keluarga diHutan Rakyat Desa Air Kubang Kecamatan Air NaninganKabupaten Tanggamus

Kontribusi wanita tani hutan dalam mengelola lahan hutannya berpotensi untuk membantu meningkatka... more Kontribusi wanita tani hutan dalam mengelola lahan hutannya berpotensi untuk membantu meningkatkan perekonomian keluarga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis ratarata pendapatan wanita, total pendapatan keluarga dan mengidentifikasi kontribusi peran wanita dalam pendapatan keluarga. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur dengan jumlah responden yang dipilih secara acak sebanyak 55 orang. Analisis data secara kualitatif digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk kegiatan ekonomi yang dilakukan wanita tani hutan, sementara analisis data secara kuantitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis total pendapatan wanita tani hutan, total pendapatan keluarga, dan kontribusi wanita tani hutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata pendapatan wanita tani hutan Rp 475.000/bulan, pendapatan keluarga Rp 1.428.000/bulan. Hasil analisis kontribusi wanita menunjukkan bahwa 42 orang wanita atau sekitar 76% memberikan kontribusi yang tergolong kecil karena kontribusi yang diberikan ≤ 50% dari total pendapatan keluarga, hanya13 orang wanita atau sekitar 24% yang mampu memberikan kontribusi yang tergolong besar karena mencapai > 50% dari total pendapatan keluarga.

Research paper thumbnail of Bentuk Kegiatan Ekonomi Wanita Tani Hutan Dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Keluarga DI Hutan Rakyat Desa Air Kubang Kecamatan Air Naningan Kabupaten Tanggamus

Kebutuhan hidup keluarga yang terus meningkat setiap saat menjadi faktor yang mendorong wanita un... more Kebutuhan hidup keluarga yang terus meningkat setiap saat menjadi faktor yang mendorong wanita untuk ikut membantu suami dalam mencari nafkah dengan melakukan kegiatan ekonomi. Kegiatan ekonomi yang dilakukan wanita di lokasi penelitian sesuai dengan kondisi dan kemampuan yang mereka miliki. Mereka memiliki rentang umur 20-70 tahun yang masih melakukan kegiatan produktif. Desa Air Kubang dipilih karena di sana terdapat hutan rakyat yang pengelolaannya cukup efektif dan sudah banyak mengekspor hasil hutannya sampai ke mancanegara. Bentuk kegiatan ekonomi wanita tani hutan di Desa Air Kubang belum diketahui sehingga penelitian ini penting untuk dilakukan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis kualitatif. Analisis kualitatif digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan apa saja bentuk kegiatan ekonomi yang dilakukan wanita tani hutan. Bentuk kegiatan ekonomi wanita tani hutan dapat dilihat dari tiga sektor yaitu on farm, off, farm, dan non farm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wanita yang bekerja pada sektor on farm sebanyak 43 orang atau 72.88%, sektor off farm sebanyak 7 orang atau 11.87% dan sektor non farm sebanyak 9 orang atau 15.25%. Sebagian dari mereka yang bekerja pada sektor on farm karena tidak memiliki keahlian lain di luar bidang tersebut, dan mereka yang bekerja pada sektor off farm dan non farm karena bagi mereka dua sektor tersebut dapat lebih membantu perekonomian keluarga. Kata kunci : partisipasi, pemberdayaan, kehutanan masyarakat

Research paper thumbnail of Contribution of Woman Forest Farmers on Family Income at Private Forest in Air Kubang Village Air Naningan District Tanggamus Regency

Jurnal Sylva Lestari : Journal of Sustainable Forest, May 28, 2019

Kontribusi wanita tani hutan dalam mengelola lahan hutannya berpotensi untuk membantu meningkatka... more Kontribusi wanita tani hutan dalam mengelola lahan hutannya berpotensi untuk membantu meningkatkan perekonomian keluarga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis ratarata pendapatan wanita, total pendapatan keluarga dan mengidentifikasi kontribusi peran wanita dalam pendapatan keluarga. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur dengan jumlah responden yang dipilih secara acak sebanyak 55 orang. Analisis data secara kualitatif digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk kegiatan ekonomi yang dilakukan wanita tani hutan, sementara analisis data secara kuantitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis total pendapatan wanita tani hutan, total pendapatan keluarga, dan kontribusi wanita tani hutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata pendapatan wanita tani hutan Rp 475.000/bulan, pendapatan keluarga Rp 1.428.000/bulan. Hasil analisis kontribusi wanita menunjukkan bahwa 42 orang wanita atau sekitar 76% memberikan kontribusi yang tergolong kecil karena kontribusi yang diberikan ≤ 50% dari total pendapatan keluarga, hanya13 orang wanita atau sekitar 24% yang mampu memberikan kontribusi yang tergolong besar karena mencapai > 50% dari total pendapatan keluarga.

Research paper thumbnail of Coal Mining Institution in Private Forest

Jurnal Sylva Lestari : Journal of Sustainable Forest, Oct 2, 2018

Pertambangan Tanpa Izin (PETI) yang dilakukan oleh kelompok masyarakat dalam areal hutan rakyat m... more Pertambangan Tanpa Izin (PETI) yang dilakukan oleh kelompok masyarakat dalam areal hutan rakyat marak terjadi di Kabupaten Muara Enim menyebabkan terjadinya degradasi lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk kelembagaan yang berjalan terkait dengan aktivitas PETI batubara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang menggambarkan bagaimana PETI tetap beroperasi meskipun ilegal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelembagaan formal yang ada tidak berjalan dengan baik sehingga tercipta kelembagaan non formal yang memungkinkan PETI bisa berjalan. Beberapa persyaratan teknis yang dimuat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan tidak dapat dipenuhi oleh PETI jika dilegalkan menjadi pertambangan rakyat. Koordinasi dan kerjasama yang baik antara pemerintah termasuk aparat penegak hukum dengan perusahaan pertambangan sangat diharapkan untuk mengendalikan perkembangan PETI serta dampak yang ditimbulkan, khususnya di hutan rakyat. Kata kunci : hutan rakyat, kelembagaan, kerusakan lingkungan, pertambangan tanpa izin, tambang batubara ABSTRACT Unlicensed Mining (PETI) conducted by community groups in private forest area is rife in Muara Enim district which causing environmental degradation. The purpose of this study is to find out the institutional forms associated with illegal coal mining activities. The study used a qualitative approach that illustrated how unlicensed mining (PETI) still able to operate despite violating the law. The result of this study indicates the existing formal institutions did not run so well which lead to the creation of non-formal institutions who permits illegal activities. There are few technical requirements that PETI could not provide if they were legalized to be public mining. Good coordination and teamwork between government and law enforcers along with mining corporation are desirable to control the development of PETI and the impact it brings, especially in private forest.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Perubahan Tutupan Hutan Dan Lahan Terhadap Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (Pdrb) Di Sektor Pertanian, Kehutanan Dan Industri : Studi Di Provinsi Lampung

Jurnal Sylva Lestari : Journal of Sustainable Forest, Jan 26, 2017

National economic growth is an aggregate of regional economic growth. Economic growth in both nat... more National economic growth is an aggregate of regional economic growth. Economic growth in both national and local level is closely related to the performance of the productions of goods and services, which measured by massive increase in the amount of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Regional Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) for the region. Lampung province's economic growth performance is high enough but on the other hand had to be paid by land conversion. This study aims to determine changes in forest cover and land as well as its influence on the RGDP in agriculture, forestry and industry. Data collected consist of satelitte image of lampung province RGDP in agricultural sector, RGDP in foresty sector, RGDP in industrial sector and population density data. The research method is to perform modeling of multiple linear regression Ummi Dienelly using Minitab version 16, with the response variable Y 1 is the RGDP in the agricultural sector, Y 2 is RGDP in the forestry sector, Y 3 is RGDP in the industrial sector and the explanatory variables (X) used include the proportion of forest area of the country , privat forests, agricultural land, rice fields, and undeveloped land, plantations, other areas, and the data density of population per km 2. The result showed that there was a significant relationship beetwen changes in private forest cover by 11.055 (p= 0.062), rice field by 7.982 (p= 0.082), and population density by-8.676 (p= 0.000) to the RGDP in agricultural sector. RGDP in the forestry sector is affected significantly by the national forest cover by 1.160 (p= 0.00) and other land use by-0.803 (p= 0.061). RGDP in the industrial sector is influenced significantly by private forest-7.434 (p= 0.077), and plantation by 5.471 (p= 0.00).