Samsul Hidayat - (original) (raw)

Papers by Samsul Hidayat

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Lampu Energi Air Garam Untuk Nelayan Tradisional DI Pantura Kec. Paciran Kab. Lamongan

Jurnal Graha Pengabdian

Abstrak: Hingga saat ini para nelayan masih menggunkanan bahan bakar minyak sebagai energi utama ... more Abstrak: Hingga saat ini para nelayan masih menggunkanan bahan bakar minyak sebagai energi utama yang digunakan untuk mencari ikan. Salah satunya adalah mitra PKM Nelayan Tradisional Di Pantura Kecamatan Paciran Kab. Lamongan Jatim. Dari permasalahan tersebut, dibutuhkan sebuah energi alternatif guna mengurangi penggunaan bahan bakar minyak oleh nelayan khususnya nelayan tradisional. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini antaralain (1) Mengurangi konsumsi bahan bakar minyak untuk penggunaan lampu, (2) diseminasi teknologi tepat guna (TTG) konversi energi air garam menjadi listrik untuk penerangan yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai energi alternatif pada saat mencari ikan di malam hari. Metode penerapan Ipteks dilakukan melalui tidakan dalam bentuk pembuatan, penerapan instalasi, dan perawatan bateri energi air garam yang dapat dimanfaatkan bagi para nelayan dengan memperhatikan masukan permasalahan dari mitra dilanjutkan dengan melakukan uji kinerja. Dalam penerapannya, nelayan dapat m...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna Mesin Pemisah Kulit Ari Kacang Bagi Ukm Kota Probolinggo

Jurnal Graha Pengabdian

Abstrak: Proses yang dilakukan dalam pengolahan kacang mentah hingga menjadi camilan membutuhkan ... more Abstrak: Proses yang dilakukan dalam pengolahan kacang mentah hingga menjadi camilan membutuhkan proses yang cukup lama, khususnya dalam pemisahan biji dengan kulit ari kacang tanah yang masih tercampur setelah proses pengupasan kulit ari kacang yang selama ini masih menggunakan cara manual atau dipilah satu persatu menggunakan tangan. Untuk memenuhi produktifitas yang tinggi dan untuk membantu mitra industri olahan kacang bagi UKM Kota Probolinggo sekaligus mendukung usaha mitra, perlu diimplementasikan teknologi tepat guna berupa mesin pemisah kulit ari kacang. Tujuan dalam implementasi ini yaitu mengatasi kesulitan proses pengolahan kacang pada proses pemisahan kulit ari kacang yang selama ini dilakukan dengan cara manual yang kapasitas produksinya masih rendah dan mendifusikan mesin pemisah kulit ari kacang dengan cara memberikan pengetahuan serta keterampilan tentang cara pengoperasian dan perawatan mesin pemisah kulit ari kacang. Berdasarkan implementasi yang telah dilakukan,...

Research paper thumbnail of Seismic microzonation by using microtremor method in Pandan volcano, Bojonegoro, East Java

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2017

Pandan volcano geographically is located in the north of Madiun and Nganjuk district, and south B... more Pandan volcano geographically is located in the north of Madiun and Nganjuk district, and south Bojonegoro district. The status of this volcano is longer not active, but it still emerges hot spring in some areas. This research aims to understand the distribution of the natural frequency value, the amplification factor value, and the vulnerability index value by using mictrotremor horizontal to vertical spectrum ratio (HVSR) method, that is believed to have an important contribution to earthquake disaster mitigation. There are 19 measurement sites where geographically ranges between 7°26'36.60''–7°27'16.49''S and 111°46'31.76''– 111°47'11.98''E. The survey used portable seismograph 3-components SL07 SARA single station. For each site of measurement needs 30 minutes of ambient noise recording with a sampling rate of 100 Hz. The data processing was done by HVSR analysis method on Easy HVSR software. The natural frequency (f o ) value ranges between 1,1 and 9,95 Hz, and amplification factor (A g ) value varies from 2,1 to 7,2. The vulnerability index (K g ) value ranging from 0,48 to 25,34. The highest risk index is located in the north part of the research area where have high potential to damage when the earthquake happens.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Desain Sarana Penunjang Drone Untuk Aktifitas Pemetaan Lahan Pertanian Berbasis Drone Dji Mavic 2 Pro Dengan Konsep Safety Compact

Pada sektor pertanian, pemetaan lahan merupakan hal penting yang harus dilakukan dalam proses pem... more Pada sektor pertanian, pemetaan lahan merupakan hal penting yang harus dilakukan dalam proses pembangunan maupun pengelolaan lahan. Dengan adanya gambaran keseluruhan lahan, pihak pengelola akan lebih mudah untuk membuat perencanaan pembangunan maupun dalam menginspeksi kondisi terkini keseluruhan lahan baik mengenai kesuburan tanaman, hama, saluran irigasi maupun kerusakan tanah. Drone mrupakan teknologi canggih yang saat ini digunakan untuk membantu proses pemetaan. Penggunaan drone jenis multicopter diketahui sangat efektif untuk digunakan dalam proses pemetaan lahan kecil yaitu kurang dari 200 hektar termasuk untuk lahan pertanian yang relatif luas, dan memiliki pemukaan tidak dara serta sulit dijangkau. Namun drone saat ini yang digunakan sering memunculkan kendala dan kurang aman untuk digunakan di lahan perkebunan yang pada umumya memiliki tanah yang basah, dan tidak rata. Landing skid yang pendek membuat gimbal terlalu dekat dengan permukaan tanah dan beresiko pada kerusakan komponen. Selain itu sarana yang digunakan saat aktifitas pemetaan juga masih kurang memadai dan barang-barang yang dibawa kurang praktis dan seringkali menggangu mobilitas. Oleh karena itu dirancanglah sebuah drone pemetaan yang cocok untuk digunakan di lahan pertanian yang lebih aman dan juga sarana penunjang aktifitasnya yang ringkas sehingga kegiatan pemetaan menjadi lebih optimal =================================================================================================== In the agricultural sector, land mapping is an important thing that must be done in the process of development and land management. With the overall picture of the land, the manager will be easier to make a plan and in checking the current condition of the whole land both regarding plant fertility, pests, irrigation channels and soil damage. Drone is a sophisticated technology that is currently used to help the mapping process. The use of multicopter type drones is known to be very effective to be used in the process of mapping small land which is less than 200 hectares including agricultural land which is relatively large, and has a contoured surface. However, the current drones that are used are less safe to use on plantation land which generally has wet and contoured land. Short landing skid makes dreadlocks too close to the ground and risks damaging components. In addition, the facilities used when mapping activities are also inadequate and the items carried are not practical and often interfere with mobility. Therefore, is needed a drone mapping design that is safe for agricultural use and supporting facilities for its activity that are concise so that mapping activities become more optima

Research paper thumbnail of Negotiation as Problem Solving on Transformational Leadership

Research paper thumbnail of Temperature and humidity data acquisition design based on microcontroller ATMEGA8

Jurnal MIPA dan Pembelajarannya, 2021

The need for fast and accurate information is urgently needed to support human performance in var... more The need for fast and accurate information is urgently needed to support human performance in various areas, including in the field of meteorology. Information about the weather parameters such as temperature and relative humidity on certain areas need to know quickly and accurately. For example the recording of temperature and humidity of a city, the mountains, or in disaster areas, it will definitely be easier if can be recorded automatically and continuously in a certain time. Therefore it needs a tool that can find out the weather parameters such as temperature and relative humidity on a certain position continuously and automatically. In this case the system can use data acquisition and data logger. System design used in this study consisted of DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor with digital output that is already terkalibrasi, microcontroller ATmega8 as the data processor of the DHT11 and the results will be displayed in the LCD. the display on the LCD always updated every ...

Research paper thumbnail of Design of monitor system and tube fluid’s rate controller based on pressure sensor mpx5100dp and control valve

Jurnal MIPA dan Pembelajarannya, 2021

Control system is a major component in the industrial operations control process. In some industr... more Control system is a major component in the industrial operations control process. In some industries that make use of chemicals, an error variables or parameters settings can cause some damage. For the environment or the industry itself. So, utilization and development in this field is an awful lot to do. This control system is designed to measure and control the flow rate of the fluid in the pipes. This tool is composed by using a pressure sensor MPX5100dp as the primary sensor and also the servo motor that became the controlling actuator faucets. The results showed that this system can control the fluid's flow rate according to what expected. For monitoring, the system can can determine the rate changes that occur in the pipe. This tool can measure the pressure of 100kPa and rotate the actuator up to faucets with a range of more or less 5 degree.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of nanostructural and magnetic properties of Mn0.25Fe2.75O4/AC nanoparticles

Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021

Indonesia as a maritime country has many lands and beaches which own many iron sands. This abunda... more Indonesia as a maritime country has many lands and beaches which own many iron sands. This abundant amount of natural iron sand can be used as the main source of ingredients to produce magnetic materials that have many advantages. One of the advantages is as raw material for synthesizing Mn0.25Fe2.75O4/Activated Carbon (AC) magnetic nanoparticles which can be used for the material in absorbents or in the formation of a capacitor. The Mn0.25Fe2.75O4/AC magnetic nanoparticles have been successfully synthesized by using the co-precipitation method. Furthermore, the variations of AC mass in Mn0.25Fe2.75O4/AC nanoparticles also have been investigated to find out its effect on the nanostructural and magnetic properties of the Mn0.25Fe2.75O4/AC nanoparticles that are characterized using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) instrument respectively. The particle sizes of the Mn0.25Fe2.75O4/AC with 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 g variations of AC filler characterized by using X...


Nutrition is a process of entri and processing of nutrients needed by the body. If the nutrients ... more Nutrition is a process of entri and processing of nutrients needed by the body. If the nutrients are not met, then the lack of nutritional intake to meet the metabolic needs. The one that apears on nutritional disorder is an imbalance of nutrients: lack of demand. Nutritional imbalace lack of demand is the intake of nutrients that enter the body are in appropiateor insufficient to meet the body’s need. lack of knowledge is one of the factor that affect nutrition. The purpose of this paper is to provid an overview in providing nursing care to the issue of nutrition on nutritionalimbalance: of demand based on case studies conducted on Mr. S in PKU Muhammadiyah Gombongof the assessment result obtaind four issues, they are: 1)nutritional imbalance :lack of demand. 2)ineffective tissue perfusion. 3)activity in tolerance. 4)Deficiency of knowledge. Various actions based NIC has been done to address the problem so that in accardance with the criteria suggested result NOC. One nursing actio...

Research paper thumbnail of “Mutual Understanding of Spiritual Awareness” : Model Peningkatan Kinerja Berbasis Nilai Budaya Kerja Lintas Agama

The study of performance improvement strategies in both government and private organizations is a... more The study of performance improvement strategies in both government and private organizations is a crucial issue in the government's efforts to carry out mental revolution in order to realize good government and good governance. The application of performance enhancement strategies through a work-based culture-based work culture based on religious teachings is used to accommodate the facts of the diversity of beliefs and cultures of organizational resources that on one hand have the potential to generate multiple conflicts, and on the other hand can also be strength and capital for the growth of the organization. Research object is approached with ethical and emic point of view together. From an ethical point of view, this research will formulate concepts that are consistent and accepted as general truths, such as the values of work culture in the view of religions as a universal truth. While in the emic point of view, the formulation of Mutual Understanding of Spiritual Awarenes...

Research paper thumbnail of Optimalisasi Pelayanan Publik Bagi Pemimpin DI Era 4.0 (Globalisasi)

Pelayanan publik yang berkualiatas, yang berorientasi memuaskan masyarakat sangat tergantung dar... more Pelayanan publik yang berkualiatas, yang berorientasi memuaskan masyarakat sangat tergantung dari peranan pemimpinnya. Merubah paradigma pelayanan publik juga sangat tergantung dari mindset (pola pikir) dari pemimpin itu sendriri. Ini semua berhasil dirubah paradigma pelayanan publik apabila didukung dengan (cultural setting) budaya kerja yang menjadi milik bersama dan (breakthough strategic) terobosan strategi-strategi yang tepat sasaran. Berkualitasnya pelayanan public, ternyata membawa dampak pada peningkatan pendapatan asli Daerah (PAD), peningkatan Investasi, kepercayaan pada pemerintah dan sebagainya

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan oven dengan kontrol elektronik untuk peningkatan kapasitas dan kualitas produksi kue bolu

Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat (JIPEMAS), 2021

1 Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, email: 2 Universitas Negeri Malang, Indon... more 1 Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, email: 2 Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, email: 3 Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, email: 4 Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, email: 5 Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, email: 6 Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, email: *Koresponden penulis

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Aplikasi Speech Recognition Untuk Navigasi Al Qur’An Digital

Al Qur'an is sacred to us Muslims. But at times like this when reading Al Qur'an is a rar... more Al Qur'an is sacred to us Muslims. But at times like this when reading Al Qur'an is a rarely performed today due to their busy individual. Reading Al Qur'an can be done everywhere except where such unclean bathroom, etc.. In terms of reading Al Qur'an sometimes for people who have difficulty physically disabled and need the help of others and also for foreign citizens who are new to Islam. Al Qur'an now more efficient with the discovery of al qur'an digital technology in both the mobile and computer applications making it easier for users to bring Al Qur'an and can recite the Quran according to their wishes. Moreover for people with high levels of mobility, the presence of al qur'an digital assist them in reading Al Qur'an With Al Qur'an digital course users want applications that Qur'an with the help of sound. Speech recognition is a technology that uses voice commands in the running of a tool or application. Of it made an application for...

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungann Self-Managementi dengan Kualitas HidupiPasien Paska Stroke di Poli Neurologi Rumah Sakit Tk.II dr. SoepraoeniMalang

Pasien pasca stroke memerlukan penanganan jangka panjang dalam pemeliharaan kesehatannya, peningk... more Pasien pasca stroke memerlukan penanganan jangka panjang dalam pemeliharaan kesehatannya, peningkatan kelangsungan hidup adanya masalah yang muncul pasca serangan stroke mempengaruhi kualitas hidup mereka. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan perawat adalah bagaimana memandirikan pasien untuk perawatan di rumah. Maka dari itu dilakukan penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk melihat gambaran hubungan antara self management dengan kualitas hidup pasien pasca stroke. Penelitian memakai desain korelasi dan cross sectional, dengan menggunakan tehnik purposivee sampling. Total responden sebanyak 105 responden yang mayoritas berumur 51 tahun ke atas, sebagian besar menyerang perempuan, tidak bekerja, berpendidikan SLTA, jenis stroke iskemik, serangan stroke satu kali, mengalami kelumpuhan dan kebanyakan karena faktor riwayat hipertensi. Hasil uji Rank Spearmani menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan antara self management dan kualitas hidup (P value, r =0.609) dengan nilai hubungan yang sedang/ cukup yait...

Research paper thumbnail of Penentuan Area Kerentanan Bencana Gempabumi Berdasarkan Pengukuran Mikrotremor di Sekitar Gunung Pandan Jawa Timur

ABSTRAKArea kerentanan bencana gempabumi merupakan suatu wilayah yang memiliki tingkat risiko tin... more ABSTRAKArea kerentanan bencana gempabumi merupakan suatu wilayah yang memiliki tingkat risiko tinggi mengalami kerusakan ketika terjadi bencana gempabumi. Mikrotremor adalah getaran lemah di permukaan bumi dengan amplitudo pergeseran sekitar 0,1-1 mikron, dan kecepatan amplitudo sekitar 0,001-0,01cm/detik, akibat adanya sumber getar yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas alam maupun aktivitas manusia. Gunung Pandan merupakan gunung yang berada di wilayah selatan Kabupaten Bojonegoro, berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Madiun dan Kabupaten Nganjuk. Secara geologi, Gunung Pandan tersusun dan didominasi batuan breksi gunungapi (breksi Pandan) yang terbentuk pada masa awal Plistosen. Pengukuran mikrotremor merupakan metode untuk mengetahui sifat dinamis lapisan tanah, seperti frekuensi natural tanah (f0) dan faktor amplifikasi (penguatan) tanah. Pengukuran mikrotremor mudah dilakukan, tidak menimbulkan kerusakan pada tanah, dan tidak menimbulkan kebisingan sehingga aman dilakukan di permukiman warga. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Electrical Signal Propagation in Four Probes System Measuring at The Range of 20Hz - 600Hz

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021

The electrical-supply on the earth’s surface are propagate from the positive electrode to the neg... more The electrical-supply on the earth’s surface are propagate from the positive electrode to the negative electrode. The electrons flow from the negative electrode to the positive electrode. In the conductor wire, an electric current tends to pass through the wire shell. The charge density decreases in proportion to the depth, the increase in frequency, and the material permeability. Based on these factors, practically, the conductor surface is often extended by making fibbers. If one of the trajectories on the earth gives an electric voltage, then the earth is not a perfect conductor, the earth as a large object with a surface is predicted to be relatively difficult to deliver an alternating electric current. Based on the previous statement, the granting of an electric current, and will more difficult to flow when the frequency is increased. The aim of this research is to find out the phenomena of earth resistance in the range of 20Hz-600Hz. It is expected that this data are useful fo...

Research paper thumbnail of Al-Qur’An Dan Kecerdasan Spiritual: Upaya Menyingkap Rahasia Allah Dalam Al-Qur’An

This article attempts to describe the phenomena of spiritual quotient by referring to several sto... more This article attempts to describe the phenomena of spiritual quotient by referring to several stories which still contain unrevealed secrets in the Qur‟an. Spiritual quotient is a form of intelligence that uses spiritual process or in the Islamic mystical term called irfani. Moslem great mystics in the past used irfani method to elaborate Allah‟s secrets in the Qur‟an. The method of understanding Quranic verses using the irfani medium is called irfani interpretation method. By using this method, Sufis interpret Allah‟s verses based on their thought, behavior and spiritual light. Undeniably, those Sufis were also influenced by their own culture or cultural characters such as those of the Persian, Indian and Greek. Islamic mystics who usually used this method in their interpretation of the Qur‟an were Ibn „Arabi, Mansur al-Hallaj, Jalaluddin Rumi, Imam al-Ghazali, Syihabuddin Suhrawardi al-Maqtul, etc. Thus, revealing the Quranic secrets not only followed the procedure of interpretati...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Pengemasan Pesan Dakwah Melalui Bahasa Verbal Dan Non Verbal Dalam Film “Kurang Dua Ons”

Film is a universal media which can be used for various purposes, one of them is as a propaganda ... more Film is a universal media which can be used for various purposes, one of them is as a propaganda media as presented in the Film "Kurang Dua Ons". This article applied descriptive method through a qualitative approach with primary data sources in the form of interviews with film directors, film observation and audio-visual, as well as documentation. While secondary data sources include document records, interviews with other relevant parts of this film, books, journals and supporting documents. Then the data analyzed by collecting, reducing, classifying and displaying data. The results showed that the strategy of determining the message of da’wah and the selection of ideas through several ways namely observation, theme adjustment, determining the purpose of filmmaking, main characters analysis, segmentation and re-observation, the strategy of packaging the message of da’wah into the film scenario were by characterizing the characters, determining the sequence of scenes and ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Using Think, Talk, Write (TTW) To Improve Students’ Writing Skill on Descriptive Text(An Experimental Research at the Second Grade of SMP Negeri 3 Gunungsari, Serang)

This Research is conducted on the main problems 1) finding out the purpose in using TTWtoward stu... more This Research is conducted on the main problems 1) finding out the purpose in using TTWtoward students’ writing skill on descriptive text at the first grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Gunungsari, Serang ; 2) finding out students’ understanding on TTWprocedure that is applied by the teacher on descriptive text; 3) finding out the effectiveness of TTWon descriptive text in the second grade of SMP Negeri 3 Gunungsari, Serang. To answer the questions, the wri ter uses quasi experimental method in this research. The writer collects data from 50 students spread into two classes, one class as experimental group and the other one is as the control group, by applying experimental research method. The population is t he first grade of SMP Negeri 3 Gunungsari , Serang 201 7 - 201 8 , while class VIII A as the experimental group and class VIII B as the control group are taken as the sample. Since the research uses writing test involve pre - test and post - test to know the studen ts’ writing skil...

Research paper thumbnail of Rancang bangun sistem kontrol suhu, intensitas cahaya dan Hidayat, Samsul

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Lampu Energi Air Garam Untuk Nelayan Tradisional DI Pantura Kec. Paciran Kab. Lamongan

Jurnal Graha Pengabdian

Abstrak: Hingga saat ini para nelayan masih menggunkanan bahan bakar minyak sebagai energi utama ... more Abstrak: Hingga saat ini para nelayan masih menggunkanan bahan bakar minyak sebagai energi utama yang digunakan untuk mencari ikan. Salah satunya adalah mitra PKM Nelayan Tradisional Di Pantura Kecamatan Paciran Kab. Lamongan Jatim. Dari permasalahan tersebut, dibutuhkan sebuah energi alternatif guna mengurangi penggunaan bahan bakar minyak oleh nelayan khususnya nelayan tradisional. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini antaralain (1) Mengurangi konsumsi bahan bakar minyak untuk penggunaan lampu, (2) diseminasi teknologi tepat guna (TTG) konversi energi air garam menjadi listrik untuk penerangan yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai energi alternatif pada saat mencari ikan di malam hari. Metode penerapan Ipteks dilakukan melalui tidakan dalam bentuk pembuatan, penerapan instalasi, dan perawatan bateri energi air garam yang dapat dimanfaatkan bagi para nelayan dengan memperhatikan masukan permasalahan dari mitra dilanjutkan dengan melakukan uji kinerja. Dalam penerapannya, nelayan dapat m...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna Mesin Pemisah Kulit Ari Kacang Bagi Ukm Kota Probolinggo

Jurnal Graha Pengabdian

Abstrak: Proses yang dilakukan dalam pengolahan kacang mentah hingga menjadi camilan membutuhkan ... more Abstrak: Proses yang dilakukan dalam pengolahan kacang mentah hingga menjadi camilan membutuhkan proses yang cukup lama, khususnya dalam pemisahan biji dengan kulit ari kacang tanah yang masih tercampur setelah proses pengupasan kulit ari kacang yang selama ini masih menggunakan cara manual atau dipilah satu persatu menggunakan tangan. Untuk memenuhi produktifitas yang tinggi dan untuk membantu mitra industri olahan kacang bagi UKM Kota Probolinggo sekaligus mendukung usaha mitra, perlu diimplementasikan teknologi tepat guna berupa mesin pemisah kulit ari kacang. Tujuan dalam implementasi ini yaitu mengatasi kesulitan proses pengolahan kacang pada proses pemisahan kulit ari kacang yang selama ini dilakukan dengan cara manual yang kapasitas produksinya masih rendah dan mendifusikan mesin pemisah kulit ari kacang dengan cara memberikan pengetahuan serta keterampilan tentang cara pengoperasian dan perawatan mesin pemisah kulit ari kacang. Berdasarkan implementasi yang telah dilakukan,...

Research paper thumbnail of Seismic microzonation by using microtremor method in Pandan volcano, Bojonegoro, East Java

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2017

Pandan volcano geographically is located in the north of Madiun and Nganjuk district, and south B... more Pandan volcano geographically is located in the north of Madiun and Nganjuk district, and south Bojonegoro district. The status of this volcano is longer not active, but it still emerges hot spring in some areas. This research aims to understand the distribution of the natural frequency value, the amplification factor value, and the vulnerability index value by using mictrotremor horizontal to vertical spectrum ratio (HVSR) method, that is believed to have an important contribution to earthquake disaster mitigation. There are 19 measurement sites where geographically ranges between 7°26'36.60''–7°27'16.49''S and 111°46'31.76''– 111°47'11.98''E. The survey used portable seismograph 3-components SL07 SARA single station. For each site of measurement needs 30 minutes of ambient noise recording with a sampling rate of 100 Hz. The data processing was done by HVSR analysis method on Easy HVSR software. The natural frequency (f o ) value ranges between 1,1 and 9,95 Hz, and amplification factor (A g ) value varies from 2,1 to 7,2. The vulnerability index (K g ) value ranging from 0,48 to 25,34. The highest risk index is located in the north part of the research area where have high potential to damage when the earthquake happens.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Desain Sarana Penunjang Drone Untuk Aktifitas Pemetaan Lahan Pertanian Berbasis Drone Dji Mavic 2 Pro Dengan Konsep Safety Compact

Pada sektor pertanian, pemetaan lahan merupakan hal penting yang harus dilakukan dalam proses pem... more Pada sektor pertanian, pemetaan lahan merupakan hal penting yang harus dilakukan dalam proses pembangunan maupun pengelolaan lahan. Dengan adanya gambaran keseluruhan lahan, pihak pengelola akan lebih mudah untuk membuat perencanaan pembangunan maupun dalam menginspeksi kondisi terkini keseluruhan lahan baik mengenai kesuburan tanaman, hama, saluran irigasi maupun kerusakan tanah. Drone mrupakan teknologi canggih yang saat ini digunakan untuk membantu proses pemetaan. Penggunaan drone jenis multicopter diketahui sangat efektif untuk digunakan dalam proses pemetaan lahan kecil yaitu kurang dari 200 hektar termasuk untuk lahan pertanian yang relatif luas, dan memiliki pemukaan tidak dara serta sulit dijangkau. Namun drone saat ini yang digunakan sering memunculkan kendala dan kurang aman untuk digunakan di lahan perkebunan yang pada umumya memiliki tanah yang basah, dan tidak rata. Landing skid yang pendek membuat gimbal terlalu dekat dengan permukaan tanah dan beresiko pada kerusakan komponen. Selain itu sarana yang digunakan saat aktifitas pemetaan juga masih kurang memadai dan barang-barang yang dibawa kurang praktis dan seringkali menggangu mobilitas. Oleh karena itu dirancanglah sebuah drone pemetaan yang cocok untuk digunakan di lahan pertanian yang lebih aman dan juga sarana penunjang aktifitasnya yang ringkas sehingga kegiatan pemetaan menjadi lebih optimal =================================================================================================== In the agricultural sector, land mapping is an important thing that must be done in the process of development and land management. With the overall picture of the land, the manager will be easier to make a plan and in checking the current condition of the whole land both regarding plant fertility, pests, irrigation channels and soil damage. Drone is a sophisticated technology that is currently used to help the mapping process. The use of multicopter type drones is known to be very effective to be used in the process of mapping small land which is less than 200 hectares including agricultural land which is relatively large, and has a contoured surface. However, the current drones that are used are less safe to use on plantation land which generally has wet and contoured land. Short landing skid makes dreadlocks too close to the ground and risks damaging components. In addition, the facilities used when mapping activities are also inadequate and the items carried are not practical and often interfere with mobility. Therefore, is needed a drone mapping design that is safe for agricultural use and supporting facilities for its activity that are concise so that mapping activities become more optima

Research paper thumbnail of Negotiation as Problem Solving on Transformational Leadership

Research paper thumbnail of Temperature and humidity data acquisition design based on microcontroller ATMEGA8

Jurnal MIPA dan Pembelajarannya, 2021

The need for fast and accurate information is urgently needed to support human performance in var... more The need for fast and accurate information is urgently needed to support human performance in various areas, including in the field of meteorology. Information about the weather parameters such as temperature and relative humidity on certain areas need to know quickly and accurately. For example the recording of temperature and humidity of a city, the mountains, or in disaster areas, it will definitely be easier if can be recorded automatically and continuously in a certain time. Therefore it needs a tool that can find out the weather parameters such as temperature and relative humidity on a certain position continuously and automatically. In this case the system can use data acquisition and data logger. System design used in this study consisted of DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor with digital output that is already terkalibrasi, microcontroller ATmega8 as the data processor of the DHT11 and the results will be displayed in the LCD. the display on the LCD always updated every ...

Research paper thumbnail of Design of monitor system and tube fluid’s rate controller based on pressure sensor mpx5100dp and control valve

Jurnal MIPA dan Pembelajarannya, 2021

Control system is a major component in the industrial operations control process. In some industr... more Control system is a major component in the industrial operations control process. In some industries that make use of chemicals, an error variables or parameters settings can cause some damage. For the environment or the industry itself. So, utilization and development in this field is an awful lot to do. This control system is designed to measure and control the flow rate of the fluid in the pipes. This tool is composed by using a pressure sensor MPX5100dp as the primary sensor and also the servo motor that became the controlling actuator faucets. The results showed that this system can control the fluid's flow rate according to what expected. For monitoring, the system can can determine the rate changes that occur in the pipe. This tool can measure the pressure of 100kPa and rotate the actuator up to faucets with a range of more or less 5 degree.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of nanostructural and magnetic properties of Mn0.25Fe2.75O4/AC nanoparticles

Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021

Indonesia as a maritime country has many lands and beaches which own many iron sands. This abunda... more Indonesia as a maritime country has many lands and beaches which own many iron sands. This abundant amount of natural iron sand can be used as the main source of ingredients to produce magnetic materials that have many advantages. One of the advantages is as raw material for synthesizing Mn0.25Fe2.75O4/Activated Carbon (AC) magnetic nanoparticles which can be used for the material in absorbents or in the formation of a capacitor. The Mn0.25Fe2.75O4/AC magnetic nanoparticles have been successfully synthesized by using the co-precipitation method. Furthermore, the variations of AC mass in Mn0.25Fe2.75O4/AC nanoparticles also have been investigated to find out its effect on the nanostructural and magnetic properties of the Mn0.25Fe2.75O4/AC nanoparticles that are characterized using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) instrument respectively. The particle sizes of the Mn0.25Fe2.75O4/AC with 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 g variations of AC filler characterized by using X...


Nutrition is a process of entri and processing of nutrients needed by the body. If the nutrients ... more Nutrition is a process of entri and processing of nutrients needed by the body. If the nutrients are not met, then the lack of nutritional intake to meet the metabolic needs. The one that apears on nutritional disorder is an imbalance of nutrients: lack of demand. Nutritional imbalace lack of demand is the intake of nutrients that enter the body are in appropiateor insufficient to meet the body’s need. lack of knowledge is one of the factor that affect nutrition. The purpose of this paper is to provid an overview in providing nursing care to the issue of nutrition on nutritionalimbalance: of demand based on case studies conducted on Mr. S in PKU Muhammadiyah Gombongof the assessment result obtaind four issues, they are: 1)nutritional imbalance :lack of demand. 2)ineffective tissue perfusion. 3)activity in tolerance. 4)Deficiency of knowledge. Various actions based NIC has been done to address the problem so that in accardance with the criteria suggested result NOC. One nursing actio...

Research paper thumbnail of “Mutual Understanding of Spiritual Awareness” : Model Peningkatan Kinerja Berbasis Nilai Budaya Kerja Lintas Agama

The study of performance improvement strategies in both government and private organizations is a... more The study of performance improvement strategies in both government and private organizations is a crucial issue in the government's efforts to carry out mental revolution in order to realize good government and good governance. The application of performance enhancement strategies through a work-based culture-based work culture based on religious teachings is used to accommodate the facts of the diversity of beliefs and cultures of organizational resources that on one hand have the potential to generate multiple conflicts, and on the other hand can also be strength and capital for the growth of the organization. Research object is approached with ethical and emic point of view together. From an ethical point of view, this research will formulate concepts that are consistent and accepted as general truths, such as the values of work culture in the view of religions as a universal truth. While in the emic point of view, the formulation of Mutual Understanding of Spiritual Awarenes...

Research paper thumbnail of Optimalisasi Pelayanan Publik Bagi Pemimpin DI Era 4.0 (Globalisasi)

Pelayanan publik yang berkualiatas, yang berorientasi memuaskan masyarakat sangat tergantung dar... more Pelayanan publik yang berkualiatas, yang berorientasi memuaskan masyarakat sangat tergantung dari peranan pemimpinnya. Merubah paradigma pelayanan publik juga sangat tergantung dari mindset (pola pikir) dari pemimpin itu sendriri. Ini semua berhasil dirubah paradigma pelayanan publik apabila didukung dengan (cultural setting) budaya kerja yang menjadi milik bersama dan (breakthough strategic) terobosan strategi-strategi yang tepat sasaran. Berkualitasnya pelayanan public, ternyata membawa dampak pada peningkatan pendapatan asli Daerah (PAD), peningkatan Investasi, kepercayaan pada pemerintah dan sebagainya

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan oven dengan kontrol elektronik untuk peningkatan kapasitas dan kualitas produksi kue bolu

Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat (JIPEMAS), 2021

1 Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, email: 2 Universitas Negeri Malang, Indon... more 1 Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, email: 2 Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, email: 3 Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, email: 4 Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, email: 5 Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, email: 6 Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, email: *Koresponden penulis

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Aplikasi Speech Recognition Untuk Navigasi Al Qur’An Digital

Al Qur'an is sacred to us Muslims. But at times like this when reading Al Qur'an is a rar... more Al Qur'an is sacred to us Muslims. But at times like this when reading Al Qur'an is a rarely performed today due to their busy individual. Reading Al Qur'an can be done everywhere except where such unclean bathroom, etc.. In terms of reading Al Qur'an sometimes for people who have difficulty physically disabled and need the help of others and also for foreign citizens who are new to Islam. Al Qur'an now more efficient with the discovery of al qur'an digital technology in both the mobile and computer applications making it easier for users to bring Al Qur'an and can recite the Quran according to their wishes. Moreover for people with high levels of mobility, the presence of al qur'an digital assist them in reading Al Qur'an With Al Qur'an digital course users want applications that Qur'an with the help of sound. Speech recognition is a technology that uses voice commands in the running of a tool or application. Of it made an application for...

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungann Self-Managementi dengan Kualitas HidupiPasien Paska Stroke di Poli Neurologi Rumah Sakit Tk.II dr. SoepraoeniMalang

Pasien pasca stroke memerlukan penanganan jangka panjang dalam pemeliharaan kesehatannya, peningk... more Pasien pasca stroke memerlukan penanganan jangka panjang dalam pemeliharaan kesehatannya, peningkatan kelangsungan hidup adanya masalah yang muncul pasca serangan stroke mempengaruhi kualitas hidup mereka. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan perawat adalah bagaimana memandirikan pasien untuk perawatan di rumah. Maka dari itu dilakukan penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk melihat gambaran hubungan antara self management dengan kualitas hidup pasien pasca stroke. Penelitian memakai desain korelasi dan cross sectional, dengan menggunakan tehnik purposivee sampling. Total responden sebanyak 105 responden yang mayoritas berumur 51 tahun ke atas, sebagian besar menyerang perempuan, tidak bekerja, berpendidikan SLTA, jenis stroke iskemik, serangan stroke satu kali, mengalami kelumpuhan dan kebanyakan karena faktor riwayat hipertensi. Hasil uji Rank Spearmani menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan antara self management dan kualitas hidup (P value, r =0.609) dengan nilai hubungan yang sedang/ cukup yait...

Research paper thumbnail of Penentuan Area Kerentanan Bencana Gempabumi Berdasarkan Pengukuran Mikrotremor di Sekitar Gunung Pandan Jawa Timur

ABSTRAKArea kerentanan bencana gempabumi merupakan suatu wilayah yang memiliki tingkat risiko tin... more ABSTRAKArea kerentanan bencana gempabumi merupakan suatu wilayah yang memiliki tingkat risiko tinggi mengalami kerusakan ketika terjadi bencana gempabumi. Mikrotremor adalah getaran lemah di permukaan bumi dengan amplitudo pergeseran sekitar 0,1-1 mikron, dan kecepatan amplitudo sekitar 0,001-0,01cm/detik, akibat adanya sumber getar yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas alam maupun aktivitas manusia. Gunung Pandan merupakan gunung yang berada di wilayah selatan Kabupaten Bojonegoro, berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Madiun dan Kabupaten Nganjuk. Secara geologi, Gunung Pandan tersusun dan didominasi batuan breksi gunungapi (breksi Pandan) yang terbentuk pada masa awal Plistosen. Pengukuran mikrotremor merupakan metode untuk mengetahui sifat dinamis lapisan tanah, seperti frekuensi natural tanah (f0) dan faktor amplifikasi (penguatan) tanah. Pengukuran mikrotremor mudah dilakukan, tidak menimbulkan kerusakan pada tanah, dan tidak menimbulkan kebisingan sehingga aman dilakukan di permukiman warga. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Electrical Signal Propagation in Four Probes System Measuring at The Range of 20Hz - 600Hz

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021

The electrical-supply on the earth’s surface are propagate from the positive electrode to the neg... more The electrical-supply on the earth’s surface are propagate from the positive electrode to the negative electrode. The electrons flow from the negative electrode to the positive electrode. In the conductor wire, an electric current tends to pass through the wire shell. The charge density decreases in proportion to the depth, the increase in frequency, and the material permeability. Based on these factors, practically, the conductor surface is often extended by making fibbers. If one of the trajectories on the earth gives an electric voltage, then the earth is not a perfect conductor, the earth as a large object with a surface is predicted to be relatively difficult to deliver an alternating electric current. Based on the previous statement, the granting of an electric current, and will more difficult to flow when the frequency is increased. The aim of this research is to find out the phenomena of earth resistance in the range of 20Hz-600Hz. It is expected that this data are useful fo...

Research paper thumbnail of Al-Qur’An Dan Kecerdasan Spiritual: Upaya Menyingkap Rahasia Allah Dalam Al-Qur’An

This article attempts to describe the phenomena of spiritual quotient by referring to several sto... more This article attempts to describe the phenomena of spiritual quotient by referring to several stories which still contain unrevealed secrets in the Qur‟an. Spiritual quotient is a form of intelligence that uses spiritual process or in the Islamic mystical term called irfani. Moslem great mystics in the past used irfani method to elaborate Allah‟s secrets in the Qur‟an. The method of understanding Quranic verses using the irfani medium is called irfani interpretation method. By using this method, Sufis interpret Allah‟s verses based on their thought, behavior and spiritual light. Undeniably, those Sufis were also influenced by their own culture or cultural characters such as those of the Persian, Indian and Greek. Islamic mystics who usually used this method in their interpretation of the Qur‟an were Ibn „Arabi, Mansur al-Hallaj, Jalaluddin Rumi, Imam al-Ghazali, Syihabuddin Suhrawardi al-Maqtul, etc. Thus, revealing the Quranic secrets not only followed the procedure of interpretati...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Pengemasan Pesan Dakwah Melalui Bahasa Verbal Dan Non Verbal Dalam Film “Kurang Dua Ons”

Film is a universal media which can be used for various purposes, one of them is as a propaganda ... more Film is a universal media which can be used for various purposes, one of them is as a propaganda media as presented in the Film "Kurang Dua Ons". This article applied descriptive method through a qualitative approach with primary data sources in the form of interviews with film directors, film observation and audio-visual, as well as documentation. While secondary data sources include document records, interviews with other relevant parts of this film, books, journals and supporting documents. Then the data analyzed by collecting, reducing, classifying and displaying data. The results showed that the strategy of determining the message of da’wah and the selection of ideas through several ways namely observation, theme adjustment, determining the purpose of filmmaking, main characters analysis, segmentation and re-observation, the strategy of packaging the message of da’wah into the film scenario were by characterizing the characters, determining the sequence of scenes and ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Using Think, Talk, Write (TTW) To Improve Students’ Writing Skill on Descriptive Text(An Experimental Research at the Second Grade of SMP Negeri 3 Gunungsari, Serang)

This Research is conducted on the main problems 1) finding out the purpose in using TTWtoward stu... more This Research is conducted on the main problems 1) finding out the purpose in using TTWtoward students’ writing skill on descriptive text at the first grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Gunungsari, Serang ; 2) finding out students’ understanding on TTWprocedure that is applied by the teacher on descriptive text; 3) finding out the effectiveness of TTWon descriptive text in the second grade of SMP Negeri 3 Gunungsari, Serang. To answer the questions, the wri ter uses quasi experimental method in this research. The writer collects data from 50 students spread into two classes, one class as experimental group and the other one is as the control group, by applying experimental research method. The population is t he first grade of SMP Negeri 3 Gunungsari , Serang 201 7 - 201 8 , while class VIII A as the experimental group and class VIII B as the control group are taken as the sample. Since the research uses writing test involve pre - test and post - test to know the studen ts’ writing skil...

Research paper thumbnail of Rancang bangun sistem kontrol suhu, intensitas cahaya dan Hidayat, Samsul