Sanjay Ahire - (original) (raw)

Papers by Sanjay Ahire

Research paper thumbnail of The role of top management commitment in quality management: an empirical analysis of the auto parts industry

International Journal of Quality Science, 1998

... The Authors. Sanjay L. Ahire, Haworth College of Business, Western Michigan University, Kalam... more ... The Authors. Sanjay L. Ahire, Haworth College of Business, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. KC O'Shaughnessy, Haworth College of Business, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. Abstract. ... Article Type: Research paper. Keyword(s ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Maximizing the Effectiveness of a Preventive Maintenance System: An Adaptive Modeling Approach

Management Science, 1997

The dynamic nature of an operating environment, such as machine utilization and breakdown frequen... more The dynamic nature of an operating environment, such as machine utilization and breakdown frequency results in changing preventive maintenance (PM) needs for manufacturing equipment. In this paper, we present an approach to generate an adaptive PM schedule which maximizes the net savings from PM subject to workforce constraints. The approach consists of two components: (a) task prioritization based on a

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Research paper thumbnail of An innovation diffusion model of TQM implementation

IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Quality Management in Large vs Small Firms

Journal of Small Business Management, Apr 1, 1996

... Golhar, and Waller (1994) conducted a comprehensive review of the TQM literature and identifi... more ... Golhar, and Waller (1994) conducted a comprehensive review of the TQM literature and identified the following ten constructs of TQM implementation: (1) Top Management Commitment, (2) Customer Focus, (3) Supplies Quality Management, (4) Design Quality Management, (5 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Supervisors' participation in quality efforts in large and small manufacturing firms

Production Planning Control, Nov 15, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Parallel Implementations of Evolutionary Strategies

Evolutionary algorithms can efficiently solve a diverse set of optimization problems. The converg... more Evolutionary algorithms can efficiently solve a diverse set of optimization problems. The convergence rate of these techniques improve with larger population sizes but at the expense of an increased in computation time per generation. This paper presents an evolutionary algorithm which uses a large population for rapid convergence but a parallel implementation to minimize overall computation time. An instance of the preventive maintenance problem is used to evaluate this parallel implementation. 1 Introduction Many deceptively simple problems are, in fact, NP -hard to solve. For example, suppose we are given a set of N integers. Can we partition this set into two subsets such that the sum of the integers in one subset equals the sum of the integers in the other subset? For N 100; this problem cannot be expected to be solved in a reasonable finite time [1]. Finding optimal solutions to more complex problems is not an easy task. This has led researchers to adopt heuristic approaches. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Carton-Mix Optimization for Distribution Centers

Interfaces, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of A model for a Mixed Continuous-Periodic Review One-Warehouse, N-Retailer inventory system

This paper analyzes a Mixed Continuous-Periodic Review One-Warehouse, N-Retailer inventory system... more This paper analyzes a Mixed Continuous-Periodic Review One-Warehouse, N-Retailer inventory system for a single, consumable item. In this system, the warehouse holds stock and the retailers experience independent, stationary field demand. Each retailer follows a continuous review (Q, r) policy. However, the warehouse reviews each retailer according to a review interval T. We discuss the motivation for this warehouse policy

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Research paper thumbnail of Management perception of the link between product quality and customers’ view of product quality

International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 1996

... The Authors. Matthew A. Waller, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA and. Sanj... more ... The Authors. Matthew A. Waller, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA and. Sanjay ... study. Scale development. Garvin[3] has proposed the most comprehensive definition of product quality with the following eight attributes: ...

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Research paper thumbnail of JIT and TQM: a case for joint implementation

International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 1995

The post-Second World War era has seen the emergence of two strategies to improve the operational... more The post-Second World War era has seen the emergence of two strategies to improve the operational effectiveness of manufacturing firms: just-in-time (JIT) production systems and total quality management (TQM). Both evolved in Japan, and the West deciphered and applied them later. TQM has ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Scripting a holistic Rx for process improvement at Palmetto Health imaging centers

Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Incremental and Breakthrough Process Improvement: An Integrative Framework

The International Journal of Logistics Management, 1994

The total quality management (TQM) revolution of the 1980s and recent emergence of business reeng... more The total quality management (TQM) revolution of the 1980s and recent emergence of business reengineering (RE) has shifted the focus of quality improvement efforts from individual products to processes which lead to the creation and supply of these products. The literature, however, lacks a comprehensive framework for process improvement. In this paper, we present a seven-dimension framework of process quality.

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Research paper thumbnail of Supervisors' participation in quality efforts in large and small manufacturing firms

Production Planning & Control, 1997

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Research paper thumbnail of Total Quality Management: A Literature Review and an Agenda for Future Research

Production and Operations Management, 2009

... Journal of Manufacturing and Operations Management Journal of Marketing Journal of Marketing ... more ... Journal of Manufacturing and Operations Management Journal of Marketing Journal of Marketing Research Journal of Operations Management Journal of Operations Research Society Journal of Quality Technology Journal of Small Business Management Long-Range ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Maximizing the Effectiveness of a Preventive Maintenance System: An Adaptive Modeling Approach

Management Science, 1997

Mohan Gopalakrishnan * Sanjay L. Ahire * David M. Miller Department of Decision Sciences & MI... more Mohan Gopalakrishnan * Sanjay L. Ahire * David M. Miller Department of Decision Sciences & MIS, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W, Montreal, PQ H3G 1M8, Canada Department of Management, Haworth College of Business, Western Michigan University, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Toward a theory of managing context in Six Sigma process-improvement projects: An action research investigation

Journal of Operations Management, 2011

In this paper, field studies, extant literature, and domain knowledge are used to develop a theor... more In this paper, field studies, extant literature, and domain knowledge are used to develop a theory of managing context in Six Sigma process-improvement projects. By means of a participatory action research investigation involving ten projects in manufacturing and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Contingency relationships of firm size, TQM duration, unionization, and industry context on TQM implementation—A focus on total effects

Journal of Operations Management, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of The impact of design management and process management on quality: an empirical investigation

Journal of Operations Management, 2000

Design management and process management are two important elements of total quality management (... more Design management and process management are two important elements of total quality management (TQM) implementation. They are drastically different in their targets of improvement, visibility, and techniques. In this paper, we establish a framework for identifying the synergistic ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Selection of TQM pilot projects using an MCDM approach

International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 1995

... This model could be developed in practice by each member of the advisory committee separately... more ... This model could be developed in practice by each member of the advisory committee separately, reflecting his/her preferences and views of the relative importance of various ... Similarly, project positioning seemed very relevant to enhancing the impact of initial TQM efforts. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The moderating influence of product orientation on coordination mechanisms in total quality management

International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 2012

ABSTRACT Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to verify whether product orientation (make-to-or... more ABSTRACT Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to verify whether product orientation (make-to-order versus make-to-stock) affects how coordination mechanisms combine to influence quality performance in total quality management (TQM). Design/methodology/approach – The authors used survey response data from a large sample of single industry respondents (auto supplier industry) to test the research model. Findings – The study found support for the idea that organizational and inter-organizational coordination mechanisms influence product and process quality performance. Moreover, significance of many of these linkages varied according to whether the product orientation was make-to-order or make-to-stock. The study is one of the first to suggest that the influence of select coordination factors on performance can vary according to product orientation. Research limitations/implications – The study suggests that plant managers may pursue different approaches to implement select coordination factors (not all) according to whether their product focus is make-to-stock or make-to-order. Practical implications – The research isolates those select coordination mechanisms which have significantly different performance effects in one product orientation environment (make-to-order) versus another (make-to-stock). Managers interested in TQM implementation can gain insights into those select coordination mechanisms identified in this study that could positively enhance product quality and process quality performance. Originality/value – To the knowledge of the authors, this is the first study that has examined the contextual influence of product orientation on the relationships between select coordination mechanisms in TQM implementation and their impact on process and product quality.

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Research paper thumbnail of The role of top management commitment in quality management: an empirical analysis of the auto parts industry

International Journal of Quality Science, 1998

... The Authors. Sanjay L. Ahire, Haworth College of Business, Western Michigan University, Kalam... more ... The Authors. Sanjay L. Ahire, Haworth College of Business, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. KC O'Shaughnessy, Haworth College of Business, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. Abstract. ... Article Type: Research paper. Keyword(s ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Maximizing the Effectiveness of a Preventive Maintenance System: An Adaptive Modeling Approach

Management Science, 1997

The dynamic nature of an operating environment, such as machine utilization and breakdown frequen... more The dynamic nature of an operating environment, such as machine utilization and breakdown frequency results in changing preventive maintenance (PM) needs for manufacturing equipment. In this paper, we present an approach to generate an adaptive PM schedule which maximizes the net savings from PM subject to workforce constraints. The approach consists of two components: (a) task prioritization based on a

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Research paper thumbnail of An innovation diffusion model of TQM implementation

IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Quality Management in Large vs Small Firms

Journal of Small Business Management, Apr 1, 1996

... Golhar, and Waller (1994) conducted a comprehensive review of the TQM literature and identifi... more ... Golhar, and Waller (1994) conducted a comprehensive review of the TQM literature and identified the following ten constructs of TQM implementation: (1) Top Management Commitment, (2) Customer Focus, (3) Supplies Quality Management, (4) Design Quality Management, (5 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Supervisors' participation in quality efforts in large and small manufacturing firms

Production Planning Control, Nov 15, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Parallel Implementations of Evolutionary Strategies

Evolutionary algorithms can efficiently solve a diverse set of optimization problems. The converg... more Evolutionary algorithms can efficiently solve a diverse set of optimization problems. The convergence rate of these techniques improve with larger population sizes but at the expense of an increased in computation time per generation. This paper presents an evolutionary algorithm which uses a large population for rapid convergence but a parallel implementation to minimize overall computation time. An instance of the preventive maintenance problem is used to evaluate this parallel implementation. 1 Introduction Many deceptively simple problems are, in fact, NP -hard to solve. For example, suppose we are given a set of N integers. Can we partition this set into two subsets such that the sum of the integers in one subset equals the sum of the integers in the other subset? For N 100; this problem cannot be expected to be solved in a reasonable finite time [1]. Finding optimal solutions to more complex problems is not an easy task. This has led researchers to adopt heuristic approaches. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Carton-Mix Optimization for Distribution Centers

Interfaces, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of A model for a Mixed Continuous-Periodic Review One-Warehouse, N-Retailer inventory system

This paper analyzes a Mixed Continuous-Periodic Review One-Warehouse, N-Retailer inventory system... more This paper analyzes a Mixed Continuous-Periodic Review One-Warehouse, N-Retailer inventory system for a single, consumable item. In this system, the warehouse holds stock and the retailers experience independent, stationary field demand. Each retailer follows a continuous review (Q, r) policy. However, the warehouse reviews each retailer according to a review interval T. We discuss the motivation for this warehouse policy

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Research paper thumbnail of Management perception of the link between product quality and customers’ view of product quality

International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 1996

... The Authors. Matthew A. Waller, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA and. Sanj... more ... The Authors. Matthew A. Waller, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA and. Sanjay ... study. Scale development. Garvin[3] has proposed the most comprehensive definition of product quality with the following eight attributes: ...

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Research paper thumbnail of JIT and TQM: a case for joint implementation

International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 1995

The post-Second World War era has seen the emergence of two strategies to improve the operational... more The post-Second World War era has seen the emergence of two strategies to improve the operational effectiveness of manufacturing firms: just-in-time (JIT) production systems and total quality management (TQM). Both evolved in Japan, and the West deciphered and applied them later. TQM has ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Scripting a holistic Rx for process improvement at Palmetto Health imaging centers

Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Incremental and Breakthrough Process Improvement: An Integrative Framework

The International Journal of Logistics Management, 1994

The total quality management (TQM) revolution of the 1980s and recent emergence of business reeng... more The total quality management (TQM) revolution of the 1980s and recent emergence of business reengineering (RE) has shifted the focus of quality improvement efforts from individual products to processes which lead to the creation and supply of these products. The literature, however, lacks a comprehensive framework for process improvement. In this paper, we present a seven-dimension framework of process quality.

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Research paper thumbnail of Supervisors' participation in quality efforts in large and small manufacturing firms

Production Planning & Control, 1997

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Research paper thumbnail of Total Quality Management: A Literature Review and an Agenda for Future Research

Production and Operations Management, 2009

... Journal of Manufacturing and Operations Management Journal of Marketing Journal of Marketing ... more ... Journal of Manufacturing and Operations Management Journal of Marketing Journal of Marketing Research Journal of Operations Management Journal of Operations Research Society Journal of Quality Technology Journal of Small Business Management Long-Range ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Maximizing the Effectiveness of a Preventive Maintenance System: An Adaptive Modeling Approach

Management Science, 1997

Mohan Gopalakrishnan * Sanjay L. Ahire * David M. Miller Department of Decision Sciences & MI... more Mohan Gopalakrishnan * Sanjay L. Ahire * David M. Miller Department of Decision Sciences & MIS, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W, Montreal, PQ H3G 1M8, Canada Department of Management, Haworth College of Business, Western Michigan University, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Toward a theory of managing context in Six Sigma process-improvement projects: An action research investigation

Journal of Operations Management, 2011

In this paper, field studies, extant literature, and domain knowledge are used to develop a theor... more In this paper, field studies, extant literature, and domain knowledge are used to develop a theory of managing context in Six Sigma process-improvement projects. By means of a participatory action research investigation involving ten projects in manufacturing and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Contingency relationships of firm size, TQM duration, unionization, and industry context on TQM implementation—A focus on total effects

Journal of Operations Management, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of The impact of design management and process management on quality: an empirical investigation

Journal of Operations Management, 2000

Design management and process management are two important elements of total quality management (... more Design management and process management are two important elements of total quality management (TQM) implementation. They are drastically different in their targets of improvement, visibility, and techniques. In this paper, we establish a framework for identifying the synergistic ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Selection of TQM pilot projects using an MCDM approach

International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 1995

... This model could be developed in practice by each member of the advisory committee separately... more ... This model could be developed in practice by each member of the advisory committee separately, reflecting his/her preferences and views of the relative importance of various ... Similarly, project positioning seemed very relevant to enhancing the impact of initial TQM efforts. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The moderating influence of product orientation on coordination mechanisms in total quality management

International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 2012

ABSTRACT Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to verify whether product orientation (make-to-or... more ABSTRACT Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to verify whether product orientation (make-to-order versus make-to-stock) affects how coordination mechanisms combine to influence quality performance in total quality management (TQM). Design/methodology/approach – The authors used survey response data from a large sample of single industry respondents (auto supplier industry) to test the research model. Findings – The study found support for the idea that organizational and inter-organizational coordination mechanisms influence product and process quality performance. Moreover, significance of many of these linkages varied according to whether the product orientation was make-to-order or make-to-stock. The study is one of the first to suggest that the influence of select coordination factors on performance can vary according to product orientation. Research limitations/implications – The study suggests that plant managers may pursue different approaches to implement select coordination factors (not all) according to whether their product focus is make-to-stock or make-to-order. Practical implications – The research isolates those select coordination mechanisms which have significantly different performance effects in one product orientation environment (make-to-order) versus another (make-to-stock). Managers interested in TQM implementation can gain insights into those select coordination mechanisms identified in this study that could positively enhance product quality and process quality performance. Originality/value – To the knowledge of the authors, this is the first study that has examined the contextual influence of product orientation on the relationships between select coordination mechanisms in TQM implementation and their impact on process and product quality.

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