Sontina Saragih - (original) (raw)


Papers by Sontina Saragih

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Kesadaran Komunikasi Sbar Perawat Dengan Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Keperawatan DI Rsu Bunda Thamrin Medan

Jurnal ilmiah keperawatan IMELDA, Mar 31, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Patient Handling Risk Factors for Musculoskeletal Disorders in Care Givers at Adam Malik Hajj Center Hospital Medan in 2022

International Journal Of Public Health Excellence, Dec 15, 2022

Musculoskeletal disorders are a complaints that are often encountered in every worker. Well that ... more Musculoskeletal disorders are a complaints that are often encountered in every worker. Well that worker offices as well as employees at home sick. According to observations and data obtained, that is complaint about disturbance musculoskeletal to the workers this often occurs in the area of the waist, legs, hands until back. The same is true for nurses who work at home sick. Disturbance musculoskeletal this often occur for nurses and workers alike house sick. because that many conducted study for overcome as well as identify reason as well as risk from disturbance this. From research this obtained that factor profession be one the potential to cause work related musculoskeletal disorders to nurses and assistants nurse at home Adam Malik Hajj Center Hospital Medan. Position anatomy body be one cause for nurses have potency to use get work-related musculoskeletal disorders.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan tentang Syndrom Menopause terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Pre Menopause di Puskesmas Kentara Tahun 2017

Prosiding SINTAKS 2019, Sep 12, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship Of Nurse Caring Behavior With Anxiety Level In Covid 19 Patients In The Tulip And Orchid Isolation Room UPT RSUD Deli Serdang

Science Midwifery, Aug 31, 2022

Coronavirus 19 (COVID-19) has been declared a world pandemic by WHO (WHO, 2020). Anxiety in patie... more Coronavirus 19 (COVID-19) has been declared a world pandemic by WHO (WHO, 2020). Anxiety in patients with a confirmed COVID-19 suspicion requires close medical observation and isolation during treatment. Nurses are one of the health professionals who still have to work and continue to serve in the current Covid-19 pandemic situation. Based on this, the researchers were interested in obtaining information about "The relationship between nurse caring behavior and the anxiety level of Covid 19 patients in the Tulip and Anggrek isolation room at the UPT RSUD Deli Serdang."This research uses analytical method, cross sectional. The sample in this study amounted to 59 patients with a diagnosis of Covid 19, which was obtained based on a population average of 146 people every month. The results of the study concluded that there was a significant relationship between nurse caring behavior and anxiety levels in Covid 19 patients in the Tulip and Anggrek isolation room at the UPT Deli Serdang Hospital. Nurses should improve caring behavior, especially in Covid 19 patients who need psychological support such as strengthening health education, and actively directing patients to be open in counseling.

Research paper thumbnail of Familiarisasi Edukasi Germas dalam Tahap Pencegahan Penyebaran Covid-19 bagi Masyarakat di Lingkungan Xi Kel. Sei Agul


ABSTRAK Penyebaran Virus Corona Disease 2019 (Covid-19) telah mewajibkan masyarakat untuk beradap... more ABSTRAK Penyebaran Virus Corona Disease 2019 (Covid-19) telah mewajibkan masyarakat untuk beradaptasi dengan kebiasaan kenormalan baru dengan pelaksanaan hidup bersih dan sehat (GERMAS). Permasalahan kesehatan yang timbul saat ini timbul akibat karena rendahnya tingkat pengetahuan dalam menjaga kesehatan tubuh dan sikap yang buruk dalam menyikapi pentingnya mengaplikasikan hidup sehat dan bersih (GERMAS) dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kegiatan ini merupakan upaya memasyarakatakan budaya hidup bersih dan sehat (GERMAS). Metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan dengan sosialisasi atau ceramah yang didukung interaksi kesehatan serta media poster. Diharapkan masyarakat Lingk XI Kelurahan Sei Agul sangat antusias menerima penyuluhan, menciptakan sikap yang positif terhadap pesan yang disampaikan dan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan dalam mengaplikasikannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kata Kunci: GERMAS, Covid-19, Pengetahuan Dan Sikap ABSTRACT The spread of the Corona Disease ...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan 5 M Pada Masyarakat Lapas Wanita Kelas I a Tanjung Gusta Medan

JUKESHUM: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2021

Pencegahan penyebaran novel coronavirus sangat penting dilakukan karena rute penyebaran melalui p... more Pencegahan penyebaran novel coronavirus sangat penting dilakukan karena rute penyebaran melalui permukaan sangat cepat. Masyarakat yang terinfeksi SARS-CoV-2 dapat sebagai pembawa dan menjadi pre-asimtomatik dalam penyebaran COVID-19. Sejak WHO mengumumkan bahwa COVID-19 merupakan pandemic secara global di seluruh dunia. Penyebaran COVID-19 yang terjadi di masyarakat telah menyebar dengan luas dan cepat. Sehingga perlu dilakukan cara untuk mencegah penyebaran COVID-19. Menurut laporan WHO 78-85% terjadi infeksi dengan cluster family sejak dimulainya gelombang pertama COVID-19 di China. Type mayor cluster infeksi family menyebar melalui komunitas, infeksi nosocomial, bersalaman, transportasi, kegiatan keagamaan, kantor, penjara, pusat perbelanjaan, dan perawatan di rumah. Lima penjara dengan epidemic COVID-19 dilaporkan 511 terkonfirmasi dengan COVID-19 yang terjadi di China. WHO mengeluarkan panduan untuk merespon penyebaran COVID-19 di penjara dan merekomendasikan kepedulian dan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Of The Nurse's Work Environment With Patient Safety At Sejati Medan Partner General Hospital

Science Midwifery, Aug 31, 2022

Objective: Assurance of patient safety to realize the quality of health services is the responsib... more Objective: Assurance of patient safety to realize the quality of health services is the responsibility of all health workers, especially nurses. Improving patient safety can reduce the risk of nosocomial infections and prevent the negative effects of nursing actions. The application of patient safety is still low due to several aspects, namely communication errors (57.7%), safety and service quality (57.4%), open communication (54.4%), management support (53.8%), and the work environment. (28.4%). An unfavorable work environment for the professional practice of nursing harms the quality of nursing care and patient safety. Methods: Analyzed the relationship between the nurse's work environment and patient safety at Mitra Sejati General Hospital, Medan. Methods: This research is a correlational analytic descriptive study with a cross-sectional approach. The study population was all nurses in the inpatient room at Mitra Sejati General Hospital, Medan, totaling 200 nurses. The sampling technique used was total sampling, by setting inclusion criteria. The study wascarried out from March to July 2022. Data analysis was carried out univariate and bivariate using the chi-square test. Results: most of the respondents stated that patient safety was well implemented (56%) and the work environment was good (64.5%). There is a significant relationship between the nurse's work environment and patient safety, p-value = 0.005. Conclusion: A good working environment for nurses ensures the optimal implementation of patient safety. Therefore, the hospital management contributes to supporting a conducive working environment for nurses by involving nurses in decision-making related to the development of nursing services, improving the ability of nurses, fulfilling nurse resources according to the required expertise.

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penilaian Kinerja Perawat Menggunakan Metode Saw (Simple Additive Weighting) (Studi Kasus: RS.COLUMBIA Asia)

JITA (Journal of Information Technology and Accounting), Nov 15, 2021

Rumah sakit Colombia asia merupakan rumah sakit yang menjadi pusat layanana kesehatan di tingkat ... more Rumah sakit Colombia asia merupakan rumah sakit yang menjadi pusat layanana kesehatan di tingkat kota medan dan sekitarnya. Dalam menentukan urutan evaluasi prestasi kinerja perawat jajaran pimpinan masih menggunkan cara yang convensional, dimana penilaiannya hanya didasarkan pada unsur daftar penilaian pelaksanaan pekerjaan, dimana daftar penilaian pelaksanaan pekerjaan, dimana daftar penilaian pelaksanaan pekerjaan perawat adalah suatu daftar yang memuat hasil penilaian pelaksanaan pekerjaan seorang perawat dalam jangka waktu satu tahun dengan bobot penilaian (0-100) kemudian jumlah totalnya dibagi dengan jumlah unsur. Penilaian ini masih bersifat subyektif dimana pimpinan menilai berdasakan menduga duga, selera dan perasaan pimpinan terhadap yang dinilai. Salah satu alternative untuk menghindari penilaian yang bersifat subyektif tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan model penentuan prestasi kinerja perawat berdasarkan kriteria yang ditetapkan oleh jajaran pimpinan rumah sakit Colombia asia. Keputusan yang diambil sesuai harapan maka dibantu menggunakan salah satu metode pengambilan keputusan yaitu SAW (SIMPLE ADDITIVE WEIGHTING).Metode SAW sering juga dikenal dengan istilah metode penjumlahan terbobot. Konsep dasar metode saw adalah mencari penjumlahan terbobot dari rating kinerja pada setiap alternative pada semua attribute.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Tentang Cuci Tangan Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Cuci Tangan Siswa/I Kelas V DI SD Negeri 060971 Kemenangan Tani Kec. Medan Tuntungan Tahun 2018

Masa usia sekolah merupakan masa dimana anak mulai mendapatkan pembelajaran atau keterampilan, an... more Masa usia sekolah merupakan masa dimana anak mulai mendapatkan pembelajaran atau keterampilan, anak akan mudah menerima dan mendapatkan pembelajaran atau keterampilan yang dimiliki anak masih sedikit daripada orang dewasa. Dalam aktivitas sehari hari tangan seringkali terkontaminasi dengan mikroba, sehingga tangan dapat menjadi perantara masuknya mikroba kedalam tubuh. Salah satu dasar untuk melatih dan menerapkan perilaku sehat pada anak yaitu dengan diajarkan cara mencuci tangan yang benar. Pembelajaran cuci tangan dengan benar pada anak dapat diajarkan sedini mungkin karna membuat kemampuan dan ketahanan anak semakin baik dan anak dapat menjaga atau merawat dirinya sendiri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan tentang cuci tangan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan cuci tangan siswa/I kelas V di SD Negeri06097KemenanganTaniKec.Medan Tuntungantahun 2018.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuasi Ekperiment. Dengan desain One G...

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship Between Clinical Leadership of Nurse and the Implementation of Patient Safety Culture at Nurul Hasanah Hospital

International Journal of Advanced Research

The quality of health services is the main focus in health service facilities, especially hospita... more The quality of health services is the main focus in health service facilities, especially hospitals. A patient safety culture can improve quality and patient safety. Nurse clinical leadership was identified as one of the supporting factors for the successful application of a patient safety culture. This study aims to analyze the relationship between clinical leadership of nurses and the application of a patient safety culture at Nurul Hasanah Hospital. This type of research is descriptive correlational analytic with cross sectional approach.The population in this study were all nurses at Nurul Hasanah Hospital with a total sampling technique of 62 nurses. The results showed that most of the respondents with good clinical leadership (53.2%), most of the application of a good patient safety culture (66.1%) and there was a significant relationship between the clinical leadership of nurses and the application of a patient safety culture (p-value = 0.043). So it can be concluded that the...

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship Between Clinical Leadership of Nurse and the Implementation of Patient Safety Culture at Nurul Hasanah Hospital

International Journal of Advanced Research

The quality of health services is the main focus in health service facilities, especially hospita... more The quality of health services is the main focus in health service facilities, especially hospitals. A patient safety culture can improve quality and patient safety. Nurse clinical leadership was identified as one of the supporting factors for the successful application of a patient safety culture. This study aims to analyze the relationship between clinical leadership of nurses and the application of a patient safety culture at Nurul Hasanah Hospital. This type of research is descriptive correlational analytic with cross sectional approach.The population in this study were all nurses at Nurul Hasanah Hospital with a total sampling technique of 62 nurses. The results showed that most of the respondents with good clinical leadership (53.2%), most of the application of a good patient safety culture (66.1%) and there was a significant relationship between the clinical leadership of nurses and the application of a patient safety culture (p-value = 0.043). So it can be concluded that the...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis Perception and Behavior of Lectures in Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic Based on Unified Theory of Assess the Faculty of Acceptance and Use of Technology (Utaut)

International Journal of Advanced Research

Government policies limiting personal contact for the sake of controlling the Covid-19 infection ... more Government policies limiting personal contact for the sake of controlling the Covid-19 infection have led to reduced accessibility of face-to-face teaching and learning. This condition indicates a disturbance in the learning process. This study aimed to analyze the perceptions and behavior of lecturers in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic based on the Unified Theory of Assess The Faculty Of Acceptance And Use Of Technology (UTAUT). This research is a descriptive correlational analytic study with a cross-sectional approach involving 53 lecturers from Aceh and Medan private universities. UTAUT questionnaire used in data collection. Results showed that there is a relationship between performance expectancy and social influences with lecturers perceptions of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic with each p-value (0.002 and 0.005), there is a relationship between facility condition and behavioral intention with lecturers behavior in online learning during the Covid-19 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Kesadaran Komunikasi Sbar Perawat Dengan Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Keperawatan DI Rsu Bunda Thamrin Medan

Jurnal ilmiah keperawatan IMELDA, Mar 31, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Patient Handling Risk Factors for Musculoskeletal Disorders in Care Givers at Adam Malik Hajj Center Hospital Medan in 2022

International Journal Of Public Health Excellence, Dec 15, 2022

Musculoskeletal disorders are a complaints that are often encountered in every worker. Well that ... more Musculoskeletal disorders are a complaints that are often encountered in every worker. Well that worker offices as well as employees at home sick. According to observations and data obtained, that is complaint about disturbance musculoskeletal to the workers this often occurs in the area of the waist, legs, hands until back. The same is true for nurses who work at home sick. Disturbance musculoskeletal this often occur for nurses and workers alike house sick. because that many conducted study for overcome as well as identify reason as well as risk from disturbance this. From research this obtained that factor profession be one the potential to cause work related musculoskeletal disorders to nurses and assistants nurse at home Adam Malik Hajj Center Hospital Medan. Position anatomy body be one cause for nurses have potency to use get work-related musculoskeletal disorders.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan tentang Syndrom Menopause terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Pre Menopause di Puskesmas Kentara Tahun 2017

Prosiding SINTAKS 2019, Sep 12, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship Of Nurse Caring Behavior With Anxiety Level In Covid 19 Patients In The Tulip And Orchid Isolation Room UPT RSUD Deli Serdang

Science Midwifery, Aug 31, 2022

Coronavirus 19 (COVID-19) has been declared a world pandemic by WHO (WHO, 2020). Anxiety in patie... more Coronavirus 19 (COVID-19) has been declared a world pandemic by WHO (WHO, 2020). Anxiety in patients with a confirmed COVID-19 suspicion requires close medical observation and isolation during treatment. Nurses are one of the health professionals who still have to work and continue to serve in the current Covid-19 pandemic situation. Based on this, the researchers were interested in obtaining information about "The relationship between nurse caring behavior and the anxiety level of Covid 19 patients in the Tulip and Anggrek isolation room at the UPT RSUD Deli Serdang."This research uses analytical method, cross sectional. The sample in this study amounted to 59 patients with a diagnosis of Covid 19, which was obtained based on a population average of 146 people every month. The results of the study concluded that there was a significant relationship between nurse caring behavior and anxiety levels in Covid 19 patients in the Tulip and Anggrek isolation room at the UPT Deli Serdang Hospital. Nurses should improve caring behavior, especially in Covid 19 patients who need psychological support such as strengthening health education, and actively directing patients to be open in counseling.

Research paper thumbnail of Familiarisasi Edukasi Germas dalam Tahap Pencegahan Penyebaran Covid-19 bagi Masyarakat di Lingkungan Xi Kel. Sei Agul


ABSTRAK Penyebaran Virus Corona Disease 2019 (Covid-19) telah mewajibkan masyarakat untuk beradap... more ABSTRAK Penyebaran Virus Corona Disease 2019 (Covid-19) telah mewajibkan masyarakat untuk beradaptasi dengan kebiasaan kenormalan baru dengan pelaksanaan hidup bersih dan sehat (GERMAS). Permasalahan kesehatan yang timbul saat ini timbul akibat karena rendahnya tingkat pengetahuan dalam menjaga kesehatan tubuh dan sikap yang buruk dalam menyikapi pentingnya mengaplikasikan hidup sehat dan bersih (GERMAS) dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kegiatan ini merupakan upaya memasyarakatakan budaya hidup bersih dan sehat (GERMAS). Metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan dengan sosialisasi atau ceramah yang didukung interaksi kesehatan serta media poster. Diharapkan masyarakat Lingk XI Kelurahan Sei Agul sangat antusias menerima penyuluhan, menciptakan sikap yang positif terhadap pesan yang disampaikan dan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan dalam mengaplikasikannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kata Kunci: GERMAS, Covid-19, Pengetahuan Dan Sikap ABSTRACT The spread of the Corona Disease ...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan 5 M Pada Masyarakat Lapas Wanita Kelas I a Tanjung Gusta Medan

JUKESHUM: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2021

Pencegahan penyebaran novel coronavirus sangat penting dilakukan karena rute penyebaran melalui p... more Pencegahan penyebaran novel coronavirus sangat penting dilakukan karena rute penyebaran melalui permukaan sangat cepat. Masyarakat yang terinfeksi SARS-CoV-2 dapat sebagai pembawa dan menjadi pre-asimtomatik dalam penyebaran COVID-19. Sejak WHO mengumumkan bahwa COVID-19 merupakan pandemic secara global di seluruh dunia. Penyebaran COVID-19 yang terjadi di masyarakat telah menyebar dengan luas dan cepat. Sehingga perlu dilakukan cara untuk mencegah penyebaran COVID-19. Menurut laporan WHO 78-85% terjadi infeksi dengan cluster family sejak dimulainya gelombang pertama COVID-19 di China. Type mayor cluster infeksi family menyebar melalui komunitas, infeksi nosocomial, bersalaman, transportasi, kegiatan keagamaan, kantor, penjara, pusat perbelanjaan, dan perawatan di rumah. Lima penjara dengan epidemic COVID-19 dilaporkan 511 terkonfirmasi dengan COVID-19 yang terjadi di China. WHO mengeluarkan panduan untuk merespon penyebaran COVID-19 di penjara dan merekomendasikan kepedulian dan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Of The Nurse's Work Environment With Patient Safety At Sejati Medan Partner General Hospital

Science Midwifery, Aug 31, 2022

Objective: Assurance of patient safety to realize the quality of health services is the responsib... more Objective: Assurance of patient safety to realize the quality of health services is the responsibility of all health workers, especially nurses. Improving patient safety can reduce the risk of nosocomial infections and prevent the negative effects of nursing actions. The application of patient safety is still low due to several aspects, namely communication errors (57.7%), safety and service quality (57.4%), open communication (54.4%), management support (53.8%), and the work environment. (28.4%). An unfavorable work environment for the professional practice of nursing harms the quality of nursing care and patient safety. Methods: Analyzed the relationship between the nurse's work environment and patient safety at Mitra Sejati General Hospital, Medan. Methods: This research is a correlational analytic descriptive study with a cross-sectional approach. The study population was all nurses in the inpatient room at Mitra Sejati General Hospital, Medan, totaling 200 nurses. The sampling technique used was total sampling, by setting inclusion criteria. The study wascarried out from March to July 2022. Data analysis was carried out univariate and bivariate using the chi-square test. Results: most of the respondents stated that patient safety was well implemented (56%) and the work environment was good (64.5%). There is a significant relationship between the nurse's work environment and patient safety, p-value = 0.005. Conclusion: A good working environment for nurses ensures the optimal implementation of patient safety. Therefore, the hospital management contributes to supporting a conducive working environment for nurses by involving nurses in decision-making related to the development of nursing services, improving the ability of nurses, fulfilling nurse resources according to the required expertise.

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penilaian Kinerja Perawat Menggunakan Metode Saw (Simple Additive Weighting) (Studi Kasus: RS.COLUMBIA Asia)

JITA (Journal of Information Technology and Accounting), Nov 15, 2021

Rumah sakit Colombia asia merupakan rumah sakit yang menjadi pusat layanana kesehatan di tingkat ... more Rumah sakit Colombia asia merupakan rumah sakit yang menjadi pusat layanana kesehatan di tingkat kota medan dan sekitarnya. Dalam menentukan urutan evaluasi prestasi kinerja perawat jajaran pimpinan masih menggunkan cara yang convensional, dimana penilaiannya hanya didasarkan pada unsur daftar penilaian pelaksanaan pekerjaan, dimana daftar penilaian pelaksanaan pekerjaan, dimana daftar penilaian pelaksanaan pekerjaan perawat adalah suatu daftar yang memuat hasil penilaian pelaksanaan pekerjaan seorang perawat dalam jangka waktu satu tahun dengan bobot penilaian (0-100) kemudian jumlah totalnya dibagi dengan jumlah unsur. Penilaian ini masih bersifat subyektif dimana pimpinan menilai berdasakan menduga duga, selera dan perasaan pimpinan terhadap yang dinilai. Salah satu alternative untuk menghindari penilaian yang bersifat subyektif tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan model penentuan prestasi kinerja perawat berdasarkan kriteria yang ditetapkan oleh jajaran pimpinan rumah sakit Colombia asia. Keputusan yang diambil sesuai harapan maka dibantu menggunakan salah satu metode pengambilan keputusan yaitu SAW (SIMPLE ADDITIVE WEIGHTING).Metode SAW sering juga dikenal dengan istilah metode penjumlahan terbobot. Konsep dasar metode saw adalah mencari penjumlahan terbobot dari rating kinerja pada setiap alternative pada semua attribute.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Tentang Cuci Tangan Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Cuci Tangan Siswa/I Kelas V DI SD Negeri 060971 Kemenangan Tani Kec. Medan Tuntungan Tahun 2018

Masa usia sekolah merupakan masa dimana anak mulai mendapatkan pembelajaran atau keterampilan, an... more Masa usia sekolah merupakan masa dimana anak mulai mendapatkan pembelajaran atau keterampilan, anak akan mudah menerima dan mendapatkan pembelajaran atau keterampilan yang dimiliki anak masih sedikit daripada orang dewasa. Dalam aktivitas sehari hari tangan seringkali terkontaminasi dengan mikroba, sehingga tangan dapat menjadi perantara masuknya mikroba kedalam tubuh. Salah satu dasar untuk melatih dan menerapkan perilaku sehat pada anak yaitu dengan diajarkan cara mencuci tangan yang benar. Pembelajaran cuci tangan dengan benar pada anak dapat diajarkan sedini mungkin karna membuat kemampuan dan ketahanan anak semakin baik dan anak dapat menjaga atau merawat dirinya sendiri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan tentang cuci tangan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan cuci tangan siswa/I kelas V di SD Negeri06097KemenanganTaniKec.Medan Tuntungantahun 2018.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuasi Ekperiment. Dengan desain One G...

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship Between Clinical Leadership of Nurse and the Implementation of Patient Safety Culture at Nurul Hasanah Hospital

International Journal of Advanced Research

The quality of health services is the main focus in health service facilities, especially hospita... more The quality of health services is the main focus in health service facilities, especially hospitals. A patient safety culture can improve quality and patient safety. Nurse clinical leadership was identified as one of the supporting factors for the successful application of a patient safety culture. This study aims to analyze the relationship between clinical leadership of nurses and the application of a patient safety culture at Nurul Hasanah Hospital. This type of research is descriptive correlational analytic with cross sectional approach.The population in this study were all nurses at Nurul Hasanah Hospital with a total sampling technique of 62 nurses. The results showed that most of the respondents with good clinical leadership (53.2%), most of the application of a good patient safety culture (66.1%) and there was a significant relationship between the clinical leadership of nurses and the application of a patient safety culture (p-value = 0.043). So it can be concluded that the...

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship Between Clinical Leadership of Nurse and the Implementation of Patient Safety Culture at Nurul Hasanah Hospital

International Journal of Advanced Research

The quality of health services is the main focus in health service facilities, especially hospita... more The quality of health services is the main focus in health service facilities, especially hospitals. A patient safety culture can improve quality and patient safety. Nurse clinical leadership was identified as one of the supporting factors for the successful application of a patient safety culture. This study aims to analyze the relationship between clinical leadership of nurses and the application of a patient safety culture at Nurul Hasanah Hospital. This type of research is descriptive correlational analytic with cross sectional approach.The population in this study were all nurses at Nurul Hasanah Hospital with a total sampling technique of 62 nurses. The results showed that most of the respondents with good clinical leadership (53.2%), most of the application of a good patient safety culture (66.1%) and there was a significant relationship between the clinical leadership of nurses and the application of a patient safety culture (p-value = 0.043). So it can be concluded that the...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis Perception and Behavior of Lectures in Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic Based on Unified Theory of Assess the Faculty of Acceptance and Use of Technology (Utaut)

International Journal of Advanced Research

Government policies limiting personal contact for the sake of controlling the Covid-19 infection ... more Government policies limiting personal contact for the sake of controlling the Covid-19 infection have led to reduced accessibility of face-to-face teaching and learning. This condition indicates a disturbance in the learning process. This study aimed to analyze the perceptions and behavior of lecturers in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic based on the Unified Theory of Assess The Faculty Of Acceptance And Use Of Technology (UTAUT). This research is a descriptive correlational analytic study with a cross-sectional approach involving 53 lecturers from Aceh and Medan private universities. UTAUT questionnaire used in data collection. Results showed that there is a relationship between performance expectancy and social influences with lecturers perceptions of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic with each p-value (0.002 and 0.005), there is a relationship between facility condition and behavioral intention with lecturers behavior in online learning during the Covid-19 ...