Zamah Sari - (original) (raw)
Papers by Zamah Sari
Telemetri wireless adalah proses pengukuran parameter suatu obyek yang hasil pengukurannya dikiri... more Telemetri wireless adalah proses pengukuran parameter suatu obyek yang hasil pengukurannya dikirimkan ke tempat lain melalui proses pengiriman data tanpa menggunakan kabel (wireless), sedangkan multi telemetri adalah gabungan dari beberapa telemeteri itu sendiri. Penelitian ini merancang prototype sistem multi-telemetri wireless untuk mengukur suhu udara dan kelembaban udara pada greenhouse dengan menggunakan sensor DHT11 dan data hasil dari pembacaan sensor dikirim dengan menggunakan modul WiFi ESP8266 ke server dengan menggunakan protokol HTTP. Dalam penelitian ini diuji nilai sensor DHT11, heap memory ESP8266, jarak atau jangkauan ESP8266, uji coba data missing handling dan kestabilan jaringan. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian diketahui bahwa sensor DHT11 memiliki rata-rata kesalahan ukur suhu 0.92 oC dan kelembaban 3.1%. Modul WiFi ESP8266 mampu menyimpan dan mengirim buffer hingga 100 data dan dapat melakukan pengiriman dalam jangkauan 50 meter. Data missing handling memanfaatkan bu...
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi)
Corn is the second largest commodity in Indonesia after rice. In Indonesia, East Java is the larg... more Corn is the second largest commodity in Indonesia after rice. In Indonesia, East Java is the largest corn producer. The first symptom of the disease in corn plants is marked by small brownish oval spots which are usually caused by the fungus Helminthoporium maydis, if left unchecked, farmers can suffer losses due to crop failure. Therefore it is important to provide treatment for diseases in corn plants as early as possible so that diseases in corn plants do not spread to other plants. In this study, the dataset used was taken from the kaggle website entitled Corn or Maize Leaf Disease Dataset. This dataset has 4 classifications: Blight, Common Rust, Grey leaf spot, and Healthy. This study uses the Convolutional Neural Network method with 2 different models, namely the EfficientNet-B0 and ResNet-50 models. The architectures used are the dense layer, the dropout layer, and the GlobalAveragePooling layer with a dataset sharing ratio of 70% which is training data and 30% is validation ...
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi)
Financial institutions in the form of banks provide facilities in the form of credit cards, but w... more Financial institutions in the form of banks provide facilities in the form of credit cards, but with the development of technology, fraud on credit card transactions is still common, so a system is needed that can detect fraud transactions quickly and accurately. Therefore, this study aims to classify fraudulent transactions. The proposed method is Ensemble Learning which will be tested using the Boosting type with 3 variations, namely XGBoost, Gradient Boosting, and AdaBoost. Then, to maximize the performance of the model, the dataset used is optimized with the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) function from the Imblearn library in the data train to handle imbalanced dataset conditions. The dataset used in this study is entitled "Credit Card Fraud Detection" with a total of 284807 data which is divided into two classes: Not Fraud and Fraud. The proposed model received a recall of 92% with Gradient Boosting, where the results increased by 10.37% compared to...
Jurnal Online Informatika
Keystroke Dynamics Authentication (KDA) is a technique used to recognize somebody dependent on ty... more Keystroke Dynamics Authentication (KDA) is a technique used to recognize somebody dependent on typing pattern or typing rhythm in a system. Everyone's typing behavior is considered unique. One of the numerous approaches to secure private information is by utilizing a password. The development of technology is trailed by the human requirement for security concerning information and protection since hacker ability of information burglary has gotten further developed (hack the password). So that hackers can use this information for their benefit and can disadvantage others. Hence, for better security, for example, fingerprint, retina scan, et cetera are enthusiastically suggested. But these techniques are considered costly. The advantage of KDA is the user would not realize that the system is using KDA. Accordingly, we proposed the combination of Naïve Bayes and MHR (Mean of Horner’s Rule) to classify the individual as an attacker or a non-attacker. We use Naïve Bayes because it is...
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi)
A brain tumor is a lump caused by an imperfect cell turnover cycle in the brain and can affect al... more A brain tumor is a lump caused by an imperfect cell turnover cycle in the brain and can affect all ages. Brain tumors have 4 grades, namely grades 1 to 2 are benign tumor grades, and grades 3 to 4 are malignant tumor grades. Therefore, early identification of brain tumor disease is very important in providing appropriate treatment and treatment. This study uses a dataset obtained through the Kaggle website titled Brain Tumor Classification (MRI). The number of data is 3264 images with details of Glioma tumors (926 images), Meningioma tumors (937 images), pituitary tumors (901 images), and without tumors (500 images). In this study, there are 4 scenarios with different testers. This study proposes the classification of brain tumors using Hyperparameter Tuning and EfficientNet models on MRI images. The EfficientNet model used is the EfficientNetB0 and EfficientNetB7 models with the architecture used are the input layer, GlobalAveragePooling2D layer, dropout layer, and dense layer as w...
Jurnal INSTEK (Informatika Sains dan Teknologi), Jun 21, 2018
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi)
At the end of 2019, a new disease called Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) originated in Wuhan, Chin... more At the end of 2019, a new disease called Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) originated in Wuhan, China. This disease is caused by respiratory tract infections, ranging from the common cold to serious diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). In Indonesia, there are tests to detect COVID-19, such as PCR and Rapid Test. This detector takes a long time and is less accurate in producing a diagnosis. This study aims to classify chest X-ray images using CNN and Transfer Learning methods to diagnose COVID-19. The proposed model has 4 scenarios: CNN Handcraft Model, Transfer Learning (VGG 16, VGG 19, and ResNet 50). This model is accompanied by data augmentation and data balancing techniques using undersampling techniques. The dataset used in this study is the “Covid-19 (COVID-19 and Normal) Radiographic Database” with 13,808 data divided into two classes, namely COVID-19 and Normal. Each model built will produce values for accuracy, ...
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi)
Corona Virus or also known as COVID-19 is one of the new viruses in 2019. Viruses caused by anima... more Corona Virus or also known as COVID-19 is one of the new viruses in 2019. Viruses caused by animal or human disease are called coronaviruses. Coronavirus will direct respiration in humans. Humans who are exposed to the corona virus will experience a respiratory infection. The research that will be made is useful for classifying X-rays of the lungs of patients affected by the coronavirus. In this study, the classification of coronaviruses focuses on three classes, namely Covid, Normal, and Viral Pneumonia. This study uses a lung X-ray image dataset. In this study there are 4 folders in it, namely Scenario 1, Scenario 2, Scenario 3, and Scenario 4. This study will use the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method by using an architectural model including Convolutional 2D, activation layers, max pooling layer, dropout layer , flatten, and finally dense layer. After building the model, in each scenario, the results of accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score will be obtained. The resul...
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi)
Pneumonia is still a frequent cause of death in hundreds of thousands of children in most develop... more Pneumonia is still a frequent cause of death in hundreds of thousands of children in most developing countries and generally detected clinically through chest radiographs. This method still difficult to detect the disease and requires a long time to produce a diagnosis. To simplify and shorten the detection process, we need a faster method and more precise in diagnosing pneumonia. This study aims to classify chest x-ray images using the CNN method to diagnose pneumonia. The proposed CNN model will be tested using max & average pooling. The proposed model is a development of the model in previous studies by adding batch normalization, dropout layer, and the number of epochs used. To maximize model performance, the dataset used will be optimized with oversampling & data augmentation techniques. The dataset used in this study is "Chest X-Ray Images (Pneumonia)" with a total of 5,856 data divided into two classes, namely Normal and Pneumonia. The proposed model gets 98% result...
Smartphone bersistem operasi android banyak digunakan di dunia. Salah satunya karena dukungan apl... more Smartphone bersistem operasi android banyak digunakan di dunia. Salah satunya karena dukungan aplikasi dan sensor di android. Sensor accelerometer adalah salah satu sensor yang terdapat di smartphone android. Banyak user yang memakai smartphone untuk menunjang aktivitas sehari - hari. Tidak terkecuali aktivitas kebugaran yang amat penting untuk kesehatan tubuh. Dengan memanfaatkan sensor accelerometer yang ada di smartphone android untuk aktivitas kebugaran user menjadi lebih praktis dan mudah. Perhitungan mengenai jumlah kalori dalam makanan dan jumlah kalori yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh merupakan salah satu kunci sukses menurunkan atau menaikkan berat badan. Jika anda sedikit makan namun banyak melakukan aktivitas dan olahraga yang melebihi kandungan kalori makanan yang diasup tersebut, maka berat badan anda akan turun karena lemak tubuh akan digunakan sebagai ganti untuk menghasilkan energi. Aplikasi kebugaran yang dibuat dengan memanfaatkan sensor accelerometer bertujuan agar user...
Over the past decade, ICT (Information Communication Technology) have enabled changes in the way ... more Over the past decade, ICT (Information Communication Technology) have enabled changes in the way people live, work, interact and acquire knowledge. In Indonesia, the progress of using ICT for education and training has growing rapidly, it called E-learning. However, until this time, they still have limitations in a term of system, platform, and usage. E-learning system that we are using until now, one of these, they are usually only available in web-based system take a small part of supporting the whole basic education such as Science and IT only. Teaching social and culture is very important especially when the students still at elementary school. There is a good point for developing software that could teach these students about Indonesia's social and culture that can be accessed whenever and wherever they are available. Therefore we create the application in a form of visual novel that can be used in multiple platforms. Here, we will present the Visual Novel that used for mor...
Based on the concept of “easy to learn and develop for anyone”, we present an integrated framewor... more Based on the concept of “easy to learn and develop for anyone”, we present an integrated framework concept for developing content management system using an optimized pull Model View Controler(MVC) type in web programming. The framework consist of four easy steps to follow: first step is determining web page template intotwo parts, which are static and dynamic part that mostly is the main content part from a web page, then breaking the web application into modular so we can easily maintain and develop it, then slicing the dynamic part into pull MVC type Programming and the last step is optimizing the framework to achieve high speed load framework. This framework contain several parts that will be pulled together to form a complete web page according to user need, first part is view part that contain the user interface design of web page and some commands to call the logic part, logic parts which contain the web programming and commands to call the database queries in model part, mod...
Jurnal Edukasi dan Penelitian Informatika (JEPIN)
Bagi sebagian kalangan belajar bahasa Inggris adalah sesuatu yang tidak mudah sehingga perlu pend... more Bagi sebagian kalangan belajar bahasa Inggris adalah sesuatu yang tidak mudah sehingga perlu pendamping untuk memperbaiki jika terjadi kesalahan. Belajar bahasa Inggris bisa diawali dengan memahami secara benar strukturnya sehingga dapat membantu dan memberikan rasa percaya ciri saat mempelajari materi-materi selanjutnya seperti reading, listening maupun writing. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan suatu aplikasi chatbot untuk belajar struktur bahasa Inggris menggunakan media sosial. Pertimbangan utama penggunaan media sosial sebagai sarana pembelajaran yaitu sebagian besar aktifitas masyarakat hingga pelajar di musim pandemic ini menggunakan media sosial atau sarana belajar berbasis online, sehingga dirasa bahwa media sosial bukan sesuatu yang baru bagi khalayak ramai dan menjadi alternatif terbaik yang dapat digunakan sebagai sarana untuk menyampaikan materi struktur bahasa Inggris. Facebook dengan fasilitas chatfuel-nya digunakan untuk mengembangkan chatbot pembelajaran struk...
Sering kita dengar berita tentang perkelahian remaja, baik itu terjadi antar sekolah maupun antar... more Sering kita dengar berita tentang perkelahian remaja, baik itu terjadi antar sekolah maupun antar desa. Rendahnya kualitas karakter ditengarahi sebagai akibat lemahnya pendidikan karakter terutama pada saat anak usia dini. Kesibukan orang tua sering menjadi penyebab kurangnya perhatian dan pengawasan terhadap pendidikan anak. Rendahnya kualitas tontonan yang ditayangkan beberapa stasiun televisi, maraknya permainan-permainan impor lewat perangkat elektronik turut memberikan kontribusi bergesenrya karakter bangsa ini dari yang santun ke beringas. Sementara itu, lembaga pendidilan prasekolah lebih banyak yang berkonsentrasi hanya untuk menciptakan lulusan dengan menekankan pada kecerdasan intelektual tanpa mempertimbangkan kecerdasan emosional dan spiritual. Di sisi lain, teknologi informasi berkembang sangat pesat, demikian pula pembangunan infrastruktur telekomunikasi, banyak operator yang menyediakan bandwidth yang sangat lebar untuk mendukung layanan internet mereka. Oleh karena i...
Sensor fusion is a method of merging two different sensor types which have similar characteristic... more Sensor fusion is a method of merging two different sensor types which have similar characteristics to gain a new function. One of the functions of sensor fusion is to get a comparison between the two sensors are combined. Studies of changes in kinematic has widely performed, this is due to see the human kinematic changes can determine movement patterns, classification, until the process of medical rehabilitation. All members of the body are connected by joints and moving can be measured kinematic value. Research carried out aimed at the ankle to determine the pace and movement of the ups and downs of the ankle, the results of this study are expected to support advanced research to help the process of medical rehabilitation in patients with an ankle injury. From the research carried out in four different activities run, slow road, going nowhere, and a brisk walk was no difference in the average of the two gyro sensors produced by x and acc x is 10.27%, gyro acc y and y is -25.39%, gy...
Masjid selain menjadi basis ideologi spiritual umat Islam juga berperan sebagai media untuk memfa... more Masjid selain menjadi basis ideologi spiritual umat Islam juga berperan sebagai media untuk memfasilitasi berbagai upaya pemberdayaan dan penguatan kapasitas umat Islam. Masjid mengambil fungsi dan peran penting sebagai pusat pengembangan dan informasi Islam, pembinaan dan pengembangan ekonomi umat, seni dan budaya Islam serta kegiatan sosial lainnya. Tidak hanya dalam hal memakmurkan masjid, tetapi juga dalam upaya membuat masyarakat merasa dimakmurkan dengan keberadaan Masjid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah sistem informasi penjualan dari outlet Asy-Syuura Mart yang merupakan bagian dari program Badan Pengembangan & Pemakmuran Masjid Asy-Syuura. Dengan dikembangkannya sistem informasi penjualan secara online akan memudahkan warga atau calon pembeli dalam bertransaksi dan menjadikannya lebih efektif dan efisien. Metodologi pengembangan yang digunakan adalah waterfall karena pendekatannya yang sistematis dan juga berurutan Evaluasi dilakukan dengan memetakan hasil d...
Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementrian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia atas produk... more Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementrian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia atas produk Aplikasi Game Interaktif Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pendidikan Karakter yang diciptakan oleh Moechammad Sarosa, Hudriyah Mundzir, Suhari dan Zamah Sari
Skin cancer is a very common form of cancer that can be found in the United States with annual tr... more Skin cancer is a very common form of cancer that can be found in the United States with annual treatment costs exceeding $ 8 billion. New innovations in the classification and detection of skin cancer using artificial neural networks continue to develop to help the medical and medical world in analyzing images accurately and accurately. Researchers propose to classify skin cancer pigments by focusing on two classes, namely non-melanocytic malignant and benign, where the skin cancer category which is classified into the non-melanocytic class is Actinic keratoses, Basal cell carcinoma. While skin cancers that are classified into Benign are Benign keratosis like lesions, dermatofibrama, vascular lessions. The method used in this study is Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with a model architecture using 8 Convolutional 2D layers which have filters (16, 16, 32, 32, 64, 64, 128, 128). The first input layers are (20,20). and the following layers (5,5 and 3,3), the types of pooling used in...
ABSTRACTSocial media has changed people's way of life but, unfortunately, most of them only u... more ABSTRACTSocial media has changed people's way of life but, unfortunately, most of them only use it for information exchange. This research tried to develop an application using a social media as a medium for students to learn English more efficiently. This application was in the form of a chatbot (answering robot) and designed to be capable of replacing the teacher's role in answering students' questions while they learn English. Their familiarity with the interface and navigation of social media made them easy to operate the integrated chatbot. This application was tried out on D3 students of English Study Program, State Polytechnic of Malang. The test results showed 98% of the respondents stated that the chatbot helped them learn English, 90% said that the material presented was quite interesting, and 72% stated that the chatbot application did not decrease the performance of their mobile phones. This showed that the collection of information and the help model through...
Android merupakan salah satu sistem operasiberbasis linux pada smartphone yang memiliki banyak fu... more Android merupakan salah satu sistem operasiberbasis linux pada smartphone yang memiliki banyak fungsi sehingga dapat membantu kinerja penggunanya.Kelebihan Android adalah bersifat open source code sehingga memudahkan para pengembang untuk membuat dan memodifikasi aplikasi yang belum tersedia di sistem operasi Android sesuai dengan kebutuha. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, juga memicu berkembangnya file-file jahat atau biasa disebut dengan malware. Aktivitas berbahaya yang diakibatkan oleh malware sangat merugikan bagi para korbannya, sehingga dibutuhkan cara untuk mengatasinya. Umumnya pendeteksian malware menggunakan metode signature-basedakan tetapi metode ini mudah untuk dikelabui oleh malware yang memiliki kemampuan polimorfik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pendeteksian jenis malware Android secara Dinamis dan melakukanklasifikasi jenis malware menggunakan algoritma Support Vector Machine(SVM). Metode pada penelitian ini dibagi menjadi beberapa tahapan yaitu pe...
Telemetri wireless adalah proses pengukuran parameter suatu obyek yang hasil pengukurannya dikiri... more Telemetri wireless adalah proses pengukuran parameter suatu obyek yang hasil pengukurannya dikirimkan ke tempat lain melalui proses pengiriman data tanpa menggunakan kabel (wireless), sedangkan multi telemetri adalah gabungan dari beberapa telemeteri itu sendiri. Penelitian ini merancang prototype sistem multi-telemetri wireless untuk mengukur suhu udara dan kelembaban udara pada greenhouse dengan menggunakan sensor DHT11 dan data hasil dari pembacaan sensor dikirim dengan menggunakan modul WiFi ESP8266 ke server dengan menggunakan protokol HTTP. Dalam penelitian ini diuji nilai sensor DHT11, heap memory ESP8266, jarak atau jangkauan ESP8266, uji coba data missing handling dan kestabilan jaringan. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian diketahui bahwa sensor DHT11 memiliki rata-rata kesalahan ukur suhu 0.92 oC dan kelembaban 3.1%. Modul WiFi ESP8266 mampu menyimpan dan mengirim buffer hingga 100 data dan dapat melakukan pengiriman dalam jangkauan 50 meter. Data missing handling memanfaatkan bu...
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi)
Corn is the second largest commodity in Indonesia after rice. In Indonesia, East Java is the larg... more Corn is the second largest commodity in Indonesia after rice. In Indonesia, East Java is the largest corn producer. The first symptom of the disease in corn plants is marked by small brownish oval spots which are usually caused by the fungus Helminthoporium maydis, if left unchecked, farmers can suffer losses due to crop failure. Therefore it is important to provide treatment for diseases in corn plants as early as possible so that diseases in corn plants do not spread to other plants. In this study, the dataset used was taken from the kaggle website entitled Corn or Maize Leaf Disease Dataset. This dataset has 4 classifications: Blight, Common Rust, Grey leaf spot, and Healthy. This study uses the Convolutional Neural Network method with 2 different models, namely the EfficientNet-B0 and ResNet-50 models. The architectures used are the dense layer, the dropout layer, and the GlobalAveragePooling layer with a dataset sharing ratio of 70% which is training data and 30% is validation ...
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi)
Financial institutions in the form of banks provide facilities in the form of credit cards, but w... more Financial institutions in the form of banks provide facilities in the form of credit cards, but with the development of technology, fraud on credit card transactions is still common, so a system is needed that can detect fraud transactions quickly and accurately. Therefore, this study aims to classify fraudulent transactions. The proposed method is Ensemble Learning which will be tested using the Boosting type with 3 variations, namely XGBoost, Gradient Boosting, and AdaBoost. Then, to maximize the performance of the model, the dataset used is optimized with the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) function from the Imblearn library in the data train to handle imbalanced dataset conditions. The dataset used in this study is entitled "Credit Card Fraud Detection" with a total of 284807 data which is divided into two classes: Not Fraud and Fraud. The proposed model received a recall of 92% with Gradient Boosting, where the results increased by 10.37% compared to...
Jurnal Online Informatika
Keystroke Dynamics Authentication (KDA) is a technique used to recognize somebody dependent on ty... more Keystroke Dynamics Authentication (KDA) is a technique used to recognize somebody dependent on typing pattern or typing rhythm in a system. Everyone's typing behavior is considered unique. One of the numerous approaches to secure private information is by utilizing a password. The development of technology is trailed by the human requirement for security concerning information and protection since hacker ability of information burglary has gotten further developed (hack the password). So that hackers can use this information for their benefit and can disadvantage others. Hence, for better security, for example, fingerprint, retina scan, et cetera are enthusiastically suggested. But these techniques are considered costly. The advantage of KDA is the user would not realize that the system is using KDA. Accordingly, we proposed the combination of Naïve Bayes and MHR (Mean of Horner’s Rule) to classify the individual as an attacker or a non-attacker. We use Naïve Bayes because it is...
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi)
A brain tumor is a lump caused by an imperfect cell turnover cycle in the brain and can affect al... more A brain tumor is a lump caused by an imperfect cell turnover cycle in the brain and can affect all ages. Brain tumors have 4 grades, namely grades 1 to 2 are benign tumor grades, and grades 3 to 4 are malignant tumor grades. Therefore, early identification of brain tumor disease is very important in providing appropriate treatment and treatment. This study uses a dataset obtained through the Kaggle website titled Brain Tumor Classification (MRI). The number of data is 3264 images with details of Glioma tumors (926 images), Meningioma tumors (937 images), pituitary tumors (901 images), and without tumors (500 images). In this study, there are 4 scenarios with different testers. This study proposes the classification of brain tumors using Hyperparameter Tuning and EfficientNet models on MRI images. The EfficientNet model used is the EfficientNetB0 and EfficientNetB7 models with the architecture used are the input layer, GlobalAveragePooling2D layer, dropout layer, and dense layer as w...
Jurnal INSTEK (Informatika Sains dan Teknologi), Jun 21, 2018
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi)
At the end of 2019, a new disease called Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) originated in Wuhan, Chin... more At the end of 2019, a new disease called Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) originated in Wuhan, China. This disease is caused by respiratory tract infections, ranging from the common cold to serious diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). In Indonesia, there are tests to detect COVID-19, such as PCR and Rapid Test. This detector takes a long time and is less accurate in producing a diagnosis. This study aims to classify chest X-ray images using CNN and Transfer Learning methods to diagnose COVID-19. The proposed model has 4 scenarios: CNN Handcraft Model, Transfer Learning (VGG 16, VGG 19, and ResNet 50). This model is accompanied by data augmentation and data balancing techniques using undersampling techniques. The dataset used in this study is the “Covid-19 (COVID-19 and Normal) Radiographic Database” with 13,808 data divided into two classes, namely COVID-19 and Normal. Each model built will produce values for accuracy, ...
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi)
Corona Virus or also known as COVID-19 is one of the new viruses in 2019. Viruses caused by anima... more Corona Virus or also known as COVID-19 is one of the new viruses in 2019. Viruses caused by animal or human disease are called coronaviruses. Coronavirus will direct respiration in humans. Humans who are exposed to the corona virus will experience a respiratory infection. The research that will be made is useful for classifying X-rays of the lungs of patients affected by the coronavirus. In this study, the classification of coronaviruses focuses on three classes, namely Covid, Normal, and Viral Pneumonia. This study uses a lung X-ray image dataset. In this study there are 4 folders in it, namely Scenario 1, Scenario 2, Scenario 3, and Scenario 4. This study will use the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method by using an architectural model including Convolutional 2D, activation layers, max pooling layer, dropout layer , flatten, and finally dense layer. After building the model, in each scenario, the results of accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score will be obtained. The resul...
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi)
Pneumonia is still a frequent cause of death in hundreds of thousands of children in most develop... more Pneumonia is still a frequent cause of death in hundreds of thousands of children in most developing countries and generally detected clinically through chest radiographs. This method still difficult to detect the disease and requires a long time to produce a diagnosis. To simplify and shorten the detection process, we need a faster method and more precise in diagnosing pneumonia. This study aims to classify chest x-ray images using the CNN method to diagnose pneumonia. The proposed CNN model will be tested using max & average pooling. The proposed model is a development of the model in previous studies by adding batch normalization, dropout layer, and the number of epochs used. To maximize model performance, the dataset used will be optimized with oversampling & data augmentation techniques. The dataset used in this study is "Chest X-Ray Images (Pneumonia)" with a total of 5,856 data divided into two classes, namely Normal and Pneumonia. The proposed model gets 98% result...
Smartphone bersistem operasi android banyak digunakan di dunia. Salah satunya karena dukungan apl... more Smartphone bersistem operasi android banyak digunakan di dunia. Salah satunya karena dukungan aplikasi dan sensor di android. Sensor accelerometer adalah salah satu sensor yang terdapat di smartphone android. Banyak user yang memakai smartphone untuk menunjang aktivitas sehari - hari. Tidak terkecuali aktivitas kebugaran yang amat penting untuk kesehatan tubuh. Dengan memanfaatkan sensor accelerometer yang ada di smartphone android untuk aktivitas kebugaran user menjadi lebih praktis dan mudah. Perhitungan mengenai jumlah kalori dalam makanan dan jumlah kalori yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh merupakan salah satu kunci sukses menurunkan atau menaikkan berat badan. Jika anda sedikit makan namun banyak melakukan aktivitas dan olahraga yang melebihi kandungan kalori makanan yang diasup tersebut, maka berat badan anda akan turun karena lemak tubuh akan digunakan sebagai ganti untuk menghasilkan energi. Aplikasi kebugaran yang dibuat dengan memanfaatkan sensor accelerometer bertujuan agar user...
Over the past decade, ICT (Information Communication Technology) have enabled changes in the way ... more Over the past decade, ICT (Information Communication Technology) have enabled changes in the way people live, work, interact and acquire knowledge. In Indonesia, the progress of using ICT for education and training has growing rapidly, it called E-learning. However, until this time, they still have limitations in a term of system, platform, and usage. E-learning system that we are using until now, one of these, they are usually only available in web-based system take a small part of supporting the whole basic education such as Science and IT only. Teaching social and culture is very important especially when the students still at elementary school. There is a good point for developing software that could teach these students about Indonesia's social and culture that can be accessed whenever and wherever they are available. Therefore we create the application in a form of visual novel that can be used in multiple platforms. Here, we will present the Visual Novel that used for mor...
Based on the concept of “easy to learn and develop for anyone”, we present an integrated framewor... more Based on the concept of “easy to learn and develop for anyone”, we present an integrated framework concept for developing content management system using an optimized pull Model View Controler(MVC) type in web programming. The framework consist of four easy steps to follow: first step is determining web page template intotwo parts, which are static and dynamic part that mostly is the main content part from a web page, then breaking the web application into modular so we can easily maintain and develop it, then slicing the dynamic part into pull MVC type Programming and the last step is optimizing the framework to achieve high speed load framework. This framework contain several parts that will be pulled together to form a complete web page according to user need, first part is view part that contain the user interface design of web page and some commands to call the logic part, logic parts which contain the web programming and commands to call the database queries in model part, mod...
Jurnal Edukasi dan Penelitian Informatika (JEPIN)
Bagi sebagian kalangan belajar bahasa Inggris adalah sesuatu yang tidak mudah sehingga perlu pend... more Bagi sebagian kalangan belajar bahasa Inggris adalah sesuatu yang tidak mudah sehingga perlu pendamping untuk memperbaiki jika terjadi kesalahan. Belajar bahasa Inggris bisa diawali dengan memahami secara benar strukturnya sehingga dapat membantu dan memberikan rasa percaya ciri saat mempelajari materi-materi selanjutnya seperti reading, listening maupun writing. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan suatu aplikasi chatbot untuk belajar struktur bahasa Inggris menggunakan media sosial. Pertimbangan utama penggunaan media sosial sebagai sarana pembelajaran yaitu sebagian besar aktifitas masyarakat hingga pelajar di musim pandemic ini menggunakan media sosial atau sarana belajar berbasis online, sehingga dirasa bahwa media sosial bukan sesuatu yang baru bagi khalayak ramai dan menjadi alternatif terbaik yang dapat digunakan sebagai sarana untuk menyampaikan materi struktur bahasa Inggris. Facebook dengan fasilitas chatfuel-nya digunakan untuk mengembangkan chatbot pembelajaran struk...
Sering kita dengar berita tentang perkelahian remaja, baik itu terjadi antar sekolah maupun antar... more Sering kita dengar berita tentang perkelahian remaja, baik itu terjadi antar sekolah maupun antar desa. Rendahnya kualitas karakter ditengarahi sebagai akibat lemahnya pendidikan karakter terutama pada saat anak usia dini. Kesibukan orang tua sering menjadi penyebab kurangnya perhatian dan pengawasan terhadap pendidikan anak. Rendahnya kualitas tontonan yang ditayangkan beberapa stasiun televisi, maraknya permainan-permainan impor lewat perangkat elektronik turut memberikan kontribusi bergesenrya karakter bangsa ini dari yang santun ke beringas. Sementara itu, lembaga pendidilan prasekolah lebih banyak yang berkonsentrasi hanya untuk menciptakan lulusan dengan menekankan pada kecerdasan intelektual tanpa mempertimbangkan kecerdasan emosional dan spiritual. Di sisi lain, teknologi informasi berkembang sangat pesat, demikian pula pembangunan infrastruktur telekomunikasi, banyak operator yang menyediakan bandwidth yang sangat lebar untuk mendukung layanan internet mereka. Oleh karena i...
Sensor fusion is a method of merging two different sensor types which have similar characteristic... more Sensor fusion is a method of merging two different sensor types which have similar characteristics to gain a new function. One of the functions of sensor fusion is to get a comparison between the two sensors are combined. Studies of changes in kinematic has widely performed, this is due to see the human kinematic changes can determine movement patterns, classification, until the process of medical rehabilitation. All members of the body are connected by joints and moving can be measured kinematic value. Research carried out aimed at the ankle to determine the pace and movement of the ups and downs of the ankle, the results of this study are expected to support advanced research to help the process of medical rehabilitation in patients with an ankle injury. From the research carried out in four different activities run, slow road, going nowhere, and a brisk walk was no difference in the average of the two gyro sensors produced by x and acc x is 10.27%, gyro acc y and y is -25.39%, gy...
Masjid selain menjadi basis ideologi spiritual umat Islam juga berperan sebagai media untuk memfa... more Masjid selain menjadi basis ideologi spiritual umat Islam juga berperan sebagai media untuk memfasilitasi berbagai upaya pemberdayaan dan penguatan kapasitas umat Islam. Masjid mengambil fungsi dan peran penting sebagai pusat pengembangan dan informasi Islam, pembinaan dan pengembangan ekonomi umat, seni dan budaya Islam serta kegiatan sosial lainnya. Tidak hanya dalam hal memakmurkan masjid, tetapi juga dalam upaya membuat masyarakat merasa dimakmurkan dengan keberadaan Masjid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah sistem informasi penjualan dari outlet Asy-Syuura Mart yang merupakan bagian dari program Badan Pengembangan & Pemakmuran Masjid Asy-Syuura. Dengan dikembangkannya sistem informasi penjualan secara online akan memudahkan warga atau calon pembeli dalam bertransaksi dan menjadikannya lebih efektif dan efisien. Metodologi pengembangan yang digunakan adalah waterfall karena pendekatannya yang sistematis dan juga berurutan Evaluasi dilakukan dengan memetakan hasil d...
Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementrian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia atas produk... more Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementrian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia atas produk Aplikasi Game Interaktif Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pendidikan Karakter yang diciptakan oleh Moechammad Sarosa, Hudriyah Mundzir, Suhari dan Zamah Sari
Skin cancer is a very common form of cancer that can be found in the United States with annual tr... more Skin cancer is a very common form of cancer that can be found in the United States with annual treatment costs exceeding $ 8 billion. New innovations in the classification and detection of skin cancer using artificial neural networks continue to develop to help the medical and medical world in analyzing images accurately and accurately. Researchers propose to classify skin cancer pigments by focusing on two classes, namely non-melanocytic malignant and benign, where the skin cancer category which is classified into the non-melanocytic class is Actinic keratoses, Basal cell carcinoma. While skin cancers that are classified into Benign are Benign keratosis like lesions, dermatofibrama, vascular lessions. The method used in this study is Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with a model architecture using 8 Convolutional 2D layers which have filters (16, 16, 32, 32, 64, 64, 128, 128). The first input layers are (20,20). and the following layers (5,5 and 3,3), the types of pooling used in...
ABSTRACTSocial media has changed people's way of life but, unfortunately, most of them only u... more ABSTRACTSocial media has changed people's way of life but, unfortunately, most of them only use it for information exchange. This research tried to develop an application using a social media as a medium for students to learn English more efficiently. This application was in the form of a chatbot (answering robot) and designed to be capable of replacing the teacher's role in answering students' questions while they learn English. Their familiarity with the interface and navigation of social media made them easy to operate the integrated chatbot. This application was tried out on D3 students of English Study Program, State Polytechnic of Malang. The test results showed 98% of the respondents stated that the chatbot helped them learn English, 90% said that the material presented was quite interesting, and 72% stated that the chatbot application did not decrease the performance of their mobile phones. This showed that the collection of information and the help model through...
Android merupakan salah satu sistem operasiberbasis linux pada smartphone yang memiliki banyak fu... more Android merupakan salah satu sistem operasiberbasis linux pada smartphone yang memiliki banyak fungsi sehingga dapat membantu kinerja penggunanya.Kelebihan Android adalah bersifat open source code sehingga memudahkan para pengembang untuk membuat dan memodifikasi aplikasi yang belum tersedia di sistem operasi Android sesuai dengan kebutuha. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, juga memicu berkembangnya file-file jahat atau biasa disebut dengan malware. Aktivitas berbahaya yang diakibatkan oleh malware sangat merugikan bagi para korbannya, sehingga dibutuhkan cara untuk mengatasinya. Umumnya pendeteksian malware menggunakan metode signature-basedakan tetapi metode ini mudah untuk dikelabui oleh malware yang memiliki kemampuan polimorfik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pendeteksian jenis malware Android secara Dinamis dan melakukanklasifikasi jenis malware menggunakan algoritma Support Vector Machine(SVM). Metode pada penelitian ini dibagi menjadi beberapa tahapan yaitu pe...