Sauland Sinaga - (original) (raw)
Papers by Sauland Sinaga
Media Kontak Tani Ternak
Pertambahan bobot badan harian dan konversi pakan yang baik merupakan hal yang selalu ingin dicap... more Pertambahan bobot badan harian dan konversi pakan yang baik merupakan hal yang selalu ingin dicapai oleh para pegiat usaha penggemukan domba potong. Pembuatan ransum domba dalam bentuk pellet merupakan suatu upaya untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pakan, dari bentuk ransum yang sebelumnya berupa mash. Kelompok peternak “Mega Mulya Farm” pada dasarnya sudah mengetahui bahwa terdapat ransum berbentuk pellet, namun pemberian ransum dalam bentuk pellet ini belum pernah dilakukan dan para peternak belum mengetahui cara pembuatan ransum dalam bentuk pellet. Pelatihan pembuatan pellet sebagai pakan ternak domba di kelompok peternak “Mega Mulya Farm” ditujukan untuk membuka wawasan dan pengalaman para peternak dalam pembuatan ransum ternak domba dalam bentuk pellet. Pelatihan diikuti oleh 39 orang peserta yang merupakan anggota kelompok peternak “Mega Mulya Farm”. Metode pelaksanaan pelatihan terdiri dari pemaparan materi mengenai proses pembuatan pellet dan praktek pembuatan pellet. Kegiatan pe...
Jurnal Nutrisi Ternak Tropis dan Ilmu Pakan, Aug 13, 2022
Ulat Jerman merupakan larva dari kumbang Zophobas morio yang saat ini banyak dibudidayakan di Ind... more Ulat Jerman merupakan larva dari kumbang Zophobas morio yang saat ini banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia. Ulat Jerman banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan untuk beberapa hewan peliharaan seperti burung kicau, sugar glider, dan berbagai macam reptile. Percobaan ini menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 3600 ekor ulat Jerman terdiri dari 3 perlakuan dan 6 ulangan, sehingga di dapat 18 unit percobaan dan setiap unit percobaan terdiri atas 200 ekor ulat Jerman. Perlakuan tersebut di antaranya P1 = dedak, P2 = pollard, dan P3 = onggok. Data hasil pengamatan dianalisis ragam dan perbedaan antara perlakuan dengan Uji Jarak Berganda Duncan. Berdasarkan analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa pemberian media nutrisi berbeda nyata terhadap konsumsi ransum, pertambahan bobot badan ulat Jerman. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil bahwa pollard merupakan media nutrisi terbaik bagi pertumbuhan ulat Jerman. Kata Kunci: Ulat Jerman, media nutrisi, dedak, pollard, onggok, bobot badan, konversi pakan, mortalitas
This research has been held since February to November 2008 in the Research Laboratory and Teachi... more This research has been held since February to November 2008 in the Research Laboratory and Teaching Farm of KPBI (Koperasi Peternak Babi Indonesia), Cisarua District, Bandung Regency and Nutrition Laboratory, Animal Husbandry Faculty, Padjadjaran University. The purpose of this research is to know the effective dosage of curcumin to give equivalent influence with virginiamycin as growth promotor in pig. This research use completely randomized design consisting of five treatments (Rvm: 50 ppm virginiamicin, R0: tanpa virginiamicin dan curcumin, R1: 120 ppm curcumin, R2: 160 ppm curcumin, and R3: 200 ppm curcumin), with five treatment. This research used 25 starter period pigs, age 2 months with weight rate of 18 kg and variation coefficient of 6.33%. The result shows that giving curcuminoid as feed additive 160 ppm in pig ration significant by influenced to digestible energy, the rate of passage of feed, body weight gain, feed efficiency and time to slaugter weight. It is conclud...
Biodiversitas: Journal of Biological Diversity, 2019
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan, 2012
pada tanggal 2 Desember 2009 sampai 20 Januari 2010 bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian... more pada tanggal 2 Desember 2009 sampai 20 Januari 2010 bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ransum yang mengandung berbagai dosis curcuminoid terhadap efisiensi ransum pada babi periode starter. Penelitian ini menggunakan 20 ekor babi periode starter yang berumur 8 minggu dengan bobot badan rata-rata 20 kg dan koefisien variasi 6,33 %. Rancangan Percobaan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan empat macam perlakuan dosis curcuminoid dalam ransum (0, 4, 8, 12 mg/kg bobot badan), setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak lima kali. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemberian curcuminoid sampai dosis 12 mg/kg bobot badan memberikan pengaruh yang tidak berbeda terhadap konsumsi ransum (1175,70-1241,40 gram/ekor/hari), pertambahan bobot badan (301,40-345,60 gram/ekor/hari) dan efisiensi ransum (0,250-0,269/ekor/hari). Pemberian curcuminoid hingga 12 mg/kg bobot badan dapat diberikan pada ransum babi starter sebagai feed aditif.
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan, 2012
The experiment studied The Effect of papaya rind meal in Carcass production dan Component of the ... more The experiment studied The Effect of papaya rind meal in Carcass production dan Component of the New Zealand white Male Rabbit Cross. It was conducted from 14 th July to 7 th September 2008 at Panorama Jatinangor, Sumedang. The objective of this experiment was to find out the Effect of papaya rind meal in Carcas production dan Component of the New Zealand white Male Rabbit Cross. This experimentally method was done on 20 New Zealand White rabbits cross. The experimental design used Completely Random Design (CRD) with four threatments of (R0= without papaya rind meal, R1= 5, R2= 10, and R3= 15 percent for papaya rind meal), each threatments had five replications. Data collected were tested statistically by variance method. According to the experiment result, it is showed that papaya rind meal within ration up to 15% in feeding gave non significant result on carcass weight (712,40 gram,±64,06), meat percentage (58,53%±5,88), bone percentage (34,66% ±0,59) and fat percentage (10,31%±0,87) of rabbit and it can be used as an alternative protein source of feed stuff without had negative effect to carcass production and component.
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan, 2020
Antibiotic Growth Promoter (AGP) synthetic as a feed additive can stimulate growth, prevent some ... more Antibiotic Growth Promoter (AGP) synthetic as a feed additive can stimulate growth, prevent some health problems, and improve feed efficiency. However, its journey has raised concerns due to adverse effects such as residues and microbial resistance. The use of turmeric flour and betaine as feed additives is expected to substitute the use of AGP Synthetic in improving the performance of pig carcasses and the safety of consumption. This study was aimed to examine the effect of the addition of turmeric flour and different doses of betaine in the ration on the performance of finisher period pigs. The study was conducted experimentally using a completely randomized design with four treatments and five replications. The objects of the study were 20 male and female finisher Landrace pigs with a finisher period with initial body weights of 55-66 kg/head. The study rations used were R0: basal ration, R1: R0 + 0.4% turmeric flour + 0.1% betaine, R2: R0 + 0.4% turmeric flour + 0.15% betaine an...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk pengetahui dan mengevaluasi pengaruh faktor lingkungan, yaitu keti... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk pengetahui dan mengevaluasi pengaruh faktor lingkungan, yaitu ketinggian dataran terhadap hasil produksi usaha peternakan ayam broiler. Hasil produksi tersebut meliputi Indeks Prestasi (IP), Efisiensi Produksi (EP), Konversi Pakan (KP), dan tingkat mortilitas. penelitian menggunakan tiga kriteria ketinggian, yaitu dataran rendah ( 700 mdpl). Materi yang digunakan adalah data recording usaha peternakan ayam broiler pola kemitraan di perusahaan Berkah Global Business. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) menggunakan 14 ulangan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan sidik ragam, dan untuk data yang berpengaruh nyata dilakukan uji lanjut Tukey. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ketinggian suatu tempat memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan (P 0,05 ) terhadap tingkat mortalitas. Dari hasil penelitian, berdasarakan nilai IP, EP, dan KP pemeliharaan ayam broiler di dataran rendah dan sedang lebih baik jika dibanding...
SINAGA, S. dan M. SILALAHI. 2002. The effect adding layer manure in ration as alternative feed on... more SINAGA, S. dan M. SILALAHI. 2002. The effect adding layer manure in ration as alternative feed on pig production. JITV 7 (4): 207–213. An experiment had been conducted to find out the effect of layer manure in the ration pig. Twenty four pig were randomized into 24 individual pens. Completely Randomized Design was used in this experiment; treatments consist of four levels of layer manure (0; 5; 10 and 15%), each treatment was replicated six times. The result indicated that up to 5% layer manure add to the starter-grower diet can be fed without any significant effect.
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan, 2020
Se’i is a traditional processed pork product in East Nusa Timor which is made through the smoking... more Se’i is a traditional processed pork product in East Nusa Timor which is made through the smoking process using smoke of Kosambi wood so that the meat is more durable and has a distinctive taste. The objective of the research was to determine the best smoking duration on the physical properties and acceptability of pork. The research was conducted experimentally according to a Completely Randomized Design with three treatments of smoke duration and six replications. The experiments cosisted of 60(P1), 70(P2) and 80(P3) minutes, respectively. Physical properties parameters (water holding capacity, tenderness, and smoking loss) were analysed by analysis of varians, while acceptability parameters (color, taste, and flavor) were determine using Kruskal Wallis test. Polynomial orthogonal test was performed to determine the trends of the effect of treatments on the measured variables. The results of the research showed that duration of smoke curing on pork significantly affect the physica...
The experiment studied The Effect of papaya rind meal in Carcass production dan Component of the ... more The experiment studied The Effect of papaya rind meal in Carcass production dan Component of the New Zealand white Male Rabbit Cross. It was conducted from 14th July to 7th September 2008 at Panorama Jatinangor, Sumedang. The objective of this experiment was to find out the Effect of papaya rind meal in Carcas production dan Component of the New Zealand white Male Rabbit Cross. This experimentally method was done on 20 New Zealand White rabbits cross. The experimental design used Completely Random Design (CRD) with four threatments of (R0= without papaya rind meal, R1= 5, R2= 10, and R3= 15 percent for papaya rind meal), each threatments had five replications. Data collected were tested statistically by variance method. According to the experiment result, it is showed that papaya rind meal within ration up to 15% in feeding gave non significant result on carcass weight (712,40 gram,±64,06), meat percentage (58,53%±5,88), bone percentage (34,66% ±0,59) and fat percentage (10,31%±0,87...
The research on The Effect of Providing Curcuminoid Dosage To Digestible protein, Protein Efficie... more The research on The Effect of Providing Curcuminoid Dosage To Digestible protein, Protein Efficiency and The Rate of Passage of Feed in Grower Period Pig’s Digest System has been conducted since January 10th , to 27thFebruary 2008, at Pig Livestock Laboratory and Teaching Farm of KPBI Obor Swastika in Cisarua, Bandung, Indonesia. The aim of this research was to state the effect of providing and the best dosage of curcuminoid in meal to digestible protein, protein efficiency and the rate of passage of feed in grower period pig’s digest system. This research used 20 grower period pigs with 35 kg average body weight and 2,13 percent variation coefficient. The experiment used the completely randomized design, the treatment given was the addition level of curcuminoid dosage (0, 4, 8 and 12 mg curcuminoid/kg body weight). Each treatment was done five times. The result of this research gives 4 mg curcuminoid/kg body weight give in ration finisher pig increase protein digestability and ...
Penelitian tentang pengaruh Penggunaan Tepung Daun Jambu Batu sebagai Anti Diare Pada Babi Period... more Penelitian tentang pengaruh Penggunaan Tepung Daun Jambu Batu sebagai Anti Diare Pada Babi Periode Starter dilaksananakan di Laboratorium Ternak Babi KPBI desa Kertawangi, Kecamatan Cisarua. Penelitian ini menggunakan 18 ekor babi ras dengan bobot badan rata-rata 24,83 kg, rancangan percobaan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan tiga tingkat pemberian tepung daun jambu batu (0; 0.4; dan 0,8%), setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak enam kali. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemberian tepung daun jambu dalam ransum memberikan pengaruh tindak nyata terhadap konsumsi harian, konversi ransum, kecernaan energi dan protein, tetapi berbeda nyata (p < 0,05) terhadap pertambahan bobot babi periode starter. Pemberian ransum yang mengandung tepung daun jambu batu 0.8% dapat digunakan sebagai pakan tambahan dalam ransum babi starter. Kata Kunci : Babi Periode starter, pertumbuhan, Tepung Daun Jambu Batu
Research was conducted at Cigugur village, Kuningan, West Java since January 23 th to February 29... more Research was conducted at Cigugur village, Kuningan, West Java since January 23 th to February 29 th , 2012. The research aimened to know the best level of Wuluh starfruit juice (Averrhoa bilimbi) in starter pigs ration that gave best result on digestible fat, protein efficiency ratio and the rate of feed in pigs digestion system. The research was done based on Completely Randomized Design with four treatments and five replications. The treatments was R1 (the ration without starfruit juice), R2 (the ration contained 0.25% starfruit juice), R3 (the ration contained 0.50% starfruit juice) and R4 (the ration contained 0.75% starfruit juice). The result swowed the addition of waluh starfruit juice (Averrhoa bilimbi) up to 0.75% did not give significant effect on fat digestibility, protein efficiency ratio, and rate of feed in pigs digest system.
Research about the effect of ration containing various dosage curcuminoid in pigs rations to grow... more Research about the effect of ration containing various dosage curcuminoid in pigs rations to growth rate and the ration conversion has been held since December 2005 until March 2006 in KPBI (Koperasi Peternak Babi Indonesia), Kecamatan Cisarua, Kabupaten Bandung. The purpose of this research is to know the Wright dosage of gives curcuminoid as feed additive also effect of curcuminoid as feed additive ration to growth rate and the ration conversion. This research was using 20 starter period pigs, age 2 months with weight rate 18 kg and variation coefficient 6.33%. The method was which used in this research is Complete Randomized Design with four level dosage of curcuminoid i.e, 0, 4, 8 and 12 mg/kg/body weight with five replications. The result of the research shows that giving curcuminoid as feed additive does not give the different effect to the ration conversion, but to growth rate by gives dosage of curcuminoid which 4 mg/kg/body weight effect to increase pigs growth rate. Curcum...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2019
One of the problems in maintaining cuscus in captivity was feed factor. Farmers had given various... more One of the problems in maintaining cuscus in captivity was feed factor. Farmers had given various combinations of feed for cuscus, and several studies had been conducted on cuscus feed. For cuscus feed, it mostly used more than two types of feed, and the most dominant was banana. Inefficiency occurred fresh feed was prepared with more than two types. It can be costly, time-consuming and has more digestibility problem. Therefore, it was necessary to conduct an assessment by limiting the number of feed in two types to see the benefits of the ration (70% carbohydrate feed sources Musa paradisiaca var. mas and 30% from Pometia pinnata leaves, Pongamia pinnata leaves, Ipomoea aquatica, Brassica rapa var. parachinensis and Gryllus spp. The research was conducted for 36 days consisting of 2 periods, namely the adaptation period (5 days) and the data collection period (7 days), 3 times replications. The amount of feeding was limited based on 90% of adequacy of dry matter (preliminary research). The weighting of the initial body weight of cuscus and the final weight was carried out at the beginning and end of the period of data collection. Faecal was collected every day during the period of data collection. Each type of feed and fecal was analyzed for the dry matter. The results showed no significant effect (P>0.01) on dry matter consumption, but significantly affected the digestibility coefficients of dry matter. The preferred ration was 100% M. paradisiaca var. mas, which 49.99g/day, then a combination of M. paradisiaca var. mas with I. aquatica 48.187 g/day and M. paradisiaca var. mas combination with Averrhoa carambola (48.06 g/day), while the less preferred combination was M. paradisiaca var. mas with leaves from forest plants and combination of M. paradisiaca var. mas and animal protein feed sources i.e. Gryllus spp. However, the highest digestibility coefficient was achieved in 100% M. paradisiaca var. mas and M. paradisiaca var. mas combine with Gryllus spp. Furthermore, the relationship between digestibility coefficient and body weight gain showed that the combination of M. paradisiaca var. mas and Gryllus spp. had higher body weight gain compared to 100% Musa paradisiacal var. mas. Based on this study it was concluded that cuscus required a combination of carbohydrate feed sources and animal protein feed sources obtained from M. paradisiaca var. mas and Glyllus spp.
Buletin Peternakan, 2018
This research aimed to determine factors affecting farmers’ calves rearing decision and further d... more This research aimed to determine factors affecting farmers’ calves rearing decision and further determine which of the factors were categorized as the critical elements on the practice as well. A qualitative method was used in this research, where beef and dairy cattle farmer groups, dairy cooperative staffs, and regional department of livestock and animal health staffs were questioned as the source of information and data collection. The research area covered Tasikmalaya and Kuningan District for beef cattle rearing, while for the dairy cattle rearing covered Bandung and West Bandung District. The obtained data were then analyzed through Participatory System Analysis (PSA) approach. The results showed that factors which affect farmer’s dairy calves rearing decision were high-cost production, long rearing time, calves rearing status as a secondary income source, and reared calves’ quality. Furthermore, the results of this research also showed that the critical elements the decision...
Media Kontak Tani Ternak
Pertambahan bobot badan harian dan konversi pakan yang baik merupakan hal yang selalu ingin dicap... more Pertambahan bobot badan harian dan konversi pakan yang baik merupakan hal yang selalu ingin dicapai oleh para pegiat usaha penggemukan domba potong. Pembuatan ransum domba dalam bentuk pellet merupakan suatu upaya untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pakan, dari bentuk ransum yang sebelumnya berupa mash. Kelompok peternak “Mega Mulya Farm” pada dasarnya sudah mengetahui bahwa terdapat ransum berbentuk pellet, namun pemberian ransum dalam bentuk pellet ini belum pernah dilakukan dan para peternak belum mengetahui cara pembuatan ransum dalam bentuk pellet. Pelatihan pembuatan pellet sebagai pakan ternak domba di kelompok peternak “Mega Mulya Farm” ditujukan untuk membuka wawasan dan pengalaman para peternak dalam pembuatan ransum ternak domba dalam bentuk pellet. Pelatihan diikuti oleh 39 orang peserta yang merupakan anggota kelompok peternak “Mega Mulya Farm”. Metode pelaksanaan pelatihan terdiri dari pemaparan materi mengenai proses pembuatan pellet dan praktek pembuatan pellet. Kegiatan pe...
Jurnal Nutrisi Ternak Tropis dan Ilmu Pakan, Aug 13, 2022
Ulat Jerman merupakan larva dari kumbang Zophobas morio yang saat ini banyak dibudidayakan di Ind... more Ulat Jerman merupakan larva dari kumbang Zophobas morio yang saat ini banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia. Ulat Jerman banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan untuk beberapa hewan peliharaan seperti burung kicau, sugar glider, dan berbagai macam reptile. Percobaan ini menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 3600 ekor ulat Jerman terdiri dari 3 perlakuan dan 6 ulangan, sehingga di dapat 18 unit percobaan dan setiap unit percobaan terdiri atas 200 ekor ulat Jerman. Perlakuan tersebut di antaranya P1 = dedak, P2 = pollard, dan P3 = onggok. Data hasil pengamatan dianalisis ragam dan perbedaan antara perlakuan dengan Uji Jarak Berganda Duncan. Berdasarkan analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa pemberian media nutrisi berbeda nyata terhadap konsumsi ransum, pertambahan bobot badan ulat Jerman. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil bahwa pollard merupakan media nutrisi terbaik bagi pertumbuhan ulat Jerman. Kata Kunci: Ulat Jerman, media nutrisi, dedak, pollard, onggok, bobot badan, konversi pakan, mortalitas
This research has been held since February to November 2008 in the Research Laboratory and Teachi... more This research has been held since February to November 2008 in the Research Laboratory and Teaching Farm of KPBI (Koperasi Peternak Babi Indonesia), Cisarua District, Bandung Regency and Nutrition Laboratory, Animal Husbandry Faculty, Padjadjaran University. The purpose of this research is to know the effective dosage of curcumin to give equivalent influence with virginiamycin as growth promotor in pig. This research use completely randomized design consisting of five treatments (Rvm: 50 ppm virginiamicin, R0: tanpa virginiamicin dan curcumin, R1: 120 ppm curcumin, R2: 160 ppm curcumin, and R3: 200 ppm curcumin), with five treatment. This research used 25 starter period pigs, age 2 months with weight rate of 18 kg and variation coefficient of 6.33%. The result shows that giving curcuminoid as feed additive 160 ppm in pig ration significant by influenced to digestible energy, the rate of passage of feed, body weight gain, feed efficiency and time to slaugter weight. It is conclud...
Biodiversitas: Journal of Biological Diversity, 2019
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan, 2012
pada tanggal 2 Desember 2009 sampai 20 Januari 2010 bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian... more pada tanggal 2 Desember 2009 sampai 20 Januari 2010 bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ransum yang mengandung berbagai dosis curcuminoid terhadap efisiensi ransum pada babi periode starter. Penelitian ini menggunakan 20 ekor babi periode starter yang berumur 8 minggu dengan bobot badan rata-rata 20 kg dan koefisien variasi 6,33 %. Rancangan Percobaan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan empat macam perlakuan dosis curcuminoid dalam ransum (0, 4, 8, 12 mg/kg bobot badan), setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak lima kali. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemberian curcuminoid sampai dosis 12 mg/kg bobot badan memberikan pengaruh yang tidak berbeda terhadap konsumsi ransum (1175,70-1241,40 gram/ekor/hari), pertambahan bobot badan (301,40-345,60 gram/ekor/hari) dan efisiensi ransum (0,250-0,269/ekor/hari). Pemberian curcuminoid hingga 12 mg/kg bobot badan dapat diberikan pada ransum babi starter sebagai feed aditif.
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan, 2012
The experiment studied The Effect of papaya rind meal in Carcass production dan Component of the ... more The experiment studied The Effect of papaya rind meal in Carcass production dan Component of the New Zealand white Male Rabbit Cross. It was conducted from 14 th July to 7 th September 2008 at Panorama Jatinangor, Sumedang. The objective of this experiment was to find out the Effect of papaya rind meal in Carcas production dan Component of the New Zealand white Male Rabbit Cross. This experimentally method was done on 20 New Zealand White rabbits cross. The experimental design used Completely Random Design (CRD) with four threatments of (R0= without papaya rind meal, R1= 5, R2= 10, and R3= 15 percent for papaya rind meal), each threatments had five replications. Data collected were tested statistically by variance method. According to the experiment result, it is showed that papaya rind meal within ration up to 15% in feeding gave non significant result on carcass weight (712,40 gram,±64,06), meat percentage (58,53%±5,88), bone percentage (34,66% ±0,59) and fat percentage (10,31%±0,87) of rabbit and it can be used as an alternative protein source of feed stuff without had negative effect to carcass production and component.
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan, 2020
Antibiotic Growth Promoter (AGP) synthetic as a feed additive can stimulate growth, prevent some ... more Antibiotic Growth Promoter (AGP) synthetic as a feed additive can stimulate growth, prevent some health problems, and improve feed efficiency. However, its journey has raised concerns due to adverse effects such as residues and microbial resistance. The use of turmeric flour and betaine as feed additives is expected to substitute the use of AGP Synthetic in improving the performance of pig carcasses and the safety of consumption. This study was aimed to examine the effect of the addition of turmeric flour and different doses of betaine in the ration on the performance of finisher period pigs. The study was conducted experimentally using a completely randomized design with four treatments and five replications. The objects of the study were 20 male and female finisher Landrace pigs with a finisher period with initial body weights of 55-66 kg/head. The study rations used were R0: basal ration, R1: R0 + 0.4% turmeric flour + 0.1% betaine, R2: R0 + 0.4% turmeric flour + 0.15% betaine an...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk pengetahui dan mengevaluasi pengaruh faktor lingkungan, yaitu keti... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk pengetahui dan mengevaluasi pengaruh faktor lingkungan, yaitu ketinggian dataran terhadap hasil produksi usaha peternakan ayam broiler. Hasil produksi tersebut meliputi Indeks Prestasi (IP), Efisiensi Produksi (EP), Konversi Pakan (KP), dan tingkat mortilitas. penelitian menggunakan tiga kriteria ketinggian, yaitu dataran rendah ( 700 mdpl). Materi yang digunakan adalah data recording usaha peternakan ayam broiler pola kemitraan di perusahaan Berkah Global Business. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) menggunakan 14 ulangan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan sidik ragam, dan untuk data yang berpengaruh nyata dilakukan uji lanjut Tukey. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ketinggian suatu tempat memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan (P 0,05 ) terhadap tingkat mortalitas. Dari hasil penelitian, berdasarakan nilai IP, EP, dan KP pemeliharaan ayam broiler di dataran rendah dan sedang lebih baik jika dibanding...
SINAGA, S. dan M. SILALAHI. 2002. The effect adding layer manure in ration as alternative feed on... more SINAGA, S. dan M. SILALAHI. 2002. The effect adding layer manure in ration as alternative feed on pig production. JITV 7 (4): 207–213. An experiment had been conducted to find out the effect of layer manure in the ration pig. Twenty four pig were randomized into 24 individual pens. Completely Randomized Design was used in this experiment; treatments consist of four levels of layer manure (0; 5; 10 and 15%), each treatment was replicated six times. The result indicated that up to 5% layer manure add to the starter-grower diet can be fed without any significant effect.
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan, 2020
Se’i is a traditional processed pork product in East Nusa Timor which is made through the smoking... more Se’i is a traditional processed pork product in East Nusa Timor which is made through the smoking process using smoke of Kosambi wood so that the meat is more durable and has a distinctive taste. The objective of the research was to determine the best smoking duration on the physical properties and acceptability of pork. The research was conducted experimentally according to a Completely Randomized Design with three treatments of smoke duration and six replications. The experiments cosisted of 60(P1), 70(P2) and 80(P3) minutes, respectively. Physical properties parameters (water holding capacity, tenderness, and smoking loss) were analysed by analysis of varians, while acceptability parameters (color, taste, and flavor) were determine using Kruskal Wallis test. Polynomial orthogonal test was performed to determine the trends of the effect of treatments on the measured variables. The results of the research showed that duration of smoke curing on pork significantly affect the physica...
The experiment studied The Effect of papaya rind meal in Carcass production dan Component of the ... more The experiment studied The Effect of papaya rind meal in Carcass production dan Component of the New Zealand white Male Rabbit Cross. It was conducted from 14th July to 7th September 2008 at Panorama Jatinangor, Sumedang. The objective of this experiment was to find out the Effect of papaya rind meal in Carcas production dan Component of the New Zealand white Male Rabbit Cross. This experimentally method was done on 20 New Zealand White rabbits cross. The experimental design used Completely Random Design (CRD) with four threatments of (R0= without papaya rind meal, R1= 5, R2= 10, and R3= 15 percent for papaya rind meal), each threatments had five replications. Data collected were tested statistically by variance method. According to the experiment result, it is showed that papaya rind meal within ration up to 15% in feeding gave non significant result on carcass weight (712,40 gram,±64,06), meat percentage (58,53%±5,88), bone percentage (34,66% ±0,59) and fat percentage (10,31%±0,87...
The research on The Effect of Providing Curcuminoid Dosage To Digestible protein, Protein Efficie... more The research on The Effect of Providing Curcuminoid Dosage To Digestible protein, Protein Efficiency and The Rate of Passage of Feed in Grower Period Pig’s Digest System has been conducted since January 10th , to 27thFebruary 2008, at Pig Livestock Laboratory and Teaching Farm of KPBI Obor Swastika in Cisarua, Bandung, Indonesia. The aim of this research was to state the effect of providing and the best dosage of curcuminoid in meal to digestible protein, protein efficiency and the rate of passage of feed in grower period pig’s digest system. This research used 20 grower period pigs with 35 kg average body weight and 2,13 percent variation coefficient. The experiment used the completely randomized design, the treatment given was the addition level of curcuminoid dosage (0, 4, 8 and 12 mg curcuminoid/kg body weight). Each treatment was done five times. The result of this research gives 4 mg curcuminoid/kg body weight give in ration finisher pig increase protein digestability and ...
Penelitian tentang pengaruh Penggunaan Tepung Daun Jambu Batu sebagai Anti Diare Pada Babi Period... more Penelitian tentang pengaruh Penggunaan Tepung Daun Jambu Batu sebagai Anti Diare Pada Babi Periode Starter dilaksananakan di Laboratorium Ternak Babi KPBI desa Kertawangi, Kecamatan Cisarua. Penelitian ini menggunakan 18 ekor babi ras dengan bobot badan rata-rata 24,83 kg, rancangan percobaan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan tiga tingkat pemberian tepung daun jambu batu (0; 0.4; dan 0,8%), setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak enam kali. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemberian tepung daun jambu dalam ransum memberikan pengaruh tindak nyata terhadap konsumsi harian, konversi ransum, kecernaan energi dan protein, tetapi berbeda nyata (p < 0,05) terhadap pertambahan bobot babi periode starter. Pemberian ransum yang mengandung tepung daun jambu batu 0.8% dapat digunakan sebagai pakan tambahan dalam ransum babi starter. Kata Kunci : Babi Periode starter, pertumbuhan, Tepung Daun Jambu Batu
Research was conducted at Cigugur village, Kuningan, West Java since January 23 th to February 29... more Research was conducted at Cigugur village, Kuningan, West Java since January 23 th to February 29 th , 2012. The research aimened to know the best level of Wuluh starfruit juice (Averrhoa bilimbi) in starter pigs ration that gave best result on digestible fat, protein efficiency ratio and the rate of feed in pigs digestion system. The research was done based on Completely Randomized Design with four treatments and five replications. The treatments was R1 (the ration without starfruit juice), R2 (the ration contained 0.25% starfruit juice), R3 (the ration contained 0.50% starfruit juice) and R4 (the ration contained 0.75% starfruit juice). The result swowed the addition of waluh starfruit juice (Averrhoa bilimbi) up to 0.75% did not give significant effect on fat digestibility, protein efficiency ratio, and rate of feed in pigs digest system.
Research about the effect of ration containing various dosage curcuminoid in pigs rations to grow... more Research about the effect of ration containing various dosage curcuminoid in pigs rations to growth rate and the ration conversion has been held since December 2005 until March 2006 in KPBI (Koperasi Peternak Babi Indonesia), Kecamatan Cisarua, Kabupaten Bandung. The purpose of this research is to know the Wright dosage of gives curcuminoid as feed additive also effect of curcuminoid as feed additive ration to growth rate and the ration conversion. This research was using 20 starter period pigs, age 2 months with weight rate 18 kg and variation coefficient 6.33%. The method was which used in this research is Complete Randomized Design with four level dosage of curcuminoid i.e, 0, 4, 8 and 12 mg/kg/body weight with five replications. The result of the research shows that giving curcuminoid as feed additive does not give the different effect to the ration conversion, but to growth rate by gives dosage of curcuminoid which 4 mg/kg/body weight effect to increase pigs growth rate. Curcum...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2019
One of the problems in maintaining cuscus in captivity was feed factor. Farmers had given various... more One of the problems in maintaining cuscus in captivity was feed factor. Farmers had given various combinations of feed for cuscus, and several studies had been conducted on cuscus feed. For cuscus feed, it mostly used more than two types of feed, and the most dominant was banana. Inefficiency occurred fresh feed was prepared with more than two types. It can be costly, time-consuming and has more digestibility problem. Therefore, it was necessary to conduct an assessment by limiting the number of feed in two types to see the benefits of the ration (70% carbohydrate feed sources Musa paradisiaca var. mas and 30% from Pometia pinnata leaves, Pongamia pinnata leaves, Ipomoea aquatica, Brassica rapa var. parachinensis and Gryllus spp. The research was conducted for 36 days consisting of 2 periods, namely the adaptation period (5 days) and the data collection period (7 days), 3 times replications. The amount of feeding was limited based on 90% of adequacy of dry matter (preliminary research). The weighting of the initial body weight of cuscus and the final weight was carried out at the beginning and end of the period of data collection. Faecal was collected every day during the period of data collection. Each type of feed and fecal was analyzed for the dry matter. The results showed no significant effect (P>0.01) on dry matter consumption, but significantly affected the digestibility coefficients of dry matter. The preferred ration was 100% M. paradisiaca var. mas, which 49.99g/day, then a combination of M. paradisiaca var. mas with I. aquatica 48.187 g/day and M. paradisiaca var. mas combination with Averrhoa carambola (48.06 g/day), while the less preferred combination was M. paradisiaca var. mas with leaves from forest plants and combination of M. paradisiaca var. mas and animal protein feed sources i.e. Gryllus spp. However, the highest digestibility coefficient was achieved in 100% M. paradisiaca var. mas and M. paradisiaca var. mas combine with Gryllus spp. Furthermore, the relationship between digestibility coefficient and body weight gain showed that the combination of M. paradisiaca var. mas and Gryllus spp. had higher body weight gain compared to 100% Musa paradisiacal var. mas. Based on this study it was concluded that cuscus required a combination of carbohydrate feed sources and animal protein feed sources obtained from M. paradisiaca var. mas and Glyllus spp.
Buletin Peternakan, 2018
This research aimed to determine factors affecting farmers’ calves rearing decision and further d... more This research aimed to determine factors affecting farmers’ calves rearing decision and further determine which of the factors were categorized as the critical elements on the practice as well. A qualitative method was used in this research, where beef and dairy cattle farmer groups, dairy cooperative staffs, and regional department of livestock and animal health staffs were questioned as the source of information and data collection. The research area covered Tasikmalaya and Kuningan District for beef cattle rearing, while for the dairy cattle rearing covered Bandung and West Bandung District. The obtained data were then analyzed through Participatory System Analysis (PSA) approach. The results showed that factors which affect farmer’s dairy calves rearing decision were high-cost production, long rearing time, calves rearing status as a secondary income source, and reared calves’ quality. Furthermore, the results of this research also showed that the critical elements the decision...