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Papers by SciDoc Publishers

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy and Safety of Angiotensin-Based Pharmacotherapy versus Conventional Therapy for the Management of Isolated Systolic Hypertension: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

The angiotensin (AT) system is highly implicated in the pathophysiology of isolated systolic hype... more The angiotensin (AT) system is highly implicated in the pathophysiology of isolated systolic hypertension (ISH). Consequently,
this meta-analysis was designed to quantitatively review the efficacy and safety of angiotensin (AT)-based regimens
in comparison with conventional thiazide diuretics or calcium channel blockers (CCBs) for the management of ISH. MEDLINE
and CENTRAL were searched for relevant randomized controlled trials (RCTs).

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Research paper thumbnail of Medicolegal Autopsies - Interesting and Incidental Findings

An autopsy consists of a thorough examination of a corpse to determine the cause and manner of de... more An autopsy consists of a thorough examination of a corpse to determine the cause and manner of death and to evaluate
any disease or injury.
This is a retrospective study of seven years where organs of total 53 medicolegal post - mortems were examined for histopathological
lesions. The commonest cause of death was pulmonary edema. The most common incidental finding was
Atherosclerosis which was associated with high risk factors of alcohol consumption and smoking.
Autopsy cause of death and contributing findings were based on the macro - and microscopic post-mortem findings
combined with clinical information. Incidental histopathologic findings may not be found to influence the cause of death
but nonetheless reveal many interesting facts related to epidemiology, which help in academic and research purpose. The
significance of a careful postmortem examination can be summed up in the old saying “the dead teach the living”.
Keywords: Histopathology; Medicolegal Postmortem; Incidental; Pulmonary Edema; Atherosclerosis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Consideration for Drug Smuggling/Trafficking

Keywords: Illicit Drugs; Smuggling; Ethics.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sex Determination from Fourth Rib by Osteometric Analysis

There have been several studies showing that the sternal extremity of the fourth rib can be used ... more There have been several studies showing that the sternal extremity of the fourth rib can be used in estimating age as well
as in determining sex. An osteometric study of sexual dimorphism in the sternal ends of the fourth rib was collected from 266 (200 males and 66 females) individuals autopsied of known age, sex, and race was conducted in New Delhi, India. The height and width of the sternal end of the rib were measured with a calliper in each case. The sample was analyzed in three groups: young (phase 1-4), old (phase 4-7), and total sample (phase 1-7).
Results: The results indicated that the accuracy of sex determination was 84.7% in the young group (phase 1–4, age 15–32), 86.4% in the older group (phase 4–8, age 33–89).
Conclusion: It is important to note that sexual dimorphism can be assessable by using a single fourth rib in a Indian population
from ages 14 to 85. SIH of the rib is the most reliable parameter; APB follows it.
Keywords: Sex Determination; Sternal Rib; Discriminant Function; Human Identification.

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Research paper thumbnail of Doctors and Medico Legal Examination of Victims of Sexual Offenses

This increasing incident of crime against woman is adding up to the number of female patients. Th... more This increasing incident of crime against woman is adding up to the number of female patients. This, along with normal
female patients there is a dire emergency in the treatment of female victims of sexual assault. We need provision in our
hospital set up to treat the victims separately. There is also an awareness campaign against the sexual crimes and the right of
women. Thus increasing trend of crime against woman in India is also burdening the health system in providing treatment
and medico legal work.
There are various steps in the general examination where the female patient though gives the consent, but do not welcome
the moves of the doctor. This feeling often makes the patient uncomfortable and may compel the patient herself or relatives
to bring charges of indecency and of sexual assault against the doctor. The casual attitude of doctors is not going to stand
in the present scenario. There has to be strict and vigilant environment in our hospital as far as dignity and privacy of female is concerned. Woman friendly environments and attitude should reflect in our hospital.
Keywords: Rape; Medico Legal; Criminal law.

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Research paper thumbnail of Medicolegal Study of Hanging Cases In North Goa

The hanging deaths are one of the most important asphyxial types of deaths encountered in day to ... more The hanging deaths are one of the most important asphyxial types of deaths encountered in day to day life by Forensic Pathologist. The present study was conducted with the objective of studying the incidence of hanging deaths & other various
factors like socio demographic factors and type of hanging among all unnatural deaths in North Goa District of Goa state.
The study included 101 hanging cases brought for autopsy to Department of Forensic Medicine, Goa Medical College,
Goa. Incidence of hanging was found 7.75%. The most common victims were the married males in the age group of 21
to 30 years. Most of the victims were illiterate & unemployed. In majority of cases, the causative or precipitating factor was
physical illness. 72% cases were taken place indoor & in urban area. 47.52% cases were reported during months of January
to April. 81% cases were of Atypical Complete variety. Soft ligature was used as ligature in 53.46% cases; Rope being the
most common one. Most cases showed Slip knot with right side of neck being the most common place. In all cases, ligature
mark was obliquely placed & in 91% it was lying above thyroid eminence. Hemorrhage in neck muscles under ligature mark
was seen in 19% cases & fracture of hyoid bone was found in 3% cases.

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Research paper thumbnail of Oral Fluid and Driving Under the Inluence of Drugs (Duid): A Brief Review

This review deals with different aspects of driving under the influence of drugs (DUID).Cannabis,... more This review deals with different aspects of driving under the influence of drugs (DUID).Cannabis, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines and methamphetamines are the most prevalent illegal drugs detected in the surveys carried out by the police
and involved in traffic accidents. The use of oral fluid matrix to detect drugged drivers as well as pharmacokinetics of illegal
drugs in oral fluid, correlation with blood, times of elimination and on-site drugs tests has been considered. A brief
description of the marketed on-site test devices is provided. The relationship between drug use and impairment driving, and
articles published in the specialized literature have been consulted. Data has been obtained from MEDLINE base date during the last years. Although oral fluid is a suitable fluid for analysis and the a steady progress has been done along the time, in the devices for screening, more effort must be achieved regarding to its performance and reliability regarding to parameters as sensibility specificity and recovery, specially for cannabis, the most prevalent drug detected. Standardized protocols referring to sample collection, established cut-offs, analytical confirmatory methods are issues that may be established to avoid erroneous results and interpretation. At present, legislation around the world using the oral fluid in legal procedure is not well defined but some countries are applying these methods to sanction drivers. In Spain, in Catalonia region, qualitative results are being utilized to fine drivers and courts are admitting the proofs.
Keywords: Oral Fluid; Drugs Abuse; Toxicology; On-Site Drug Tests; Driving Under the Influence; Legal Medicine.
Abbreviations: OF: Oral Fluid

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Research paper thumbnail of First Report of Dermestes frischii Kugelann (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) on a Human Corpse, South of Iran

The necrophagous species of beetles provide useful complementary data to estimate the post-mortem... more The necrophagous species of beetles provide useful complementary data to estimate the post-mortem interval in forensic cases. We report, for the first time, Dermestes frischii Kugelann, 1792 larvae from a mummified human body covered with bushes and located in a canal in Sarvestan district, Fars province, south of Iran. The human corpse was a 63 year old male. The time of death was estimated to have been 23 days prior to the finding of the body based on the police investigations and confessions of a suspect. This beetle can be helpful to estimate the time of death in the future.
Keywords: Beetles (Coleoptera); Dermestes Frischii; Forensic Entomology; Human Cadaver.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Autopsy Evaluation of Complete Decapitation Injuries

Complete Decapitations are not uncommon in routine Forensic Autopsies. In this study Complete Dec... more Complete Decapitations are not uncommon in routine Forensic Autopsies. In this study Complete Decapitations were
found in 0.67% of Autopsies of which 96.15% [n-25] were Homicidal and 3.85% [n-1] due to Suicide. Only in 26.92%
[n-07] of cases Decapitations were done during the process of death and in 73.08% [n-19] of Decapitations were done
Postmortem. The Majority of the Victims belonged to 3rd [n-11] and the 4th [n-10] Decade. The Male to Female Ratio was
2:1. In 21[84%] cases the Head was recovered from the River/riverside Bush, away from the place of residence and in 04 [16%] cases the Head was recovered along with the Torso around the Place of Residence. Major number of cases [n-24]
were due to Gang related violence and in 2 cases Love and Sex dominated the incident. In 92.31% [n-24] of cases the C2-3
was involved and in two cases other cervical vertebra were involved. The Thyroid was least affected [n-5] and major number of Decapitations [n-15] were carried out above the Thyroid cartilage and in 6 cases below the thyroid Cartilage. A decapitation was the Proximate Cause of Death in 07 cases, though associated with other nonfatal or near fatal injuries. Decapitations demonstrated extreme degree of violence and Mutilation. It is also a result of high degree of Offensive, Defensive and aggression. Public Display of Head in Complete Decapitation is a method to impose a sense of Fear, it is a mean to Propaganda and Intimidation.
Keywords: Complete Decapitations; Homicide; Exsanguinations; Conceal; Postmortem.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cheiloscopy - A Vital Tool In Crime Investigation

Background: Various methods are used to collect evidence from a crime scene, and with the advance... more Background: Various methods are used to collect evidence from a crime scene, and with the advancements in forensic
science, most techniques are a common and necessary part of all criminal investigation. Cheiloscopy or lip print analysis
is one important technique which facilitates the identification of suspects, and like finger prints, lip prints left at the crime
scene may be collected and analyzed.
Highlights: This article gives an overview of cheiloscopy and its use as a vital tool in crime investigation.
Conclusion: Cheiloscopy can be used in par with other standard methods of crime investigation in future.
Keywords: Cheiloscopy; Lip Prints; Forensic Science.

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Research paper thumbnail of Forensic scientific evidence: problems and pitfalls in India

Forensic science, the sibling of science has transformed the criminal adjudication especially the... more Forensic science, the sibling of science has transformed the criminal adjudication especially the criminal trial process. There
is no doubt about the role of forensic science in helping the judiciary in settling issues which are outside the ken of judges.
However, nowadays forensic scientists as well as the stakeholders in the legal community are facing serious criticisms from different levels regarding its reliability and the capability of the legal community to screen it. Several problems and pitfalls are there which directly affect the trustworthiness of the forensic science. It starts from the very initial stage of crime scene investigation and continues up to the stage of trial. In the legal setting, the major problem is the difference in between the scientific and legal community concerning the sphere of interaction. It is high time to find out the real problems and to correct it unless it would result in serious miscarriage of justice.
Keywords: Forensic scientific evidence; Chain of custody; Individualization; Reliability; Admissibility.

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Research paper thumbnail of The effect of six common PCR inhibitors on DNA polymerase and DNA template

In order to elucidate the effect of PCR inhibitors on DNA polymerase and DNA template, two main c... more In order to elucidate the effect of PCR inhibitors on DNA polymerase and DNA template, two main components of the
PCR reaction, in this paper, we selected six representative PCR inhibitors, bile salts, collagen, humic acid, hemoglobin, melanin
and urea, and added respectively them to the K562 DNA with the standard addition concentration in which all of 26
different alleles of the K562 DNA with the AmpFℓSTR® Identifiler® PCR Amplification Kit are just inhibited completely.
On this basis, after increased the amount of K562 DNA and DNA polymerase respectively, PCR amplification and STR
genotyping were performed, and then counted the allele number of K562 DNA detected. When the DNA polymerase was
increased to a certain amount, all of 26 alleles of the K562 DNA mixed with various PCR inhibitors could be detected
successfully, and when the amount of K562 DNA was increased, the inhibitory effect of bile salts, collagen and urea had
only been eliminated partly and no significant improvement was observed for the other three inhibitors. The results indicate
that all of the six representative PCR inhibitors mainly inhibit DNA polymerase, and increasing the amount of DNA polymerase
in PCR reaction can improve significantly the efficiency of PCR amplification and the success rate of genotyping.
Keywords: Forensic Science; Biological Sample; DNA Typing; PCR Inhibition

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Research paper thumbnail of Forensic Diagnosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction: Application of Mass Spectrometry

Making a precise diagnosis of sudden death due to endogenous acute myocardial infarction in autop... more Making a precise diagnosis of sudden death due to endogenous acute myocardial infarction in autopsy can be difficult,
because histologic myocardial changes and other clinical data are limited. Here, we review previous studies of acute myocardial infarction for pathologic diagnosis using triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining and immunohistochemistry. Further,
we introduce our method of forensic examination by mass spectrometry and a novel promising biomarker, SORBS2 for
diagnosis of acute lethal cardiac infarction.
Keywords: Myocardial Infarction; Histologic Observation; Mass Spectrometry; SORBS2.

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Research paper thumbnail of Suicide Cases in Manipal, South India: An Autopsy Study

Suicide constitutes a major public health problem. It is a manifestation of self-destructive beha... more Suicide constitutes a major public health problem. It is a manifestation of self-destructive behavior that results from a crisis situation often not sufficiently recognized by relatives and friends or by the medical profession. The present study sample consisted of 656 cases of suicide out of the 3571 total autopsy cases done in the department of Forensic Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Karnataka. The present study shows that the people of all age groups were involved. The highest incidence was amongst the 21–30 years (35.06 %). Male victims predominated. Present study predicts marriage as being one of the important risk factors for suicide. Most of the victims belonged to the Hindu religion (86.4 %). When we look at the presence of any past illness, 174 cases (26.5%) were having some form of chronic physical and mental disorders at the time of committing suicides. Although seasonal variation is not much, however the present study reveals highest number of cases in summer season (36.1%). Despair with life was the most common motive for suicide. 74.4 % of the total victims in the present study used chemicals for terminating their lives and only 26.8 % of the study group used physical methods for committing suicide. Amongst those who opted for physical methods, hanging was the most common (15.6 %). Among the poisoning cases, organ phosphorus poisoning (51 %) was the most commonly used method for suicide.
Keywords: Autopsy, Suicide, Methods, Poisoning, Hanging

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Research paper thumbnail of Fatal High Voltage Accidental Electrocution – Two Case Reports

Electric accidents cause serious injuries by direct heat exposure or by igniting clothes. The sev... more Electric accidents cause serious injuries by direct heat exposure or by igniting clothes. The severity varies between simple harmless shocks to death. Many at times the victims are thrown to ground from the electric poles sustaining fatal non electric injuries. In this article two cases of high voltage electrocution are reported and discussed. In the first case the victim sustained injuries due to arcing of current. In the second case, there were multiple exit wounds in both legs indicating two different directions in the flow of current. Both the victims suffered fatal head injuries due to fall.
Keywords: high voltage electrocution, arcing of current, multiple exit wounds

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Research paper thumbnail of Wildlife DNA Forensic in Curbing Illegal Wildlife Trade: Specie Identification from Seizures

Species identification in wildlife forensics is the one of the major concern to enforce law and c... more Species identification in wildlife forensics is the one of the major concern to enforce law and curbing illegal wildlife trade. Among all the available analytical teqniques DNA based species identification is the most robust and acceptable evidence in the court of law. We analysed cytochrome b and 12S rRNA mtDNA fragments to identify species from three different seizures. DNA based analysis of Cyt b and 12S rRNA has identified three seizures as Hog deer, Chital and Swamp deer.
Keywords: PCR Amplification; Cytochrome b; 12s rRNA; Wildlife.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Autopsy Study of Homicide and Arson-54 Cases

The present prospective study was carried from 2009 to 2012. During this period a Total of 3907 H... more The present prospective study was carried from 2009 to 2012. During this period a Total of 3907 Homicides were Autopsied, of which 54 cases were recorded due to Murder and Arson Incidents, this contributed to 1.38% of Homicides cases. Majority of the Incidents involved Males contributing to 68.52% (n-37) of cases and the Females contributed to 31.48% ( n-17) of cases. Maximum number of victims belonged to the age group 31-40 (n-20). The least affected Victims were in 1st and the 6th decade. Majority of Murders, 90.74% (n-49), were as a results of Gunshot wounds and the least type of deaths were due to Stab wounds (1.85%; n-01) and Chop wounds (7.41%; n-04). The commonest method adopted for Arson was placing the Victim in the Car and setting Fire, This was reported in 68.51% (n-37) of cases. This was followed by arson on House of the Victim in 25.93% (n-14) of cases. The least type of Method of Arson adopted were placing(Killing) the Victim in Bush in 1.85% (n-01) and Shop(business) in 3.70% (n-02) of cases and setting on Fire. Gang related Murder and Arson contributed to 64.81% (n-35) of cases. The other commonly reported cases were Sex related
factors contributing to 12.96% (n-07) of the cases. The least Motivating factor was Jealousy, recorded in only 05.56% (n-03) of cases.
Keywords: Fire; Gunshot; Chop Wound; Stab Wound; Carbon Monoxide; Crime Scene; Murder; Concealment; Identity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fatal Intoxications with Para-Phenylenediamine in Upper Egypt

Para-phenylenediamine (PPD) is used alone or in combination with Henna as hair dye or skin decora... more Para-phenylenediamine (PPD) is used alone or in combination with Henna as hair dye or skin decoration. A five year retrospective study from 2007 to December 2012 was conducted at Assiut Forensic Chemistry Laboratory of Medic-legal Department, Assiut, to understand the magnitude and pattern of accidental, suicidal and homicide poisoning by PPD among males and females in Upper Egypt. During this period, a total of 84 poisoning cases are reported. The suicidal, homicidal and accidental cases were (91.7%), (7.1%) and (1.2%), respectively. The suicidal poisoning of females was higher (67.9%) than of males (32.1%). Most of the PPD deaths were between the third and fourth decades of life. PPD is detected by HPLC-DAD in stomach contents, blood, liver and urine samples. The cases are reported with the advice "public education and strict control over the sale and distribution of PPD should be done to reduce poisoning by this agent.
KeyWords: Paraphenylenediamine; Acute poisoning; Detection; HPLC-DAD.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Autopsy Study of 68 Cases of Murder Suicides

The present prospective study was carried from 2009 to 2012. During this period a Total of 3907 H... more The present prospective study was carried from 2009 to 2012. During this period a Total of 3907 Homicides were Autopsied, of which 68 cases were recorded due to Murder Suicide Incidents, this contributed to 1.74% of Homicides Cases. A total of 174 victims died as a result of Murder. 89.72%(n-61) of the perpetrators were Male. The Most of the perpetrators belonged to the age group 31-40 years, contributing to 66.18% of the cases , and the least age group involved was between 11-20 and 41-50,contributing to 2.94% of cases. None of the Perpetrators above the age of 50 years were involved. Majority of the Victims were Females contributing to 78.74% (n-137) of cases. The Maximum number of Victims belonged to 31-40 year Age group contributing to 40.08%, the least age group involved was between 11-20 and 41-50,contributing to 7.47% and 12.64% respectively. There were no elderly victims recorded. Majority (30.88%;n-21) of the perpetrators involved were policemen and the least type of individuals involved were Soldiers contributing to 2.94%(n-02) of cases. The Relationship of the Victims revealed Divorced Spouse to be the Major Victims contributing to 29.31%(n-51) of the Victims, followed closely by Girlfriends and Children’s contributing to 16.09%(n-28) each. The least affected were Housewives contributing to 11.49%(n-20) of the Victims. The Extramarital relationship (27.94%;n-19) and Jealousy(25%;n-17) were the Two Major Motives behind the Murder Suicide. The least provoking factors were Work stress(4.41%;n-03) and Disease conditions(2.94%;n-02). 91.18%(n-62) of the Perpetrators committed suicide by Gunshots. The least method adopted to commit suicide was Hanging contributing to 1.47% (n-01). 90.80%(n-158) of the Victims died as a result of Gunshot wounds. The least method adopted to Kill was by Ligature Suspension/ Hanging contributing to 1.72% (n-03) each. The perpetrator preferred in 30.88%( n-21)of Incidents Girlfriends House for Murder, followed closely by acts in Home in 25%( n-17) of cases. The commonest weapon of Choice was Firearm, which contributed to 91.18%(n-62) of the Cases, of which Handguns contributed to 75%(n-51) of cases. The least method adopted was by Ligature Suspension recorded in 1.47%(n-01) of cases. None of the incidents reported Murder and Suicide in different premises. The maximum distance between Suicide and Murder reported was 20 meters.
Keywords: Firearm; Death; Motive; Occupation; Psyche; Murder; Suicide; Sharp Force; Hanging.

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Research paper thumbnail of Occupational Exposure of Nanoparticles In Forensic Science: A Need Of Safe Use

The rapid advancement in nanotechnology sets new paradigms in science and technology, but simulta... more The rapid advancement in nanotechnology sets new paradigms in science and technology, but simultaneously increased apprehensions about the health risks of nano-objects. Recently, various types of nanoparticles used in several areas of forensic including paint, inks, security document and to develop the latent fingerprint.
Objective: Despite bright outlooks of nanoparticles used in various fields of forensic science, an increasing occupational as well as laboratory exposure of nanoparticles to workers and lab personnel, respectively, may lead to significant adverse health effects in the form of serious diseases.
Conclusion: Therefore, in this review, an attempt was made to discuss the positive and negative consequences of nanoparticles, to resolve their adverse effects which make them safer for forensic applications.
Key Words: Occupational; Forensic Science; Nanoparticles.

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Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy and Safety of Angiotensin-Based Pharmacotherapy versus Conventional Therapy for the Management of Isolated Systolic Hypertension: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

The angiotensin (AT) system is highly implicated in the pathophysiology of isolated systolic hype... more The angiotensin (AT) system is highly implicated in the pathophysiology of isolated systolic hypertension (ISH). Consequently,
this meta-analysis was designed to quantitatively review the efficacy and safety of angiotensin (AT)-based regimens
in comparison with conventional thiazide diuretics or calcium channel blockers (CCBs) for the management of ISH. MEDLINE
and CENTRAL were searched for relevant randomized controlled trials (RCTs).

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Research paper thumbnail of Medicolegal Autopsies - Interesting and Incidental Findings

An autopsy consists of a thorough examination of a corpse to determine the cause and manner of de... more An autopsy consists of a thorough examination of a corpse to determine the cause and manner of death and to evaluate
any disease or injury.
This is a retrospective study of seven years where organs of total 53 medicolegal post - mortems were examined for histopathological
lesions. The commonest cause of death was pulmonary edema. The most common incidental finding was
Atherosclerosis which was associated with high risk factors of alcohol consumption and smoking.
Autopsy cause of death and contributing findings were based on the macro - and microscopic post-mortem findings
combined with clinical information. Incidental histopathologic findings may not be found to influence the cause of death
but nonetheless reveal many interesting facts related to epidemiology, which help in academic and research purpose. The
significance of a careful postmortem examination can be summed up in the old saying “the dead teach the living”.
Keywords: Histopathology; Medicolegal Postmortem; Incidental; Pulmonary Edema; Atherosclerosis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Consideration for Drug Smuggling/Trafficking

Keywords: Illicit Drugs; Smuggling; Ethics.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sex Determination from Fourth Rib by Osteometric Analysis

There have been several studies showing that the sternal extremity of the fourth rib can be used ... more There have been several studies showing that the sternal extremity of the fourth rib can be used in estimating age as well
as in determining sex. An osteometric study of sexual dimorphism in the sternal ends of the fourth rib was collected from 266 (200 males and 66 females) individuals autopsied of known age, sex, and race was conducted in New Delhi, India. The height and width of the sternal end of the rib were measured with a calliper in each case. The sample was analyzed in three groups: young (phase 1-4), old (phase 4-7), and total sample (phase 1-7).
Results: The results indicated that the accuracy of sex determination was 84.7% in the young group (phase 1–4, age 15–32), 86.4% in the older group (phase 4–8, age 33–89).
Conclusion: It is important to note that sexual dimorphism can be assessable by using a single fourth rib in a Indian population
from ages 14 to 85. SIH of the rib is the most reliable parameter; APB follows it.
Keywords: Sex Determination; Sternal Rib; Discriminant Function; Human Identification.

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Research paper thumbnail of Doctors and Medico Legal Examination of Victims of Sexual Offenses

This increasing incident of crime against woman is adding up to the number of female patients. Th... more This increasing incident of crime against woman is adding up to the number of female patients. This, along with normal
female patients there is a dire emergency in the treatment of female victims of sexual assault. We need provision in our
hospital set up to treat the victims separately. There is also an awareness campaign against the sexual crimes and the right of
women. Thus increasing trend of crime against woman in India is also burdening the health system in providing treatment
and medico legal work.
There are various steps in the general examination where the female patient though gives the consent, but do not welcome
the moves of the doctor. This feeling often makes the patient uncomfortable and may compel the patient herself or relatives
to bring charges of indecency and of sexual assault against the doctor. The casual attitude of doctors is not going to stand
in the present scenario. There has to be strict and vigilant environment in our hospital as far as dignity and privacy of female is concerned. Woman friendly environments and attitude should reflect in our hospital.
Keywords: Rape; Medico Legal; Criminal law.

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Research paper thumbnail of Medicolegal Study of Hanging Cases In North Goa

The hanging deaths are one of the most important asphyxial types of deaths encountered in day to ... more The hanging deaths are one of the most important asphyxial types of deaths encountered in day to day life by Forensic Pathologist. The present study was conducted with the objective of studying the incidence of hanging deaths & other various
factors like socio demographic factors and type of hanging among all unnatural deaths in North Goa District of Goa state.
The study included 101 hanging cases brought for autopsy to Department of Forensic Medicine, Goa Medical College,
Goa. Incidence of hanging was found 7.75%. The most common victims were the married males in the age group of 21
to 30 years. Most of the victims were illiterate & unemployed. In majority of cases, the causative or precipitating factor was
physical illness. 72% cases were taken place indoor & in urban area. 47.52% cases were reported during months of January
to April. 81% cases were of Atypical Complete variety. Soft ligature was used as ligature in 53.46% cases; Rope being the
most common one. Most cases showed Slip knot with right side of neck being the most common place. In all cases, ligature
mark was obliquely placed & in 91% it was lying above thyroid eminence. Hemorrhage in neck muscles under ligature mark
was seen in 19% cases & fracture of hyoid bone was found in 3% cases.

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Research paper thumbnail of Oral Fluid and Driving Under the Inluence of Drugs (Duid): A Brief Review

This review deals with different aspects of driving under the influence of drugs (DUID).Cannabis,... more This review deals with different aspects of driving under the influence of drugs (DUID).Cannabis, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines and methamphetamines are the most prevalent illegal drugs detected in the surveys carried out by the police
and involved in traffic accidents. The use of oral fluid matrix to detect drugged drivers as well as pharmacokinetics of illegal
drugs in oral fluid, correlation with blood, times of elimination and on-site drugs tests has been considered. A brief
description of the marketed on-site test devices is provided. The relationship between drug use and impairment driving, and
articles published in the specialized literature have been consulted. Data has been obtained from MEDLINE base date during the last years. Although oral fluid is a suitable fluid for analysis and the a steady progress has been done along the time, in the devices for screening, more effort must be achieved regarding to its performance and reliability regarding to parameters as sensibility specificity and recovery, specially for cannabis, the most prevalent drug detected. Standardized protocols referring to sample collection, established cut-offs, analytical confirmatory methods are issues that may be established to avoid erroneous results and interpretation. At present, legislation around the world using the oral fluid in legal procedure is not well defined but some countries are applying these methods to sanction drivers. In Spain, in Catalonia region, qualitative results are being utilized to fine drivers and courts are admitting the proofs.
Keywords: Oral Fluid; Drugs Abuse; Toxicology; On-Site Drug Tests; Driving Under the Influence; Legal Medicine.
Abbreviations: OF: Oral Fluid

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Research paper thumbnail of First Report of Dermestes frischii Kugelann (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) on a Human Corpse, South of Iran

The necrophagous species of beetles provide useful complementary data to estimate the post-mortem... more The necrophagous species of beetles provide useful complementary data to estimate the post-mortem interval in forensic cases. We report, for the first time, Dermestes frischii Kugelann, 1792 larvae from a mummified human body covered with bushes and located in a canal in Sarvestan district, Fars province, south of Iran. The human corpse was a 63 year old male. The time of death was estimated to have been 23 days prior to the finding of the body based on the police investigations and confessions of a suspect. This beetle can be helpful to estimate the time of death in the future.
Keywords: Beetles (Coleoptera); Dermestes Frischii; Forensic Entomology; Human Cadaver.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Autopsy Evaluation of Complete Decapitation Injuries

Complete Decapitations are not uncommon in routine Forensic Autopsies. In this study Complete Dec... more Complete Decapitations are not uncommon in routine Forensic Autopsies. In this study Complete Decapitations were
found in 0.67% of Autopsies of which 96.15% [n-25] were Homicidal and 3.85% [n-1] due to Suicide. Only in 26.92%
[n-07] of cases Decapitations were done during the process of death and in 73.08% [n-19] of Decapitations were done
Postmortem. The Majority of the Victims belonged to 3rd [n-11] and the 4th [n-10] Decade. The Male to Female Ratio was
2:1. In 21[84%] cases the Head was recovered from the River/riverside Bush, away from the place of residence and in 04 [16%] cases the Head was recovered along with the Torso around the Place of Residence. Major number of cases [n-24]
were due to Gang related violence and in 2 cases Love and Sex dominated the incident. In 92.31% [n-24] of cases the C2-3
was involved and in two cases other cervical vertebra were involved. The Thyroid was least affected [n-5] and major number of Decapitations [n-15] were carried out above the Thyroid cartilage and in 6 cases below the thyroid Cartilage. A decapitation was the Proximate Cause of Death in 07 cases, though associated with other nonfatal or near fatal injuries. Decapitations demonstrated extreme degree of violence and Mutilation. It is also a result of high degree of Offensive, Defensive and aggression. Public Display of Head in Complete Decapitation is a method to impose a sense of Fear, it is a mean to Propaganda and Intimidation.
Keywords: Complete Decapitations; Homicide; Exsanguinations; Conceal; Postmortem.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cheiloscopy - A Vital Tool In Crime Investigation

Background: Various methods are used to collect evidence from a crime scene, and with the advance... more Background: Various methods are used to collect evidence from a crime scene, and with the advancements in forensic
science, most techniques are a common and necessary part of all criminal investigation. Cheiloscopy or lip print analysis
is one important technique which facilitates the identification of suspects, and like finger prints, lip prints left at the crime
scene may be collected and analyzed.
Highlights: This article gives an overview of cheiloscopy and its use as a vital tool in crime investigation.
Conclusion: Cheiloscopy can be used in par with other standard methods of crime investigation in future.
Keywords: Cheiloscopy; Lip Prints; Forensic Science.

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Research paper thumbnail of Forensic scientific evidence: problems and pitfalls in India

Forensic science, the sibling of science has transformed the criminal adjudication especially the... more Forensic science, the sibling of science has transformed the criminal adjudication especially the criminal trial process. There
is no doubt about the role of forensic science in helping the judiciary in settling issues which are outside the ken of judges.
However, nowadays forensic scientists as well as the stakeholders in the legal community are facing serious criticisms from different levels regarding its reliability and the capability of the legal community to screen it. Several problems and pitfalls are there which directly affect the trustworthiness of the forensic science. It starts from the very initial stage of crime scene investigation and continues up to the stage of trial. In the legal setting, the major problem is the difference in between the scientific and legal community concerning the sphere of interaction. It is high time to find out the real problems and to correct it unless it would result in serious miscarriage of justice.
Keywords: Forensic scientific evidence; Chain of custody; Individualization; Reliability; Admissibility.

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Research paper thumbnail of The effect of six common PCR inhibitors on DNA polymerase and DNA template

In order to elucidate the effect of PCR inhibitors on DNA polymerase and DNA template, two main c... more In order to elucidate the effect of PCR inhibitors on DNA polymerase and DNA template, two main components of the
PCR reaction, in this paper, we selected six representative PCR inhibitors, bile salts, collagen, humic acid, hemoglobin, melanin
and urea, and added respectively them to the K562 DNA with the standard addition concentration in which all of 26
different alleles of the K562 DNA with the AmpFℓSTR® Identifiler® PCR Amplification Kit are just inhibited completely.
On this basis, after increased the amount of K562 DNA and DNA polymerase respectively, PCR amplification and STR
genotyping were performed, and then counted the allele number of K562 DNA detected. When the DNA polymerase was
increased to a certain amount, all of 26 alleles of the K562 DNA mixed with various PCR inhibitors could be detected
successfully, and when the amount of K562 DNA was increased, the inhibitory effect of bile salts, collagen and urea had
only been eliminated partly and no significant improvement was observed for the other three inhibitors. The results indicate
that all of the six representative PCR inhibitors mainly inhibit DNA polymerase, and increasing the amount of DNA polymerase
in PCR reaction can improve significantly the efficiency of PCR amplification and the success rate of genotyping.
Keywords: Forensic Science; Biological Sample; DNA Typing; PCR Inhibition

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Research paper thumbnail of Forensic Diagnosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction: Application of Mass Spectrometry

Making a precise diagnosis of sudden death due to endogenous acute myocardial infarction in autop... more Making a precise diagnosis of sudden death due to endogenous acute myocardial infarction in autopsy can be difficult,
because histologic myocardial changes and other clinical data are limited. Here, we review previous studies of acute myocardial infarction for pathologic diagnosis using triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining and immunohistochemistry. Further,
we introduce our method of forensic examination by mass spectrometry and a novel promising biomarker, SORBS2 for
diagnosis of acute lethal cardiac infarction.
Keywords: Myocardial Infarction; Histologic Observation; Mass Spectrometry; SORBS2.

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Research paper thumbnail of Suicide Cases in Manipal, South India: An Autopsy Study

Suicide constitutes a major public health problem. It is a manifestation of self-destructive beha... more Suicide constitutes a major public health problem. It is a manifestation of self-destructive behavior that results from a crisis situation often not sufficiently recognized by relatives and friends or by the medical profession. The present study sample consisted of 656 cases of suicide out of the 3571 total autopsy cases done in the department of Forensic Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Karnataka. The present study shows that the people of all age groups were involved. The highest incidence was amongst the 21–30 years (35.06 %). Male victims predominated. Present study predicts marriage as being one of the important risk factors for suicide. Most of the victims belonged to the Hindu religion (86.4 %). When we look at the presence of any past illness, 174 cases (26.5%) were having some form of chronic physical and mental disorders at the time of committing suicides. Although seasonal variation is not much, however the present study reveals highest number of cases in summer season (36.1%). Despair with life was the most common motive for suicide. 74.4 % of the total victims in the present study used chemicals for terminating their lives and only 26.8 % of the study group used physical methods for committing suicide. Amongst those who opted for physical methods, hanging was the most common (15.6 %). Among the poisoning cases, organ phosphorus poisoning (51 %) was the most commonly used method for suicide.
Keywords: Autopsy, Suicide, Methods, Poisoning, Hanging

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Research paper thumbnail of Fatal High Voltage Accidental Electrocution – Two Case Reports

Electric accidents cause serious injuries by direct heat exposure or by igniting clothes. The sev... more Electric accidents cause serious injuries by direct heat exposure or by igniting clothes. The severity varies between simple harmless shocks to death. Many at times the victims are thrown to ground from the electric poles sustaining fatal non electric injuries. In this article two cases of high voltage electrocution are reported and discussed. In the first case the victim sustained injuries due to arcing of current. In the second case, there were multiple exit wounds in both legs indicating two different directions in the flow of current. Both the victims suffered fatal head injuries due to fall.
Keywords: high voltage electrocution, arcing of current, multiple exit wounds

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Research paper thumbnail of Wildlife DNA Forensic in Curbing Illegal Wildlife Trade: Specie Identification from Seizures

Species identification in wildlife forensics is the one of the major concern to enforce law and c... more Species identification in wildlife forensics is the one of the major concern to enforce law and curbing illegal wildlife trade. Among all the available analytical teqniques DNA based species identification is the most robust and acceptable evidence in the court of law. We analysed cytochrome b and 12S rRNA mtDNA fragments to identify species from three different seizures. DNA based analysis of Cyt b and 12S rRNA has identified three seizures as Hog deer, Chital and Swamp deer.
Keywords: PCR Amplification; Cytochrome b; 12s rRNA; Wildlife.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Autopsy Study of Homicide and Arson-54 Cases

The present prospective study was carried from 2009 to 2012. During this period a Total of 3907 H... more The present prospective study was carried from 2009 to 2012. During this period a Total of 3907 Homicides were Autopsied, of which 54 cases were recorded due to Murder and Arson Incidents, this contributed to 1.38% of Homicides cases. Majority of the Incidents involved Males contributing to 68.52% (n-37) of cases and the Females contributed to 31.48% ( n-17) of cases. Maximum number of victims belonged to the age group 31-40 (n-20). The least affected Victims were in 1st and the 6th decade. Majority of Murders, 90.74% (n-49), were as a results of Gunshot wounds and the least type of deaths were due to Stab wounds (1.85%; n-01) and Chop wounds (7.41%; n-04). The commonest method adopted for Arson was placing the Victim in the Car and setting Fire, This was reported in 68.51% (n-37) of cases. This was followed by arson on House of the Victim in 25.93% (n-14) of cases. The least type of Method of Arson adopted were placing(Killing) the Victim in Bush in 1.85% (n-01) and Shop(business) in 3.70% (n-02) of cases and setting on Fire. Gang related Murder and Arson contributed to 64.81% (n-35) of cases. The other commonly reported cases were Sex related
factors contributing to 12.96% (n-07) of the cases. The least Motivating factor was Jealousy, recorded in only 05.56% (n-03) of cases.
Keywords: Fire; Gunshot; Chop Wound; Stab Wound; Carbon Monoxide; Crime Scene; Murder; Concealment; Identity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fatal Intoxications with Para-Phenylenediamine in Upper Egypt

Para-phenylenediamine (PPD) is used alone or in combination with Henna as hair dye or skin decora... more Para-phenylenediamine (PPD) is used alone or in combination with Henna as hair dye or skin decoration. A five year retrospective study from 2007 to December 2012 was conducted at Assiut Forensic Chemistry Laboratory of Medic-legal Department, Assiut, to understand the magnitude and pattern of accidental, suicidal and homicide poisoning by PPD among males and females in Upper Egypt. During this period, a total of 84 poisoning cases are reported. The suicidal, homicidal and accidental cases were (91.7%), (7.1%) and (1.2%), respectively. The suicidal poisoning of females was higher (67.9%) than of males (32.1%). Most of the PPD deaths were between the third and fourth decades of life. PPD is detected by HPLC-DAD in stomach contents, blood, liver and urine samples. The cases are reported with the advice "public education and strict control over the sale and distribution of PPD should be done to reduce poisoning by this agent.
KeyWords: Paraphenylenediamine; Acute poisoning; Detection; HPLC-DAD.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Autopsy Study of 68 Cases of Murder Suicides

The present prospective study was carried from 2009 to 2012. During this period a Total of 3907 H... more The present prospective study was carried from 2009 to 2012. During this period a Total of 3907 Homicides were Autopsied, of which 68 cases were recorded due to Murder Suicide Incidents, this contributed to 1.74% of Homicides Cases. A total of 174 victims died as a result of Murder. 89.72%(n-61) of the perpetrators were Male. The Most of the perpetrators belonged to the age group 31-40 years, contributing to 66.18% of the cases , and the least age group involved was between 11-20 and 41-50,contributing to 2.94% of cases. None of the Perpetrators above the age of 50 years were involved. Majority of the Victims were Females contributing to 78.74% (n-137) of cases. The Maximum number of Victims belonged to 31-40 year Age group contributing to 40.08%, the least age group involved was between 11-20 and 41-50,contributing to 7.47% and 12.64% respectively. There were no elderly victims recorded. Majority (30.88%;n-21) of the perpetrators involved were policemen and the least type of individuals involved were Soldiers contributing to 2.94%(n-02) of cases. The Relationship of the Victims revealed Divorced Spouse to be the Major Victims contributing to 29.31%(n-51) of the Victims, followed closely by Girlfriends and Children’s contributing to 16.09%(n-28) each. The least affected were Housewives contributing to 11.49%(n-20) of the Victims. The Extramarital relationship (27.94%;n-19) and Jealousy(25%;n-17) were the Two Major Motives behind the Murder Suicide. The least provoking factors were Work stress(4.41%;n-03) and Disease conditions(2.94%;n-02). 91.18%(n-62) of the Perpetrators committed suicide by Gunshots. The least method adopted to commit suicide was Hanging contributing to 1.47% (n-01). 90.80%(n-158) of the Victims died as a result of Gunshot wounds. The least method adopted to Kill was by Ligature Suspension/ Hanging contributing to 1.72% (n-03) each. The perpetrator preferred in 30.88%( n-21)of Incidents Girlfriends House for Murder, followed closely by acts in Home in 25%( n-17) of cases. The commonest weapon of Choice was Firearm, which contributed to 91.18%(n-62) of the Cases, of which Handguns contributed to 75%(n-51) of cases. The least method adopted was by Ligature Suspension recorded in 1.47%(n-01) of cases. None of the incidents reported Murder and Suicide in different premises. The maximum distance between Suicide and Murder reported was 20 meters.
Keywords: Firearm; Death; Motive; Occupation; Psyche; Murder; Suicide; Sharp Force; Hanging.

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Research paper thumbnail of Occupational Exposure of Nanoparticles In Forensic Science: A Need Of Safe Use

The rapid advancement in nanotechnology sets new paradigms in science and technology, but simulta... more The rapid advancement in nanotechnology sets new paradigms in science and technology, but simultaneously increased apprehensions about the health risks of nano-objects. Recently, various types of nanoparticles used in several areas of forensic including paint, inks, security document and to develop the latent fingerprint.
Objective: Despite bright outlooks of nanoparticles used in various fields of forensic science, an increasing occupational as well as laboratory exposure of nanoparticles to workers and lab personnel, respectively, may lead to significant adverse health effects in the form of serious diseases.
Conclusion: Therefore, in this review, an attempt was made to discuss the positive and negative consequences of nanoparticles, to resolve their adverse effects which make them safer for forensic applications.
Key Words: Occupational; Forensic Science; Nanoparticles.

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