Sekarlangit Tjitrosoediro - (original) (raw)

Papers by Sekarlangit Tjitrosoediro

Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis of Feminism Perspectives Depicted in Mad Max: Fury Road Movie

Movie is considered as modern form of literature. Apart of the ability to formerly convey what wa... more Movie is considered as modern form of literature. Apart of the ability to formerly convey what was depicted inside the novel, prose, play, or poem (movie adaptation), movies nowadays can stand alone as purely new form of literature. The making progress of movie involves such ability, which also includes writing, interpreting, reading, and acting. The only written form of a movie is the script. This is why movie nowadays is considered as a new form of literary work which can stand alone. There are feminism perspectives depicted in Mad Max: Fury Road Movie, and this paper would give you the evidences.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis of Gender Stereotypes and Performativity in Brave Disney Movie

ABSTRACT This paper is entitled “An Analysis of Gender Stereotypes and Performativity in Brave ... more ABSTRACT

This paper is entitled “An Analysis of Gender Stereotypes and Performativity in Brave Movie”. It is interesting to do the research from this selected Disney movie. With the aim to find out some phenomena related to gender stereotypes, which are broken off by the performances done by the main female character, this study resulted in gender Performativity theory from Judith Butler solved all of the phenomena. Using a qualitative method as the approach, this study solves the selected issues found in the movie into a short essay. Based on the analysis, Brave movie has some gender stereotypes phenomena, namely female stereotypical roles where the main female character is forced to marry someone she barely knows due to the Kingdoms alliance and is limited to do what she loves to do (archery). It turned out that Brave movie can be classified as a feminist movie, unlike other predecessors Princess Disney Movies (e.g. Snow White, Ariel, Cinderella, etc.).

Keywords: Gender Stereotypes, Gender Performativity, Feminist, Judith Butler.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Study Analysis: “The Painted Veil” (Novel & Film) using Feminist Film Theory

A comparative study analysis: The Painted Veil (Novel & Film) using Feminist Film Theory. Both no... more A comparative study analysis: The Painted Veil (Novel & Film) using Feminist Film Theory. Both novel and film are interesting to analyze. How Kitty Fane, struggling to break female stereotypical roles prevailed at that time led her to a pity romance life. This is a comparative study to reveal the strengths and weaknesses from each literary work.

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Research paper thumbnail of PRAGMATICS: Performances and Speech Acts

As we have recognized, pragmatics is a branch of linguistics. This branch concerns with the use o... more As we have recognized, pragmatics is a branch of linguistics. This branch concerns with the use of language in social contexts and the ways in which we produce and comprehend meanings through language. It can be concluded that pragmatists focus on what is not explicitly stated and on how we interpret utterances in some situational contexts. What is said as with its force and what is communicated by the manner and style of an utterance are the senses which become main concerns in this branch of linguistics.

Though it may seem paradoxical, there are certain things that we can do just by saying what we are doing. This is possible if we use a verb that names the very sort of act one, which is performing. There is this speech act, which is the use of language to perform some act. In general, speech acts are acts of communication, whose success requires the audience to identify the speaker's intention. Then there are only some special people that can do extraordinary things with performative verbs, like baptizing a baby, declaring war, sentencing a convict, or awarding a penalty kick to a football team. For further information, we would limit our topic only ranging in speech act theory and performative verbs as well as the connection between those in daily conversation.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis of Punk Subculture In the Sex Pistols’ Song; God Save the Queen based on Cultural Studies

With the aim to add more understanding about analyzing a literary work using a specific literary ... more With the aim to add more understanding about analyzing a literary work using a specific literary criticism, I would like to present this paper, which is entitled An Analysis of Punk Subculture in Sex Pistols’ Song; God Save the Queen based on Cultural Studies to all of you. Speaking about cultural studies, it can be risky to use it as the tool to dissect this song. Why? It is because there will be a lot of things that can be found in only one literary work that is analyzed, while the chance to get the point is inevitable. Imagine cutting a meat with a lot of kinds of knives. It happened exactly the same when I analyzed this selected song from the most phenomenal punk rock band from UK.

Basically, cultural studies is an academic field concerned with the study of culture and how it shapes society and individuals, mostly. But it is hard to define culture actually. It is too broad, though it has been defined in various ways. For example, culture has been defined as a way of life. It focuses less on institutions and more to people living in certain area. It also concerns more on texts. We sum up then cultural studies investigates the activities of everyday life done by people living in certain area. Loosely speaking, this paper covers the identification of punk social critics from a lyric of song composed by Sex Pistols.

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Research paper thumbnail of History of American Language

If we look back to the time before European colonization, there were perhaps a thousand languages... more If we look back to the time before European colonization, there were perhaps a thousand languages spoken in the Americas. It was not just one Native American language. Before the arrival of Europeans which bring English and Spanish languages to America, there were about 250 in the present territory of the United States alone. Sure these languages showed tremendous variety between one another. Because of European colonization, the population of native civilizations of the current territory of the United States fell from about 20 million to the present level of less than 2 million. Beyond the shrinking size of the ethnic populations, the languages have also suffered due to the prevalence of English among those of Native American ancestry. Most Native American languages have ceased to exist, or are spoken only by older speakers, with whom the language will die in the coming decades.

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Research paper thumbnail of Assimilation to Multiculturalism:  Immigration Periods and Race Theories of the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries in Australia

Since the First Fleet dropped anchor in 1788, close to 10 million settlers have moved from across... more Since the First Fleet dropped anchor in 1788, close to 10 million settlers have moved from across the world to start a new life in Australia. They have arrived in waves, encouraged by developments like the 1850s gold rushes, or to escape adverse conditions at home such as the Industrial Revolution’s social upheavals in 19th-century Britain, the two world wars and the aftermath of the Vietnam War in the 1970s. Collectively these migrants have helped shape a unique British-based and now multicultural society on the perimeter of Asia. This is why Australia is also known as country of immigrants. They came from all over the world purposely to find a better life, to start a new life after the chaos, disarray brought by wars. It is estimated that between 1850 and 2000, 10 million persons settled permanently in Australia. These non-indigenous immigrants have come from over 200 countries to create one of the most culturally diverse or multicultural societies in the world.

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Research paper thumbnail of Psychoanalytic Theories in Children Literature

What is psychoanalysis? We are sure that question has been wandering inside your head. So, what i... more What is psychoanalysis? We are sure that question has been wandering inside your head. So, what is the relationship between psychoanalysis and literature, especially children literature (since it becomes the main discussion of this paper)? Through this paper, we will help you getting clearer understanding about all of that.
As we know, the founder of psychoanalysis theory was Sigmund Freud. He was (6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939) an Austrian neurologist who became known as the founding father of psychoanalysis. According to his profession, we can simplify the definition of psychoanalysis; it is a talking cure, which the language and narrative are fundamental to the curing process. For further information, according to Merriam Webster’s definition:
Psychoanalysis: (noun)
A system of psychological theory and therapy that aims to treat mental disorders by investigating the interaction of conscious and unconscious elements in the mind and bringing repressed fears and conflicts into the conscious mind by techniques such as dream interpretation and free association.
Psychoanalytic is the adjective form of psychoanalysis. To make it simple, this theorydesignates accordingly three things:
1. A method of mind investigation and especially of the unconscious mind;
2. A therapy of neurosis inspired from the above method;
3. A new stand-alone discipline which is based on the knowledge acquired from applying the investigation method and clinical experiences.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ideological (Political Unconcious, Orientalism, and Performativity) Theories in the Selected Children Movies

As I have said earlier in preface, literary works cannot be separated by ideologies brought by th... more As I have said earlier in preface, literary works cannot be separated by ideologies brought by the authors and the social environment at that time. Those ideologies brought from the social environment influencing the literary works. Remember that men have great minds, so are the works that they could make. For example, I can see the literature in the era after colonization in Indonesia strongly told us about how the heroes could finally get independence from the colonialists. Another example is how the condition of social politic can also be used as the main idea of Green Day’s song, which is entitled American’s Idiot. Part of its lyric, as follows;
Don't want to be an American idiot.
One nation controlled by the media.
Information age of hysteria.
It's calling out to idiot America.

It can be seen clearly from the brief lyric of American Idiot’s song represents the social-politic environments at the time the song was created. It is because of the function of a literary work; to influence, to gain more knowledge of culture, religion, social-politic and economy knowledge in a certain nation. Literature should be freed by the ability to use any source as the influencers. Most of literary works’ intention is to educate as well as drive our viewpoints using the authors’ ideologies implicitly mentioned in their literary works. It can be as simply as having some motives to please the desire owned by the authors delivered through the characters they make in the story. As simple as the ideology of binary opposite theory by Claude Levi-Strauss, it is the good versus bad, ugly versus pretty and so on. Those ideologies will build up the viewpoints of the readers in the end.

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Research paper thumbnail of Language Shift and Language Maintenance

The existence of language surely cannot be separated from our daily life. Through language, the i... more The existence of language surely cannot be separated from our daily life. Through language, the interaction among tribes and religions can be delivered smoothly. As a system of communication, language also helps humans to complete all of their activities without facing the scarcity in understanding of one’s another language. That is under the condition they share the same knowledge of a certain language and utter it as the medium of communication. They also share the same understanding in all of their vernacular aspects, like the grammatical, structure, and the choice of words (either it is formal or not). And they should have agreed about some puns and slangs that are allowed to use in the middle of conversation. But how about people from different ethnic groups or tribes understanding what people from out of their groups say? Are they going to face difficulties as the result of not having clear mind about the dominant language they find in society?

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Research paper thumbnail of Gender Stereotypes and Performativity in FROZEN Disney Movie

This paper is entitled, “GENDER STEREOTYPES AND PERFORMATIVITY IN FROZEN MOVIE”. The writer has d... more This paper is entitled, “GENDER STEREOTYPES AND PERFORMATIVITY IN FROZEN MOVIE”. The writer has deeply interest to do this research based on what she has known regarding to gender issue, and/or performativity by various theorists. This paper is made with the chronic curiosity of implicit messages mentioned through children’s all-time favorite Disney movie, Frozen, which triggers some issues after its launch. According to the title of this paper, the writer thinks the movie can be criticized using Performativity, Judith Butler’s theory and some other supportive theories, too like political unconscious and destruction. This study uses qualitative method, while the writer uses those theories mentioned earlier to support the analysis. Based on the data that has been collected and connected to the theories above, the writer concludes that there are some misconstrued performances in Frozen movie. The misconstrued of performances from the two-main characters, Anna and Elsa right at the beginning of the movie until the very end of it, the queerness that the writer has found in the movie, misconstrue the Let It Go song as the soundtrack of this movie, and so on. The data found in the movie then can explain the danger this movie may bring to the children. Wrapping it in a cute, colorful animation, this movie is contained with implicit message that may be deconstructing children’s mind about Disney movies.

Keywords: Performativity, Queerness, Gender Stereotypes

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Book Reviews by Sekarlangit Tjitrosoediro

Research paper thumbnail of The Danish Girl - Book Review

When it comes to discussing transgender people, the respectful way to call them in this discussio... more When it comes to discussing transgender people, the respectful way to call them in this discussion is by using the right pronoun. Since there would be 2 persons in 1 body, which is Lili and Einar, so it is correct to refer Lili Elbe as what she is specifically identified with.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis of Feminism Perspectives Depicted in Mad Max: Fury Road Movie

Movie is considered as modern form of literature. Apart of the ability to formerly convey what wa... more Movie is considered as modern form of literature. Apart of the ability to formerly convey what was depicted inside the novel, prose, play, or poem (movie adaptation), movies nowadays can stand alone as purely new form of literature. The making progress of movie involves such ability, which also includes writing, interpreting, reading, and acting. The only written form of a movie is the script. This is why movie nowadays is considered as a new form of literary work which can stand alone. There are feminism perspectives depicted in Mad Max: Fury Road Movie, and this paper would give you the evidences.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis of Gender Stereotypes and Performativity in Brave Disney Movie

ABSTRACT This paper is entitled “An Analysis of Gender Stereotypes and Performativity in Brave ... more ABSTRACT

This paper is entitled “An Analysis of Gender Stereotypes and Performativity in Brave Movie”. It is interesting to do the research from this selected Disney movie. With the aim to find out some phenomena related to gender stereotypes, which are broken off by the performances done by the main female character, this study resulted in gender Performativity theory from Judith Butler solved all of the phenomena. Using a qualitative method as the approach, this study solves the selected issues found in the movie into a short essay. Based on the analysis, Brave movie has some gender stereotypes phenomena, namely female stereotypical roles where the main female character is forced to marry someone she barely knows due to the Kingdoms alliance and is limited to do what she loves to do (archery). It turned out that Brave movie can be classified as a feminist movie, unlike other predecessors Princess Disney Movies (e.g. Snow White, Ariel, Cinderella, etc.).

Keywords: Gender Stereotypes, Gender Performativity, Feminist, Judith Butler.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Study Analysis: “The Painted Veil” (Novel & Film) using Feminist Film Theory

A comparative study analysis: The Painted Veil (Novel & Film) using Feminist Film Theory. Both no... more A comparative study analysis: The Painted Veil (Novel & Film) using Feminist Film Theory. Both novel and film are interesting to analyze. How Kitty Fane, struggling to break female stereotypical roles prevailed at that time led her to a pity romance life. This is a comparative study to reveal the strengths and weaknesses from each literary work.

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Research paper thumbnail of PRAGMATICS: Performances and Speech Acts

As we have recognized, pragmatics is a branch of linguistics. This branch concerns with the use o... more As we have recognized, pragmatics is a branch of linguistics. This branch concerns with the use of language in social contexts and the ways in which we produce and comprehend meanings through language. It can be concluded that pragmatists focus on what is not explicitly stated and on how we interpret utterances in some situational contexts. What is said as with its force and what is communicated by the manner and style of an utterance are the senses which become main concerns in this branch of linguistics.

Though it may seem paradoxical, there are certain things that we can do just by saying what we are doing. This is possible if we use a verb that names the very sort of act one, which is performing. There is this speech act, which is the use of language to perform some act. In general, speech acts are acts of communication, whose success requires the audience to identify the speaker's intention. Then there are only some special people that can do extraordinary things with performative verbs, like baptizing a baby, declaring war, sentencing a convict, or awarding a penalty kick to a football team. For further information, we would limit our topic only ranging in speech act theory and performative verbs as well as the connection between those in daily conversation.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis of Punk Subculture In the Sex Pistols’ Song; God Save the Queen based on Cultural Studies

With the aim to add more understanding about analyzing a literary work using a specific literary ... more With the aim to add more understanding about analyzing a literary work using a specific literary criticism, I would like to present this paper, which is entitled An Analysis of Punk Subculture in Sex Pistols’ Song; God Save the Queen based on Cultural Studies to all of you. Speaking about cultural studies, it can be risky to use it as the tool to dissect this song. Why? It is because there will be a lot of things that can be found in only one literary work that is analyzed, while the chance to get the point is inevitable. Imagine cutting a meat with a lot of kinds of knives. It happened exactly the same when I analyzed this selected song from the most phenomenal punk rock band from UK.

Basically, cultural studies is an academic field concerned with the study of culture and how it shapes society and individuals, mostly. But it is hard to define culture actually. It is too broad, though it has been defined in various ways. For example, culture has been defined as a way of life. It focuses less on institutions and more to people living in certain area. It also concerns more on texts. We sum up then cultural studies investigates the activities of everyday life done by people living in certain area. Loosely speaking, this paper covers the identification of punk social critics from a lyric of song composed by Sex Pistols.

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Research paper thumbnail of History of American Language

If we look back to the time before European colonization, there were perhaps a thousand languages... more If we look back to the time before European colonization, there were perhaps a thousand languages spoken in the Americas. It was not just one Native American language. Before the arrival of Europeans which bring English and Spanish languages to America, there were about 250 in the present territory of the United States alone. Sure these languages showed tremendous variety between one another. Because of European colonization, the population of native civilizations of the current territory of the United States fell from about 20 million to the present level of less than 2 million. Beyond the shrinking size of the ethnic populations, the languages have also suffered due to the prevalence of English among those of Native American ancestry. Most Native American languages have ceased to exist, or are spoken only by older speakers, with whom the language will die in the coming decades.

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Research paper thumbnail of Assimilation to Multiculturalism:  Immigration Periods and Race Theories of the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries in Australia

Since the First Fleet dropped anchor in 1788, close to 10 million settlers have moved from across... more Since the First Fleet dropped anchor in 1788, close to 10 million settlers have moved from across the world to start a new life in Australia. They have arrived in waves, encouraged by developments like the 1850s gold rushes, or to escape adverse conditions at home such as the Industrial Revolution’s social upheavals in 19th-century Britain, the two world wars and the aftermath of the Vietnam War in the 1970s. Collectively these migrants have helped shape a unique British-based and now multicultural society on the perimeter of Asia. This is why Australia is also known as country of immigrants. They came from all over the world purposely to find a better life, to start a new life after the chaos, disarray brought by wars. It is estimated that between 1850 and 2000, 10 million persons settled permanently in Australia. These non-indigenous immigrants have come from over 200 countries to create one of the most culturally diverse or multicultural societies in the world.

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Research paper thumbnail of Psychoanalytic Theories in Children Literature

What is psychoanalysis? We are sure that question has been wandering inside your head. So, what i... more What is psychoanalysis? We are sure that question has been wandering inside your head. So, what is the relationship between psychoanalysis and literature, especially children literature (since it becomes the main discussion of this paper)? Through this paper, we will help you getting clearer understanding about all of that.
As we know, the founder of psychoanalysis theory was Sigmund Freud. He was (6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939) an Austrian neurologist who became known as the founding father of psychoanalysis. According to his profession, we can simplify the definition of psychoanalysis; it is a talking cure, which the language and narrative are fundamental to the curing process. For further information, according to Merriam Webster’s definition:
Psychoanalysis: (noun)
A system of psychological theory and therapy that aims to treat mental disorders by investigating the interaction of conscious and unconscious elements in the mind and bringing repressed fears and conflicts into the conscious mind by techniques such as dream interpretation and free association.
Psychoanalytic is the adjective form of psychoanalysis. To make it simple, this theorydesignates accordingly three things:
1. A method of mind investigation and especially of the unconscious mind;
2. A therapy of neurosis inspired from the above method;
3. A new stand-alone discipline which is based on the knowledge acquired from applying the investigation method and clinical experiences.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ideological (Political Unconcious, Orientalism, and Performativity) Theories in the Selected Children Movies

As I have said earlier in preface, literary works cannot be separated by ideologies brought by th... more As I have said earlier in preface, literary works cannot be separated by ideologies brought by the authors and the social environment at that time. Those ideologies brought from the social environment influencing the literary works. Remember that men have great minds, so are the works that they could make. For example, I can see the literature in the era after colonization in Indonesia strongly told us about how the heroes could finally get independence from the colonialists. Another example is how the condition of social politic can also be used as the main idea of Green Day’s song, which is entitled American’s Idiot. Part of its lyric, as follows;
Don't want to be an American idiot.
One nation controlled by the media.
Information age of hysteria.
It's calling out to idiot America.

It can be seen clearly from the brief lyric of American Idiot’s song represents the social-politic environments at the time the song was created. It is because of the function of a literary work; to influence, to gain more knowledge of culture, religion, social-politic and economy knowledge in a certain nation. Literature should be freed by the ability to use any source as the influencers. Most of literary works’ intention is to educate as well as drive our viewpoints using the authors’ ideologies implicitly mentioned in their literary works. It can be as simply as having some motives to please the desire owned by the authors delivered through the characters they make in the story. As simple as the ideology of binary opposite theory by Claude Levi-Strauss, it is the good versus bad, ugly versus pretty and so on. Those ideologies will build up the viewpoints of the readers in the end.

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Research paper thumbnail of Language Shift and Language Maintenance

The existence of language surely cannot be separated from our daily life. Through language, the i... more The existence of language surely cannot be separated from our daily life. Through language, the interaction among tribes and religions can be delivered smoothly. As a system of communication, language also helps humans to complete all of their activities without facing the scarcity in understanding of one’s another language. That is under the condition they share the same knowledge of a certain language and utter it as the medium of communication. They also share the same understanding in all of their vernacular aspects, like the grammatical, structure, and the choice of words (either it is formal or not). And they should have agreed about some puns and slangs that are allowed to use in the middle of conversation. But how about people from different ethnic groups or tribes understanding what people from out of their groups say? Are they going to face difficulties as the result of not having clear mind about the dominant language they find in society?

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Research paper thumbnail of Gender Stereotypes and Performativity in FROZEN Disney Movie

This paper is entitled, “GENDER STEREOTYPES AND PERFORMATIVITY IN FROZEN MOVIE”. The writer has d... more This paper is entitled, “GENDER STEREOTYPES AND PERFORMATIVITY IN FROZEN MOVIE”. The writer has deeply interest to do this research based on what she has known regarding to gender issue, and/or performativity by various theorists. This paper is made with the chronic curiosity of implicit messages mentioned through children’s all-time favorite Disney movie, Frozen, which triggers some issues after its launch. According to the title of this paper, the writer thinks the movie can be criticized using Performativity, Judith Butler’s theory and some other supportive theories, too like political unconscious and destruction. This study uses qualitative method, while the writer uses those theories mentioned earlier to support the analysis. Based on the data that has been collected and connected to the theories above, the writer concludes that there are some misconstrued performances in Frozen movie. The misconstrued of performances from the two-main characters, Anna and Elsa right at the beginning of the movie until the very end of it, the queerness that the writer has found in the movie, misconstrue the Let It Go song as the soundtrack of this movie, and so on. The data found in the movie then can explain the danger this movie may bring to the children. Wrapping it in a cute, colorful animation, this movie is contained with implicit message that may be deconstructing children’s mind about Disney movies.

Keywords: Performativity, Queerness, Gender Stereotypes

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Research paper thumbnail of The Danish Girl - Book Review

When it comes to discussing transgender people, the respectful way to call them in this discussio... more When it comes to discussing transgender people, the respectful way to call them in this discussion is by using the right pronoun. Since there would be 2 persons in 1 body, which is Lili and Einar, so it is correct to refer Lili Elbe as what she is specifically identified with.

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