Paulo Selig - (original) (raw)
Papers by Paulo Selig
Starting from the premise that public management, in the context from the emergent knowledge soci... more Starting from the premise that public management, in the context from the emergent knowledge society, needs new forms to act and new tools to reach its objectives, this article aims to find evidence of the adoption of the principles of Intellectual Capital under the Public Management, by raising scientific articles about the subjects, aiming to select theoretical referential about intellectual capital and public management, by bibliometric analysis. The processes presented 100 constant articles in the final portfolio, available in the data base Web of Science, Science Direct and Scopus. The bibliometric indicators show that the studies were published as from 1969, released by 15 international periodics, written by 164 authors, that used 241 key words related to the constructs of this study. It is believed that the identification of the main references helps the understanding of the foundations of this research field. Besides, this articles provides many inputs that contribute to the comprehension of the subject in international level, and that can be utilised in the development of future works.
Global Journal of Management and Business Research
This article aims in making a model review for measurement of intellectual capital for decision m... more This article aims in making a model review for measurement of intellectual capital for decision making. The construction of the present article was made through the bibliographic survey covering the Intellectual Capital theme addressing its objectives, peculiarities and definitions. It has been presented a classification of the methods from Sveiby's (2011) perspective, as well as 30 models for evaluation of the Intellectual Capital. It can be concluded that the models differ by its application context, considered assets and set of indicators of measurement, for better decision making.
Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos Verde (GSCV) é um tema emergente na gestão de operações voltado à... more Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos Verde (GSCV) é um tema emergente na gestão de operações voltado à adoção de práticas intra e interorganizacionais para melhorar a sustentabilidade em cadeias produtivas. Capital Relacional (CR), também recente na literatura de processos e operações, tem papel relevante para redimensionar as visões baseadas unicamente em custos de transação e recursos para uma visão baseada em relações que envolvam governança de informações, confiança e longevidade, possibilitando resultados positivos para todos os integrantes da cadeia. A presente pesquisa revisa e critica a literatura seminal de ativos intangíveis para resgatar atributos de CR e relacioná-los ao desenvolvimento da GCSV. Utilizando-se de método exploratório e descritivo, são identificados estudos recentes sobre CR e GCSV quanto aos seus descritoresformas como o CR é entendido e utilizado na GCSV; foco -finalidade principal do uso do CR; e direcionalidade -se os desenvolvimentos proporcionados pelo CR na GCSV são protagonizados e direcionados unicamente pelo produtor a seus fornecedores e clientes, ou se estes últimos também direcionam e usufruem dos resultados decorrentes do CR. Conclui-se que os produtores são os principais mentores, direcionadores e beneficiários dos esforços de uso do CR na GCSV. Em geral, há unidirecionalidade de aplicação e análise desses esforços, isto é, as iniciativas de melhoria partem do produtor para o desenvolvimento do fornecedor ou do cliente, mas pouco se exploram os processos pelos quais práticas ambientais de fornecedores e clientes influenciam o desempenho na GCSV. Palavras-chaves: Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos Verde; capital relacional; ativos intangíveis.
A five years literature review on HIA subject, methods and quantification 6 Results – Main subjec... more A five years literature review on HIA subject, methods and quantification 6 Results – Main subject – Q1 There were found 20 articles straightly related to HIA: 2008 = 3; 2009 = 1; 2010 =1; 2011=9; 2012 =6. Studies directly related to HIA are mainly concerning with frameworks proposal (2008), state-of-the-art (2008) or review of historical aspects (2011), conceptualization (2009); quantification (2011), critical analysis (2011, 2012), and collaborative aspects (2011). Community participation in HIA appears in 2 studies in 2009, 2 in 2010, and in 6 studies in 2011. Equity and justice are related in 2 studies (2008, 2010), and health effect of climate change in other 3 studies (2008, 2010, 2012). 6 Results – Methods adopted – Q2 A wide range of methods and tools was employed: direct measuring of variables, documentation analysis, and framework development, each one in 8 cases along the five years considered. Framework development was mostly employed since 2010 studies, as well as mixed...
URL to access the E-Book: Com intuito de compreender melhor o cap... more URL to access the E-Book: Com intuito de compreender melhor o capital intelectual algumas indagações foram levantadas: O que é esse recurso intangível denominado capital intelectual? Qual sua definição? Existem outros capitais que o compõem? Quais suas dimensões? Para responder estas indagações, este estudo objetivou buscar junto a literatura de forma exploratória as respostas. Para o desenvolvimento deste estudo, optou-se pela pesquisa bibliográfica de forma exploratória do tema. Adotando-se a abordagem qualitativa e o método indutivo para interpretação dos dados, resultando num quadro síntese da análise, uma figura da linha do tempo do modelos estudados e uma indicação de modelo que sumariza os principais conceitos.
A valorização da gestão do conhecimento para a implementação do sistema balanced scorecard em uni... more A valorização da gestão do conhecimento para a implementação do sistema balanced scorecard em unidades de pesquisa Simone de Cássia Silva, Me. Eng, (UFSC -PPGEP -CTC -Laboratório GAV-Projetos) Cláudio Dalmolim, Eng., Me. (USP -IPEN) Paulo Mauricio Selig, Dr. (UFSC -PPGEP -CTC -Laboratório GAV-Projetos) Jesualdo Luiz Rossi, Dr. (USP -IPEN -CCTM) Resumo Este artigo tem por objetivo a apresentação do desenvolvimento de um modelo holístico para o gerenciamento de Unidades de Pesquisa. A proposta apresentada é baseada na unificação do Sistema Balanced Scorecard, a partir das quatro perspectivas primárias -financeira, clientes, processos internos e aprendizado e crescimento -com os conceitos da Gestão do Conhecimento. Para este fim, utiliza-se a estrutura da ferramenta Desdobramento da Função Qualidade (QFD) para o progresso do modelo proposto, sendo possível, assim, fornecer um feedback do resultado da conversão do conhecimento explícito da estratégia organizacional de uma Instituição em um conjunto homogêneo de ações operacionais que sejam implementadas em Unidades de Pesquisa. O alicerce deste modelo está na valorização do conhecimento tácito dos pesquisadores e colaboradores das Instituições de Pesquisa, de forma a incrementar o valor dos ativos intangíveis em relação ao capital humano das suas Unidades. A valorização das competências dos recursos humanos favorece a análise das iniciativas estratégicas agregando uma avaliação de causa e efeito entre os diferentes níveis da rede de relacionamento das Unidades de Pesquisa, permitindo tomadas de decisões que impactam nos resultados de longo prazo das Instituições em foco. Palavras chave: Balanced scorecard, Gestão do conhecimento, Unidades de pesquisa XXIV Encontro Nac. de Eng. de Produção -Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, 03 a 05 de nov de 2004 ENEGEP 2004 ABEPRO 4739
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2015
ABSTRACT In this paper, we are interested in the knowledge that is “wasted” in organizations, tha... more ABSTRACT In this paper, we are interested in the knowledge that is “wasted” in organizations, that is existing relevant knowledge that is overlooked in the process of knowledge conversion. Given the competitive pressure firms are facing in today´s business environment, a waste of knowledge is not only costly but also dangerous. This means that we consider knowledge from a knowledge at risk perspective. Having this in mind, the purpose of this paper is to review research on knowledge waste in organizations to establish our current body of knowledge regarding this topic. The study consists of a systematic review of 51 peer-reviewed articles addressing knowledge waste in organizations. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no systematic literature review on this topic has previously been published or presented. The topic seems to be a promising field for intensive research and offers a variety of future research avenues. In view of practitioners, the study´s finding may enable an increased awareness towards the areas where existing knowledge is at the mercy of “waste”. This can assist practitioners to better cope with risks related to this waste and, therefore, better exploit the (limited) knowledge base available.
The perception of rural extensionists from the Santa Catarina State Agricultural Research and Rur... more The perception of rural extensionists from the Santa Catarina State Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Agency (EPAGRI) and Micro Basins 2 Project—as regards the sustainability of agricultural activities in the Western Mesoregion of Santa Catarina State, Brazil—was assessed by means of a structured questionnaire (open and closed questions) used to interview professionals of the EPAGRI Regional Management Boards of Chapecó, Maravilha, Palmitos, São Lourenço do Oeste and Xanxerê, all within the mentioned Mesoregion. A total of 116 rural extensionists participated in the survey. Respondents believe that the degree of sustainability of regional primary production is low/medium and, for the majority of them, the degree of concern or attention of farmers with the sustainability of agriculture is low, negligible or null. Environmental degradation, lack of knowledge and economic factors appear as the main problems concerning this issue. For two thirds of the technicians, only 30% or l...
International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development
The literature indicates that there are numerous definitions of strategic environmental assessmen... more The literature indicates that there are numerous definitions of strategic environmental assessment (SEA), but none of which has achieved full recognition on the part of researchers and practitioners. This study aims to compile a set of definitions that represents the amplitude of the subject matter to, on this basis, assess the conceptual evolution of SEA and to characterise the vision of the scientific community on this issue. The definitions (a total of 106) show that SEA is an evolving concept. The terms 'policies, plans and programmes', 'environmental', 'decision' and 'assess' may be considered the best descriptors of SEA. It was found that SEA maintains a strong bond with its role of impact assessment, characteristic of the first phase of its conceptual evolution. The preponderant perception of the scientific community about the definition of SEA is presented, an element that could serve as a blueprint for future discussions on the subject.
-The purpose of this paper is to explore the nature of research topics and methodologies employed... more -The purpose of this paper is to explore the nature of research topics and methodologies employed in existing studies of intellectual capital.
this article presents the Business Process Improvement (BPI), a new vision of the organization th... more this article presents the Business Process Improvement (BPI), a new vision of the organization that consider a company as a group of processes. Originally, BPI merged as a methodology with the purpose of implanting continuous improvement. But it had its benefits enlarged through the insert of the environmental variable in its analysis. This initiative, besides to avoid environmental problems and
Contribui para a compreensão de como o Balanced Scorecard pode auxiliar na gestão do meio ambient... more Contribui para a compreensão de como o Balanced Scorecard pode auxiliar na gestão do meio ambiente, visando o acompanhamento dos projetos organizacionais, sob (06) seis perspectivas, permitindo a acionistas e interessados uma constante avaliação da organização, além de permitir a análise da relação causa efeito entre estas perspectivas.
The present article aims at you demonstrate the uses of the Balanced Scorecard -BSC, tool you ass... more The present article aims at you demonstrate the uses of the Balanced Scorecard -BSC, tool you assist in the elaboration and implantation of an integrated system of management, taking in account the economic aspects and the consequences of this in the process of application of the integrated management.
Journal of Intellectual Capital, 2015
ABSTRACT Purpose The aim of this paper is to review extant literature to identify models intended... more ABSTRACT Purpose The aim of this paper is to review extant literature to identify models intended to measure/classify intellectual capital (IC) to establish the current body of knowledge that has been built since the review by Marr et al. (2004). Design/methodology/approach The study consists of a systematic review of peer-reviewed articles on IC classification. The review was conducted for the period 2004 to 2014 in order to reach the aim. To ensure that all major models are included, important works developed prior to 2004 were captured as well. Findings The review resulted in 83 additional models indicating continued research activities with regard to the topic. These models were merged with prior IC models and mapped on a timeline. The timeline clarifies that 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 represent the years of greatest research activity (outcomes). Additionally, the analysis of the list of IC frameworks resulted in the development of an IC Meta model. It synthesizes research activities in the field and highlights the main IC dimensions and sub-dimensions. Research limitations/implications This study may not have enabled a complete coverage of all existing peer-reviewed articles in the field of IC classification. Yet, it seems reasonable to assume that the review process covered a large proportion of studies available. Originality/value By aggregating and consolidating the IC frameworks covered, our study does not only provide an IC Meta model, but also promising directions for future research.
Sistemas & Gestão, 2013
A extensão rural exerce marcante efeito sobre o grau de sustentabilidade do sistema agropecuário ... more A extensão rural exerce marcante efeito sobre o grau de sustentabilidade do sistema agropecuário em que atua, e o êxito na implantação de métodos sustentáveis depende, entre outros fatores, do comprometimento e do conhecimento dos técnicos. Deste modo, é importante colher a percepção e a concepção conceitual dos extensionistas rurais sobre sustentabilidade agrícola para, com base nisso, formular estratégias de conscientização, motivação e capacitação direcionadas ao perfil dos profissionais em questão. O trabalho foi realizado na forma de um survey junto a 116 extensionistas rurais vinculados à Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina (EPAGRI), com atuação na Região Oeste Catarinense. Indicadores e atributos de natureza ambiental foram os mais empregados pelos respondentes para caracterizar a sustentabilidade da atividade agropecuária, seguidos por critérios econômicos e de autossuficiência da propriedade. Os extensionistas utilizam um vasto conjunto de práticas sustentáveis, as quais, no entanto, concentram-se no campo ambiental e das ciências agrárias, com pouca ênfase à questão social. Na visão dos técnicos, a agricultura sustentável viabilizará e garantirá a continuidade da atividade primária, bem como promoverá efetiva melhoria na qualidade de vida no meio urbano e rural.
HOLOS, 2013
This paper presents a study of a small business in the metallurgical sector in Curitiba -Paraná, ... more This paper presents a study of a small business in the metallurgical sector in Curitiba -Paraná, in order to diagnose the management of innovation in this space, using the tool: Octagon innovation, taking into account eight dimensions: leadership, funding, process, structure, people, culture, strategy and relationships. The methodological approach used in this article is characterized regarding its nature: as an applied research; regarding the approach to the problem: search quantiqualitative; regarding goals: exploratory, descriptive and technical procedures as: literature review and case study. As a result of this study, it was found that although the company recognizes the importance of innovation for its maintenance and expansion in the market at the moment this is focused on developing its infrastructure, investing, so 15% of its net income in purchasing machinery, tools and more
Gestão & Produção, 2007
In this work, it is proposed an evaluation and comparison model of dwelling project based on valu... more In this work, it is proposed an evaluation and comparison model of dwelling project based on value, which aims, principally, to improve the conditions of dwelling analysis under the perspective of the target market. This evaluation instrument intends to help avoid mistakes which bear unnecessary costs in a real estate business project. The development of the model enables the identification and measurement of satisfaction, expectations and needs of the user of this sector and, at the same time, generates information which may be used during the process of the dwelling project. The proposed model is based on the functions perceived by the user, which are represented by the attributes of the physical structure, localization and cost as defined by the target market. Its operation consists in applying standardized procedures that organize and process the information bearing, as a result, performance indexes and unnecessary costs deriving from the perceived dwelling functions that do not aggregate value. It aims at improving the development of new project concepts making it more appealing to the target market.
Gestão & Produção, 2008
. The development of this proposal fostered the creation of a quantitative measurement, the perfo... more . The development of this proposal fostered the creation of a quantitative measurement, the performance measurement scale for the intangibles (PMSI) based on the Item Response Theory (IRT) defined as the performance of organizations in intangibles. The set of items produced approaches training, development, and education and planning/assessment. The data collected from a sample of 203 companies associated to the Federation of Companies of Santa Catarina (FIESC), Brazil, allow the establishment of a four-level PMSI interpreted for the HC, which provides new knowledge about both the intangibles and the performance of companies.
Starting from the premise that public management, in the context from the emergent knowledge soci... more Starting from the premise that public management, in the context from the emergent knowledge society, needs new forms to act and new tools to reach its objectives, this article aims to find evidence of the adoption of the principles of Intellectual Capital under the Public Management, by raising scientific articles about the subjects, aiming to select theoretical referential about intellectual capital and public management, by bibliometric analysis. The processes presented 100 constant articles in the final portfolio, available in the data base Web of Science, Science Direct and Scopus. The bibliometric indicators show that the studies were published as from 1969, released by 15 international periodics, written by 164 authors, that used 241 key words related to the constructs of this study. It is believed that the identification of the main references helps the understanding of the foundations of this research field. Besides, this articles provides many inputs that contribute to the comprehension of the subject in international level, and that can be utilised in the development of future works.
Global Journal of Management and Business Research
This article aims in making a model review for measurement of intellectual capital for decision m... more This article aims in making a model review for measurement of intellectual capital for decision making. The construction of the present article was made through the bibliographic survey covering the Intellectual Capital theme addressing its objectives, peculiarities and definitions. It has been presented a classification of the methods from Sveiby's (2011) perspective, as well as 30 models for evaluation of the Intellectual Capital. It can be concluded that the models differ by its application context, considered assets and set of indicators of measurement, for better decision making.
Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos Verde (GSCV) é um tema emergente na gestão de operações voltado à... more Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos Verde (GSCV) é um tema emergente na gestão de operações voltado à adoção de práticas intra e interorganizacionais para melhorar a sustentabilidade em cadeias produtivas. Capital Relacional (CR), também recente na literatura de processos e operações, tem papel relevante para redimensionar as visões baseadas unicamente em custos de transação e recursos para uma visão baseada em relações que envolvam governança de informações, confiança e longevidade, possibilitando resultados positivos para todos os integrantes da cadeia. A presente pesquisa revisa e critica a literatura seminal de ativos intangíveis para resgatar atributos de CR e relacioná-los ao desenvolvimento da GCSV. Utilizando-se de método exploratório e descritivo, são identificados estudos recentes sobre CR e GCSV quanto aos seus descritoresformas como o CR é entendido e utilizado na GCSV; foco -finalidade principal do uso do CR; e direcionalidade -se os desenvolvimentos proporcionados pelo CR na GCSV são protagonizados e direcionados unicamente pelo produtor a seus fornecedores e clientes, ou se estes últimos também direcionam e usufruem dos resultados decorrentes do CR. Conclui-se que os produtores são os principais mentores, direcionadores e beneficiários dos esforços de uso do CR na GCSV. Em geral, há unidirecionalidade de aplicação e análise desses esforços, isto é, as iniciativas de melhoria partem do produtor para o desenvolvimento do fornecedor ou do cliente, mas pouco se exploram os processos pelos quais práticas ambientais de fornecedores e clientes influenciam o desempenho na GCSV. Palavras-chaves: Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos Verde; capital relacional; ativos intangíveis.
A five years literature review on HIA subject, methods and quantification 6 Results – Main subjec... more A five years literature review on HIA subject, methods and quantification 6 Results – Main subject – Q1 There were found 20 articles straightly related to HIA: 2008 = 3; 2009 = 1; 2010 =1; 2011=9; 2012 =6. Studies directly related to HIA are mainly concerning with frameworks proposal (2008), state-of-the-art (2008) or review of historical aspects (2011), conceptualization (2009); quantification (2011), critical analysis (2011, 2012), and collaborative aspects (2011). Community participation in HIA appears in 2 studies in 2009, 2 in 2010, and in 6 studies in 2011. Equity and justice are related in 2 studies (2008, 2010), and health effect of climate change in other 3 studies (2008, 2010, 2012). 6 Results – Methods adopted – Q2 A wide range of methods and tools was employed: direct measuring of variables, documentation analysis, and framework development, each one in 8 cases along the five years considered. Framework development was mostly employed since 2010 studies, as well as mixed...
URL to access the E-Book: Com intuito de compreender melhor o cap... more URL to access the E-Book: Com intuito de compreender melhor o capital intelectual algumas indagações foram levantadas: O que é esse recurso intangível denominado capital intelectual? Qual sua definição? Existem outros capitais que o compõem? Quais suas dimensões? Para responder estas indagações, este estudo objetivou buscar junto a literatura de forma exploratória as respostas. Para o desenvolvimento deste estudo, optou-se pela pesquisa bibliográfica de forma exploratória do tema. Adotando-se a abordagem qualitativa e o método indutivo para interpretação dos dados, resultando num quadro síntese da análise, uma figura da linha do tempo do modelos estudados e uma indicação de modelo que sumariza os principais conceitos.
A valorização da gestão do conhecimento para a implementação do sistema balanced scorecard em uni... more A valorização da gestão do conhecimento para a implementação do sistema balanced scorecard em unidades de pesquisa Simone de Cássia Silva, Me. Eng, (UFSC -PPGEP -CTC -Laboratório GAV-Projetos) Cláudio Dalmolim, Eng., Me. (USP -IPEN) Paulo Mauricio Selig, Dr. (UFSC -PPGEP -CTC -Laboratório GAV-Projetos) Jesualdo Luiz Rossi, Dr. (USP -IPEN -CCTM) Resumo Este artigo tem por objetivo a apresentação do desenvolvimento de um modelo holístico para o gerenciamento de Unidades de Pesquisa. A proposta apresentada é baseada na unificação do Sistema Balanced Scorecard, a partir das quatro perspectivas primárias -financeira, clientes, processos internos e aprendizado e crescimento -com os conceitos da Gestão do Conhecimento. Para este fim, utiliza-se a estrutura da ferramenta Desdobramento da Função Qualidade (QFD) para o progresso do modelo proposto, sendo possível, assim, fornecer um feedback do resultado da conversão do conhecimento explícito da estratégia organizacional de uma Instituição em um conjunto homogêneo de ações operacionais que sejam implementadas em Unidades de Pesquisa. O alicerce deste modelo está na valorização do conhecimento tácito dos pesquisadores e colaboradores das Instituições de Pesquisa, de forma a incrementar o valor dos ativos intangíveis em relação ao capital humano das suas Unidades. A valorização das competências dos recursos humanos favorece a análise das iniciativas estratégicas agregando uma avaliação de causa e efeito entre os diferentes níveis da rede de relacionamento das Unidades de Pesquisa, permitindo tomadas de decisões que impactam nos resultados de longo prazo das Instituições em foco. Palavras chave: Balanced scorecard, Gestão do conhecimento, Unidades de pesquisa XXIV Encontro Nac. de Eng. de Produção -Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, 03 a 05 de nov de 2004 ENEGEP 2004 ABEPRO 4739
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2015
ABSTRACT In this paper, we are interested in the knowledge that is “wasted” in organizations, tha... more ABSTRACT In this paper, we are interested in the knowledge that is “wasted” in organizations, that is existing relevant knowledge that is overlooked in the process of knowledge conversion. Given the competitive pressure firms are facing in today´s business environment, a waste of knowledge is not only costly but also dangerous. This means that we consider knowledge from a knowledge at risk perspective. Having this in mind, the purpose of this paper is to review research on knowledge waste in organizations to establish our current body of knowledge regarding this topic. The study consists of a systematic review of 51 peer-reviewed articles addressing knowledge waste in organizations. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no systematic literature review on this topic has previously been published or presented. The topic seems to be a promising field for intensive research and offers a variety of future research avenues. In view of practitioners, the study´s finding may enable an increased awareness towards the areas where existing knowledge is at the mercy of “waste”. This can assist practitioners to better cope with risks related to this waste and, therefore, better exploit the (limited) knowledge base available.
The perception of rural extensionists from the Santa Catarina State Agricultural Research and Rur... more The perception of rural extensionists from the Santa Catarina State Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Agency (EPAGRI) and Micro Basins 2 Project—as regards the sustainability of agricultural activities in the Western Mesoregion of Santa Catarina State, Brazil—was assessed by means of a structured questionnaire (open and closed questions) used to interview professionals of the EPAGRI Regional Management Boards of Chapecó, Maravilha, Palmitos, São Lourenço do Oeste and Xanxerê, all within the mentioned Mesoregion. A total of 116 rural extensionists participated in the survey. Respondents believe that the degree of sustainability of regional primary production is low/medium and, for the majority of them, the degree of concern or attention of farmers with the sustainability of agriculture is low, negligible or null. Environmental degradation, lack of knowledge and economic factors appear as the main problems concerning this issue. For two thirds of the technicians, only 30% or l...
International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development
The literature indicates that there are numerous definitions of strategic environmental assessmen... more The literature indicates that there are numerous definitions of strategic environmental assessment (SEA), but none of which has achieved full recognition on the part of researchers and practitioners. This study aims to compile a set of definitions that represents the amplitude of the subject matter to, on this basis, assess the conceptual evolution of SEA and to characterise the vision of the scientific community on this issue. The definitions (a total of 106) show that SEA is an evolving concept. The terms 'policies, plans and programmes', 'environmental', 'decision' and 'assess' may be considered the best descriptors of SEA. It was found that SEA maintains a strong bond with its role of impact assessment, characteristic of the first phase of its conceptual evolution. The preponderant perception of the scientific community about the definition of SEA is presented, an element that could serve as a blueprint for future discussions on the subject.
-The purpose of this paper is to explore the nature of research topics and methodologies employed... more -The purpose of this paper is to explore the nature of research topics and methodologies employed in existing studies of intellectual capital.
this article presents the Business Process Improvement (BPI), a new vision of the organization th... more this article presents the Business Process Improvement (BPI), a new vision of the organization that consider a company as a group of processes. Originally, BPI merged as a methodology with the purpose of implanting continuous improvement. But it had its benefits enlarged through the insert of the environmental variable in its analysis. This initiative, besides to avoid environmental problems and
Contribui para a compreensão de como o Balanced Scorecard pode auxiliar na gestão do meio ambient... more Contribui para a compreensão de como o Balanced Scorecard pode auxiliar na gestão do meio ambiente, visando o acompanhamento dos projetos organizacionais, sob (06) seis perspectivas, permitindo a acionistas e interessados uma constante avaliação da organização, além de permitir a análise da relação causa efeito entre estas perspectivas.
The present article aims at you demonstrate the uses of the Balanced Scorecard -BSC, tool you ass... more The present article aims at you demonstrate the uses of the Balanced Scorecard -BSC, tool you assist in the elaboration and implantation of an integrated system of management, taking in account the economic aspects and the consequences of this in the process of application of the integrated management.
Journal of Intellectual Capital, 2015
ABSTRACT Purpose The aim of this paper is to review extant literature to identify models intended... more ABSTRACT Purpose The aim of this paper is to review extant literature to identify models intended to measure/classify intellectual capital (IC) to establish the current body of knowledge that has been built since the review by Marr et al. (2004). Design/methodology/approach The study consists of a systematic review of peer-reviewed articles on IC classification. The review was conducted for the period 2004 to 2014 in order to reach the aim. To ensure that all major models are included, important works developed prior to 2004 were captured as well. Findings The review resulted in 83 additional models indicating continued research activities with regard to the topic. These models were merged with prior IC models and mapped on a timeline. The timeline clarifies that 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 represent the years of greatest research activity (outcomes). Additionally, the analysis of the list of IC frameworks resulted in the development of an IC Meta model. It synthesizes research activities in the field and highlights the main IC dimensions and sub-dimensions. Research limitations/implications This study may not have enabled a complete coverage of all existing peer-reviewed articles in the field of IC classification. Yet, it seems reasonable to assume that the review process covered a large proportion of studies available. Originality/value By aggregating and consolidating the IC frameworks covered, our study does not only provide an IC Meta model, but also promising directions for future research.
Sistemas & Gestão, 2013
A extensão rural exerce marcante efeito sobre o grau de sustentabilidade do sistema agropecuário ... more A extensão rural exerce marcante efeito sobre o grau de sustentabilidade do sistema agropecuário em que atua, e o êxito na implantação de métodos sustentáveis depende, entre outros fatores, do comprometimento e do conhecimento dos técnicos. Deste modo, é importante colher a percepção e a concepção conceitual dos extensionistas rurais sobre sustentabilidade agrícola para, com base nisso, formular estratégias de conscientização, motivação e capacitação direcionadas ao perfil dos profissionais em questão. O trabalho foi realizado na forma de um survey junto a 116 extensionistas rurais vinculados à Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina (EPAGRI), com atuação na Região Oeste Catarinense. Indicadores e atributos de natureza ambiental foram os mais empregados pelos respondentes para caracterizar a sustentabilidade da atividade agropecuária, seguidos por critérios econômicos e de autossuficiência da propriedade. Os extensionistas utilizam um vasto conjunto de práticas sustentáveis, as quais, no entanto, concentram-se no campo ambiental e das ciências agrárias, com pouca ênfase à questão social. Na visão dos técnicos, a agricultura sustentável viabilizará e garantirá a continuidade da atividade primária, bem como promoverá efetiva melhoria na qualidade de vida no meio urbano e rural.
HOLOS, 2013
This paper presents a study of a small business in the metallurgical sector in Curitiba -Paraná, ... more This paper presents a study of a small business in the metallurgical sector in Curitiba -Paraná, in order to diagnose the management of innovation in this space, using the tool: Octagon innovation, taking into account eight dimensions: leadership, funding, process, structure, people, culture, strategy and relationships. The methodological approach used in this article is characterized regarding its nature: as an applied research; regarding the approach to the problem: search quantiqualitative; regarding goals: exploratory, descriptive and technical procedures as: literature review and case study. As a result of this study, it was found that although the company recognizes the importance of innovation for its maintenance and expansion in the market at the moment this is focused on developing its infrastructure, investing, so 15% of its net income in purchasing machinery, tools and more
Gestão & Produção, 2007
In this work, it is proposed an evaluation and comparison model of dwelling project based on valu... more In this work, it is proposed an evaluation and comparison model of dwelling project based on value, which aims, principally, to improve the conditions of dwelling analysis under the perspective of the target market. This evaluation instrument intends to help avoid mistakes which bear unnecessary costs in a real estate business project. The development of the model enables the identification and measurement of satisfaction, expectations and needs of the user of this sector and, at the same time, generates information which may be used during the process of the dwelling project. The proposed model is based on the functions perceived by the user, which are represented by the attributes of the physical structure, localization and cost as defined by the target market. Its operation consists in applying standardized procedures that organize and process the information bearing, as a result, performance indexes and unnecessary costs deriving from the perceived dwelling functions that do not aggregate value. It aims at improving the development of new project concepts making it more appealing to the target market.
Gestão & Produção, 2008
. The development of this proposal fostered the creation of a quantitative measurement, the perfo... more . The development of this proposal fostered the creation of a quantitative measurement, the performance measurement scale for the intangibles (PMSI) based on the Item Response Theory (IRT) defined as the performance of organizations in intangibles. The set of items produced approaches training, development, and education and planning/assessment. The data collected from a sample of 203 companies associated to the Federation of Companies of Santa Catarina (FIESC), Brazil, allow the establishment of a four-level PMSI interpreted for the HC, which provides new knowledge about both the intangibles and the performance of companies.