Selim EREN - (original) (raw)
Papers by Selim EREN
Cemaat ve cemiyet cogu zaman karistirilan fakat farkli iki sosyal grubu ifade eden sosyolojik kav... more Cemaat ve cemiyet cogu zaman karistirilan fakat farkli iki sosyal grubu ifade eden sosyolojik kavramlardir. Bu iki kavram Tonnies tarafindan ele alinarak tanimlanmis ve ozellikleri ortaya koyulmustur. Bir cemaatin en belirgin ozelligi kisisel yasamin tamamen onun icerisinde yasanabilmesidir. Fakat bu durum gunumuzdeki cemaatler icin tartismali bir durum arz etmektedir. Bu makalede cemaatsel olusum ve dinin rolu kuramsal duzeyde incelenmektedir. Islam dinindeki cemaat yasantisini dogru bir sekilde anlayabilmek icin oncelikle dinin geldigi ortamdaki mevcut sosyal yapinin iyi anlasilmasi ve tedricen bu duzenin nasil degistiginin iyi okunmasi gerekir. Şehirlesmeyle beraber kabile asabiyetinden Islam'in ortak degerlerinin paylasildigi ummet bilincine dogru bir gelisme gorulmustur.
This study investigated the relations between religiosity and the perception of civil rights (a c... more This study investigated the relations between religiosity and the perception of civil rights (a component of human rights) on a sample of 422 secondary schools students in Turkey. It was revealed that students perceived civil rights in accordance to their posture towards religion. To this, those students who are religious in traditional sense, who labelled their political view as rightist, and who feel the effect of religion more tend to be less supportive of civil rights except the rights of religious freedoms. In contrast, those who are less religious in traditional sense, those who stand on the political left wing ground, and those who feel the effect of religion less tend to be more supportive of civil rights in overall. However, they do not seem to be supporting the rights particularly related to religious freedoms.
The division of scientific fields in a similar manner and similar diversity to the modern-day has... more The division of scientific fields in a similar manner and similar diversity to the modern-day has been realized at the end of the process which started with modernization. Likewise, it is directly related to the perception of knowledge of the modern era that the scientific fields are seen to be divided much more than before and separated as if they were not related necessarily or mutually. However, in the past, the holistic point of view and the style of research were driven by the authentic existence of the relationship between knowledge (sciences), and the fact that it was subject to research and teaching was naturally influenced by it. As a concrete case, modern educational approaches, models and programs are developed and have been developed in a way that minimizes the inter-field relationship as a result of this parted approach. This study aims to analyze the relationship between sociology and geography in the context of education. It specifically assesses what is importance of...
Avrupa Birligi Ulkelerinde Din-Devlet Iliskisi: Hukuki Yapi, Din Egitimi ve Din Hizmetleri adli s... more Avrupa Birligi Ulkelerinde Din-Devlet Iliskisi: Hukuki Yapi, Din Egitimi ve Din Hizmetleri adli sempozyum, Istanbul’da, Turkiye Diyanet Vakfi Islam Arastirmalari Merkezi (ISAM) toplanti salonunda iki gunluk bir sure zarfinda, bes oturumda ger- ceklestirildi.A
Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2007
Birey ve toplum hayatinin olusumunu/devamini saglayan cesitli degerler, nor.mlar ve kurumlar bulu... more Birey ve toplum hayatinin olusumunu/devamini saglayan cesitli degerler, nor.mlar ve kurumlar bulunmaktadir. Ahlak ve din de bu cercevede toplumsal Islev goren unsurlar arasinda yer almaktadir. Bu . calismada, toplumsal norm un birey ve toplum uzerindeki etkisi, ahlak ve dinin norm olusturma bakimindan benzer ve farkli yonleri tartisilmistir. Son olarak, Islam ahlak sistemi norm olusturma acisindan .ele alinmis ve ahiakin sonraki nesillere aktarilmasi ·konusun,a kisaca deginilmistir.
Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2007
Yurtdisina goc etmis Turklerin etnik ve dinsel acidan karsilastiklari soruntar ve bu sorunlarin u... more Yurtdisina goc etmis Turklerin etnik ve dinsel acidan karsilastiklari soruntar ve bu sorunlarin ustesinden gelmeda dinln ne gibi fonksiyon icra ettigi bilimsel bir merak konusudur. Avrupa'daki Turklerin buyuk oranda bulunduklari ulkelerde gecici degil, kalici bir unsur oldugu anlasilmaktadir. Yapilan calismalarcia goruldugu gibi din, ve dini kurumlar genelllkle bu insanlar arasinda birlestirici unsur olarak islev gormektedir. Ancak, yerli ulke hcilklan lle iliskilerde bazen bu birlestirici unsurun,· ayristirici ve catistirici bir rol de ustlencjlgi anlasilmaktadir. Gunumuzele Avrupa'da yasayan Turkler, karsilastiklari ekonomik ve sosyo-kulturel diger sorunlar yaninda -yasadiklari ulkelere gore degisen tiazi farkliliklar bulunsa da- dinlerinin ulke tarafindan resmen kabulu, elin egitimini saglayan kurum ve kadronun yoklugu, ibadet yerlerinin saglanmcisi ve var olanlarinin korunmasi gibi dinlerini yasamayla ilgili cesitli sorunlarla basa cikmak durumundadirlar. Bu makalede, yu...
Knowledge,-the time and the place of its production; its environment, context, justification proc... more Knowledge,-the time and the place of its production; its environment, context, justification process, producer and interlocutor; its formation and distribution process, its impact and permanence, etc.-with its all parameters, is a social factor rather than an individual issue. Therefore; the formation, distribution and teaching of knowledge can be the consequences of social change as well as its causes. Compared to the past centuries or even decades ago, it is clear that there are serious changes in the formation, processing, dissemination and programming of knowledge. For instance, in times when mass information dissemination tools were in comparably limited, knowledge had referred to the profession of a small group in the society and to a meta-accumulation that can be reached only by this elite group. When it comes to the present day, the developments that started with the printing press and reached an unimaginable level with the internet have brought about serious transformations in the distribution of all kinds of knowledge and all classical learning and teaching styles. Technological conveniences in the production and transmission of knowledge have transformed the important actors in the classical education system; causing some of their previous roles to become ineffective; and correspondingly; even in some cases their status has been reduced downwards. Because it is clearly seen that the scientist or instructor has turned into an expert who knows some of many knowledges and has depth only about small fields of knowledge, rather than being a person with a high social status because he has meta-knowledge of many subjects. In the present situation, in the use of technology in the circulation and effective teaching of knowledge, the instructor has had to abandon many of his roles of learning, maintaining and transmitting knowledge, to machines and software systems, and it is likely to remain. The fact that the EBA-type information networks are becoming an indispensable part of teaching provides important clues about what tools and devices with artificial intelligence can do in the future. All these technological and related social changes also seriously change the subject, space, method, scope and tools of education; and most importantly and consequently it transforms its actors-students and teachers-and continues to force them to change. The student-free classes that we are used to, thanks to technological developments, are the harbingers of the spread of classes without teachers in the future. All these show that we need to rethink education and training programs, students and instructors in terms of their roles and functions.
Human Rights and the Impact of Religion, 2013
This chapter indicates some criticisms on human rights, after which it goes into the relation bet... more This chapter indicates some criticisms on human rights, after which it goes into the relation between human rights and Islam. It deals with the state of human rights in Turkey. In order to prepare for the empirical research on human rights and religion in Turkey, the chapter accounts for the method used, including the measuring instruments. After that it reports on the results of the research and concludes with a discussion on the research and its results. From this particular data set, a differentiated picture regarding the impact of religion on human rights attitudes emerges. This differentiated picture may be explained by some broader concepts, the first pair of which is conventionalism and post-conventionalism. Human rights in general are part of this post-conventionalism, which may be considered contrary to the orientation of conventionalism that permeates Turkey's society. Keywords: conventionalism; human rights; Islam; Turkey
Bu makalede, inancın oluşmasında ve şekillenmesinde etkili olan psi-• kalajik etkenler dışındaki ... more Bu makalede, inancın oluşmasında ve şekillenmesinde etkili olan psi-• kalajik etkenler dışındaki unsurlar arasında yer alan sosyo-kültürel etkenlerin rolü üzerinde durulmuştur. Bireyin, toplumun bir parçası olması anlamına gelen sosyalleşme süreci ve inancın oluşumu, değişi mi/gelişimi arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Bu bağlamda, bireylerin inançlarının şekillenmesinde ve zaman içerisindeki değişiminde, başta aile olmak üzere çevresel etkenierin rolü ele alınmış, din değiştirme gibi köklü inanç değişimlerinde, bireyin etkileşim içinde bulunduğu sosyokültürel çevre tarafından etkilenip etkilenmediği tartışılmıştır.
Alawites is known mainly for its religions identity among other factors. This religious dimension... more Alawites is known mainly for its religions identity among other factors. This religious dimension has been, and still is, subjected to transformations/changes. As a folk religiosity the Turkish Alewites still experiences transformations in accordance to the social fluctuations affected by domestic migrations, urbanization, and leading economical, political and ideological tendencies. The status of Alawi religious leaders, the form of Alawi community organisation, the types of religiosity in daily life, the representation of religiosity and the demands of the Alawi communities are the main fields in which these transformations are acutely observed
Cemaat ve cemiyet cogu zaman karistirilan fakat farkli iki sosyal grubu ifade eden sosyolojik kav... more Cemaat ve cemiyet cogu zaman karistirilan fakat farkli iki sosyal grubu ifade eden sosyolojik kavramlardir. Bu iki kavram Tonnies tarafindan ele alinarak tanimlanmis ve ozellikleri ortaya koyulmustur. Bir cemaatin en belirgin ozelligi kisisel yasamin tamamen onun icerisinde yasanabilmesidir. Fakat bu durum gunumuzdeki cemaatler icin tartismali bir durum arz etmektedir. Bu makalede cemaatsel olusum ve dinin rolu kuramsal duzeyde incelenmektedir. Islam dinindeki cemaat yasantisini dogru bir sekilde anlayabilmek icin oncelikle dinin geldigi ortamdaki mevcut sosyal yapinin iyi anlasilmasi ve tedricen bu duzenin nasil degistiginin iyi okunmasi gerekir. Şehirlesmeyle beraber kabile asabiyetinden Islam'in ortak degerlerinin paylasildigi ummet bilincine dogru bir gelisme gorulmustur.
This study investigated the relations between religiosity and the perception of civil rights (a c... more This study investigated the relations between religiosity and the perception of civil rights (a component of human rights) on a sample of 422 secondary schools students in Turkey. It was revealed that students perceived civil rights in accordance to their posture towards religion. To this, those students who are religious in traditional sense, who labelled their political view as rightist, and who feel the effect of religion more tend to be less supportive of civil rights except the rights of religious freedoms. In contrast, those who are less religious in traditional sense, those who stand on the political left wing ground, and those who feel the effect of religion less tend to be more supportive of civil rights in overall. However, they do not seem to be supporting the rights particularly related to religious freedoms.
The division of scientific fields in a similar manner and similar diversity to the modern-day has... more The division of scientific fields in a similar manner and similar diversity to the modern-day has been realized at the end of the process which started with modernization. Likewise, it is directly related to the perception of knowledge of the modern era that the scientific fields are seen to be divided much more than before and separated as if they were not related necessarily or mutually. However, in the past, the holistic point of view and the style of research were driven by the authentic existence of the relationship between knowledge (sciences), and the fact that it was subject to research and teaching was naturally influenced by it. As a concrete case, modern educational approaches, models and programs are developed and have been developed in a way that minimizes the inter-field relationship as a result of this parted approach. This study aims to analyze the relationship between sociology and geography in the context of education. It specifically assesses what is importance of...
Avrupa Birligi Ulkelerinde Din-Devlet Iliskisi: Hukuki Yapi, Din Egitimi ve Din Hizmetleri adli s... more Avrupa Birligi Ulkelerinde Din-Devlet Iliskisi: Hukuki Yapi, Din Egitimi ve Din Hizmetleri adli sempozyum, Istanbul’da, Turkiye Diyanet Vakfi Islam Arastirmalari Merkezi (ISAM) toplanti salonunda iki gunluk bir sure zarfinda, bes oturumda ger- ceklestirildi.A
Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2007
Birey ve toplum hayatinin olusumunu/devamini saglayan cesitli degerler, nor.mlar ve kurumlar bulu... more Birey ve toplum hayatinin olusumunu/devamini saglayan cesitli degerler, nor.mlar ve kurumlar bulunmaktadir. Ahlak ve din de bu cercevede toplumsal Islev goren unsurlar arasinda yer almaktadir. Bu . calismada, toplumsal norm un birey ve toplum uzerindeki etkisi, ahlak ve dinin norm olusturma bakimindan benzer ve farkli yonleri tartisilmistir. Son olarak, Islam ahlak sistemi norm olusturma acisindan .ele alinmis ve ahiakin sonraki nesillere aktarilmasi ·konusun,a kisaca deginilmistir.
Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2007
Yurtdisina goc etmis Turklerin etnik ve dinsel acidan karsilastiklari soruntar ve bu sorunlarin u... more Yurtdisina goc etmis Turklerin etnik ve dinsel acidan karsilastiklari soruntar ve bu sorunlarin ustesinden gelmeda dinln ne gibi fonksiyon icra ettigi bilimsel bir merak konusudur. Avrupa'daki Turklerin buyuk oranda bulunduklari ulkelerde gecici degil, kalici bir unsur oldugu anlasilmaktadir. Yapilan calismalarcia goruldugu gibi din, ve dini kurumlar genelllkle bu insanlar arasinda birlestirici unsur olarak islev gormektedir. Ancak, yerli ulke hcilklan lle iliskilerde bazen bu birlestirici unsurun,· ayristirici ve catistirici bir rol de ustlencjlgi anlasilmaktadir. Gunumuzele Avrupa'da yasayan Turkler, karsilastiklari ekonomik ve sosyo-kulturel diger sorunlar yaninda -yasadiklari ulkelere gore degisen tiazi farkliliklar bulunsa da- dinlerinin ulke tarafindan resmen kabulu, elin egitimini saglayan kurum ve kadronun yoklugu, ibadet yerlerinin saglanmcisi ve var olanlarinin korunmasi gibi dinlerini yasamayla ilgili cesitli sorunlarla basa cikmak durumundadirlar. Bu makalede, yu...
Knowledge,-the time and the place of its production; its environment, context, justification proc... more Knowledge,-the time and the place of its production; its environment, context, justification process, producer and interlocutor; its formation and distribution process, its impact and permanence, etc.-with its all parameters, is a social factor rather than an individual issue. Therefore; the formation, distribution and teaching of knowledge can be the consequences of social change as well as its causes. Compared to the past centuries or even decades ago, it is clear that there are serious changes in the formation, processing, dissemination and programming of knowledge. For instance, in times when mass information dissemination tools were in comparably limited, knowledge had referred to the profession of a small group in the society and to a meta-accumulation that can be reached only by this elite group. When it comes to the present day, the developments that started with the printing press and reached an unimaginable level with the internet have brought about serious transformations in the distribution of all kinds of knowledge and all classical learning and teaching styles. Technological conveniences in the production and transmission of knowledge have transformed the important actors in the classical education system; causing some of their previous roles to become ineffective; and correspondingly; even in some cases their status has been reduced downwards. Because it is clearly seen that the scientist or instructor has turned into an expert who knows some of many knowledges and has depth only about small fields of knowledge, rather than being a person with a high social status because he has meta-knowledge of many subjects. In the present situation, in the use of technology in the circulation and effective teaching of knowledge, the instructor has had to abandon many of his roles of learning, maintaining and transmitting knowledge, to machines and software systems, and it is likely to remain. The fact that the EBA-type information networks are becoming an indispensable part of teaching provides important clues about what tools and devices with artificial intelligence can do in the future. All these technological and related social changes also seriously change the subject, space, method, scope and tools of education; and most importantly and consequently it transforms its actors-students and teachers-and continues to force them to change. The student-free classes that we are used to, thanks to technological developments, are the harbingers of the spread of classes without teachers in the future. All these show that we need to rethink education and training programs, students and instructors in terms of their roles and functions.
Human Rights and the Impact of Religion, 2013
This chapter indicates some criticisms on human rights, after which it goes into the relation bet... more This chapter indicates some criticisms on human rights, after which it goes into the relation between human rights and Islam. It deals with the state of human rights in Turkey. In order to prepare for the empirical research on human rights and religion in Turkey, the chapter accounts for the method used, including the measuring instruments. After that it reports on the results of the research and concludes with a discussion on the research and its results. From this particular data set, a differentiated picture regarding the impact of religion on human rights attitudes emerges. This differentiated picture may be explained by some broader concepts, the first pair of which is conventionalism and post-conventionalism. Human rights in general are part of this post-conventionalism, which may be considered contrary to the orientation of conventionalism that permeates Turkey's society. Keywords: conventionalism; human rights; Islam; Turkey
Bu makalede, inancın oluşmasında ve şekillenmesinde etkili olan psi-• kalajik etkenler dışındaki ... more Bu makalede, inancın oluşmasında ve şekillenmesinde etkili olan psi-• kalajik etkenler dışındaki unsurlar arasında yer alan sosyo-kültürel etkenlerin rolü üzerinde durulmuştur. Bireyin, toplumun bir parçası olması anlamına gelen sosyalleşme süreci ve inancın oluşumu, değişi mi/gelişimi arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Bu bağlamda, bireylerin inançlarının şekillenmesinde ve zaman içerisindeki değişiminde, başta aile olmak üzere çevresel etkenierin rolü ele alınmış, din değiştirme gibi köklü inanç değişimlerinde, bireyin etkileşim içinde bulunduğu sosyokültürel çevre tarafından etkilenip etkilenmediği tartışılmıştır.
Alawites is known mainly for its religions identity among other factors. This religious dimension... more Alawites is known mainly for its religions identity among other factors. This religious dimension has been, and still is, subjected to transformations/changes. As a folk religiosity the Turkish Alewites still experiences transformations in accordance to the social fluctuations affected by domestic migrations, urbanization, and leading economical, political and ideological tendencies. The status of Alawi religious leaders, the form of Alawi community organisation, the types of religiosity in daily life, the representation of religiosity and the demands of the Alawi communities are the main fields in which these transformations are acutely observed