Selin Pelek - (original) (raw)
Papers by Selin Pelek
Social Science Research Network, Dec 31, 2022
Yönetim ve ekonomi araştırmaları dergisi, Mar 1, 2022
Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de diplomalı işsizlik olgusunu eğitim alanlarını merkeze alarak inceleme amac... more Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de diplomalı işsizlik olgusunu eğitim alanlarını merkeze alarak inceleme amacı taşımaktadır. 2014-2019 yıllarını kapsayan Hanehalkı İşgücü Anketi mikro veri setleri kullanılarak mezuniyet alanları sekiz grupta toplanmış ve mezunların işgücü piyasasındaki geçiş matrisleri gösterilmiştir. Heckman iki aşamalı tahmincisi ile örneklem seçim yanlılığı kontrol edilerek işsizlikmezuniyet alanı ilişkisi ekonometrik olarak test edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar eğitimli işsizliğinin kalıcı karakterine işaret etmektedir. Sağlık ve sosyal hizmet bölümleri, eğitim bilimleri ve kişisel hizmetler, ulaşım, güvenlik bölümlerinden mezun olanların işsizlik ihtimali göreceli olarak daha düşük bulunmuştur.
Review of applied socio-economic research, Dec 7, 2019
The emergence of solidarity economy initiatives in Turkey could be considered as a result of the ... more The emergence of solidarity economy initiatives in Turkey could be considered as a result of the historical process of the 1980s and the strengthened neoliberal policies over the past two decades. In this context, the disengagement and decentralization of the State, as well as the rise of civil society, challenges the role of the solidarity economy initiatives in territorial development. Are they integrated into the governance and regulation of their field of activity? Rather than a total disengagement, Turkey has been marked by a concentration of power and government control over many sectors and strong interdependence of civil society organizations. By targeting six activity fields (short food circuit, education, popular university, construction, refugees, and consumption without purchase), we conducted 25 interviews and a two-day workshop with the members of the solidarity initiatives. According to our findings, these initiatives have emerged outside of the market and public authorities. The social movements that occurred over the past years have significant effects on their emergence. Faced with the reluctance and/or rejection by the public authorities, most of them are characterized by a form of autonomy and self-organization capacity in their emergence phase. While in the beginning, they were based on the reciprocity principle, they aim to be consolidated by the market and nonmarket resources in the next phase. Finally, the solidarity economy initiatives would provide a basis for civic or citizen governance through their network ties and could have a positive impact in terms of social, economic, cultural, and local development.
Review of Income and Wealth, Sep 18, 2019
State Dependence in Welfare Benefits in a Non-Welfare Context * This study contributes to the ong... more State Dependence in Welfare Benefits in a Non-Welfare Context * This study contributes to the ongoing debate about welfare dependency centered on the western societies through an empirical analysis, within the context of a developing country. It examines state dependence in social assistance benefit receipt using longitudinal data from Turkey, where benefit receipt and persistence rates have witnessed a significant increase since the last decade. Identification is achieved by dynamic random effects probit models, controlling for unobserved heterogeneity and endogenous initial conditions. Particularly, Wooldridge's (2005) estimator and its extensions are applied for achieving consistent and correct estimates of state dependence. In order to check for sensitivity, the results are compared with the results from Heckman's (1981) reduced form approach. Both estimators enable us to deal with the potential bias due to the short panel length. It is found that the benefit receipt of the last year increases the likelihood of benefit receipt in the current year by 17 to 22 percentage points. This evidence suggests that state dependence in social assistance might also be a relevant phenomenon for developing countries.
WORLD SCIENTIFIC eBooks, Oct 6, 2020
The following sections are included:IntroductionEconomic Growth and Unemployment Cycles in the Pe... more The following sections are included:IntroductionEconomic Growth and Unemployment Cycles in the Period of 2005–2019The Structural Issues of the Labor MarketMain Challenges AheadReferences
Travail et emploi, Jun 15, 2011
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Jul 9, 2013
In this paper, we investigate the effect of the minimum wage on the entire wage distribution. Mor... more In this paper, we investigate the effect of the minimum wage on the entire wage distribution. More specifically, we address the issue of wage inequality by taking into account the potential distributional outcomes of the minimum wage legislation. We decompose the wage differences and the changes in the wage inequality before and after the sizeable minimum wage increase in 2004 following the methodology introduced by DiNardo, Fortin and Lemieux (1996). We use a non-parametric reweighting approach to decompose the effects of the minimum wage increase as well as other factors that may have changed the wage distribution. Our main findings confirm that the minimum wage has played the pivotal role in reducing wage inequality for both men and women wage earners between 2003 and 2005.
Praksis, 2019
Öz Güvencesiz çalışmanın yaygınlaştığı, emeğin örgütlü gücünün gerilediği neoliberal dönemde prek... more Öz Güvencesiz çalışmanın yaygınlaştığı, emeğin örgütlü gücünün gerilediği neoliberal dönemde prekarya kavramı işçi sınıfını yeniden tanımlama iddiasıyla ortaya atılmış ve yeni bir sınıf olarak kuramsallaştırılmıştır. Bu çalışmada prekaryanın düşünsel kökleri ve politik yol haritası gözden geçirilmekte ve Marksist bir perspektiften bu kavramın sınırları tartışılmaktadır. Çalışmada 2016 Hanehalkı İşgücü Anketi kullanılarak prekaryaya atfedilen özellikler incelenmiş ve Türkiye işgücü piyasasında istihdamın klasik biçimlerinin hala geçerli olduğu öne sürülmüştür. Bulgular ücretli çalışanların yeni bir sınıf oluşturmaktan ziyade yedek işgücü ordusu bağlamında değerlendirilmesinin uygunluğuna işaret etmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Prekarya, güvencesizleşme, yedek işgücü ordusu, kayıt dışı istihdam, kısmi zamanlı çalışma, geçici çalışma A Critique of the Precariat as a Class Concept Abstract The concept of "precariat" has been theorized as a new class with an assertion of redefining the working class when precarious employment became widespread and the power of organized labor retreated in the neoliberal era. This study examines the ideological roots and political route-map of the precariat and discusses the limits of this concept through a Marxist perspective. Using Turkish Household Labor Force Survey (2016) to analyze precariat's attributes, this paper argues that the classical forms of employment still effective in the labor market. The findings indicate the convenience of the evaluation of wage earners in the context of the reserve army of labor rather than constituting a new class.
Amme Idaresi Dergisi, 2021
Öz: Bu çalışma, dünya ölçeğinde işgücü piyasası düzenleme aracı olarak yaygın biçimde uygulanan a... more Öz: Bu çalışma, dünya ölçeğinde işgücü piyasası düzenleme aracı olarak yaygın biçimde uygulanan asgari ücretin seçimlerle olan ilişkisine odaklanmaktadır. İşçi-işveren-devlet temsilcilerinden oluşan üçlü bir komisyon ile belirlenen asgari ücret seviyeleri göz önüne alınarak, Türkiye'de seçim dönemlerinin asgari ücret üzerinde ne tür bir etki yaptığı so-rusu ekonometrik olarak test edilmiştir. Çalışmanın kuramsal çerçevesini politik iş çevri-mi literatürü oluşturmaktadır. 1975-2019 yılları arasında reel asgari ücret değişimlerinin belirleyenleri regresyon analizine tabi tutulmuş ve elde edilen bulgular ışığında, seçim dönemlerinin reel asgari ücret artışlarında istatistiki olarak anlamlı bir etmen olduğu ileri sürülmüştür. Abstract: This study focuses on the relationship between minimum wage, which is a widely used labor market regulation across the world, and elections. Taking into consideration the minimum wage levels set by a tripartite commission, including workers',employers' and government's representatives, an econometric analysis is conducted to find out the impacts of the election periods on the minimum wage in Turkey. The theoretical framework of the study relies on the political business cycle literature. The determinants of real minimum wage changes between 1975 and 2019 are subjected to regression analysis. The findings suggest that election periods in Turkey is a statistically significant factor for real minimum wage increases.
In this paper, we investigate the effect of the minimum wage on the entire system of wage distrib... more In this paper, we investigate the effect of the minimum wage on the entire system of wage distribution. More specifically, we address the issue of wage inequality by taking into account the potential distributional outcomes of minimum-wage legislation. We decompose the wage differences and the variations in the wage inequality before and after the sizable minimum-wage boost in 2004, following the methodology introduced by DiNardo, Fortin, and Lemieux (1996). We use a non-parametric reweighting approach to decompose the effects of the minimum-wage hike as well as other factors that may have affected the wage distribution. Our main findings confirm that the minimum wage played a pivotal role in reducing wage inequality for both Turkish male and female wage earners between the years 2003 and 2005.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Apr 10, 2019
This paper aims to contribute to the growing literature on the crowding out/in effect of public t... more This paper aims to contribute to the growing literature on the crowding out/in effect of public transfers on private ones by using two consecutive four-year SILC panel data from Turkey covering years 2008-2011 and 2012-2015. Over the period under study, the number of beneficiaries has increased and the welfare system has expanded to segments of society that were uncovered before. In order to quantify the interaction between public and private transfers, we estimate the effects of public transfers on the amount and likelihood of receiving private transfers by controlling various household characteristics and individual heterogeneity through panel structure. We find that public transfers at the individual level lead to crowding out effects, while public transfers targeting household has no significant neutralizing effect on private transfers. Comparing results from different periods, we observe that the effect of both altruistic motive and crowding-out are decreasing. Additionally, we broaden the definition of standard private transfers to include rent-free (subsidized) housing support. Our results reveal that broadly defined private transfers have a downstream character, are less altruistically motivated and produce less crowding-out effect compared to standard definition.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Feb 13, 2011
Au cours des dernières décennies, la littérature internationale a accordé un intérêt particulier ... more Au cours des dernières décennies, la littérature internationale a accordé un intérêt particulier à l'analyse du salaire minimum dans les pays émergents. Dans ce travail, nous nous intéressons au cas de la Turquie. Nous souhaitons contribuer à une littérature économique quasi inexistante concernant les caractéristiques socioéconomiques des salariés payés au salaire minimum. Ainsi, l'objectif principal de ce papier est de dégager un profil pour les salariés rémunérés au salaire minimum. Des techniques économétriques simples (modèle logit dichotomique, modèle logit multinomial ordonné généralisé) sont mises en oeuvre dans un but purement descriptif. Nous mobilisons des données originales issues de l'enquête « Budget » de l'Institut des statistiques de Turquie couvrant la période 2003-2006. A partir de l'affiliation des individus à la sécurité sociale, nous pouvons faire la distinction entre l'emploi formel et l'emploi informel. Ces deux « marchés » de l'emploi ont un fonctionnement assez différent. Par conséquent, nous travaillons sur deux populations : celle des salariés concernés par l'emploi formel et celle des salariés concernés par l'emploi informel. Nous confirmons pour le cas de la Turquie, que le fait de toucher le salaire minimum est associé plus fréquemment à des populations considérées généralement comme « fragiles » (femmes, jeunes, personnes résidant à la campagne, individus ayant peu d'ancienneté dans l'entreprise et personnes qui perçoivent des aides de la part de l'Etat). En outre, ces caractéristiques socio-économiques influencent de la même manière la propension d'être payé autour du salaire minimum pour les populations de salariés formels et informels. En revanche, des caractéristiques comme le niveau du diplôme, le secteur d'activité ou la taille de l'entreprise ont des effets différents sur la probabilité de toucher une rémunération proche du salaire minimum pour les salariés formels et les salariés informels.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Oct 1, 2011
The Turkish labour market, like that of many developing economies, is characterised by widespread... more The Turkish labour market, like that of many developing economies, is characterised by widespread recourse to informal jobs. Several measures have recently been taken by the Turkish authorities to limit the extent of this tendency. These are in keeping with the dynamic process of accession to the EU to which Turkey has been committed since the opening of negotiations in October 2005. From Household Labour Force surveys conducted by the Turkish Statistical Institute, the study presented here depicts a panorama of informal employment in Turkey before the implementation of these measures. It responds to the need expressed by the Council of the European Union to have an analysis of undeclared work. From a descriptive analysis of the main features of informal jobs and from the estimation of the probability of informal employment, it brings out a number of lessons on how to target policies to combat informal employment in Turkey and on the people who encounter the greatest difficulties in accessing or participating in the market.
This paper examines the relationship between the minimum wage and employment in Turkey for the ye... more This paper examines the relationship between the minimum wage and employment in Turkey for the years 2004 -14. We investigate whether the national minimum wage has affected the employment rates of workers aged 15-29 by taking regional disparities into account. Our results do not suggest any dis-employment effect of the minimum wage. However, a correlation between the minimum wage and the informal employment rate is confirmed.
Ege Academic Review, Jan 30, 2022
This paper aims to contribute to the growing literature on crowding out/in effects of public tran... more This paper aims to contribute to the growing literature on crowding out/in effects of public transfers in Turkey. We estimate the effects of public transfers on the amount and likelihood of receiving private transfers. We find that individual-level public transfers lead to crowding out whereas public transfers targeting households have no significant neutralizing effect. Comparing consecutive periods, the effect of altruistic motivation and crowding out are both decreasing. The broadly defined private transfers including housing support have a downstream character, are less altruistically motivated and produce less crowding out than with the narrow definition. This study has several policy implications: (i) public transfers for families excluded from social security coverage should be increased; (ii) public transfers targeting households should be strengthened; (iii) lone parents, particularly female-headed households should be prioritized; (iv) social welfare policy needs to complement private solidarity channels as the family structure and income composition of households change.
Travail et emploi, 2011
LEO, UMR 6221, université d'Orléans ; oana.calavrezo@ Nous remercions les mem... more LEO, UMR 6221, université d'Orléans ; oana.calavrezo@ Nous remercions les membres de l'équipe MEdiT du cEE, en particulier isabelle Bensidoun et Mélika Ben Salem pour leurs suggestions concernant des versions antérieures de ce travail. Nous souhaitons également remercier corinne Perraudin, Richard duhautois, claudio Salvadori dedecca, Jacques Freyssinet, Ahmet Insel, Nicolas Linard, Antoine Math, Pierre Ralle et Mustafa Ulus pour leurs conseils précieux. cet article a été inancé par le bureau des projets de recherche (BAP) de l'Université de Galatasaray (numéro de projet : 10.03.004). Nous restons seules responsables des éventuelles erreurs ou omissions. Au moment de l'écriture de la première version de ce papier, Selin Pelek et Oana calavrezo étaient également membres du centre d'Études de l'Emploi.
Cette thèse a pour objectif d’analyser des effets du salaire minimum en Turquie où le salaire min... more Cette thèse a pour objectif d’analyser des effets du salaire minimum en Turquie où le salaire minimum est un instrument de politique sociale essentiel. Cette thèse s’articule autour de quatre chapitres : Le premier chapitre présente les institutions du salaire minimum et les principaux résultats obtenus dans la littérature concernant les divers effets du salaire minimum sur les différentes variables économiques et sociales dans les pays en développement. Le deuxième chapitre identifie empiriquement le profil des salariés payés au salaire minimum. Les résultats indiquent que la probabilité d’être rémunéré au salaire minimum est élevée parmi la population considérée comme « fragile ». Le troisième chapitre examine les effets du salaire minimum sur l’emploi dans le cadre de la demande et de l’offre du travail et montre que le salaire minimum n’a pas d’impact négatif sur l’emploi. Par ailleurs, une hausse du salaire minimum exerce un effet positif sur la probabilité de rester en emploi....
Ekonomi-tek, 2018
In this paper, we investigate the effect of the minimum wage on the entire system of wage distrib... more In this paper, we investigate the effect of the minimum wage on the entire system of wage distribution. More specifically, we address the issue of wage inequality by taking into account the potential distributional outcomes of minimum-wage legislation. We decompose the wage differences and the variations in the wage inequality before and after the sizable minimum-wage boost in 2004, following the methodology introduced by DiNardo, Fortin, and Lemieux (1996). We use a non-parametric reweighting approach to decompose the effects of the minimum-wage hike as well as other factors that may have affected the wage distribution. Our main findings confirm that the minimum wage played a pivotal role in reducing wage inequality for both Turkish male and female wage earners between the years 2003 and 2005.
Social Science Research Network, Dec 31, 2022
Yönetim ve ekonomi araştırmaları dergisi, Mar 1, 2022
Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de diplomalı işsizlik olgusunu eğitim alanlarını merkeze alarak inceleme amac... more Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de diplomalı işsizlik olgusunu eğitim alanlarını merkeze alarak inceleme amacı taşımaktadır. 2014-2019 yıllarını kapsayan Hanehalkı İşgücü Anketi mikro veri setleri kullanılarak mezuniyet alanları sekiz grupta toplanmış ve mezunların işgücü piyasasındaki geçiş matrisleri gösterilmiştir. Heckman iki aşamalı tahmincisi ile örneklem seçim yanlılığı kontrol edilerek işsizlikmezuniyet alanı ilişkisi ekonometrik olarak test edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar eğitimli işsizliğinin kalıcı karakterine işaret etmektedir. Sağlık ve sosyal hizmet bölümleri, eğitim bilimleri ve kişisel hizmetler, ulaşım, güvenlik bölümlerinden mezun olanların işsizlik ihtimali göreceli olarak daha düşük bulunmuştur.
Review of applied socio-economic research, Dec 7, 2019
The emergence of solidarity economy initiatives in Turkey could be considered as a result of the ... more The emergence of solidarity economy initiatives in Turkey could be considered as a result of the historical process of the 1980s and the strengthened neoliberal policies over the past two decades. In this context, the disengagement and decentralization of the State, as well as the rise of civil society, challenges the role of the solidarity economy initiatives in territorial development. Are they integrated into the governance and regulation of their field of activity? Rather than a total disengagement, Turkey has been marked by a concentration of power and government control over many sectors and strong interdependence of civil society organizations. By targeting six activity fields (short food circuit, education, popular university, construction, refugees, and consumption without purchase), we conducted 25 interviews and a two-day workshop with the members of the solidarity initiatives. According to our findings, these initiatives have emerged outside of the market and public authorities. The social movements that occurred over the past years have significant effects on their emergence. Faced with the reluctance and/or rejection by the public authorities, most of them are characterized by a form of autonomy and self-organization capacity in their emergence phase. While in the beginning, they were based on the reciprocity principle, they aim to be consolidated by the market and nonmarket resources in the next phase. Finally, the solidarity economy initiatives would provide a basis for civic or citizen governance through their network ties and could have a positive impact in terms of social, economic, cultural, and local development.
Review of Income and Wealth, Sep 18, 2019
State Dependence in Welfare Benefits in a Non-Welfare Context * This study contributes to the ong... more State Dependence in Welfare Benefits in a Non-Welfare Context * This study contributes to the ongoing debate about welfare dependency centered on the western societies through an empirical analysis, within the context of a developing country. It examines state dependence in social assistance benefit receipt using longitudinal data from Turkey, where benefit receipt and persistence rates have witnessed a significant increase since the last decade. Identification is achieved by dynamic random effects probit models, controlling for unobserved heterogeneity and endogenous initial conditions. Particularly, Wooldridge's (2005) estimator and its extensions are applied for achieving consistent and correct estimates of state dependence. In order to check for sensitivity, the results are compared with the results from Heckman's (1981) reduced form approach. Both estimators enable us to deal with the potential bias due to the short panel length. It is found that the benefit receipt of the last year increases the likelihood of benefit receipt in the current year by 17 to 22 percentage points. This evidence suggests that state dependence in social assistance might also be a relevant phenomenon for developing countries.
WORLD SCIENTIFIC eBooks, Oct 6, 2020
The following sections are included:IntroductionEconomic Growth and Unemployment Cycles in the Pe... more The following sections are included:IntroductionEconomic Growth and Unemployment Cycles in the Period of 2005–2019The Structural Issues of the Labor MarketMain Challenges AheadReferences
Travail et emploi, Jun 15, 2011
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Jul 9, 2013
In this paper, we investigate the effect of the minimum wage on the entire wage distribution. Mor... more In this paper, we investigate the effect of the minimum wage on the entire wage distribution. More specifically, we address the issue of wage inequality by taking into account the potential distributional outcomes of the minimum wage legislation. We decompose the wage differences and the changes in the wage inequality before and after the sizeable minimum wage increase in 2004 following the methodology introduced by DiNardo, Fortin and Lemieux (1996). We use a non-parametric reweighting approach to decompose the effects of the minimum wage increase as well as other factors that may have changed the wage distribution. Our main findings confirm that the minimum wage has played the pivotal role in reducing wage inequality for both men and women wage earners between 2003 and 2005.
Praksis, 2019
Öz Güvencesiz çalışmanın yaygınlaştığı, emeğin örgütlü gücünün gerilediği neoliberal dönemde prek... more Öz Güvencesiz çalışmanın yaygınlaştığı, emeğin örgütlü gücünün gerilediği neoliberal dönemde prekarya kavramı işçi sınıfını yeniden tanımlama iddiasıyla ortaya atılmış ve yeni bir sınıf olarak kuramsallaştırılmıştır. Bu çalışmada prekaryanın düşünsel kökleri ve politik yol haritası gözden geçirilmekte ve Marksist bir perspektiften bu kavramın sınırları tartışılmaktadır. Çalışmada 2016 Hanehalkı İşgücü Anketi kullanılarak prekaryaya atfedilen özellikler incelenmiş ve Türkiye işgücü piyasasında istihdamın klasik biçimlerinin hala geçerli olduğu öne sürülmüştür. Bulgular ücretli çalışanların yeni bir sınıf oluşturmaktan ziyade yedek işgücü ordusu bağlamında değerlendirilmesinin uygunluğuna işaret etmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Prekarya, güvencesizleşme, yedek işgücü ordusu, kayıt dışı istihdam, kısmi zamanlı çalışma, geçici çalışma A Critique of the Precariat as a Class Concept Abstract The concept of "precariat" has been theorized as a new class with an assertion of redefining the working class when precarious employment became widespread and the power of organized labor retreated in the neoliberal era. This study examines the ideological roots and political route-map of the precariat and discusses the limits of this concept through a Marxist perspective. Using Turkish Household Labor Force Survey (2016) to analyze precariat's attributes, this paper argues that the classical forms of employment still effective in the labor market. The findings indicate the convenience of the evaluation of wage earners in the context of the reserve army of labor rather than constituting a new class.
Amme Idaresi Dergisi, 2021
Öz: Bu çalışma, dünya ölçeğinde işgücü piyasası düzenleme aracı olarak yaygın biçimde uygulanan a... more Öz: Bu çalışma, dünya ölçeğinde işgücü piyasası düzenleme aracı olarak yaygın biçimde uygulanan asgari ücretin seçimlerle olan ilişkisine odaklanmaktadır. İşçi-işveren-devlet temsilcilerinden oluşan üçlü bir komisyon ile belirlenen asgari ücret seviyeleri göz önüne alınarak, Türkiye'de seçim dönemlerinin asgari ücret üzerinde ne tür bir etki yaptığı so-rusu ekonometrik olarak test edilmiştir. Çalışmanın kuramsal çerçevesini politik iş çevri-mi literatürü oluşturmaktadır. 1975-2019 yılları arasında reel asgari ücret değişimlerinin belirleyenleri regresyon analizine tabi tutulmuş ve elde edilen bulgular ışığında, seçim dönemlerinin reel asgari ücret artışlarında istatistiki olarak anlamlı bir etmen olduğu ileri sürülmüştür. Abstract: This study focuses on the relationship between minimum wage, which is a widely used labor market regulation across the world, and elections. Taking into consideration the minimum wage levels set by a tripartite commission, including workers',employers' and government's representatives, an econometric analysis is conducted to find out the impacts of the election periods on the minimum wage in Turkey. The theoretical framework of the study relies on the political business cycle literature. The determinants of real minimum wage changes between 1975 and 2019 are subjected to regression analysis. The findings suggest that election periods in Turkey is a statistically significant factor for real minimum wage increases.
In this paper, we investigate the effect of the minimum wage on the entire system of wage distrib... more In this paper, we investigate the effect of the minimum wage on the entire system of wage distribution. More specifically, we address the issue of wage inequality by taking into account the potential distributional outcomes of minimum-wage legislation. We decompose the wage differences and the variations in the wage inequality before and after the sizable minimum-wage boost in 2004, following the methodology introduced by DiNardo, Fortin, and Lemieux (1996). We use a non-parametric reweighting approach to decompose the effects of the minimum-wage hike as well as other factors that may have affected the wage distribution. Our main findings confirm that the minimum wage played a pivotal role in reducing wage inequality for both Turkish male and female wage earners between the years 2003 and 2005.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Apr 10, 2019
This paper aims to contribute to the growing literature on the crowding out/in effect of public t... more This paper aims to contribute to the growing literature on the crowding out/in effect of public transfers on private ones by using two consecutive four-year SILC panel data from Turkey covering years 2008-2011 and 2012-2015. Over the period under study, the number of beneficiaries has increased and the welfare system has expanded to segments of society that were uncovered before. In order to quantify the interaction between public and private transfers, we estimate the effects of public transfers on the amount and likelihood of receiving private transfers by controlling various household characteristics and individual heterogeneity through panel structure. We find that public transfers at the individual level lead to crowding out effects, while public transfers targeting household has no significant neutralizing effect on private transfers. Comparing results from different periods, we observe that the effect of both altruistic motive and crowding-out are decreasing. Additionally, we broaden the definition of standard private transfers to include rent-free (subsidized) housing support. Our results reveal that broadly defined private transfers have a downstream character, are less altruistically motivated and produce less crowding-out effect compared to standard definition.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Feb 13, 2011
Au cours des dernières décennies, la littérature internationale a accordé un intérêt particulier ... more Au cours des dernières décennies, la littérature internationale a accordé un intérêt particulier à l'analyse du salaire minimum dans les pays émergents. Dans ce travail, nous nous intéressons au cas de la Turquie. Nous souhaitons contribuer à une littérature économique quasi inexistante concernant les caractéristiques socioéconomiques des salariés payés au salaire minimum. Ainsi, l'objectif principal de ce papier est de dégager un profil pour les salariés rémunérés au salaire minimum. Des techniques économétriques simples (modèle logit dichotomique, modèle logit multinomial ordonné généralisé) sont mises en oeuvre dans un but purement descriptif. Nous mobilisons des données originales issues de l'enquête « Budget » de l'Institut des statistiques de Turquie couvrant la période 2003-2006. A partir de l'affiliation des individus à la sécurité sociale, nous pouvons faire la distinction entre l'emploi formel et l'emploi informel. Ces deux « marchés » de l'emploi ont un fonctionnement assez différent. Par conséquent, nous travaillons sur deux populations : celle des salariés concernés par l'emploi formel et celle des salariés concernés par l'emploi informel. Nous confirmons pour le cas de la Turquie, que le fait de toucher le salaire minimum est associé plus fréquemment à des populations considérées généralement comme « fragiles » (femmes, jeunes, personnes résidant à la campagne, individus ayant peu d'ancienneté dans l'entreprise et personnes qui perçoivent des aides de la part de l'Etat). En outre, ces caractéristiques socio-économiques influencent de la même manière la propension d'être payé autour du salaire minimum pour les populations de salariés formels et informels. En revanche, des caractéristiques comme le niveau du diplôme, le secteur d'activité ou la taille de l'entreprise ont des effets différents sur la probabilité de toucher une rémunération proche du salaire minimum pour les salariés formels et les salariés informels.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Oct 1, 2011
The Turkish labour market, like that of many developing economies, is characterised by widespread... more The Turkish labour market, like that of many developing economies, is characterised by widespread recourse to informal jobs. Several measures have recently been taken by the Turkish authorities to limit the extent of this tendency. These are in keeping with the dynamic process of accession to the EU to which Turkey has been committed since the opening of negotiations in October 2005. From Household Labour Force surveys conducted by the Turkish Statistical Institute, the study presented here depicts a panorama of informal employment in Turkey before the implementation of these measures. It responds to the need expressed by the Council of the European Union to have an analysis of undeclared work. From a descriptive analysis of the main features of informal jobs and from the estimation of the probability of informal employment, it brings out a number of lessons on how to target policies to combat informal employment in Turkey and on the people who encounter the greatest difficulties in accessing or participating in the market.
This paper examines the relationship between the minimum wage and employment in Turkey for the ye... more This paper examines the relationship between the minimum wage and employment in Turkey for the years 2004 -14. We investigate whether the national minimum wage has affected the employment rates of workers aged 15-29 by taking regional disparities into account. Our results do not suggest any dis-employment effect of the minimum wage. However, a correlation between the minimum wage and the informal employment rate is confirmed.
Ege Academic Review, Jan 30, 2022
This paper aims to contribute to the growing literature on crowding out/in effects of public tran... more This paper aims to contribute to the growing literature on crowding out/in effects of public transfers in Turkey. We estimate the effects of public transfers on the amount and likelihood of receiving private transfers. We find that individual-level public transfers lead to crowding out whereas public transfers targeting households have no significant neutralizing effect. Comparing consecutive periods, the effect of altruistic motivation and crowding out are both decreasing. The broadly defined private transfers including housing support have a downstream character, are less altruistically motivated and produce less crowding out than with the narrow definition. This study has several policy implications: (i) public transfers for families excluded from social security coverage should be increased; (ii) public transfers targeting households should be strengthened; (iii) lone parents, particularly female-headed households should be prioritized; (iv) social welfare policy needs to complement private solidarity channels as the family structure and income composition of households change.
Travail et emploi, 2011
LEO, UMR 6221, université d'Orléans ; oana.calavrezo@ Nous remercions les mem... more LEO, UMR 6221, université d'Orléans ; oana.calavrezo@ Nous remercions les membres de l'équipe MEdiT du cEE, en particulier isabelle Bensidoun et Mélika Ben Salem pour leurs suggestions concernant des versions antérieures de ce travail. Nous souhaitons également remercier corinne Perraudin, Richard duhautois, claudio Salvadori dedecca, Jacques Freyssinet, Ahmet Insel, Nicolas Linard, Antoine Math, Pierre Ralle et Mustafa Ulus pour leurs conseils précieux. cet article a été inancé par le bureau des projets de recherche (BAP) de l'Université de Galatasaray (numéro de projet : 10.03.004). Nous restons seules responsables des éventuelles erreurs ou omissions. Au moment de l'écriture de la première version de ce papier, Selin Pelek et Oana calavrezo étaient également membres du centre d'Études de l'Emploi.
Cette thèse a pour objectif d’analyser des effets du salaire minimum en Turquie où le salaire min... more Cette thèse a pour objectif d’analyser des effets du salaire minimum en Turquie où le salaire minimum est un instrument de politique sociale essentiel. Cette thèse s’articule autour de quatre chapitres : Le premier chapitre présente les institutions du salaire minimum et les principaux résultats obtenus dans la littérature concernant les divers effets du salaire minimum sur les différentes variables économiques et sociales dans les pays en développement. Le deuxième chapitre identifie empiriquement le profil des salariés payés au salaire minimum. Les résultats indiquent que la probabilité d’être rémunéré au salaire minimum est élevée parmi la population considérée comme « fragile ». Le troisième chapitre examine les effets du salaire minimum sur l’emploi dans le cadre de la demande et de l’offre du travail et montre que le salaire minimum n’a pas d’impact négatif sur l’emploi. Par ailleurs, une hausse du salaire minimum exerce un effet positif sur la probabilité de rester en emploi....
Ekonomi-tek, 2018
In this paper, we investigate the effect of the minimum wage on the entire system of wage distrib... more In this paper, we investigate the effect of the minimum wage on the entire system of wage distribution. More specifically, we address the issue of wage inequality by taking into account the potential distributional outcomes of minimum-wage legislation. We decompose the wage differences and the variations in the wage inequality before and after the sizable minimum-wage boost in 2004, following the methodology introduced by DiNardo, Fortin, and Lemieux (1996). We use a non-parametric reweighting approach to decompose the effects of the minimum-wage hike as well as other factors that may have affected the wage distribution. Our main findings confirm that the minimum wage played a pivotal role in reducing wage inequality for both Turkish male and female wage earners between the years 2003 and 2005.