Septian Pratama - (original) (raw)

Septian Pratama


Drafts by Septian Pratama


ABTRACT The underlying factors that influence tourist's decision to determine tourism destination... more ABTRACT The underlying factors that influence tourist's decision to determine tourism destinations are essential for every related stakeholder, in their efforts to crafting tourism marketing strategies. If the tourism stakeholders were able to identify these factors, it's easier to focus according to the needs of the consumers. The purposes of this research are to determine the factors that influence domestic tourist in Indonesia when they must choose a tourism destination and to identify the most important or dominant factors from those. The benefits of this research are to provide a marketing strategy basis for tourism stakeholders based on the most important and dominant factors that fits the needs of domestic tourist perception. This research began with a list of 24 factors that frequently to consider by domestic tourists when selecting a tourism destination. By using Cochran Q Test method, we obtained 15 most important factor with Personal Motivation Factor positioned as Rank 1 most important factor and should be considered when determining a tourist destination. ABSTRAK Faktor yang mendukung keputusan wisatawan untuk menentukan destinasi wisata merupakan hal yang penting bagi stakeholder pariwisata dalam rangka penyusunan strategi pemasaran kepariwisataan. Apabila stakeholder pariwisata mampu mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor ini, maka lebih mudah untuk menfokuskan perencanan strategi pemasaran sesuai dengan kebutuhan konsumen, sehingga destinasi wisatanya memiliki kemungkinan yang lebih tinggi untuk dipilih oleh wisatawan domestik. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan pemilihan destinasi wisata bagi wisatawan domestik nusantara di Indonesia dan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang paling penting atau dominan mempengaruhi keputusan pemilihan destinasi wisata bagi wisatawan domestik nusantara di Indonesia. Keutamaan penelitian ini adalah memberikan dasar bagi stakeholder dalam penyusunan strategi pemasaran pariwisata yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan paling penting dari wisatawan domestik nusantara di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan me-list 24 faktor yang paling sering dipertimbangkan oleh wisatawan domestik nusantara pada saat menentukan pemilihan destinasi wisata. Kemudian metode iterasi Cochran Q Test didapatkan 15 faktor yang paling penting dengan faktor Motivasi Personal menduduki peringkat nomor 1 faktor yang paling penting dan perlu dipertimbangkan saat menentukan destinasi wisata.

Papers by Septian Pratama

Research paper thumbnail of Ka Bakau: Ekowisata Mangrove Berbasis Pengetahuan Lokal

Indonesian Journal of Tourism and Leisure, 2021

This study discussed mangrove ecotourism based on Sanak Sedagho, namely ecotourism management bas... more This study discussed mangrove ecotourism based on Sanak Sedagho, namely ecotourism management based on local wisdom. The management of sanak sedagho is novelty finding in the management of mangrove ecosystems. The mangrove ecotourism in Sungai Apit Sub-district is not active, while the Mangrove Sungai Bersejarah (MSB) Ecotourism still survives, it is still visited and as meeting place at the sub-district and district levels. This study is an ethnographic, where the researcher lived for two months in Sungai Ara Permai Village. The data were taken through library studies, internet, observation, participation observation, informal discussion and in-depth interviews. The main informants in this study are the initiators and managers of MSB Ecotourism and other informants who are community members and workers in MSB Ecotourism. This study found that the management of ecotourism based on local wisdom, in this case the sanak sedagho, is the key to the success of MSB Ecotourism being able su...


ABTRACT The underlying factors that influence tourist's decision to determine tourism destination... more ABTRACT The underlying factors that influence tourist's decision to determine tourism destinations are essential for every related stakeholder, in their efforts to crafting tourism marketing strategies. If the tourism stakeholders were able to identify these factors, it's easier to focus according to the needs of the consumers. The purposes of this research are to determine the factors that influence domestic tourist in Indonesia when they must choose a tourism destination and to identify the most important or dominant factors from those. The benefits of this research are to provide a marketing strategy basis for tourism stakeholders based on the most important and dominant factors that fits the needs of domestic tourist perception. This research began with a list of 24 factors that frequently to consider by domestic tourists when selecting a tourism destination. By using Cochran Q Test method, we obtained 15 most important factor with Personal Motivation Factor positioned as Rank 1 most important factor and should be considered when determining a tourist destination. ABSTRAK Faktor yang mendukung keputusan wisatawan untuk menentukan destinasi wisata merupakan hal yang penting bagi stakeholder pariwisata dalam rangka penyusunan strategi pemasaran kepariwisataan. Apabila stakeholder pariwisata mampu mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor ini, maka lebih mudah untuk menfokuskan perencanan strategi pemasaran sesuai dengan kebutuhan konsumen, sehingga destinasi wisatanya memiliki kemungkinan yang lebih tinggi untuk dipilih oleh wisatawan domestik. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan pemilihan destinasi wisata bagi wisatawan domestik nusantara di Indonesia dan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang paling penting atau dominan mempengaruhi keputusan pemilihan destinasi wisata bagi wisatawan domestik nusantara di Indonesia. Keutamaan penelitian ini adalah memberikan dasar bagi stakeholder dalam penyusunan strategi pemasaran pariwisata yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan paling penting dari wisatawan domestik nusantara di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan me-list 24 faktor yang paling sering dipertimbangkan oleh wisatawan domestik nusantara pada saat menentukan pemilihan destinasi wisata. Kemudian metode iterasi Cochran Q Test didapatkan 15 faktor yang paling penting dengan faktor Motivasi Personal menduduki peringkat nomor 1 faktor yang paling penting dan perlu dipertimbangkan saat menentukan destinasi wisata.

Research paper thumbnail of Ka Bakau: Ekowisata Mangrove Berbasis Pengetahuan Lokal

Indonesian Journal of Tourism and Leisure, 2021

This study discussed mangrove ecotourism based on Sanak Sedagho, namely ecotourism management bas... more This study discussed mangrove ecotourism based on Sanak Sedagho, namely ecotourism management based on local wisdom. The management of sanak sedagho is novelty finding in the management of mangrove ecosystems. The mangrove ecotourism in Sungai Apit Sub-district is not active, while the Mangrove Sungai Bersejarah (MSB) Ecotourism still survives, it is still visited and as meeting place at the sub-district and district levels. This study is an ethnographic, where the researcher lived for two months in Sungai Ara Permai Village. The data were taken through library studies, internet, observation, participation observation, informal discussion and in-depth interviews. The main informants in this study are the initiators and managers of MSB Ecotourism and other informants who are community members and workers in MSB Ecotourism. This study found that the management of ecotourism based on local wisdom, in this case the sanak sedagho, is the key to the success of MSB Ecotourism being able su...

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