Sergio Cordoba - (original) (raw)

Papers by Sergio Cordoba

Research paper thumbnail of Nuevos registros y ampliación de distribución de aves en la vertiente occidental, cordillera oriental, Santander, Colombia

Acta Biológica Colombiana

Las aves de la vertiente occidental de la Cordillera Oriental en Santander han sido poco estudiad... more Las aves de la vertiente occidental de la Cordillera Oriental en Santander han sido poco estudiadas. La Serranía de los Yariguíes y zonas aledañas, al norte del municipio de El Peñón, han sido muestreados en la última década con nuevas subespecies descritas y ampliaciones de distribución. Estudiamos las aves de la parte alta del municipio de El Peñón entre los 2750 a 2850 m s.n.m. durante ocho días de campo en agosto de 2016, mediante captura con redes de niebla y observaciones visuales y auditivas en bosques de roble. Registramos 77 especies de aves pertenecientes a 13 órdenes y 29 familias. La familia mejor representada fue Tyrannidae (Atrapamoscas) con 12 especies, seguida por Trochilidae (Colibríes) con nueve y Thraupidae (Fruteros y afines) con ocho. Registramos la ampliación de distribución geográfica para la endémica Pyrrhyra calliptera para el flanco occidental de la Cordillera Oriental, la segunda localidad para Macroagelaius subalaris para este flanco y al sur de los regis...

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Research paper thumbnail of Confirmation of buff-fronted owl Aegolius harrisii for the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia

Bulletin of the British Ornithologists Club, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Listado actualizado de las aves endémicas y casi-endémicas de Colombia

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Research paper thumbnail of Nesting Preferences and Population Estimates of a New Black Noddy Anous Minutus Breeding Colony on One Tree Island, …

Marine …, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Manual de métodos para el desarrollo de inventarios de biodiversidad

SIDALC - Servicio de Informacion y Documentacion Agropecuaria de las Americas.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nuevos registros y ampliación de distribución de aves en la vertiente occidental, cordillera oriental, Santander, Colombia

Acta Biológica Colombiana

Las aves de la vertiente occidental de la Cordillera Oriental en Santander han sido poco estudiad... more Las aves de la vertiente occidental de la Cordillera Oriental en Santander han sido poco estudiadas. La Serranía de los Yariguíes y zonas aledañas, al norte del municipio de El Peñón, han sido muestreados en la última década con nuevas subespecies descritas y ampliaciones de distribución. Estudiamos las aves de la parte alta del municipio de El Peñón entre los 2750 a 2850 m s.n.m. durante ocho días de campo en agosto de 2016, mediante captura con redes de niebla y observaciones visuales y auditivas en bosques de roble. Registramos 77 especies de aves pertenecientes a 13 órdenes y 29 familias. La familia mejor representada fue Tyrannidae (Atrapamoscas) con 12 especies, seguida por Trochilidae (Colibríes) con nueve y Thraupidae (Fruteros y afines) con ocho. Registramos la ampliación de distribución geográfica para la endémica Pyrrhyra calliptera para el flanco occidental de la Cordillera Oriental, la segunda localidad para Macroagelaius subalaris para este flanco y al sur de los regis...

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Research paper thumbnail of El arte de ilustrar Aves, una breve reseña de la historia del arte en la ornitología

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Research paper thumbnail of Radiotelemetry reveals variation in fever and sickness behaviours with latitude in a free-living passerine

Functional Ecology, 2010

1. The acute phase immune response, which includes fever and sickness behaviours, carries high co... more 1. The acute phase immune response, which includes fever and sickness behaviours, carries high costs in energy and time, but enhances pathogen clearance in diverse hosts. Hypotheses based upon pathogen pressures and life-history trade-offs predict that costly immune responses will decrease in strength as latitude increases. However, whether the acute phase response shows latitudinal patterns among free-living, wild populations remains unknown.2. Here, we studied fever and sickness behaviours during the early breeding season in free-living song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) along a latitudinal gradient in southern California (CA), Washington (WA), and Alaska (AK). In 2007 and 2008, we injected males with lipopolysaccharide and assessed sickness behaviour by measuring changes in territorial aggression. In 2008, we monitored fever and sickness behaviour in CA and WA birds using a novel telemetric technique: skin-mounted radiotransmitters with temperature sensors.3. In 2007, territorial defence varied by latitude, with a lower probability of territorial response at 24 h after injection in CA, but not in WA or AK. Radiotelemetry in 2008 revealed that CA birds showed pronounced and prolonged lethargy and fever (c. 2 °C above control males throughout the night), whereas WA birds showed only moderate lethargy and fever (c. 1 °C, returning to control levels during the night).4. This study establishes radiotelemetry as a powerful method for quantifying fever and sickness behaviours in small, free-living vertebrates. Moreover, our data suggest that latitude predicts the strength of these responses. These results can provide insight into disease susceptibility and spread among wild populations.

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Research paper thumbnail of A comprehensive multilocus phylogeny for the wood-warblers and a revised classification of the Parulidae (Aves

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2010

The birds in the family Parulidae—commonly termed the New World warblers or wood-warblers—are a c... more The birds in the family Parulidae—commonly termed the New World warblers or wood-warblers—are a classic model radiation for studies of ecological and behavioral differentiation. Although the monophyly of a ‘core’ wood-warbler clade is well established, no phylogenetic hypothesis for this group has included a full sampling of wood-warbler species diversity. We used parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods to reconstruct relationships among all genera and nearly all wood-warbler species, based on a matrix of mitochondrial DNA (5840 nucleotides) and nuclear DNA (6 loci, 4602 nucleotides) characters. The resulting phylogenetic hypotheses provide a highly congruent picture of wood-warbler relationships, and indicate that the traditional generic classification of these birds recognizes many non-monophyletic groups. We recommend a revised taxonomy in which each of 14 genera (Seiurus, Helmitheros, Mniotilta, Limnothlypis, Protonotaria, Parkesia, Vermivora, Oreothlypis, Geothlypis, Setophaga, Myioborus, Cardellina, Basileuterus, Myiothlypis) corresponds to a well-supported clade; these nomenclatural changes also involve subsuming a number of well-known, traditional wood-warbler genera (Catharopeza, Dendroica, Ergaticus, Euthlypis, Leucopeza, Oporornis, Parula, Phaeothlypis, Wilsonia). We provide a summary phylogenetic hypothesis that will be broadly applicable to investigations of the historical biogeography, processes of diversification, and evolution of trait variation in this well studied avian group.► This is the first comprehensive phylogeny for the Parulidae (wood-warblers). ► Most traditionally recognized wood-warbler genera are not monophyletic. ► We propose a revised genus-level taxonomy based on these new phylogenetic data.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nuevos registros y ampliación de distribución de aves en la vertiente occidental, cordillera oriental, Santander, Colombia

Acta Biológica Colombiana

Las aves de la vertiente occidental de la Cordillera Oriental en Santander han sido poco estudiad... more Las aves de la vertiente occidental de la Cordillera Oriental en Santander han sido poco estudiadas. La Serranía de los Yariguíes y zonas aledañas, al norte del municipio de El Peñón, han sido muestreados en la última década con nuevas subespecies descritas y ampliaciones de distribución. Estudiamos las aves de la parte alta del municipio de El Peñón entre los 2750 a 2850 m s.n.m. durante ocho días de campo en agosto de 2016, mediante captura con redes de niebla y observaciones visuales y auditivas en bosques de roble. Registramos 77 especies de aves pertenecientes a 13 órdenes y 29 familias. La familia mejor representada fue Tyrannidae (Atrapamoscas) con 12 especies, seguida por Trochilidae (Colibríes) con nueve y Thraupidae (Fruteros y afines) con ocho. Registramos la ampliación de distribución geográfica para la endémica Pyrrhyra calliptera para el flanco occidental de la Cordillera Oriental, la segunda localidad para Macroagelaius subalaris para este flanco y al sur de los regis...

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Research paper thumbnail of Confirmation of buff-fronted owl Aegolius harrisii for the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia

Bulletin of the British Ornithologists Club, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Listado actualizado de las aves endémicas y casi-endémicas de Colombia

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Research paper thumbnail of Nesting Preferences and Population Estimates of a New Black Noddy Anous Minutus Breeding Colony on One Tree Island, …

Marine …, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Manual de métodos para el desarrollo de inventarios de biodiversidad

SIDALC - Servicio de Informacion y Documentacion Agropecuaria de las Americas.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nuevos registros y ampliación de distribución de aves en la vertiente occidental, cordillera oriental, Santander, Colombia

Acta Biológica Colombiana

Las aves de la vertiente occidental de la Cordillera Oriental en Santander han sido poco estudiad... more Las aves de la vertiente occidental de la Cordillera Oriental en Santander han sido poco estudiadas. La Serranía de los Yariguíes y zonas aledañas, al norte del municipio de El Peñón, han sido muestreados en la última década con nuevas subespecies descritas y ampliaciones de distribución. Estudiamos las aves de la parte alta del municipio de El Peñón entre los 2750 a 2850 m s.n.m. durante ocho días de campo en agosto de 2016, mediante captura con redes de niebla y observaciones visuales y auditivas en bosques de roble. Registramos 77 especies de aves pertenecientes a 13 órdenes y 29 familias. La familia mejor representada fue Tyrannidae (Atrapamoscas) con 12 especies, seguida por Trochilidae (Colibríes) con nueve y Thraupidae (Fruteros y afines) con ocho. Registramos la ampliación de distribución geográfica para la endémica Pyrrhyra calliptera para el flanco occidental de la Cordillera Oriental, la segunda localidad para Macroagelaius subalaris para este flanco y al sur de los regis...

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Research paper thumbnail of El arte de ilustrar Aves, una breve reseña de la historia del arte en la ornitología

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Research paper thumbnail of Radiotelemetry reveals variation in fever and sickness behaviours with latitude in a free-living passerine

Functional Ecology, 2010

1. The acute phase immune response, which includes fever and sickness behaviours, carries high co... more 1. The acute phase immune response, which includes fever and sickness behaviours, carries high costs in energy and time, but enhances pathogen clearance in diverse hosts. Hypotheses based upon pathogen pressures and life-history trade-offs predict that costly immune responses will decrease in strength as latitude increases. However, whether the acute phase response shows latitudinal patterns among free-living, wild populations remains unknown.2. Here, we studied fever and sickness behaviours during the early breeding season in free-living song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) along a latitudinal gradient in southern California (CA), Washington (WA), and Alaska (AK). In 2007 and 2008, we injected males with lipopolysaccharide and assessed sickness behaviour by measuring changes in territorial aggression. In 2008, we monitored fever and sickness behaviour in CA and WA birds using a novel telemetric technique: skin-mounted radiotransmitters with temperature sensors.3. In 2007, territorial defence varied by latitude, with a lower probability of territorial response at 24 h after injection in CA, but not in WA or AK. Radiotelemetry in 2008 revealed that CA birds showed pronounced and prolonged lethargy and fever (c. 2 °C above control males throughout the night), whereas WA birds showed only moderate lethargy and fever (c. 1 °C, returning to control levels during the night).4. This study establishes radiotelemetry as a powerful method for quantifying fever and sickness behaviours in small, free-living vertebrates. Moreover, our data suggest that latitude predicts the strength of these responses. These results can provide insight into disease susceptibility and spread among wild populations.

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Research paper thumbnail of A comprehensive multilocus phylogeny for the wood-warblers and a revised classification of the Parulidae (Aves

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2010

The birds in the family Parulidae—commonly termed the New World warblers or wood-warblers—are a c... more The birds in the family Parulidae—commonly termed the New World warblers or wood-warblers—are a classic model radiation for studies of ecological and behavioral differentiation. Although the monophyly of a ‘core’ wood-warbler clade is well established, no phylogenetic hypothesis for this group has included a full sampling of wood-warbler species diversity. We used parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods to reconstruct relationships among all genera and nearly all wood-warbler species, based on a matrix of mitochondrial DNA (5840 nucleotides) and nuclear DNA (6 loci, 4602 nucleotides) characters. The resulting phylogenetic hypotheses provide a highly congruent picture of wood-warbler relationships, and indicate that the traditional generic classification of these birds recognizes many non-monophyletic groups. We recommend a revised taxonomy in which each of 14 genera (Seiurus, Helmitheros, Mniotilta, Limnothlypis, Protonotaria, Parkesia, Vermivora, Oreothlypis, Geothlypis, Setophaga, Myioborus, Cardellina, Basileuterus, Myiothlypis) corresponds to a well-supported clade; these nomenclatural changes also involve subsuming a number of well-known, traditional wood-warbler genera (Catharopeza, Dendroica, Ergaticus, Euthlypis, Leucopeza, Oporornis, Parula, Phaeothlypis, Wilsonia). We provide a summary phylogenetic hypothesis that will be broadly applicable to investigations of the historical biogeography, processes of diversification, and evolution of trait variation in this well studied avian group.► This is the first comprehensive phylogeny for the Parulidae (wood-warblers). ► Most traditionally recognized wood-warbler genera are not monophyletic. ► We propose a revised genus-level taxonomy based on these new phylogenetic data.

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