Serkan NARLI - (original) (raw)
Papers by Serkan NARLI
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Feb 4, 2015
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific re... more HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning
The number and variety of educational mathematics mobile applications (EMMAs) make it difficult t... more The number and variety of educational mathematics mobile applications (EMMAs) make it difficult to select mobile applications for mathematics learning and teaching. Therefore, in this study, multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques, which are effectively used in a wide variety of disciplines, were applied to choose among alternative applications according to specified criteria. In this context, it was aimed to determine which of the 13 considered EMMAs that work on Android-based tools and were proposed by experts according to certain features were most effective with the help of the TOPSIS algorithm, one of the popular MCDM methods. The results obtained from an evaluation using 10 criteria (4 evaluator-independent, 6 evaluator-dependent) were analysed with MATLAB. As a result, the Desmos: Graphing Calculator application was found to rank first among the 13 EMMAs in order of importance. Considering the results obtained, it can be said that the use of MCDM techniques in such d...
Although the emphases on the importance of proving in mathematics education literature, many stud... more Although the emphases on the importance of proving in mathematics education literature, many studies show that undergraduates have difficulty in this regard. Having researchers discussed these difficulties in detail; many frameworks have been presented evaluating the proof from different perspectives. Being one of them the proof image, which takes into account both cognitive and affective factors in proving, was presented by Kidron and Dreyfus (2014) in the context of the theoretical framework of "abstraction in context". However, since the authors have not deepened the relationship between the proof image and formal knowledge, this article was intended to fill this gap. In this study, which is part of a larger doctoral thesis, descriptive method one of the qualitative methods was used. The participants of the study were three pre-service teachers selected via criterion sampling method among sophomore elementary school mathematics teacher candidates. In parallel with a course relating to Cantorian Set Theory, task-based individual interviews (Task I-II-III-IV) were conducted in the context of the equivalence of infinite sets. The subject of "infinity" had been chosen as the context of the study since it contains a process that goes from intuitive to formal. In the first task (Task I), the actions that the participants had performed without enough pre-knowledge was examined in terms of the proof image. In the second task (Task II) carried out after a course, in which basic knowledge was presented, the same question was asked to the participants again. Thus, the processes formed with the presence of formal knowledge were analysed. As a result of the descriptive analysis executed on the data of both tasks, it was determined that Ç, who was one of the participants, reached a proof image in the second task although she failed in the first task. Therefore, in this study, findings of her proving activity were shared. Consequently, formal knowledge has been identified to be directly related to each of the components of the proof image and, its main contributions have been listed as headings.
Contemporary Educational Technology, Nov 14, 2019
This study focuses on the relationship among Content Knowledge (CK), Pedagogic Knowledge (PK), an... more This study focuses on the relationship among Content Knowledge (CK), Pedagogic Knowledge (PK), and Technological Knowledge (TK) using Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). The aim of the study is to use the determined relationship to provide mathematical clarity using the Rough Set Theory, which is commonly used in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Reduction, Determination of Dependencies, Estimation of Data Importance and the establishment of Decision (control) Algorithms. Accordingly, TPACK scale was applied to 340 preservice teachers who, at the time of conducting this study, were continuing their teaching at elementary (grade 5-8) and secondary (grade 9-12) Mathematics Teaching Department. The gathered data was broken into three different groups-low, medium and high. The data grouping allowed for applying of the Rough Set Analysis. This will enable TPACK constructs to assign prospective teachers to any of the three identified groups. Analysis has put forth that the CK, PK and TK components explain TPACK with a dependency degree of 0.105 and that even though the levels of significance of each component is low by itself, it cannot be removed from the data set. Lastly, decision rules have been established between CK, PK and TK with TPACK.
Journal of College Teaching & Learning, Sep 30, 2013
International Journal of Research in Education and Science, Jul 1, 2018
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or s... more This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden.
International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, Apr 16, 2016
Using data mining techniques examination of the middle school students" attitude towards mathemat... more Using data mining techniques examination of the middle school students" attitude towards mathematics in the context of some variables.
Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Elektronik Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi, Jun 27, 2021
Özet-Matematiğin temel bileşenlerinden olan ispat ve ispatlamayı farklı perspektiflerden ele alan... more Özet-Matematiğin temel bileşenlerinden olan ispat ve ispatlamayı farklı perspektiflerden ele alan pek çok teorik çerçeve sunulmuştur. Bunlardan biri olan ispat imajı, Kidron ve Dreyfus'un (2014) iki profesyonel matematikçinin ispat süreci üzerinde yaptığı analizler sayesinde ortaya çıkmıştır. Yazarlar, ispat imajını bileşenleri bağlamında tanımlamış ve bunun formal ispat ile ilişkisini vurgulamıştır. Diğer yandan ispat imajının, formal ispatın ortaya çıkmadığı durumlarda da ortaya çıkabileceği belirtilmesine rağmen böyle bir örnek sunulmamıştır. Teorik çerçevedeki bu boşluk araştırmanın motivasyon kaynağı olarak benimsenmiştir. Çalışma sürecinde çok aşamalı örnekleme yaklaşımı tercih edilmiş ve öncelikle 120 öğretmen adayından cebir ile ilgili iki teoremi ispatlamaları istenmiştir. Daha sonra her iki teoremi de doğru olarak ispatlayabilen 3 katılımcı ile etkinlik temelli mülakatlar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Toplanan veriler üzerinde mikro-analitik analizler yapılmış ve alt bileşenler arasındaki ilişki tartışılmıştır. Ayrıca "aydınlanma" kavramının rolü yorumlanmış ve hislerin etkisi detaylandırılmıştır. Bu sayede katılımcılardan birinin formal ispata ulaşamamasına rağmen ispat imajına sahip olduğu belirlenmiş ve bu çalışmada buna dair verilere yer verilmiştir.
Journal of Science Education and Technology, Mar 19, 2010
... Attitudinal Typologies Toward Living Things Serkan Narli Nurettin Yorek Mehmet Sahin Mu... more ... Attitudinal Typologies Toward Living Things Serkan Narli Nurettin Yorek Mehmet Sahin Muhammet Usak ... The basic tool in Pawlak's rough sets is an equivalence relation. Upper and lower approximations are formed using equivalence sets (Aktas and Cagman 2005). ...
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, Oct 1, 2009
In this study, using fuzzy-rough set and intuitionistic fuzzy set approaches, we propose a cognit... more In this study, using fuzzy-rough set and intuitionistic fuzzy set approaches, we propose a cognitive structural model for the concept of life for which a certain definition can not be made because of scientific uncertainty as well as moral, legal, and theological aspects. Total 191 first-year students from seven different high schools in a large western city in Turkey participated in the study. An open-ended conceptual understanding (CULC) test, developed by the researcher, was used for data collection. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 14 students and their biology teachers to clarify ambiguous points in students' responses to the CULC test. The results of analyses indicated that students constructed the concept of life by associating it predominantly with 'human'. Motion appeared as the most frequently associated term with the concept of life. The results suggest that the life concept has been constructed using animistic-anthropocentric cognitive schemes. In the next step, we evaluated the data obtained from the CULC test using the fuzzy-rough set and intuitionistic fuzzy set theories. Consequently, we propose an 'animistic-anthropocentric structural model' about cognitive construction of the concept of life.
Amasya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Dec 16, 2019
Kanitlama ve problem cozme ile birlikte en temel matematiksel etkinliklerden biri olan tanimlama,... more Kanitlama ve problem cozme ile birlikte en temel matematiksel etkinliklerden biri olan tanimlama, alan bilgisinin ana bilesenlerinden biridir. Tanimlar; ogretim yontemleri, konularin sirasi, hangi teoremlerin ve kanitlarin ele alinacagi gibi ogretmenlerin didaktik kararlarini da etkiler. Matematik egitiminin en temel kavramlarindan olan sayi kumelerinin dogru algilanmasi matematigin de anlasilmasinin ve kullanilmasinin yolunu acar. Ilk halkasi dogal sayilar olan sayi kumeleri dogal sayilardan gercek sayilara kadar birbirlerine on sart iliskisiyle baglidir. Ogretmen ve ogretmen adaylarinin bu kumeleri dogru bilmeleri ve titiz bir sekilde tanimlayabilmeleri ogrencilerin sayi sistemini dogru insa edebilmeleri icin onemlidir. Bu arastirma, ogretmen adaylarinin alan ve pedagojik alan bilgilerini belirlemek amaciyla yapilmis olan daha genis bir tez calismasinin parcasidir. Her sinif duzeyinden 40’ar olmak uzere 160 ilkogretim matematik ogretmen adayina, sayilar ve islemler ogrenme alani ile ilgili 14 kavramin (dogal sayi, asal sayi, mutlak deger vs.) tanimlarini iceren acik uclu bir olcek uygulanmistir. Bu calismada ‘dogal sayi’ tanimina ait yanitlara yer verilmistir. Tanimlar, Zazkis ve Leikin (2008) tarafindan olusturulan cesitli kriterler baglaminda incelenmistir. Arastirma sonuclari, ogretmen adaylarinin dogal sayiyi tanimlarken gerekli veya yeterli sartlardan yoksun tanimlar yapabildiklerini gostermistir. Uygun bazi tanimlarin ise matematiksel dildeki ozensizligi ve minimal olmamasi gibi nedenlerle titiz olmadigi gorulmustur. Tum sonuclar degerlendirildiginde ogretmen egitiminde tanimlarin yapisina, rolune ve es deger ifadelerine odaklanmanin ve hepsinden once kavramlar uzerine dusunecek firsatlar vermenin son derece onemli oldugu soylenebilir.
International Journal of New Trends in Arts, Sports & Science Education, Jul 6, 2019
Oz Bu calismada, bir ortaokul matematik ogretmeninin 7. Sinif birinci dereceden bir bilinmeyenli ... more Oz Bu calismada, bir ortaokul matematik ogretmeninin 7. Sinif birinci dereceden bir bilinmeyenli denklemler konusuna iliskin uzmanlik alan bilgisi, derste ortaya cikan matematiksel hatalar baglaminda incelenmistir. Matematik ogretmeninin uzmanlik alan bilgisinin (UAB) incelenmesinde, Ball, Thames ve Phelps (2008) tarafindan gelistirilen, “Ogretmek Icin Matematik Bilgisi” (OMB) kuramsal cercevesindeki, ogretmenin matematik ile iliskili gorev ve sorumluluklarindan yararlanilmistir. Soz konusu gorevlerin sinif ortaminda gozlemlenmesiyle ogretmenin uzmanlik alan bilgisine dair bilgiler edinilmistir. Bu surecte ogretmenin derslerinde yapmis oldugu matematiksel hatalar arastirmaci tarafindan not edilmistir. Bir ortaokul matematik ogretmeni ozelinde detayli incelemeler yapilarak, denklem kavrami ogretiminde kullanilan bilgiler arastiririlmis ve ogretmenin derste yaptigi matematiksel hatalar incelenmistir. Arastirma nitel arastirma yontemlerinden biri olan ozel durum calismasi deseninden yararlanilarak yurutulmustur. Calismaya gonullu olarak katilmayi kabul eden ortaokul matematik ogretmeniyle OMB modelinin uzmanlik alan bilgisi bilesenine iliskin bir gorusme yapilmistir. Sonrasinda matematik ogretmeninin 8 ders saatlik ogretim sureci gozlenmis ve video kamera ile kaydedilmistir. Ogretim sureclerinin tamamlanmasinin ardindan matematik ogretmeni ile genel bir gorusme daha yapilmistir. Elde edilen verilere betimsel ve icerik analizi uygulanmistir. Arastirma sonucunda, matematik ogretmeninin uzmanlik alan bilgisinin yeterli duzeyde olmadigi sonucuna ulasilmistir. Ogretmenin ozellikle konu anlatimi sirasinda verdigi eksik ilgiler ve yapmis oldugu hatalar ogrenme surecini olumsuz etkilemistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: ogretmek icin matematik bilgisi, uzmanlik alan bilgisi, matematik ogretmeni, denklem kavrami
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Buca Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Dec 1, 2005
Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (elektronik), Sep 1, 2013
Bu arastirmanin amaci, ilkogretim ve ortaogretim matematik ogretmen adaylarinin teknolojik pedago... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, ilkogretim ve ortaogretim matematik ogretmen adaylarinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi (TPAB) duzeylerini belirlemek ve teknoloji kullanim sikligi algisinin TPAB uzerindeki etkilerini incelemektir. Arastirmanin orneklemini ilkogretim ve ortaogretim matematik ogretmenliginde ogrenim goren 340 ogretmen adayi olusturmustur. Veriler, deneklere uygulanan TPAB olcegi ve bireysel bilgi formu ile derlenmistir. Verilerin analizinde, frekans, yuzde, ortalama ve cok degiskenli varyans analizi kullanilmistir. Ulasilan sonuclar, ogretmen adaylarinin TPAB puanlarinda, teknoloji kullanim sikligi algisina gore anlamli farkliliklar oldugunu gostermistir. TPAB alt faktorlerinde teknoloji kullanim sikligi algisina gore yapilan karsilastirmalarda, teknolojik bilgi (TB), teknolojik pedagojik bilgi (TPB), teknolojik alan bilgisi (TAB) ve TPAB faktorleri arasinda anlamli duzeyde farkliliklara rastlanmistir. Buna karsilik pedagojik bilgi (PB), alan bilgisi (AB) ve pedagojik alan bilgisi (PAB) alt faktorleri arasinda anlamli farkliliklarin olmadigi belirlenmistir. Elde edilen baska bir bulgu da teknoloji kullanim sikligi algisi olumlu olan ogretmen adaylarinin diger ogretmen adaylarina gore, TB, TPB, TAB ve TPAB alt faktorlerinde daha ust duzeyde olmalaridir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Teknolojik Pedagojik Alan Bilgisi, Teknoloji Kullanim Sikligi, Matematik Ogretmen Adaylari
International journal of educational studies in mathematics, Jun 1, 2014
One of the general discussion in the studies about learning style is what degree of students whos... more One of the general discussion in the studies about learning style is what degree of students whose learning style is determined, have other learning styles. In this context, the aim of this study is to determine the learning styles of prospective elementary mathematics teachers and to explore the relationships between these styles by using data mining techniques. Data mining can be defined as applications of different algorithms to identify patterns and relationships in a data set. For this purpose, Grasha-Reichmann Learning Styles Inventory was applied to 400 prospective elementary mathematics teachers at Dokuz Eylul University. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of the scale was found as 0.83.Results show that more than 50% of female students have "independent'' learning style. At the same time students who have competitive learning style had the least number of students. The male students who have collaborative and dependent learning styles were the majority.. From Class 1 to Class 4, it was observed that the number of students who have individual learning styles was decreasing and the number of students who have cooperative learning styles was increasing. In network graph, it was found that one of the strongest relationships was between the students who have cooperative and independent learning style with high level. On the other hand the relationship between the students who have passive and independent learning style with low level was not seen in graph. The decision tree indicates that the most effective attribute is independent learning style to identify which level of the learning style students have. Besides in the Data mining, learning styles, Mathematics Education association rules model several rules are constructed with %75 confidence.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 21, 2008
The theory of rough sets is generalized by using a filter. The filter is induced by binary relati... more The theory of rough sets is generalized by using a filter. The filter is induced by binary relations and it is used to generalize the basic rough set concepts. The knowledge representations and processing of binary relations in the style of rough set theory are investigated.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Physical, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Jan 22, 2007
In this study, two new classes of generalized homeomorphisms are introduced and shown that one of... more In this study, two new classes of generalized homeomorphisms are introduced and shown that one of these classes has a group structure. Moreover, some properties of these two homeomorphisms are obtained.
Learning and Individual Differences, Oct 1, 2011
The present study aims to identify the relationship between individuals' multiple intelligence ar... more The present study aims to identify the relationship between individuals' multiple intelligence areas and their learning styles with mathematical clarity using the concept of rough sets which is used in areas such as artificial intelligence, data reduction, discovery of dependencies, prediction of data significance, and generating decision (control) algorithms based on data sets. Therefore, first multiple intelligence areas and learning styles of 243 mathematics prospective teachers studying at a state university were identified using the "Multiple Intelligence Inventory for Educators" developed by Armstrong and the "Learning Styles Scale" developed by Kolb. Second, the data was appropriated for rough set analysis and we identified potential learning styles that a student can have based on the learning style s/he already has. Certainty degrees of the learning style sets were α R (D) ≅ 0.717, α R (C) ≅ 0.618, α R (AS) ≅ 0.699, α R (AC) ≅ 0.461, and these sets were found to be rough sets. Finally, decision rules were identified for multiple intelligences and learning styles.
To explore the effects of constructivist learning environment on prospective teachers' opinions a... more To explore the effects of constructivist learning environment on prospective teachers' opinions about "mathematics, department of mathematics, discrete mathematics, countable and uncountable infinity" taught under the subject of Cantorian Set Theory in discrete mathematics class, 60 first-year students in the Division of Mathematics Education at the Department of Science and Mathematics in Buca Education Faculty at Dokuz Eylul University were divided into two homogenous groups. In order to do this segmentation, Minimum Requirements Identification Test was developed and used by the researchers. This test includes concepts like "set", "correlation" and "function", which are required to understand Cantorian Set Theory. While the control group was taught by traditional methods, a teaching method based on a constructivist approach was applied to the experimental group. Data were gathered by an open-ended questionnaire administered to total 40 students, 20 from the each group. Collected data were evaluated through content analysis. In the end, despite the minor differences, no statistically significant difference was found between the opinions of control and experimental groups about mathematics (χ 2 calculation =2.578, SD=3, p>0.05), department of mathematics (χ 2 calculation =3.185, SD=3, p>0.05) and discrete mathematics (χ 2 calculation =4.935, SD=3, p>0.05) after the instruction. However, opinions about Cantorian Set Theory were significantly differentiated between experimental and control groups after the instruction (χ 2 calculation =13.486, SD=2, p<0.05).
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Buca Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
Dilin düşünceyle olan ilişkisi eskiden beri felsefenin, günümüzde ise hem felsefe hem de psikoloj... more Dilin düşünceyle olan ilişkisi eskiden beri felsefenin, günümüzde ise hem felsefe hem de psikoloji ve sosyolojinin ilgi odaklarından biridir. Vygotsky dili ve düşünceyi kelimeler üzerinden ele alır. Ona göre kelimeler, kavramlarla seslerin ayrılmaz bütünlüğüdür. Fakat Saussure dilsel birimleri gösterge olarak ele alırken göstergede gösteren ve gösterilen ayrımlarını yapar. Saussure’e göre gösterge nedensizdir. Bu araştırma matematiksel kelimeleri bir gösterge olarak ele alır. Bu araştırmanın konusu, yapılan teorik ayrımlar çerçevesinde matematiksel kelimelerle matematiksel kavramlar arasındaki ilişkidir. Bu ilişki bir tür nedenlilik ilişkisi olup Guiraud’un görüşleri ile kavramsallaştırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırmada katılımcıların asal kelimesiyle asal sayı kavramı arasında sözlük anlamı, biçimsel çözümleme ve sese dayalı çağrışım yöntemlerini kullanarak ilişki kurmaya çalıştığı görülmüştür. Katılımcıların kurdukları bu ilişkiler, alanyazın dikkate alındığında, büyük oranda geçer...
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Feb 4, 2015
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific re... more HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning
The number and variety of educational mathematics mobile applications (EMMAs) make it difficult t... more The number and variety of educational mathematics mobile applications (EMMAs) make it difficult to select mobile applications for mathematics learning and teaching. Therefore, in this study, multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques, which are effectively used in a wide variety of disciplines, were applied to choose among alternative applications according to specified criteria. In this context, it was aimed to determine which of the 13 considered EMMAs that work on Android-based tools and were proposed by experts according to certain features were most effective with the help of the TOPSIS algorithm, one of the popular MCDM methods. The results obtained from an evaluation using 10 criteria (4 evaluator-independent, 6 evaluator-dependent) were analysed with MATLAB. As a result, the Desmos: Graphing Calculator application was found to rank first among the 13 EMMAs in order of importance. Considering the results obtained, it can be said that the use of MCDM techniques in such d...
Although the emphases on the importance of proving in mathematics education literature, many stud... more Although the emphases on the importance of proving in mathematics education literature, many studies show that undergraduates have difficulty in this regard. Having researchers discussed these difficulties in detail; many frameworks have been presented evaluating the proof from different perspectives. Being one of them the proof image, which takes into account both cognitive and affective factors in proving, was presented by Kidron and Dreyfus (2014) in the context of the theoretical framework of "abstraction in context". However, since the authors have not deepened the relationship between the proof image and formal knowledge, this article was intended to fill this gap. In this study, which is part of a larger doctoral thesis, descriptive method one of the qualitative methods was used. The participants of the study were three pre-service teachers selected via criterion sampling method among sophomore elementary school mathematics teacher candidates. In parallel with a course relating to Cantorian Set Theory, task-based individual interviews (Task I-II-III-IV) were conducted in the context of the equivalence of infinite sets. The subject of "infinity" had been chosen as the context of the study since it contains a process that goes from intuitive to formal. In the first task (Task I), the actions that the participants had performed without enough pre-knowledge was examined in terms of the proof image. In the second task (Task II) carried out after a course, in which basic knowledge was presented, the same question was asked to the participants again. Thus, the processes formed with the presence of formal knowledge were analysed. As a result of the descriptive analysis executed on the data of both tasks, it was determined that Ç, who was one of the participants, reached a proof image in the second task although she failed in the first task. Therefore, in this study, findings of her proving activity were shared. Consequently, formal knowledge has been identified to be directly related to each of the components of the proof image and, its main contributions have been listed as headings.
Contemporary Educational Technology, Nov 14, 2019
This study focuses on the relationship among Content Knowledge (CK), Pedagogic Knowledge (PK), an... more This study focuses on the relationship among Content Knowledge (CK), Pedagogic Knowledge (PK), and Technological Knowledge (TK) using Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). The aim of the study is to use the determined relationship to provide mathematical clarity using the Rough Set Theory, which is commonly used in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Reduction, Determination of Dependencies, Estimation of Data Importance and the establishment of Decision (control) Algorithms. Accordingly, TPACK scale was applied to 340 preservice teachers who, at the time of conducting this study, were continuing their teaching at elementary (grade 5-8) and secondary (grade 9-12) Mathematics Teaching Department. The gathered data was broken into three different groups-low, medium and high. The data grouping allowed for applying of the Rough Set Analysis. This will enable TPACK constructs to assign prospective teachers to any of the three identified groups. Analysis has put forth that the CK, PK and TK components explain TPACK with a dependency degree of 0.105 and that even though the levels of significance of each component is low by itself, it cannot be removed from the data set. Lastly, decision rules have been established between CK, PK and TK with TPACK.
Journal of College Teaching & Learning, Sep 30, 2013
International Journal of Research in Education and Science, Jul 1, 2018
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or s... more This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden.
International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, Apr 16, 2016
Using data mining techniques examination of the middle school students" attitude towards mathemat... more Using data mining techniques examination of the middle school students" attitude towards mathematics in the context of some variables.
Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Elektronik Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi, Jun 27, 2021
Özet-Matematiğin temel bileşenlerinden olan ispat ve ispatlamayı farklı perspektiflerden ele alan... more Özet-Matematiğin temel bileşenlerinden olan ispat ve ispatlamayı farklı perspektiflerden ele alan pek çok teorik çerçeve sunulmuştur. Bunlardan biri olan ispat imajı, Kidron ve Dreyfus'un (2014) iki profesyonel matematikçinin ispat süreci üzerinde yaptığı analizler sayesinde ortaya çıkmıştır. Yazarlar, ispat imajını bileşenleri bağlamında tanımlamış ve bunun formal ispat ile ilişkisini vurgulamıştır. Diğer yandan ispat imajının, formal ispatın ortaya çıkmadığı durumlarda da ortaya çıkabileceği belirtilmesine rağmen böyle bir örnek sunulmamıştır. Teorik çerçevedeki bu boşluk araştırmanın motivasyon kaynağı olarak benimsenmiştir. Çalışma sürecinde çok aşamalı örnekleme yaklaşımı tercih edilmiş ve öncelikle 120 öğretmen adayından cebir ile ilgili iki teoremi ispatlamaları istenmiştir. Daha sonra her iki teoremi de doğru olarak ispatlayabilen 3 katılımcı ile etkinlik temelli mülakatlar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Toplanan veriler üzerinde mikro-analitik analizler yapılmış ve alt bileşenler arasındaki ilişki tartışılmıştır. Ayrıca "aydınlanma" kavramının rolü yorumlanmış ve hislerin etkisi detaylandırılmıştır. Bu sayede katılımcılardan birinin formal ispata ulaşamamasına rağmen ispat imajına sahip olduğu belirlenmiş ve bu çalışmada buna dair verilere yer verilmiştir.
Journal of Science Education and Technology, Mar 19, 2010
... Attitudinal Typologies Toward Living Things Serkan Narli Nurettin Yorek Mehmet Sahin Mu... more ... Attitudinal Typologies Toward Living Things Serkan Narli Nurettin Yorek Mehmet Sahin Muhammet Usak ... The basic tool in Pawlak's rough sets is an equivalence relation. Upper and lower approximations are formed using equivalence sets (Aktas and Cagman 2005). ...
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, Oct 1, 2009
In this study, using fuzzy-rough set and intuitionistic fuzzy set approaches, we propose a cognit... more In this study, using fuzzy-rough set and intuitionistic fuzzy set approaches, we propose a cognitive structural model for the concept of life for which a certain definition can not be made because of scientific uncertainty as well as moral, legal, and theological aspects. Total 191 first-year students from seven different high schools in a large western city in Turkey participated in the study. An open-ended conceptual understanding (CULC) test, developed by the researcher, was used for data collection. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 14 students and their biology teachers to clarify ambiguous points in students' responses to the CULC test. The results of analyses indicated that students constructed the concept of life by associating it predominantly with 'human'. Motion appeared as the most frequently associated term with the concept of life. The results suggest that the life concept has been constructed using animistic-anthropocentric cognitive schemes. In the next step, we evaluated the data obtained from the CULC test using the fuzzy-rough set and intuitionistic fuzzy set theories. Consequently, we propose an 'animistic-anthropocentric structural model' about cognitive construction of the concept of life.
Amasya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Dec 16, 2019
Kanitlama ve problem cozme ile birlikte en temel matematiksel etkinliklerden biri olan tanimlama,... more Kanitlama ve problem cozme ile birlikte en temel matematiksel etkinliklerden biri olan tanimlama, alan bilgisinin ana bilesenlerinden biridir. Tanimlar; ogretim yontemleri, konularin sirasi, hangi teoremlerin ve kanitlarin ele alinacagi gibi ogretmenlerin didaktik kararlarini da etkiler. Matematik egitiminin en temel kavramlarindan olan sayi kumelerinin dogru algilanmasi matematigin de anlasilmasinin ve kullanilmasinin yolunu acar. Ilk halkasi dogal sayilar olan sayi kumeleri dogal sayilardan gercek sayilara kadar birbirlerine on sart iliskisiyle baglidir. Ogretmen ve ogretmen adaylarinin bu kumeleri dogru bilmeleri ve titiz bir sekilde tanimlayabilmeleri ogrencilerin sayi sistemini dogru insa edebilmeleri icin onemlidir. Bu arastirma, ogretmen adaylarinin alan ve pedagojik alan bilgilerini belirlemek amaciyla yapilmis olan daha genis bir tez calismasinin parcasidir. Her sinif duzeyinden 40’ar olmak uzere 160 ilkogretim matematik ogretmen adayina, sayilar ve islemler ogrenme alani ile ilgili 14 kavramin (dogal sayi, asal sayi, mutlak deger vs.) tanimlarini iceren acik uclu bir olcek uygulanmistir. Bu calismada ‘dogal sayi’ tanimina ait yanitlara yer verilmistir. Tanimlar, Zazkis ve Leikin (2008) tarafindan olusturulan cesitli kriterler baglaminda incelenmistir. Arastirma sonuclari, ogretmen adaylarinin dogal sayiyi tanimlarken gerekli veya yeterli sartlardan yoksun tanimlar yapabildiklerini gostermistir. Uygun bazi tanimlarin ise matematiksel dildeki ozensizligi ve minimal olmamasi gibi nedenlerle titiz olmadigi gorulmustur. Tum sonuclar degerlendirildiginde ogretmen egitiminde tanimlarin yapisina, rolune ve es deger ifadelerine odaklanmanin ve hepsinden once kavramlar uzerine dusunecek firsatlar vermenin son derece onemli oldugu soylenebilir.
International Journal of New Trends in Arts, Sports & Science Education, Jul 6, 2019
Oz Bu calismada, bir ortaokul matematik ogretmeninin 7. Sinif birinci dereceden bir bilinmeyenli ... more Oz Bu calismada, bir ortaokul matematik ogretmeninin 7. Sinif birinci dereceden bir bilinmeyenli denklemler konusuna iliskin uzmanlik alan bilgisi, derste ortaya cikan matematiksel hatalar baglaminda incelenmistir. Matematik ogretmeninin uzmanlik alan bilgisinin (UAB) incelenmesinde, Ball, Thames ve Phelps (2008) tarafindan gelistirilen, “Ogretmek Icin Matematik Bilgisi” (OMB) kuramsal cercevesindeki, ogretmenin matematik ile iliskili gorev ve sorumluluklarindan yararlanilmistir. Soz konusu gorevlerin sinif ortaminda gozlemlenmesiyle ogretmenin uzmanlik alan bilgisine dair bilgiler edinilmistir. Bu surecte ogretmenin derslerinde yapmis oldugu matematiksel hatalar arastirmaci tarafindan not edilmistir. Bir ortaokul matematik ogretmeni ozelinde detayli incelemeler yapilarak, denklem kavrami ogretiminde kullanilan bilgiler arastiririlmis ve ogretmenin derste yaptigi matematiksel hatalar incelenmistir. Arastirma nitel arastirma yontemlerinden biri olan ozel durum calismasi deseninden yararlanilarak yurutulmustur. Calismaya gonullu olarak katilmayi kabul eden ortaokul matematik ogretmeniyle OMB modelinin uzmanlik alan bilgisi bilesenine iliskin bir gorusme yapilmistir. Sonrasinda matematik ogretmeninin 8 ders saatlik ogretim sureci gozlenmis ve video kamera ile kaydedilmistir. Ogretim sureclerinin tamamlanmasinin ardindan matematik ogretmeni ile genel bir gorusme daha yapilmistir. Elde edilen verilere betimsel ve icerik analizi uygulanmistir. Arastirma sonucunda, matematik ogretmeninin uzmanlik alan bilgisinin yeterli duzeyde olmadigi sonucuna ulasilmistir. Ogretmenin ozellikle konu anlatimi sirasinda verdigi eksik ilgiler ve yapmis oldugu hatalar ogrenme surecini olumsuz etkilemistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: ogretmek icin matematik bilgisi, uzmanlik alan bilgisi, matematik ogretmeni, denklem kavrami
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Buca Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Dec 1, 2005
Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (elektronik), Sep 1, 2013
Bu arastirmanin amaci, ilkogretim ve ortaogretim matematik ogretmen adaylarinin teknolojik pedago... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, ilkogretim ve ortaogretim matematik ogretmen adaylarinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi (TPAB) duzeylerini belirlemek ve teknoloji kullanim sikligi algisinin TPAB uzerindeki etkilerini incelemektir. Arastirmanin orneklemini ilkogretim ve ortaogretim matematik ogretmenliginde ogrenim goren 340 ogretmen adayi olusturmustur. Veriler, deneklere uygulanan TPAB olcegi ve bireysel bilgi formu ile derlenmistir. Verilerin analizinde, frekans, yuzde, ortalama ve cok degiskenli varyans analizi kullanilmistir. Ulasilan sonuclar, ogretmen adaylarinin TPAB puanlarinda, teknoloji kullanim sikligi algisina gore anlamli farkliliklar oldugunu gostermistir. TPAB alt faktorlerinde teknoloji kullanim sikligi algisina gore yapilan karsilastirmalarda, teknolojik bilgi (TB), teknolojik pedagojik bilgi (TPB), teknolojik alan bilgisi (TAB) ve TPAB faktorleri arasinda anlamli duzeyde farkliliklara rastlanmistir. Buna karsilik pedagojik bilgi (PB), alan bilgisi (AB) ve pedagojik alan bilgisi (PAB) alt faktorleri arasinda anlamli farkliliklarin olmadigi belirlenmistir. Elde edilen baska bir bulgu da teknoloji kullanim sikligi algisi olumlu olan ogretmen adaylarinin diger ogretmen adaylarina gore, TB, TPB, TAB ve TPAB alt faktorlerinde daha ust duzeyde olmalaridir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Teknolojik Pedagojik Alan Bilgisi, Teknoloji Kullanim Sikligi, Matematik Ogretmen Adaylari
International journal of educational studies in mathematics, Jun 1, 2014
One of the general discussion in the studies about learning style is what degree of students whos... more One of the general discussion in the studies about learning style is what degree of students whose learning style is determined, have other learning styles. In this context, the aim of this study is to determine the learning styles of prospective elementary mathematics teachers and to explore the relationships between these styles by using data mining techniques. Data mining can be defined as applications of different algorithms to identify patterns and relationships in a data set. For this purpose, Grasha-Reichmann Learning Styles Inventory was applied to 400 prospective elementary mathematics teachers at Dokuz Eylul University. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of the scale was found as 0.83.Results show that more than 50% of female students have "independent'' learning style. At the same time students who have competitive learning style had the least number of students. The male students who have collaborative and dependent learning styles were the majority.. From Class 1 to Class 4, it was observed that the number of students who have individual learning styles was decreasing and the number of students who have cooperative learning styles was increasing. In network graph, it was found that one of the strongest relationships was between the students who have cooperative and independent learning style with high level. On the other hand the relationship between the students who have passive and independent learning style with low level was not seen in graph. The decision tree indicates that the most effective attribute is independent learning style to identify which level of the learning style students have. Besides in the Data mining, learning styles, Mathematics Education association rules model several rules are constructed with %75 confidence.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 21, 2008
The theory of rough sets is generalized by using a filter. The filter is induced by binary relati... more The theory of rough sets is generalized by using a filter. The filter is induced by binary relations and it is used to generalize the basic rough set concepts. The knowledge representations and processing of binary relations in the style of rough set theory are investigated.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Physical, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Jan 22, 2007
In this study, two new classes of generalized homeomorphisms are introduced and shown that one of... more In this study, two new classes of generalized homeomorphisms are introduced and shown that one of these classes has a group structure. Moreover, some properties of these two homeomorphisms are obtained.
Learning and Individual Differences, Oct 1, 2011
The present study aims to identify the relationship between individuals' multiple intelligence ar... more The present study aims to identify the relationship between individuals' multiple intelligence areas and their learning styles with mathematical clarity using the concept of rough sets which is used in areas such as artificial intelligence, data reduction, discovery of dependencies, prediction of data significance, and generating decision (control) algorithms based on data sets. Therefore, first multiple intelligence areas and learning styles of 243 mathematics prospective teachers studying at a state university were identified using the "Multiple Intelligence Inventory for Educators" developed by Armstrong and the "Learning Styles Scale" developed by Kolb. Second, the data was appropriated for rough set analysis and we identified potential learning styles that a student can have based on the learning style s/he already has. Certainty degrees of the learning style sets were α R (D) ≅ 0.717, α R (C) ≅ 0.618, α R (AS) ≅ 0.699, α R (AC) ≅ 0.461, and these sets were found to be rough sets. Finally, decision rules were identified for multiple intelligences and learning styles.
To explore the effects of constructivist learning environment on prospective teachers' opinions a... more To explore the effects of constructivist learning environment on prospective teachers' opinions about "mathematics, department of mathematics, discrete mathematics, countable and uncountable infinity" taught under the subject of Cantorian Set Theory in discrete mathematics class, 60 first-year students in the Division of Mathematics Education at the Department of Science and Mathematics in Buca Education Faculty at Dokuz Eylul University were divided into two homogenous groups. In order to do this segmentation, Minimum Requirements Identification Test was developed and used by the researchers. This test includes concepts like "set", "correlation" and "function", which are required to understand Cantorian Set Theory. While the control group was taught by traditional methods, a teaching method based on a constructivist approach was applied to the experimental group. Data were gathered by an open-ended questionnaire administered to total 40 students, 20 from the each group. Collected data were evaluated through content analysis. In the end, despite the minor differences, no statistically significant difference was found between the opinions of control and experimental groups about mathematics (χ 2 calculation =2.578, SD=3, p>0.05), department of mathematics (χ 2 calculation =3.185, SD=3, p>0.05) and discrete mathematics (χ 2 calculation =4.935, SD=3, p>0.05) after the instruction. However, opinions about Cantorian Set Theory were significantly differentiated between experimental and control groups after the instruction (χ 2 calculation =13.486, SD=2, p<0.05).
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Buca Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
Dilin düşünceyle olan ilişkisi eskiden beri felsefenin, günümüzde ise hem felsefe hem de psikoloj... more Dilin düşünceyle olan ilişkisi eskiden beri felsefenin, günümüzde ise hem felsefe hem de psikoloji ve sosyolojinin ilgi odaklarından biridir. Vygotsky dili ve düşünceyi kelimeler üzerinden ele alır. Ona göre kelimeler, kavramlarla seslerin ayrılmaz bütünlüğüdür. Fakat Saussure dilsel birimleri gösterge olarak ele alırken göstergede gösteren ve gösterilen ayrımlarını yapar. Saussure’e göre gösterge nedensizdir. Bu araştırma matematiksel kelimeleri bir gösterge olarak ele alır. Bu araştırmanın konusu, yapılan teorik ayrımlar çerçevesinde matematiksel kelimelerle matematiksel kavramlar arasındaki ilişkidir. Bu ilişki bir tür nedenlilik ilişkisi olup Guiraud’un görüşleri ile kavramsallaştırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırmada katılımcıların asal kelimesiyle asal sayı kavramı arasında sözlük anlamı, biçimsel çözümleme ve sese dayalı çağrışım yöntemlerini kullanarak ilişki kurmaya çalıştığı görülmüştür. Katılımcıların kurdukları bu ilişkiler, alanyazın dikkate alındığında, büyük oranda geçer...