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Papers by Sezgin A Ayan

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of melatonin applications on Anatolian black pine (Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold. subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe) afforestation performance in semi-arid areas

Bioresources, Feb 6, 2023

Melatonin, a substantial hormone, is a natural antioxidant agent that functions as a protector ag... more Melatonin, a substantial hormone, is a natural antioxidant agent that functions as a protector against the harmful effects of free radicals. Studies have found that "exogenous melatonin" applications have a positive effect on the growth and development of plants. This study investigated the adaptation of the seedlings that were transported from the nursery to the afforestation site for the process of planting. In 2019 the 2+0 aged barerooted Kastamonu/Taşköprü Anatolian Black pine seedlings, which are suitable for planting in semi-arid areas, were selected as research materials. Four different doses of "exogenous melatonin" (250, 500, 1000, and 1500 μM) were administered through two different methods (rootdipping and needle-spraying). Morphological seedling characteristics and bioactive chemical variables were measured for the control group and the seedlings treated with different doses of melatonin. Antioxidant enzyme activities were identified. When both the needle-spraying and root-dipping methods for melatonin application were evaluated in terms of morphological and biochemical variables, the best results were determined in low doses (250 to 500 μM). The results suggest that melatonin provides support to the metabolic process for the resistance of seedlings to low temperatures and semi-arid climatic conditions.

Research paper thumbnail of Tüplü Toros Sediri Fidanlarında Morfolojik ve Fizyolojik Bazı Özellikler ile Fidan Gelişim Evreleri (Çankırı Orman Fidanlığı)

Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry, Aug 15, 2022

Makale Tarihçesi Öz − İklim değişikliği etkisiyle potansiyel yayılış sahasını genişletme eğilimin... more Makale Tarihçesi Öz − İklim değişikliği etkisiyle potansiyel yayılış sahasını genişletme eğilimindeki Toros sediri (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) için plantasyon sahalarındaki adaptasyonda fidan kalitesi major bir araç durumundadır. Bu amaçla; Çankırı fidanlığı ekolojik koşullarında, polietilen tüplü Mersin-Mut orijinli fidanlar üzerinde yürütülen bu araştırmada; i) Morfolojik ve fizyolojik fidan özelliklerinin dönemsel değişimleri, ii) İkinci vejetasyon dönemi sonu itibariyle morfolojik fidan özellikleri ve Türk Standartlarına uygunlukları, iii) fidan gelişim dönemlerine uygun fidanlık kültürel işlemlerin önerilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda; 2+0 yaşlı fidanlarda boy (FB), kök boğazı çapı (KBÇ), gövde taze ağırlığı (GTA), kök taze ağırlığı (KTA), fidan taze ağırlığı (FTA), gövde kuru ağırlığı (GKA), kök kuru ağırlığı (KKA), fidan kuru ağırlığı (FKA), katlılık indisi (Kİ), gürbüzlük indisi (Gİ), kuru kök yüzdesi (%Kkök) ve Dickson kalite indisi (DKİ) sırasıyla; 18,57±0,316 cm,

Research paper thumbnail of Paulownia Sieb.&Zucc. TÜR VE ORİJİNLERİNİN FİDANLIK AŞAMASI PERFORMANSLARI

Turkish Journal of Forestry, 2009

Bu calismada; “Bazi Paulownia Turlerinin Turkiye'ye Adaptasyonu'' isimli proje kapsam... more Bu calismada; “Bazi Paulownia Turlerinin Turkiye'ye Adaptasyonu'' isimli proje kapsaminda Cin'den temin edilen uc Paulownia Sieb.Z fidanlar seradan acik alana cikarildiktan sonra 15 gun arayla gerceklestirilmistir. Ayrica, vejetasyon donemi sonu itibariyle ise orijinlere ait cap ve boy gelisimi olculmustur. Boy bakimindan en iyi ortalama gelisimin sirasiyla P. fortunei x tomentosa (91.7 cm), P. tomentosa Henan-Luoyang (85.2 cm), P. fortunei Guangxi-Guilin ve P. fortunei Hubei-Hunan (81.6 cm) orijinleri tarafindan gerceklestirildigi tespit edilmistir. Anahtar kelimeler; Paulownia, Orijin, Adaptasyon, Fidanlik Asamasi

Research paper thumbnail of Morphological Characteristics of Some Broad-Leaved Forest Tree Seedlings

Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 2020

Bu çalışmada; Ordu orman fidanlığı ekolojik şartlarında “Tam Alan Serpme Yöntemi” ile ekilen ve r... more Bu çalışmada; Ordu orman fidanlığı ekolojik şartlarında “Tam Alan Serpme Yöntemi” ile ekilen ve rutin yetiştirme tekniği uygulamaları ile üretilen bazı geniş yapraklı orman ağacı [1+0 yaşlı doğu kayını (Fagus orientalis L.)], 2+0 yaşlı adi gürgen (Carpinus betulus L.) ve 3+0 yaşlı dağ akçaağacı (Acer pseudoplatanus L.)] fidanlarının fidan boyu (FB), kök boğazı çapı (KBÇ), dal sayısı (DS) ve gürbüzlük indisi (Gİ) değerleri tespit edilmiştir. Morfolojik fidan özellikleri arasındaki ilişkiler korelasyon analizi ile belirlenmiştir. Tespit edilen morfolojik özelliklere göre fidanlar, TSE standartları ve Aphalo ve Rikala (2003) Gİ değerine göre değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; sırasıyla doğu kayını, dağ akçaağacı ve adi gürgenin ortalama fidan boyları 29,5, 86,7 ve 70,8 cm; ortalama KBÇ 3,62, 9 ve 6,7 mm; ortalama DS 6,6, 9 ve 22,1 adet ve Gİ değerleri ise 86,7, 98,8 ve 111,9 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Morfolojik fidan özelliklerinde dikkati çeken en önemli hususlardan biri he...

Research paper thumbnail of Flowering Variation in a Scots Pine Clonal Seed Orchard

Istanbul University - DergiPark, Mar 1, 2009

Çalışma, 1995 yılında Kastamonu'da 30 adet klon ile tesis edilen Araç-Dereyayla orijinli Taşköprü... more Çalışma, 1995 yılında Kastamonu'da 30 adet klon ile tesis edilen Araç-Dereyayla orijinli Taşköprü-Tekçam sarıçam (Pinus sylvestris L.) klonal tohum bahçesinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada, tohum bahçesindeki klonların çiçeklenme fenolojisi 2006 ve 2007 yıllarında incelenmiş, göstermiş oldukları farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir. Fenolojik gözlemler sırasında dişi çiçeklerde altı, erkek çiçeklerde sekiz gelişim evresi ayırt edilmiştir. Tozlaşma dönemi çiçeklenme fenolojileri incelendiğinde; 2006 ve 2007 yıllarında erkek çiçeklerin polen yayım dönemi, Mayıs ortası-Haziran ortası arasında gerçekleşmiştir. Dişi çiçeklerin 2006 yılı polen kabulüne başlama ve bitiş dönemi, Mayıs ortası-Haziran ortası olarak belirlenmiştir. 2007 yılında ise dişi çiçeklerin polen kabulüne başlama ve bitiş dönemi Mayıs ortası-Haziranın ilk haftası arasında gerçekleşmiştir. Erkek çiçek polen yayımı ile dişi çiçek polen kabul dönemleri arasında her iki yılda da, hem zamanlama hem de süre açısından bir uyum olduğu gözlenmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of İğne Yaprakli Orman Ağaçlarinda Tohum Ve Kozalak Zararlilari

Anadolu orman araştırmaları dergisi, Sep 12, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of growing media on morphological attributes of containerized oriental spruce seedlings

Research paper thumbnail of Drought-Responsive Hsp70 Gene Analysis in Populus at Genome-Wide Level

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2015

The heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) family members are known as molecular chaperones. They play a c... more The heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) family members are known as molecular chaperones. They play a crucial role in protecting plant cells and tissues from thermal or abiotic stress through protein folding and in assembly, stabilization, activation, and degradation processes. Although many studies have been performed to identify molecular functions of individual family members, there is a limited study on genome-wide identification and characterizations of Hsps in the Populus model tree genus. We have identified 34 poplar Hsp70 genes, which were phylogenetically clustered into three major groups. Gene structure and motif composition are relatively conserved in each group. Mainly tandem and infrequently segmental duplications have a significant role in poplar Hsp70 gene expansion. The in silico microRNA (miRNA) and target transcript analyses identified that a total of 19 PtHsp70 genes were targeted by 27 plant miRNAs. PtHSP70-14 and PtHSP70-33 are the most targeted by miR390 and miR414 family members, respectively. For determination of drought response to Hsp70 genes, publicly available RNA-seq data were analyzed. Poplar Hsp70s are differentially expressed upon exposure to different drought stress conditions. Expression analysis of PtHsp70 genes was also examined under drought stress in drought-sensitive and drought-resistant Populus clones with quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). PtHsp70-16 and PtHsp70-26 genes might provide adaptation to drought stress for both clones. Because of high expression responses to drought in only resistant Populus clone, PtHsp70-25 and PtHsp70-33 genes might be used for determination of drought-tolerant clones for molecular breeding studies. This research provides a fundamental clue for contribution of PtHsp70s to drought tolerance in poplar.

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial Analysis of the Degraded Forest Areas in Idmine Forest-Morocco Using Geoscience Capabilities

Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi

Aim of study: The aim of the study is to present a diagnosis for the state of Argan forest degrad... more Aim of study: The aim of the study is to present a diagnosis for the state of Argan forest degradation in Morocco through GIS and remote sensing utilizing Sentinel 2 satellite images of the year 2019 (dated 28/08/2019). Area of study: The study was carried out in a forest commune in Idmine, South West Morocco, which is located in semi-arid bioclimatic region. Material and methods: In the study, two methods were tested. These are; (i) the vegetation indices (VIs) [Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), Brilliance Index (IB)] and their combination and (ii) the supervised classification and spectral analysis. Main results: Two methods have given the same results (Kappa coefficient=90%) to describe the state of forest degradation. Consequently, three classes pertaining to forest degradation within the study area were; low (34%), medium (44%) and critical degradation (22%). Highlights: This monitoring might help managers to create forest management plans and to evaluate the speed of deforestation and degradation.

Research paper thumbnail of Correction: Sarsekova D, Ayan S, Talgat A, 2020. Ectomycorrhizal Flora Formed by Main Forest Trees in the Irtysh River Region of Central and Northeastern Kazakhstan

The authors wish to make the correction of the paper of Sarsekova et al. (2020). In the original ... more The authors wish to make the correction of the paper of Sarsekova et al. (2020). In the original paper, there was a mistake in the order of the first and the second name of the author Talghat Abbzhabnov. The correct order is Talghat Abbzhabnov. The original paper published on 11 May 2020 has been updated and both versions will be available on the paper webpage. The authors emphasize that this change does not affect the results of this research, and they apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause

Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Filbert (Corylus colurna L.) a new distribution area in Northwestern Anatolia Forests: (Provinces of Müsellimler, Tunuslar in Ağlı, Kastamonu/Turkey)

Biological Diversity and Conservation, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Orman Gen Kaynakları ve Kastamonu Ormanları

Research paper thumbnail of Morphological and physiological characteristics of seedlings of different eastern beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky.) populations

Turkish Journal of Forestry | Türkiye Ormancılık Dergisi, 2019

Fidanlıkların ekolojik koşulları fidanların hem morfolojik hem de fizyolojik özellikleri dolayısı... more Fidanlıkların ekolojik koşulları fidanların hem morfolojik hem de fizyolojik özellikleri dolayısıyla gelişimleri üzerinde etkili olabilir. Ayrıca, belirli bir yetişme ortamı koşullarına adapte olmuş popülasyonların; tohumların toplanmış olduğu popülasyonların genetik özellikleri de yine fidanların gelişimi üzerinde etkilidir. Bu çalışmada, doğu kayınının (Fagus orientalis Lipsky.) doğal yayılış alanının farklı yörelerinden toplanan tohumlar, aynı ekolojik koşullarda ekilmiştir. Farklı popülasyonlara ait fidanların aynı ekolojik koşullardaki morfolojik ve fizyolojik özellikleri mukayeseli olarak araştırılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Exposure, Elevation and Tree Age on Seed Characteristics of Fagus orientalis Lipsky

South-east European forestry, 2015

Background and Purpose: Natural or artificial regeneration, rehabilitation, and conversion from c... more Background and Purpose: Natural or artificial regeneration, rehabilitation, and conversion from coppice to high forest are important practices in Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) forests in Turkey. Studies of the seeds of this species have increased in number because mast years are infrequent and seed germination is inhibited by dormancy. In this study we quantified the effects of tree age (40-59, 60-79 and 80-99 years), stand exposure (north, west, east and south) and elevation (600 and 800 m a.s.l.) on seed characteristics (germination, moisture content, and weight) of Oriental beech. Material and Methods: The seeds used in this study were collected from natural beech forest at Kumluca, Bartin, in the western Black Sea region of Turkey. Experiments were carried out in the laboratory and the greenhouse of Bartin University. Results: Seed germination and moisture content varied significantly by elevation, and seed germination was strongly influenced by elevation. Moisture content was 14% at 600 m and 16% at 800 m. The effects of elevation and tree age on 100 seed weights were not significant but exposure had a significant effect. The highest 100 seed weight was recorded for trees on southern exposures and the highest germination percentage of 82% was recorded for trees on northern exposures. Conclusions: In conclusion, since oriental beech seedlings are produced by generative propagation method, seeds should be harvested in optimum distribution area of beech, from average ages and phenotypically plus tree.

Research paper thumbnail of Juniperus L. for Restoration of Degraded Forest Lands in Turkey

South-east European forestry, 2021

Degraded forests are among of the most important environmental and commercial problems around the... more Degraded forests are among of the most important environmental and commercial problems around the world. Turkey has 22.74 million hectares of forest area, out of which 9.656 million ha (42%) are unproductive. To transform these unproductive forests into productive ones, forest restoration including rehabilitation is one of the best actions. In this sense, juniper species play an important role for degraded lands because they are drought-tolerant and withstand aridity and poor soils better than most timber species grown in Turkey. Therefore, this review presents the ecological considerations for the restoration of degraded forest lands in Turkey under the conditions of climate change. Within this framework, it focuses on the production of planting stock of juniper species, the significance of site-species matching, and post-planting site maintenance for successful rehabilitation.

Research paper thumbnail of Etkili Mikroorganizmaların Tüplü Toros Sediri (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) Fidanlarının Morfolojik Özelliklerine Etkisi

Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi

Bu çalışmada; Etkili mikroorganizmaların (EM) tüplü 2+0 yaşlı Toros sediri (Cedrus libani A. Rich... more Bu çalışmada; Etkili mikroorganizmaların (EM) tüplü 2+0 yaşlı Toros sediri (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) fidanlarının bazı morfolojik karakterleri üzerine etkisi belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada; EM-1, EM-A (%30, %60, %90 dozlarında), EM-5 ve EM-Gold (%10, %20 ve %30 dozlarında) çeşitleri kullanılmıştır. Uygulamalar iki farklı zamanda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Birinci uygulama vejetasyon dönemi öncesi Nisan ayında; İkinci uygulama ise bitkilerin büyümesinin en aktif olduğu vejetasyon dönemi içinde Haziran ayında tesadüf parselleri deneme desenine göre üç tekerrürlü olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Uygulamalardan bir ay sonra işlemler tekrarlanmıştır. Fidanlara ait morfolojik ölçümler ikinci vejetasyon dönemi sonunda laboratuvar ortamında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara göre; EM'lar, Toros sediri fidanlarının bazı morfolojik karakterleri üzerinde kontrol fidanlarına göre olumlu yönde farklılığa sebebiyet verdiği tespit edilmiştir. EM uygulamalarının orta ve yüksek dozlarının kök boğazı çapı (KBÇ), gövde taze ağırlığı (GTA), fidan taze ağırlığı (FTA), kuru kök yüzdesi (%KKök) ve gürbüzlük indisi (Gİ) karakterleri üzerinde olumlu etkisi tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, EM uygulamasının zamanı açısından vejetasyon dönemi içinde yapılan aplikasyonun KBÇ ve %KKök üzerinde olumlu etkisi saptanmıştır. Çalışma sonuçları ışığında; EM'ların Toros sediri fidanı yetiştiriciliğinde fidan kalitesini arttırabileceği ve Toros sediri ile yapılan ağaçlandırmalar açısından da adaptasyon yeteneği yüksek fidan eldesine katkı sağlayabileceği kanaatine varılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Farklı Yaşlardaki Tüplü Fıstıkçamı (Pinus pinea L.) Fidanlarının Morfolojik Kalite Özellikleri

Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 2020

In this paper, we present tensor-based linear and nonlinear models for hyperspectral data classif... more In this paper, we present tensor-based linear and nonlinear models for hyperspectral data classification and analysis. By exploiting principles of tensor algebra, we introduce new classification architectures, the weight parameters of which satisfy the rank-1 canonical decomposition property. Then, we propose learning algorithms to train both linear and non-linear classifiers. The advantages of the proposed classification approach are that i) it significantly reduces the number of weight parameters required to train the model (and thus the respective number of training samples), ii) it provides a physical interpretation of model coefficients on the classification output and iii) it retains the spatial and spectral coherency of the input samples. The linear tensor-based model exploits principles of logistic regression assuming the rank-1 canonical decomposition property among its weights. For the non-linear classifier, we propose a modification of a feedforward neural network (FNN), called rank-1 FNN, since its weights satisfy again the rank-1 canonical decomposition property. An appropriate learning algorithm is also proposed to train the network. Experimental results and comparisons with state of the art classification methods, either linear (e.g., Linear SVM) or non-linear (e.g., deep learning) indicates the outperformance of the proposed scheme, especially in cases where a small number of training samples is available.

Research paper thumbnail of A major tool for afforestation of semi-arid and anthropogenic steppe areas in Turkey: Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe

In Turkey, almost half of which has semi-arid conditions, steppe areas have continuously been inc... more In Turkey, almost half of which has semi-arid conditions, steppe areas have continuously been increasing. These areas need to be afforested to prevent desertification. For this purpose, this research presents specifically the Anatolian black pine (Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold subsp. pallasiana /Lamb./ Holmboe) as a suitable forest tree species for afforestation activities, due to wide distribution both in Turkey and the broader region. After a thorough investigation of past and recent literature, and onsite activities, the review focuses on the production of seeds and seedlings of the species, land preparation and planting technique, post-planting site maintenance, success in the afforestation areas and considerations on Anatolian black pine seed transfer regioning. In conclusion, local ecological conditions regarding the species should always be taken into consideration. Another important issue for the success of afforestation in semi-arid lands is that the preparation activities of the land for afforestation are carried out with appropriate techniques timely and painstakingly. Moreover, after the 2000s, Turkish forestry focused on afforestation in semi-arid and anthropogenic steppe areas. Anatolian black pine is the most widely used tree species in semi-arid lands and anthropogenic areas and plays the major role in successful afforestation.

Research paper thumbnail of Güneybatı Fas’ın Agadir Ida Outanane Bölgesinde diyabet tedavisinde kullanılan tıbbi bitkiler üzerine etnobotanik bir çalışma

Biological Diversity and Conservation, 2020

In Morocco, diabetes affects 6.6% of men and women nationwide and is high in urban areas. Medicin... more In Morocco, diabetes affects 6.6% of men and women nationwide and is high in urban areas. Medicinal plants are used commonly by local people of Morocco for treat diabetes. The aim of this study is to identify plants species used for curing diabetes in the Agadir Ida Outanane region, Southwest Morocco. Data were collected by semi-structured and structured interviews. 400 interviews were conducted with knowledgeable villagers. The obtained data were analyzed through fidelity level (FL), use value (UV) and relative frequency of citation (RFC). By this ethnobotanical survey identified 22 species belonging to 14 families. The most represented families are Lamiaceae and Asteraceae. Three plants species, Cladanthus mixtus (L.) Chevall, Pulicaria mauritanica Batt., and Salvia aegyptiaca L., are mentioned for the first time for traditional treatment of diabetes. The most frequently cited plant species are Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels, Cistus creticus L., Globularia alypum L., Olea europaea L. This survey shows that traditional medicine is still used and constituted a very rich heritage in Agadir Ida Outanane Region. The collected data may help to archive and conservation of traditional knowledge on the use of medicinal plants in the study area. Furthermore, it is also important to know the potential plant species for future pharmaceutical research against diabetes.

Research paper thumbnail of A new distribution area of Pinus nigra J. F. var. şeneriana (Saatçioğlu) Yalt. (compact form of Anatolian black pine)

Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 2008

Bu calismada; Turkiye’nin endemik taksonlarindan Ebe karacami (Pinus nigra J. F. var. seneriana (... more Bu calismada; Turkiye’nin endemik taksonlarindan Ebe karacami (Pinus nigra J. F. var. seneriana (Saatcioglu) Yalt.)’nin in-situ ve ex-situ korunmasina katki saglanmasi amaciyla Kastamonu-Kascilar ve Kadidagi yorelerinde tespit edilen yeni yayilisi ve bireyleri tanitilmaktadir

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of melatonin applications on Anatolian black pine (Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold. subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe) afforestation performance in semi-arid areas

Bioresources, Feb 6, 2023

Melatonin, a substantial hormone, is a natural antioxidant agent that functions as a protector ag... more Melatonin, a substantial hormone, is a natural antioxidant agent that functions as a protector against the harmful effects of free radicals. Studies have found that "exogenous melatonin" applications have a positive effect on the growth and development of plants. This study investigated the adaptation of the seedlings that were transported from the nursery to the afforestation site for the process of planting. In 2019 the 2+0 aged barerooted Kastamonu/Taşköprü Anatolian Black pine seedlings, which are suitable for planting in semi-arid areas, were selected as research materials. Four different doses of "exogenous melatonin" (250, 500, 1000, and 1500 μM) were administered through two different methods (rootdipping and needle-spraying). Morphological seedling characteristics and bioactive chemical variables were measured for the control group and the seedlings treated with different doses of melatonin. Antioxidant enzyme activities were identified. When both the needle-spraying and root-dipping methods for melatonin application were evaluated in terms of morphological and biochemical variables, the best results were determined in low doses (250 to 500 μM). The results suggest that melatonin provides support to the metabolic process for the resistance of seedlings to low temperatures and semi-arid climatic conditions.

Research paper thumbnail of Tüplü Toros Sediri Fidanlarında Morfolojik ve Fizyolojik Bazı Özellikler ile Fidan Gelişim Evreleri (Çankırı Orman Fidanlığı)

Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry, Aug 15, 2022

Makale Tarihçesi Öz − İklim değişikliği etkisiyle potansiyel yayılış sahasını genişletme eğilimin... more Makale Tarihçesi Öz − İklim değişikliği etkisiyle potansiyel yayılış sahasını genişletme eğilimindeki Toros sediri (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) için plantasyon sahalarındaki adaptasyonda fidan kalitesi major bir araç durumundadır. Bu amaçla; Çankırı fidanlığı ekolojik koşullarında, polietilen tüplü Mersin-Mut orijinli fidanlar üzerinde yürütülen bu araştırmada; i) Morfolojik ve fizyolojik fidan özelliklerinin dönemsel değişimleri, ii) İkinci vejetasyon dönemi sonu itibariyle morfolojik fidan özellikleri ve Türk Standartlarına uygunlukları, iii) fidan gelişim dönemlerine uygun fidanlık kültürel işlemlerin önerilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda; 2+0 yaşlı fidanlarda boy (FB), kök boğazı çapı (KBÇ), gövde taze ağırlığı (GTA), kök taze ağırlığı (KTA), fidan taze ağırlığı (FTA), gövde kuru ağırlığı (GKA), kök kuru ağırlığı (KKA), fidan kuru ağırlığı (FKA), katlılık indisi (Kİ), gürbüzlük indisi (Gİ), kuru kök yüzdesi (%Kkök) ve Dickson kalite indisi (DKİ) sırasıyla; 18,57±0,316 cm,

Research paper thumbnail of Paulownia Sieb.&Zucc. TÜR VE ORİJİNLERİNİN FİDANLIK AŞAMASI PERFORMANSLARI

Turkish Journal of Forestry, 2009

Bu calismada; “Bazi Paulownia Turlerinin Turkiye'ye Adaptasyonu'' isimli proje kapsam... more Bu calismada; “Bazi Paulownia Turlerinin Turkiye'ye Adaptasyonu'' isimli proje kapsaminda Cin'den temin edilen uc Paulownia Sieb.Z fidanlar seradan acik alana cikarildiktan sonra 15 gun arayla gerceklestirilmistir. Ayrica, vejetasyon donemi sonu itibariyle ise orijinlere ait cap ve boy gelisimi olculmustur. Boy bakimindan en iyi ortalama gelisimin sirasiyla P. fortunei x tomentosa (91.7 cm), P. tomentosa Henan-Luoyang (85.2 cm), P. fortunei Guangxi-Guilin ve P. fortunei Hubei-Hunan (81.6 cm) orijinleri tarafindan gerceklestirildigi tespit edilmistir. Anahtar kelimeler; Paulownia, Orijin, Adaptasyon, Fidanlik Asamasi

Research paper thumbnail of Morphological Characteristics of Some Broad-Leaved Forest Tree Seedlings

Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 2020

Bu çalışmada; Ordu orman fidanlığı ekolojik şartlarında “Tam Alan Serpme Yöntemi” ile ekilen ve r... more Bu çalışmada; Ordu orman fidanlığı ekolojik şartlarında “Tam Alan Serpme Yöntemi” ile ekilen ve rutin yetiştirme tekniği uygulamaları ile üretilen bazı geniş yapraklı orman ağacı [1+0 yaşlı doğu kayını (Fagus orientalis L.)], 2+0 yaşlı adi gürgen (Carpinus betulus L.) ve 3+0 yaşlı dağ akçaağacı (Acer pseudoplatanus L.)] fidanlarının fidan boyu (FB), kök boğazı çapı (KBÇ), dal sayısı (DS) ve gürbüzlük indisi (Gİ) değerleri tespit edilmiştir. Morfolojik fidan özellikleri arasındaki ilişkiler korelasyon analizi ile belirlenmiştir. Tespit edilen morfolojik özelliklere göre fidanlar, TSE standartları ve Aphalo ve Rikala (2003) Gİ değerine göre değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; sırasıyla doğu kayını, dağ akçaağacı ve adi gürgenin ortalama fidan boyları 29,5, 86,7 ve 70,8 cm; ortalama KBÇ 3,62, 9 ve 6,7 mm; ortalama DS 6,6, 9 ve 22,1 adet ve Gİ değerleri ise 86,7, 98,8 ve 111,9 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Morfolojik fidan özelliklerinde dikkati çeken en önemli hususlardan biri he...

Research paper thumbnail of Flowering Variation in a Scots Pine Clonal Seed Orchard

Istanbul University - DergiPark, Mar 1, 2009

Çalışma, 1995 yılında Kastamonu'da 30 adet klon ile tesis edilen Araç-Dereyayla orijinli Taşköprü... more Çalışma, 1995 yılında Kastamonu'da 30 adet klon ile tesis edilen Araç-Dereyayla orijinli Taşköprü-Tekçam sarıçam (Pinus sylvestris L.) klonal tohum bahçesinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada, tohum bahçesindeki klonların çiçeklenme fenolojisi 2006 ve 2007 yıllarında incelenmiş, göstermiş oldukları farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir. Fenolojik gözlemler sırasında dişi çiçeklerde altı, erkek çiçeklerde sekiz gelişim evresi ayırt edilmiştir. Tozlaşma dönemi çiçeklenme fenolojileri incelendiğinde; 2006 ve 2007 yıllarında erkek çiçeklerin polen yayım dönemi, Mayıs ortası-Haziran ortası arasında gerçekleşmiştir. Dişi çiçeklerin 2006 yılı polen kabulüne başlama ve bitiş dönemi, Mayıs ortası-Haziran ortası olarak belirlenmiştir. 2007 yılında ise dişi çiçeklerin polen kabulüne başlama ve bitiş dönemi Mayıs ortası-Haziranın ilk haftası arasında gerçekleşmiştir. Erkek çiçek polen yayımı ile dişi çiçek polen kabul dönemleri arasında her iki yılda da, hem zamanlama hem de süre açısından bir uyum olduğu gözlenmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of İğne Yaprakli Orman Ağaçlarinda Tohum Ve Kozalak Zararlilari

Anadolu orman araştırmaları dergisi, Sep 12, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of growing media on morphological attributes of containerized oriental spruce seedlings

Research paper thumbnail of Drought-Responsive Hsp70 Gene Analysis in Populus at Genome-Wide Level

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2015

The heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) family members are known as molecular chaperones. They play a c... more The heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) family members are known as molecular chaperones. They play a crucial role in protecting plant cells and tissues from thermal or abiotic stress through protein folding and in assembly, stabilization, activation, and degradation processes. Although many studies have been performed to identify molecular functions of individual family members, there is a limited study on genome-wide identification and characterizations of Hsps in the Populus model tree genus. We have identified 34 poplar Hsp70 genes, which were phylogenetically clustered into three major groups. Gene structure and motif composition are relatively conserved in each group. Mainly tandem and infrequently segmental duplications have a significant role in poplar Hsp70 gene expansion. The in silico microRNA (miRNA) and target transcript analyses identified that a total of 19 PtHsp70 genes were targeted by 27 plant miRNAs. PtHSP70-14 and PtHSP70-33 are the most targeted by miR390 and miR414 family members, respectively. For determination of drought response to Hsp70 genes, publicly available RNA-seq data were analyzed. Poplar Hsp70s are differentially expressed upon exposure to different drought stress conditions. Expression analysis of PtHsp70 genes was also examined under drought stress in drought-sensitive and drought-resistant Populus clones with quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). PtHsp70-16 and PtHsp70-26 genes might provide adaptation to drought stress for both clones. Because of high expression responses to drought in only resistant Populus clone, PtHsp70-25 and PtHsp70-33 genes might be used for determination of drought-tolerant clones for molecular breeding studies. This research provides a fundamental clue for contribution of PtHsp70s to drought tolerance in poplar.

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial Analysis of the Degraded Forest Areas in Idmine Forest-Morocco Using Geoscience Capabilities

Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi

Aim of study: The aim of the study is to present a diagnosis for the state of Argan forest degrad... more Aim of study: The aim of the study is to present a diagnosis for the state of Argan forest degradation in Morocco through GIS and remote sensing utilizing Sentinel 2 satellite images of the year 2019 (dated 28/08/2019). Area of study: The study was carried out in a forest commune in Idmine, South West Morocco, which is located in semi-arid bioclimatic region. Material and methods: In the study, two methods were tested. These are; (i) the vegetation indices (VIs) [Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), Brilliance Index (IB)] and their combination and (ii) the supervised classification and spectral analysis. Main results: Two methods have given the same results (Kappa coefficient=90%) to describe the state of forest degradation. Consequently, three classes pertaining to forest degradation within the study area were; low (34%), medium (44%) and critical degradation (22%). Highlights: This monitoring might help managers to create forest management plans and to evaluate the speed of deforestation and degradation.

Research paper thumbnail of Correction: Sarsekova D, Ayan S, Talgat A, 2020. Ectomycorrhizal Flora Formed by Main Forest Trees in the Irtysh River Region of Central and Northeastern Kazakhstan

The authors wish to make the correction of the paper of Sarsekova et al. (2020). In the original ... more The authors wish to make the correction of the paper of Sarsekova et al. (2020). In the original paper, there was a mistake in the order of the first and the second name of the author Talghat Abbzhabnov. The correct order is Talghat Abbzhabnov. The original paper published on 11 May 2020 has been updated and both versions will be available on the paper webpage. The authors emphasize that this change does not affect the results of this research, and they apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause

Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Filbert (Corylus colurna L.) a new distribution area in Northwestern Anatolia Forests: (Provinces of Müsellimler, Tunuslar in Ağlı, Kastamonu/Turkey)

Biological Diversity and Conservation, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Orman Gen Kaynakları ve Kastamonu Ormanları

Research paper thumbnail of Morphological and physiological characteristics of seedlings of different eastern beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky.) populations

Turkish Journal of Forestry | Türkiye Ormancılık Dergisi, 2019

Fidanlıkların ekolojik koşulları fidanların hem morfolojik hem de fizyolojik özellikleri dolayısı... more Fidanlıkların ekolojik koşulları fidanların hem morfolojik hem de fizyolojik özellikleri dolayısıyla gelişimleri üzerinde etkili olabilir. Ayrıca, belirli bir yetişme ortamı koşullarına adapte olmuş popülasyonların; tohumların toplanmış olduğu popülasyonların genetik özellikleri de yine fidanların gelişimi üzerinde etkilidir. Bu çalışmada, doğu kayınının (Fagus orientalis Lipsky.) doğal yayılış alanının farklı yörelerinden toplanan tohumlar, aynı ekolojik koşullarda ekilmiştir. Farklı popülasyonlara ait fidanların aynı ekolojik koşullardaki morfolojik ve fizyolojik özellikleri mukayeseli olarak araştırılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Exposure, Elevation and Tree Age on Seed Characteristics of Fagus orientalis Lipsky

South-east European forestry, 2015

Background and Purpose: Natural or artificial regeneration, rehabilitation, and conversion from c... more Background and Purpose: Natural or artificial regeneration, rehabilitation, and conversion from coppice to high forest are important practices in Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) forests in Turkey. Studies of the seeds of this species have increased in number because mast years are infrequent and seed germination is inhibited by dormancy. In this study we quantified the effects of tree age (40-59, 60-79 and 80-99 years), stand exposure (north, west, east and south) and elevation (600 and 800 m a.s.l.) on seed characteristics (germination, moisture content, and weight) of Oriental beech. Material and Methods: The seeds used in this study were collected from natural beech forest at Kumluca, Bartin, in the western Black Sea region of Turkey. Experiments were carried out in the laboratory and the greenhouse of Bartin University. Results: Seed germination and moisture content varied significantly by elevation, and seed germination was strongly influenced by elevation. Moisture content was 14% at 600 m and 16% at 800 m. The effects of elevation and tree age on 100 seed weights were not significant but exposure had a significant effect. The highest 100 seed weight was recorded for trees on southern exposures and the highest germination percentage of 82% was recorded for trees on northern exposures. Conclusions: In conclusion, since oriental beech seedlings are produced by generative propagation method, seeds should be harvested in optimum distribution area of beech, from average ages and phenotypically plus tree.

Research paper thumbnail of Juniperus L. for Restoration of Degraded Forest Lands in Turkey

South-east European forestry, 2021

Degraded forests are among of the most important environmental and commercial problems around the... more Degraded forests are among of the most important environmental and commercial problems around the world. Turkey has 22.74 million hectares of forest area, out of which 9.656 million ha (42%) are unproductive. To transform these unproductive forests into productive ones, forest restoration including rehabilitation is one of the best actions. In this sense, juniper species play an important role for degraded lands because they are drought-tolerant and withstand aridity and poor soils better than most timber species grown in Turkey. Therefore, this review presents the ecological considerations for the restoration of degraded forest lands in Turkey under the conditions of climate change. Within this framework, it focuses on the production of planting stock of juniper species, the significance of site-species matching, and post-planting site maintenance for successful rehabilitation.

Research paper thumbnail of Etkili Mikroorganizmaların Tüplü Toros Sediri (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) Fidanlarının Morfolojik Özelliklerine Etkisi

Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi

Bu çalışmada; Etkili mikroorganizmaların (EM) tüplü 2+0 yaşlı Toros sediri (Cedrus libani A. Rich... more Bu çalışmada; Etkili mikroorganizmaların (EM) tüplü 2+0 yaşlı Toros sediri (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) fidanlarının bazı morfolojik karakterleri üzerine etkisi belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada; EM-1, EM-A (%30, %60, %90 dozlarında), EM-5 ve EM-Gold (%10, %20 ve %30 dozlarında) çeşitleri kullanılmıştır. Uygulamalar iki farklı zamanda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Birinci uygulama vejetasyon dönemi öncesi Nisan ayında; İkinci uygulama ise bitkilerin büyümesinin en aktif olduğu vejetasyon dönemi içinde Haziran ayında tesadüf parselleri deneme desenine göre üç tekerrürlü olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Uygulamalardan bir ay sonra işlemler tekrarlanmıştır. Fidanlara ait morfolojik ölçümler ikinci vejetasyon dönemi sonunda laboratuvar ortamında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara göre; EM'lar, Toros sediri fidanlarının bazı morfolojik karakterleri üzerinde kontrol fidanlarına göre olumlu yönde farklılığa sebebiyet verdiği tespit edilmiştir. EM uygulamalarının orta ve yüksek dozlarının kök boğazı çapı (KBÇ), gövde taze ağırlığı (GTA), fidan taze ağırlığı (FTA), kuru kök yüzdesi (%KKök) ve gürbüzlük indisi (Gİ) karakterleri üzerinde olumlu etkisi tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, EM uygulamasının zamanı açısından vejetasyon dönemi içinde yapılan aplikasyonun KBÇ ve %KKök üzerinde olumlu etkisi saptanmıştır. Çalışma sonuçları ışığında; EM'ların Toros sediri fidanı yetiştiriciliğinde fidan kalitesini arttırabileceği ve Toros sediri ile yapılan ağaçlandırmalar açısından da adaptasyon yeteneği yüksek fidan eldesine katkı sağlayabileceği kanaatine varılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Farklı Yaşlardaki Tüplü Fıstıkçamı (Pinus pinea L.) Fidanlarının Morfolojik Kalite Özellikleri

Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 2020

In this paper, we present tensor-based linear and nonlinear models for hyperspectral data classif... more In this paper, we present tensor-based linear and nonlinear models for hyperspectral data classification and analysis. By exploiting principles of tensor algebra, we introduce new classification architectures, the weight parameters of which satisfy the rank-1 canonical decomposition property. Then, we propose learning algorithms to train both linear and non-linear classifiers. The advantages of the proposed classification approach are that i) it significantly reduces the number of weight parameters required to train the model (and thus the respective number of training samples), ii) it provides a physical interpretation of model coefficients on the classification output and iii) it retains the spatial and spectral coherency of the input samples. The linear tensor-based model exploits principles of logistic regression assuming the rank-1 canonical decomposition property among its weights. For the non-linear classifier, we propose a modification of a feedforward neural network (FNN), called rank-1 FNN, since its weights satisfy again the rank-1 canonical decomposition property. An appropriate learning algorithm is also proposed to train the network. Experimental results and comparisons with state of the art classification methods, either linear (e.g., Linear SVM) or non-linear (e.g., deep learning) indicates the outperformance of the proposed scheme, especially in cases where a small number of training samples is available.

Research paper thumbnail of A major tool for afforestation of semi-arid and anthropogenic steppe areas in Turkey: Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe

In Turkey, almost half of which has semi-arid conditions, steppe areas have continuously been inc... more In Turkey, almost half of which has semi-arid conditions, steppe areas have continuously been increasing. These areas need to be afforested to prevent desertification. For this purpose, this research presents specifically the Anatolian black pine (Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold subsp. pallasiana /Lamb./ Holmboe) as a suitable forest tree species for afforestation activities, due to wide distribution both in Turkey and the broader region. After a thorough investigation of past and recent literature, and onsite activities, the review focuses on the production of seeds and seedlings of the species, land preparation and planting technique, post-planting site maintenance, success in the afforestation areas and considerations on Anatolian black pine seed transfer regioning. In conclusion, local ecological conditions regarding the species should always be taken into consideration. Another important issue for the success of afforestation in semi-arid lands is that the preparation activities of the land for afforestation are carried out with appropriate techniques timely and painstakingly. Moreover, after the 2000s, Turkish forestry focused on afforestation in semi-arid and anthropogenic steppe areas. Anatolian black pine is the most widely used tree species in semi-arid lands and anthropogenic areas and plays the major role in successful afforestation.

Research paper thumbnail of Güneybatı Fas’ın Agadir Ida Outanane Bölgesinde diyabet tedavisinde kullanılan tıbbi bitkiler üzerine etnobotanik bir çalışma

Biological Diversity and Conservation, 2020

In Morocco, diabetes affects 6.6% of men and women nationwide and is high in urban areas. Medicin... more In Morocco, diabetes affects 6.6% of men and women nationwide and is high in urban areas. Medicinal plants are used commonly by local people of Morocco for treat diabetes. The aim of this study is to identify plants species used for curing diabetes in the Agadir Ida Outanane region, Southwest Morocco. Data were collected by semi-structured and structured interviews. 400 interviews were conducted with knowledgeable villagers. The obtained data were analyzed through fidelity level (FL), use value (UV) and relative frequency of citation (RFC). By this ethnobotanical survey identified 22 species belonging to 14 families. The most represented families are Lamiaceae and Asteraceae. Three plants species, Cladanthus mixtus (L.) Chevall, Pulicaria mauritanica Batt., and Salvia aegyptiaca L., are mentioned for the first time for traditional treatment of diabetes. The most frequently cited plant species are Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels, Cistus creticus L., Globularia alypum L., Olea europaea L. This survey shows that traditional medicine is still used and constituted a very rich heritage in Agadir Ida Outanane Region. The collected data may help to archive and conservation of traditional knowledge on the use of medicinal plants in the study area. Furthermore, it is also important to know the potential plant species for future pharmaceutical research against diabetes.

Research paper thumbnail of A new distribution area of Pinus nigra J. F. var. şeneriana (Saatçioğlu) Yalt. (compact form of Anatolian black pine)

Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 2008

Bu calismada; Turkiye’nin endemik taksonlarindan Ebe karacami (Pinus nigra J. F. var. seneriana (... more Bu calismada; Turkiye’nin endemik taksonlarindan Ebe karacami (Pinus nigra J. F. var. seneriana (Saatcioglu) Yalt.)’nin in-situ ve ex-situ korunmasina katki saglanmasi amaciyla Kastamonu-Kascilar ve Kadidagi yorelerinde tespit edilen yeni yayilisi ve bireyleri tanitilmaktadir