Shri Kant Tripathi - (original) (raw)

Papers by Shri Kant Tripathi

Research paper thumbnail of Stand density effects on tree growth and climatic response in Picea obovata Ledeb. plantations

Forest Ecology and Management

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Research paper thumbnail of Indigenous Community Fishing Practices in Nagaland, Eastern Indian Himalayas


The significance of indigenous knowledge under the current scenario of biodiversity imperilment i... more The significance of indigenous knowledge under the current scenario of biodiversity imperilment is well-known since such knowledge is gained through continuous intergenerational observations of natural systems. In this study, we present a description of indigenous community fishing practices in Nagaland and investigate their relationship with the cultural and traditional aspects of the associated communities through oral interactions, questionnaires and as a participatory observer. We observed inter- and intra-community fishing in which the piscicidal plants Millettia pachycarpa and Derris elliptica (both Fabaceae) were used as fish poison. M. pachycarpa was commonly used in inter-community ‘fishing festivals’ since it is easily available, less laborious to collect and there are no reports of harm to the body in comparison to D. elliptica which causes allergy and/or dermatological effects. Indigenous community fishing is conducted to develop a sense of peaceful co-existence and pros...

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Research paper thumbnail of Changes in soil exchangeable nutrients across different land uses in steep slopes of Mizoram, North-east India

Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 2021

Land use change resulting from anthropogenic pressure on land has led to degraded soil quality, e... more Land use change resulting from anthropogenic pressure on land has led to degraded soil quality, especially in the hilly tropical regions where ecosystems are generally fragile and susceptible to soil degradation from cultivation. Hence, sustainable land uses and management practices are crucial for agricultural production and ecological balance, particularly in these regions. The present study investigates the impact of various hill land uses (Natural forest-NAF, Jhum fallow-JF, Home garden-HG, Acacia pennata plantation-AP and Current Jhum-CJ) on soil exchangeable nutrients in steeply sloping agro-ecosystems of Mizoram, North-east India. Soil samples were collected from three different depths (0-10, 10-20 & 20-30 cm) and analyzed for pH, Pavail, Na, K, Mg, Mn and Ca. Our results indicated that land use and soil depths had a significant impact on soil pH, Pavail and soil exchangeable cations (p<0.05). Conversion of native forests for cultivation negatively affected soil properties...

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Research paper thumbnail of Leaf and root production, decomposition and carbon and nitrogen fluxes during stand development in tropical moist forests, north-east India

Soil Research, 2018

In the present study we investigated the production and decomposition of leaves, branches and roo... more In the present study we investigated the production and decomposition of leaves, branches and roots in two moist regenerating tropical forests (5 and 15 years old; RF-5 and RF-15 respectively) and a natural forest (NF) in north-east India. Total litter input increased during vegetation succession (759, 1089 and 1284 g m–2 year–1 in RF-5, RF-15 and NF respectively), whereas the contribution of soft litter decreased sharply. Decomposition over 450 days indicated significant seasonal (P < 0.001) patterns in mass loss of litter components, with greater rates during the wet period. Soil CO2 efflux was strongly seasonal. C stock loss followed patterns similar to those of mass loss, whereas N increased initially, followed by its gradual release. Rainfall explained 74–90% of the variability in mass loss rates. Concentrations of cellulose and N were significantly positively correlated with mass loss at an early stage of decomposition (r = 0.54–0.65, P < 0.05), whereas lignin : N and C ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of land-use pattern on soil quality in a steeply sloped tropical mountainous region, India

Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2020

The study investigates the effect of various existing hill land-use practices on soil quality. Th... more The study investigates the effect of various existing hill land-use practices on soil quality. The land-use types were selected for the analysis was based on common land-use types practices in the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of land-use pattern on soil quality in a steeply sloped tropical mountainous region, India

Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2020

The study investigates the effect of various existing hill land-use practices on soil quality. Th... more The study investigates the effect of various existing hill land-use practices on soil quality. The land-use types were selected for the analysis was based on common land-use types practices in the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Soil fertility influences leave quality of Morus alba L. in Mizoram, Northeast India

Vegetos, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Soil fertility influences leave quality of Morus alba L. in Mizoram, Northeast India

Vegetos, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural and functional characterization of rhizosphere actinomycetes of major crop plants under shifting cultivation practice in Northeast India

Vegetos, 2021

This paper aims to study the rhizosphere soils of major traditional crop plants under shifting cu... more This paper aims to study the rhizosphere soils of major traditional crop plants under shifting cultivation of Mizoram for diversity and morphological characterization of actinomycetes, and screening of their salt-tolerance and PGPR activities. The rhizosphere soils from six major crops with adequate replications were collected from two locations (i.e. Reiek and Lengpui, about 30 km apart) of Mamit District of Mizoram. Rhizospheric actinomycetes were isolated by serial dilution method. Purified actinomycetes were screened for their salt resistance under different dilutions (i.e. 0, 50, 70,100, 150, 180, 200, 250, 300 g/l) of NaCl concentrations and their PGPR activities for the production of IAA, siderophores and ammonia. Genomic DNA extraction and their 16SrRNA sequencing of most potential strain AB726 were characterized. Further, rhizospheric soils were studied for their soil physico-chemical properties. A total of 26 rhizospheric actinomycetes were purified and identified. Out of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural and functional characterization of rhizosphere actinomycetes of major crop plants under shifting cultivation practice in Northeast India

Vegetos, 2021

This paper aims to study the rhizosphere soils of major traditional crop plants under shifting cu... more This paper aims to study the rhizosphere soils of major traditional crop plants under shifting cultivation of Mizoram for diversity and morphological characterization of actinomycetes, and screening of their salt-tolerance and PGPR activities. The rhizosphere soils from six major crops with adequate replications were collected from two locations (i.e. Reiek and Lengpui, about 30 km apart) of Mamit District of Mizoram. Rhizospheric actinomycetes were isolated by serial dilution method. Purified actinomycetes were screened for their salt resistance under different dilutions (i.e. 0, 50, 70,100, 150, 180, 200, 250, 300 g/l) of NaCl concentrations and their PGPR activities for the production of IAA, siderophores and ammonia. Genomic DNA extraction and their 16SrRNA sequencing of most potential strain AB726 were characterized. Further, rhizospheric soils were studied for their soil physico-chemical properties. A total of 26 rhizospheric actinomycetes were purified and identified. Out of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Rhizosphere species Streptomyces from major crop plants of shifting cultivation, northeast India

Indian Journal of Ecology, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Rhizosphere species Streptomyces from major crop plants of shifting cultivation, northeast India

Indian Journal of Ecology, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Management of soil fertility and sustained crop productivity in rice-based agro-ecosystems in Mizoram , Northeast India

s, 37p. 096 Res. J. Agric. Environ. Manage Ramirez, K.S., Craine, J.M., Fierer, N. (2012). Consis... more s, 37p. 096 Res. J. Agric. Environ. Manage Ramirez, K.S., Craine, J.M., Fierer, N. (2012). Consistent effects of nitrogen amendments on soil microbial communities and processes across biomes. Global Change Biology doi: 10.1111/j.13652486.2012.02639.x Reddy, G P, Brahmanand, P.S., Kannan, K. (1999). Hybrid rice for food securitypotential and option. Yojana, 43 (12): 21. Robertson, G.P., Paul, E.A., Harwood, R.R. (2000). Greenhouse gases in intensive agriculture: contributions of individual gases to the radiative forcing of the atmosphere. Science 289: 1300–1922. Siddiq, E.A. (2000). Survey of Indian agriculture. The Hindu, pp.43. Singh, K.P., Tripathi, S.K. (2000). Impact of environmental nutrient loading on the structure and functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. Curr. Sci. 79: 316323. Singh, S., Ghoshal, N., Singh, K.P. (2007). Synchronizing nitrogen availability through application of organic inputs of varying resource quality in a tropical dryland agroecosystem. Applied Soil Ecol...

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Research paper thumbnail of Fine Root and Soil Nitrogen Dynamics during Stand Development Following Shifting Agriculture in Northeast India

Forests, 2020

Nitrogen (N) dynamics during changes in land use patterns in tropical forests may profoundly affe... more Nitrogen (N) dynamics during changes in land use patterns in tropical forests may profoundly affect fine root dynamics and nutrient cycling processes. Variations in fine root biomass and soil N dynamics were assessed in developing stands of increasing ages following shifting agriculture in Mizoram, Northeast India, and comparisons were made with a natural forest stand. Concentrations of soil available N (NH4-N and NO3-N) and the proportion of NH4-N in total available N increased with stand age. The N-mineralization rate also increased with stand age whilst the proportion of nitrification relative to ammonification declined during succession. Fine root biomass and N-mineralization increased, and available N decreased during the monsoon season while this pattern was reversed during the winter season. A greater proportion of fine roots were <0.5 mm diameter in the younger sites, and turnover of fine roots was more rapid in the developing stands compared to the natural forest. Fine r...

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Research paper thumbnail of Dendroclimatology of teak indicates prevailing climatic conditions of tropical moist forests in India

Ecological Indicators, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Dendroclimatology of teak indicates prevailing climatic conditions of tropical moist forests in India

Ecological Indicators, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Soil and mulberry leaf quality affect silk worm cocoon production in Mizoram

Indian Journal of Entomology, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Soil and mulberry leaf quality affect silk worm cocoon production in Mizoram

Indian Journal of Entomology, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Non-linear Response to Cell Number Revealed and Eliminated From Long-Term Tracheid Measurements of Scots Pine in Southern Siberia

Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021

Dendroclimatic research offers insight into tree growth–climate response as a solution to the for... more Dendroclimatic research offers insight into tree growth–climate response as a solution to the forward problem and provides reconstructions of climatic variables as products of the reverse problem. Methodological developments in dendroclimatology have led to the inclusion of a variety of tree growth parameters in this field. Tree-ring traits developed during short time intervals of a growing season can potentially provide a finer temporal scale of both dendroclimatic applications and offer a better understanding of the mechanisms of tree growth reaction to climatic variations. Furthermore, the transition from classical dendroclimatic studies based on a single integral variable (tree-ring width) to the modern multitude of quantitative variables (e.g., wood anatomical structure) adds a lot of complexity, which mainly arises from intrinsic feedbacks between wood traits and muddles seasonality of registered climatic signal. This study utilized life-long wood anatomical measurements of 15...

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Research paper thumbnail of Microbial succession and changes in carbon and nitrogen during decomposition of leaf litters of Tephrosia candida (Roxb.) DC. and Oryza sativa L. under shifting cultivation in Mizoram, northeast India

Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 2021

The present study aims to understand microbial succession and dynamics of dry matter, carbon and ... more The present study aims to understand microbial succession and dynamics of dry matter, carbon and nitrogen during the decomposition of leaf litters of Tephrosia candida (Roxb.) DC. and Oryza sativa L. in two fallow lands (FL) of 3 years (FL-3) and 8 years (FL-8) following shifting cultivation in Mizoram. A total of 64 microorganisms were isolated from two leaf litters by serial dilution method, out of which 13 microbes were identified as decomposers as they exhibited a positive response towards the enzyme activity. Among these 13 microorganisms, 4 (SKT 02, SKT 05, SKT 09 and SKT 020) were bacteria (Streptobacillus sp. and Bacillus sp.), 5 (SKT 033, SKT 034, SKT 035, SKT 040 and SKT045) were fungi (Microsporum sp., Rhizopus sp. and Aspergillus sp.) and 4 (SKT 030, SKT 052, SKT 053 and SKT 060) were actinomycetes (Streptomycetes sp.). T. candida leaf litter possessed low initial Carbon/Nitrogen (8.77) and Lignin/Nitrogen ratio (2.29) and considered a high-quality resource exhibiting hi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Stand density effects on tree growth and climatic response in Picea obovata Ledeb. plantations

Forest Ecology and Management

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Research paper thumbnail of Indigenous Community Fishing Practices in Nagaland, Eastern Indian Himalayas


The significance of indigenous knowledge under the current scenario of biodiversity imperilment i... more The significance of indigenous knowledge under the current scenario of biodiversity imperilment is well-known since such knowledge is gained through continuous intergenerational observations of natural systems. In this study, we present a description of indigenous community fishing practices in Nagaland and investigate their relationship with the cultural and traditional aspects of the associated communities through oral interactions, questionnaires and as a participatory observer. We observed inter- and intra-community fishing in which the piscicidal plants Millettia pachycarpa and Derris elliptica (both Fabaceae) were used as fish poison. M. pachycarpa was commonly used in inter-community ‘fishing festivals’ since it is easily available, less laborious to collect and there are no reports of harm to the body in comparison to D. elliptica which causes allergy and/or dermatological effects. Indigenous community fishing is conducted to develop a sense of peaceful co-existence and pros...

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Research paper thumbnail of Changes in soil exchangeable nutrients across different land uses in steep slopes of Mizoram, North-east India

Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 2021

Land use change resulting from anthropogenic pressure on land has led to degraded soil quality, e... more Land use change resulting from anthropogenic pressure on land has led to degraded soil quality, especially in the hilly tropical regions where ecosystems are generally fragile and susceptible to soil degradation from cultivation. Hence, sustainable land uses and management practices are crucial for agricultural production and ecological balance, particularly in these regions. The present study investigates the impact of various hill land uses (Natural forest-NAF, Jhum fallow-JF, Home garden-HG, Acacia pennata plantation-AP and Current Jhum-CJ) on soil exchangeable nutrients in steeply sloping agro-ecosystems of Mizoram, North-east India. Soil samples were collected from three different depths (0-10, 10-20 & 20-30 cm) and analyzed for pH, Pavail, Na, K, Mg, Mn and Ca. Our results indicated that land use and soil depths had a significant impact on soil pH, Pavail and soil exchangeable cations (p<0.05). Conversion of native forests for cultivation negatively affected soil properties...

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Research paper thumbnail of Leaf and root production, decomposition and carbon and nitrogen fluxes during stand development in tropical moist forests, north-east India

Soil Research, 2018

In the present study we investigated the production and decomposition of leaves, branches and roo... more In the present study we investigated the production and decomposition of leaves, branches and roots in two moist regenerating tropical forests (5 and 15 years old; RF-5 and RF-15 respectively) and a natural forest (NF) in north-east India. Total litter input increased during vegetation succession (759, 1089 and 1284 g m–2 year–1 in RF-5, RF-15 and NF respectively), whereas the contribution of soft litter decreased sharply. Decomposition over 450 days indicated significant seasonal (P < 0.001) patterns in mass loss of litter components, with greater rates during the wet period. Soil CO2 efflux was strongly seasonal. C stock loss followed patterns similar to those of mass loss, whereas N increased initially, followed by its gradual release. Rainfall explained 74–90% of the variability in mass loss rates. Concentrations of cellulose and N were significantly positively correlated with mass loss at an early stage of decomposition (r = 0.54–0.65, P < 0.05), whereas lignin : N and C ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of land-use pattern on soil quality in a steeply sloped tropical mountainous region, India

Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2020

The study investigates the effect of various existing hill land-use practices on soil quality. Th... more The study investigates the effect of various existing hill land-use practices on soil quality. The land-use types were selected for the analysis was based on common land-use types practices in the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of land-use pattern on soil quality in a steeply sloped tropical mountainous region, India

Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2020

The study investigates the effect of various existing hill land-use practices on soil quality. Th... more The study investigates the effect of various existing hill land-use practices on soil quality. The land-use types were selected for the analysis was based on common land-use types practices in the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Soil fertility influences leave quality of Morus alba L. in Mizoram, Northeast India

Vegetos, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Soil fertility influences leave quality of Morus alba L. in Mizoram, Northeast India

Vegetos, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural and functional characterization of rhizosphere actinomycetes of major crop plants under shifting cultivation practice in Northeast India

Vegetos, 2021

This paper aims to study the rhizosphere soils of major traditional crop plants under shifting cu... more This paper aims to study the rhizosphere soils of major traditional crop plants under shifting cultivation of Mizoram for diversity and morphological characterization of actinomycetes, and screening of their salt-tolerance and PGPR activities. The rhizosphere soils from six major crops with adequate replications were collected from two locations (i.e. Reiek and Lengpui, about 30 km apart) of Mamit District of Mizoram. Rhizospheric actinomycetes were isolated by serial dilution method. Purified actinomycetes were screened for their salt resistance under different dilutions (i.e. 0, 50, 70,100, 150, 180, 200, 250, 300 g/l) of NaCl concentrations and their PGPR activities for the production of IAA, siderophores and ammonia. Genomic DNA extraction and their 16SrRNA sequencing of most potential strain AB726 were characterized. Further, rhizospheric soils were studied for their soil physico-chemical properties. A total of 26 rhizospheric actinomycetes were purified and identified. Out of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural and functional characterization of rhizosphere actinomycetes of major crop plants under shifting cultivation practice in Northeast India

Vegetos, 2021

This paper aims to study the rhizosphere soils of major traditional crop plants under shifting cu... more This paper aims to study the rhizosphere soils of major traditional crop plants under shifting cultivation of Mizoram for diversity and morphological characterization of actinomycetes, and screening of their salt-tolerance and PGPR activities. The rhizosphere soils from six major crops with adequate replications were collected from two locations (i.e. Reiek and Lengpui, about 30 km apart) of Mamit District of Mizoram. Rhizospheric actinomycetes were isolated by serial dilution method. Purified actinomycetes were screened for their salt resistance under different dilutions (i.e. 0, 50, 70,100, 150, 180, 200, 250, 300 g/l) of NaCl concentrations and their PGPR activities for the production of IAA, siderophores and ammonia. Genomic DNA extraction and their 16SrRNA sequencing of most potential strain AB726 were characterized. Further, rhizospheric soils were studied for their soil physico-chemical properties. A total of 26 rhizospheric actinomycetes were purified and identified. Out of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Rhizosphere species Streptomyces from major crop plants of shifting cultivation, northeast India

Indian Journal of Ecology, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Rhizosphere species Streptomyces from major crop plants of shifting cultivation, northeast India

Indian Journal of Ecology, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Management of soil fertility and sustained crop productivity in rice-based agro-ecosystems in Mizoram , Northeast India

s, 37p. 096 Res. J. Agric. Environ. Manage Ramirez, K.S., Craine, J.M., Fierer, N. (2012). Consis... more s, 37p. 096 Res. J. Agric. Environ. Manage Ramirez, K.S., Craine, J.M., Fierer, N. (2012). Consistent effects of nitrogen amendments on soil microbial communities and processes across biomes. Global Change Biology doi: 10.1111/j.13652486.2012.02639.x Reddy, G P, Brahmanand, P.S., Kannan, K. (1999). Hybrid rice for food securitypotential and option. Yojana, 43 (12): 21. Robertson, G.P., Paul, E.A., Harwood, R.R. (2000). Greenhouse gases in intensive agriculture: contributions of individual gases to the radiative forcing of the atmosphere. Science 289: 1300–1922. Siddiq, E.A. (2000). Survey of Indian agriculture. The Hindu, pp.43. Singh, K.P., Tripathi, S.K. (2000). Impact of environmental nutrient loading on the structure and functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. Curr. Sci. 79: 316323. Singh, S., Ghoshal, N., Singh, K.P. (2007). Synchronizing nitrogen availability through application of organic inputs of varying resource quality in a tropical dryland agroecosystem. Applied Soil Ecol...

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Research paper thumbnail of Fine Root and Soil Nitrogen Dynamics during Stand Development Following Shifting Agriculture in Northeast India

Forests, 2020

Nitrogen (N) dynamics during changes in land use patterns in tropical forests may profoundly affe... more Nitrogen (N) dynamics during changes in land use patterns in tropical forests may profoundly affect fine root dynamics and nutrient cycling processes. Variations in fine root biomass and soil N dynamics were assessed in developing stands of increasing ages following shifting agriculture in Mizoram, Northeast India, and comparisons were made with a natural forest stand. Concentrations of soil available N (NH4-N and NO3-N) and the proportion of NH4-N in total available N increased with stand age. The N-mineralization rate also increased with stand age whilst the proportion of nitrification relative to ammonification declined during succession. Fine root biomass and N-mineralization increased, and available N decreased during the monsoon season while this pattern was reversed during the winter season. A greater proportion of fine roots were <0.5 mm diameter in the younger sites, and turnover of fine roots was more rapid in the developing stands compared to the natural forest. Fine r...

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Research paper thumbnail of Dendroclimatology of teak indicates prevailing climatic conditions of tropical moist forests in India

Ecological Indicators, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Dendroclimatology of teak indicates prevailing climatic conditions of tropical moist forests in India

Ecological Indicators, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Soil and mulberry leaf quality affect silk worm cocoon production in Mizoram

Indian Journal of Entomology, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Soil and mulberry leaf quality affect silk worm cocoon production in Mizoram

Indian Journal of Entomology, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Non-linear Response to Cell Number Revealed and Eliminated From Long-Term Tracheid Measurements of Scots Pine in Southern Siberia

Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021

Dendroclimatic research offers insight into tree growth–climate response as a solution to the for... more Dendroclimatic research offers insight into tree growth–climate response as a solution to the forward problem and provides reconstructions of climatic variables as products of the reverse problem. Methodological developments in dendroclimatology have led to the inclusion of a variety of tree growth parameters in this field. Tree-ring traits developed during short time intervals of a growing season can potentially provide a finer temporal scale of both dendroclimatic applications and offer a better understanding of the mechanisms of tree growth reaction to climatic variations. Furthermore, the transition from classical dendroclimatic studies based on a single integral variable (tree-ring width) to the modern multitude of quantitative variables (e.g., wood anatomical structure) adds a lot of complexity, which mainly arises from intrinsic feedbacks between wood traits and muddles seasonality of registered climatic signal. This study utilized life-long wood anatomical measurements of 15...

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Research paper thumbnail of Microbial succession and changes in carbon and nitrogen during decomposition of leaf litters of Tephrosia candida (Roxb.) DC. and Oryza sativa L. under shifting cultivation in Mizoram, northeast India

Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 2021

The present study aims to understand microbial succession and dynamics of dry matter, carbon and ... more The present study aims to understand microbial succession and dynamics of dry matter, carbon and nitrogen during the decomposition of leaf litters of Tephrosia candida (Roxb.) DC. and Oryza sativa L. in two fallow lands (FL) of 3 years (FL-3) and 8 years (FL-8) following shifting cultivation in Mizoram. A total of 64 microorganisms were isolated from two leaf litters by serial dilution method, out of which 13 microbes were identified as decomposers as they exhibited a positive response towards the enzyme activity. Among these 13 microorganisms, 4 (SKT 02, SKT 05, SKT 09 and SKT 020) were bacteria (Streptobacillus sp. and Bacillus sp.), 5 (SKT 033, SKT 034, SKT 035, SKT 040 and SKT045) were fungi (Microsporum sp., Rhizopus sp. and Aspergillus sp.) and 4 (SKT 030, SKT 052, SKT 053 and SKT 060) were actinomycetes (Streptomycetes sp.). T. candida leaf litter possessed low initial Carbon/Nitrogen (8.77) and Lignin/Nitrogen ratio (2.29) and considered a high-quality resource exhibiting hi...

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