Silvia Angelone - (original) (raw)
Papers by Silvia Angelone
Asphalt mixtures are viscoelastic materials whose behavior is highly dependent on temperature and... more Asphalt mixtures are viscoelastic materials whose behavior is highly dependent on temperature and loading frequency. The influence of these factors is described through master curves constructed at a given reference temperature based on the principle of frequency-temperature superposition. These curves are used as inputs in asphalt pavement design procedures based on mechanistic principles and related to their in-service pavement performance. This paper proposes the application of the Kramers-Kronig (K-K) relations to characterize the rheological properties of asphalt materials using a mathematical approach. Due to the complexity of the integration of the K-K relations, an approximate solution of the K–K relations was used to develop a Mathematical-Based Model to predict the master curves for the Dynamic Modulus |E*| and the Phase Angle f. This model was validated using the experimental results of two different asphalt mixtures with different characteristics. The results indicate th...
International Journal of Pavements, Sep 1, 2002
Fatigue cracking is a major pavement distress. Different procedures and testing equipment are use... more Fatigue cracking is a major pavement distress. Different procedures and testing equipment are used in the laboratory to describe the fatigue properties of asphalt mixes. Normally laboratory fatigue tests use one of two basic types of loading, controlled strain or controlled stress. Both loading modes produce fatigue prediction models relating to the initial response (tensile strain or stress) of the asphalt mixture to the fatigue life. The influence of crack growth on the occurring stresses and strains is not taken into account. One of the fundamental approaches is based on the principles of fracture mechanics. This paper presents an application of the repeated indirect tensile test to determine the fundamental parameters governing the crack propagation process in asphalt mixtures. The adopted hypotheses, the used data reduction techniques and the results obtained for four different asphalt mixtures are presented and discussed. A unique relationship is shown to exist between the crack propagation rate and the stress intensity factor for samples tested at both high and low stress levels.
CRC Press eBooks, May 14, 2009
With advances in methods of calculating pavements, and with the available means made by technique... more With advances in methods of calculating pavements, and with the available means made by techniques of measurement, the characterisation of materials treated with hydraulic binders for pavement courses in terms of their compressive strength is proving to be inadequate. New tests carried out make possible to characterise the highway materials when they are subjected to repeated loadings. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the curing condition, deviator stress, confining pressure and dynamic loads on resilient modulus and fatigue of a lime treated soil. The fine soil was stabilised with three percentages of lime moulded at the optimum moisture content for each percentage of lime. The mixtures were tested under different curing conditions and the tests adopted were the repeated-load indirect tensile test and the dynamic triaxial test. The results indicate the behaviour of this kind of material under repeated load and its interpretation can be done in terms of its modulus and fatigue in order to use this data in modern methods of pavement design.
The Resilient Modulus (Mr) is a key input material property of subgrade soils for both the empiri... more The Resilient Modulus (Mr) is a key input material property of subgrade soils for both the empirical and the mechanistic-empirical asphalt pavement design procedures. The resilient modulus is determined in laboratory using a standardized procedure based on the repeated load triaxial test. However, the experimental determination is costly and time consuming, and it requires sophisticated equipment and well-trained personnel. When these experimental results were not available, correlations to the widely used California Bearing Ratio and other empirical parameters could be adopted but in general, they fall short of providing reasonably accurate estimates of the parameter. This paper presents the application of the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique in order to develop a robust prediction model of the resilient modulus of subgrade soils. The measured and estimated resilient modulus results using the ANN model are compared and discussed showing that the model developed in this study is promising to estimate this property for practical applications of pavement design in small jurisdictions with limited budgets and personnel.
Sixth International RILEM Symposium on Performance Testing and Evaluation of Bituminous Materials, 2003
The fatigue of asphalt mixes constitutes one of the main types of distress of pavement structures... more The fatigue of asphalt mixes constitutes one of the main types of distress of pavement structures. In laboratory, different procedures and testing equipments were implemented to describe the fatigue properties of asphalt mixes. Among them, the repeated indirect tensile test is used to determine the fatigue properties of asphalt mixes and also, their resilient modulus. Generally, fatigue tests are conducted using one of the two basic types of loading: controlled-strain or controlled-stress. Both loading modes produce fatigue prediction models relating the initial response (tensile strain or stress) of asphalt mixture to the fatigue life. In recent years, the application of more fundamental approaches has been suggested. One of these approaches is based on the principles of the Fracture Mechanics. The most popular relationship used in fracture mechanics is the Paris´ law. This paper presents an application of the Repeated Indirect Tensile Test to determine the fundamental parameters governing the crack propagation process in asphalt mixtures. The basic adopted hypotheses, the used data reduction techniques and the results obtained for an asphalt mixture considered as an example are presented, discussed and compared with other cited in the analysed literature.
Los actuales metodos de diseno estructural de firmes se sustentan en la caracterizacion de los ma... more Los actuales metodos de diseno estructural de firmes se sustentan en la caracterizacion de los materiales a traves del conocimiento de las relaciones tenso-deformacionales de los mismos. El Laboratorio Vial del IMAE (Instituto de Mecanica Aplicada y Estructuras) ha desarrollado un equipo de ensayos simple y transportable con capacidad de aplicar cargas repetidas y medir las deformaciones resultantes en las probetas ensayadas. El modelo actual, provisto de un ordenador, realiza el control de los ensayos, adquiere los valores de las mediciones, las presenta en pantalla y genera archivos de datos que pueden ser capturados por otros programas de dibujo o edicion. Operando por aire comprimido, dispone de una serie de cabezales y accesorios que posibilitan ensayar, bajo distintos modos de solicitacion, mezclas asfalticas, suelos, materiales granulares y otros materiales ligados. Su puesta en operacion ha permitido desarrollar una metodologia de analisis e interpretacion de los resultados ...
The dynamic modulus of asphalt mixtures is one of the most important inputs for mechanistic empir... more The dynamic modulus of asphalt mixtures is one of the most important inputs for mechanistic empirical pavement design procedures. Several researchers have proposed different procedures for the estimation of the dynamic modulus from the volumetric mix properties, binder characteristics and aggregate gradation. This paper presents a comparison between measured and estimated dynamic modulus values using three different predictive procedures. The obtained results show that reliable first order dynamic modulus estimates for asphalt mixtures typically used in Argentina can be obtained using any of the predictive procedures considered in this study.
Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields, 2021
This paper presents a field study complemented with laboratory results about a correlation betwee... more This paper presents a field study complemented with laboratory results about a correlation between the observed cracking in an asphalt pavement and its structural properties. The obtained information is very useful to quantify the residual life of the pavement and to predict the time and type of the rehabilitation to be applied by the road agency. Based on field information and laboratory results, a pavement section was modelled. The moduli of the asphalt layer were then compared to reference values and cracking levels. The paper presents a brief description of the analyzed pavement, the field and laboratory results, the methodology used for the back-calculations, the obtained results for the modeled structure and some final conclusions. For the covering abstract see ITRD E118503.
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2010
ABSTRACT Field and laboratory testing programs were conducted to develop an efficient methodology... more ABSTRACT Field and laboratory testing programs were conducted to develop an efficient methodology for estimating resilient modulus (M(r)) values of subgrade soils for use in the design of pavement structures. The field testing program consisted of obtaining Shelby tube samples of subgrade soils from different pavement projects throughout Louisiana. The laboratory program included conducting repeated load triaxial M(r) tests as well as physical property tests on the collected samples. The validity of the correlation equations developed by the long-term pavement performance (LTPP) to predict the M(r) was examined. In general, the LTPP model underestimated the values of M(r) coefficients obtained in this study. A comprehensive regression analysis was conducted to develop models that predict the M(r) coefficients of different subgrade soils in Louisiana using different physical properties. A good agreement was observed between the measured and predicted M(r) coefficient values. Furthermore, the developed models had a better prediction of measured M(r) coefficient values than the LTTP models. Finally, a catalog of resilient modulus of subgrade soils at different moisture content levels was developed.
El Penetrometro Dinamico de Cono (DCP) es una herramienta simple para evaluar la capacidad estruc... more El Penetrometro Dinamico de Cono (DCP) es una herramienta simple para evaluar la capacidad estructural de suelos y otros materiales granulares o levemente cementados. Operando manualmente, evalua la resistencia que opone el material auscultado a ser penetrado por un cono de dimensiones prefijadas debido a la energia suministrada por una masa que cae libremente desde una altura prefijada. Su utilizacion ha comprendido la caracterizacion de subrasantes y otras capas no ligadas de firmes in situ y en condiciones reales, el control de compactacion de zonas de relleno y la deteccion de anomalias durante los procesos constructivos. En algunos casos, el DCP ha servido como complemento de otros medios de auscultacion tradicionales como la medicion de deflexiones y la ejecucion de perforaciones en las calzadas. Este trabajo presenta una breve descripcion del Penetrometro Dinamico de Cono y de la metodologia de analisis de sus resultados. Se describe ademas el proceso de transferencia de tecn...
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 2020
Half Warm Asphalt Mixtures (HWAM) with bitumen emulsion are a relative new, cost effective and en... more Half Warm Asphalt Mixtures (HWAM) with bitumen emulsion are a relative new, cost effective and environmental friendly emerging technology. HWAM are produced using a combination of aggregates heated up to approximately 120 °C and a percentage of a bitumen emulsion heated to a temperature around 60 °C in order that the mixing and compaction temperature results between 80 to 90 °C. Hence, this procedure involves great savings of energy and low harmful emissions. Although there are recommendations for the formulation of this type of mixtures and references to their conventional mechanical properties, there is a lack of information regarding their rheological properties. This paper presents preliminary results concerning the design and performance of a Half Warm Asphalt Mixture using bitumen emulsion with the aim to evaluate the linear viscoelastic behaviour of this kind of materials. A HWMA was formulated using a cationic super stabilized bitumen emulsion and the Dynamic Modulus (E*) and the Phase Angle (\(\upphi\)) at different temperatures and loading frequencies were measured to produce experimental data for pavement design procedures based on mechanistic principles. It is considered that those findings could encourage greater confidence in promoting the use of these types of sustainable asphalt mixes.
Plastic Waste for Sustainable Asphalt Roads, 2022
En esta comunicacion se presenta una serie de actividades que realizan los alumnos que cursan la ... more En esta comunicacion se presenta una serie de actividades que realizan los alumnos que cursan la asignatura Geologia y Geotecnia de la carrera de Ingenieria Civil de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario � UNR - Argentina. Dichas actividades tienen por objetivo colaborar en el desarrollo de las competencias fijadas por el CONFEDI (Consejo Federal de Decanos de Ingenieria), las que tambien se corresponden con las fijadas por el proyecto Tuning America Latina para las carreras de Ingenieria Civil. Algunas de estas actividades son presenciales, desarrolladas dentro del aula, y otras son no presenciales, desarrolladas en una plataforma virtual. Ambas, aplicadas desde el ano 2008, cuentan con una amplia aceptacion por parte del alumnado. Por su parte los docentes estan satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos; este estilo de aprendizaje y de ensenanza propuesto muestra que los alumnos alcanzan un aprendizaje significativo, no memoristico, y demuestran el �saber hacer� ante las situaciones p...
Se ha celebrado en Brasil, del 6 al 11 de noviembre de 1994, la 3¦ Reunion Anual de los Centros d... more Se ha celebrado en Brasil, del 6 al 11 de noviembre de 1994, la 3¦ Reunion Anual de los Centros de Transferencia de Tecnologia del IPC (Instituto Panamericano de Carreteras), cuyo objetivo principal es promover la transferencia de tecnologia, tradicional e innovadora en temas viarios y de transportes entre las redes de centros y miembros integrantes del IPC de los paises del continente americano. Entre otras se han presentado las siguientes ponencias: Rehabilitacion de pavimentos en Santafe de Bogota empleando la tecnica del reciclaje; Aplicacion del penetrometro dinamico de cono en obras viales y controles de compactacion; Desarrollo de un equipo de ensayos de materiales con cargas repetidas; Actualizacion de condiciones tecnicas exigidas a las calzadas pavimentadas en Argentina. Convenio Camara de Concesionarios Viales. Laboratoio Vial IMAE; Caracterizacion de ligantes y mezclas bituminosas preparadas con asfaltos modificados con polimeros; Reorganizacion administrativa y operativ...
The indirect tensile test using repeated load pulses with rest periods has been extensively used ... more The indirect tensile test using repeated load pulses with rest periods has been extensively used for the determination of the stiffness of asphalt mixtures. The main advantage of the indirect tensile test configuration is that can accommodate cylindrical samples compacted in the laboratory or specimens taken by coring from in service pavements. However, in linear elastic or viscoelastic multi-layer calculations, as in pavement design procedures based on mechanistic principles, is the absolute value of the complex modulus |E*| used as input value for the asphalt layers. This paper presents the determination of the absolute value of the complex modulus |E*| and the phase angle using the indirect tensile mode with sinusoidal loads. The viscoelastic solution for the indirect tensile test with sinusoidal loads is presented and, to verify it, tests at different temperatures and frequencies were conducted on asphalt mixtures commonly used in Argentina. The obtained |E*| and phase angle res...
The dynamic modulus IE*I is the primary input material property of asphalt mixtures for the aspha... more The dynamic modulus IE*I is the primary input material property of asphalt mixtures for the asphalt pavement design procedures based on mechanistic principles. Among other factors, this dynamic modulus is a function of temperature and loading frequency. In order to model the effects of these factors, the dynamic modulus of the asphalt mixture is described using a master curve constructed at a given reference temperature on the basis of the principle of frequency-temperature superposition for thermo-rheologically simple materials. The amount of shifting at each temperature is given by a shift factor that describes the temperature dependency of the material. Different methods and mathematical functions have been proposed to model these shift factors and the resulting dynamic modulus master curve. The objective of this paper is to evaluate these various methods and mathematical equations that can be satisfactorily used for modelling the dynamic modulus IE*I master curves, as a function...
El Laboratorio Vial del Instituto de Mecanica Aplicada y Estructuras (IMAE), lleva a cabo el estu... more El Laboratorio Vial del Instituto de Mecanica Aplicada y Estructuras (IMAE), lleva a cabo el estudio de materiales "no convencionales" o de uso "local" como agregados de utilizacion vial, con vistas a integrarlos a las estructuras de los pavimentos. Los aglomerados calcareos, como las toscas, o los suelos con infiltraciones calcareas, son materiales factibles de experimentar, a largo plazo, un aumento de su resistencia y rigidez, a causa del desarrollo de una "cementacion" propia, que es funcion de su composicion quimica, fuertemente influenciada por el contenido de carbonatos de calcio, y/o oxidos de calcio. Este trabajo informa los resultados del estudio de estos materiales. Se caracteriza el material, de forma tal de establecer su comportamiento bajo carga dinamica, a traves de ensayos, que determinan las relaciones tenso-deformacion, para determinar los parametros de comportamiento estructural, que permitan ingresar a los Metodos de Diseno de Pavime...
Asphalt mixtures are viscoelastic materials whose behavior is highly dependent on temperature and... more Asphalt mixtures are viscoelastic materials whose behavior is highly dependent on temperature and loading frequency. The influence of these factors is described through master curves constructed at a given reference temperature based on the principle of frequency-temperature superposition. These curves are used as inputs in asphalt pavement design procedures based on mechanistic principles and related to their in-service pavement performance. This paper proposes the application of the Kramers-Kronig (K-K) relations to characterize the rheological properties of asphalt materials using a mathematical approach. Due to the complexity of the integration of the K-K relations, an approximate solution of the K–K relations was used to develop a Mathematical-Based Model to predict the master curves for the Dynamic Modulus |E*| and the Phase Angle f. This model was validated using the experimental results of two different asphalt mixtures with different characteristics. The results indicate th...
International Journal of Pavements, Sep 1, 2002
Fatigue cracking is a major pavement distress. Different procedures and testing equipment are use... more Fatigue cracking is a major pavement distress. Different procedures and testing equipment are used in the laboratory to describe the fatigue properties of asphalt mixes. Normally laboratory fatigue tests use one of two basic types of loading, controlled strain or controlled stress. Both loading modes produce fatigue prediction models relating to the initial response (tensile strain or stress) of the asphalt mixture to the fatigue life. The influence of crack growth on the occurring stresses and strains is not taken into account. One of the fundamental approaches is based on the principles of fracture mechanics. This paper presents an application of the repeated indirect tensile test to determine the fundamental parameters governing the crack propagation process in asphalt mixtures. The adopted hypotheses, the used data reduction techniques and the results obtained for four different asphalt mixtures are presented and discussed. A unique relationship is shown to exist between the crack propagation rate and the stress intensity factor for samples tested at both high and low stress levels.
CRC Press eBooks, May 14, 2009
With advances in methods of calculating pavements, and with the available means made by technique... more With advances in methods of calculating pavements, and with the available means made by techniques of measurement, the characterisation of materials treated with hydraulic binders for pavement courses in terms of their compressive strength is proving to be inadequate. New tests carried out make possible to characterise the highway materials when they are subjected to repeated loadings. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the curing condition, deviator stress, confining pressure and dynamic loads on resilient modulus and fatigue of a lime treated soil. The fine soil was stabilised with three percentages of lime moulded at the optimum moisture content for each percentage of lime. The mixtures were tested under different curing conditions and the tests adopted were the repeated-load indirect tensile test and the dynamic triaxial test. The results indicate the behaviour of this kind of material under repeated load and its interpretation can be done in terms of its modulus and fatigue in order to use this data in modern methods of pavement design.
The Resilient Modulus (Mr) is a key input material property of subgrade soils for both the empiri... more The Resilient Modulus (Mr) is a key input material property of subgrade soils for both the empirical and the mechanistic-empirical asphalt pavement design procedures. The resilient modulus is determined in laboratory using a standardized procedure based on the repeated load triaxial test. However, the experimental determination is costly and time consuming, and it requires sophisticated equipment and well-trained personnel. When these experimental results were not available, correlations to the widely used California Bearing Ratio and other empirical parameters could be adopted but in general, they fall short of providing reasonably accurate estimates of the parameter. This paper presents the application of the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique in order to develop a robust prediction model of the resilient modulus of subgrade soils. The measured and estimated resilient modulus results using the ANN model are compared and discussed showing that the model developed in this study is promising to estimate this property for practical applications of pavement design in small jurisdictions with limited budgets and personnel.
Sixth International RILEM Symposium on Performance Testing and Evaluation of Bituminous Materials, 2003
The fatigue of asphalt mixes constitutes one of the main types of distress of pavement structures... more The fatigue of asphalt mixes constitutes one of the main types of distress of pavement structures. In laboratory, different procedures and testing equipments were implemented to describe the fatigue properties of asphalt mixes. Among them, the repeated indirect tensile test is used to determine the fatigue properties of asphalt mixes and also, their resilient modulus. Generally, fatigue tests are conducted using one of the two basic types of loading: controlled-strain or controlled-stress. Both loading modes produce fatigue prediction models relating the initial response (tensile strain or stress) of asphalt mixture to the fatigue life. In recent years, the application of more fundamental approaches has been suggested. One of these approaches is based on the principles of the Fracture Mechanics. The most popular relationship used in fracture mechanics is the Paris´ law. This paper presents an application of the Repeated Indirect Tensile Test to determine the fundamental parameters governing the crack propagation process in asphalt mixtures. The basic adopted hypotheses, the used data reduction techniques and the results obtained for an asphalt mixture considered as an example are presented, discussed and compared with other cited in the analysed literature.
Los actuales metodos de diseno estructural de firmes se sustentan en la caracterizacion de los ma... more Los actuales metodos de diseno estructural de firmes se sustentan en la caracterizacion de los materiales a traves del conocimiento de las relaciones tenso-deformacionales de los mismos. El Laboratorio Vial del IMAE (Instituto de Mecanica Aplicada y Estructuras) ha desarrollado un equipo de ensayos simple y transportable con capacidad de aplicar cargas repetidas y medir las deformaciones resultantes en las probetas ensayadas. El modelo actual, provisto de un ordenador, realiza el control de los ensayos, adquiere los valores de las mediciones, las presenta en pantalla y genera archivos de datos que pueden ser capturados por otros programas de dibujo o edicion. Operando por aire comprimido, dispone de una serie de cabezales y accesorios que posibilitan ensayar, bajo distintos modos de solicitacion, mezclas asfalticas, suelos, materiales granulares y otros materiales ligados. Su puesta en operacion ha permitido desarrollar una metodologia de analisis e interpretacion de los resultados ...
The dynamic modulus of asphalt mixtures is one of the most important inputs for mechanistic empir... more The dynamic modulus of asphalt mixtures is one of the most important inputs for mechanistic empirical pavement design procedures. Several researchers have proposed different procedures for the estimation of the dynamic modulus from the volumetric mix properties, binder characteristics and aggregate gradation. This paper presents a comparison between measured and estimated dynamic modulus values using three different predictive procedures. The obtained results show that reliable first order dynamic modulus estimates for asphalt mixtures typically used in Argentina can be obtained using any of the predictive procedures considered in this study.
Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields, 2021
This paper presents a field study complemented with laboratory results about a correlation betwee... more This paper presents a field study complemented with laboratory results about a correlation between the observed cracking in an asphalt pavement and its structural properties. The obtained information is very useful to quantify the residual life of the pavement and to predict the time and type of the rehabilitation to be applied by the road agency. Based on field information and laboratory results, a pavement section was modelled. The moduli of the asphalt layer were then compared to reference values and cracking levels. The paper presents a brief description of the analyzed pavement, the field and laboratory results, the methodology used for the back-calculations, the obtained results for the modeled structure and some final conclusions. For the covering abstract see ITRD E118503.
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2010
ABSTRACT Field and laboratory testing programs were conducted to develop an efficient methodology... more ABSTRACT Field and laboratory testing programs were conducted to develop an efficient methodology for estimating resilient modulus (M(r)) values of subgrade soils for use in the design of pavement structures. The field testing program consisted of obtaining Shelby tube samples of subgrade soils from different pavement projects throughout Louisiana. The laboratory program included conducting repeated load triaxial M(r) tests as well as physical property tests on the collected samples. The validity of the correlation equations developed by the long-term pavement performance (LTPP) to predict the M(r) was examined. In general, the LTPP model underestimated the values of M(r) coefficients obtained in this study. A comprehensive regression analysis was conducted to develop models that predict the M(r) coefficients of different subgrade soils in Louisiana using different physical properties. A good agreement was observed between the measured and predicted M(r) coefficient values. Furthermore, the developed models had a better prediction of measured M(r) coefficient values than the LTTP models. Finally, a catalog of resilient modulus of subgrade soils at different moisture content levels was developed.
El Penetrometro Dinamico de Cono (DCP) es una herramienta simple para evaluar la capacidad estruc... more El Penetrometro Dinamico de Cono (DCP) es una herramienta simple para evaluar la capacidad estructural de suelos y otros materiales granulares o levemente cementados. Operando manualmente, evalua la resistencia que opone el material auscultado a ser penetrado por un cono de dimensiones prefijadas debido a la energia suministrada por una masa que cae libremente desde una altura prefijada. Su utilizacion ha comprendido la caracterizacion de subrasantes y otras capas no ligadas de firmes in situ y en condiciones reales, el control de compactacion de zonas de relleno y la deteccion de anomalias durante los procesos constructivos. En algunos casos, el DCP ha servido como complemento de otros medios de auscultacion tradicionales como la medicion de deflexiones y la ejecucion de perforaciones en las calzadas. Este trabajo presenta una breve descripcion del Penetrometro Dinamico de Cono y de la metodologia de analisis de sus resultados. Se describe ademas el proceso de transferencia de tecn...
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 2020
Half Warm Asphalt Mixtures (HWAM) with bitumen emulsion are a relative new, cost effective and en... more Half Warm Asphalt Mixtures (HWAM) with bitumen emulsion are a relative new, cost effective and environmental friendly emerging technology. HWAM are produced using a combination of aggregates heated up to approximately 120 °C and a percentage of a bitumen emulsion heated to a temperature around 60 °C in order that the mixing and compaction temperature results between 80 to 90 °C. Hence, this procedure involves great savings of energy and low harmful emissions. Although there are recommendations for the formulation of this type of mixtures and references to their conventional mechanical properties, there is a lack of information regarding their rheological properties. This paper presents preliminary results concerning the design and performance of a Half Warm Asphalt Mixture using bitumen emulsion with the aim to evaluate the linear viscoelastic behaviour of this kind of materials. A HWMA was formulated using a cationic super stabilized bitumen emulsion and the Dynamic Modulus (E*) and the Phase Angle (\(\upphi\)) at different temperatures and loading frequencies were measured to produce experimental data for pavement design procedures based on mechanistic principles. It is considered that those findings could encourage greater confidence in promoting the use of these types of sustainable asphalt mixes.
Plastic Waste for Sustainable Asphalt Roads, 2022
En esta comunicacion se presenta una serie de actividades que realizan los alumnos que cursan la ... more En esta comunicacion se presenta una serie de actividades que realizan los alumnos que cursan la asignatura Geologia y Geotecnia de la carrera de Ingenieria Civil de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario � UNR - Argentina. Dichas actividades tienen por objetivo colaborar en el desarrollo de las competencias fijadas por el CONFEDI (Consejo Federal de Decanos de Ingenieria), las que tambien se corresponden con las fijadas por el proyecto Tuning America Latina para las carreras de Ingenieria Civil. Algunas de estas actividades son presenciales, desarrolladas dentro del aula, y otras son no presenciales, desarrolladas en una plataforma virtual. Ambas, aplicadas desde el ano 2008, cuentan con una amplia aceptacion por parte del alumnado. Por su parte los docentes estan satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos; este estilo de aprendizaje y de ensenanza propuesto muestra que los alumnos alcanzan un aprendizaje significativo, no memoristico, y demuestran el �saber hacer� ante las situaciones p...
Se ha celebrado en Brasil, del 6 al 11 de noviembre de 1994, la 3¦ Reunion Anual de los Centros d... more Se ha celebrado en Brasil, del 6 al 11 de noviembre de 1994, la 3¦ Reunion Anual de los Centros de Transferencia de Tecnologia del IPC (Instituto Panamericano de Carreteras), cuyo objetivo principal es promover la transferencia de tecnologia, tradicional e innovadora en temas viarios y de transportes entre las redes de centros y miembros integrantes del IPC de los paises del continente americano. Entre otras se han presentado las siguientes ponencias: Rehabilitacion de pavimentos en Santafe de Bogota empleando la tecnica del reciclaje; Aplicacion del penetrometro dinamico de cono en obras viales y controles de compactacion; Desarrollo de un equipo de ensayos de materiales con cargas repetidas; Actualizacion de condiciones tecnicas exigidas a las calzadas pavimentadas en Argentina. Convenio Camara de Concesionarios Viales. Laboratoio Vial IMAE; Caracterizacion de ligantes y mezclas bituminosas preparadas con asfaltos modificados con polimeros; Reorganizacion administrativa y operativ...
The indirect tensile test using repeated load pulses with rest periods has been extensively used ... more The indirect tensile test using repeated load pulses with rest periods has been extensively used for the determination of the stiffness of asphalt mixtures. The main advantage of the indirect tensile test configuration is that can accommodate cylindrical samples compacted in the laboratory or specimens taken by coring from in service pavements. However, in linear elastic or viscoelastic multi-layer calculations, as in pavement design procedures based on mechanistic principles, is the absolute value of the complex modulus |E*| used as input value for the asphalt layers. This paper presents the determination of the absolute value of the complex modulus |E*| and the phase angle using the indirect tensile mode with sinusoidal loads. The viscoelastic solution for the indirect tensile test with sinusoidal loads is presented and, to verify it, tests at different temperatures and frequencies were conducted on asphalt mixtures commonly used in Argentina. The obtained |E*| and phase angle res...
The dynamic modulus IE*I is the primary input material property of asphalt mixtures for the aspha... more The dynamic modulus IE*I is the primary input material property of asphalt mixtures for the asphalt pavement design procedures based on mechanistic principles. Among other factors, this dynamic modulus is a function of temperature and loading frequency. In order to model the effects of these factors, the dynamic modulus of the asphalt mixture is described using a master curve constructed at a given reference temperature on the basis of the principle of frequency-temperature superposition for thermo-rheologically simple materials. The amount of shifting at each temperature is given by a shift factor that describes the temperature dependency of the material. Different methods and mathematical functions have been proposed to model these shift factors and the resulting dynamic modulus master curve. The objective of this paper is to evaluate these various methods and mathematical equations that can be satisfactorily used for modelling the dynamic modulus IE*I master curves, as a function...
El Laboratorio Vial del Instituto de Mecanica Aplicada y Estructuras (IMAE), lleva a cabo el estu... more El Laboratorio Vial del Instituto de Mecanica Aplicada y Estructuras (IMAE), lleva a cabo el estudio de materiales "no convencionales" o de uso "local" como agregados de utilizacion vial, con vistas a integrarlos a las estructuras de los pavimentos. Los aglomerados calcareos, como las toscas, o los suelos con infiltraciones calcareas, son materiales factibles de experimentar, a largo plazo, un aumento de su resistencia y rigidez, a causa del desarrollo de una "cementacion" propia, que es funcion de su composicion quimica, fuertemente influenciada por el contenido de carbonatos de calcio, y/o oxidos de calcio. Este trabajo informa los resultados del estudio de estos materiales. Se caracteriza el material, de forma tal de establecer su comportamiento bajo carga dinamica, a traves de ensayos, que determinan las relaciones tenso-deformacion, para determinar los parametros de comportamiento estructural, que permitan ingresar a los Metodos de Diseno de Pavime...