Silvio Premoli - (original) (raw)

Papers by Silvio Premoli

Research paper thumbnail of Parentalité d’accueil en Europe

Presses universitaires de Provence eBooks, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of La ricerca pedagogica al servizio dell’innovazione nei Servizi educativi della Città di Milano

Research paper thumbnail of Parentalité d'accueil en Europe, regards théoriques et pratiques professionnelles

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 30, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Developing a CRC rights-based approach in foster care

APFEL (Action for the promotion of Foster Care at European level) is promoting a research-trainin... more APFEL (Action for the promotion of Foster Care at European level) is promoting a research-training project, aimed at identifying and disseminating tools that will put the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of professional PRACTICE in Foster Care (FC) for vulnerable children (Premoli, 2012). The project focuses on the dissemination of a child rights based approach through a training process that will enhance, in the light of the principle of the best interest of the child, the issues of co-parenting, the right to stay in contact with parents when placed out of home, and the voice of the child in particular. In the EU there's wide consensus on the relevance of the CRC. Yet, there is too much heterogeneity, in terms of knowledge of the CRC by the general public, also among professionals working with children and children themselves. Some countries are suffering from a lack of implementation of the CRC. This is potentially counterproductive, since the gap between "Law" and practice causes discomfort, confusion and puts professionals at risk (stress, conflict in mediating and assessing situations ; lack of clear benchmarks and objectives). Professionals, daily confronted with the complexity and heavy emotional burden of child protection, must be equipped with a common tool box that will guide their practice, giving them a sense of security of being "on the right track" and following common values and goals. The clarity and precision of the "framework" will empower them to observe, to think and intervene in situations encountered in child protection and in particular in FC. The CRC can and should provide such common framework. The methodology will be based on: analysis of the scientific literature in the field of children's rights-based approach ; context analysis on FC systems in European countries ; skill assessment of professionals operating in FC Services ; definition of a Conceptual Framework for a CRC-based Approach in FC. A Training Model will be developed with the involvement of foster care leavers, birth families and foster families.

Research paper thumbnail of Discriminazioni positive per affermare diritti. Il caso del progetto «Garantire pari opportunità nella scelta dei percorsi scolastici»

Pensa Multimedia Editore S.r.l., 2018

Il presente contributo pone al centro dell\u2019attenzione i ragazzi e le ragazze, figli di famig... more Il presente contributo pone al centro dell\u2019attenzione i ragazzi e le ragazze, figli di famiglie immigrate, che frequentano le scuole medie inferiori in Italia. Stiamo, quindi, parlando di ragazzi di seconda generazione in senso lato ovvero dei cosiddetti nuovi italiani (Granata, 2011).critiche e opposizioni nette. L\u2019iniziativa \uabGarantire pari opportunit\ue0 nella scelta dei percorsi scolastici\ubb mira a verificare se una serie di interventi strategici a favore di studenti appartenenti a famiglie immigrate possa costituirsi come efficace azione di discriminazione positiva che consenta di contrastare la segregazione formativa (cfr. Besozzi, Colombo, Santagati, 2009) e di promuovere il successo nei percorsi scolastici successivi alla scuola media inferiore, sviluppando livelli adeguati di padronanza della lingua italiana, orientando e sostenendo scelte formative \u201cambiziose\u201d e accompagnando l\u2019implementazione di competenze individuali e sociali fondamentali per la riuscita scolastica

Research paper thumbnail of University and business cooperation, opportunità per innovare la ricerca pedagogica

Pensa MultiMedia, 2019

La cooperazione tra universita\u300, professioni e imprese ha cominciato a rap- presentare un tem... more La cooperazione tra universita\u300, professioni e imprese ha cominciato a rap- presentare un tema rilevante nel nostro Paese alcuni decenni or sono. Sul piano strategico e\u300 fondamentale che il connubio universita\u300-imprese si concentri sull\u2019implementazione di una nuova cultura di cooperazione orientata alla produzione di conoscenze inedite, sull\u2019investimento in ricerche che non siano immediatamente \u201cmonetizzabili\u201d, ma che portino risultati nel medio o lungo periodo. La cooperazione tra universita\u300 e imprese rappresenta una straordinaria opportunita\u300 anche per la ricerca pedagogica di misurarsi con la concretezza e la materialita\u300 dei processi educativi e dei processi organizzativi e imprenditoriali che attengono alla progettazione e gestione dei dispositivi pedagogici

Research paper thumbnail of La consulenza interculturale

Educatt Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2018


Research paper thumbnail of Building partnership with parents in child home care


The research proposed in this paper, presents the results of a training workshop which, through r... more The research proposed in this paper, presents the results of a training workshop which, through reflective thinking instruments, led a group of home care professionals to explore the complex issues related to the cooperation skills development and the involvement in parents that they support daily. The research, based on the practical research model proposed by Ilse Julkunen (2011) that aims to produce shared knowledge, is placed in the domain of deep changes that the field of services for children and vulnerable families is living. Among the new emerging trends is possible to include the imperative to evaluate the socio-educational practices and do research on them, in order to improve the quality of this practices. The promotion of training contexts that foster reflexivity is a research and evaluation strategy that simultaneously provides useful knowledge to the improvement of services and has a positive effect on the development of the professionalism. The path of research-training, here proposed and analyzed, highlights the transformative value of reflective practice in the involved professionals. It leads to the emergence of a very strong similarity between the changes required to operators at this historic juncture and the transformations that the system of child protection requires to parents of vulnerable families in child welfare services. Parents should demonstrate the ability to improve their skills in the interest of their children. For these parents the development of a reflective thinking appears an unavoidable step in their own biography. The article highlights key skills to promote collaboration between services and parents to realize effective interventions

Research paper thumbnail of Le competenze interculturali nel lavoro educativo

All\u2019interno di contesti educativi che si caratterizzano per la pluralit\ue0 crescente delle ... more All\u2019interno di contesti educativi che si caratterizzano per la pluralit\ue0 crescente delle appartenenze etniche e culturali \ue8 necessario sviluppare competenze interculturali che consentano di riconoscere e valorizzare le differenze, riducendo i pregiudizi, e di costruire orizzonti condivisi (Santerini, 2003; Edelstein, 2011; Coh\ue9n-Emerique, 2011; Harper, 2006), come evidenziato anche in un recente lavoro di questo gruppo di ricerca (Reggio, Santerini, 2014). La questione appare pi\uf9 ampia: oggi il pluralismo \ue8 la sfida che la presenza di persone appartenenti a tante etnie diverse rende visibile e che aiuta a rileggere quanto per anni i servizi hanno fatto fatica a vedere, ma che stava nascendo e prendendo forma. Le pluralit\ue0 che caratterizzano la convivenza oggi non sono soltanto etniche e culturali, ma anche politiche, sociali, religiose, etiche, educative, generazionali, professionali

Research paper thumbnail of Famille d'accueil et droits des enfants. Une perspective européens

Presses Universitaires de Provence, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Sperimentare forme di tirocinio a distanza: il Progetto “Coinvolgimento in attività di ricerca educativa sperimentale sul campo in tempo di Covid-19”

Formazione, lavoro, persona, Mar 17, 2021

The \u2018lockdown\u2019 following the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic forced a rethinking of the traineeship... more The \u2018lockdown\u2019 following the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic forced a rethinking of the traineeship experience. This contribution investigates online education opportunities, starting from the analysis of the \uabInvolvement in experimental field educational research activities in time of SARS-CoV-2\ubb project, carried out by the Degree Course in Sciences of Education and Training of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, in collaboration with the Municipality of Mila

Research paper thumbnail of Allora hai fatto il mostro oggi?". Valutare con le famiglie: pensieri e pratiche

Il lavoro socioeducativo di valutazione delle famiglie è un compito estremamente complesso, pieno... more Il lavoro socioeducativo di valutazione delle famiglie è un compito estremamente complesso, pieno di rischi (poiché ha a che fare con la vita delle persone). Questo compito richiede sensibilità, conoscenza di sé e consapevolezza dei propri pregiudizi e della propria idea di famiglia. Per poter effettuare una valutazione i professionisti devono avere un'attitudine curiosa, capace di cercare costantemente connessioni tra i soggetti coinvolti – e tra questi soggetti è incluso l'osservatore stesso – i pensieri, l'epistemologia. Questo articolo presenta le riflessioni emerse da un corso di formazione rivolto a professionisti dell'educazione, basato su metodologie narrative e riflessive.

Research paper thumbnail of L’affido familiare attraverso gli occhi dei figli naturali

Research paper thumbnail of Bambini, adolescenti e famiglie vulnerabili. Nuove direzioni nei servizi socioeducativi

Research paper thumbnail of Educatori in ricerca. Un'esperienza locale fra teorie e pratiche

Research paper thumbnail of “Were You a Monster Today?” Making Assessments with Families: Thoughts and Practices

Encyclopaideia, 2019

Assessing family care work is an extremely complex task, full of risks (because it concerns peopl... more Assessing family care work is an extremely complex task, full of risks (because it concerns people’s life). It requires sensitivity, great self-awareness and awareness of one's own prejudices and of one’s own idea of family. In order to make an assessment professionals must have a curious attitude, capable of constantly seeking connections between interacting subjects, and these subjects include the observer him/herself, his/her thoughts and epistemology. This paper presents the reflections emerging from a high level inservice training course aimed at care and education professionals, based on narrative and reflective methodologies.

Research paper thumbnail of Le competenze del tutor di tirocinio nel Corso di Laurea in Scienze dell’educazione e della formazione

–The rethinking of the practitioners’ education at the center of the international debate also in... more –The rethinking of the practitioners’ education at the center of the international debate also involves the world of education and social care. It is increasingly important to build Social Pedagogues education able to develop reflective practitioners, acting as researchers in their educational work, thinking about their own practices, experimenting day by day and, in this way, learning to spread their competences. Since its establishment the degree course in Sciences of Education has been characterized by a strong innovative role and by a professionalizing dimension. Alongside the theoretical disciplines, the degree program provides traineeship activities for students in order to integrate the development of practice skills in the education of future practitioners. If the traineeship becomes a bridge between theoretical frameworks and practical experiences, the traineeship tutor is therefore a professional who knows how to make synthesis and unity between practices and theories. Ria...

Research paper thumbnail of Hai fatto il mostro oggi? Pensieri e pratiche sul valutare con le famiglie

Research paper thumbnail of Il Mondo Alla Finestra. Apprendere e Insegnare a Fare I Conti Con La Dimensione Globale

Research paper thumbnail of Promuovere corresponsabilità Servizi educativi-famiglia

Research paper thumbnail of Parentalité d’accueil en Europe

Presses universitaires de Provence eBooks, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of La ricerca pedagogica al servizio dell’innovazione nei Servizi educativi della Città di Milano

Research paper thumbnail of Parentalité d'accueil en Europe, regards théoriques et pratiques professionnelles

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 30, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Developing a CRC rights-based approach in foster care

APFEL (Action for the promotion of Foster Care at European level) is promoting a research-trainin... more APFEL (Action for the promotion of Foster Care at European level) is promoting a research-training project, aimed at identifying and disseminating tools that will put the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of professional PRACTICE in Foster Care (FC) for vulnerable children (Premoli, 2012). The project focuses on the dissemination of a child rights based approach through a training process that will enhance, in the light of the principle of the best interest of the child, the issues of co-parenting, the right to stay in contact with parents when placed out of home, and the voice of the child in particular. In the EU there's wide consensus on the relevance of the CRC. Yet, there is too much heterogeneity, in terms of knowledge of the CRC by the general public, also among professionals working with children and children themselves. Some countries are suffering from a lack of implementation of the CRC. This is potentially counterproductive, since the gap between "Law" and practice causes discomfort, confusion and puts professionals at risk (stress, conflict in mediating and assessing situations ; lack of clear benchmarks and objectives). Professionals, daily confronted with the complexity and heavy emotional burden of child protection, must be equipped with a common tool box that will guide their practice, giving them a sense of security of being "on the right track" and following common values and goals. The clarity and precision of the "framework" will empower them to observe, to think and intervene in situations encountered in child protection and in particular in FC. The CRC can and should provide such common framework. The methodology will be based on: analysis of the scientific literature in the field of children's rights-based approach ; context analysis on FC systems in European countries ; skill assessment of professionals operating in FC Services ; definition of a Conceptual Framework for a CRC-based Approach in FC. A Training Model will be developed with the involvement of foster care leavers, birth families and foster families.

Research paper thumbnail of Discriminazioni positive per affermare diritti. Il caso del progetto «Garantire pari opportunità nella scelta dei percorsi scolastici»

Pensa Multimedia Editore S.r.l., 2018

Il presente contributo pone al centro dell\u2019attenzione i ragazzi e le ragazze, figli di famig... more Il presente contributo pone al centro dell\u2019attenzione i ragazzi e le ragazze, figli di famiglie immigrate, che frequentano le scuole medie inferiori in Italia. Stiamo, quindi, parlando di ragazzi di seconda generazione in senso lato ovvero dei cosiddetti nuovi italiani (Granata, 2011).critiche e opposizioni nette. L\u2019iniziativa \uabGarantire pari opportunit\ue0 nella scelta dei percorsi scolastici\ubb mira a verificare se una serie di interventi strategici a favore di studenti appartenenti a famiglie immigrate possa costituirsi come efficace azione di discriminazione positiva che consenta di contrastare la segregazione formativa (cfr. Besozzi, Colombo, Santagati, 2009) e di promuovere il successo nei percorsi scolastici successivi alla scuola media inferiore, sviluppando livelli adeguati di padronanza della lingua italiana, orientando e sostenendo scelte formative \u201cambiziose\u201d e accompagnando l\u2019implementazione di competenze individuali e sociali fondamentali per la riuscita scolastica

Research paper thumbnail of University and business cooperation, opportunità per innovare la ricerca pedagogica

Pensa MultiMedia, 2019

La cooperazione tra universita\u300, professioni e imprese ha cominciato a rap- presentare un tem... more La cooperazione tra universita\u300, professioni e imprese ha cominciato a rap- presentare un tema rilevante nel nostro Paese alcuni decenni or sono. Sul piano strategico e\u300 fondamentale che il connubio universita\u300-imprese si concentri sull\u2019implementazione di una nuova cultura di cooperazione orientata alla produzione di conoscenze inedite, sull\u2019investimento in ricerche che non siano immediatamente \u201cmonetizzabili\u201d, ma che portino risultati nel medio o lungo periodo. La cooperazione tra universita\u300 e imprese rappresenta una straordinaria opportunita\u300 anche per la ricerca pedagogica di misurarsi con la concretezza e la materialita\u300 dei processi educativi e dei processi organizzativi e imprenditoriali che attengono alla progettazione e gestione dei dispositivi pedagogici

Research paper thumbnail of La consulenza interculturale

Educatt Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2018


Research paper thumbnail of Building partnership with parents in child home care


The research proposed in this paper, presents the results of a training workshop which, through r... more The research proposed in this paper, presents the results of a training workshop which, through reflective thinking instruments, led a group of home care professionals to explore the complex issues related to the cooperation skills development and the involvement in parents that they support daily. The research, based on the practical research model proposed by Ilse Julkunen (2011) that aims to produce shared knowledge, is placed in the domain of deep changes that the field of services for children and vulnerable families is living. Among the new emerging trends is possible to include the imperative to evaluate the socio-educational practices and do research on them, in order to improve the quality of this practices. The promotion of training contexts that foster reflexivity is a research and evaluation strategy that simultaneously provides useful knowledge to the improvement of services and has a positive effect on the development of the professionalism. The path of research-training, here proposed and analyzed, highlights the transformative value of reflective practice in the involved professionals. It leads to the emergence of a very strong similarity between the changes required to operators at this historic juncture and the transformations that the system of child protection requires to parents of vulnerable families in child welfare services. Parents should demonstrate the ability to improve their skills in the interest of their children. For these parents the development of a reflective thinking appears an unavoidable step in their own biography. The article highlights key skills to promote collaboration between services and parents to realize effective interventions

Research paper thumbnail of Le competenze interculturali nel lavoro educativo

All\u2019interno di contesti educativi che si caratterizzano per la pluralit\ue0 crescente delle ... more All\u2019interno di contesti educativi che si caratterizzano per la pluralit\ue0 crescente delle appartenenze etniche e culturali \ue8 necessario sviluppare competenze interculturali che consentano di riconoscere e valorizzare le differenze, riducendo i pregiudizi, e di costruire orizzonti condivisi (Santerini, 2003; Edelstein, 2011; Coh\ue9n-Emerique, 2011; Harper, 2006), come evidenziato anche in un recente lavoro di questo gruppo di ricerca (Reggio, Santerini, 2014). La questione appare pi\uf9 ampia: oggi il pluralismo \ue8 la sfida che la presenza di persone appartenenti a tante etnie diverse rende visibile e che aiuta a rileggere quanto per anni i servizi hanno fatto fatica a vedere, ma che stava nascendo e prendendo forma. Le pluralit\ue0 che caratterizzano la convivenza oggi non sono soltanto etniche e culturali, ma anche politiche, sociali, religiose, etiche, educative, generazionali, professionali

Research paper thumbnail of Famille d'accueil et droits des enfants. Une perspective européens

Presses Universitaires de Provence, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Sperimentare forme di tirocinio a distanza: il Progetto “Coinvolgimento in attività di ricerca educativa sperimentale sul campo in tempo di Covid-19”

Formazione, lavoro, persona, Mar 17, 2021

The \u2018lockdown\u2019 following the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic forced a rethinking of the traineeship... more The \u2018lockdown\u2019 following the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic forced a rethinking of the traineeship experience. This contribution investigates online education opportunities, starting from the analysis of the \uabInvolvement in experimental field educational research activities in time of SARS-CoV-2\ubb project, carried out by the Degree Course in Sciences of Education and Training of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, in collaboration with the Municipality of Mila

Research paper thumbnail of Allora hai fatto il mostro oggi?". Valutare con le famiglie: pensieri e pratiche

Il lavoro socioeducativo di valutazione delle famiglie è un compito estremamente complesso, pieno... more Il lavoro socioeducativo di valutazione delle famiglie è un compito estremamente complesso, pieno di rischi (poiché ha a che fare con la vita delle persone). Questo compito richiede sensibilità, conoscenza di sé e consapevolezza dei propri pregiudizi e della propria idea di famiglia. Per poter effettuare una valutazione i professionisti devono avere un'attitudine curiosa, capace di cercare costantemente connessioni tra i soggetti coinvolti – e tra questi soggetti è incluso l'osservatore stesso – i pensieri, l'epistemologia. Questo articolo presenta le riflessioni emerse da un corso di formazione rivolto a professionisti dell'educazione, basato su metodologie narrative e riflessive.

Research paper thumbnail of L’affido familiare attraverso gli occhi dei figli naturali

Research paper thumbnail of Bambini, adolescenti e famiglie vulnerabili. Nuove direzioni nei servizi socioeducativi

Research paper thumbnail of Educatori in ricerca. Un'esperienza locale fra teorie e pratiche

Research paper thumbnail of “Were You a Monster Today?” Making Assessments with Families: Thoughts and Practices

Encyclopaideia, 2019

Assessing family care work is an extremely complex task, full of risks (because it concerns peopl... more Assessing family care work is an extremely complex task, full of risks (because it concerns people’s life). It requires sensitivity, great self-awareness and awareness of one's own prejudices and of one’s own idea of family. In order to make an assessment professionals must have a curious attitude, capable of constantly seeking connections between interacting subjects, and these subjects include the observer him/herself, his/her thoughts and epistemology. This paper presents the reflections emerging from a high level inservice training course aimed at care and education professionals, based on narrative and reflective methodologies.

Research paper thumbnail of Le competenze del tutor di tirocinio nel Corso di Laurea in Scienze dell’educazione e della formazione

–The rethinking of the practitioners’ education at the center of the international debate also in... more –The rethinking of the practitioners’ education at the center of the international debate also involves the world of education and social care. It is increasingly important to build Social Pedagogues education able to develop reflective practitioners, acting as researchers in their educational work, thinking about their own practices, experimenting day by day and, in this way, learning to spread their competences. Since its establishment the degree course in Sciences of Education has been characterized by a strong innovative role and by a professionalizing dimension. Alongside the theoretical disciplines, the degree program provides traineeship activities for students in order to integrate the development of practice skills in the education of future practitioners. If the traineeship becomes a bridge between theoretical frameworks and practical experiences, the traineeship tutor is therefore a professional who knows how to make synthesis and unity between practices and theories. Ria...

Research paper thumbnail of Hai fatto il mostro oggi? Pensieri e pratiche sul valutare con le famiglie

Research paper thumbnail of Il Mondo Alla Finestra. Apprendere e Insegnare a Fare I Conti Con La Dimensione Globale

Research paper thumbnail of Promuovere corresponsabilità Servizi educativi-famiglia