Snezana Simic - (original) (raw)
Papers by Snezana Simic
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2004
Health Reforms in South East Europe, 2012
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the World Health Report 2000 of the World Health Or... more At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the World Health Report 2000 of the World Health Organization (WHO) identified many countries falling short of their performance potential (World Health Organization 2000). The World Health Report 2008, focusing on the 30th anniversary of the Declaration of Alma-Ata on Primary Health Care, urged all countries to re-orientate their health systems towards strengthened primary care (World Health Organization 2008). Despite caveats on generalizability, the available evidence confirms that a strong primary care orientation results in improved population health outcomes and equity, more appropriate utilization of services, greater user satisfaction and lower health system costs (World Health Organization 2004). The value of a strengthened primary care system is increasingly recognized by policymakers worldwide (Starfield 2009). Serbia inherited a health system from the former Yugoslavia which attempted to provide universal access and comprehensive health services for the population. From the late 1980s, economic decline in Serbia resulted in a substantial reduction in resources for health care in real terms. After a decade of conflicts, political isolation, and sanctions in the 1990s, the public health sector suffered further decline, and since the start of the democratic transition in October 2000, it has faced a number of intense challenges. Over the past decade, as a country in transition, Serbia has witnessed the beginning of wide-ranging health reforms. These have covered the scope, financing, costs, organization, and management of health services at all levels, and have focused on strengthening the system through improving access to affordable and effective health services as key pillars of policy.
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2010
Introduction. For health assessment, beside the data of routine health statistics, it is necessar... more Introduction. For health assessment, beside the data of routine health statistics, it is necessary to include and data obtained by a health survey of the citizens. Objective. The aim of this study was to establish how northern Kosovska Mitrovica adults assess their health and which diseases are most common among the population, as well as to investigate differences in relation to demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, the characteristics of social interaction and health behavior and habits. Methods. The research was conducted as a cross-sectional study conducted on the representative sample of adult citizens in northern Kosovska Mitrovica in 2006. Two hundred-eighteen respondents were included in the survey. In the research we used a questionnaire identical to the Health Survey conducted in Serbia in 2006. The significance of differences in responses about self-rated health and chronic diseases in relation to the characteristics of respondents? responses were determined by X...
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2012
Background/Aim. Mental health disorders lead to disorder of effective functioning of people and d... more Background/Aim. Mental health disorders lead to disorder of effective functioning of people and deterioration of quality of life. Early detection of individuals at risk of mental health disorders is extremely important from the aspect of mental health disorders prevention. The aim of the research was to determine the frequency of mental health problems among adult residents of northern Kosovska Mitrovica and to examine the association between frequency of mental health problems and socio-demographic and other characteristics of the population obtained by the questionnaire. Methods. The cross-sectional study on the representative sample of adult residents of northern Kosovska Mitrovica was performed in October 2009. To obtain information about the characteristics of mental health the Goldberg?s General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) was used. For performing survey at site the method of rapid epidemiological assessment was chosen. Statistical analysis included the methods of descriptiv...
Medicinski pregled, 2011
Introduction. Self-rated health is generally accepted by researchers as a valid measure of health... more Introduction. Self-rated health is generally accepted by researchers as a valid measure of health status. The aims of the study were to investi?gate how the adult inhabitants of northern Kosovska Mitrovica described their health and which variables were the predictors of self-rated health status among that population. Method. The research was done as a cross-sectional study on the representative sample of 318 adult inhabitants of northern Kosovska Mitrovica in 2006. The instrument of research was a questionnaire containing questions about self-rated health and demographic and socio-economic characteristics, mental health, social interaction, possibilities of performing everyday activities, health behaviour and habits, diseases and injuries, utilization of health care service. The independent variables were defined through the factor analysis taken from these groups of questions. The multivariate stepwise linear regression was done to determine the correlation between self-rated heal...
The European Journal of Public Health, 2009
Journal of Public Health, 2010
Background Although nowadays smoking is less popular, one-third of adults in Serbia still smoke r... more Background Although nowadays smoking is less popular, one-third of adults in Serbia still smoke regularly. The aim of this study was to analyze associations of smoking experience and quitting with gender and socioeconomic status. Methods Cross-sectional, population-based nationally representative household survey (Health Survey, 2006). Age-and multivariate-adjusted logistic regression analyses were used to analyze predictors of smoking experience and cessation. Results Of 12 365 interviewed, 51.1% used to smoke: current smokers accounted for 36.8% and former smokers for 14.3%. Higher educated women were more prone to smoking [secondary school: odds ratio (OR), 1.75; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.52-2.01; university degree: OR, 1.53; 95% CI, 1.26-1.86], whereas for men the opposite was observed (university degree: OR, 0.72; 95% CI, 0.60-0.86). Education also was 'pro-quitting' factor (university degree: OR, 1.46; 95% CI, 1.07-1.99 for women; university degree: OR, 1.61; 95% CI, 1.23-1.80 for men). To quit smoking, wealth status was gradually more important for women, while just the richest men were more likely to quit smoking (OR, 1.45; 95% CI, 1.09-1.93). Conclusion The poorest women in Serbia and the least educated men are those least likely to quit smoking, which indicates that ability to quit is predicted by socioeconomic status.
Social Science & Medicine, 1987
Efforts to manage Yugoslavia's debt crisis beginning in 1979 led to economic policies whi... more Efforts to manage Yugoslavia's debt crisis beginning in 1979 led to economic policies which resulted in declining real income in subsequent years. This has been associated with a slowing of the rate at which infant mortality has declined. There is no evidence, however, that populations in poor parts of the country experienced a more dramatic impact on infant mortality than did populations in more favored regions. The lack of difference is attributed to redistributive social policies among and within republics.
Anatomischer Anzeiger, 1985
11 encephalometric parameters of the corpus callosum and medial hemispheric surface have been mea... more 11 encephalometric parameters of the corpus callosum and medial hemispheric surface have been measured on 50 human brains fixed in 7% formaline solution. The measurement of linear parameters has been made by using a standardized encephalometric system of reference, based on the bicommissural line which has been widely used in neurosurgery. The applied statistical procedures have shown that the following variables are the most successful in the evaluation and prediction of the change of the midsagittal cross-sectional corpus callosum area in the following order: the thinnest part of the corpus callosum, the corpus callosum length and medial hemispheric border. Their change for the unit value causes an average change of the corpus callosum midsagittal section surface area for the value of the partial regression coefficient with which they are connected. The chosen variables explain only the 45% variability of the cross-sectional corpus callosum surface area, and the remaining variabil...
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
The purpose of this investigation was to establish the attitude of Belgrade citizens towards the ... more The purpose of this investigation was to establish the attitude of Belgrade citizens towards the cost-sharing, and to determine for which services, in their opinion, the co-payment will be considered justified, as well as to analyze which part of the population will be exposed to such costs in the utilization of health care services. The city population considered to be the most suitable for the analysis consisted of 500 inhabitants of the city and suburban municipalities. The questionnaire filled in by 422 persons (response rate of 84.4%) was used as the investigation instrument. The results of this study show that the interviewed Belgrade population favours the solution which does not affect and jeopardize their living and health standards i.e. the increase of contribution rates payable from gross personal income and the introduction of new voluntary contributions for the health care. However, their attitude towards cost-sharing is not a priori negative. The answers obtained to th...
Medical Care, 1988
In this study the existing forms and amounts of cost-sharing in the Republic of Serbia (Yugoslavi... more In this study the existing forms and amounts of cost-sharing in the Republic of Serbia (Yugoslavia) are analyzed. The level of cost-sharing is ranked according to the number and type of services involved and the relative importance with which they are viewed within the overall health-care policy of Yugoslavia. The "self-managing community of interest of health care," administratively coincident with the district, is taken as the unit of observation. Until recently, these bodies independently decided whether to introduce cost-sharing as well as the rate of cost-sharing. Therefore, the implementation of this health-policy measure differed among the districts generating inequality within health-care system. The results of simple and multiple correlation indicate that poorer districts with fewer health resources and lower levels of consumption introduced cost-sharing for more services, attempting to provide additional resources for financing of the health-care system. The multiple linear-regression model shows that population/physician ratio and the use of primary care physicians' services are the significant indicators of health-care expenditures in this territory. Considering the current economic situation in Yugoslavia and the level of development of the health-care system, the results of this cross-sectional study imply that cost-containment in health care can be achieved in a more equitable and effective manner by controlling supply of health services than by limiting demands.
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 2003
Introduction:Conflicts, social unrest, and disasters can significantly affect the ability of a he... more Introduction:Conflicts, social unrest, and disasters can significantly affect the ability of a healthcare system to provide for the needs of its citizens. The collapse of the primary healthcare system in Serbia is a model of the effects that civil unrest can have on the health of a population. However, with improving social and political conditions, focus now can be turned towards the greatly needed development and reorganization of the primary healthcare system in Serbia.Due to the complexity of health-system reform in the post-conflict/post-disaster setting, attempts to restructure health services are fraught with pitfalls that often are unanticipated because of inadequate preliminary assessments. A multimodal assessment involving quantitative and qualitative methodologies may provide a more robust mechanism to identify key programmatic priorities and critical barriers for appropriate and sustainable health-system interventions. The purpose of this study is to describe a multimoda...
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2013
Увод Европ ско школ ско ис тра жи ва ње о упо тре би ал ко хо ла и дру гих дро га ме ђу мла ди ма... more Увод Европ ско школ ско ис тра жи ва ње о упо тре би ал ко хо ла и дру гих дро га ме ђу мла ди ма (Euro pean School Sur vey Pro ject on Al co hol and Ot her Drugs-ESPAD), нај ве ћи ме ђу на род ни ис тра жи вач ки про је кат о упо тре би ци га ре та, ал ко хо ла и дру гих дро га ме ђу адо ле сцен ти ма, пр ви пут је ура ђе но у Ср би ји 2008. го ди не. Циљ ра да Циљ ра да је био да се ана ли зи ра ју по да ци до би је ни овим ис тра жи ва њем о упо тре би ал ко хо ла ме ђу уче ни ци ма пр вог раз ре да сред њих шко ла у Ср би ји, а по себ но раз ли ке у упо тре би ал ко хо ла пре ма по лу, вр сти шко ле ко ју уче ни ци по ха ђа ју, ме сту ста но ва ња и те ри то ри ји на ко јој жи ве. Ме то де ра да Ана ли зи ра ни су ста во ви и по на ша ње о упо тре би ал ко хо ла код 6.553 уче ни ка пр вог раз ре да сред њих шко ла ро ђе них 1992. го ди не. У ан ке ти ра њу стра ти фи ко ва ног јед но е тап ног узор ка уче ни ка ко ри шћен је стан дар ди зо ван, ме ђу на род но уса гла шен упит ник, струк ту ри ран и ди зај ни ран за са мо стал но по пу ња ва ње. По да ци су об ра ђе ни ме то да ма де скрип тив не ста ти сти ке, а за ис пи ти ва ње зна чај но сти раз ли ке по сма тра них обе леж ја ко ри шћен је не па ра ме триј ски χ 2 тест с ни во ом за кљу чи ва ња p<0,01. Ре зул та ти Ви ше од три че твр ти не уче ни ка мо же ла ко да ку пи пи во и ви но, а ви ше од по ло ви не же сто ка пи ћа и ал ко поп се. Бар јед ном у жи во ту ал ко хол но пи ће по пи ло је 89,1% уче ни ка, а бар јед ном у по след њих 12 ме се ци 78,2% ан ке ти ра них. Бар јед ном у жи во ту опи ло се 42,2% уче ни ка, а у прет ход них 12 ме се ци 29,7% ис пи та ни ка. У по след њих 30 да на 32,0% уче ни ка по пи ло је пет и ви ше пи ћа за ре дом. Мла ди ћи су ре дов ни је пи ли и че шће се опи ја ли од де во ја ка (p<0,01). За кљу чак До но ше ње про гра ма за пре вен ци ју упо тре бе и зло у по тре бе ал ко хо ла код адо ле сце на та и до след ни ја при ме на по сто је ћих за кон ских про пи са до при не ли би сма ње њу упо тре бе ал ко хо ла ме ђу адо ле сцен ти ма у Ср би ји. Кључ не ре чи: адо ле сцен ти; упо тре ба ал ко хо ла; опи ја ње; до ступ ност ал ко хо ла; здрав стве ни про гра ми
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2010
Introduction. In anaesthesiology, economic aspects have been insufficiently studied. Objective. T... more Introduction. In anaesthesiology, economic aspects have been insufficiently studied. Objective. The aim of this paper was the assessment of rational choice of the anaesthesiological services based on the analysis of the scope, distribution, trend and cost. Methods. The costs of anaesthesiological services were counted based on ?unit? prices from the Republic Health Insurance Fund. Data were analysed by methods of descriptive statistics and statistical significance was tested by Student?s t-test and ?2-test. Results. The number of general anaesthesia was higher and average time of general anaesthesia was shorter, without statistical significance (t-test, p=0.436) during 2006 compared to the previous year. Local anaesthesia was significantly higher (?2-test, p=0.001) in relation to planned operation in emergency surgery. The analysis of total anaesthesiological procedures revealed that a number of procedures significantly increased in ENT and MFH surgery, and ophthalmology, while some...
Journal of Public Health, 2009
... Vesna Bjegović &amp;amp; Dejana Vuković &amp;amp; Janko Janković &amp... more ... Vesna Bjegović &amp;amp; Dejana Vuković &amp;amp; Janko Janković &amp;amp; Jelena Marinković &amp;amp; Sneana Simić &amp;amp; Slavenka Janković &amp;amp; Giuseppe La Torre &amp;amp; ... Final Report, European Agency for Reconstruction, Belgrade, Serbia Bjegovic V, Vukovic D, Terzic Z, Santric-Milicevic M, Laaser U (2007b ...
Journal of Medical Systems, 1996
The basic purpose of this study was to analyze the diffusion of computer-based information techno... more The basic purpose of this study was to analyze the diffusion of computer-based information technology into the health care institutions of the Republic of Serbia in the year 1994, and to compare the results with a similar investigation in 1992 in order to determine the state and progress of its development. The instrument of investigation was a questionnaire with 24 questions, distributed to all the independent health institutions in Serbia (total 238). The overall response rate was 40.8%. Of the number of responding health institutions, 92.8% own computers which are in use, six PCs on average, and on average use two application softwares, obligatory one for accounting and billing. In conclusion, health care institutions in the Republic of Serbia are unsatisfactorily equipped with information technology and without the developed institutional information system, except on the level of the project. So, careful planning, selection, implementation and management with national coordination will be needed to ensure the appropriate use of technology and information systems in health care.
Database on clinically treated patients in Belgrade served as an example for analysis of possibil... more Database on clinically treated patients in Belgrade served as an example for analysis of possibilities for the use of Personal Identifying Number (PIN) as an Unique Patient Identifier. In the first part of the paper we analyzed filling up of the fields which contained data on PIN within complete databases in 1981, 1991 and 1996. Filling up of PIN was significantly changed in the three observed years: it was 18% in 1981; 68% in 1991, and 56% in 1996 respectively. Analysis of interactions among the chosen factors (type of hospital, demographic and social characteristics of patients, length of stay in hospital, manner of treatment, main diagnosis, treatment outcome) and measuring time, showed a different degree of statistical significance. In the second part of our paper we analyzed the unexpected decrease in filling up of PIN in 1996 (as compared to 1991) ussing the method of logistic regression, on 1% samples from the databases for the two respective years. On the basis of obtained m...
Iranian Journal of Public Health, 2019
PloS one, 2017
Unmet health care needs have been designated as an indicator of equality in access to health care... more Unmet health care needs have been designated as an indicator of equality in access to health care, which provides insight into specific barriers faced by respondents when they need medical services. The purpose of this research was to analyze demographic, socioeconomic, regional characteristics and perception of the health status; and identify predictors of unmet health care needs and consequently determine the size of inequalities in the availability, accessibility and acceptability of health care. The cross-sectional study obtained data from the Survey on Income and Living Conditions in the Republic of Serbia in 2014, based on a sample of 20,069 respondents over 16 years. Data was collected by using a household questionnaire and a questionnaire for individuals. Multivariate logistic regressions were applied. Almost every seventh citizen (14.9%) reported unmet health care needs. Predictors of unmet needs, for overall reasons, which increase the likelihood of their emergence include...
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2004
Health Reforms in South East Europe, 2012
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the World Health Report 2000 of the World Health Or... more At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the World Health Report 2000 of the World Health Organization (WHO) identified many countries falling short of their performance potential (World Health Organization 2000). The World Health Report 2008, focusing on the 30th anniversary of the Declaration of Alma-Ata on Primary Health Care, urged all countries to re-orientate their health systems towards strengthened primary care (World Health Organization 2008). Despite caveats on generalizability, the available evidence confirms that a strong primary care orientation results in improved population health outcomes and equity, more appropriate utilization of services, greater user satisfaction and lower health system costs (World Health Organization 2004). The value of a strengthened primary care system is increasingly recognized by policymakers worldwide (Starfield 2009). Serbia inherited a health system from the former Yugoslavia which attempted to provide universal access and comprehensive health services for the population. From the late 1980s, economic decline in Serbia resulted in a substantial reduction in resources for health care in real terms. After a decade of conflicts, political isolation, and sanctions in the 1990s, the public health sector suffered further decline, and since the start of the democratic transition in October 2000, it has faced a number of intense challenges. Over the past decade, as a country in transition, Serbia has witnessed the beginning of wide-ranging health reforms. These have covered the scope, financing, costs, organization, and management of health services at all levels, and have focused on strengthening the system through improving access to affordable and effective health services as key pillars of policy.
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2010
Introduction. For health assessment, beside the data of routine health statistics, it is necessar... more Introduction. For health assessment, beside the data of routine health statistics, it is necessary to include and data obtained by a health survey of the citizens. Objective. The aim of this study was to establish how northern Kosovska Mitrovica adults assess their health and which diseases are most common among the population, as well as to investigate differences in relation to demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, the characteristics of social interaction and health behavior and habits. Methods. The research was conducted as a cross-sectional study conducted on the representative sample of adult citizens in northern Kosovska Mitrovica in 2006. Two hundred-eighteen respondents were included in the survey. In the research we used a questionnaire identical to the Health Survey conducted in Serbia in 2006. The significance of differences in responses about self-rated health and chronic diseases in relation to the characteristics of respondents? responses were determined by X...
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2012
Background/Aim. Mental health disorders lead to disorder of effective functioning of people and d... more Background/Aim. Mental health disorders lead to disorder of effective functioning of people and deterioration of quality of life. Early detection of individuals at risk of mental health disorders is extremely important from the aspect of mental health disorders prevention. The aim of the research was to determine the frequency of mental health problems among adult residents of northern Kosovska Mitrovica and to examine the association between frequency of mental health problems and socio-demographic and other characteristics of the population obtained by the questionnaire. Methods. The cross-sectional study on the representative sample of adult residents of northern Kosovska Mitrovica was performed in October 2009. To obtain information about the characteristics of mental health the Goldberg?s General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) was used. For performing survey at site the method of rapid epidemiological assessment was chosen. Statistical analysis included the methods of descriptiv...
Medicinski pregled, 2011
Introduction. Self-rated health is generally accepted by researchers as a valid measure of health... more Introduction. Self-rated health is generally accepted by researchers as a valid measure of health status. The aims of the study were to investi?gate how the adult inhabitants of northern Kosovska Mitrovica described their health and which variables were the predictors of self-rated health status among that population. Method. The research was done as a cross-sectional study on the representative sample of 318 adult inhabitants of northern Kosovska Mitrovica in 2006. The instrument of research was a questionnaire containing questions about self-rated health and demographic and socio-economic characteristics, mental health, social interaction, possibilities of performing everyday activities, health behaviour and habits, diseases and injuries, utilization of health care service. The independent variables were defined through the factor analysis taken from these groups of questions. The multivariate stepwise linear regression was done to determine the correlation between self-rated heal...
The European Journal of Public Health, 2009
Journal of Public Health, 2010
Background Although nowadays smoking is less popular, one-third of adults in Serbia still smoke r... more Background Although nowadays smoking is less popular, one-third of adults in Serbia still smoke regularly. The aim of this study was to analyze associations of smoking experience and quitting with gender and socioeconomic status. Methods Cross-sectional, population-based nationally representative household survey (Health Survey, 2006). Age-and multivariate-adjusted logistic regression analyses were used to analyze predictors of smoking experience and cessation. Results Of 12 365 interviewed, 51.1% used to smoke: current smokers accounted for 36.8% and former smokers for 14.3%. Higher educated women were more prone to smoking [secondary school: odds ratio (OR), 1.75; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.52-2.01; university degree: OR, 1.53; 95% CI, 1.26-1.86], whereas for men the opposite was observed (university degree: OR, 0.72; 95% CI, 0.60-0.86). Education also was 'pro-quitting' factor (university degree: OR, 1.46; 95% CI, 1.07-1.99 for women; university degree: OR, 1.61; 95% CI, 1.23-1.80 for men). To quit smoking, wealth status was gradually more important for women, while just the richest men were more likely to quit smoking (OR, 1.45; 95% CI, 1.09-1.93). Conclusion The poorest women in Serbia and the least educated men are those least likely to quit smoking, which indicates that ability to quit is predicted by socioeconomic status.
Social Science & Medicine, 1987
Efforts to manage Yugoslavia's debt crisis beginning in 1979 led to economic policies whi... more Efforts to manage Yugoslavia's debt crisis beginning in 1979 led to economic policies which resulted in declining real income in subsequent years. This has been associated with a slowing of the rate at which infant mortality has declined. There is no evidence, however, that populations in poor parts of the country experienced a more dramatic impact on infant mortality than did populations in more favored regions. The lack of difference is attributed to redistributive social policies among and within republics.
Anatomischer Anzeiger, 1985
11 encephalometric parameters of the corpus callosum and medial hemispheric surface have been mea... more 11 encephalometric parameters of the corpus callosum and medial hemispheric surface have been measured on 50 human brains fixed in 7% formaline solution. The measurement of linear parameters has been made by using a standardized encephalometric system of reference, based on the bicommissural line which has been widely used in neurosurgery. The applied statistical procedures have shown that the following variables are the most successful in the evaluation and prediction of the change of the midsagittal cross-sectional corpus callosum area in the following order: the thinnest part of the corpus callosum, the corpus callosum length and medial hemispheric border. Their change for the unit value causes an average change of the corpus callosum midsagittal section surface area for the value of the partial regression coefficient with which they are connected. The chosen variables explain only the 45% variability of the cross-sectional corpus callosum surface area, and the remaining variabil...
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
The purpose of this investigation was to establish the attitude of Belgrade citizens towards the ... more The purpose of this investigation was to establish the attitude of Belgrade citizens towards the cost-sharing, and to determine for which services, in their opinion, the co-payment will be considered justified, as well as to analyze which part of the population will be exposed to such costs in the utilization of health care services. The city population considered to be the most suitable for the analysis consisted of 500 inhabitants of the city and suburban municipalities. The questionnaire filled in by 422 persons (response rate of 84.4%) was used as the investigation instrument. The results of this study show that the interviewed Belgrade population favours the solution which does not affect and jeopardize their living and health standards i.e. the increase of contribution rates payable from gross personal income and the introduction of new voluntary contributions for the health care. However, their attitude towards cost-sharing is not a priori negative. The answers obtained to th...
Medical Care, 1988
In this study the existing forms and amounts of cost-sharing in the Republic of Serbia (Yugoslavi... more In this study the existing forms and amounts of cost-sharing in the Republic of Serbia (Yugoslavia) are analyzed. The level of cost-sharing is ranked according to the number and type of services involved and the relative importance with which they are viewed within the overall health-care policy of Yugoslavia. The "self-managing community of interest of health care," administratively coincident with the district, is taken as the unit of observation. Until recently, these bodies independently decided whether to introduce cost-sharing as well as the rate of cost-sharing. Therefore, the implementation of this health-policy measure differed among the districts generating inequality within health-care system. The results of simple and multiple correlation indicate that poorer districts with fewer health resources and lower levels of consumption introduced cost-sharing for more services, attempting to provide additional resources for financing of the health-care system. The multiple linear-regression model shows that population/physician ratio and the use of primary care physicians' services are the significant indicators of health-care expenditures in this territory. Considering the current economic situation in Yugoslavia and the level of development of the health-care system, the results of this cross-sectional study imply that cost-containment in health care can be achieved in a more equitable and effective manner by controlling supply of health services than by limiting demands.
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 2003
Introduction:Conflicts, social unrest, and disasters can significantly affect the ability of a he... more Introduction:Conflicts, social unrest, and disasters can significantly affect the ability of a healthcare system to provide for the needs of its citizens. The collapse of the primary healthcare system in Serbia is a model of the effects that civil unrest can have on the health of a population. However, with improving social and political conditions, focus now can be turned towards the greatly needed development and reorganization of the primary healthcare system in Serbia.Due to the complexity of health-system reform in the post-conflict/post-disaster setting, attempts to restructure health services are fraught with pitfalls that often are unanticipated because of inadequate preliminary assessments. A multimodal assessment involving quantitative and qualitative methodologies may provide a more robust mechanism to identify key programmatic priorities and critical barriers for appropriate and sustainable health-system interventions. The purpose of this study is to describe a multimoda...
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2013
Увод Европ ско школ ско ис тра жи ва ње о упо тре би ал ко хо ла и дру гих дро га ме ђу мла ди ма... more Увод Европ ско школ ско ис тра жи ва ње о упо тре би ал ко хо ла и дру гих дро га ме ђу мла ди ма (Euro pean School Sur vey Pro ject on Al co hol and Ot her Drugs-ESPAD), нај ве ћи ме ђу на род ни ис тра жи вач ки про је кат о упо тре би ци га ре та, ал ко хо ла и дру гих дро га ме ђу адо ле сцен ти ма, пр ви пут је ура ђе но у Ср би ји 2008. го ди не. Циљ ра да Циљ ра да је био да се ана ли зи ра ју по да ци до би је ни овим ис тра жи ва њем о упо тре би ал ко хо ла ме ђу уче ни ци ма пр вог раз ре да сред њих шко ла у Ср би ји, а по себ но раз ли ке у упо тре би ал ко хо ла пре ма по лу, вр сти шко ле ко ју уче ни ци по ха ђа ју, ме сту ста но ва ња и те ри то ри ји на ко јој жи ве. Ме то де ра да Ана ли зи ра ни су ста во ви и по на ша ње о упо тре би ал ко хо ла код 6.553 уче ни ка пр вог раз ре да сред њих шко ла ро ђе них 1992. го ди не. У ан ке ти ра њу стра ти фи ко ва ног јед но е тап ног узор ка уче ни ка ко ри шћен је стан дар ди зо ван, ме ђу на род но уса гла шен упит ник, струк ту ри ран и ди зај ни ран за са мо стал но по пу ња ва ње. По да ци су об ра ђе ни ме то да ма де скрип тив не ста ти сти ке, а за ис пи ти ва ње зна чај но сти раз ли ке по сма тра них обе леж ја ко ри шћен је не па ра ме триј ски χ 2 тест с ни во ом за кљу чи ва ња p<0,01. Ре зул та ти Ви ше од три че твр ти не уче ни ка мо же ла ко да ку пи пи во и ви но, а ви ше од по ло ви не же сто ка пи ћа и ал ко поп се. Бар јед ном у жи во ту ал ко хол но пи ће по пи ло је 89,1% уче ни ка, а бар јед ном у по след њих 12 ме се ци 78,2% ан ке ти ра них. Бар јед ном у жи во ту опи ло се 42,2% уче ни ка, а у прет ход них 12 ме се ци 29,7% ис пи та ни ка. У по след њих 30 да на 32,0% уче ни ка по пи ло је пет и ви ше пи ћа за ре дом. Мла ди ћи су ре дов ни је пи ли и че шће се опи ја ли од де во ја ка (p<0,01). За кљу чак До но ше ње про гра ма за пре вен ци ју упо тре бе и зло у по тре бе ал ко хо ла код адо ле сце на та и до след ни ја при ме на по сто је ћих за кон ских про пи са до при не ли би сма ње њу упо тре бе ал ко хо ла ме ђу адо ле сцен ти ма у Ср би ји. Кључ не ре чи: адо ле сцен ти; упо тре ба ал ко хо ла; опи ја ње; до ступ ност ал ко хо ла; здрав стве ни про гра ми
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2010
Introduction. In anaesthesiology, economic aspects have been insufficiently studied. Objective. T... more Introduction. In anaesthesiology, economic aspects have been insufficiently studied. Objective. The aim of this paper was the assessment of rational choice of the anaesthesiological services based on the analysis of the scope, distribution, trend and cost. Methods. The costs of anaesthesiological services were counted based on ?unit? prices from the Republic Health Insurance Fund. Data were analysed by methods of descriptive statistics and statistical significance was tested by Student?s t-test and ?2-test. Results. The number of general anaesthesia was higher and average time of general anaesthesia was shorter, without statistical significance (t-test, p=0.436) during 2006 compared to the previous year. Local anaesthesia was significantly higher (?2-test, p=0.001) in relation to planned operation in emergency surgery. The analysis of total anaesthesiological procedures revealed that a number of procedures significantly increased in ENT and MFH surgery, and ophthalmology, while some...
Journal of Public Health, 2009
... Vesna Bjegović &amp;amp; Dejana Vuković &amp;amp; Janko Janković &amp... more ... Vesna Bjegović &amp;amp; Dejana Vuković &amp;amp; Janko Janković &amp;amp; Jelena Marinković &amp;amp; Sneana Simić &amp;amp; Slavenka Janković &amp;amp; Giuseppe La Torre &amp;amp; ... Final Report, European Agency for Reconstruction, Belgrade, Serbia Bjegovic V, Vukovic D, Terzic Z, Santric-Milicevic M, Laaser U (2007b ...
Journal of Medical Systems, 1996
The basic purpose of this study was to analyze the diffusion of computer-based information techno... more The basic purpose of this study was to analyze the diffusion of computer-based information technology into the health care institutions of the Republic of Serbia in the year 1994, and to compare the results with a similar investigation in 1992 in order to determine the state and progress of its development. The instrument of investigation was a questionnaire with 24 questions, distributed to all the independent health institutions in Serbia (total 238). The overall response rate was 40.8%. Of the number of responding health institutions, 92.8% own computers which are in use, six PCs on average, and on average use two application softwares, obligatory one for accounting and billing. In conclusion, health care institutions in the Republic of Serbia are unsatisfactorily equipped with information technology and without the developed institutional information system, except on the level of the project. So, careful planning, selection, implementation and management with national coordination will be needed to ensure the appropriate use of technology and information systems in health care.
Database on clinically treated patients in Belgrade served as an example for analysis of possibil... more Database on clinically treated patients in Belgrade served as an example for analysis of possibilities for the use of Personal Identifying Number (PIN) as an Unique Patient Identifier. In the first part of the paper we analyzed filling up of the fields which contained data on PIN within complete databases in 1981, 1991 and 1996. Filling up of PIN was significantly changed in the three observed years: it was 18% in 1981; 68% in 1991, and 56% in 1996 respectively. Analysis of interactions among the chosen factors (type of hospital, demographic and social characteristics of patients, length of stay in hospital, manner of treatment, main diagnosis, treatment outcome) and measuring time, showed a different degree of statistical significance. In the second part of our paper we analyzed the unexpected decrease in filling up of PIN in 1996 (as compared to 1991) ussing the method of logistic regression, on 1% samples from the databases for the two respective years. On the basis of obtained m...
Iranian Journal of Public Health, 2019
PloS one, 2017
Unmet health care needs have been designated as an indicator of equality in access to health care... more Unmet health care needs have been designated as an indicator of equality in access to health care, which provides insight into specific barriers faced by respondents when they need medical services. The purpose of this research was to analyze demographic, socioeconomic, regional characteristics and perception of the health status; and identify predictors of unmet health care needs and consequently determine the size of inequalities in the availability, accessibility and acceptability of health care. The cross-sectional study obtained data from the Survey on Income and Living Conditions in the Republic of Serbia in 2014, based on a sample of 20,069 respondents over 16 years. Data was collected by using a household questionnaire and a questionnaire for individuals. Multivariate logistic regressions were applied. Almost every seventh citizen (14.9%) reported unmet health care needs. Predictors of unmet needs, for overall reasons, which increase the likelihood of their emergence include...