Siti Sarah - (original) (raw)
Papers by Siti Sarah
Radiasi: Jurnal Berkala Pendidikan Fisika, Oct 3, 2023
People must be aware of the benefits and drawbacks of technology in the era of the Fourth Industr... more People must be aware of the benefits and drawbacks of technology in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. To survive the industrial revolution, one must have strong moral principles and be able to think creatively. 4.0. Living values are moral principles that a person possesses. The capacity to think creatively and solve issues effectively goes hand in hand. This follow-up study demonstrates how learning physics contextually based on local potential might enhance critical thinking abilities and ethical principles. The purpose of this study is to ascertain whether there is a connection between creative thinking abilities and living values. The research uses a one-shot case study design in a quasi-experiment method. Students in Wonosobo Regency's class IX high schools who had adopted a contextual physics learning model based on local potential made up the research participants. The research tools include tests of creative thinking abilities and observation sheets to gauge living values. Ten items are described as part of the test. Each instrument has undergone testing to ensure that it satisfies fair and trustworthy criteria. A correlation test is the method used for data analysis. With a significance of 0.295 (bigger than 0.05), the study's findings indicate no connection between having moral principles and having creative thinking abilities.
Jurnal Sosial Teknologi
Each country claims that the system of government administration or the political system they bui... more Each country claims that the system of government administration or the political system they build is a democracy. Indonesia is a country that bases its sovereignty on the people's sovereignty in addition to the basis of the rule of law to organize a democratic government by carrying out general elections using a separate system in legislative elections (DPR, DPD, Provincial DPRD, and Regency/City DPRD). The electoral system in Indonesia is inseparable from the recruitment function in the political system. The problem raised in this research is how is the general election system in Indonesia based on Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections, and what are the weaknesses of the open proportional system used in public elections in Indonesia? This research belongs to the normative legal research group prioritizes secondary data (library data and legislation). The nature of this research uses a descriptive-analytical method that describes the actual situation. The result of...
Kuantan, 21 October – Winning the Asia-Pacific 3 Minute Thesis Competition is not an end for Ashw... more Kuantan, 21 October – Winning the Asia-Pacific 3 Minute Thesis Competition is not an end for Ashwin Charles Benedict. Currently pursuing his doctorate studies at Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering (FKKSA), he is now preparing himself to be competing in Falling Wall Labs 2017 in Berlin, Germany on 8 and 9 November 2017 with his research entitled Catalyzing Change: Light at the end of the Tunnel.
Background: Manure often results in problems in the society. This waste, in addition to having od... more Background: Manure often results in problems in the society. This waste, in addition to having odor, also results in disease. However, if this waste is managed well and correctly, many benefits will be obtained. Objective: This research aimed to study the economic benefit of cow manure utilization as a renewable energy source. Result: The people of Balong Wetan were generally farmers and cow breeder. This condition was really suitable because they live in the mountain slope. However, they had not utilized their cow manure waste. They disposed cow manure around their stall. Consequently, less good smell resulted. This condition made Widodo aware of beginning to construct digester and biogas reactor to utilize the cow manure waste. According to Widodo, if this manure problem was not coped with, it would have resulted in disease. Widodo’s attempt, in fact, yielded positive result. Cow manure waste could be converted into biogas that could be used as energy source. In addition, cow manu...
Ciri abad 21 adalah berkembangnya teknologi yang pesat, sehingga zaman pun berubah semakin cepat.... more Ciri abad 21 adalah berkembangnya teknologi yang pesat, sehingga zaman pun berubah semakin cepat. Kerja sinergi merupakan salah satu living values yang dapat mengimbangi cepatnya perkembangan zaman. Ciri kerja sinergi adalah kerja bersama antar individu mandiri untuk menyelesaikan suatu hal secara cepat dan tepat. Living values dapat dicapai melalui pendekatan komprehensif (Kirschenbaum, 1995). Sejauh ini belum tersedia instrumen penilaian kerja sinergi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan instrumen penilaian kerja sinergi dalam pembelajaran fisika yang valid dan reliabel. Penelitian research and development ini terdiri 8 langkah, yaitu (1) menentukan spesifikasi instrumen, (2) menulis instrumen, (3) menentukan skala pengukuran, (4) menentukan sistem penskoran, (5) menelaah instrumen, (6) melakukan uji coba, (7) menganalisis instrumen, (8) merakit instrumen. Penelitian dilakukan pada siswa SMA/MA Kabupaten Wonosobo yang melaksanakan pembelajaran fisika. Teknik pen...
Studi Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia, 2020
The purpose of this study was to determine whether institutional ownership, political connections... more The purpose of this study was to determine whether institutional ownership, political connections, and institutional ownership on political connected companies affects the dividend policy of Indonesian companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2012 - 2017. The sample used in this study were totaled to 255 non-financial companies in Indonesia with total observations of 1530. The model used on this study was the Tobit regression model. The results show that institutional ownership has the tendency to not pay dividends, whereas political connections on companies tends to support the payment of dividends to the shareholders. Furthermore, this study found that when there is the presence of interactions between political connections and institutional ownership in the company, political connections tends to have a positive impact towards dividend policy, yet institutional ownership has an increasingly significant negative effect on dividend policy.
Persatuan Alumni Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Alumni UMP) dengan kerjasama NGO I-Bantu IKRAM Pahan... more Persatuan Alumni Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Alumni UMP) dengan kerjasama NGO I-Bantu IKRAM Pahang, Hidayah Centre Pahang ,Jabatan Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni UMP (JHEPA UMP) dan Kolej Kediaman 4 UMP telah menganjurkan Program Ziarah Prihatin Ramadhan 2016 baru-baru ini.
A total of 150 participate in bowling tournament with media practitioners organized by Universiti... more A total of 150 participate in bowling tournament with media practitioners organized by Universiti Malaysia Pahang together with Pahang Media Club and UMP Advanced Education. Tournament was held at Mega Lane Kuantan and was attended by UMP Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim, Pahang Media Club President, Dato Nik Naizi Hussin, UMP Advanced Education Chief Executive Officer, Mohamad Rozi Hassan, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Affairs & Alumni) Prof. Dato’ Dr Yuserrie Zainuddin and UMP Registrar, Abd. Hamid Majid.
Kuantan. 29 January – Publication Office of Universiti Malaysia Pahang has successfully organized... more Kuantan. 29 January – Publication Office of Universiti Malaysia Pahang has successfully organized a Journal Management Workshop: Towards SCOPUS and ISI Indexes. The workshop were attended by over than 30 journal editors from Malaysian Technical University Network (MTUN).
This article discusses the physical and mental elements of Kuntowijoyo's poem "Isyarat&q... more This article discusses the physical and mental elements of Kuntowijoyo's poem "Isyarat". Both elements become part of the complete understanding of poetry. The purpose of this study was to analyze Kuntowijoyo's poem "Isyarat" from physical elements consisting of sound, typography, diction, majas, and imagery, while the mental elements analyzed were sense, tone, feeling, and intention. The analysis refers to the theory put forward by I.A. Richards by showing a thorough analysis of the poem "Cues". The results of this study showed that Kuntowijoyo's poem "Isyarat" has a cohesion in the structure of poetry consisting of physical and mental elements. The physical element of poetry shows that typography, buni, imagery, majas, and diction became important structures in poetry builders. The inner element of the poem "Cues" also shows a concept that builds overall meaning. Thus, this study has theoretical and practical implicatio...
Narkotika merupakan permasalahan besar yang dapat merusak segala sisi kehidupan manusia, seperti ... more Narkotika merupakan permasalahan besar yang dapat merusak segala sisi kehidupan manusia, seperti anak-anak, remaja dan orang tua. Keberadaan narkotika pada saat sekarang ini menjadi ancaman besar bagi seluruh masyarakat, terutama generasi muda. Hal tersebut dikarenakan narkotika dapat merusak pola piker hingga menjadi ketergantungan dan berujung pada kematian.Sehingga, isu seperti in I menarik untuk diteliti.Oleh karena itu penelitian berjudul “Kontribusi BNNP Aceh dalam Pengentasan Narkotika di Banda Aceh”.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui program yang dilakukan BNNP Aceh dalam menangani narkotika di Banda Aceh, serta proses rehabilitasi yang dilakukan BNNP Aceh terhadap korban narkotika dan mengetahui bagaimana kerjasama yang dilakukan BNNP Aceh dengan instansi luar. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metodedeskriptifmelalui pendekatan kualitatif. Selanjutnya, untuk memperkuat data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari hasil observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi.Hasi...
Penelitian ini diajukan untuk memberikan informasi tentang pengaruh rasio profitabilitas diwakili... more Penelitian ini diajukan untuk memberikan informasi tentang pengaruh rasio profitabilitas diwakili Return On Asset (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE) dan Earning Per Share (EPS) dan rasio solvabilitas diwakili Debt To Asset Ratio (DAR)dan Long Term Debt To Equity (LTDER) terhadap harga saham perusahaan rokok yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) periode 2007-201 8. Masalah dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah terjadi pengaruh antara variabel X terhadap Y. Alat analisis menggunakan uji asumsi klasik, analisis regresi linier berganda dan uji hipotesis. Hasil pengujian secara parsial menunjukkan bahwa Earning Per Share (EPS ) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap harga saham Sedangkan Return On Asset (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE) Debt To Asset Ratio (DAR), Long Term Debt To Equity Ratio (LTDER) tidak berpengaruh terhadap harga saham. Kata kunci : Return On Asset, Return On Equity, Earning Per Share , Debt To Asset Ratio, Long Term Debt ToEquity dan hargabsaham
Intisari-Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pola tusuk dasar menjahit terhadap le... more Intisari-Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pola tusuk dasar menjahit terhadap lebar kain saat dikenai beban. Pola tusuk dasar menjahit yang digunakan berupa tusuk jelujur, tusuk balut, tusuk batang/tangkai, dan tusuk tikam jejak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan berupa eksperimen dengan variabel bebas berupa pola tusuk dasar menjahit; variabel kontrol berupa jenis kain, panjang jahitan, ukuran kain, dan jenis benang; variabel terikat berupa lebar kain saat dikenai beban bermassa 60 gr, 80 gr, 100 gr, 140 gr, 200 gr. Langkah-langkah penelitian: 1) menyambung dua potong kain pada bagian ujungnya menggunakan salah satu pola tusuk dasar menjahit; 2) menggantung keempat kain pada batang yang telah disediakan; 3). mengukur lebar masing-masing kain sebelum digantungi beban; 4) memberi tanda pada tempat di sekitar papan sebagai patokan pengukuran lebar kain saat dikenai beban; 5) menggantungkan beban 60 gr, 80 gr, 100 gr, 140 gr, dan 200 gr pada masing-masing ujung kain; 6)...
Based on observations and experiences during teaching at SD Negreri 3 Labuhan Dalam, it is known ... more Based on observations and experiences during teaching at SD Negreri 3 Labuhan Dalam, it is known that the average score of grade VI student examinations conducted in the even semester of science subjects is low, namely 54. This score indicates that student learning outcomes are low and have not reached the Minimum Completeness Criteria. (KKM), namely 60. The learning carried out so far is still conventional. This is due to the limitations of teachers in applying the learning model. Based on the problem, one of the learning models that are thought to be able to overcome this problem is learning using a guided inquiry model. In inquiry learning, students are more directly involved during the learning process to solve problems given by the teacher. This classroom action research was conducted in 3 cycles. The factors observed were student activity and learning outcomes. The research objective was to describe the increase in activity and student learning outcomes after guided inquiry le...
This research was purposed for examining the implementation of environmental learning model in so... more This research was purposed for examining the implementation of environmental learning model in social studies teaching and learning as an stimulation to improve student’s environmental awareness for keeping the clenliness of the class. This classroom action research was using mix-methode design with qualitative approach which means that the researcher the became the main instrument, and using a simple quantitative calculation that supports data processing balancely. The subject of this research is students of Eighth grade-1 SMP Negeri 1 Bandung. Instruments of thus research are; interview guidelines, observation, pre-test and post-test result, and field notes. The result of the research indicates empiricly that the implementation of environmental learning improve student’s environmental awareness for keeping the clenliness of the class in social studies teaching and learning.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of the most ubiquitous environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals that... more Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of the most ubiquitous environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals that can disrupt the normal development and functions of the female reproductive system. In the last few decades, considerable amount of evidence has shown that young women are put at high risk of reproductive infertility from their routine exposure to numerous BPA-products since BPA induces increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which is responsible for reducing the levels of endogenous antioxidant enzymes and increasing the levels of lipid peroxides. Thus, natural products containing high antioxidant properties such as tualang honey (Malaysian wild local honey) and Ficus deltoidea (Malaysian local herbal plant), were selected to study their possible potentials to counter the detrimental effects of BPA on the female reproductive system. The objective of the present study was to investigate the potential protective effects of Tualang honey and Ficus deltoidea against BPA-indu...
More than 300 PT3 and SPM candidates from Pekan and Kuantan gettting the opportunity to learn not... more More than 300 PT3 and SPM candidates from Pekan and Kuantan gettting the opportunity to learn note taking skill from Ghani Format Learning Method (GFLM).
Nadwa, 2021
The Ministry of Education and Culture's policy on “Merdeka Belajar” (Freedom of Learning) see... more The Ministry of Education and Culture's policy on “Merdeka Belajar” (Freedom of Learning) seeks to enable students to master different valuable disciplines to access the work field (link and match). This article investigates Freedom of Learning policy direction and unpacks freedom of learning from the viewpoint of prophetic education theory. This research employs a literature review process. The information was gathered by studying the Ministry of Education and Culture legislation and laws, literature, and compiled references of the policy. The findings suggested that the Freedom of Learning policy's trajectory accommodates data in the material domains (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor), yet it lacked spirituality. The principle of prophetic education is to move humans to be decent (righteous), to achieve the great humans (insān kāmil), and to improve (muṣliḥ) the world into an ideal environment or society (khaira ummah) capable of bridging the gap the means. Profession...
Jurnal Anak Usia Dini Holistik Integratif (AUDHI), 2021
Penggunaan model pembelajaran sangat menentukan keberhasilan dalam menstimulasi perkembangan moto... more Penggunaan model pembelajaran sangat menentukan keberhasilan dalam menstimulasi perkembangan motorik anak yang akan berbeda-beda satu anak dengan anak yang lain, untuk itu perlu dirancang suatu model pembelajaraan yang memberikan kesempatan anak agar lebih aktif dalam proses pembelajaraan. Salah satunya model pembelajaraan kooperatif yang dapat digunakan yakni model pembelajaraan kooperatif teknik inside outside circle. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tentang pengaruh model pembelajaraan kooperatif teknik inside outside circle terhadap keterampilan motorik kasar anak usia 4-5 Tahun di PAUD Terpadu Bina Bangsa Kota Serang. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian quasi eskperimen dengan nonequevalent control group design, dengan sampel 15 orang anak untuk kelas eskperimen dan 15 orang kelas kontrol, teknik dalam pengambilan sampel dipilih secara acak. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif teknik inside outside circle berpengaruh terhadap...
SPEKTRA : Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Sains, 2016
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui cara mengomunikasikan antara mikrokontroler khususny... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui cara mengomunikasikan antara mikrokontroler khususnya Arduino Uno dengan Sensor Suhu,dan LCD dan mengetahui ketepatan pengukuran suhu menggunakan termometer digital berbasis Arduino Uno dibandingkan dengan termometer Analog. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode studi pustaka dan komparasi. Pada metode studi pustaka penulis mencari bahan penulisan penelitian ini yang diperoleh dari buku atau jurnal yang relevan.Sedangkan metode komparasi dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil pembacaaan suhu termometer digital berbasis mikrokontroler Arduino Uno dengan hasil pembacaan suhu termometer analog. Hasil pembacaan suhu dilakukan pada tiga tempat yang berbeda, yaitu pada suhu dalam ruangan, suhu pada refrigerator dan suhu luar ruangan. Mikrokontroler Arduino Uno bisa digunakan sebagai elemen pengontrol pada alat pengukur suhu udara karena mikrokontroler ini sudah memiliki rangkaian ADC internal yang memudahkan kita dalam mengkonv...
Radiasi: Jurnal Berkala Pendidikan Fisika, Oct 3, 2023
People must be aware of the benefits and drawbacks of technology in the era of the Fourth Industr... more People must be aware of the benefits and drawbacks of technology in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. To survive the industrial revolution, one must have strong moral principles and be able to think creatively. 4.0. Living values are moral principles that a person possesses. The capacity to think creatively and solve issues effectively goes hand in hand. This follow-up study demonstrates how learning physics contextually based on local potential might enhance critical thinking abilities and ethical principles. The purpose of this study is to ascertain whether there is a connection between creative thinking abilities and living values. The research uses a one-shot case study design in a quasi-experiment method. Students in Wonosobo Regency's class IX high schools who had adopted a contextual physics learning model based on local potential made up the research participants. The research tools include tests of creative thinking abilities and observation sheets to gauge living values. Ten items are described as part of the test. Each instrument has undergone testing to ensure that it satisfies fair and trustworthy criteria. A correlation test is the method used for data analysis. With a significance of 0.295 (bigger than 0.05), the study's findings indicate no connection between having moral principles and having creative thinking abilities.
Jurnal Sosial Teknologi
Each country claims that the system of government administration or the political system they bui... more Each country claims that the system of government administration or the political system they build is a democracy. Indonesia is a country that bases its sovereignty on the people's sovereignty in addition to the basis of the rule of law to organize a democratic government by carrying out general elections using a separate system in legislative elections (DPR, DPD, Provincial DPRD, and Regency/City DPRD). The electoral system in Indonesia is inseparable from the recruitment function in the political system. The problem raised in this research is how is the general election system in Indonesia based on Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections, and what are the weaknesses of the open proportional system used in public elections in Indonesia? This research belongs to the normative legal research group prioritizes secondary data (library data and legislation). The nature of this research uses a descriptive-analytical method that describes the actual situation. The result of...
Kuantan, 21 October – Winning the Asia-Pacific 3 Minute Thesis Competition is not an end for Ashw... more Kuantan, 21 October – Winning the Asia-Pacific 3 Minute Thesis Competition is not an end for Ashwin Charles Benedict. Currently pursuing his doctorate studies at Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering (FKKSA), he is now preparing himself to be competing in Falling Wall Labs 2017 in Berlin, Germany on 8 and 9 November 2017 with his research entitled Catalyzing Change: Light at the end of the Tunnel.
Background: Manure often results in problems in the society. This waste, in addition to having od... more Background: Manure often results in problems in the society. This waste, in addition to having odor, also results in disease. However, if this waste is managed well and correctly, many benefits will be obtained. Objective: This research aimed to study the economic benefit of cow manure utilization as a renewable energy source. Result: The people of Balong Wetan were generally farmers and cow breeder. This condition was really suitable because they live in the mountain slope. However, they had not utilized their cow manure waste. They disposed cow manure around their stall. Consequently, less good smell resulted. This condition made Widodo aware of beginning to construct digester and biogas reactor to utilize the cow manure waste. According to Widodo, if this manure problem was not coped with, it would have resulted in disease. Widodo’s attempt, in fact, yielded positive result. Cow manure waste could be converted into biogas that could be used as energy source. In addition, cow manu...
Ciri abad 21 adalah berkembangnya teknologi yang pesat, sehingga zaman pun berubah semakin cepat.... more Ciri abad 21 adalah berkembangnya teknologi yang pesat, sehingga zaman pun berubah semakin cepat. Kerja sinergi merupakan salah satu living values yang dapat mengimbangi cepatnya perkembangan zaman. Ciri kerja sinergi adalah kerja bersama antar individu mandiri untuk menyelesaikan suatu hal secara cepat dan tepat. Living values dapat dicapai melalui pendekatan komprehensif (Kirschenbaum, 1995). Sejauh ini belum tersedia instrumen penilaian kerja sinergi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan instrumen penilaian kerja sinergi dalam pembelajaran fisika yang valid dan reliabel. Penelitian research and development ini terdiri 8 langkah, yaitu (1) menentukan spesifikasi instrumen, (2) menulis instrumen, (3) menentukan skala pengukuran, (4) menentukan sistem penskoran, (5) menelaah instrumen, (6) melakukan uji coba, (7) menganalisis instrumen, (8) merakit instrumen. Penelitian dilakukan pada siswa SMA/MA Kabupaten Wonosobo yang melaksanakan pembelajaran fisika. Teknik pen...
Studi Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia, 2020
The purpose of this study was to determine whether institutional ownership, political connections... more The purpose of this study was to determine whether institutional ownership, political connections, and institutional ownership on political connected companies affects the dividend policy of Indonesian companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2012 - 2017. The sample used in this study were totaled to 255 non-financial companies in Indonesia with total observations of 1530. The model used on this study was the Tobit regression model. The results show that institutional ownership has the tendency to not pay dividends, whereas political connections on companies tends to support the payment of dividends to the shareholders. Furthermore, this study found that when there is the presence of interactions between political connections and institutional ownership in the company, political connections tends to have a positive impact towards dividend policy, yet institutional ownership has an increasingly significant negative effect on dividend policy.
Persatuan Alumni Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Alumni UMP) dengan kerjasama NGO I-Bantu IKRAM Pahan... more Persatuan Alumni Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Alumni UMP) dengan kerjasama NGO I-Bantu IKRAM Pahang, Hidayah Centre Pahang ,Jabatan Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni UMP (JHEPA UMP) dan Kolej Kediaman 4 UMP telah menganjurkan Program Ziarah Prihatin Ramadhan 2016 baru-baru ini.
A total of 150 participate in bowling tournament with media practitioners organized by Universiti... more A total of 150 participate in bowling tournament with media practitioners organized by Universiti Malaysia Pahang together with Pahang Media Club and UMP Advanced Education. Tournament was held at Mega Lane Kuantan and was attended by UMP Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim, Pahang Media Club President, Dato Nik Naizi Hussin, UMP Advanced Education Chief Executive Officer, Mohamad Rozi Hassan, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Affairs & Alumni) Prof. Dato’ Dr Yuserrie Zainuddin and UMP Registrar, Abd. Hamid Majid.
Kuantan. 29 January – Publication Office of Universiti Malaysia Pahang has successfully organized... more Kuantan. 29 January – Publication Office of Universiti Malaysia Pahang has successfully organized a Journal Management Workshop: Towards SCOPUS and ISI Indexes. The workshop were attended by over than 30 journal editors from Malaysian Technical University Network (MTUN).
This article discusses the physical and mental elements of Kuntowijoyo's poem "Isyarat&q... more This article discusses the physical and mental elements of Kuntowijoyo's poem "Isyarat". Both elements become part of the complete understanding of poetry. The purpose of this study was to analyze Kuntowijoyo's poem "Isyarat" from physical elements consisting of sound, typography, diction, majas, and imagery, while the mental elements analyzed were sense, tone, feeling, and intention. The analysis refers to the theory put forward by I.A. Richards by showing a thorough analysis of the poem "Cues". The results of this study showed that Kuntowijoyo's poem "Isyarat" has a cohesion in the structure of poetry consisting of physical and mental elements. The physical element of poetry shows that typography, buni, imagery, majas, and diction became important structures in poetry builders. The inner element of the poem "Cues" also shows a concept that builds overall meaning. Thus, this study has theoretical and practical implicatio...
Narkotika merupakan permasalahan besar yang dapat merusak segala sisi kehidupan manusia, seperti ... more Narkotika merupakan permasalahan besar yang dapat merusak segala sisi kehidupan manusia, seperti anak-anak, remaja dan orang tua. Keberadaan narkotika pada saat sekarang ini menjadi ancaman besar bagi seluruh masyarakat, terutama generasi muda. Hal tersebut dikarenakan narkotika dapat merusak pola piker hingga menjadi ketergantungan dan berujung pada kematian.Sehingga, isu seperti in I menarik untuk diteliti.Oleh karena itu penelitian berjudul “Kontribusi BNNP Aceh dalam Pengentasan Narkotika di Banda Aceh”.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui program yang dilakukan BNNP Aceh dalam menangani narkotika di Banda Aceh, serta proses rehabilitasi yang dilakukan BNNP Aceh terhadap korban narkotika dan mengetahui bagaimana kerjasama yang dilakukan BNNP Aceh dengan instansi luar. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metodedeskriptifmelalui pendekatan kualitatif. Selanjutnya, untuk memperkuat data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari hasil observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi.Hasi...
Penelitian ini diajukan untuk memberikan informasi tentang pengaruh rasio profitabilitas diwakili... more Penelitian ini diajukan untuk memberikan informasi tentang pengaruh rasio profitabilitas diwakili Return On Asset (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE) dan Earning Per Share (EPS) dan rasio solvabilitas diwakili Debt To Asset Ratio (DAR)dan Long Term Debt To Equity (LTDER) terhadap harga saham perusahaan rokok yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) periode 2007-201 8. Masalah dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah terjadi pengaruh antara variabel X terhadap Y. Alat analisis menggunakan uji asumsi klasik, analisis regresi linier berganda dan uji hipotesis. Hasil pengujian secara parsial menunjukkan bahwa Earning Per Share (EPS ) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap harga saham Sedangkan Return On Asset (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE) Debt To Asset Ratio (DAR), Long Term Debt To Equity Ratio (LTDER) tidak berpengaruh terhadap harga saham. Kata kunci : Return On Asset, Return On Equity, Earning Per Share , Debt To Asset Ratio, Long Term Debt ToEquity dan hargabsaham
Intisari-Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pola tusuk dasar menjahit terhadap le... more Intisari-Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pola tusuk dasar menjahit terhadap lebar kain saat dikenai beban. Pola tusuk dasar menjahit yang digunakan berupa tusuk jelujur, tusuk balut, tusuk batang/tangkai, dan tusuk tikam jejak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan berupa eksperimen dengan variabel bebas berupa pola tusuk dasar menjahit; variabel kontrol berupa jenis kain, panjang jahitan, ukuran kain, dan jenis benang; variabel terikat berupa lebar kain saat dikenai beban bermassa 60 gr, 80 gr, 100 gr, 140 gr, 200 gr. Langkah-langkah penelitian: 1) menyambung dua potong kain pada bagian ujungnya menggunakan salah satu pola tusuk dasar menjahit; 2) menggantung keempat kain pada batang yang telah disediakan; 3). mengukur lebar masing-masing kain sebelum digantungi beban; 4) memberi tanda pada tempat di sekitar papan sebagai patokan pengukuran lebar kain saat dikenai beban; 5) menggantungkan beban 60 gr, 80 gr, 100 gr, 140 gr, dan 200 gr pada masing-masing ujung kain; 6)...
Based on observations and experiences during teaching at SD Negreri 3 Labuhan Dalam, it is known ... more Based on observations and experiences during teaching at SD Negreri 3 Labuhan Dalam, it is known that the average score of grade VI student examinations conducted in the even semester of science subjects is low, namely 54. This score indicates that student learning outcomes are low and have not reached the Minimum Completeness Criteria. (KKM), namely 60. The learning carried out so far is still conventional. This is due to the limitations of teachers in applying the learning model. Based on the problem, one of the learning models that are thought to be able to overcome this problem is learning using a guided inquiry model. In inquiry learning, students are more directly involved during the learning process to solve problems given by the teacher. This classroom action research was conducted in 3 cycles. The factors observed were student activity and learning outcomes. The research objective was to describe the increase in activity and student learning outcomes after guided inquiry le...
This research was purposed for examining the implementation of environmental learning model in so... more This research was purposed for examining the implementation of environmental learning model in social studies teaching and learning as an stimulation to improve student’s environmental awareness for keeping the clenliness of the class. This classroom action research was using mix-methode design with qualitative approach which means that the researcher the became the main instrument, and using a simple quantitative calculation that supports data processing balancely. The subject of this research is students of Eighth grade-1 SMP Negeri 1 Bandung. Instruments of thus research are; interview guidelines, observation, pre-test and post-test result, and field notes. The result of the research indicates empiricly that the implementation of environmental learning improve student’s environmental awareness for keeping the clenliness of the class in social studies teaching and learning.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of the most ubiquitous environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals that... more Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of the most ubiquitous environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals that can disrupt the normal development and functions of the female reproductive system. In the last few decades, considerable amount of evidence has shown that young women are put at high risk of reproductive infertility from their routine exposure to numerous BPA-products since BPA induces increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which is responsible for reducing the levels of endogenous antioxidant enzymes and increasing the levels of lipid peroxides. Thus, natural products containing high antioxidant properties such as tualang honey (Malaysian wild local honey) and Ficus deltoidea (Malaysian local herbal plant), were selected to study their possible potentials to counter the detrimental effects of BPA on the female reproductive system. The objective of the present study was to investigate the potential protective effects of Tualang honey and Ficus deltoidea against BPA-indu...
More than 300 PT3 and SPM candidates from Pekan and Kuantan gettting the opportunity to learn not... more More than 300 PT3 and SPM candidates from Pekan and Kuantan gettting the opportunity to learn note taking skill from Ghani Format Learning Method (GFLM).
Nadwa, 2021
The Ministry of Education and Culture's policy on “Merdeka Belajar” (Freedom of Learning) see... more The Ministry of Education and Culture's policy on “Merdeka Belajar” (Freedom of Learning) seeks to enable students to master different valuable disciplines to access the work field (link and match). This article investigates Freedom of Learning policy direction and unpacks freedom of learning from the viewpoint of prophetic education theory. This research employs a literature review process. The information was gathered by studying the Ministry of Education and Culture legislation and laws, literature, and compiled references of the policy. The findings suggested that the Freedom of Learning policy's trajectory accommodates data in the material domains (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor), yet it lacked spirituality. The principle of prophetic education is to move humans to be decent (righteous), to achieve the great humans (insān kāmil), and to improve (muṣliḥ) the world into an ideal environment or society (khaira ummah) capable of bridging the gap the means. Profession...
Jurnal Anak Usia Dini Holistik Integratif (AUDHI), 2021
Penggunaan model pembelajaran sangat menentukan keberhasilan dalam menstimulasi perkembangan moto... more Penggunaan model pembelajaran sangat menentukan keberhasilan dalam menstimulasi perkembangan motorik anak yang akan berbeda-beda satu anak dengan anak yang lain, untuk itu perlu dirancang suatu model pembelajaraan yang memberikan kesempatan anak agar lebih aktif dalam proses pembelajaraan. Salah satunya model pembelajaraan kooperatif yang dapat digunakan yakni model pembelajaraan kooperatif teknik inside outside circle. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tentang pengaruh model pembelajaraan kooperatif teknik inside outside circle terhadap keterampilan motorik kasar anak usia 4-5 Tahun di PAUD Terpadu Bina Bangsa Kota Serang. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian quasi eskperimen dengan nonequevalent control group design, dengan sampel 15 orang anak untuk kelas eskperimen dan 15 orang kelas kontrol, teknik dalam pengambilan sampel dipilih secara acak. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif teknik inside outside circle berpengaruh terhadap...
SPEKTRA : Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Sains, 2016
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui cara mengomunikasikan antara mikrokontroler khususny... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui cara mengomunikasikan antara mikrokontroler khususnya Arduino Uno dengan Sensor Suhu,dan LCD dan mengetahui ketepatan pengukuran suhu menggunakan termometer digital berbasis Arduino Uno dibandingkan dengan termometer Analog. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode studi pustaka dan komparasi. Pada metode studi pustaka penulis mencari bahan penulisan penelitian ini yang diperoleh dari buku atau jurnal yang relevan.Sedangkan metode komparasi dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil pembacaaan suhu termometer digital berbasis mikrokontroler Arduino Uno dengan hasil pembacaan suhu termometer analog. Hasil pembacaan suhu dilakukan pada tiga tempat yang berbeda, yaitu pada suhu dalam ruangan, suhu pada refrigerator dan suhu luar ruangan. Mikrokontroler Arduino Uno bisa digunakan sebagai elemen pengontrol pada alat pengukur suhu udara karena mikrokontroler ini sudah memiliki rangkaian ADC internal yang memudahkan kita dalam mengkonv...