Slaven Grbic - (original) (raw)

Papers by Slaven Grbic

Research paper thumbnail of Meat Declaration – Consumer Opinion and Confidence


One of the main goals of food safety measures is to increase consumer confidence in food in gener... more One of the main goals of food safety measures is to increase consumer confidence in food in general, and meat in particular, and therefore consumers are provided with information about the quality and safety of meat through declaration. Consumer confidence and food safety have become central issues in the food chain. Recent developments in labelling, traceability and quality assurance schemes offer a large amount of information available to the consumer. Declaring is today one of the most reliable ways of informing consumers about food quality. For the purposes of this study, data were collected by surveying 1,000 consumers from the Banja Luka and Gradiška areas. The results of this survey show that the majority of consumers (98.1%) believe that meat should have a declaration and that the statistically most important (p0.05) information on the declaration is the expiration date (75.8% of responses) compared to other information (nutritional value, method of production, country of o...

Research paper thumbnail of Uticaj soljenja i mariniranja na mikrobiološki status i hemijski sastav skuše upakovane u modifi kovanu atmosferu

Cilj naseg rada je bio uticaj soljenja i mariniranja na mikrobioloski status i hemijski sastav sk... more Cilj naseg rada je bio uticaj soljenja i mariniranja na mikrobioloski status i hemijski sastav skuse upakovane umodifi kovanu atmosferu. Za potrebe ispitivanja skusa je podeljena u dve grupe, gde je prva grupa bila soljena skusa pakovana u MAP,a druga grupa je bila marinirana skusa pakovana u MAP. Marinade i so imaju pre svega uticaj na mikrobioloski status mesa pa je icilj ovog istraživanja bio utvrđivanje pojedinih grupa bakterija (ukupan broj bakterija, bakterije mlecne kiseline i broj enterobakterija)tokom pedeset dana skladistenja. Soljenje, a posebno mariniranje, znacajno utice na promenu hemijskog sastava mesa ribe, buduci dadolazi do znacajnog smanjenja sadržaja vode, povecanja sadržaja masti i povecanja sadržaja pepela. Ovi postupci uticu i na smanjenjaaw vrednosti mesa ribe. U uzorcima marinirane ribe, utvrđen je znacajno manji broj svih ispitivanih grupa bakterija, u odnosu nauzorke koji su bili tretirani slanim rastvorom.

Research paper thumbnail of Federation of Veterinarians of Europe and Union of European Veterinary Hygienists

Members of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe are national veterinary organisations from 3... more Members of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe are national veterinary organisations from 38 European countries. Federation of Veterinarians of Europe currently includes four specialised veterinary groups or Sections: Practising Veterinarians, Hygienists and Public Health Veterinarians, Veterinarians working in Education, Veterinary Research and Industry and State Veterinary Officers.

Research paper thumbnail of Poslovanje Hranom U Ugostiteljstvu U Skladu Sa Principima Dobre Prakse I Sistema Analize Opasnosti I Kritičnih Kontrolnih Tačaka


Sektor ugostiteljstva predstavlja značajno mesto kada je u pitanju pojava bolesti prenosivih hran... more Sektor ugostiteljstva predstavlja značajno mesto kada je u pitanju pojava bolesti prenosivih hranom u svetu. Restorani u okviru ugostiteljstva predstavljaju poslednja liniju odbrane hrane pre nego što ona dođe do potrošača. Ugostiteljski objekti koji pružaju usluge hrane i pića, su u obavezi da uspostave sistem za osiguranje bezbednosti hrane u skladu sa principima dobre proizvođačke i higijenske prakse i analize opasnosti i kritičnih kontrolnih tačaka (HACCP). Međutim, specifičnosti ugostiteljstva često predstavljaju barijere za uspešnu implementaciju HACCP sistema. U velikoj meri, na uspešnu primenu sistema upravljanja bezbednošću hrane, može uticati menadžment ugostiteljskih objekata. Pravilno rukovođenje ljudskim resursima, odnosno menadžment ljudskih resursa, mogao bi imati najvažniju ulogu u prevenciji bolesti prenosivih hranom u ugostiteljstvu. Dodatno, veoma je važno na pravilan način, sagledati čitav proizvodni proces i njegove specifičnosti što treba da rezultira primenom ...

Research paper thumbnail of Consumer awareness of meat hazards with special reference to sources of meat contamination and microbiological hazards

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021

This paper presents the results of consumer opinion testing (n=1000) on hazards in meat (biologic... more This paper presents the results of consumer opinion testing (n=1000) on hazards in meat (biological, chemical), as well as consumer opinion about causes of meat contamination from farm to retail. Consumer opinion on sources of meat contamination in households is also presented.

Research paper thumbnail of Phthalates in Food Packaging-Impact on Human Health

Quality of Life (Banja Luka) - APEIRON, 2020

Phthalates are esters of phthalic acid and aliphatic alcohols. It is widely used in everyday life... more Phthalates are esters of phthalic acid and aliphatic alcohols. It is widely used in everyday life, and can be used as a plasticizer, solvents and additives in many products, from food packaging to items of general use. Plastic materials are widely used in food industry and potentially can be source of phtalates in food. Phtalates can be present in food as a result of contamination of food. Phtalates in food, as a result of contamination of food or migration from packaging can jeopardiye human health. This work provides an overview of the presence of phthalates in food packaging, its migration into food, as well as the negative impact on human health by consuming and inhaling them.



Последњих година, као последица глобализације и промена културолошкихи кулинарских навика становн... more Последњих година, као последица глобализације и промена културолошкихи кулинарских навика становништва, забеле

Research paper thumbnail of Life Cycle of Aluminium Packaging

Quality of Life (Banja Luka) - APEIRON, 2018

Aim is to analyze environmental load with aluminium packaging, used in food industry. especially ... more Aim is to analyze environmental load with aluminium packaging, used in food industry. especially with aluminium cans. LCA shows origin of materials, aluminium production, as basic materials, emission to air, water and soil and quantitz of wasting materials, as a result of production of 1000 aluminium cans.This study includes:raw material for aluminium productionaluminium productionaluminium cans productionusage and recycling of aluminium cans.For this study we gathered data for fuel and energy consumption, amount of raw materials, products and byproducts, emission to air, water and soil, and a quantity of waste material. Within a metode of calculation of influences to environment as indicators was used:global warming (kg CO2-ekv.), eutrophication (kg P-ekv), acidification (kg SO2-ekv.), ekotoksicity (kg 1,4 DB-ekv.), reserves shortage of nonrenewable resources (kg), water consumption (kg), toksicity for humans (kg 1,4 DB-ekv.), oyone layer destruction (kg R11-ekv.) soil occupation (...

Research paper thumbnail of Čajna Kobasica‒Bezbednost I Kvalitet


Čajna kobasica je verovatno najzastupljenija kobasica iz grupe fermentisanih (sirovih)kobasica na... more Čajna kobasica je verovatno najzastupljenija kobasica iz grupe fermentisanih (sirovih)kobasica na tržištu republika bivše SFR Jugoslavije. S obzirom na to da se nadevove kobasice puni u creva užeg dijametra, proizvodni proces nije dug i omogućavaproizvođačima brz obrt uloženog kapitala. Kobasica je jedinstvenog, blagog ukusa,dobro i lako se narezuje i prihvatljiva je za većinu potrošača. U radu su prikazane najčešćebiološke i hemijske opasnosti koje se vezuju za ovu vrstu kobasice kao i pokazateljikvaliteta ove kobasice koji su definisani propisima.

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Vacuum Packaging and Modified Atmosphere Packaging of Marinated Mackerel on Aerobic Bacteria Growth

Quality of Life (Banja Luka) - APEIRON, 2019

Fish as a food is very acceptable for consumers. Various species of fishes nowdays are everyday o... more Fish as a food is very acceptable for consumers. Various species of fishes nowdays are everyday on our tables. Fish from north seas are also in high demand from consumers, but it is challeng to keep and transport fish to consumers. Thats why as prevention of spoiling fish before consumation is to keep it on special regime. In our challeng we packaged fish in vaccum and modified atmosphere, and than followed the growth of aerobic bacterias mainly cause of spoilage.

Research paper thumbnail of Food Flavour as Influence Factor for Balanced Diet for Children

Quality of Life (Banja Luka) - APEIRON, 2019

Athiology of some health disorders and diseases, such as obesity, cardio vascular diseases, diabe... more Athiology of some health disorders and diseases, such as obesity, cardio vascular diseases, diabetes and malignant diseases, can be linked to unbalanced diet started from the earliest days of life. For that reasons, it is very important to adopt proper diet patterns from the earliest days of life. There are few factors influencing choice of food. Food flavoure is one among them. Understanding mechanisms, which later make influence how to accept or reject some food in children, in intrauterine development phase, and after birth period, is of vital significance when we create healthy habbits for children and adult diets.

Research paper thumbnail of Household food waste in Belgrade - sin and unconcern

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019

The aim of this study was to examine the actual procedures with food in households and consumer a... more The aim of this study was to examine the actual procedures with food in households and consumer attitudes about food waste. The survey was conducted in 83 households in Belgrade, Serbia. All participants were interviewed using a standardized questionnaire. The results obtained show that awareness of food waste is at a satisfactory level, but the actual situation is that food is discarded in large quantities, even though people are aware of what a global problem this is. Large contradictions were observed among the respondents’ answers in this study. Respondents who stated that they never discard food, in further responses, declared they throw away significant amounts of food for various reasons (too long storage, overconsumption, improper preparation, etc.). We conclude that people are either unaware of how much food they discard, or they do not want to admit it to themselves. However, participants largely have a sense of guilt about discarding food. This indicates consumer awarenes...

Research paper thumbnail of Reduction of Microbiota in Marinated Vacuum-Packaged Poultry Breast Fillets

Meat Technology, 2019

The aim of this study was to determine the eff ect of diff erent marinade solution on the microbi... more The aim of this study was to determine the eff ect of diff erent marinade solution on the microbiome of chicken breast fi llets packaged under vacuum and stored at 4°C. Three types of marinade were tested. A total of 120 chicken breast fi llets were marinated in control (6% NaCl) or three diff erent marinades: 6% NaCl and 2% sodium tripolyphosphate; 6% NaCl and 2% sodium citrate, and; 6% NaCl, 1% sodium tripolyphosphate and 1% sodium citrate. Microorganisms were enumerated on the fi rst day of testing (day 0) and on days 7, 14, 21 and 28 of chilled storage. Marination resulted in signifi cant diff erences (p<0.05) in the numbers of total viable counts, Enterobacteriaceae, lactic acid bacteria and anaerobic bacteria counts. The combination of 6% NaCl and 2% sodium citrate is the most appropriate marinade option for reducing the growth of the examined bacterial groups in vacuum-packaged marinated chicken breast fi llets during chilled storage.

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of salting and marinating on microbiological status and chemical composition of mackerel packed in the modified atmosphere

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of beef production volume in Serbia from 1985 to 2011

Tehnologija mesa, 2014

Značaj mesa u ishrani ljudi je dobro poznat i smatra se da je meso nezamenljiva i najkvalitetnija... more Značaj mesa u ishrani ljudi je dobro poznat i smatra se da je meso nezamenljiva i najkvalitetnija komponenta pravilne i dobro izbalansirane ishrane (Biesalski, 2005). Goveđe meso odlikuje izuzetna nutritivna vrednost, koja ga izdvaja u odnosu na druge vrste mesa i čini veoma cenjenom hranom (Petrović i dr., 2002). Meso goveda je dragocen izvor proteina visoke biološke vrednosti, vitamina B12 i drugih vitamina B kompleksa, kao i mineralnih materija, posebno magnezijuma, gvožđa, cinka, fosfora, kalijuma i selena. Krto goveđe meso sadrži oko 23% proteina, 2,8% masti, 73% vode i 1,2% mineralnih materija, a energetska vrednost mu je 494 KJ (116 kcal) na 100 g (Williams, 2007). Brojni faktori, kao što su rasa, pol, starost, ishrana, način proizvodnje i dr., utiču na variranja u hemijskom sastavu goveđeg mesa. Potrošnja mesa u svetu beleži blagu tendenciju rasta i trenutno je svetski prosek oko 43 kg po stanovniku, za 2012. godinu, pri čemu je ona značajno veća u razvijenim zemljama, gde iznosi 79 kg, dok je u zemljama u razvoju 33,1 kg. Najčešće konzumirano meso u svetu je svinjsko meso, koje čini preko 36% ukupne potrošnje mesa, slede živinsko meso, sa 33% i goveđe meso, sa učešćem od 24% u ukupnoj potrošnji mesa (Anonym, 2011c). Kupovna moć potrošača je ključna determinanta nivoa potrošnje mesa po stanovniku. Ovo, posebno dolazi do izražaja kod goveđeg mesa čija je cena, generalno, veća od cene drugih vrsta mesa. Niska konkurentnost goveđeg mesa je uslovljena, pre svega, dugim proizvodnim ciklusom i većim utroškom hrane za kilogram prirasta. Nedavni porast potrošnje goveđeg mesa u azijskim zemljama, koje beleže jak ekonomski rast, potvrđuje značaj ovog ekonomskog kriterijuma. Sa druge strane, na nivo potrošnje goveđeg mesa značajan uticaj imaju religijski faktor, zdravstveni aspekti, pojava novih i ponovljenih zoonoznih bolesti, sve razvijenija svest potrošača o zaštiti životne sredine i dobrobiti životinja, kao i veća Pregledni rad Preview paper

Research paper thumbnail of Polyunsaturated fatty acids in the fish meat and their significance for human health

Tehnologija mesa, 2014

S a d r ž a j: Pravilna ishrana ima veliki značaj u kvalitetu života ljudi. Nutritivni i zdravstv... more S a d r ž a j: Pravilna ishrana ima veliki značaj u kvalitetu života ljudi. Nutritivni i zdravstveni značaj koji se postiže upotrebom ribe i proizvoda od ribe u ishrani je jedan od razloga za neprestani rast potražnje za tim proizvodima na tržištu. Ono što ribu, kao namirnicu, čini posebno privlačnom za potrošača jeste, pored povoljnog sadržaja proteina, minerala i vitamina i to što je veoma bogat izvor masnih kiselina, od kojih se pojedine smatraju esencijalnim, jer se ne mogu sintetisati u samom organizmu. Utvrđeno je da masti riba sadrže 17-21% zasićenih i 79-83% nezasićenih masnih kiselina. Od nezasićenih masnih kiselina, u mesu ribe, značajne su količine linolne, linoleinske, arahidonske kiseline, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid; EPK, eikozapentaenska kiselina) i DHA (docasahexaenoic acid; DHK, dokozaheksaenska kiselina), koje se smatraju esencijalnim, jer, kao kofaktori metabolizma, imaju funkciju u održavanju povoljnog zdravstvenog stanja organizma ljudi.

Research paper thumbnail of Tea sausage - Safety and quality

Čajna kobasica je verovatno najzastupljenija kobasica iz grupe fermentisanih (sirovih) kobasica n... more Čajna kobasica je verovatno najzastupljenija kobasica iz grupe fermentisanih (sirovih) kobasica na tržištu republika bivše SFR Jugoslavije. S obzirom na to da se nadev ove kobasice puni u creva užeg dijametra, proizvodni proces nije dug i omogućava proizvođačima brz obrt uloženog kapitala. Kobasica je jedinstvenog, blagog ukusa, dobro i lako se narezuje i prihvatljiva je za većinu potrošača. U radu su prikazane najčešće biološke i hemijske opasnosti koje se vezuju za ovu vrstu kobasice kao i pokazatelji kvaliteta ove kobasice koji su definisani propisima.Tea sausage is probably the most common sausage from the group of fermented (raw) sausages on the market in the republics of former Yugoslavia. Since the filling of the sausage is stuffed into the casings of narrow diameter, the production process is not long and allow the manufacturers a quick turnover of invested capital. Tea sausage has a unique, mild taste, it has good cutting and slicing characteristics and it is acceptable to ...

Research paper thumbnail of Meat Declaration – Consumer Opinion and Confidence


One of the main goals of food safety measures is to increase consumer confidence in food in gener... more One of the main goals of food safety measures is to increase consumer confidence in food in general, and meat in particular, and therefore consumers are provided with information about the quality and safety of meat through declaration. Consumer confidence and food safety have become central issues in the food chain. Recent developments in labelling, traceability and quality assurance schemes offer a large amount of information available to the consumer. Declaring is today one of the most reliable ways of informing consumers about food quality. For the purposes of this study, data were collected by surveying 1,000 consumers from the Banja Luka and Gradiška areas. The results of this survey show that the majority of consumers (98.1%) believe that meat should have a declaration and that the statistically most important (p0.05) information on the declaration is the expiration date (75.8% of responses) compared to other information (nutritional value, method of production, country of o...

Research paper thumbnail of Uticaj soljenja i mariniranja na mikrobiološki status i hemijski sastav skuše upakovane u modifi kovanu atmosferu

Cilj naseg rada je bio uticaj soljenja i mariniranja na mikrobioloski status i hemijski sastav sk... more Cilj naseg rada je bio uticaj soljenja i mariniranja na mikrobioloski status i hemijski sastav skuse upakovane umodifi kovanu atmosferu. Za potrebe ispitivanja skusa je podeljena u dve grupe, gde je prva grupa bila soljena skusa pakovana u MAP,a druga grupa je bila marinirana skusa pakovana u MAP. Marinade i so imaju pre svega uticaj na mikrobioloski status mesa pa je icilj ovog istraživanja bio utvrđivanje pojedinih grupa bakterija (ukupan broj bakterija, bakterije mlecne kiseline i broj enterobakterija)tokom pedeset dana skladistenja. Soljenje, a posebno mariniranje, znacajno utice na promenu hemijskog sastava mesa ribe, buduci dadolazi do znacajnog smanjenja sadržaja vode, povecanja sadržaja masti i povecanja sadržaja pepela. Ovi postupci uticu i na smanjenjaaw vrednosti mesa ribe. U uzorcima marinirane ribe, utvrđen je znacajno manji broj svih ispitivanih grupa bakterija, u odnosu nauzorke koji su bili tretirani slanim rastvorom.

Research paper thumbnail of Federation of Veterinarians of Europe and Union of European Veterinary Hygienists

Members of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe are national veterinary organisations from 3... more Members of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe are national veterinary organisations from 38 European countries. Federation of Veterinarians of Europe currently includes four specialised veterinary groups or Sections: Practising Veterinarians, Hygienists and Public Health Veterinarians, Veterinarians working in Education, Veterinary Research and Industry and State Veterinary Officers.

Research paper thumbnail of Poslovanje Hranom U Ugostiteljstvu U Skladu Sa Principima Dobre Prakse I Sistema Analize Opasnosti I Kritičnih Kontrolnih Tačaka


Sektor ugostiteljstva predstavlja značajno mesto kada je u pitanju pojava bolesti prenosivih hran... more Sektor ugostiteljstva predstavlja značajno mesto kada je u pitanju pojava bolesti prenosivih hranom u svetu. Restorani u okviru ugostiteljstva predstavljaju poslednja liniju odbrane hrane pre nego što ona dođe do potrošača. Ugostiteljski objekti koji pružaju usluge hrane i pića, su u obavezi da uspostave sistem za osiguranje bezbednosti hrane u skladu sa principima dobre proizvođačke i higijenske prakse i analize opasnosti i kritičnih kontrolnih tačaka (HACCP). Međutim, specifičnosti ugostiteljstva često predstavljaju barijere za uspešnu implementaciju HACCP sistema. U velikoj meri, na uspešnu primenu sistema upravljanja bezbednošću hrane, može uticati menadžment ugostiteljskih objekata. Pravilno rukovođenje ljudskim resursima, odnosno menadžment ljudskih resursa, mogao bi imati najvažniju ulogu u prevenciji bolesti prenosivih hranom u ugostiteljstvu. Dodatno, veoma je važno na pravilan način, sagledati čitav proizvodni proces i njegove specifičnosti što treba da rezultira primenom ...

Research paper thumbnail of Consumer awareness of meat hazards with special reference to sources of meat contamination and microbiological hazards

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021

This paper presents the results of consumer opinion testing (n=1000) on hazards in meat (biologic... more This paper presents the results of consumer opinion testing (n=1000) on hazards in meat (biological, chemical), as well as consumer opinion about causes of meat contamination from farm to retail. Consumer opinion on sources of meat contamination in households is also presented.

Research paper thumbnail of Phthalates in Food Packaging-Impact on Human Health

Quality of Life (Banja Luka) - APEIRON, 2020

Phthalates are esters of phthalic acid and aliphatic alcohols. It is widely used in everyday life... more Phthalates are esters of phthalic acid and aliphatic alcohols. It is widely used in everyday life, and can be used as a plasticizer, solvents and additives in many products, from food packaging to items of general use. Plastic materials are widely used in food industry and potentially can be source of phtalates in food. Phtalates can be present in food as a result of contamination of food. Phtalates in food, as a result of contamination of food or migration from packaging can jeopardiye human health. This work provides an overview of the presence of phthalates in food packaging, its migration into food, as well as the negative impact on human health by consuming and inhaling them.



Последњих година, као последица глобализације и промена културолошкихи кулинарских навика становн... more Последњих година, као последица глобализације и промена културолошкихи кулинарских навика становништва, забеле

Research paper thumbnail of Life Cycle of Aluminium Packaging

Quality of Life (Banja Luka) - APEIRON, 2018

Aim is to analyze environmental load with aluminium packaging, used in food industry. especially ... more Aim is to analyze environmental load with aluminium packaging, used in food industry. especially with aluminium cans. LCA shows origin of materials, aluminium production, as basic materials, emission to air, water and soil and quantitz of wasting materials, as a result of production of 1000 aluminium cans.This study includes:raw material for aluminium productionaluminium productionaluminium cans productionusage and recycling of aluminium cans.For this study we gathered data for fuel and energy consumption, amount of raw materials, products and byproducts, emission to air, water and soil, and a quantity of waste material. Within a metode of calculation of influences to environment as indicators was used:global warming (kg CO2-ekv.), eutrophication (kg P-ekv), acidification (kg SO2-ekv.), ekotoksicity (kg 1,4 DB-ekv.), reserves shortage of nonrenewable resources (kg), water consumption (kg), toksicity for humans (kg 1,4 DB-ekv.), oyone layer destruction (kg R11-ekv.) soil occupation (...

Research paper thumbnail of Čajna Kobasica‒Bezbednost I Kvalitet


Čajna kobasica je verovatno najzastupljenija kobasica iz grupe fermentisanih (sirovih)kobasica na... more Čajna kobasica je verovatno najzastupljenija kobasica iz grupe fermentisanih (sirovih)kobasica na tržištu republika bivše SFR Jugoslavije. S obzirom na to da se nadevove kobasice puni u creva užeg dijametra, proizvodni proces nije dug i omogućavaproizvođačima brz obrt uloženog kapitala. Kobasica je jedinstvenog, blagog ukusa,dobro i lako se narezuje i prihvatljiva je za većinu potrošača. U radu su prikazane najčešćebiološke i hemijske opasnosti koje se vezuju za ovu vrstu kobasice kao i pokazateljikvaliteta ove kobasice koji su definisani propisima.

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Vacuum Packaging and Modified Atmosphere Packaging of Marinated Mackerel on Aerobic Bacteria Growth

Quality of Life (Banja Luka) - APEIRON, 2019

Fish as a food is very acceptable for consumers. Various species of fishes nowdays are everyday o... more Fish as a food is very acceptable for consumers. Various species of fishes nowdays are everyday on our tables. Fish from north seas are also in high demand from consumers, but it is challeng to keep and transport fish to consumers. Thats why as prevention of spoiling fish before consumation is to keep it on special regime. In our challeng we packaged fish in vaccum and modified atmosphere, and than followed the growth of aerobic bacterias mainly cause of spoilage.

Research paper thumbnail of Food Flavour as Influence Factor for Balanced Diet for Children

Quality of Life (Banja Luka) - APEIRON, 2019

Athiology of some health disorders and diseases, such as obesity, cardio vascular diseases, diabe... more Athiology of some health disorders and diseases, such as obesity, cardio vascular diseases, diabetes and malignant diseases, can be linked to unbalanced diet started from the earliest days of life. For that reasons, it is very important to adopt proper diet patterns from the earliest days of life. There are few factors influencing choice of food. Food flavoure is one among them. Understanding mechanisms, which later make influence how to accept or reject some food in children, in intrauterine development phase, and after birth period, is of vital significance when we create healthy habbits for children and adult diets.

Research paper thumbnail of Household food waste in Belgrade - sin and unconcern

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019

The aim of this study was to examine the actual procedures with food in households and consumer a... more The aim of this study was to examine the actual procedures with food in households and consumer attitudes about food waste. The survey was conducted in 83 households in Belgrade, Serbia. All participants were interviewed using a standardized questionnaire. The results obtained show that awareness of food waste is at a satisfactory level, but the actual situation is that food is discarded in large quantities, even though people are aware of what a global problem this is. Large contradictions were observed among the respondents’ answers in this study. Respondents who stated that they never discard food, in further responses, declared they throw away significant amounts of food for various reasons (too long storage, overconsumption, improper preparation, etc.). We conclude that people are either unaware of how much food they discard, or they do not want to admit it to themselves. However, participants largely have a sense of guilt about discarding food. This indicates consumer awarenes...

Research paper thumbnail of Reduction of Microbiota in Marinated Vacuum-Packaged Poultry Breast Fillets

Meat Technology, 2019

The aim of this study was to determine the eff ect of diff erent marinade solution on the microbi... more The aim of this study was to determine the eff ect of diff erent marinade solution on the microbiome of chicken breast fi llets packaged under vacuum and stored at 4°C. Three types of marinade were tested. A total of 120 chicken breast fi llets were marinated in control (6% NaCl) or three diff erent marinades: 6% NaCl and 2% sodium tripolyphosphate; 6% NaCl and 2% sodium citrate, and; 6% NaCl, 1% sodium tripolyphosphate and 1% sodium citrate. Microorganisms were enumerated on the fi rst day of testing (day 0) and on days 7, 14, 21 and 28 of chilled storage. Marination resulted in signifi cant diff erences (p<0.05) in the numbers of total viable counts, Enterobacteriaceae, lactic acid bacteria and anaerobic bacteria counts. The combination of 6% NaCl and 2% sodium citrate is the most appropriate marinade option for reducing the growth of the examined bacterial groups in vacuum-packaged marinated chicken breast fi llets during chilled storage.

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of salting and marinating on microbiological status and chemical composition of mackerel packed in the modified atmosphere

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of beef production volume in Serbia from 1985 to 2011

Tehnologija mesa, 2014

Značaj mesa u ishrani ljudi je dobro poznat i smatra se da je meso nezamenljiva i najkvalitetnija... more Značaj mesa u ishrani ljudi je dobro poznat i smatra se da je meso nezamenljiva i najkvalitetnija komponenta pravilne i dobro izbalansirane ishrane (Biesalski, 2005). Goveđe meso odlikuje izuzetna nutritivna vrednost, koja ga izdvaja u odnosu na druge vrste mesa i čini veoma cenjenom hranom (Petrović i dr., 2002). Meso goveda je dragocen izvor proteina visoke biološke vrednosti, vitamina B12 i drugih vitamina B kompleksa, kao i mineralnih materija, posebno magnezijuma, gvožđa, cinka, fosfora, kalijuma i selena. Krto goveđe meso sadrži oko 23% proteina, 2,8% masti, 73% vode i 1,2% mineralnih materija, a energetska vrednost mu je 494 KJ (116 kcal) na 100 g (Williams, 2007). Brojni faktori, kao što su rasa, pol, starost, ishrana, način proizvodnje i dr., utiču na variranja u hemijskom sastavu goveđeg mesa. Potrošnja mesa u svetu beleži blagu tendenciju rasta i trenutno je svetski prosek oko 43 kg po stanovniku, za 2012. godinu, pri čemu je ona značajno veća u razvijenim zemljama, gde iznosi 79 kg, dok je u zemljama u razvoju 33,1 kg. Najčešće konzumirano meso u svetu je svinjsko meso, koje čini preko 36% ukupne potrošnje mesa, slede živinsko meso, sa 33% i goveđe meso, sa učešćem od 24% u ukupnoj potrošnji mesa (Anonym, 2011c). Kupovna moć potrošača je ključna determinanta nivoa potrošnje mesa po stanovniku. Ovo, posebno dolazi do izražaja kod goveđeg mesa čija je cena, generalno, veća od cene drugih vrsta mesa. Niska konkurentnost goveđeg mesa je uslovljena, pre svega, dugim proizvodnim ciklusom i većim utroškom hrane za kilogram prirasta. Nedavni porast potrošnje goveđeg mesa u azijskim zemljama, koje beleže jak ekonomski rast, potvrđuje značaj ovog ekonomskog kriterijuma. Sa druge strane, na nivo potrošnje goveđeg mesa značajan uticaj imaju religijski faktor, zdravstveni aspekti, pojava novih i ponovljenih zoonoznih bolesti, sve razvijenija svest potrošača o zaštiti životne sredine i dobrobiti životinja, kao i veća Pregledni rad Preview paper

Research paper thumbnail of Polyunsaturated fatty acids in the fish meat and their significance for human health

Tehnologija mesa, 2014

S a d r ž a j: Pravilna ishrana ima veliki značaj u kvalitetu života ljudi. Nutritivni i zdravstv... more S a d r ž a j: Pravilna ishrana ima veliki značaj u kvalitetu života ljudi. Nutritivni i zdravstveni značaj koji se postiže upotrebom ribe i proizvoda od ribe u ishrani je jedan od razloga za neprestani rast potražnje za tim proizvodima na tržištu. Ono što ribu, kao namirnicu, čini posebno privlačnom za potrošača jeste, pored povoljnog sadržaja proteina, minerala i vitamina i to što je veoma bogat izvor masnih kiselina, od kojih se pojedine smatraju esencijalnim, jer se ne mogu sintetisati u samom organizmu. Utvrđeno je da masti riba sadrže 17-21% zasićenih i 79-83% nezasićenih masnih kiselina. Od nezasićenih masnih kiselina, u mesu ribe, značajne su količine linolne, linoleinske, arahidonske kiseline, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid; EPK, eikozapentaenska kiselina) i DHA (docasahexaenoic acid; DHK, dokozaheksaenska kiselina), koje se smatraju esencijalnim, jer, kao kofaktori metabolizma, imaju funkciju u održavanju povoljnog zdravstvenog stanja organizma ljudi.

Research paper thumbnail of Tea sausage - Safety and quality

Čajna kobasica je verovatno najzastupljenija kobasica iz grupe fermentisanih (sirovih) kobasica n... more Čajna kobasica je verovatno najzastupljenija kobasica iz grupe fermentisanih (sirovih) kobasica na tržištu republika bivše SFR Jugoslavije. S obzirom na to da se nadev ove kobasice puni u creva užeg dijametra, proizvodni proces nije dug i omogućava proizvođačima brz obrt uloženog kapitala. Kobasica je jedinstvenog, blagog ukusa, dobro i lako se narezuje i prihvatljiva je za većinu potrošača. U radu su prikazane najčešće biološke i hemijske opasnosti koje se vezuju za ovu vrstu kobasice kao i pokazatelji kvaliteta ove kobasice koji su definisani propisima.Tea sausage is probably the most common sausage from the group of fermented (raw) sausages on the market in the republics of former Yugoslavia. Since the filling of the sausage is stuffed into the casings of narrow diameter, the production process is not long and allow the manufacturers a quick turnover of invested capital. Tea sausage has a unique, mild taste, it has good cutting and slicing characteristics and it is acceptable to ...