Snežana Brkić - (original) (raw)
Papers by Snežana Brkić
Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine
The author points out the need to adapt the physiognomy of criminal proceedings to the changes in... more The author points out the need to adapt the physiognomy of criminal proceedings to the changes in the scope and structure of crime and to characteristics of facts and evidence. The specific substantive features of cases may also be used as a basis of procedural differentiation. One such criterion is the special nature (kind) of crime, as illustrated on the example of commercial crime.
Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine, 2005
UDC 343.211.3 Д р Снежана Бркић доцент Правног факултета у Новом Саду ЗАШТНТА СВЕДОКА* * САЖЕТАК:... more UDC 343.211.3 Д р Снежана Бркић доцент Правног факултета у Новом Саду ЗАШТНТА СВЕДОКА* * САЖЕТАК: Основна је поставка овог рада да јс заштита свелока субјсктивно јавно право. као израз заштите основних људских права. Оно се олређчје као основно, јавно, инливилуално, позитивно, непосрелно релативно a посрслно апсолутио право. Право свелока на заштиту трсба ла обухвати слсдећа оазашћења: оазашћен« ла буле обавештен о праву на заиггиту; оазашћење ла захтева или да се олрекне заштите; оазашћењс да до o x iy K C о захтеву за заиггиту ускрати лаван>с личних лолатака. исказа у иелини или олговора на појелина питања; oaia-шћен>е на лвостепено ол.зучиван>е о захтсву; оазашћсн>с на пуномоћника: оазашћење на уживан>е заштите. Кгучне реч1г. право на заштиту свелока. субјективно право I. ПРАВО СВЕДОК.А НА ЗАШТИТУ' К.ЛО ИЗР.АЗ ЗАШТИТЕ ОСНОВННХ ЉУДСКИХ ПРАВА * Рал примл>ен: 05. X 2005. године. • О запосгаагености ове проблематике свелочн чињеница ла на XII Међунаролном конгресу за кривично право (Хамбург, 1979). чија је III секиија била посвеће
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 2020
The paper highlights some of the deterioration of the defendant, s position in the 2011 Code of c... more The paper highlights some of the deterioration of the defendant, s position in the 2011 Code of criminal procedure of Serbia. On the other hand, it points to some relatively new institutions that go behind the traditional role of the defendant, which is reflected in the opposition to the charges. These are three types of defendant, s agreement with the public prosecution. The first form is a diversionary model, which is applied in the pre-trial procedure. The second is the plea agreement. Both forms were introduced before the confluence to relieve criminal justice, but the defendant himself benefits. The third form is the conclusion of an agreement between the defendant and the sentenced person on testimony in other to successfully detect, prove or prevent the criminal acts referred to in article 162, paragraph 1, item 1 of the Code of criminal procedure.
Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine, 2003
The work deals with the notion of flagrancy and its procedural effects. Previously applicable cap... more The work deals with the notion of flagrancy and its procedural effects. Previously applicable capital punishment and handing over the perpetrators to the court of lynch have stepped back in modern societies in order to make space for repressive competences of state authorities. Those competences entail the right to deprivation of liberty, retention, detention and special speeded up procedural forms applicable to flagrant acts. The work focuses on merely one of those special forms - the one that is proposed to be implemented into our law and which is related to perpetrators of flagrant acts who have been deprived from liberty.
The author analyzes a summary trial and describes it as a specific simplified procedure which is ... more The author analyzes a summary trial and describes it as a specific simplified procedure which is the common law counterpart to summary procedures in civil law systems. Before the author came to this conclusion, she had set criteria for categorization of different procedures and defined a special procedural form, which is determined by two constitutive elements: special legal ground and characteristic structure of such a procedure.
This paper is the result of a mini empirical research on the duration of judicial and public pros... more This paper is the result of a mini empirical research on the duration of judicial and public prosecutorial investigations before the High Court in Novi Sad. A total of 100 cases were analyzed, of which 50 cases from 2008 and 50 cases from 2015 and 2016. The first 50 cases were conducted during the validity of the Criminal Procedure code from 2001, while the other 50 cases were conducted during the validity of the Criminal Procedure Code from 2011. In order for the result to be as comparable as possible, we tried to have the same structure of criminal acts represented in both groupes. The author came to the conclusion that a prosecutorial investigation is not faster than a judicial investigation. The search for the suspect, the search for the injured party, the impediment of the lawer, the strike of the lawers, the preoccupation of the public prosecutor, etc. contributed to the somewhat longer duration of the public prosecutorial investigation.
This article is dedicated to the classification of procedural forms in criminal process law of Se... more This article is dedicated to the classification of procedural forms in criminal process law of Serbia. The author points to the inconsistent and unacceptable conceives about existing classification in the theory. It is possible to speak of differentiation of procedural forms only when criminal procedure is not uniform in all cases. The differentiation, therefore understands coexistence of at least two procedural forms that can be distinguished. The special criminal procedural forms present a divergence from the general form, based on special grounds and motivated by special goals. From a general standpoint, differentiation has to be present in at least two planes: those of the basis and structure of the procedural form. The basis of the special criminal procedural form is the decisive factor for its creation, which can be found in the special features of the procedural objects, subjects or criminal sanctions. The specific basis calls for specific procedural structures, which can res...
Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine, 2001
The author points out the need to adapt the physiognomy of criminal proceedings to the changes in... more The author points out the need to adapt the physiognomy of criminal proceedings to the changes in the scope and structure of crime and to characteristics o f facts and evidence. Solution to that problem is the deep procedural differentiation in a basis o f creation more special simplifying forms. It is suggested and justified such two new forms in the frame of our summary process: expanding the elements of summary process in a trial phase to the criminal offences with provided imprisonment no more of five years, and simplification of the summary process in a basis of full confession of the defendant
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 2018
Са же так:У фо ку су овог ра да је кри тич ки осврт на по је ди на за кон ска ре ше ња у ве зи са... more Са же так:У фо ку су овог ра да је кри тич ки осврт на по је ди на за кон ска ре ше ња у ве зи са по кре та њем и за вр шет ком по ступ ка за из ри ца ње ме ра без бед но сти оба ве зног пси хи ја триј ског ле че ња. Пре и спи ту је се од нос из међу тог по себ ног по ступ ка и оп штег и скра ће ног кри вич ног по ступ ка и конста ту је да ни је аде кват но ре ше но пи та ње њи хо ве тран сфор ма ци је. Кон стату је се да су глав ни раз ло зи про бле ма не а де кват на за кон ска тер ми но ло ги ја, но ви кон цепт осло ба ђа ју ће пре су де, као и по гре шан став о прав ној при ро ди по ступ ка за из ри ца ње ме ра без бед но сти пси хи ја триј ског ка рак те ра. Кључ нере чи:ме ре без бед но сти пси хи ја триј ског ка рак те ра, осло бађа ју ћа пре су да, по себ ни по ступ ци, осу ђе ни, тран сфор ма ци ја по ступ ка.
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 2018
Са же так:У фо ку су овог ра да су не ка пи та ња уло ге овла шће ног тужи о ца у прет кри вич но... more Са же так:У фо ку су овог ра да су не ка пи та ња уло ге овла шће ног тужи о ца у прет кри вич ном и кри вич ном по ступ ку. Ди ле му о то ме да ли тужи о че ву ак тив ност на зва ти функ ци јом оп ту жбе или функ ци јом кри вич ног го ње ња, ау тор ре ша ва у ко рист ове по след ње. Је дан део ра да по све ћен је ана ли зи и кри ти ци не ких не при хва тљи вих де фи ни ци ја функ ци је кри вич ног го ње ња.Ау тор на во ди да се функ ци ја кри вич ног го ње ња са сто ји из прет проце сног и про це сног де ла. Функ ци ја кри вич ног го ње ња раз мо тре на је и кроз при зму по је ди них исто риј ских ти по ва кри вич ног по ступ ка, као и кроз при зму по је ди них овла шће них ту жи ла ца. Кључ нере чи:јав ни ту жи лац, функ ци ја кри вич ног го ње ња, кри вич ни по сту пак.
Zbornik Radova Pravnog Fakulteta Novi Sad, 2005
U nasoj zemlji se tek poslednjih nekoliko godina intenzivno radi na obezbeđenju zastite svedoka. ... more U nasoj zemlji se tek poslednjih nekoliko godina intenzivno radi na obezbeđenju zastite svedoka. Sistem zastite svedoka ipak nije u potpunosti izgrađen. U Srbiji su u toku zakonodavne aktivnosti kojima ce se zastita svedoka podici na visi nivo i zaokružiti. Sudeci po postojecoj, kao i po planiranoj zakonskoj regulativi, zastita svedoka u Srbiji bice na relativno zadovoljavajucem nivou i uglavnom usklađena sa opsteprihvacenim pravnim standardima iz te oblasti.
Exclusionary Rules in Comparative Law, 2012
In 2001, independent Serbia kept on using the code which existed before the break-up of Yugoslavi... more In 2001, independent Serbia kept on using the code which existed before the break-up of Yugoslavia, albeit with many amendments that have altered the approach to the use of evidence gathered in violation of the law. Like most continental European countries, Serbia had a system of nullities, but Serbian courts interpreted them fairly strictly, and ruled that any evidence gathered in violation of statutory prohibitions could not be placed in the file at trial and was therefore inadmissible. The Serbian Code of Criminal Procedure now has many specific exclusionary rules related to violations in the issuance of wiretap warrants, and warrants to use undercover informants, but not, yet, in relation to searches and seizures. However, a general exclusionary rule added in 2009 has required exclusion of any evidence gathered in violation of the constitution, international law, or explicit evidentiary prohibitions. A new Code of Criminal Procedure was enacted in 2011 and will go into force in 2013, and it will contain an even broader exclusionary rule, extending exclusion to the fruits of the poisonous tree of even statutory violations.
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 2008
... Grubač, MV (2006) Krivično procesno pravo. Beograd: Univerzitet Union, Pravni fakultet, str. ... more ... Grubač, MV (2006) Krivično procesno pravo. Beograd: Univerzitet Union, Pravni fakultet, str. 52. ...
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 2005
... Grasberger, R. (1958) Psihologija krivičnog postupka. Sarajevo: Veselin Maslea. ... http://w...[ more ](;)... Grasberger, R. (1958) Psihologija krivičnog postupka. Sarajevo: Veselin Maslea. ..., dostupno 13.03. 21.Nikolić-Ristanović, V.., ur. (2002) Porodično nasilje u Srbiji. Beograd: Viktimoloko drutvo Srbije. ...
Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine
The author points out the need to adapt the physiognomy of criminal proceedings to the changes in... more The author points out the need to adapt the physiognomy of criminal proceedings to the changes in the scope and structure of crime and to characteristics of facts and evidence. The specific substantive features of cases may also be used as a basis of procedural differentiation. One such criterion is the special nature (kind) of crime, as illustrated on the example of commercial crime.
Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine, 2005
UDC 343.211.3 Д р Снежана Бркић доцент Правног факултета у Новом Саду ЗАШТНТА СВЕДОКА* * САЖЕТАК:... more UDC 343.211.3 Д р Снежана Бркић доцент Правног факултета у Новом Саду ЗАШТНТА СВЕДОКА* * САЖЕТАК: Основна је поставка овог рада да јс заштита свелока субјсктивно јавно право. као израз заштите основних људских права. Оно се олређчје као основно, јавно, инливилуално, позитивно, непосрелно релативно a посрслно апсолутио право. Право свелока на заштиту трсба ла обухвати слсдећа оазашћења: оазашћен« ла буле обавештен о праву на заиггиту; оазашћење ла захтева или да се олрекне заштите; оазашћењс да до o x iy K C о захтеву за заиггиту ускрати лаван>с личних лолатака. исказа у иелини или олговора на појелина питања; oaia-шћен>е на лвостепено ол.зучиван>е о захтсву; оазашћсн>с на пуномоћника: оазашћење на уживан>е заштите. Кгучне реч1г. право на заштиту свелока. субјективно право I. ПРАВО СВЕДОК.А НА ЗАШТИТУ' К.ЛО ИЗР.АЗ ЗАШТИТЕ ОСНОВННХ ЉУДСКИХ ПРАВА * Рал примл>ен: 05. X 2005. године. • О запосгаагености ове проблематике свелочн чињеница ла на XII Међунаролном конгресу за кривично право (Хамбург, 1979). чија је III секиија била посвеће
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 2020
The paper highlights some of the deterioration of the defendant, s position in the 2011 Code of c... more The paper highlights some of the deterioration of the defendant, s position in the 2011 Code of criminal procedure of Serbia. On the other hand, it points to some relatively new institutions that go behind the traditional role of the defendant, which is reflected in the opposition to the charges. These are three types of defendant, s agreement with the public prosecution. The first form is a diversionary model, which is applied in the pre-trial procedure. The second is the plea agreement. Both forms were introduced before the confluence to relieve criminal justice, but the defendant himself benefits. The third form is the conclusion of an agreement between the defendant and the sentenced person on testimony in other to successfully detect, prove or prevent the criminal acts referred to in article 162, paragraph 1, item 1 of the Code of criminal procedure.
Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine, 2003
The work deals with the notion of flagrancy and its procedural effects. Previously applicable cap... more The work deals with the notion of flagrancy and its procedural effects. Previously applicable capital punishment and handing over the perpetrators to the court of lynch have stepped back in modern societies in order to make space for repressive competences of state authorities. Those competences entail the right to deprivation of liberty, retention, detention and special speeded up procedural forms applicable to flagrant acts. The work focuses on merely one of those special forms - the one that is proposed to be implemented into our law and which is related to perpetrators of flagrant acts who have been deprived from liberty.
The author analyzes a summary trial and describes it as a specific simplified procedure which is ... more The author analyzes a summary trial and describes it as a specific simplified procedure which is the common law counterpart to summary procedures in civil law systems. Before the author came to this conclusion, she had set criteria for categorization of different procedures and defined a special procedural form, which is determined by two constitutive elements: special legal ground and characteristic structure of such a procedure.
This paper is the result of a mini empirical research on the duration of judicial and public pros... more This paper is the result of a mini empirical research on the duration of judicial and public prosecutorial investigations before the High Court in Novi Sad. A total of 100 cases were analyzed, of which 50 cases from 2008 and 50 cases from 2015 and 2016. The first 50 cases were conducted during the validity of the Criminal Procedure code from 2001, while the other 50 cases were conducted during the validity of the Criminal Procedure Code from 2011. In order for the result to be as comparable as possible, we tried to have the same structure of criminal acts represented in both groupes. The author came to the conclusion that a prosecutorial investigation is not faster than a judicial investigation. The search for the suspect, the search for the injured party, the impediment of the lawer, the strike of the lawers, the preoccupation of the public prosecutor, etc. contributed to the somewhat longer duration of the public prosecutorial investigation.
This article is dedicated to the classification of procedural forms in criminal process law of Se... more This article is dedicated to the classification of procedural forms in criminal process law of Serbia. The author points to the inconsistent and unacceptable conceives about existing classification in the theory. It is possible to speak of differentiation of procedural forms only when criminal procedure is not uniform in all cases. The differentiation, therefore understands coexistence of at least two procedural forms that can be distinguished. The special criminal procedural forms present a divergence from the general form, based on special grounds and motivated by special goals. From a general standpoint, differentiation has to be present in at least two planes: those of the basis and structure of the procedural form. The basis of the special criminal procedural form is the decisive factor for its creation, which can be found in the special features of the procedural objects, subjects or criminal sanctions. The specific basis calls for specific procedural structures, which can res...
Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine, 2001
The author points out the need to adapt the physiognomy of criminal proceedings to the changes in... more The author points out the need to adapt the physiognomy of criminal proceedings to the changes in the scope and structure of crime and to characteristics o f facts and evidence. Solution to that problem is the deep procedural differentiation in a basis o f creation more special simplifying forms. It is suggested and justified such two new forms in the frame of our summary process: expanding the elements of summary process in a trial phase to the criminal offences with provided imprisonment no more of five years, and simplification of the summary process in a basis of full confession of the defendant
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 2018
Са же так:У фо ку су овог ра да је кри тич ки осврт на по је ди на за кон ска ре ше ња у ве зи са... more Са же так:У фо ку су овог ра да је кри тич ки осврт на по је ди на за кон ска ре ше ња у ве зи са по кре та њем и за вр шет ком по ступ ка за из ри ца ње ме ра без бед но сти оба ве зног пси хи ја триј ског ле че ња. Пре и спи ту је се од нос из међу тог по себ ног по ступ ка и оп штег и скра ће ног кри вич ног по ступ ка и конста ту је да ни је аде кват но ре ше но пи та ње њи хо ве тран сфор ма ци је. Кон стату је се да су глав ни раз ло зи про бле ма не а де кват на за кон ска тер ми но ло ги ја, но ви кон цепт осло ба ђа ју ће пре су де, као и по гре шан став о прав ној при ро ди по ступ ка за из ри ца ње ме ра без бед но сти пси хи ја триј ског ка рак те ра. Кључ нере чи:ме ре без бед но сти пси хи ја триј ског ка рак те ра, осло бађа ју ћа пре су да, по себ ни по ступ ци, осу ђе ни, тран сфор ма ци ја по ступ ка.
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 2018
Са же так:У фо ку су овог ра да су не ка пи та ња уло ге овла шће ног тужи о ца у прет кри вич но... more Са же так:У фо ку су овог ра да су не ка пи та ња уло ге овла шће ног тужи о ца у прет кри вич ном и кри вич ном по ступ ку. Ди ле му о то ме да ли тужи о че ву ак тив ност на зва ти функ ци јом оп ту жбе или функ ци јом кри вич ног го ње ња, ау тор ре ша ва у ко рист ове по след ње. Је дан део ра да по све ћен је ана ли зи и кри ти ци не ких не при хва тљи вих де фи ни ци ја функ ци је кри вич ног го ње ња.Ау тор на во ди да се функ ци ја кри вич ног го ње ња са сто ји из прет проце сног и про це сног де ла. Функ ци ја кри вич ног го ње ња раз мо тре на је и кроз при зму по је ди них исто риј ских ти по ва кри вич ног по ступ ка, као и кроз при зму по је ди них овла шће них ту жи ла ца. Кључ нере чи:јав ни ту жи лац, функ ци ја кри вич ног го ње ња, кри вич ни по сту пак.
Zbornik Radova Pravnog Fakulteta Novi Sad, 2005
U nasoj zemlji se tek poslednjih nekoliko godina intenzivno radi na obezbeđenju zastite svedoka. ... more U nasoj zemlji se tek poslednjih nekoliko godina intenzivno radi na obezbeđenju zastite svedoka. Sistem zastite svedoka ipak nije u potpunosti izgrađen. U Srbiji su u toku zakonodavne aktivnosti kojima ce se zastita svedoka podici na visi nivo i zaokružiti. Sudeci po postojecoj, kao i po planiranoj zakonskoj regulativi, zastita svedoka u Srbiji bice na relativno zadovoljavajucem nivou i uglavnom usklađena sa opsteprihvacenim pravnim standardima iz te oblasti.
Exclusionary Rules in Comparative Law, 2012
In 2001, independent Serbia kept on using the code which existed before the break-up of Yugoslavi... more In 2001, independent Serbia kept on using the code which existed before the break-up of Yugoslavia, albeit with many amendments that have altered the approach to the use of evidence gathered in violation of the law. Like most continental European countries, Serbia had a system of nullities, but Serbian courts interpreted them fairly strictly, and ruled that any evidence gathered in violation of statutory prohibitions could not be placed in the file at trial and was therefore inadmissible. The Serbian Code of Criminal Procedure now has many specific exclusionary rules related to violations in the issuance of wiretap warrants, and warrants to use undercover informants, but not, yet, in relation to searches and seizures. However, a general exclusionary rule added in 2009 has required exclusion of any evidence gathered in violation of the constitution, international law, or explicit evidentiary prohibitions. A new Code of Criminal Procedure was enacted in 2011 and will go into force in 2013, and it will contain an even broader exclusionary rule, extending exclusion to the fruits of the poisonous tree of even statutory violations.
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 2008
... Grubač, MV (2006) Krivično procesno pravo. Beograd: Univerzitet Union, Pravni fakultet, str. ... more ... Grubač, MV (2006) Krivično procesno pravo. Beograd: Univerzitet Union, Pravni fakultet, str. 52. ...
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 2005
... Grasberger, R. (1958) Psihologija krivičnog postupka. Sarajevo: Veselin Maslea. ... http://w...[ more ](;)... Grasberger, R. (1958) Psihologija krivičnog postupka. Sarajevo: Veselin Maslea. ..., dostupno 13.03. 21.Nikolić-Ristanović, V.., ur. (2002) Porodično nasilje u Srbiji. Beograd: Viktimoloko drutvo Srbije. ...