Snežana Nikolić - (original) (raw)


Papers by Snežana Nikolić

Research paper thumbnail of Detection and prevalence of motor skill disorders

Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2009

Increasing number of children with mild disabilities in regular school is the most important reas... more Increasing number of children with mild disabilities in regular school is the most important reason for science of special education to search for better methods for early detection, diagnosis and rehabilitation of those disabilities. According to ICD-10 (Svetska zdravstvena organizacija, 1992)

Research paper thumbnail of Early identification of children with developmental disabilities

Acta Paediatrica, 2007

This paper provides an overview of research into early identification of children with developmen... more This paper provides an overview of research into early identification of children with developmental disabilities in child healthcare, especially those disabilities related to cognitive impairment. The review covers the following related topics: definition of the target group, the predictive value of developmental screening instruments and psychomotor tests, risk indexes, early intervention and evaluation of developmental screening programmes. Empirical research into child development and the predictive value of developmental tests is extensive. However, proportionally few, mostly cohort or case‐control, studies focusing on evaluation of developmental screening programmes conducted within a clinical setting were found. Some sensitivity and most specificity rates reported fell within what is considered acceptable for developmental screening performed in the pre‐school years, i.e. a sensitivity of more than 70% and a specificity between 70% and 80%. Overall, between 1–6% of the childr...

Research paper thumbnail of Edukativna i klinička orjentacija u somatopediji

Specijalna Edukacija i Rehabilitacija, 2009

U ovom radu pokrecu se osnovna pitanja vezana za proces profesionalne pripreme defektologa za rad... more U ovom radu pokrecu se osnovna pitanja vezana za proces profesionalne pripreme defektologa za rad sa osobama sa motorickim poremecajima. Polazeci od kljucnog pitanja: da li somatoped edukuje ili rehabilituje? Temeljno su analizirana dva, neraskidivo povezana, aspekta profesionalnog rada specijalnog edukatora i rehabilitatora u oblasti somatopedije. Pri tome, opstu paradigmu u pristupu osobama sa motorickim poremecajima određuje zajednicki polazni princip: otkrivanje sposobnosti, nasuprot upornom insistiranju na popravljanju nesposobnost ili, uz prevazilaženje limitirajucih okvira bio-medicinskog modela ometenosti. .

Research paper thumbnail of Perspective Chapter: Individual Support Services in Inclusive Education - Pros et Contras (Polemic)

Inclusive Pedagogy in Contemporary Education, 2023

Inclusive education needs constant support for its development and improvement. It is a long and ... more Inclusive education needs constant support for its development and improvement. It is a long and demanding process that requires many changes, both in society and its attitude toward the rights and needs of all children to education, as well as in the management of the education system, which certainly implies the provision of various forms of support for inclusive education. From the position of an approach based on human rights, requirements move in the direction of the complete derogation of all segregated environments for children with disabilities; such attitudes are not emphasized on positive experiences in segregation (separate and stimulating education of the gifted, for example). We cannot ignore the need for children with different abilities for additional educational support. But is it reasonable to expect that teachers can respond to all the challenges that inclusive education sets before them in the context of the requirement to adapt the approach to the needs of each child? In polemic, we discuss the power and weakness of mainstream schools to respond to the requirements of the modern concept of inclusive education for all children and the need to keep professional individual educational support services for children who need them.

Research paper thumbnail of Orthographic competencies and phonological awareness in children with developmental coordination disorder

Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija, 2021

Introduction. Developmental coordination disorder is a disorder of planning and coordination of c... more Introduction. Developmental coordination disorder is a disorder of planning and coordination of complex movements during action, without previously diagnosed intellectual disability, neurological or any other sensory impairment. Although it is a relatively common disorder in school-age population, the correlation between phonological awareness and spelling in these children has not been sufficiently investigated. Objective. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between phonological awareness and spelling in children with developmental coordination disorder compared to children without coordination difficulty. Methods. The research included 65 children of the third grade of primary schools in Belgrade. Developmental coordination disorder was observed in 29 children, while 36 children did not have this disorder. The Questionnaire for Developmental Coordination Disorder was used to determine its presence. Phonological awareness was assessed by the Test of Phonological...

Research paper thumbnail of Perceptivno-motoričke sposobnosti i preduslovi za razvoj akademskih veština

This paper reports the results of the relation analysis between the development of perceptual-mot... more This paper reports the results of the relation analysis between the development of perceptual-motor abilities and prerequisites of academic skills in typically developing younger school children. The sample consists of 1165 children of both genders, aged between 7.5 and 11, from urban, suburban and rural parts of Belgrade. Motor abilities, perceptual abilities, sensory integration, and sensory-motor integration were defined as independent variables, while constructive praxis, auditory and visual memory, strategy formation, and language abilities were defined as dependent abilities. ACADIA test, Ozeretski test, and Levine tests were used for the assessment of perceptual-motor, cognitive, and language abilities. The results clearly indicate the importance of perceptual-motor functions for the development of all the assessed abilities which are prerequisites of academic skills.U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati analize odnosa između nivoa razvoja perceptivno-motoričkih sposobnosti i pr...

Research paper thumbnail of Odnos roditelj – dete u porodicama dece sa cerebralnom paralizom

8. međunarodna konferencija Inkluzivna teorija i praksa: vaspitno-obrazovni, (re)habilitacioni i ... more 8. međunarodna konferencija Inkluzivna teorija i praksa: vaspitno-obrazovni, (re)habilitacioni i savetodavni ra

Research paper thumbnail of Students' motivation and academic success in inclusive classes

Nastava i vaspitanje, 2016

МОТИВАЦИЈА учЕНИКА у ИНКЛуЗИВНОЈ НАСТАВИ И ШКОЛСКИ уСПЕХ Сагледавање доживљаја мотивације ученика... more МОТИВАЦИЈА учЕНИКА у ИНКЛуЗИВНОЈ НАСТАВИ И ШКОЛСКИ уСПЕХ Сагледавање доживљаја мотивације ученика у условима инклузивног образовања умногоме одређује поступке у настави. Основни циљ овог истраживања је да утврди да ли постоји разлика у доживљају мотивације ученика са тешкоћама у учењу и развоју који се образују у инклузивној настави и ученика без ових тешкоћа, као и да ли постоји корелација између школског успеха и доживљаја мотивације ове две групе ученика. Узорак истраживања чинило је 87 ученика петог разреда, и то 24,13% ученика са тешкоћама у учењу и развоју и 75,86% ученика без тешкоћа. Испитивање доживљаја мотивације извршено је путем Скале за процену спољашње и унутрашње мотивације. Статистичке анализе су показале да постоје разлике у доживљају укупне, унутрашње и спољашње мотивације ученика са и без тешкоћа у учењу и развоју. Постојање сметње у учењу корелира са постизањем нижег школског успеха на крају четвртог разреда. Са порастом школског успеха опада доживљај мотивације код обе групе ученика. Добијени резултати указују на важност интервенције наставника и стручних сарадника за одржавање и развој мотивације свих ученика. Резултати овог истраживања стављају у фокус квалитет система вредновања школског постигнућа свих ученика и позивају на изучавање како и на који начин наставници разумеју и примењују различите функције оцењивања. мотивација, школски успех, инклузија. увод Мотивација за школско учење, један од најважнијих фактора успеха, добила је посебан значај увођењем инклузивне наставе, која као основни принцип има поштовање различитости и уважавање индивидуалних разлика међу децом у погледу

Research paper thumbnail of Social participation of women with breast cancer

Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2015

Background/Aim. The general problems of persons with malignant diseases (stages of asthenia, chro... more Background/Aim. The general problems of persons with malignant diseases (stages of asthenia, chronic fatigue and exhaustion, followed by depression and anxiety) lead to a decrease in functional abilities and a declining quality of life. The aim of this study was to determine the level of difficulty, the type of required assistance and the level of satisfaction that derives from maintaining life habits. The study also examined the correlation between the level of accomplishment of life habits and the level of satisfaction with how they are maintained. Methods. The research was conducted at the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade and in the ?Get Together? Association of Women with Breast Cancer from June to September 2012 on a sample of 30 women. A standardised questionnaire, Assessment of Life Habits - LIFE-H v.3.0, was administered. Results. The lowest level of maintaining normal activities was related to education, housing and recreation. The greatest need for support to maintain ...

Research paper thumbnail of Architectural accessibility of shools: Implications for individual education plans for pupils with physical disabilities

Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Teachers’ sense of efficacy and implications for implementation of inclusive education1

Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija, 2015

some influence". Distribution of answers in the subscales is similar to the distribution of overa... more some influence". Distribution of answers in the subscales is similar to the distribution of overall answers, but it is observed that in the subscale "Efficacy in Challenging Goals", regardless of high arithmetic mean (AM 6.50, SD 1.09), minimum self-efficacy assessment is closer to "I have very little influence". Teachers' sense of self-efficacy is a construct which can significantly influence teachers' readiness to work in a challenging environment, and as such, has to be included in considering the implications for the implementation of inclusive education.

Research paper thumbnail of Detection and prevalence of motor skill disorders

Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2009

Increasing number of children with mild disabilities in regular school is the most important reas... more Increasing number of children with mild disabilities in regular school is the most important reason for science of special education to search for better methods for early detection, diagnosis and rehabilitation of those disabilities. According to ICD-10 (Svetska zdravstvena organizacija, 1992)

Research paper thumbnail of Early identification of children with developmental disabilities

Acta Paediatrica, 2007

This paper provides an overview of research into early identification of children with developmen... more This paper provides an overview of research into early identification of children with developmental disabilities in child healthcare, especially those disabilities related to cognitive impairment. The review covers the following related topics: definition of the target group, the predictive value of developmental screening instruments and psychomotor tests, risk indexes, early intervention and evaluation of developmental screening programmes. Empirical research into child development and the predictive value of developmental tests is extensive. However, proportionally few, mostly cohort or case‐control, studies focusing on evaluation of developmental screening programmes conducted within a clinical setting were found. Some sensitivity and most specificity rates reported fell within what is considered acceptable for developmental screening performed in the pre‐school years, i.e. a sensitivity of more than 70% and a specificity between 70% and 80%. Overall, between 1–6% of the childr...

Research paper thumbnail of Edukativna i klinička orjentacija u somatopediji

Specijalna Edukacija i Rehabilitacija, 2009

U ovom radu pokrecu se osnovna pitanja vezana za proces profesionalne pripreme defektologa za rad... more U ovom radu pokrecu se osnovna pitanja vezana za proces profesionalne pripreme defektologa za rad sa osobama sa motorickim poremecajima. Polazeci od kljucnog pitanja: da li somatoped edukuje ili rehabilituje? Temeljno su analizirana dva, neraskidivo povezana, aspekta profesionalnog rada specijalnog edukatora i rehabilitatora u oblasti somatopedije. Pri tome, opstu paradigmu u pristupu osobama sa motorickim poremecajima određuje zajednicki polazni princip: otkrivanje sposobnosti, nasuprot upornom insistiranju na popravljanju nesposobnost ili, uz prevazilaženje limitirajucih okvira bio-medicinskog modela ometenosti. .

Research paper thumbnail of Perspective Chapter: Individual Support Services in Inclusive Education - Pros et Contras (Polemic)

Inclusive Pedagogy in Contemporary Education, 2023

Inclusive education needs constant support for its development and improvement. It is a long and ... more Inclusive education needs constant support for its development and improvement. It is a long and demanding process that requires many changes, both in society and its attitude toward the rights and needs of all children to education, as well as in the management of the education system, which certainly implies the provision of various forms of support for inclusive education. From the position of an approach based on human rights, requirements move in the direction of the complete derogation of all segregated environments for children with disabilities; such attitudes are not emphasized on positive experiences in segregation (separate and stimulating education of the gifted, for example). We cannot ignore the need for children with different abilities for additional educational support. But is it reasonable to expect that teachers can respond to all the challenges that inclusive education sets before them in the context of the requirement to adapt the approach to the needs of each child? In polemic, we discuss the power and weakness of mainstream schools to respond to the requirements of the modern concept of inclusive education for all children and the need to keep professional individual educational support services for children who need them.

Research paper thumbnail of Orthographic competencies and phonological awareness in children with developmental coordination disorder

Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija, 2021

Introduction. Developmental coordination disorder is a disorder of planning and coordination of c... more Introduction. Developmental coordination disorder is a disorder of planning and coordination of complex movements during action, without previously diagnosed intellectual disability, neurological or any other sensory impairment. Although it is a relatively common disorder in school-age population, the correlation between phonological awareness and spelling in these children has not been sufficiently investigated. Objective. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between phonological awareness and spelling in children with developmental coordination disorder compared to children without coordination difficulty. Methods. The research included 65 children of the third grade of primary schools in Belgrade. Developmental coordination disorder was observed in 29 children, while 36 children did not have this disorder. The Questionnaire for Developmental Coordination Disorder was used to determine its presence. Phonological awareness was assessed by the Test of Phonological...

Research paper thumbnail of Perceptivno-motoričke sposobnosti i preduslovi za razvoj akademskih veština

This paper reports the results of the relation analysis between the development of perceptual-mot... more This paper reports the results of the relation analysis between the development of perceptual-motor abilities and prerequisites of academic skills in typically developing younger school children. The sample consists of 1165 children of both genders, aged between 7.5 and 11, from urban, suburban and rural parts of Belgrade. Motor abilities, perceptual abilities, sensory integration, and sensory-motor integration were defined as independent variables, while constructive praxis, auditory and visual memory, strategy formation, and language abilities were defined as dependent abilities. ACADIA test, Ozeretski test, and Levine tests were used for the assessment of perceptual-motor, cognitive, and language abilities. The results clearly indicate the importance of perceptual-motor functions for the development of all the assessed abilities which are prerequisites of academic skills.U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati analize odnosa između nivoa razvoja perceptivno-motoričkih sposobnosti i pr...

Research paper thumbnail of Odnos roditelj – dete u porodicama dece sa cerebralnom paralizom

8. međunarodna konferencija Inkluzivna teorija i praksa: vaspitno-obrazovni, (re)habilitacioni i ... more 8. međunarodna konferencija Inkluzivna teorija i praksa: vaspitno-obrazovni, (re)habilitacioni i savetodavni ra

Research paper thumbnail of Students' motivation and academic success in inclusive classes

Nastava i vaspitanje, 2016

МОТИВАЦИЈА учЕНИКА у ИНКЛуЗИВНОЈ НАСТАВИ И ШКОЛСКИ уСПЕХ Сагледавање доживљаја мотивације ученика... more МОТИВАЦИЈА учЕНИКА у ИНКЛуЗИВНОЈ НАСТАВИ И ШКОЛСКИ уСПЕХ Сагледавање доживљаја мотивације ученика у условима инклузивног образовања умногоме одређује поступке у настави. Основни циљ овог истраживања је да утврди да ли постоји разлика у доживљају мотивације ученика са тешкоћама у учењу и развоју који се образују у инклузивној настави и ученика без ових тешкоћа, као и да ли постоји корелација између школског успеха и доживљаја мотивације ове две групе ученика. Узорак истраживања чинило је 87 ученика петог разреда, и то 24,13% ученика са тешкоћама у учењу и развоју и 75,86% ученика без тешкоћа. Испитивање доживљаја мотивације извршено је путем Скале за процену спољашње и унутрашње мотивације. Статистичке анализе су показале да постоје разлике у доживљају укупне, унутрашње и спољашње мотивације ученика са и без тешкоћа у учењу и развоју. Постојање сметње у учењу корелира са постизањем нижег школског успеха на крају четвртог разреда. Са порастом школског успеха опада доживљај мотивације код обе групе ученика. Добијени резултати указују на важност интервенције наставника и стручних сарадника за одржавање и развој мотивације свих ученика. Резултати овог истраживања стављају у фокус квалитет система вредновања школског постигнућа свих ученика и позивају на изучавање како и на који начин наставници разумеју и примењују различите функције оцењивања. мотивација, школски успех, инклузија. увод Мотивација за школско учење, један од најважнијих фактора успеха, добила је посебан значај увођењем инклузивне наставе, која као основни принцип има поштовање различитости и уважавање индивидуалних разлика међу децом у погледу

Research paper thumbnail of Social participation of women with breast cancer

Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2015

Background/Aim. The general problems of persons with malignant diseases (stages of asthenia, chro... more Background/Aim. The general problems of persons with malignant diseases (stages of asthenia, chronic fatigue and exhaustion, followed by depression and anxiety) lead to a decrease in functional abilities and a declining quality of life. The aim of this study was to determine the level of difficulty, the type of required assistance and the level of satisfaction that derives from maintaining life habits. The study also examined the correlation between the level of accomplishment of life habits and the level of satisfaction with how they are maintained. Methods. The research was conducted at the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade and in the ?Get Together? Association of Women with Breast Cancer from June to September 2012 on a sample of 30 women. A standardised questionnaire, Assessment of Life Habits - LIFE-H v.3.0, was administered. Results. The lowest level of maintaining normal activities was related to education, housing and recreation. The greatest need for support to maintain ...

Research paper thumbnail of Architectural accessibility of shools: Implications for individual education plans for pupils with physical disabilities

Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Teachers’ sense of efficacy and implications for implementation of inclusive education1

Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija, 2015

some influence". Distribution of answers in the subscales is similar to the distribution of overa... more some influence". Distribution of answers in the subscales is similar to the distribution of overall answers, but it is observed that in the subscale "Efficacy in Challenging Goals", regardless of high arithmetic mean (AM 6.50, SD 1.09), minimum self-efficacy assessment is closer to "I have very little influence". Teachers' sense of self-efficacy is a construct which can significantly influence teachers' readiness to work in a challenging environment, and as such, has to be included in considering the implications for the implementation of inclusive education.