Snježana Barić-Šelmić - (original) (raw)

Papers by Snježana Barić-Šelmić

Research paper thumbnail of Osobe S Invaliditetom U Udomiteljstvu Kroz Analizu Medijskog Sadržaja Internetskih Portala

47 Akademija za umjetnost i kulturu, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, sbaric@ auk... more 47 Akademija za umjetnost i kulturu, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, sbaric@ 48 Ovaj je rad financirao Pravni fakultet Osijek Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku internim projektom IP-PRAVOS-9 "Razvoj modela u zajednici za podršku i pomoć obiteljima, osobama u riziku i ranjivim skupinama u društvu".



Synthetic or artificial media are digital media created by artificial intelligence. More precisel... more Synthetic or artificial media are digital media created by artificial intelligence. More precisely, they are created by manipulation of artificial intelligence algorithms. Synthetic text, image, sound, video, and various 3D applications are the main types of synthetic media. These highquality forms of virtual content have drawn the attention of the general public, mostly due to their ability to manipulate perceptions. ChatGPT, OpenAI’s text generation programme, broke all records in terms of fast adoption in the general public, capital investments and technological breakthroughs that are potentially more far-reaching even than the internet itself. The creation of a synthetic text involves the use of artificial intelligence, including natural language processing (NLP), to generate written content such as articles, news, stories and social media posts. OpenAI developed a language model whose output text is similar to human created text, and which is capable of answering questions. Notwithstanding all interesting innovations introduced by this advanced technology, especially in the world of entertainment, we must also question the possible ethical and social implications, but also the implications for the use of “small” languages like Croatian. ChatGPT is rather good at translating inquiries and replies into English, which functions as a lingua franca, but it often has trouble translating English into other languages. Languages such as French and Chinese, which are known as “high-resource” languages and are extensively represented in databases, translate from and into English much better than Javanese and other “low-resource” languages. Difficulties in translation into the Croatian language on the one hand and inaccurate factographic information on the Croatian language culture on the other arise in this context.

Research paper thumbnail of Jezik influencera u kontekstu novih novih medija


Zbornik radova s 2. međunarodne umjetničke i znanstvene konferencije Osobe s invaliditetom u umjetnosti, znanosti, odgoju i obrazovanju (2021.), 2023

Inkluzija osoba s invaliditetom u društvo i zajednicu, promatrajući u okviru temeljnih ljudskih p... more Inkluzija osoba s invaliditetom u društvo i zajednicu, promatrajući u okviru temeljnih ljudskih prava, oslanja se na politike prema osobama s invaliditetom poput strategije usmjerene na implementaciju deinstitucionalizacije koja se temelji na inkluziji i uključivanje osoba s invaliditetom u sve sadržaje života u zajednici. Jedan od ciljeva deinstitucionalizacije povećanje je izvaninstitucijskog smještaja poput udomiteljstva za djecu i odrasle osobe s invaliditetom te psihički bolesne odrasle osobe. Udomiteljstvo osigurava kvalitetniju skrb i okruženje što sličnije izvornoj obitelji s ciljem zaštite djece i odraslih s invaliditetom. Prema statističkom izvješću Ministarstva rada, mirovinskoga sustava, obitelji i socijalne politike, u protekle tri godine uočen je pad broja smještaja u udomiteljstvu djece i odraslih osoba s invaliditetom više od 20%. Stereotipi i stigmatizacija osoba s invaliditetom utječu na marginalizaciju od strane društva i socijalnu distancu te odbacivanje. Mediji često na različite načine prikazuju osobe s invaliditetom kroz incidente koji se događaju i tako podržavaju stigmatiziranje ili generaliziranje. Cilj je istraživanja analizirati pojavnost udomiteljstva osoba s invaliditetom u medijima jer je jedan od ciljeva deinstitucionalizacije promoviranje alternativnih oblika skrbi, posebno udomiteljstva, u javnosti. Istraživački okvir obuhvaća kvalitativno istraživanje analize sadržaja triju internetskih portala koji imaju i svoju tiskanu inačicu – več, i Razdoblje analize odnosi se na objave članaka u okviru dva mjeseca, i to u razdoblju od 1. 10. 2021. do 1. 12. 2021. – a obuhvaća sve medijske objave članaka koji su se pojavili u istraživanom razdoblju na analiziranim internetskim portalima. Hipoteza pretpostavlja izočnost sadržaja vezanog uz udomiteljstvo osoba s invaliditetom, odnosno vrlo rijetko medijsko pojavljivanje. Svrha ovog rada jest potaknuti daljnja istraživanja koja bi mogla potvrditi kako ovakve i slične socijalne teme nisu dovoljno medijski potentne da bi se o njima više progovaralo.
Ključne riječi: deinstitucionalizacija, internetski portali, medijski sadržaj, osobe s invaliditetom, udomiteljstvo



Synthetic or artificial media are digital media created by artificial intelligence. More precisel... more Synthetic or artificial media are digital media created by artificial intelligence. More precisely, they are created by manipulation of artificial intelligence algorithms. Synthetic text, image, sound, video, and various 3D applications are the main types of synthetic media. These highquality forms of virtual content have drawn the attention of the general public, mostly due to their ability to manipulate perceptions. ChatGPT, OpenAI's text generation programme, broke all records in terms of fast adoption in the general public, capital investments and technological breakthroughs that are potentially more far-reaching even than the internet itself. The creation of a synthetic text involves the use of artificial intelligence, including natural language processing (NLP), to generate written content such as articles, news, stories and social media posts. OpenAI developed a language model whose output text is similar to humancreated text, and which is capable of answering questions. Notwithstanding all interesting innovations introduced by this advanced technology, especially in the world of entertainment, we must also question the possible ethical and social implications, but also the implications for the use of "small" languages like Croatian. ChatGPT is rather good at translating inquiries and replies into English, which functions as a lingua franca, but it often has trouble translating English into other languages. Languages such as French and Chinese, which are known as "high-resource" languages and are extensively represented in databases, translate from and into English much better than Javanese and other "low-resource" languages. Difficulties in translation into the Croatian language on the one hand and inaccurate factographic information on the Croatian language culture on the other arise in this context.

Research paper thumbnail of Moć U Digitalnim Rukama Prosumera – Unaprjeđenje Korisničkog Iskustva I Sučelja (Ux/Ui) Na Primjeru Redizajna Instagrama

Europski realiteti – Moć

Tehnologija Web 2.0 stubokom je promijenila komunikacijsku paradigmu omogućivši novu vrstu intera... more Tehnologija Web 2.0 stubokom je promijenila komunikacijsku paradigmu omogućivši novu vrstu interaktivne publike – prosumera. Mobilne komunikacije omogućile su nove ‘produžetke’ te podcrtale važnost digitalnog dizajna – korisničkog sučelja (UI) i korisničkog iskustva (UX). Što korisnike privlači na društvenim mrežama, posebice Instagramu? Podrazumijeva li važnost dizajna korisničkog iskustva (UXa) i korisničkog sučelja (UI-a) zadovoljavanje potreba te gratifikacije za korisnika (U&G)? Instagram je pomno izdizajniran tako da zadržava postojeće korisnike i privlači nove – jer svojim funkcionalnostima i vizualnim elementima zadovoljava potrebe i želje korisnika. Ovaj rad će analizirati korisnike Instagrama tako da istraži njihovo zadovoljstvo postojećim karakteristikama Instagrama, istraži njihove želje i potrebe te istraži na koji način se može unaprijediti korisničko iskustvo (UX) i korisničko sučelje (UI) ove društvene mreže.

Research paper thumbnail of Moć u digitalnim rukama prosumera - unaprjeđenje korisničkog iskustva i sučelja (UX/UI) na primjeru redizajna Instagrama

Zbornik radova Europski realiteti – Moć, 2023

Tehnologija Web 2.0 stubokom je promijenila komunikacijsku paradigmu omogućivši novu vrstu intera... more Tehnologija Web 2.0 stubokom je promijenila komunikacijsku paradigmu omogućivši novu vrstu interaktivne publike – prosumera. Mobilne komunikacije omogućile su nove ‘produžetke’ te podcrtale važnost digitalnog dizajna – korisničkog sučelja (UI) i korisničkog iskustva (UX). Što korisnike privlači na društvenim mrežama, posebice Instagramu? Podrazumijeva li važnost dizajna korisničkog iskustva (UXa)
i korisničkog sučelja (UI-a) zadovoljavanje potreba te gratifikacije za korisnika (U&G)? Instagram je pomno izdizajniran tako da zadržava postojeće korisnike i privlači nove – jer svojim funkcionalnostima i vizualnim elementima zadovoljava potrebe i želje korisnika. Ovaj rad će analizirati korisnike Instagrama tako da istraži njihovo zadovoljstvo postojećim karakteristikama Instagrama, istraži njihove želje i
potrebe te istraži na koji način se može unaprijediti korisničko iskustvo (UX) i korisničko sučelje (UI) ove društvene mreže.

Research paper thumbnail of Teorija koristi i zadovoljstva - generacijske kohorte na društvenim mrežama

Evropska revija, 2022

Nova paradigma hibridne stvarnosti pretpostavlja kako je izlišno govoriti o dvije odvojene stvarn... more Nova paradigma hibridne stvarnosti pretpostavlja kako je izlišno govoriti o dvije odvojene stvarnosti, stvarnoj i onoj virtualnoj. Kako se u novom okruženju snalaze generacijske kohorte: Baby Boomeri, generacija X, Y i Z, istražuje i analizira ovaj rad. Osnovna metodologija temeljena na teoriji koristi i zadovoljstva, istražit će koje su to gratifikacije za pojedine generacijske kohorte koje ostvaruju koristeći društvene mreže. Rad jasno definira generacijske kohorte te ispituje poznatost, korištenje, konzumiranje i produciranje društvenomrežnoga sadržaja te koristi i zadovoljstva ostvarena koristeći društvene mreže.
Istraživačka kvantitativna metoda anketnog upitnika obuhvatila je uzorak od 968 ispitanika, od čega je 671 ispitanik u potpunosti i valjano ispunio anketni upitnik. Broj ispitanika prema stratumima je bio sljedeći: Baby Boomeri 97 ispitanika, generacija X 213, generacija Y 273 te generacija Novih Milenijalaca 83 ispitanika. Istraživanje pokazuje kako postoji osobna i društvena motivacija te potreba za oslobađanjem tenzija kao motivatora za usvajanje internetskih društvenih mreža. Ovo istraživanje utvrdilo je kako je osobna motivacija često prediktor korištenja društvenih mreža mlađih generacijskih kohorti, poglavito generacijske kohorte Novi Milenijalci (Z), kao i eskapizam koji je najzastupljeniji kod generacijske kohorte Novi Milenijalci. Oni su, uz pripadnike generacijske kohorte Y, također skloniji inovacijama. Generacija Baby Boomera pak koristi društvenu motivaciju kao prediktora korištenja društvenih mreža.

Research paper thumbnail of Why We Need Fiction during the Covid-19 Pandemic? Videogames: A Sketch for a Genre Typology

MEGATRENDS AND MEDIA: Home Officetainment. Conference Proceedings from the International Scientific Conference held online on 21st April 2021., 2021

Fiction is an invention that allows humankind to expand, and a state of affairs that can be analy... more Fiction is an invention that allows humankind to expand, and a state of affairs that can be analysed from several different points of view. While pondering the purpose of this invention, we must consider the different uses it is designed for, and recognise the differences between fiction in everyday life, fiction in literature, and virtual reality. By incorporating factual, historical and verified material evidence, fiction inspires the reader to continually question the boundaries of fiction and faction using quotability, editing and collaging. The profusion of archive documents relating to important world events, wars, genocides, depressions, collective traumas and diseases, interwoven with the space of fiction, requires an active reader who will be able to follow all the elements of the work of literature, understand the author's engaged position, and consciously develop one of his own. The transmedial narratology theory, on the other hand, analyses how different media build story worlds, the implications on their recipients, and the opportunities for subversion. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been situations when fiction was able to better explain what was going on in the world than science. Gaming, fiction and fictionalisation explain and help predict the outcome or result. The truth is no longer an absolute concept, but depends on its interpreter. In the present context, when social rules are less clear or are completely incomprehensible, a return to games and fiction is a principle that helps us better understand our environment and other people's reactions. The artificially created world plays an important role in this. Contrary to our tradition, based on Aristotle's postulates, our idea of the virtual now means that we see perfection as means to repair the imperfect world. There are no mistakes in virtual worlds. We choose and love virtual persons because they never let us down. We are inclined to avoid the real life and its negative aspects, such as habits, illness, aging and death, and immerse ourselves in videogames as an escape during the pandemic. The paper discusses the relationship between adaptation and emulation of new media, genre positioning of videogames in the literary and media genealogy, and their role during the long-lasting social isolation we have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, which presents us with a double thesis: videogames can be used as a tool for social criticism, and the boundary between reality and virtual reality will eventually become immaterial.

Research paper thumbnail of A semiotic analysis of identity in the New Media - a mode of self-presentation in the Social Networking Sites

Rad se bavi semiotičkom analizom identiteta u novim medijima, odnosno načinom prezentacije sebe n... more Rad se bavi semiotičkom analizom identiteta u novim medijima, odnosno načinom prezentacije sebe na društvenim mrežama. Pri tome je napravljena analiza sadržaja i semiotička analiza profila na društvenim mrežama, iz kojih se kasnije interpretiraju rezultati te donosi konačan zaključak.The thesis deals with the semiotic analysis of the identity of the new media, and modes of self-presentation on social networking sites. The content analysis and semiotic analysis of profiles on social networking sites have been conducted, subsequently interpreting the results and drawing the conclusions

Research paper thumbnail of A Dead Letter is a Good Start: a Study on Literary Genealogy of Emerging Genres in New Media

Research paper thumbnail of Izgubljeni na internetu: znanje, identitet, informacija

Research paper thumbnail of Marginal Groups and Their Role Within Media and Society Spectacularization – The Case of the International “Big Brother” Television Reality Show

Ever since it was first aired in September 1999 in the Netherlands, the Big Brother television sh... more Ever since it was first aired in September 1999 in the Netherlands, the Big Brother television show became the world’s most famous and most widely-held reality show franchise with up to 400 broadcast seasons in more than 70 countries. Since strong competition emerged in the meantime in the form of many other reality shows, owners of the Big Brother franchise are constantly trying to ‘refresh’ the concept in various ways to maintain its popularity and ratings. Thus, several production companies and commercial televisions from the former Yugoslavia region, all of them license owners authorised to produce the show, decided to organise an international or, more accurately, regional Big Brother show from September to December 2015. The producers gathered a total of 19 contestants from five countries with similar spoken languages – Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia – almost half of whom were somewhat bizarre members of socially sensitive, so-called marginal...

Research paper thumbnail of The Level of Credibility of Traditional and New Media in Reporting on Human Rights Issues

Attempting to find an answer to the question in the focus of this paper – are new mass media in C... more Attempting to find an answer to the question in the focus of this paper – are new mass media in Croatia more credible and socially responsible than traditional ones? – the authors explore several key aspects regarding the monitoring and processing of human rights issues in selected media. In addition to the theoretical foundation, several qualitative and quantitative research methods have been applied. These are primarily the comparative method and content analysis (of the texts themselves, but also the type of their graphic equipment) of three most popular daily newspapers (24 sata, Jutarnji list and Večernji list) and three most popular daily news portals (, and in the period from 15 February to 15 April 2016. The way in which the selected newspapers and Internet portals reported on issues related to human rights – with emphasis on the rights of religious, national, racial and other minorities – was compared. In parallel, between 10 and 20 March 2016, a ...

Research paper thumbnail of Paradigm Shift in Management - Postmodern Leaders in a Network Society

Research paper thumbnail of Credibility of Media in Reporting on Human Rights Issues

Attempting to find an answer to the question in the focus of this paper – are new mass media in C... more Attempting to find an answer to the question in the focus of this paper – are new mass media in Croatia more credible and socially responsible than traditional ones? – the authors explore several key aspects regarding the monitoring and processing of human rights issues in selected media. In addition to the theoretical foundation, several qualitative and quantitative research methods have been applied. These are primarily the comparative method and content analysis (of the texts themselves, but also the type of their graphic equipment) of three most popular daily newspapers (24 sata, Jutarnji list and Vecernji list) and three most popular daily news portals (, and in the period from 15 February to 15 April 2016. The way in which the selected newspapers and Internet portals reported on issues related to human rights – with emphasis on the rights of religious, national, racial and other minorities – was compared. In parallel, between 10 and 20 March 2016, a ...

Research paper thumbnail of Semiotička analiza identiteta u novim medijima - način prezentacije sebe na društvenim mrežama

Rad se bavi semiotickom analizom identiteta u novim medijima, odnosno nacinom prezentacije sebe n... more Rad se bavi semiotickom analizom identiteta u novim medijima, odnosno nacinom prezentacije sebe na drustvenim mrežama. Pri tome je napravljena ana

Research paper thumbnail of Escaping the “virtual promenade” – new trends in use of social networks by members of generation “z

Media, culture and public relations, Dec 16, 2018

The aim of this paper is to determine whether the younger population in Croatia is following the ... more The aim of this paper is to determine whether the younger population in Croatia is following the dominant world trends in the use of social networks as extremely widespread communication platforms. Namely, although the Facebook community currently consists of as many as two billion users and is still convincingly the most popular social network in the world, it has already been noted that members of the so-called generation Z (people born after 1995) across the world are increasingly abandoning or minorizing Facebook and turning to other social networks. To this end, the authors used the comparative method to investigate the use of several contemporary social networks and current trends in the world and Croatia, using the necessary theoretical framework. Also, during May of 2017, the authors conducted a research into online habits and attitudes on social networkswhich has not yet been done in Croatia, in the authors' knowledge-by means of an online survey among secondary school students, members of generation Z, in several major and smaller Croatian cities: Zagreb, Osijek, Krk and Korčula. The results of the research confirmed the initial hypotheses of the authors: young people are increasingly leaving Facebook as a "virtual promenade", largely because older generations began using it, including their parents; they are mostly turning to social networks that offer a prevalence of photographs over text, primarily Instagram and Snapchat. In addition, no significant differences were found between members of generation Z in larger urban areas on the continent and smaller urban areas on the Adriatic islands, when it comes to their preferences.

Research paper thumbnail of The Level of Credibility of Traditional and New Media in Reporting on Human Rights Issues.pdf

Attempting to find an answer to the question in the focus of this paper – are new mass media in C... more Attempting to find an answer to the question in the focus of this paper – are new mass media in Croatia more credible and socially responsible than traditional ones? – the authors explore several key aspects regarding the monitoring and processing of human rights issues in selected media. In addition to the theoretical foundation, several qualitative and quantitative research methods have been applied. These are primarily the comparative method and content analysis (of the texts themselves, but also the type of their graphic equipment) of three most popular daily newspapers (24 sata, Jutarnji list and Večernji list) and three most popular daily news portals (, and in the period from 15 February to 15 April 2016. The way in which the selected newspapers and Internet portals reported on issues related to human rights – with emphasis on the rights of religious, national, racial and other minorities – was compared. In parallel, between 10 and 20 March 2016, a survey among citizens was conducted by combining face-to-face and online survey questionnaires. All the above was realized to prove the hypothesis that traditional, especially printed media in Croatia are still more credible, and the results of this research confirm it. Although readership or following has for years now been on the side of Internet portals, the newspapers still clearly ensure greater credibility in the Croatian public with their approach and the way they process a topic, especially when serious topics such as human rights issues are concerned.
Keywords: credibility, traditional media, new media, human rights, Croatia

Research paper thumbnail of Marginal Groups and their Role within Media and Society Spectacularization (2).pdf

Ever since it was first aired in September 1999 in the Netherlands, the Big Brother television sh... more Ever since it was first aired in September 1999 in the Netherlands, the Big Brother television show became the
world’s most famous and most widely-held reality show franchise with up to 400 broadcast seasons in more
than 70 countries. Since strong competition emerged in the meantime in the form of many other reality shows,
owners of the Big Brother franchise are constantly trying to ‘refresh’ the concept in various ways to maintain
its popularity and ratings. Thus, several production companies and commercial televisions from the former
Yugoslavia region, all of them license owners authorised to produce the show, decided to organise an international
or, more accurately, regional Big Brother show from September to December 2015. The producers
gathered a total of 19 contestants from five countries with similar spoken languages – Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia – almost half of whom were somewhat bizarre members of socially
sensitive, so-called marginal groups of citizens (a homeless person, a prostitute, a transgender person,
a Roma family and others), which caused strong and divisive public reactions in the mentioned countries. The
authors conducted an analysis of the content of the show broadcast over a period of one month in order to find
out whether and to what extent these members of marginal societal groups were used to promote and increase
viewer ratings of the show. At the same time, they followed the viewer ratings and, to a lesser extent, the public
opinion on the show in Croatia. In the theoretical part, briefly, terms such as “marginal groups of citizens”,
“celebrity culture”, “spectacularization of society and media” and “reality show” and the concept of television
and its convergence with new, digital media formats have been elaborated. The objectives of the research were
to determine whether the show’s license owners succeeded in their somewhat controversial approach to halt
the trend of decreasing viewer ratings, and whether the concept of Big Brother and reality shows in general
have been somewhat ‘worn out’, at least in South East Europe.

Research paper thumbnail of Osobe S Invaliditetom U Udomiteljstvu Kroz Analizu Medijskog Sadržaja Internetskih Portala

47 Akademija za umjetnost i kulturu, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, sbaric@ auk... more 47 Akademija za umjetnost i kulturu, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, sbaric@ 48 Ovaj je rad financirao Pravni fakultet Osijek Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku internim projektom IP-PRAVOS-9 "Razvoj modela u zajednici za podršku i pomoć obiteljima, osobama u riziku i ranjivim skupinama u društvu".



Synthetic or artificial media are digital media created by artificial intelligence. More precisel... more Synthetic or artificial media are digital media created by artificial intelligence. More precisely, they are created by manipulation of artificial intelligence algorithms. Synthetic text, image, sound, video, and various 3D applications are the main types of synthetic media. These highquality forms of virtual content have drawn the attention of the general public, mostly due to their ability to manipulate perceptions. ChatGPT, OpenAI’s text generation programme, broke all records in terms of fast adoption in the general public, capital investments and technological breakthroughs that are potentially more far-reaching even than the internet itself. The creation of a synthetic text involves the use of artificial intelligence, including natural language processing (NLP), to generate written content such as articles, news, stories and social media posts. OpenAI developed a language model whose output text is similar to human created text, and which is capable of answering questions. Notwithstanding all interesting innovations introduced by this advanced technology, especially in the world of entertainment, we must also question the possible ethical and social implications, but also the implications for the use of “small” languages like Croatian. ChatGPT is rather good at translating inquiries and replies into English, which functions as a lingua franca, but it often has trouble translating English into other languages. Languages such as French and Chinese, which are known as “high-resource” languages and are extensively represented in databases, translate from and into English much better than Javanese and other “low-resource” languages. Difficulties in translation into the Croatian language on the one hand and inaccurate factographic information on the Croatian language culture on the other arise in this context.

Research paper thumbnail of Jezik influencera u kontekstu novih novih medija


Zbornik radova s 2. međunarodne umjetničke i znanstvene konferencije Osobe s invaliditetom u umjetnosti, znanosti, odgoju i obrazovanju (2021.), 2023

Inkluzija osoba s invaliditetom u društvo i zajednicu, promatrajući u okviru temeljnih ljudskih p... more Inkluzija osoba s invaliditetom u društvo i zajednicu, promatrajući u okviru temeljnih ljudskih prava, oslanja se na politike prema osobama s invaliditetom poput strategije usmjerene na implementaciju deinstitucionalizacije koja se temelji na inkluziji i uključivanje osoba s invaliditetom u sve sadržaje života u zajednici. Jedan od ciljeva deinstitucionalizacije povećanje je izvaninstitucijskog smještaja poput udomiteljstva za djecu i odrasle osobe s invaliditetom te psihički bolesne odrasle osobe. Udomiteljstvo osigurava kvalitetniju skrb i okruženje što sličnije izvornoj obitelji s ciljem zaštite djece i odraslih s invaliditetom. Prema statističkom izvješću Ministarstva rada, mirovinskoga sustava, obitelji i socijalne politike, u protekle tri godine uočen je pad broja smještaja u udomiteljstvu djece i odraslih osoba s invaliditetom više od 20%. Stereotipi i stigmatizacija osoba s invaliditetom utječu na marginalizaciju od strane društva i socijalnu distancu te odbacivanje. Mediji često na različite načine prikazuju osobe s invaliditetom kroz incidente koji se događaju i tako podržavaju stigmatiziranje ili generaliziranje. Cilj je istraživanja analizirati pojavnost udomiteljstva osoba s invaliditetom u medijima jer je jedan od ciljeva deinstitucionalizacije promoviranje alternativnih oblika skrbi, posebno udomiteljstva, u javnosti. Istraživački okvir obuhvaća kvalitativno istraživanje analize sadržaja triju internetskih portala koji imaju i svoju tiskanu inačicu – več, i Razdoblje analize odnosi se na objave članaka u okviru dva mjeseca, i to u razdoblju od 1. 10. 2021. do 1. 12. 2021. – a obuhvaća sve medijske objave članaka koji su se pojavili u istraživanom razdoblju na analiziranim internetskim portalima. Hipoteza pretpostavlja izočnost sadržaja vezanog uz udomiteljstvo osoba s invaliditetom, odnosno vrlo rijetko medijsko pojavljivanje. Svrha ovog rada jest potaknuti daljnja istraživanja koja bi mogla potvrditi kako ovakve i slične socijalne teme nisu dovoljno medijski potentne da bi se o njima više progovaralo.
Ključne riječi: deinstitucionalizacija, internetski portali, medijski sadržaj, osobe s invaliditetom, udomiteljstvo



Synthetic or artificial media are digital media created by artificial intelligence. More precisel... more Synthetic or artificial media are digital media created by artificial intelligence. More precisely, they are created by manipulation of artificial intelligence algorithms. Synthetic text, image, sound, video, and various 3D applications are the main types of synthetic media. These highquality forms of virtual content have drawn the attention of the general public, mostly due to their ability to manipulate perceptions. ChatGPT, OpenAI's text generation programme, broke all records in terms of fast adoption in the general public, capital investments and technological breakthroughs that are potentially more far-reaching even than the internet itself. The creation of a synthetic text involves the use of artificial intelligence, including natural language processing (NLP), to generate written content such as articles, news, stories and social media posts. OpenAI developed a language model whose output text is similar to humancreated text, and which is capable of answering questions. Notwithstanding all interesting innovations introduced by this advanced technology, especially in the world of entertainment, we must also question the possible ethical and social implications, but also the implications for the use of "small" languages like Croatian. ChatGPT is rather good at translating inquiries and replies into English, which functions as a lingua franca, but it often has trouble translating English into other languages. Languages such as French and Chinese, which are known as "high-resource" languages and are extensively represented in databases, translate from and into English much better than Javanese and other "low-resource" languages. Difficulties in translation into the Croatian language on the one hand and inaccurate factographic information on the Croatian language culture on the other arise in this context.

Research paper thumbnail of Moć U Digitalnim Rukama Prosumera – Unaprjeđenje Korisničkog Iskustva I Sučelja (Ux/Ui) Na Primjeru Redizajna Instagrama

Europski realiteti – Moć

Tehnologija Web 2.0 stubokom je promijenila komunikacijsku paradigmu omogućivši novu vrstu intera... more Tehnologija Web 2.0 stubokom je promijenila komunikacijsku paradigmu omogućivši novu vrstu interaktivne publike – prosumera. Mobilne komunikacije omogućile su nove ‘produžetke’ te podcrtale važnost digitalnog dizajna – korisničkog sučelja (UI) i korisničkog iskustva (UX). Što korisnike privlači na društvenim mrežama, posebice Instagramu? Podrazumijeva li važnost dizajna korisničkog iskustva (UXa) i korisničkog sučelja (UI-a) zadovoljavanje potreba te gratifikacije za korisnika (U&G)? Instagram je pomno izdizajniran tako da zadržava postojeće korisnike i privlači nove – jer svojim funkcionalnostima i vizualnim elementima zadovoljava potrebe i želje korisnika. Ovaj rad će analizirati korisnike Instagrama tako da istraži njihovo zadovoljstvo postojećim karakteristikama Instagrama, istraži njihove želje i potrebe te istraži na koji način se može unaprijediti korisničko iskustvo (UX) i korisničko sučelje (UI) ove društvene mreže.

Research paper thumbnail of Moć u digitalnim rukama prosumera - unaprjeđenje korisničkog iskustva i sučelja (UX/UI) na primjeru redizajna Instagrama

Zbornik radova Europski realiteti – Moć, 2023

Tehnologija Web 2.0 stubokom je promijenila komunikacijsku paradigmu omogućivši novu vrstu intera... more Tehnologija Web 2.0 stubokom je promijenila komunikacijsku paradigmu omogućivši novu vrstu interaktivne publike – prosumera. Mobilne komunikacije omogućile su nove ‘produžetke’ te podcrtale važnost digitalnog dizajna – korisničkog sučelja (UI) i korisničkog iskustva (UX). Što korisnike privlači na društvenim mrežama, posebice Instagramu? Podrazumijeva li važnost dizajna korisničkog iskustva (UXa)
i korisničkog sučelja (UI-a) zadovoljavanje potreba te gratifikacije za korisnika (U&G)? Instagram je pomno izdizajniran tako da zadržava postojeće korisnike i privlači nove – jer svojim funkcionalnostima i vizualnim elementima zadovoljava potrebe i želje korisnika. Ovaj rad će analizirati korisnike Instagrama tako da istraži njihovo zadovoljstvo postojećim karakteristikama Instagrama, istraži njihove želje i
potrebe te istraži na koji način se može unaprijediti korisničko iskustvo (UX) i korisničko sučelje (UI) ove društvene mreže.

Research paper thumbnail of Teorija koristi i zadovoljstva - generacijske kohorte na društvenim mrežama

Evropska revija, 2022

Nova paradigma hibridne stvarnosti pretpostavlja kako je izlišno govoriti o dvije odvojene stvarn... more Nova paradigma hibridne stvarnosti pretpostavlja kako je izlišno govoriti o dvije odvojene stvarnosti, stvarnoj i onoj virtualnoj. Kako se u novom okruženju snalaze generacijske kohorte: Baby Boomeri, generacija X, Y i Z, istražuje i analizira ovaj rad. Osnovna metodologija temeljena na teoriji koristi i zadovoljstva, istražit će koje su to gratifikacije za pojedine generacijske kohorte koje ostvaruju koristeći društvene mreže. Rad jasno definira generacijske kohorte te ispituje poznatost, korištenje, konzumiranje i produciranje društvenomrežnoga sadržaja te koristi i zadovoljstva ostvarena koristeći društvene mreže.
Istraživačka kvantitativna metoda anketnog upitnika obuhvatila je uzorak od 968 ispitanika, od čega je 671 ispitanik u potpunosti i valjano ispunio anketni upitnik. Broj ispitanika prema stratumima je bio sljedeći: Baby Boomeri 97 ispitanika, generacija X 213, generacija Y 273 te generacija Novih Milenijalaca 83 ispitanika. Istraživanje pokazuje kako postoji osobna i društvena motivacija te potreba za oslobađanjem tenzija kao motivatora za usvajanje internetskih društvenih mreža. Ovo istraživanje utvrdilo je kako je osobna motivacija često prediktor korištenja društvenih mreža mlađih generacijskih kohorti, poglavito generacijske kohorte Novi Milenijalci (Z), kao i eskapizam koji je najzastupljeniji kod generacijske kohorte Novi Milenijalci. Oni su, uz pripadnike generacijske kohorte Y, također skloniji inovacijama. Generacija Baby Boomera pak koristi društvenu motivaciju kao prediktora korištenja društvenih mreža.

Research paper thumbnail of Why We Need Fiction during the Covid-19 Pandemic? Videogames: A Sketch for a Genre Typology

MEGATRENDS AND MEDIA: Home Officetainment. Conference Proceedings from the International Scientific Conference held online on 21st April 2021., 2021

Fiction is an invention that allows humankind to expand, and a state of affairs that can be analy... more Fiction is an invention that allows humankind to expand, and a state of affairs that can be analysed from several different points of view. While pondering the purpose of this invention, we must consider the different uses it is designed for, and recognise the differences between fiction in everyday life, fiction in literature, and virtual reality. By incorporating factual, historical and verified material evidence, fiction inspires the reader to continually question the boundaries of fiction and faction using quotability, editing and collaging. The profusion of archive documents relating to important world events, wars, genocides, depressions, collective traumas and diseases, interwoven with the space of fiction, requires an active reader who will be able to follow all the elements of the work of literature, understand the author's engaged position, and consciously develop one of his own. The transmedial narratology theory, on the other hand, analyses how different media build story worlds, the implications on their recipients, and the opportunities for subversion. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been situations when fiction was able to better explain what was going on in the world than science. Gaming, fiction and fictionalisation explain and help predict the outcome or result. The truth is no longer an absolute concept, but depends on its interpreter. In the present context, when social rules are less clear or are completely incomprehensible, a return to games and fiction is a principle that helps us better understand our environment and other people's reactions. The artificially created world plays an important role in this. Contrary to our tradition, based on Aristotle's postulates, our idea of the virtual now means that we see perfection as means to repair the imperfect world. There are no mistakes in virtual worlds. We choose and love virtual persons because they never let us down. We are inclined to avoid the real life and its negative aspects, such as habits, illness, aging and death, and immerse ourselves in videogames as an escape during the pandemic. The paper discusses the relationship between adaptation and emulation of new media, genre positioning of videogames in the literary and media genealogy, and their role during the long-lasting social isolation we have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, which presents us with a double thesis: videogames can be used as a tool for social criticism, and the boundary between reality and virtual reality will eventually become immaterial.

Research paper thumbnail of A semiotic analysis of identity in the New Media - a mode of self-presentation in the Social Networking Sites

Rad se bavi semiotičkom analizom identiteta u novim medijima, odnosno načinom prezentacije sebe n... more Rad se bavi semiotičkom analizom identiteta u novim medijima, odnosno načinom prezentacije sebe na društvenim mrežama. Pri tome je napravljena analiza sadržaja i semiotička analiza profila na društvenim mrežama, iz kojih se kasnije interpretiraju rezultati te donosi konačan zaključak.The thesis deals with the semiotic analysis of the identity of the new media, and modes of self-presentation on social networking sites. The content analysis and semiotic analysis of profiles on social networking sites have been conducted, subsequently interpreting the results and drawing the conclusions

Research paper thumbnail of A Dead Letter is a Good Start: a Study on Literary Genealogy of Emerging Genres in New Media

Research paper thumbnail of Izgubljeni na internetu: znanje, identitet, informacija

Research paper thumbnail of Marginal Groups and Their Role Within Media and Society Spectacularization – The Case of the International “Big Brother” Television Reality Show

Ever since it was first aired in September 1999 in the Netherlands, the Big Brother television sh... more Ever since it was first aired in September 1999 in the Netherlands, the Big Brother television show became the world’s most famous and most widely-held reality show franchise with up to 400 broadcast seasons in more than 70 countries. Since strong competition emerged in the meantime in the form of many other reality shows, owners of the Big Brother franchise are constantly trying to ‘refresh’ the concept in various ways to maintain its popularity and ratings. Thus, several production companies and commercial televisions from the former Yugoslavia region, all of them license owners authorised to produce the show, decided to organise an international or, more accurately, regional Big Brother show from September to December 2015. The producers gathered a total of 19 contestants from five countries with similar spoken languages – Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia – almost half of whom were somewhat bizarre members of socially sensitive, so-called marginal...

Research paper thumbnail of The Level of Credibility of Traditional and New Media in Reporting on Human Rights Issues

Attempting to find an answer to the question in the focus of this paper – are new mass media in C... more Attempting to find an answer to the question in the focus of this paper – are new mass media in Croatia more credible and socially responsible than traditional ones? – the authors explore several key aspects regarding the monitoring and processing of human rights issues in selected media. In addition to the theoretical foundation, several qualitative and quantitative research methods have been applied. These are primarily the comparative method and content analysis (of the texts themselves, but also the type of their graphic equipment) of three most popular daily newspapers (24 sata, Jutarnji list and Večernji list) and three most popular daily news portals (, and in the period from 15 February to 15 April 2016. The way in which the selected newspapers and Internet portals reported on issues related to human rights – with emphasis on the rights of religious, national, racial and other minorities – was compared. In parallel, between 10 and 20 March 2016, a ...

Research paper thumbnail of Paradigm Shift in Management - Postmodern Leaders in a Network Society

Research paper thumbnail of Credibility of Media in Reporting on Human Rights Issues

Attempting to find an answer to the question in the focus of this paper – are new mass media in C... more Attempting to find an answer to the question in the focus of this paper – are new mass media in Croatia more credible and socially responsible than traditional ones? – the authors explore several key aspects regarding the monitoring and processing of human rights issues in selected media. In addition to the theoretical foundation, several qualitative and quantitative research methods have been applied. These are primarily the comparative method and content analysis (of the texts themselves, but also the type of their graphic equipment) of three most popular daily newspapers (24 sata, Jutarnji list and Vecernji list) and three most popular daily news portals (, and in the period from 15 February to 15 April 2016. The way in which the selected newspapers and Internet portals reported on issues related to human rights – with emphasis on the rights of religious, national, racial and other minorities – was compared. In parallel, between 10 and 20 March 2016, a ...

Research paper thumbnail of Semiotička analiza identiteta u novim medijima - način prezentacije sebe na društvenim mrežama

Rad se bavi semiotickom analizom identiteta u novim medijima, odnosno nacinom prezentacije sebe n... more Rad se bavi semiotickom analizom identiteta u novim medijima, odnosno nacinom prezentacije sebe na drustvenim mrežama. Pri tome je napravljena ana

Research paper thumbnail of Escaping the “virtual promenade” – new trends in use of social networks by members of generation “z

Media, culture and public relations, Dec 16, 2018

The aim of this paper is to determine whether the younger population in Croatia is following the ... more The aim of this paper is to determine whether the younger population in Croatia is following the dominant world trends in the use of social networks as extremely widespread communication platforms. Namely, although the Facebook community currently consists of as many as two billion users and is still convincingly the most popular social network in the world, it has already been noted that members of the so-called generation Z (people born after 1995) across the world are increasingly abandoning or minorizing Facebook and turning to other social networks. To this end, the authors used the comparative method to investigate the use of several contemporary social networks and current trends in the world and Croatia, using the necessary theoretical framework. Also, during May of 2017, the authors conducted a research into online habits and attitudes on social networkswhich has not yet been done in Croatia, in the authors' knowledge-by means of an online survey among secondary school students, members of generation Z, in several major and smaller Croatian cities: Zagreb, Osijek, Krk and Korčula. The results of the research confirmed the initial hypotheses of the authors: young people are increasingly leaving Facebook as a "virtual promenade", largely because older generations began using it, including their parents; they are mostly turning to social networks that offer a prevalence of photographs over text, primarily Instagram and Snapchat. In addition, no significant differences were found between members of generation Z in larger urban areas on the continent and smaller urban areas on the Adriatic islands, when it comes to their preferences.

Research paper thumbnail of The Level of Credibility of Traditional and New Media in Reporting on Human Rights Issues.pdf

Attempting to find an answer to the question in the focus of this paper – are new mass media in C... more Attempting to find an answer to the question in the focus of this paper – are new mass media in Croatia more credible and socially responsible than traditional ones? – the authors explore several key aspects regarding the monitoring and processing of human rights issues in selected media. In addition to the theoretical foundation, several qualitative and quantitative research methods have been applied. These are primarily the comparative method and content analysis (of the texts themselves, but also the type of their graphic equipment) of three most popular daily newspapers (24 sata, Jutarnji list and Večernji list) and three most popular daily news portals (, and in the period from 15 February to 15 April 2016. The way in which the selected newspapers and Internet portals reported on issues related to human rights – with emphasis on the rights of religious, national, racial and other minorities – was compared. In parallel, between 10 and 20 March 2016, a survey among citizens was conducted by combining face-to-face and online survey questionnaires. All the above was realized to prove the hypothesis that traditional, especially printed media in Croatia are still more credible, and the results of this research confirm it. Although readership or following has for years now been on the side of Internet portals, the newspapers still clearly ensure greater credibility in the Croatian public with their approach and the way they process a topic, especially when serious topics such as human rights issues are concerned.
Keywords: credibility, traditional media, new media, human rights, Croatia

Research paper thumbnail of Marginal Groups and their Role within Media and Society Spectacularization (2).pdf

Ever since it was first aired in September 1999 in the Netherlands, the Big Brother television sh... more Ever since it was first aired in September 1999 in the Netherlands, the Big Brother television show became the
world’s most famous and most widely-held reality show franchise with up to 400 broadcast seasons in more
than 70 countries. Since strong competition emerged in the meantime in the form of many other reality shows,
owners of the Big Brother franchise are constantly trying to ‘refresh’ the concept in various ways to maintain
its popularity and ratings. Thus, several production companies and commercial televisions from the former
Yugoslavia region, all of them license owners authorised to produce the show, decided to organise an international
or, more accurately, regional Big Brother show from September to December 2015. The producers
gathered a total of 19 contestants from five countries with similar spoken languages – Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia – almost half of whom were somewhat bizarre members of socially
sensitive, so-called marginal groups of citizens (a homeless person, a prostitute, a transgender person,
a Roma family and others), which caused strong and divisive public reactions in the mentioned countries. The
authors conducted an analysis of the content of the show broadcast over a period of one month in order to find
out whether and to what extent these members of marginal societal groups were used to promote and increase
viewer ratings of the show. At the same time, they followed the viewer ratings and, to a lesser extent, the public
opinion on the show in Croatia. In the theoretical part, briefly, terms such as “marginal groups of citizens”,
“celebrity culture”, “spectacularization of society and media” and “reality show” and the concept of television
and its convergence with new, digital media formats have been elaborated. The objectives of the research were
to determine whether the show’s license owners succeeded in their somewhat controversial approach to halt
the trend of decreasing viewer ratings, and whether the concept of Big Brother and reality shows in general
have been somewhat ‘worn out’, at least in South East Europe.

Research paper thumbnail of The Rise of Networked Seniors - Differences in Motivation for Using Social Networks between Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants

Economics and Aging Emerging Issues, 2022

New trends in the use of social media, increasingly involving the general public, also widen the ... more New trends in the use of social media, increasingly involving the general public, also widen the research focus to all generations, i.e. (new) media consumers and producers (prosumers). The aim of this paper is to establish the motivation for using social networks, to explain the enormous popularity of Facebook, Instagram and other networks, among the older (Baby Boomer) generation. With the help of the Uses and Gratifications Theory, the author investigates the gratifications the older population achieve when using social networks and the uses (desires) they satisfy.
To the questions asked – Does the elderly population (50+) use social networks, especially Facebook, to meet their cognitive needs and escapist purposes?; Is the younger population decreasingly using Facebook as a social network, since older generations (their parents, grandparents – the digital immigrants) have appeared on it? – the author attempts to answer through research using in-depth interviews and the theory of uses and gratifications of social networks.

Keywords: Baby Boomer generation, Digital Natives, social networks, Uses and Gratifications Theory

Research paper thumbnail of Women as a target group - marketing in the new digital media

Book of Abstracts, 2nd International Online Scientific Conference "ICT in Life", Forging Tomorrow

Women are the target group for marketing purposes in the emphasis of this work. The purpose of ma... more Women are the target group for marketing purposes in the emphasis of this work. The purpose of marketing is to persuade the customer to make a purchase, and in order to do this, the customer must first identify their needs and wants before the product can be defined and placed. Digital marketing is inevitably brought up while discussing marketing in the modern day, particularly when it comes to target marketing. Digital marketing is a non-traditional marketing approach that involves advertising using digital platforms including social media, websites, search engines, and so on. However, identifying your target audience is the most crucial step in creating a high-quality marketing strategy. Even with superior quality, a product cannot succeed unless it is marketed to the appropriate audience. Pricing, product distribution, and promotion are all made simpler and more profitable by targeted marketing. Men and women alike are said to favor advertisements that cater to their individual needs or societal positions in marketing literature. Finding out how women feel about ads and marketing campaigns targeted at them is the focus of the study. The paper's objective is to shed light on respondents' perceptions of products that are suggested to them and marketing efforts that target them.

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability of Croatian local radio stations in contemporary media environment

6. Međunarodni znanstveni skup Europski realiteti – Održivost, 2024

Although belonging to traditional media, recoding mostly declining audiences and popularity in th... more Although belonging to traditional media, recoding mostly declining audiences and popularity in the contemporary media environment, radio has experienced an upswing in the last few years. There are several reasons for this: in order to listen to the radio, people do not need basic literacy; following radio content does not require complete focus and concentration; its program is high on entertainment content (primarily, music) and so on. Radio also worked and adapted well to new media trends, converging classic radio forms into new ones that are interesting to a younger audience, such as streaming and podcasts. This is why radio stations today play an important role in social communities, providing access to information, entertainment, and sometimes education, which is especially pronounced in local radio stations. Their representation in Croatia is extremely large, with almost 160 radio channels at the moment, almost 90 percent of which are local radio stations, according to their direction and reach. However, these stations frequently face difficulties in terms of financial resources, human capability and technological infrastructure. The aim of this paper is to determine the sustainability of local radio stations in the new media environment and the extent to which they can adapt to the current situation and contemporary media trends. For this purpose, in-depth face-to-face interviews and an online survey questionnaire were conducted among radio professionals – managers, editors and journalists of several Croatian local radio stations. The research focused on three main components: 1) Specific obstacles faced by local/regional media; 2) Impact of the shift to digital media on market competition, audience, and advertising income; 3) Examples and data illustrating the decline in traditional media formats. The main results of the research, best practices and lessons learned, as well as recommendations for improving the operation of local radio stations are presented in the final part of the paper.

Research paper thumbnail of Newaves project - Collaborative alliance for radio recovery and boost of community news media in low-density territories

9th Croatia ICARUS days: Heritage beyond borders - cultural and educational practices and new perspectives, 2024

The international project NEWAVES brings together partners and participants from four European co... more The international project NEWAVES brings together partners and participants from four European countries: Portugal, North Macedonia, Slovakia, and Croatia. The Newaves project represents Collaborative Alliance for Radio Recovery and Boost of Community News Media in Low-density Territories, financed through European Commission’s framework programme for support to the culture and audio-visual sector - Creative Europe Programme (CREA). The NEWAVES project is designed as a network for the exchange of best practices between local radio stations, journalists and communication experts. By giving local stations throughout Europe the opportunity to join a supportive network, NEWAVES is developing a cross-border and cross-sectoral community that will collaborate and have access to different tools and resources, including a digital platform for the distribution of radio programming in a variety of genres. The platform will contain materials produced by each of the local radio stations involved, giving them access to and promoting the circulation of a broad variety of European (“glocal”) content, enhancing what they can offer their listeners and boosting their competitiveness. The project will implement a knowledge transfer center for the radio sector at the local level and improve the professional skills of journalists and media professionals.