Solange Brandolini - (original) (raw)

Papers by Solange Brandolini

Research paper thumbnail of Influência de diferentes dietas sobre o crescimento, sobrevivência e reprodução de Leptinaria unilamellata (d´Orbigny, 1835) (Gastropoda, Subulinidae) em laboratório

Revista brasileira de zoociências, 2002

To increase the knowledge on the biology of L. unilamellata in laboratory conditions, they were s... more To increase the knowledge on the biology of L. unilamellata in laboratory conditions, they were studied and analyzed the following parameters: influence of the diet on the growth of the shell, the mortality coefficient and reproduction. Five diet groups were established, each one with 20 specimens of L. unilamellata, these groups were separate in two classes: simple diet and combined diet. Simple diet: Group I (ration for birds in growth); Group II (ration for quails in posture beginning) and Group III (vegetables); combined diet: Group IV (ration for birds in growth + vegetables) and Group V (ration for quails in posture beginning + vegetables). The diet composed of ration for quails in initial posture, when offered separately made possible a larger growth of the shells of the snails and, when offered combined with vegetables, propitiated the smallest mortality coefficient and the largest production of descendants.

Research paper thumbnail of Biological activity of Solanum lycocarpum (Solanaceae) coming from different fitogeographic regions in bioassays with Biomphalaria glabrata (Planorbidae)

Revista brasileira de zoociências, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Molecular investigation of Neorickettsia risticii in trematodes and snails in a region with serological evidence of this agent in horses, state of Rio de Janeiro

Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia, Dec 1, 2016

Molecular investigation of Neorickettsia risticii in trematodes and snails in a region with serol... more Molecular investigation of Neorickettsia risticii in trematodes and snails in a region with serological evidence of this agent in horses, state of Rio de Janeiro  [Pesquisa molecular de Neorickettsia risticii em trematódeos e moluscos em região com evidência sorológica do agente em equinos, estado do Rio de Janeiro]

Research paper thumbnail of Additional study of the morphology of eggs and miracidia of Eurytrema coelomaticum (Trematoda)

Helminthologia, Aug 13, 2015

The morphology of the eggs and miracidia of Eurytrema coelomaticum was analyzed. The eggshell pre... more The morphology of the eggs and miracidia of Eurytrema coelomaticum was analyzed. The eggshell presented different composition according to the maturation stage of the egg, as seen by distinct birefringence after polarized light microscopic analysis. Detailed morphology of the brownish eggs, measuring 44.97±3.83 (38.67-51.40) μm in length and 30.71±2.54 (25.79-34.47) μm in width, and the different electrondensities of the inner, middle and outer layers of the eggs were determined using light (bright fi eld and DIC) and electronic microscopy (scanning and transmission). The morphometry of the eggs is in accordance to those measures presented in previous studies. The miracidia were observed using light microscopy, inside and outside the egg. It was possible to observe the terebratorium at the anterior end of the body, the ciliated epidermal plates, placed according the formula E=2E 1 + 2E 2 , and the interepidermal ridge, but eyespots were not observed. The excretory vesicle was laterally placed in the posterior middle of the body and the germ balls were observed. The miracidium inside the egg was observed by routine techniques, but the miracidium was not well preserved. Thus, the eggs were processed using high pressure-freeze substitution technique and reasonable preservation was achieved. The cilia covering the larval body, with a typical ciliary organization, the terebratorium with folds and the junction of the epidermal ciliated cell with the larval body were seen. For the fi rst time detailed information on the eggs and miracidia of E. coelomaticum is given, which can be the basis for new studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Carbohydrate Metabolism Evaluation of Terrestrial Snail Subulina Octona (Gastropoda, Subulinidae) Experimentally Infected by the Paratanaisia Bragai Digenetic Trematode (Digenea, Eucotylidae)

Social Science Research Network, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Atividade biológica de Solanum lycocarpum (Solanaceae) procedente de regiões fitogeográficas distintas sobre Biomphalaria glabrata (Planorbidae)

Biological activity of Solanum lycocarpum (Solanaceae) coming from different fitogeographic regio... more Biological activity of Solanum lycocarpum (Solanaceae) coming from different fitogeographic regions in bioassays with Biomphalaria glabrata (Planorbidae). Schistosomiasis, in Brazil, is a serious problem for the public health, which has motivated numerous studies involving alternative forms of control the host snail, Biomphalaria glabrata. The objectives of the present study were: (1) to evaluate the molluscicidal potential of Solanum lycocarpum coming from the Estação Ecológica de Pirapitinga, Três Marias, Minas Gerais state and from campus Seropédica of the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro state through bioassays with B. glabrata and (2) to verify chronic effect, in the surviving snails, of the exposition to the aqueous extract of the plant on the reproduction (number the egg mass) and mortality. Leaves of the plant were droughts in ambient temperature, cut and weighed for the infusion preparation 10%, from which concentrations 2.5 and 5% were prepared. The snails used in the bioassays showed 9-13 mm shell diameter. Strong molluscicidal activity was observed, already in first the 24 hours of observation with the 10% concentration, for the plants came from the two analyzed localities. After 90 days of observation the influence of extracts on the parameter mortality of the surviving snails to the bioassays was observed.

Research paper thumbnail of Ultrastructure of the sporocysts of Eurytrema coelomaticum (Giard Et Billet, 1892) Looss, 1907

Veterinary Parasitology, Dec 1, 2011

The digenetic trematode Eurytrema coelomaticum is a parasite of pancreatic ducts of ruminants. Th... more The digenetic trematode Eurytrema coelomaticum is a parasite of pancreatic ducts of ruminants. The ultrastructure of the mother and daughter sporocysts of E. coelomaticum was analyzed. The mother sporocyst was attached to the coelome of the intestine wall of intermediate snail host Bradybaena similaris, intimately adhered in some regions. It presents a highly folded tegument with granules and the body wall was composed by an outer syncitial layer, basal lamina, and circular and longitudinal muscle layer. Below was the cell body (cyton) with the nucleus. The daughter sporocysts obtained by dissection exhibited many granules and secretory vesicle in the outer layer indicating an intense secretory activity. The body wall presented the same layers of the mother sporocysts, but the outer syncitial layer invaginated and an amorphous layer was present between the syncitial and circular muscle layers. The protonephridial excretory system was viewed. The anterior and posterior end of the expelled sporocyst exhibit a degenerated structure, but biological activity still occurred in these regions. The swollen middle of the body was filled by a lamellar structure formed by degenerating membranes, but the excretory system was preserved. The endocyst wall was fibrilar and filled by cercariae and amorphous, membranous and secretory material inside it. These results were discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Morfologia do estágio adulto de paratanaisia bragai utilizando a microscopia de luz de campo claro e dic

The biologist, 2012

O trematodeo Paratanaisia bragai que atinge a maturidade sexual nos ductos coletores de aves dome... more O trematodeo Paratanaisia bragai que atinge a maturidade sexual nos ductos coletores de aves domesticas e silvestres, utiliza para o desenvolvimento larval o molusco Subulina octona e Leptinaria unilamellata, que tambem, pode ser considerada hospedeiro intermediario no Brasil. Os ovos embrionados sao exteriorizados com as fezes do hospedeiro definitivo e a infeccao no molusco se estabelece pela ingestao destes. O miracidio, apos a eclosao, desenvolvem-se no interior do molusco duas geracoes de esporocistos, cercarias e metacercarias. O hospedeiro definitivo adquire a infeccao por ingestao do molusco parasitado. O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar a morfologia, utilizando a microscopia de luz de campo claro e DIC dos adultos de P. bragai. Pombos adultos da especie Columba livia, foram obtidos nas proximidades da central de abastecimento do estado do Rio de Janeiro S/A, Municipio do Rio de Janeiro/Iraja. No laboratorio, os pombos foram submetidos a exames de fezes para verificacao da infeccao, aqueles infectados foram eutanasiados e necropsiados para a coleta dos helmintos. Os protocolos experimentais foram aprovados pela comissao de etica na pesquisa da UFRRJ. Os helmintos foram fixados em glutaraldeido [C3H6(CHO)2] 2,5% em tampao cacodilato (C2H6AsO2Na) 0,1 M, pH 7,4, a 4o C. Os adultos foram montados em lâmina e cobertos com laminula, usando o proprio fixador como meio de montagem e foram observados em microscopio de luz Olympus BX51, acoplado a sistema de captura de imagem iTEM, usando campo claro e DIC. Na microscopia de campo claro, utilizando a objetiva de menor aumento, foi possivel observar que o parasito apresenta corpo achatado dorsoventralmente, ventosa oral subterminal, glândulas vitelogenicas e ovos. Verificou-se o detalhamento da coloracao dos ovos, com a presenca de ovos de cor pardacenta escura, media e clara, respectivamente da regiao anterior para a regiao posterior do corpo do parasito. No DIC foi possivel observar mais detalhadamente a ventosa oral e a faringe, alem das escamas na parte lateral do corpo do parasito. Nao foi possivel a visualizacao do esofago. A utilizacao da microscopia de campo claro e DIC podem contribuir para uma maior compreensao sobre a morfologia desses trematodeos, para elucidacao de aspectos morfofuncionais das escamas da superficie do corpo do parasito, o que contribui para a taxonomia e sistematica dos grupos de trematodeos.

Research paper thumbnail of Comportamento reprodutivo de Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822 ( Mollusca, Achatinidae ) sob condições experimentais

Revista brasileira de zoociências, 2007

Reproductive behavior of Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822 (Mollusca, Achatinidae) in experimental co... more Reproductive behavior of Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822 (Mollusca, Achatinidae) in experimental conditions. Achatina fulica is a species of terrestrial snail originated in Africa that was introduced in Brazil in 1980 for commercial ends. The population explosion of this species in the Brazilian territory is related with its high reproductive capacity, the absence of natural predators, the great capacity of adaptation in the environment conditions and some snails to have escaped of the creators. The present study was carried under experimental conditions and had as objectives: to verify the necessity of construction of nests for the posture, to determine the nests' depth, to determine the egg number for posture and to verify correlation between the nests' depth and egg number for posture. To the end of the experiment it was possible to verify that all the postures had been carried through in nests, with depths that varied between 4.0 to 6.8cm and the egg number for posture varied between 130 to 243. Statistical analysis of the results demonstrated that a significant correlation exists between the nests' depth and egg number for posture.

Research paper thumbnail of Desenvolvimento de Eurytrema coelomaticum (Giard & Billet) (Digenea, Dicrocoeliidae) em Bradybaena similaris (Férussac) (Gastropoda, Xanthonychidae)

Revista Brasileira De Zoologia, Jun 1, 2001

Development of ElIrylrellla coel omaliclIlII (Giard & Billet) (Digenea, Dicrococliidac) in Brat/y... more Development of ElIrylrellla coel omaliclIlII (Giard & Billet) (Digenea, Dicrococliidac) in Brat/ybaella silllilaris (Férussac) (Gastropoda, Xanthonychidae). To follow the larval development of Ewytrema coelomaliclIm (Giard & Billel, 1892) in 8radybaena similaris (Férussac, 1821) snails were separaled in three classes llsing lhe shell diameter: Class A (14.5-10 .2 mm), Class B (10.1-6.9 mm) and Class C (6.8-2.6 mm). Only snails belonging to classes A and B acquired the inteclion. Specimens of E. coelomalicum removed from lhe pancrealic ducts were exposed to lhree physiological solutions: Earle, Locke and saline 0.85%, to obtain eggs for the experimental infections. The Locke solution induced the best egg release. The route ofmigration lhe intramolluscan development oI' E. coelomalicum was stlldied with the aid 01" histology. The minimal period of intramolluscan development, ending aI lhe expelling of daughler sporocysts, was 107 days for the snails intecled in March, and 79 days for lhe snails infecled in November. The Sludenl "t" test and the Chi-square lest showed a significant difterence (u = 5%) between the two periods, although the mean lemperalure regislered during the experiments did not signiticanlly diftered (u = 5%). The eliminalion of daughter sporocysls occurred lhrough lhe snail's pneumostome, and always aI night. Most sporocysts were eliminated aI intervals thal varied between one to three days, without reglllarity. The time ofelimination ofthe dallghter sporocysts was ditlerenl for the two intection period studied: 12 weeks for the snails infecled in March, and llu'ee weeks for lhos e infecled in November. Posilive correlalion between the number of sporocysts expelled by the snail hOSI and higher lemperatures registered in lhe laboralOlY was observed. This correlation was more evident in November infeclion.

Research paper thumbnail of Desenvolvimento larval de Paratanaisia bragai (Santos) (Digenea, Eucotylidae) sob condições experimentais

Revista Brasileira De Zoologia, Dec 1, 2006


Parasitología al día, Jul 1, 1997

... A alimentacao consistiu de: cenoura, repolho, couve, chuchu, pepino e cascas de ovos brancos ... more ... A alimentacao consistiu de: cenoura, repolho, couve, chuchu, pepino e cascas de ovos brancos de galinha doméstica como fonte suplementar de calcio. ... Espécimes de T. bragai foram processados de acordo com Amato et al 15 e identificados segundo Yamaguti. 4. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Morfologia externa de espécimes adultos de Paratanaisia bragai (Santos, 1934) (Digenea: Eucotylidae)

Revista Brasileira De Parasitologia Veterinaria, Sep 1, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Eucotylidae) sob condições experimentais

Research paper thumbnail of Morphology and morphometry of Paratanaisia bragai () Freitas, 1959 (Digenea, Eucotylidae) through light and scanning electron microscopy

Brazilian Journal of Biology, 2023

Paratanaisia bragai is a digenetic trematode that reaches sexual maturity in the kidney collectin... more Paratanaisia bragai is a digenetic trematode that reaches sexual maturity in the kidney collecting ducts of domestic and wild birds, while the snails Subulina octona and Leptinaria unilamellata serve as its intermediate hosts in Brazil. The present study analyzed the morphology and morphometry of P. bragai. Adult specimens of the parasite were collected from naturally infected Columba livia kidneys, fixed and prepared for observation via bright field and differential interference contrast light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The parasite has an elongated and flattened body, with a subterminal oral sucker located at the anterior end of the body, as observed by all techniques used. Staining the parasite with hematoxylin-eosin enabled observation of the pharynx, located posteriorly to the oral sucker, the vitelline glands, which are extra-cecal and extend anteriorly to the pre-ovarian region and later to the median region of the body, and intestinal caeca parallel to the vitelline glands. The presence and functionality of the acetabulum are controversial points in the literature, but it was observed in all specimens analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, with a major diameter of 38.36 ± 6.96 (28.77-45.39) and minor diameter of 31.59 ± 7.04 (21.75-38.16). Close to the acetabulum, scales were observed in the integument of the parasite. Scales with (1-5) blade divisions were identified. In the genital pore, it was possible to see the everted cirrus with rosette shape. The excretory pore (first morphometric record) is dorsal and subterminal, with major diameter of 12.27 ± 9.16 (5.79-18.75) and minor diameter of 3.95 ± 1.49 (2.89-5.00).

Research paper thumbnail of Xiphidiocercariae from naturally infected Lymnaea columella (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in urban area: morphology and ultrastructure of the larvae and histological changes in the mollusc host

Brazilian Journal of Biology, Sep 1, 2019

Urban agriculture is very common in the cities, as Rio de Janeiro and adjacencies, being importan... more Urban agriculture is very common in the cities, as Rio de Janeiro and adjacencies, being important as economic activity. However, this practice can create appropriate conditions for establishment and maintenance of life cycle of many parasites. Lymneid snails can act as intermediate hosts of many trematodes species, including those that infect humans and wild and domestic. In the present study, the snail Lymnaea columella was collected from an urban watercress plantations and the morphology of cercariae released by them was analyzed by light and scanning electron microscopy. The specimens were identified as xiphidiocercariae, belonging to the Cercariae Ornatae group, of the order Plagiorchiiformes. Histological examination of the digestive gland of the infected snails revealed the presence of developing sporocysts, with hemocitary infiltration and metaplasia in the epithelial tissue.

Research paper thumbnail of Morphology and Morphometry of Paratanaisia Bragai (Santos, 1934) Freitas, 1959 (Digenea, Eucotylidae) Through Light and Scanning Electron Microscopy

Research paper thumbnail of Comportamento reprodutivo de Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822 ( Mollusca, Achatinidae ) sob condições experimentais

Achatina fulica e uma especie de molusco terrestre originaria da Africa que foi introduzida no Br... more Achatina fulica e uma especie de molusco terrestre originaria da Africa que foi introduzida no Brasil em 1980 com finalidade comercial. A explosao populacional desta especie no territorio brasileiro se deve principalmente a sua elevada capacidade reprodutiva, ausencia de predadores naturais, a grande capacidade de adaptacao as condicoes ambientais e a alguns moluscos que escaparam dos criadouros. O presente estudo foi conduzido sob condicoes experimentais e teve por objetivos: verificar a necessidade de construcao de ninhos para a realizacao das posturas, determinar a profundidade dos ninhos e numeros de ovos por postura. Ao final do experimento, foi possivel verificar que todas as posturas foram realizadas em ninhos, com profundidades que variaram entre 4,0 e 6,8cm e o numero de ovos por postura variou entre 130 e 243. A analise estatistica dos resultados demonstrou a existencia de correlacao significativa entre a profundidade dos ninhos e o numero de ovos por postura.

Research paper thumbnail of Rearing chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in commercial diets: preliminary evaluation

Revista Brasileira De Medicina Veterinaria, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Influência do jejum intenso durante 30 dias na hematopoiese de Bradybaena similaris (Mollusca, Xanthonychidade)

Especimes de Bradybaena similaris com diâmetro de concha variando entre 13 e 15 mm foram mantidos... more Especimes de Bradybaena similaris com diâmetro de concha variando entre 13 e 15 mm foram mantidos sob condicoes experimentais para a realizacao deste estudo que teve por objetivo verificar a influencia do jejum intenso, da variacao de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar sobre o numero de hemocitos totais/ml de hemolinfa de B. similaris , por um periodo de 30 dias. Para tanto, foi realizada a puncao cardiaca para obtencao de hemolinfa em moluscos do grupo controle e naqueles submetidos ao jejum intenso em intervalos regulares. As diferencas mais expressivas no numero de hemocitos foram verificadas no 10° dia, quando os moluscos mantidos em jejum triplicaram a producao de hemocitos quando comparados ao grupo controle e no 15° e 25° dias quando os moluscos submetidos ao jejum apresentaram uma reducao acentuada no numero de hemocitos em relacao ao grupo controle. Em parte o aumento da temperatura coincide com o maior numero de hemocitos nos moluscos mantidos em jejum. A umidade relativ...

Research paper thumbnail of Influência de diferentes dietas sobre o crescimento, sobrevivência e reprodução de Leptinaria unilamellata (d´Orbigny, 1835) (Gastropoda, Subulinidae) em laboratório

Revista brasileira de zoociências, 2002

To increase the knowledge on the biology of L. unilamellata in laboratory conditions, they were s... more To increase the knowledge on the biology of L. unilamellata in laboratory conditions, they were studied and analyzed the following parameters: influence of the diet on the growth of the shell, the mortality coefficient and reproduction. Five diet groups were established, each one with 20 specimens of L. unilamellata, these groups were separate in two classes: simple diet and combined diet. Simple diet: Group I (ration for birds in growth); Group II (ration for quails in posture beginning) and Group III (vegetables); combined diet: Group IV (ration for birds in growth + vegetables) and Group V (ration for quails in posture beginning + vegetables). The diet composed of ration for quails in initial posture, when offered separately made possible a larger growth of the shells of the snails and, when offered combined with vegetables, propitiated the smallest mortality coefficient and the largest production of descendants.

Research paper thumbnail of Biological activity of Solanum lycocarpum (Solanaceae) coming from different fitogeographic regions in bioassays with Biomphalaria glabrata (Planorbidae)

Revista brasileira de zoociências, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Molecular investigation of Neorickettsia risticii in trematodes and snails in a region with serological evidence of this agent in horses, state of Rio de Janeiro

Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia, Dec 1, 2016

Molecular investigation of Neorickettsia risticii in trematodes and snails in a region with serol... more Molecular investigation of Neorickettsia risticii in trematodes and snails in a region with serological evidence of this agent in horses, state of Rio de Janeiro  [Pesquisa molecular de Neorickettsia risticii em trematódeos e moluscos em região com evidência sorológica do agente em equinos, estado do Rio de Janeiro]

Research paper thumbnail of Additional study of the morphology of eggs and miracidia of Eurytrema coelomaticum (Trematoda)

Helminthologia, Aug 13, 2015

The morphology of the eggs and miracidia of Eurytrema coelomaticum was analyzed. The eggshell pre... more The morphology of the eggs and miracidia of Eurytrema coelomaticum was analyzed. The eggshell presented different composition according to the maturation stage of the egg, as seen by distinct birefringence after polarized light microscopic analysis. Detailed morphology of the brownish eggs, measuring 44.97±3.83 (38.67-51.40) μm in length and 30.71±2.54 (25.79-34.47) μm in width, and the different electrondensities of the inner, middle and outer layers of the eggs were determined using light (bright fi eld and DIC) and electronic microscopy (scanning and transmission). The morphometry of the eggs is in accordance to those measures presented in previous studies. The miracidia were observed using light microscopy, inside and outside the egg. It was possible to observe the terebratorium at the anterior end of the body, the ciliated epidermal plates, placed according the formula E=2E 1 + 2E 2 , and the interepidermal ridge, but eyespots were not observed. The excretory vesicle was laterally placed in the posterior middle of the body and the germ balls were observed. The miracidium inside the egg was observed by routine techniques, but the miracidium was not well preserved. Thus, the eggs were processed using high pressure-freeze substitution technique and reasonable preservation was achieved. The cilia covering the larval body, with a typical ciliary organization, the terebratorium with folds and the junction of the epidermal ciliated cell with the larval body were seen. For the fi rst time detailed information on the eggs and miracidia of E. coelomaticum is given, which can be the basis for new studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Carbohydrate Metabolism Evaluation of Terrestrial Snail Subulina Octona (Gastropoda, Subulinidae) Experimentally Infected by the Paratanaisia Bragai Digenetic Trematode (Digenea, Eucotylidae)

Social Science Research Network, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Atividade biológica de Solanum lycocarpum (Solanaceae) procedente de regiões fitogeográficas distintas sobre Biomphalaria glabrata (Planorbidae)

Biological activity of Solanum lycocarpum (Solanaceae) coming from different fitogeographic regio... more Biological activity of Solanum lycocarpum (Solanaceae) coming from different fitogeographic regions in bioassays with Biomphalaria glabrata (Planorbidae). Schistosomiasis, in Brazil, is a serious problem for the public health, which has motivated numerous studies involving alternative forms of control the host snail, Biomphalaria glabrata. The objectives of the present study were: (1) to evaluate the molluscicidal potential of Solanum lycocarpum coming from the Estação Ecológica de Pirapitinga, Três Marias, Minas Gerais state and from campus Seropédica of the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro state through bioassays with B. glabrata and (2) to verify chronic effect, in the surviving snails, of the exposition to the aqueous extract of the plant on the reproduction (number the egg mass) and mortality. Leaves of the plant were droughts in ambient temperature, cut and weighed for the infusion preparation 10%, from which concentrations 2.5 and 5% were prepared. The snails used in the bioassays showed 9-13 mm shell diameter. Strong molluscicidal activity was observed, already in first the 24 hours of observation with the 10% concentration, for the plants came from the two analyzed localities. After 90 days of observation the influence of extracts on the parameter mortality of the surviving snails to the bioassays was observed.

Research paper thumbnail of Ultrastructure of the sporocysts of Eurytrema coelomaticum (Giard Et Billet, 1892) Looss, 1907

Veterinary Parasitology, Dec 1, 2011

The digenetic trematode Eurytrema coelomaticum is a parasite of pancreatic ducts of ruminants. Th... more The digenetic trematode Eurytrema coelomaticum is a parasite of pancreatic ducts of ruminants. The ultrastructure of the mother and daughter sporocysts of E. coelomaticum was analyzed. The mother sporocyst was attached to the coelome of the intestine wall of intermediate snail host Bradybaena similaris, intimately adhered in some regions. It presents a highly folded tegument with granules and the body wall was composed by an outer syncitial layer, basal lamina, and circular and longitudinal muscle layer. Below was the cell body (cyton) with the nucleus. The daughter sporocysts obtained by dissection exhibited many granules and secretory vesicle in the outer layer indicating an intense secretory activity. The body wall presented the same layers of the mother sporocysts, but the outer syncitial layer invaginated and an amorphous layer was present between the syncitial and circular muscle layers. The protonephridial excretory system was viewed. The anterior and posterior end of the expelled sporocyst exhibit a degenerated structure, but biological activity still occurred in these regions. The swollen middle of the body was filled by a lamellar structure formed by degenerating membranes, but the excretory system was preserved. The endocyst wall was fibrilar and filled by cercariae and amorphous, membranous and secretory material inside it. These results were discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Morfologia do estágio adulto de paratanaisia bragai utilizando a microscopia de luz de campo claro e dic

The biologist, 2012

O trematodeo Paratanaisia bragai que atinge a maturidade sexual nos ductos coletores de aves dome... more O trematodeo Paratanaisia bragai que atinge a maturidade sexual nos ductos coletores de aves domesticas e silvestres, utiliza para o desenvolvimento larval o molusco Subulina octona e Leptinaria unilamellata, que tambem, pode ser considerada hospedeiro intermediario no Brasil. Os ovos embrionados sao exteriorizados com as fezes do hospedeiro definitivo e a infeccao no molusco se estabelece pela ingestao destes. O miracidio, apos a eclosao, desenvolvem-se no interior do molusco duas geracoes de esporocistos, cercarias e metacercarias. O hospedeiro definitivo adquire a infeccao por ingestao do molusco parasitado. O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar a morfologia, utilizando a microscopia de luz de campo claro e DIC dos adultos de P. bragai. Pombos adultos da especie Columba livia, foram obtidos nas proximidades da central de abastecimento do estado do Rio de Janeiro S/A, Municipio do Rio de Janeiro/Iraja. No laboratorio, os pombos foram submetidos a exames de fezes para verificacao da infeccao, aqueles infectados foram eutanasiados e necropsiados para a coleta dos helmintos. Os protocolos experimentais foram aprovados pela comissao de etica na pesquisa da UFRRJ. Os helmintos foram fixados em glutaraldeido [C3H6(CHO)2] 2,5% em tampao cacodilato (C2H6AsO2Na) 0,1 M, pH 7,4, a 4o C. Os adultos foram montados em lâmina e cobertos com laminula, usando o proprio fixador como meio de montagem e foram observados em microscopio de luz Olympus BX51, acoplado a sistema de captura de imagem iTEM, usando campo claro e DIC. Na microscopia de campo claro, utilizando a objetiva de menor aumento, foi possivel observar que o parasito apresenta corpo achatado dorsoventralmente, ventosa oral subterminal, glândulas vitelogenicas e ovos. Verificou-se o detalhamento da coloracao dos ovos, com a presenca de ovos de cor pardacenta escura, media e clara, respectivamente da regiao anterior para a regiao posterior do corpo do parasito. No DIC foi possivel observar mais detalhadamente a ventosa oral e a faringe, alem das escamas na parte lateral do corpo do parasito. Nao foi possivel a visualizacao do esofago. A utilizacao da microscopia de campo claro e DIC podem contribuir para uma maior compreensao sobre a morfologia desses trematodeos, para elucidacao de aspectos morfofuncionais das escamas da superficie do corpo do parasito, o que contribui para a taxonomia e sistematica dos grupos de trematodeos.

Research paper thumbnail of Comportamento reprodutivo de Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822 ( Mollusca, Achatinidae ) sob condições experimentais

Revista brasileira de zoociências, 2007

Reproductive behavior of Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822 (Mollusca, Achatinidae) in experimental co... more Reproductive behavior of Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822 (Mollusca, Achatinidae) in experimental conditions. Achatina fulica is a species of terrestrial snail originated in Africa that was introduced in Brazil in 1980 for commercial ends. The population explosion of this species in the Brazilian territory is related with its high reproductive capacity, the absence of natural predators, the great capacity of adaptation in the environment conditions and some snails to have escaped of the creators. The present study was carried under experimental conditions and had as objectives: to verify the necessity of construction of nests for the posture, to determine the nests' depth, to determine the egg number for posture and to verify correlation between the nests' depth and egg number for posture. To the end of the experiment it was possible to verify that all the postures had been carried through in nests, with depths that varied between 4.0 to 6.8cm and the egg number for posture varied between 130 to 243. Statistical analysis of the results demonstrated that a significant correlation exists between the nests' depth and egg number for posture.

Research paper thumbnail of Desenvolvimento de Eurytrema coelomaticum (Giard & Billet) (Digenea, Dicrocoeliidae) em Bradybaena similaris (Férussac) (Gastropoda, Xanthonychidae)

Revista Brasileira De Zoologia, Jun 1, 2001

Development of ElIrylrellla coel omaliclIlII (Giard & Billet) (Digenea, Dicrococliidac) in Brat/y... more Development of ElIrylrellla coel omaliclIlII (Giard & Billet) (Digenea, Dicrococliidac) in Brat/ybaella silllilaris (Férussac) (Gastropoda, Xanthonychidae). To follow the larval development of Ewytrema coelomaliclIm (Giard & Billel, 1892) in 8radybaena similaris (Férussac, 1821) snails were separaled in three classes llsing lhe shell diameter: Class A (14.5-10 .2 mm), Class B (10.1-6.9 mm) and Class C (6.8-2.6 mm). Only snails belonging to classes A and B acquired the inteclion. Specimens of E. coelomalicum removed from lhe pancrealic ducts were exposed to lhree physiological solutions: Earle, Locke and saline 0.85%, to obtain eggs for the experimental infections. The Locke solution induced the best egg release. The route ofmigration lhe intramolluscan development oI' E. coelomalicum was stlldied with the aid 01" histology. The minimal period of intramolluscan development, ending aI lhe expelling of daughler sporocysts, was 107 days for the snails intecled in March, and 79 days for lhe snails infecled in November. The Sludenl "t" test and the Chi-square lest showed a significant difterence (u = 5%) between the two periods, although the mean lemperalure regislered during the experiments did not signiticanlly diftered (u = 5%). The eliminalion of daughter sporocysls occurred lhrough lhe snail's pneumostome, and always aI night. Most sporocysts were eliminated aI intervals thal varied between one to three days, without reglllarity. The time ofelimination ofthe dallghter sporocysts was ditlerenl for the two intection period studied: 12 weeks for the snails infecled in March, and llu'ee weeks for lhos e infecled in November. Posilive correlalion between the number of sporocysts expelled by the snail hOSI and higher lemperatures registered in lhe laboralOlY was observed. This correlation was more evident in November infeclion.

Research paper thumbnail of Desenvolvimento larval de Paratanaisia bragai (Santos) (Digenea, Eucotylidae) sob condições experimentais

Revista Brasileira De Zoologia, Dec 1, 2006


Parasitología al día, Jul 1, 1997

... A alimentacao consistiu de: cenoura, repolho, couve, chuchu, pepino e cascas de ovos brancos ... more ... A alimentacao consistiu de: cenoura, repolho, couve, chuchu, pepino e cascas de ovos brancos de galinha doméstica como fonte suplementar de calcio. ... Espécimes de T. bragai foram processados de acordo com Amato et al 15 e identificados segundo Yamaguti. 4. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Morfologia externa de espécimes adultos de Paratanaisia bragai (Santos, 1934) (Digenea: Eucotylidae)

Revista Brasileira De Parasitologia Veterinaria, Sep 1, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Eucotylidae) sob condições experimentais

Research paper thumbnail of Morphology and morphometry of Paratanaisia bragai () Freitas, 1959 (Digenea, Eucotylidae) through light and scanning electron microscopy

Brazilian Journal of Biology, 2023

Paratanaisia bragai is a digenetic trematode that reaches sexual maturity in the kidney collectin... more Paratanaisia bragai is a digenetic trematode that reaches sexual maturity in the kidney collecting ducts of domestic and wild birds, while the snails Subulina octona and Leptinaria unilamellata serve as its intermediate hosts in Brazil. The present study analyzed the morphology and morphometry of P. bragai. Adult specimens of the parasite were collected from naturally infected Columba livia kidneys, fixed and prepared for observation via bright field and differential interference contrast light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The parasite has an elongated and flattened body, with a subterminal oral sucker located at the anterior end of the body, as observed by all techniques used. Staining the parasite with hematoxylin-eosin enabled observation of the pharynx, located posteriorly to the oral sucker, the vitelline glands, which are extra-cecal and extend anteriorly to the pre-ovarian region and later to the median region of the body, and intestinal caeca parallel to the vitelline glands. The presence and functionality of the acetabulum are controversial points in the literature, but it was observed in all specimens analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, with a major diameter of 38.36 ± 6.96 (28.77-45.39) and minor diameter of 31.59 ± 7.04 (21.75-38.16). Close to the acetabulum, scales were observed in the integument of the parasite. Scales with (1-5) blade divisions were identified. In the genital pore, it was possible to see the everted cirrus with rosette shape. The excretory pore (first morphometric record) is dorsal and subterminal, with major diameter of 12.27 ± 9.16 (5.79-18.75) and minor diameter of 3.95 ± 1.49 (2.89-5.00).

Research paper thumbnail of Xiphidiocercariae from naturally infected Lymnaea columella (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in urban area: morphology and ultrastructure of the larvae and histological changes in the mollusc host

Brazilian Journal of Biology, Sep 1, 2019

Urban agriculture is very common in the cities, as Rio de Janeiro and adjacencies, being importan... more Urban agriculture is very common in the cities, as Rio de Janeiro and adjacencies, being important as economic activity. However, this practice can create appropriate conditions for establishment and maintenance of life cycle of many parasites. Lymneid snails can act as intermediate hosts of many trematodes species, including those that infect humans and wild and domestic. In the present study, the snail Lymnaea columella was collected from an urban watercress plantations and the morphology of cercariae released by them was analyzed by light and scanning electron microscopy. The specimens were identified as xiphidiocercariae, belonging to the Cercariae Ornatae group, of the order Plagiorchiiformes. Histological examination of the digestive gland of the infected snails revealed the presence of developing sporocysts, with hemocitary infiltration and metaplasia in the epithelial tissue.

Research paper thumbnail of Morphology and Morphometry of Paratanaisia Bragai (Santos, 1934) Freitas, 1959 (Digenea, Eucotylidae) Through Light and Scanning Electron Microscopy

Research paper thumbnail of Comportamento reprodutivo de Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822 ( Mollusca, Achatinidae ) sob condições experimentais

Achatina fulica e uma especie de molusco terrestre originaria da Africa que foi introduzida no Br... more Achatina fulica e uma especie de molusco terrestre originaria da Africa que foi introduzida no Brasil em 1980 com finalidade comercial. A explosao populacional desta especie no territorio brasileiro se deve principalmente a sua elevada capacidade reprodutiva, ausencia de predadores naturais, a grande capacidade de adaptacao as condicoes ambientais e a alguns moluscos que escaparam dos criadouros. O presente estudo foi conduzido sob condicoes experimentais e teve por objetivos: verificar a necessidade de construcao de ninhos para a realizacao das posturas, determinar a profundidade dos ninhos e numeros de ovos por postura. Ao final do experimento, foi possivel verificar que todas as posturas foram realizadas em ninhos, com profundidades que variaram entre 4,0 e 6,8cm e o numero de ovos por postura variou entre 130 e 243. A analise estatistica dos resultados demonstrou a existencia de correlacao significativa entre a profundidade dos ninhos e o numero de ovos por postura.

Research paper thumbnail of Rearing chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in commercial diets: preliminary evaluation

Revista Brasileira De Medicina Veterinaria, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Influência do jejum intenso durante 30 dias na hematopoiese de Bradybaena similaris (Mollusca, Xanthonychidade)

Especimes de Bradybaena similaris com diâmetro de concha variando entre 13 e 15 mm foram mantidos... more Especimes de Bradybaena similaris com diâmetro de concha variando entre 13 e 15 mm foram mantidos sob condicoes experimentais para a realizacao deste estudo que teve por objetivo verificar a influencia do jejum intenso, da variacao de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar sobre o numero de hemocitos totais/ml de hemolinfa de B. similaris , por um periodo de 30 dias. Para tanto, foi realizada a puncao cardiaca para obtencao de hemolinfa em moluscos do grupo controle e naqueles submetidos ao jejum intenso em intervalos regulares. As diferencas mais expressivas no numero de hemocitos foram verificadas no 10° dia, quando os moluscos mantidos em jejum triplicaram a producao de hemocitos quando comparados ao grupo controle e no 15° e 25° dias quando os moluscos submetidos ao jejum apresentaram uma reducao acentuada no numero de hemocitos em relacao ao grupo controle. Em parte o aumento da temperatura coincide com o maior numero de hemocitos nos moluscos mantidos em jejum. A umidade relativ...