Sonia Gonçalves - (original) (raw)

Papers by Sonia Gonçalves

Research paper thumbnail of Comportamentos de risco e excesso de peso na adolescência. Revisão da literatura

A adolescencia e uma fase de maior vulnerabilidade para o envolvimento em comportamentos de risco... more A adolescencia e uma fase de maior vulnerabilidade para o envolvimento em comportamentos de risco. Paralelamente, o excesso de peso pode apresentar implicacoes pessoais e interpessoais que podem por em causa o bem-estar psicologico dos adolescentes e potenciar o envolvimento em comportamentos de risco. Objectivo: Analisar estudos sobre comportamentos de risco (ferimentos auto-infligidos e consumo de substâncias) num contexto de obesidade ou sobrepeso na adolescencia, observando o papel que certas variaveis psicossociais podem ter na sua moderacao. Metodos: Pesquisa de livros e em bases de dados de artigos cientificos sobre o tema. Resultados: Os resultados das investigacoes que procuram associacoes entre o excesso de peso na adolescencia e o envolvimento em ferimentos auto-infligidos e/ou consumo de substâncias sao pouco consistentes. Alguns estudos mostram que os adolescentes obesos apresentam mais comportamentos de risco, ao passo que outros mostram que o excesso de peso e a obesi...

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Exposure to Cartoons Promoting Healthy Eating on Children's Food Preferences and Choices

Journal of nutrition education and behavior, Jan 23, 2018

This study explored whether a cartoon show with healthy eating messages positively affected child... more This study explored whether a cartoon show with healthy eating messages positively affected children's food choices and food preferences. Experimental between-subjects design. Four elementary schools in Portugal were investigated. Children (aged 4-8 years; n = 142) were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: a comparison group (n = 73) was exposed to cartoons with no reference to food and an intervention group (n = 69) was exposed to cartoons with healthy eating messages. After viewing, each child was given the opportunity to eat ad libitum for 10 minutes from a small selection of snack foods. Number of healthy and unhealthy food items chosen. Food preferences were measured using an adapted version of the Leeds Food Preference Checklist. Generalized linear models were used to test for differences between groups. Results were considered significant at P ≤ .05. Children in the experimental group chose significantly more healthy food items than did those in the comparison group (B = -...

Research paper thumbnail of Variáveis psicossociais no excesso de peso e na obesidade infantil

Journal of Human Growth and Development, 2012

A obesidade acarreta consequências para além das meramente relacionadas com a saúde física, sendo... more A obesidade acarreta consequências para além das meramente relacionadas com a saúde física, sendo também de salientar os aspetos psicossociais. Com o objetivo de avaliar as diferenças ao nível da qualidade de vida, morbilidade psicológica e imagem pessoal (autoconceito) foram avaliadas 267 crianças divididas em três grupos: um grupo de crianças da comunidade com peso normal (N = 147), um grupo de crianças da comunidade com excesso de peso/obesidade (N = 89) e um grupo de crianças com excesso de peso/obesidade em tratamento (grupo clínico) (N = 31). Os resultados mostraram que as crianças com excesso de peso/obesidade em tratamento são as que têm uma percepção mais negativa da sua saúde física e da saúde escolar, quando comparadas com as restantes crianças. Relativamente ao auto-conceito o grupo de crianças com excesso de peso/obesidade do grupo clínico perceciona-se como menos competente no domínio escolar, atlético, aparência física, aceitação social, comportamento e auto-estima. A...

Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence and predictors of risk behaviors in adolescence: The role of weight status, clinical status and psychosocial dimensions

Anales De Psicologia, Dec 25, 2014

Prevalencia y factores de predicción de los consumos de alcohol y tabaco en la adolescencia: el p... more Prevalencia y factores de predicción de los consumos de alcohol y tabaco en la adolescencia: el papel de la condición de peso, de la condición clínica y de las dimensiones psicosociales Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio ha sido examinar la prevalencia de consumo de alcohol y tabaco en adolescentes (N = 370) con edades comprendidas entre 14 y 19 años en tres grupos: 205 adolescentes con peso normal, 82 adolescentes de la comunidad con el exceso de peso u obesidad, y 83 adolescentes con exceso de peso u obesidad y en el tratamiento ambulatorio para el control de peso. También se examinaron los roles de edad, género, peso, condición de tratamiento y las variables psicosociales (los síntomas psicopatológicos, el apoyo social y las habilidades emocionales) en la presencia de estos consumos. Nuestros principales hallazgos fueron que el grupo clínico de los adolescentes con sobrepeso tenían menos conductas de riesgo, que en el grupo de la comunidad de sobrepeso y los controles de peso normal, sobre todo para las conductas de riesgo relacionadas con el consumo de alcohol. La mayor edad y una menor satisfacción con la familia predijeron el consumo de tabaco. La mayor edad, la no asistencia a un tratamiento para el control del peso y una mayor satisfacción con las relaciones intimas predijeron el consumo de alcohol. El peso no fue un factor de predicción de consumo de alcohol y tabaco. Este estudio analiza las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas de estos hallazgos.

Research paper thumbnail of Psychosocial correlates of overweight and obesity in infancy

Revista Brasileira De Crescimento E Desenvolvimento Humano, 2012

Obesity is a complex disease with not only physical consequences but also psychological. The aim ... more Obesity is a complex disease with not only physical consequences but also psychological. The aim of the present work was to analyze differences between community children with normal weight versus community overweight children versus children with overweight in clinical setting, at the level of quality of life, psychological morbidity and self-concept. The study sample has 267 children represented in three groups: group of community children with normal weight (N = 147), group of community overweight children (N = 89) and a group of overweight children in treatment (N = 31). The results from this study showed differences on quality of life, for the total scale and on the dimension of physical health and school health, in which overweight children in the clinical sample are the ones who presented more negative perception of physical health and school health, when compared with community children with normal weight vs community overweight children. For the rest of the dimensions of quality of life, no significant differences were found between the three groups. Regarding the self-concept on the group of children with a clinical diagnosis of obesity they perceived themselves as less competent relative to school competency, athletic competency, physical appearance, social acceptance, behavior and self-esteem. Regarding the variable depression this study suggests that community overweight children present more depressive symptomatology when compared with the other groups. No significant differences were found regarding anxiety symptomatology. To summarize, results from this empirical study demonstrated the importance of psychological variables when in the presence of obesity.

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Romantic Attachment and Intimate Partner Violence on Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Behavior among College Students

(NSSI) is defined by the deliberate, selfinflicted destruction of body tissue resulting in immedi... more (NSSI) is defined by the deliberate, selfinflicted destruction of body tissue resulting in immediate damage, without suicidal intent and for purposes not socially sanctioned (International Network for the Study of Self-Injury, 2007) • Estimates of the prevalence of self-injury among college students range between 12%-38% (Gratz, Conrad, & Roemer 2002; Heath, Toste, Nedecheva, & Charlebois, 2008) • Romantic relationships and self-injury are two significant issues that can influence college students' functioning. Previous researchers have studied these issues as separate phenomena, but recent studies have demonstrated that intimate partner violence and insecure attachment serve as environmental risk factors for the development of NSSI (Levesque, Lafontain, Bureau, & Dandurand, 2010; Murray, Wester, & Paladino, 2008) and that emotion dysregulation, possibly caused by these environmental stressors, is a consistent individual risk factor (Heath et al., 2008) •This study aimed to evaluate the impact of romantic relationships and emotional regulation on non-suicidal self-injury in a community sample of young adults college students (N = 616).

Research paper thumbnail of O Papel Dos Factores Socioculturais No Desenvolvimento Das Perturbações Do Comportamento Alimentar: Uma Revisão Da Literatura

Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 2011

RESUMO: As perturbações do comportamento alimentar são perturbações graves que se caracterizam po... more RESUMO: As perturbações do comportamento alimentar são perturbações graves que se caracterizam por alterações significativas ao nível do comportamento alimentar associadas a uma preocupação extrema com o peso e forma corporais. Estas perturbações são mais frequentes em sociedades ocidentais, que enfatizam uma imagem corporal feminina magra. Talvez por esta razão, os factores socioculturais têm sido, muitas vezes, apontados, como os factores responsáveis pelo aumento da incidência das perturbações do comportamento alimentar. No entanto, a discrepância entre os valores de prevalência das perturbações do comportamento alimentar e o número total de pessoas expostas à pressão social para um corpo magro e tubular, questiona a importância desta exposição no desenvolvimento das patologias alimentares. O presente artigo apresenta uma revisão de estudos que procuram mostrar o papel etiológico dos factores socioculturais no desenvolvimento das perturbações do comportamento alimentar e a razão destas patologias, serem denominadas de culturebound syndromes, bem como algumas perspectivas alternativas a estes modelos conceptuais que procuram revelar a fragilidade dos modelos etiológicos que enfatizam a importância destes factores na complexa etiologia das perturbações do comportamento alimentar.

Research paper thumbnail of Antecedent life events in the development of anorexia nervosa: A case control study

Research paper thumbnail of Eating disorders and treatment outcome: Preliminary results

♦ Eating disorders (ED) are serious disorders that affect mainly adolescents and young women. Fre... more ♦ Eating disorders (ED) are serious disorders that affect mainly adolescents and young women. Frequently, ED continues throughout life and they can have an overwhelming impact on patients and their family. ED often co-occurs with other mental disorders and medical morbidities associated with the development of an ED can be expected. ♦ In a up to date review article from Wonderlich and colleagues (2012), the authors highlight the fact that: 1) Anorexia (AN) and Bulimia (BN) nervosas do not fully recover during short-term psychotherapy or pharmacotherapy trials; 2) long term follow-up studies suggest that a substantial number of AN and BN patients continue to display significant levels of ED symptoms; and 3) a significant number of ED subjects will continue to display ED symptomatology for a protracted periods of time with some ultimately recovering and others experiencing chronic, lifelong ED. ♦ Possible indicators of chronicity may include: 1) entrenched patterns of behavior; 2) ED identity; 3) BMI under 17.5; 4) ED duration greater than 10 years; 5) extremely limited social life and vocational impairments; 6) poor quality of life; 7) and repeated treatment failures (cf., Wonderlich et al., 2012). ♦ 1) To evaluate the prevalence of recovery in ED; 2) To analyze the course of symptoms during treatment; 3) To evaluate the predictors of recovery and treatment outcomes; 4) To characterize psychosocial environment and family arrangements of ED patients'; 5) To look for particular life events and treatment outcomes; and 6) To evaluate comorbidity and self injurious behavior and ED recovery .

[Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence and predictors of alcohol and tobacco consumption in adolescence. [Preval y factores de predic. de los comport. de riesgo en la adolesc.: el papel de la condición de peso, condic. clínica y dimensiones psicosoc.]](

Anales de Psicología, 2015

Prevalencia y factores de predicción de los consumos de alcohol y tabaco en la adolescencia: el p... more Prevalencia y factores de predicción de los consumos de alcohol y tabaco en la adolescencia: el papel de la condición de peso, de la condición clínica y de las dimensiones psicosociales Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio ha sido examinar la prevalencia de consumo de alcohol y tabaco en adolescentes (N = 370) con edades comprendidas entre 14 y 19 años en tres grupos: 205 adolescentes con peso normal, 82 adolescentes de la comunidad con el exceso de peso u obesidad, y 83 adolescentes con exceso de peso u obesidad y en el tratamiento ambulatorio para el control de peso. También se examinaron los roles de edad, género, peso, condición de tratamiento y las variables psicosociales (los síntomas psicopatológicos, el apoyo social y las habilidades emocionales) en la presencia de estos consumos. Nuestros principales hallazgos fueron que el grupo clínico de los adolescentes con sobrepeso tenían menos conductas de riesgo, que en el grupo de la comunidad de sobrepeso y los controles de peso normal, sobre todo para las conductas de riesgo relacionadas con el consumo de alcohol. La mayor edad y una menor satisfacción con la familia predijeron el consumo de tabaco. La mayor edad, la no asistencia a un tratamiento para el control del peso y una mayor satisfacción con las relaciones intimas predijeron el consumo de alcohol. El peso no fue un factor de predicción de consumo de alcohol y tabaco. Este estudio analiza las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas de estos hallazgos.

Research paper thumbnail of DSM-5 reduces the proportion of ednos cases: Evidence from community samples

International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2013

Objective: Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) constitute the most common eating diso... more Objective: Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) constitute the most common eating disorder among those seeking treatment at eating disorder facilities; they are even more common among persons with eating disorders the community. This study compares the impact of applying the revised diagnostic criteria proposed by the DSM-5 workgroup, and the broad categories for the diagnosis of eating disorders (BCD-ED) proposed by Walsh and Sysko on the prevalence of EDNOS. Method: In two nationwide epidemiological studies the prevalence of eating disorders among female high school (n 5 2,028) and university students (n 5 1,020) was examined using DSM-IV criteria. We used a two-stage design, administering a questionnaire in the first stage and an interview in the second stage. Results: In the combined samples 118 cases of eating disorders (DSM-IV) were detected, of which 86 were diagnosed as EDNOS (72.9%). Application of the DSM-5 criteria reduced the number of EDNOS cases to 60 (50.8%) or to 52 (44%), when using a BMI \18.5 as cutoff for ''significantly low weight'' criterion in AN; with the use of BCD-ED criteria, only 5 (4.2%) cases of EDNOS remained. Discussion: Proposed criteria set for DSM-5 substantially reduce the number of EDNOS cases. However, the BCD-ED scheme further reduces its proportion, almost eliminating it. V V

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of BMI and Predictors of Disordered Eating and Life Satisfaction on Postmenopausal Women

Journal of Women & Aging, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of The prevalence of eating disorders not otherwise specified

International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2007

Objective: Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) represent the most common eating diso... more Objective: Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) represent the most common eating disorder diagnosed in specialized treatment settings. The purpose of the current study is to assess the prevalence of EDNOS in a nationwide community sample. Method: Participants were 2028 female students, aged 12 to 23, attending public schools in the 9th to 12th grades in Portugal. Participants completed the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire in Stage 1 of the study. In Stage 2, we selected all the participants who met any of these criteria: (1) BMI = 17.5, (2) scores = 4 on any of the four EDE-Q Subscales, (3) a total EDE-Q score = 4, or, (4) the presence of dysfunctional eating behaviors. In Stage 2, eating disorder experts interviewed 901 participants using the Eating Disorder Examination. Results: The prevalence of all eating disorders was 3.06% among young females. Prevalence for anorexia nervosa was 0.39%, for bulimia nervosa 0.30%, EDNOS 2.37%. Conclusion: EDNOS is a very common eating disorder and accounts for three-quarters of all community cases with eating disorders

Research paper thumbnail of Self-injurious behavior in Portuguese adolescents

Psicothema, 2012

In order to assess the frequency and correlates of self-injurious behavior (SIB), 569 Portuguese ... more In order to assess the frequency and correlates of self-injurious behavior (SIB), 569 Portuguese adolescents aged 12 to 20 years completed questionnaires assessing SIB and psychopathological symptoms. Almost 28% (n = 158) reported a lifetime history of SIB and nearly 10% had performed it in the previous month. The most frequently injured body parts were arms, hands and nails. Most of the self-injurers admit that "now and then" they feel some "mild" to "moderate" pain during SIB. Most of them admitted using these behaviors to avoid/suppress negative feelings, painful images or memories, to punish themselves and to avoid doing something bad. Positive emotions increased significantly after SIB. The self-injurer group reported more psychopathological symptoms. SIB appears to be a common phenomenon with specific functions in adolescence and this must be addressed by clinicians and educational professionals.

Research paper thumbnail of Risk Factors and Antecedent Life Events in the Development of Anorexia Nervosa: A Portuguese Case-Control Study

European Eating Disorders Review, 2014

Objective: The aetiology of anorexia nervosa (AN) is considered to be multifactorial. This study ... more Objective: The aetiology of anorexia nervosa (AN) is considered to be multifactorial. This study aims to identify potential risk factors for AN and whether these factors are specific to AN or precede the development of psychiatric disorders in general and to identify specific life events in the 12 months immediately preceding the onset of eating disorder (ED) symptoms. Method: A case-control design was used to compare a group of women who meet Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition criteria for AN (N = 86) with healthy controls (N = 86) and with a group of controls with other psychiatric disorders (N = 68), each group matched to the AN patients by age and parental socioeconomic status bands. Risk factors were assessed by interviewing each person with the Oxford Risk Factor Interview. Results: Women with AN reported significantly higher rates of perfectionism, negative attitudes toward parents' shape and weight, significant concern about feeling fat and a family history of AN or bulimia nervosa. Critical comments about weight, shape or eating was the most notable event in the year preceding AN onset. Discussion: Perfectionism and a family history of ED emerged as the most convergent findings in the development of AN, along with being critical toward parents' shape and weight, and feeling fat. Critical comments about appearance and eating seem to be an important precipitating factor in AN onset.

Research paper thumbnail of Dysregulated behaviours in bulimia nervosa—A case‐control study

Clinical Psychologist, 2013

self-injurious behaviours (Claes, Vandereycken, & Vertommen, 2001). Some of these behaviours can ... more self-injurious behaviours (Claes, Vandereycken, & Vertommen, 2001). Some of these behaviours can be considered directly harmful, such as self-injurious behaviour, others may be considered indirect as alcohol or tobacco abuse (Favazza, 1996). ♦ The conceptual risk model proposed by Svirko and Hawton (2007) identifies factors such as childhood trauma (usually in the form of abuse), low self-esteem, affective disorders, dissociation, and body dissatisfaction as the key variables in the aetiology for both, ED and self-injurious behaviour. On the other hand, both behaviours can be understood as strategies of emotional regulation. ♦ This study aimed to evaluate the frequency of these behaviors in a population diagnosed with BN (N= 79), using two control groups, a healthy control group (N= 86) and a control group with subjects with other psychiatric disorders (N= 68). This study also evaluated the possible association between sexual abuse and parasuicide behaviors.

Research paper thumbnail of Exercising for weight and shape reasons vs. health control reasons: The impact on eating disturbance and psychological functioning

Eating Behaviors, 2012

The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and correlates of exercise motivated by hea... more The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and correlates of exercise motivated by health and weight/shape reasons. In total, 301 participants (53.5% males) completed questionnaires assessing eating behaviors, affect, self-esteem and attitudes toward exercise. Almost 48% of the participants reported that their exercise is motivated by weight/shape reasons. These individuals were more likely to report eating problems and more positive affect after exercising. For both groups, gender, ideal weight, and the impact of weight gain on self-esteem significantly predict disordered eating. Body mass index, affect, and attitudes toward exercise also emerged as predictors for the health reasons group. Weight and shape control reasons for exercise participation were very common and related to eating disturbance.

Research paper thumbnail of Use of text messaging services to promote health behaviors in children

Journal of nutrition education and behavior

To examine adherence to, satisfaction with, and preliminary efficacy of mobile phone short messag... more To examine adherence to, satisfaction with, and preliminary efficacy of mobile phone short message service (SMS) to promote health behaviors in school-aged children. A total of 49 children (aged 8-10 years) were randomized by school classes into a monitoring vs no-monitoring group. All children participated in 2 educational group sessions that focused on health behaviors: the advantages of increasing fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity, and decreasing screen time. The monitoring group also reported daily behavior using SMS and received supportive feedback for 8 weeks. Children submitted 61% of the required SMS, which indicated good adherence to the intervention. A number of children (95%) reported being satisfied with the program. Analyses of covariance indicated increase in fruit and vegetable consumption (χ(2) [2] = 7.27; P < .05) and a decrease in screen time (χ(2) [2] = 6.79; P < .05). The current SMS intervention was a useful tool to monitor and promote ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Portuguese version of the Eating Disorders Inventory: evaluation of its psychometric properties

European Eating Disorders Review, 2001

The objective of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Portuguese v... more The objective of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Eating Disorders Inventory (EDI; Garner et al., 1983). Three groups participated in the current study: 274 female and 67 male non-patients, and 83 females with a diagnosis of eating disorder. Results clearly support the reliability and the factor structure of the EDI in a Portuguese sample. In addition non-patient and eating disordered participants' score signi®cantly differently in all EDI scales, emphasizing the clinical usefulness of the measure.

Research paper thumbnail of Suicide attempts and clinical severity of eating disorders: an exploratory study (2004). Intentos de suicidio y la severidad de los desórdenes alimentarios: un estudio …

The present study examines whether eating disorders patients with suicide attempts present differ... more The present study examines whether eating disorders patients with suicide attempts present differences in disordered eating and clinical traits compared to those without suicide attempts. Method: 144 patients with eating disorders (65 anorexia nervosa and 79 bulimia ...

Research paper thumbnail of Comportamentos de risco e excesso de peso na adolescência. Revisão da literatura

A adolescencia e uma fase de maior vulnerabilidade para o envolvimento em comportamentos de risco... more A adolescencia e uma fase de maior vulnerabilidade para o envolvimento em comportamentos de risco. Paralelamente, o excesso de peso pode apresentar implicacoes pessoais e interpessoais que podem por em causa o bem-estar psicologico dos adolescentes e potenciar o envolvimento em comportamentos de risco. Objectivo: Analisar estudos sobre comportamentos de risco (ferimentos auto-infligidos e consumo de substâncias) num contexto de obesidade ou sobrepeso na adolescencia, observando o papel que certas variaveis psicossociais podem ter na sua moderacao. Metodos: Pesquisa de livros e em bases de dados de artigos cientificos sobre o tema. Resultados: Os resultados das investigacoes que procuram associacoes entre o excesso de peso na adolescencia e o envolvimento em ferimentos auto-infligidos e/ou consumo de substâncias sao pouco consistentes. Alguns estudos mostram que os adolescentes obesos apresentam mais comportamentos de risco, ao passo que outros mostram que o excesso de peso e a obesi...

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Exposure to Cartoons Promoting Healthy Eating on Children's Food Preferences and Choices

Journal of nutrition education and behavior, Jan 23, 2018

This study explored whether a cartoon show with healthy eating messages positively affected child... more This study explored whether a cartoon show with healthy eating messages positively affected children's food choices and food preferences. Experimental between-subjects design. Four elementary schools in Portugal were investigated. Children (aged 4-8 years; n = 142) were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: a comparison group (n = 73) was exposed to cartoons with no reference to food and an intervention group (n = 69) was exposed to cartoons with healthy eating messages. After viewing, each child was given the opportunity to eat ad libitum for 10 minutes from a small selection of snack foods. Number of healthy and unhealthy food items chosen. Food preferences were measured using an adapted version of the Leeds Food Preference Checklist. Generalized linear models were used to test for differences between groups. Results were considered significant at P ≤ .05. Children in the experimental group chose significantly more healthy food items than did those in the comparison group (B = -...

Research paper thumbnail of Variáveis psicossociais no excesso de peso e na obesidade infantil

Journal of Human Growth and Development, 2012

A obesidade acarreta consequências para além das meramente relacionadas com a saúde física, sendo... more A obesidade acarreta consequências para além das meramente relacionadas com a saúde física, sendo também de salientar os aspetos psicossociais. Com o objetivo de avaliar as diferenças ao nível da qualidade de vida, morbilidade psicológica e imagem pessoal (autoconceito) foram avaliadas 267 crianças divididas em três grupos: um grupo de crianças da comunidade com peso normal (N = 147), um grupo de crianças da comunidade com excesso de peso/obesidade (N = 89) e um grupo de crianças com excesso de peso/obesidade em tratamento (grupo clínico) (N = 31). Os resultados mostraram que as crianças com excesso de peso/obesidade em tratamento são as que têm uma percepção mais negativa da sua saúde física e da saúde escolar, quando comparadas com as restantes crianças. Relativamente ao auto-conceito o grupo de crianças com excesso de peso/obesidade do grupo clínico perceciona-se como menos competente no domínio escolar, atlético, aparência física, aceitação social, comportamento e auto-estima. A...

Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence and predictors of risk behaviors in adolescence: The role of weight status, clinical status and psychosocial dimensions

Anales De Psicologia, Dec 25, 2014

Prevalencia y factores de predicción de los consumos de alcohol y tabaco en la adolescencia: el p... more Prevalencia y factores de predicción de los consumos de alcohol y tabaco en la adolescencia: el papel de la condición de peso, de la condición clínica y de las dimensiones psicosociales Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio ha sido examinar la prevalencia de consumo de alcohol y tabaco en adolescentes (N = 370) con edades comprendidas entre 14 y 19 años en tres grupos: 205 adolescentes con peso normal, 82 adolescentes de la comunidad con el exceso de peso u obesidad, y 83 adolescentes con exceso de peso u obesidad y en el tratamiento ambulatorio para el control de peso. También se examinaron los roles de edad, género, peso, condición de tratamiento y las variables psicosociales (los síntomas psicopatológicos, el apoyo social y las habilidades emocionales) en la presencia de estos consumos. Nuestros principales hallazgos fueron que el grupo clínico de los adolescentes con sobrepeso tenían menos conductas de riesgo, que en el grupo de la comunidad de sobrepeso y los controles de peso normal, sobre todo para las conductas de riesgo relacionadas con el consumo de alcohol. La mayor edad y una menor satisfacción con la familia predijeron el consumo de tabaco. La mayor edad, la no asistencia a un tratamiento para el control del peso y una mayor satisfacción con las relaciones intimas predijeron el consumo de alcohol. El peso no fue un factor de predicción de consumo de alcohol y tabaco. Este estudio analiza las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas de estos hallazgos.

Research paper thumbnail of Psychosocial correlates of overweight and obesity in infancy

Revista Brasileira De Crescimento E Desenvolvimento Humano, 2012

Obesity is a complex disease with not only physical consequences but also psychological. The aim ... more Obesity is a complex disease with not only physical consequences but also psychological. The aim of the present work was to analyze differences between community children with normal weight versus community overweight children versus children with overweight in clinical setting, at the level of quality of life, psychological morbidity and self-concept. The study sample has 267 children represented in three groups: group of community children with normal weight (N = 147), group of community overweight children (N = 89) and a group of overweight children in treatment (N = 31). The results from this study showed differences on quality of life, for the total scale and on the dimension of physical health and school health, in which overweight children in the clinical sample are the ones who presented more negative perception of physical health and school health, when compared with community children with normal weight vs community overweight children. For the rest of the dimensions of quality of life, no significant differences were found between the three groups. Regarding the self-concept on the group of children with a clinical diagnosis of obesity they perceived themselves as less competent relative to school competency, athletic competency, physical appearance, social acceptance, behavior and self-esteem. Regarding the variable depression this study suggests that community overweight children present more depressive symptomatology when compared with the other groups. No significant differences were found regarding anxiety symptomatology. To summarize, results from this empirical study demonstrated the importance of psychological variables when in the presence of obesity.

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Romantic Attachment and Intimate Partner Violence on Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Behavior among College Students

(NSSI) is defined by the deliberate, selfinflicted destruction of body tissue resulting in immedi... more (NSSI) is defined by the deliberate, selfinflicted destruction of body tissue resulting in immediate damage, without suicidal intent and for purposes not socially sanctioned (International Network for the Study of Self-Injury, 2007) • Estimates of the prevalence of self-injury among college students range between 12%-38% (Gratz, Conrad, & Roemer 2002; Heath, Toste, Nedecheva, & Charlebois, 2008) • Romantic relationships and self-injury are two significant issues that can influence college students' functioning. Previous researchers have studied these issues as separate phenomena, but recent studies have demonstrated that intimate partner violence and insecure attachment serve as environmental risk factors for the development of NSSI (Levesque, Lafontain, Bureau, & Dandurand, 2010; Murray, Wester, & Paladino, 2008) and that emotion dysregulation, possibly caused by these environmental stressors, is a consistent individual risk factor (Heath et al., 2008) •This study aimed to evaluate the impact of romantic relationships and emotional regulation on non-suicidal self-injury in a community sample of young adults college students (N = 616).

Research paper thumbnail of O Papel Dos Factores Socioculturais No Desenvolvimento Das Perturbações Do Comportamento Alimentar: Uma Revisão Da Literatura

Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 2011

RESUMO: As perturbações do comportamento alimentar são perturbações graves que se caracterizam po... more RESUMO: As perturbações do comportamento alimentar são perturbações graves que se caracterizam por alterações significativas ao nível do comportamento alimentar associadas a uma preocupação extrema com o peso e forma corporais. Estas perturbações são mais frequentes em sociedades ocidentais, que enfatizam uma imagem corporal feminina magra. Talvez por esta razão, os factores socioculturais têm sido, muitas vezes, apontados, como os factores responsáveis pelo aumento da incidência das perturbações do comportamento alimentar. No entanto, a discrepância entre os valores de prevalência das perturbações do comportamento alimentar e o número total de pessoas expostas à pressão social para um corpo magro e tubular, questiona a importância desta exposição no desenvolvimento das patologias alimentares. O presente artigo apresenta uma revisão de estudos que procuram mostrar o papel etiológico dos factores socioculturais no desenvolvimento das perturbações do comportamento alimentar e a razão destas patologias, serem denominadas de culturebound syndromes, bem como algumas perspectivas alternativas a estes modelos conceptuais que procuram revelar a fragilidade dos modelos etiológicos que enfatizam a importância destes factores na complexa etiologia das perturbações do comportamento alimentar.

Research paper thumbnail of Antecedent life events in the development of anorexia nervosa: A case control study

Research paper thumbnail of Eating disorders and treatment outcome: Preliminary results

♦ Eating disorders (ED) are serious disorders that affect mainly adolescents and young women. Fre... more ♦ Eating disorders (ED) are serious disorders that affect mainly adolescents and young women. Frequently, ED continues throughout life and they can have an overwhelming impact on patients and their family. ED often co-occurs with other mental disorders and medical morbidities associated with the development of an ED can be expected. ♦ In a up to date review article from Wonderlich and colleagues (2012), the authors highlight the fact that: 1) Anorexia (AN) and Bulimia (BN) nervosas do not fully recover during short-term psychotherapy or pharmacotherapy trials; 2) long term follow-up studies suggest that a substantial number of AN and BN patients continue to display significant levels of ED symptoms; and 3) a significant number of ED subjects will continue to display ED symptomatology for a protracted periods of time with some ultimately recovering and others experiencing chronic, lifelong ED. ♦ Possible indicators of chronicity may include: 1) entrenched patterns of behavior; 2) ED identity; 3) BMI under 17.5; 4) ED duration greater than 10 years; 5) extremely limited social life and vocational impairments; 6) poor quality of life; 7) and repeated treatment failures (cf., Wonderlich et al., 2012). ♦ 1) To evaluate the prevalence of recovery in ED; 2) To analyze the course of symptoms during treatment; 3) To evaluate the predictors of recovery and treatment outcomes; 4) To characterize psychosocial environment and family arrangements of ED patients'; 5) To look for particular life events and treatment outcomes; and 6) To evaluate comorbidity and self injurious behavior and ED recovery .

[Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence and predictors of alcohol and tobacco consumption in adolescence. [Preval y factores de predic. de los comport. de riesgo en la adolesc.: el papel de la condición de peso, condic. clínica y dimensiones psicosoc.]](

Anales de Psicología, 2015

Prevalencia y factores de predicción de los consumos de alcohol y tabaco en la adolescencia: el p... more Prevalencia y factores de predicción de los consumos de alcohol y tabaco en la adolescencia: el papel de la condición de peso, de la condición clínica y de las dimensiones psicosociales Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio ha sido examinar la prevalencia de consumo de alcohol y tabaco en adolescentes (N = 370) con edades comprendidas entre 14 y 19 años en tres grupos: 205 adolescentes con peso normal, 82 adolescentes de la comunidad con el exceso de peso u obesidad, y 83 adolescentes con exceso de peso u obesidad y en el tratamiento ambulatorio para el control de peso. También se examinaron los roles de edad, género, peso, condición de tratamiento y las variables psicosociales (los síntomas psicopatológicos, el apoyo social y las habilidades emocionales) en la presencia de estos consumos. Nuestros principales hallazgos fueron que el grupo clínico de los adolescentes con sobrepeso tenían menos conductas de riesgo, que en el grupo de la comunidad de sobrepeso y los controles de peso normal, sobre todo para las conductas de riesgo relacionadas con el consumo de alcohol. La mayor edad y una menor satisfacción con la familia predijeron el consumo de tabaco. La mayor edad, la no asistencia a un tratamiento para el control del peso y una mayor satisfacción con las relaciones intimas predijeron el consumo de alcohol. El peso no fue un factor de predicción de consumo de alcohol y tabaco. Este estudio analiza las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas de estos hallazgos.

Research paper thumbnail of DSM-5 reduces the proportion of ednos cases: Evidence from community samples

International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2013

Objective: Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) constitute the most common eating diso... more Objective: Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) constitute the most common eating disorder among those seeking treatment at eating disorder facilities; they are even more common among persons with eating disorders the community. This study compares the impact of applying the revised diagnostic criteria proposed by the DSM-5 workgroup, and the broad categories for the diagnosis of eating disorders (BCD-ED) proposed by Walsh and Sysko on the prevalence of EDNOS. Method: In two nationwide epidemiological studies the prevalence of eating disorders among female high school (n 5 2,028) and university students (n 5 1,020) was examined using DSM-IV criteria. We used a two-stage design, administering a questionnaire in the first stage and an interview in the second stage. Results: In the combined samples 118 cases of eating disorders (DSM-IV) were detected, of which 86 were diagnosed as EDNOS (72.9%). Application of the DSM-5 criteria reduced the number of EDNOS cases to 60 (50.8%) or to 52 (44%), when using a BMI \18.5 as cutoff for ''significantly low weight'' criterion in AN; with the use of BCD-ED criteria, only 5 (4.2%) cases of EDNOS remained. Discussion: Proposed criteria set for DSM-5 substantially reduce the number of EDNOS cases. However, the BCD-ED scheme further reduces its proportion, almost eliminating it. V V

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of BMI and Predictors of Disordered Eating and Life Satisfaction on Postmenopausal Women

Journal of Women & Aging, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of The prevalence of eating disorders not otherwise specified

International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2007

Objective: Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) represent the most common eating diso... more Objective: Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) represent the most common eating disorder diagnosed in specialized treatment settings. The purpose of the current study is to assess the prevalence of EDNOS in a nationwide community sample. Method: Participants were 2028 female students, aged 12 to 23, attending public schools in the 9th to 12th grades in Portugal. Participants completed the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire in Stage 1 of the study. In Stage 2, we selected all the participants who met any of these criteria: (1) BMI = 17.5, (2) scores = 4 on any of the four EDE-Q Subscales, (3) a total EDE-Q score = 4, or, (4) the presence of dysfunctional eating behaviors. In Stage 2, eating disorder experts interviewed 901 participants using the Eating Disorder Examination. Results: The prevalence of all eating disorders was 3.06% among young females. Prevalence for anorexia nervosa was 0.39%, for bulimia nervosa 0.30%, EDNOS 2.37%. Conclusion: EDNOS is a very common eating disorder and accounts for three-quarters of all community cases with eating disorders

Research paper thumbnail of Self-injurious behavior in Portuguese adolescents

Psicothema, 2012

In order to assess the frequency and correlates of self-injurious behavior (SIB), 569 Portuguese ... more In order to assess the frequency and correlates of self-injurious behavior (SIB), 569 Portuguese adolescents aged 12 to 20 years completed questionnaires assessing SIB and psychopathological symptoms. Almost 28% (n = 158) reported a lifetime history of SIB and nearly 10% had performed it in the previous month. The most frequently injured body parts were arms, hands and nails. Most of the self-injurers admit that "now and then" they feel some "mild" to "moderate" pain during SIB. Most of them admitted using these behaviors to avoid/suppress negative feelings, painful images or memories, to punish themselves and to avoid doing something bad. Positive emotions increased significantly after SIB. The self-injurer group reported more psychopathological symptoms. SIB appears to be a common phenomenon with specific functions in adolescence and this must be addressed by clinicians and educational professionals.

Research paper thumbnail of Risk Factors and Antecedent Life Events in the Development of Anorexia Nervosa: A Portuguese Case-Control Study

European Eating Disorders Review, 2014

Objective: The aetiology of anorexia nervosa (AN) is considered to be multifactorial. This study ... more Objective: The aetiology of anorexia nervosa (AN) is considered to be multifactorial. This study aims to identify potential risk factors for AN and whether these factors are specific to AN or precede the development of psychiatric disorders in general and to identify specific life events in the 12 months immediately preceding the onset of eating disorder (ED) symptoms. Method: A case-control design was used to compare a group of women who meet Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition criteria for AN (N = 86) with healthy controls (N = 86) and with a group of controls with other psychiatric disorders (N = 68), each group matched to the AN patients by age and parental socioeconomic status bands. Risk factors were assessed by interviewing each person with the Oxford Risk Factor Interview. Results: Women with AN reported significantly higher rates of perfectionism, negative attitudes toward parents' shape and weight, significant concern about feeling fat and a family history of AN or bulimia nervosa. Critical comments about weight, shape or eating was the most notable event in the year preceding AN onset. Discussion: Perfectionism and a family history of ED emerged as the most convergent findings in the development of AN, along with being critical toward parents' shape and weight, and feeling fat. Critical comments about appearance and eating seem to be an important precipitating factor in AN onset.

Research paper thumbnail of Dysregulated behaviours in bulimia nervosa—A case‐control study

Clinical Psychologist, 2013

self-injurious behaviours (Claes, Vandereycken, & Vertommen, 2001). Some of these behaviours can ... more self-injurious behaviours (Claes, Vandereycken, & Vertommen, 2001). Some of these behaviours can be considered directly harmful, such as self-injurious behaviour, others may be considered indirect as alcohol or tobacco abuse (Favazza, 1996). ♦ The conceptual risk model proposed by Svirko and Hawton (2007) identifies factors such as childhood trauma (usually in the form of abuse), low self-esteem, affective disorders, dissociation, and body dissatisfaction as the key variables in the aetiology for both, ED and self-injurious behaviour. On the other hand, both behaviours can be understood as strategies of emotional regulation. ♦ This study aimed to evaluate the frequency of these behaviors in a population diagnosed with BN (N= 79), using two control groups, a healthy control group (N= 86) and a control group with subjects with other psychiatric disorders (N= 68). This study also evaluated the possible association between sexual abuse and parasuicide behaviors.

Research paper thumbnail of Exercising for weight and shape reasons vs. health control reasons: The impact on eating disturbance and psychological functioning

Eating Behaviors, 2012

The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and correlates of exercise motivated by hea... more The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and correlates of exercise motivated by health and weight/shape reasons. In total, 301 participants (53.5% males) completed questionnaires assessing eating behaviors, affect, self-esteem and attitudes toward exercise. Almost 48% of the participants reported that their exercise is motivated by weight/shape reasons. These individuals were more likely to report eating problems and more positive affect after exercising. For both groups, gender, ideal weight, and the impact of weight gain on self-esteem significantly predict disordered eating. Body mass index, affect, and attitudes toward exercise also emerged as predictors for the health reasons group. Weight and shape control reasons for exercise participation were very common and related to eating disturbance.

Research paper thumbnail of Use of text messaging services to promote health behaviors in children

Journal of nutrition education and behavior

To examine adherence to, satisfaction with, and preliminary efficacy of mobile phone short messag... more To examine adherence to, satisfaction with, and preliminary efficacy of mobile phone short message service (SMS) to promote health behaviors in school-aged children. A total of 49 children (aged 8-10 years) were randomized by school classes into a monitoring vs no-monitoring group. All children participated in 2 educational group sessions that focused on health behaviors: the advantages of increasing fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity, and decreasing screen time. The monitoring group also reported daily behavior using SMS and received supportive feedback for 8 weeks. Children submitted 61% of the required SMS, which indicated good adherence to the intervention. A number of children (95%) reported being satisfied with the program. Analyses of covariance indicated increase in fruit and vegetable consumption (χ(2) [2] = 7.27; P < .05) and a decrease in screen time (χ(2) [2] = 6.79; P < .05). The current SMS intervention was a useful tool to monitor and promote ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Portuguese version of the Eating Disorders Inventory: evaluation of its psychometric properties

European Eating Disorders Review, 2001

The objective of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Portuguese v... more The objective of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Eating Disorders Inventory (EDI; Garner et al., 1983). Three groups participated in the current study: 274 female and 67 male non-patients, and 83 females with a diagnosis of eating disorder. Results clearly support the reliability and the factor structure of the EDI in a Portuguese sample. In addition non-patient and eating disordered participants' score signi®cantly differently in all EDI scales, emphasizing the clinical usefulness of the measure.

Research paper thumbnail of Suicide attempts and clinical severity of eating disorders: an exploratory study (2004). Intentos de suicidio y la severidad de los desórdenes alimentarios: un estudio …

The present study examines whether eating disorders patients with suicide attempts present differ... more The present study examines whether eating disorders patients with suicide attempts present differences in disordered eating and clinical traits compared to those without suicide attempts. Method: 144 patients with eating disorders (65 anorexia nervosa and 79 bulimia ...