Speranta Tibu - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Speranta Tibu
ICERI proceedings, Nov 1, 2018
ICERI proceedings, Nov 1, 2017
The potential of using ICT in guidance is very big, but the real integration into the practice is... more The potential of using ICT in guidance is very big, but the real integration into the practice is still unknown in Romania. The articles presents the results of a quantitative study on the use of ICT in the Romanian school guidance community, based on Anthony Barnes`(1) distinction in relation to the way in which ICT can be used in such a context: as a resource, as a medium and/or for the development of further resources. 130 practitioners from 41 Romanian counties, plus Bucharest, participated in an online survey during November 2013-January 2014. The research questionnaire has been developed based on the instruments developed within international ICT Skills 1 and 2 Leonardo da Vinci projects (2). Results are discussed in relation to earlier Romanian studies and initiatives on the same topic (Stanescu, 2000; Jigau, 2002; ICT skills 1 and 2 project, 2005-2009). Some short overview on the policies and legal provisions for the guidance system is offered, as well as discussions on the initial training and continuous professional development of counsellors. Conclusions are drawn in relation to the most frequently used tools, as well as on the access on ICT in rural versus urban schools in which practitioners are working. Difficulties and obstacles mentioned by respondents are analysed together with good practices, in order to offer a comprehensive picture related to the daily practice on using ICT in guidance and counselling in Romania. Trends, future challenges for guidance counsellors and recommendations are drawn with the view of improving policies and practices in the field. (1) Cogoi, C., Barnes, A., La Gro, N. Orientare ?i TIC: contextul. In: Competen?e TIC 2. Instrumente TIC ?i formarea practicienilor de orientare care utilizeaz? computerul. Afir Publishing House, Bucharest, 2009. (2) *** ICT Skills 2.ICT Tools and Training for e-Guidance practitioners. ASTER Scienza Tecnologia Impresa S. Cons. p. a, Publishing House, Bologna, Italy, 2009.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2017
Scopul acestui material îl constituie diseminarea ideilor teoretice, bunelor practici şi inovaţii... more Scopul acestui material îl constituie diseminarea ideilor teoretice, bunelor practici şi inovaţiilor în domeniul consilierii carierei care au fost prezentate în cadrul conferinţei: Promovarea echităţii prin consiliere şi orientare: reflecţii, acţiuni, impact (Promoting Equity through Guidance: Reflection, Action, Impact). Conferinţa s-a derulat în perioada 15-18 noiembrie 2016, a fost organizată de către a Asociaţia internaţională pentru consiliere educaţională şi a carierei (IAEVG) şi a fost
Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala
School-based interventions to promote students’ social and emotional competences are more likely ... more School-based interventions to promote students’ social and emotional competences are more likely to be effective if they are organised as part of a systemic, whole-school approach. This framework implies intentional and coherent interventions embedded in the school context, where teachers play a key role as they are the primary delivery agents of social and emotional education. As research shows, the success of such interventions is directly linked to the teachers` training and their confidence to deliver relevant learning experiences that support the development of children’s social and emotional competences. Under the Erasmus+ project SEEVAL we investigated the Romanian teachers` needs and experiences related to the social and emotional interventions in the school environment, in order to better understand their needs and therefore to tailor a training programme and protocols of action for a whole-school social and emotional education approach. Within this article we will present ...
eLearning and Software for Education
The use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in the education system is a very important topic on ... more The use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in the education system is a very important topic on the European Union and national policy agenda as well as in the teachers Professional Development and training. Various good practices in harnessing OER potential for pupils` learning are rising all over Romania. The current article sums up the results of a national study [1] designed within the context of a national multi-annual macro-structural project being implemented at national level - Relevant Curriculum, Open Education for All (CRED). A significand objective of the project is to facilitate the development of relevant OER and train teachers in order to support the current national curriculum reform. We will describe here the main issues associated with a systemic approach to implementing OER in the primary and secondary education practice in Romania, as shown by a thorough analysis undertook by the Institute of Education Sciences - IES in mid-2018 on this topic within the above-me...
eLearning and Software for Education
The potential of using ICT in guidance is very big, but the real integration into the practice is... more The potential of using ICT in guidance is very big, but the real integration into the practice is still unknown in Romania. The articles presents the results of a quantitative study on the use of ICT in the Romanian school guidance community, based on Anthony Barnes`(1) distinction in relation to the way in which ICT can be used in such a context: as a resource, as a medium and/or for the development of further resources. 130 practitioners from 41 Romanian counties, plus Bucharest, participated in an online survey during November 2013-January 2014. The research questionnaire has been developed based on the instruments developed within international ICT Skills 1 and 2 Leonardo da Vinci projects (2). Results are discussed in relation to earlier Romanian studies and initiatives on the same topic (Stanescu, 2000; Jigau, 2002; ICT skills 1 and 2 project, 2005-2009). Some short overview on the policies and legal provisions for the guidance system is offered, as well as discussions on the ...
8th International Conference eLearning and Software for Education
The article analyses the development and performance a virtual community of practitioners in the ... more The article analyses the development and performance a virtual community of practitioners in the field of parent counselling as part of a blended professional development program. This is part of the ‘Education Priority Areas - EPA’ project (2011-2012) funded by UNICEF in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports (MERYS), Institute of Education Sciences (IES) and the network of County Centres for Resources and Educational Assistance (CCREA) aiming to support families with pupils in risk of drop-out. The training program (both face–to-face and at distance) is part of the methodological approach proposed by the IES based on the EPA model implemented earlier in UK and France, adapted for Romanian disadvantaged communities. The direct beneficiaries of the program are school counsellors and teachers working in schools with a high rate of drop-out. Parents’ counselling is an important piece of an integrated intervention program (management, didactics, counsell...
From historical time, science was a tool used mainly by people eager to search and find answers t... more From historical time, science was a tool used mainly by people eager to search and find answers to unresolved questions. Nowadays scientists have also the opportunity to bring their contribution for building a safer and habitable planet. The Romanian Educational Seismological Network (ROEDUSEIS) is the first educational initiative in Romania in the field of seismology that aims to develop new and comprehensive educational materials, familiarize the students and teachers with seismological data and train them how to analyse and interpret these data, plan, design and test didactic activities based on the concept “learning by doing” and using also informatics and Web-oriented tools and to prove that raising people awareness in high seismic regions could be attained through education and by increasing knowledge about the earthquake phenomena and their effects.
ICERI2018 Proceedings, 2018
Parteneriatul scoala – familie - comunitate reprezinta o problema actuala importanta, reliefata d... more Parteneriatul scoala – familie - comunitate reprezinta o problema actuala importanta, reliefata de diferite documente de politica educationala la nivel national si international si de cercetarile in domeniul educatiei. In Romania, conform Legii educatiei nationale nr. 1/2011, parintii sunt considerati parteneri principali si beneficiari ai procesului de invatamant. Articolul 80 prevede ca toate deciziile majore din invatamantul preuniversitar sa fie luate prin consultarea structurilor asociative reprezentative ale parintilor. Legea Educatiei Nationale da dreptul parintilor de a participa activ la conducerea unitatilor de invatamant, prin prezenta in consiliul de administratie al scolii – a doi sau trei reprezentanti ai parintilor, in functie de marimea scolii (Articolul 96). Parintii sunt implicati in elaborarea ofertei educationale a unitatii de invatamant, prin participarea la organizarea programelor Scoala dupa scoala si in stabilirea curriculumului la decizia scolii. Literatura ...
Romania is one of the most active seismic countries in Europe, with more than 500 earthquakes occ... more Romania is one of the most active seismic countries in Europe, with more than 500 earthquakes occurring every year. The seismic hazard of Romania is relatively high and thus understanding the earthquake phenomena and their effects at the earth surface represents an important step toward the education of population in earthquake affected regions of the country and aims to raise the awareness about the earthquake risk and possible mitigation actions. In this direction, the first national educational project in the field of seismology has recently started in Romania: the ROmanian EDUcational SEISmic NETwork (ROEDUSEIS-NET) project. It involves four partners: the National Institute for Earth Physics as coordinator, the National Institute for Research and Development in Construction, Urban Planning and Sustainable Spatial Development " URBAN - INCERC" Bucharest, the Babeş-Bolyai University (Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Engineering) and the software firm "BETA Soft...
Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 2018
This article presents the results of a study developed by the Institute of Educational Sciences B... more This article presents the results of a study developed by the Institute of Educational Sciences Bucharest which offers a general and updated image upon the early school leaving (ESL) in Romania. The phenomenon has been analysed from the policy perspective, as well as from the educational actors` perspective (teachers and students). The research methodology has been designed in European partnership, within the framework of the Erasmus+ EMPAQT project (EMPAQT, ***). and comprises policy analysis and a quantitative survey based on questionnaires applied to 73 students and 260 teachers from upper secondary schools situated in disadvantaged areas. The conclusions of the study highlighted the Romanian teachers` need to better develop their skills and competencies for working with children at risk of ESL: competencies for building learning situations which encourage equity and inclusion, competencies for developing resilience in children in order to be able to face and recover from adversity, guidance and counselling competencies in order not only to support children in their academic performance, but also to help them develop positive attitudes towards learning, education and their professional future.
ICERI proceedings, Nov 1, 2018
ICERI proceedings, Nov 1, 2017
The potential of using ICT in guidance is very big, but the real integration into the practice is... more The potential of using ICT in guidance is very big, but the real integration into the practice is still unknown in Romania. The articles presents the results of a quantitative study on the use of ICT in the Romanian school guidance community, based on Anthony Barnes`(1) distinction in relation to the way in which ICT can be used in such a context: as a resource, as a medium and/or for the development of further resources. 130 practitioners from 41 Romanian counties, plus Bucharest, participated in an online survey during November 2013-January 2014. The research questionnaire has been developed based on the instruments developed within international ICT Skills 1 and 2 Leonardo da Vinci projects (2). Results are discussed in relation to earlier Romanian studies and initiatives on the same topic (Stanescu, 2000; Jigau, 2002; ICT skills 1 and 2 project, 2005-2009). Some short overview on the policies and legal provisions for the guidance system is offered, as well as discussions on the initial training and continuous professional development of counsellors. Conclusions are drawn in relation to the most frequently used tools, as well as on the access on ICT in rural versus urban schools in which practitioners are working. Difficulties and obstacles mentioned by respondents are analysed together with good practices, in order to offer a comprehensive picture related to the daily practice on using ICT in guidance and counselling in Romania. Trends, future challenges for guidance counsellors and recommendations are drawn with the view of improving policies and practices in the field. (1) Cogoi, C., Barnes, A., La Gro, N. Orientare ?i TIC: contextul. In: Competen?e TIC 2. Instrumente TIC ?i formarea practicienilor de orientare care utilizeaz? computerul. Afir Publishing House, Bucharest, 2009. (2) *** ICT Skills 2.ICT Tools and Training for e-Guidance practitioners. ASTER Scienza Tecnologia Impresa S. Cons. p. a, Publishing House, Bologna, Italy, 2009.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2017
Scopul acestui material îl constituie diseminarea ideilor teoretice, bunelor practici şi inovaţii... more Scopul acestui material îl constituie diseminarea ideilor teoretice, bunelor practici şi inovaţiilor în domeniul consilierii carierei care au fost prezentate în cadrul conferinţei: Promovarea echităţii prin consiliere şi orientare: reflecţii, acţiuni, impact (Promoting Equity through Guidance: Reflection, Action, Impact). Conferinţa s-a derulat în perioada 15-18 noiembrie 2016, a fost organizată de către a Asociaţia internaţională pentru consiliere educaţională şi a carierei (IAEVG) şi a fost
Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala
School-based interventions to promote students’ social and emotional competences are more likely ... more School-based interventions to promote students’ social and emotional competences are more likely to be effective if they are organised as part of a systemic, whole-school approach. This framework implies intentional and coherent interventions embedded in the school context, where teachers play a key role as they are the primary delivery agents of social and emotional education. As research shows, the success of such interventions is directly linked to the teachers` training and their confidence to deliver relevant learning experiences that support the development of children’s social and emotional competences. Under the Erasmus+ project SEEVAL we investigated the Romanian teachers` needs and experiences related to the social and emotional interventions in the school environment, in order to better understand their needs and therefore to tailor a training programme and protocols of action for a whole-school social and emotional education approach. Within this article we will present ...
eLearning and Software for Education
The use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in the education system is a very important topic on ... more The use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in the education system is a very important topic on the European Union and national policy agenda as well as in the teachers Professional Development and training. Various good practices in harnessing OER potential for pupils` learning are rising all over Romania. The current article sums up the results of a national study [1] designed within the context of a national multi-annual macro-structural project being implemented at national level - Relevant Curriculum, Open Education for All (CRED). A significand objective of the project is to facilitate the development of relevant OER and train teachers in order to support the current national curriculum reform. We will describe here the main issues associated with a systemic approach to implementing OER in the primary and secondary education practice in Romania, as shown by a thorough analysis undertook by the Institute of Education Sciences - IES in mid-2018 on this topic within the above-me...
eLearning and Software for Education
The potential of using ICT in guidance is very big, but the real integration into the practice is... more The potential of using ICT in guidance is very big, but the real integration into the practice is still unknown in Romania. The articles presents the results of a quantitative study on the use of ICT in the Romanian school guidance community, based on Anthony Barnes`(1) distinction in relation to the way in which ICT can be used in such a context: as a resource, as a medium and/or for the development of further resources. 130 practitioners from 41 Romanian counties, plus Bucharest, participated in an online survey during November 2013-January 2014. The research questionnaire has been developed based on the instruments developed within international ICT Skills 1 and 2 Leonardo da Vinci projects (2). Results are discussed in relation to earlier Romanian studies and initiatives on the same topic (Stanescu, 2000; Jigau, 2002; ICT skills 1 and 2 project, 2005-2009). Some short overview on the policies and legal provisions for the guidance system is offered, as well as discussions on the ...
8th International Conference eLearning and Software for Education
The article analyses the development and performance a virtual community of practitioners in the ... more The article analyses the development and performance a virtual community of practitioners in the field of parent counselling as part of a blended professional development program. This is part of the ‘Education Priority Areas - EPA’ project (2011-2012) funded by UNICEF in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports (MERYS), Institute of Education Sciences (IES) and the network of County Centres for Resources and Educational Assistance (CCREA) aiming to support families with pupils in risk of drop-out. The training program (both face–to-face and at distance) is part of the methodological approach proposed by the IES based on the EPA model implemented earlier in UK and France, adapted for Romanian disadvantaged communities. The direct beneficiaries of the program are school counsellors and teachers working in schools with a high rate of drop-out. Parents’ counselling is an important piece of an integrated intervention program (management, didactics, counsell...
From historical time, science was a tool used mainly by people eager to search and find answers t... more From historical time, science was a tool used mainly by people eager to search and find answers to unresolved questions. Nowadays scientists have also the opportunity to bring their contribution for building a safer and habitable planet. The Romanian Educational Seismological Network (ROEDUSEIS) is the first educational initiative in Romania in the field of seismology that aims to develop new and comprehensive educational materials, familiarize the students and teachers with seismological data and train them how to analyse and interpret these data, plan, design and test didactic activities based on the concept “learning by doing” and using also informatics and Web-oriented tools and to prove that raising people awareness in high seismic regions could be attained through education and by increasing knowledge about the earthquake phenomena and their effects.
ICERI2018 Proceedings, 2018
Parteneriatul scoala – familie - comunitate reprezinta o problema actuala importanta, reliefata d... more Parteneriatul scoala – familie - comunitate reprezinta o problema actuala importanta, reliefata de diferite documente de politica educationala la nivel national si international si de cercetarile in domeniul educatiei. In Romania, conform Legii educatiei nationale nr. 1/2011, parintii sunt considerati parteneri principali si beneficiari ai procesului de invatamant. Articolul 80 prevede ca toate deciziile majore din invatamantul preuniversitar sa fie luate prin consultarea structurilor asociative reprezentative ale parintilor. Legea Educatiei Nationale da dreptul parintilor de a participa activ la conducerea unitatilor de invatamant, prin prezenta in consiliul de administratie al scolii – a doi sau trei reprezentanti ai parintilor, in functie de marimea scolii (Articolul 96). Parintii sunt implicati in elaborarea ofertei educationale a unitatii de invatamant, prin participarea la organizarea programelor Scoala dupa scoala si in stabilirea curriculumului la decizia scolii. Literatura ...
Romania is one of the most active seismic countries in Europe, with more than 500 earthquakes occ... more Romania is one of the most active seismic countries in Europe, with more than 500 earthquakes occurring every year. The seismic hazard of Romania is relatively high and thus understanding the earthquake phenomena and their effects at the earth surface represents an important step toward the education of population in earthquake affected regions of the country and aims to raise the awareness about the earthquake risk and possible mitigation actions. In this direction, the first national educational project in the field of seismology has recently started in Romania: the ROmanian EDUcational SEISmic NETwork (ROEDUSEIS-NET) project. It involves four partners: the National Institute for Earth Physics as coordinator, the National Institute for Research and Development in Construction, Urban Planning and Sustainable Spatial Development " URBAN - INCERC" Bucharest, the Babeş-Bolyai University (Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Engineering) and the software firm "BETA Soft...
Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 2018
This article presents the results of a study developed by the Institute of Educational Sciences B... more This article presents the results of a study developed by the Institute of Educational Sciences Bucharest which offers a general and updated image upon the early school leaving (ESL) in Romania. The phenomenon has been analysed from the policy perspective, as well as from the educational actors` perspective (teachers and students). The research methodology has been designed in European partnership, within the framework of the Erasmus+ EMPAQT project (EMPAQT, ***). and comprises policy analysis and a quantitative survey based on questionnaires applied to 73 students and 260 teachers from upper secondary schools situated in disadvantaged areas. The conclusions of the study highlighted the Romanian teachers` need to better develop their skills and competencies for working with children at risk of ESL: competencies for building learning situations which encourage equity and inclusion, competencies for developing resilience in children in order to be able to face and recover from adversity, guidance and counselling competencies in order not only to support children in their academic performance, but also to help them develop positive attitudes towards learning, education and their professional future.