Sri Maharani - (original) (raw)

Papers by Sri Maharani

Research paper thumbnail of Pembelajaran Baca Tulis Al-Qur’an Anak Usia Dini

Pengenalan pembelajaran baca tulis Al-Qur’an salah satu keharusan yang wajib diberikan pada anak ... more Pengenalan pembelajaran baca tulis Al-Qur’an salah satu keharusan yang wajib diberikan pada anak usia dini sebagai bagian dari umat muslim. Al-Qur’an sebagai kitab suci umat Islam berperan sebagai sumber hukum, dasar dari ilmu pengetahuan dan  sebagai tolak ukur dalam pembentukan perilaku anak usia dini. melalui pembelajaran dasar-dasar Al-Qur’an seperti membaca dan menuliskannya anak mengenal nilai-nilai baik yang terkandung didalam Al-Qur’an. Pembentukan karakter religius adalah melalui pembelajaran Al-Qur’an salah satunya mampu membaca dan menuliskannya. Karakter religius dan pribadi yang Qur’ani diperlukan dalam membentuk bangsa yang beradab. Penelitian  ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pembelajaran baca tulis Al-Qur’an yang baik dan seharusnya bagi anak usia dini. Metode yang diguanakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi literatur. Tekhnik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan da...

Research paper thumbnail of григорий алексеевич василевич

Research paper thumbnail of дослідження впливудобавок компанії mc bauchemie на фізичні властивості бетону та технологію виготовлення дорожніх залізобетонних плит

Наукові нотатки

, Sep 11, 2021

Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», Інститут будівництва та інженерії довкілля, каф... more Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», Інститут будівництва та інженерії довкілля, кафедра автомобільних доріг та мостів 1 Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», Інститут комп'ютерних наук та інформаційних технологій, кафедра систем штучного інтелекту 2 Керівник відділення компанії ТОВ МЦ Баухемі в Західному регіоні 3 ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ВПЛИВУДОБАВОК КОМПАНІЇ MC-BAUCHEMIE НА ФІЗИЧНІ ВЛАСТИВОСТІ БЕТОНУ ТА ТЕХНОЛОГІЮ ВИГОТОВЛЕННЯ ДОРОЖНІХ ЗАЛІЗОБЕТОННИХ ПЛИТ Високий рівень експлуатаційних показників дорожніх залізобетонних плит, що піддаються багатоповторюваним силовим, вологісно-температурним та корозійним впливам, забезпечується за рахунок оптимізації виробництва з використанням суперпластифікаторів на основі полікарбоксилатів MC-PowerFlow 7915 та MC-PowerFlow 7925 компанії MC-Bauchemie. Таке технологічне рішення дозволяє знизити собівартість продукції через виключення процесів віброущільнення бетонної суміші та тепло-вологісного оброблення виробів. Ключові слова: залізобетонні дорожні плити, полікарбоксилати, міцність бетону, тепло-вологісне оброблення (ТВО). Ю.Л. Новицкий, Н.И. Топилко, Ю.П.Кривенчук, В.А. Пристай ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ВЛИЯНИЯ ДОБАВОК КОМПАНИИ MC-BAUCHEMIE НА ФИЗИЧЕСКИЕ СВОЙСТВА БЕТОНА И ТЕХНОЛОГИЮ ИЗГОТОВЛЕНИЯ ДОРОЖНЫХ ЖЕЛЕЗОБЕТОННЫХ ПЛИТ Высокий уровень эксплуатационных показателей дорожных железобетонных плит, подвергающихся циклическим силовым, влаго-температурным и коррозионным воздействиям, обеспечивается за счет оптимизации производства с использованием суперпластификаторов на основе поликарбоксилатов MC-PowerFlow 7915 и MC-PowerFlow 7925 компании MC-Bauchemie. Такое технологическое решение позволяет снизить себестоимость продукции за исключения процессов виброуплотнения бетонной смеси и тепло-влажной обработки изделий. Ключевые слова: железобетонные дорожные плиты, поликарбоксилаты, прочность бетона, тепло-влажная обработка (ТВО).

Research paper thumbnail of covid 19疫病による手外傷入院患者の救急処置時間の検討 jst 京大機械翻訳

Jiefangjun Yufang Yixue Zazhi, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Pseudomonas Thiazolinophilumによるdl 2 アミノ Δ 2 チアゾリン 4 カルボン酸 I の酵素分解によるl システインの生産 酵素生産と酵素反応条件の検討 文献情報 J Global 科学技術総合リンクセンター

Research paper thumbnail of Galvano Della Volpe from the Idealistic Dialectics to the Marxian Method



Research paper thumbnail of Valutazione Comparativa DI Siero Collirio Proveniente Da Donatori e Da Sangue Cordonale

Research paper thumbnail of KOMUNIKASI RITUAL DALAM TRADISI BARODAK SUKU SAMAWA(Studi pada Wanita yang Dituakan di Dusun Baru Desa Baru Tahan Kecamatan Moyo Utara Kabupaten Sumbawa Besar)

Research paper thumbnail of Karakter Wirausaha pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Kesejahteraan Keluarga Fakultas Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Universitas Negeri Padang

Jurnal Kapita Selekta Geografi, Feb 11, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Wakaf Tunai Dalam Perspektif Islam

Wakaf merupakan sedekah harta secara permanen dengan membekukan atau membatasi pe... more Wakaf merupakan sedekah harta secara permanen dengan membekukan atau membatasi pemanfaatannya (tasaruf) untuk hal-hal yang diperbolehkan dalam syariat Islam. zat harta-benda yang diwakafkan tidak boleh ditasharrufkan. Sebab yang ditasharrufkan adalah manfaatnya. Dalil wakaf tercantum dalam Al- Quraan surah Ali Imran ayat 92 dan As- Sunnah (HR. Muslim), sehingga mampu mendorong Kaum Muslimin menyedekahkan hartanya untuk menggapai ridho Allah SWT. Menurut Imam Nawawi salah satu bentuk dari sedekah jariyah adalah wakaf. Wakaf adalah memindahkan hak milik pribadi menjadi milik suatu badan yang memberi manfaat bagi masyarakat. Ada lima syarat dan rukun wakaf yang harus dipenuhi: Wakif atau orang yang mewakafkan harta, Mauquf bih atau tersedia barang atau harta yang akan diwakafkan, Mauquf „Alaih atau pihak yang diberi wakaf dan peruntukan wakaf atas harta yang tersedia, Shighat atau pernyataan sebagai ikrar wakif untuk kehendak...

Research paper thumbnail of Manfaat Hipnoterapi pada Ibu Hamil di Puskesmas Putri Ayu Kota Jambi

Jurnal Abdimas Kesehatan (JAK), 2022

Feelings of anxiety often accompany pregnancy, especially a mother who is mentally unstable. Anxi... more Feelings of anxiety often accompany pregnancy, especially a mother who is mentally unstable. Anxiety reaches a climax at birth. Pain during childbirth has long been the subject of conversation among women. Therefore, many young mothers-to-be face childbirth with feelings of anxiety. Many attempts were made to overcome the anxiety problems of mothers who are about to give birth. Starting medically and various psychological therapies. One method that can be used is hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is an approach that is often used to deal with anxiety. The strategy used is a combination of physical relaxation and cognitive restructuring to overcome anxiety. The output target of this educational activity about the benefits of hypnotherapy for pregnant women will also be published in the form of a national scientific journal so that it can be accessed by the public. This community service activity is carried out at the Putri Ayu Health Center, Jambi City. Implementation time in July 2020. The...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Effleurage Massage on the Intensity of Primigravida Stage I Labor Pain Latent Phase

Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology, 2019

Effleurage Massage is a touch or gentle, slow, long and unbroken stroke using the tips of the fin... more Effleurage Massage is a touch or gentle, slow, long and unbroken stroke using the tips of the fingers. This massage effleurage aims to make the mother feel comfortable and relaxed, close the gate of pain and increase endorphin hormone production. A research has been conducted which aims to find out whether there is the effect of massage effleurage on the intensity of primigravida labor pain in the first phase of latent phase at BPM Nurleli Purba, Bandar Khalifah District. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research design with one group pretest posttest. The population in this study were all primigravida first-stage mothers in the latent phase, the sample in this study was 10 respondents with accidental sampling technique in accordance with inclusion criteria. Based on the results of the study it was found that prior to the intervention of the mother with 70% severe pain and 30% moderate pain, while after the intervention was obtained 40% mild pain and 60% moderate pain. Based on these results, the P-value 0.004 <0.05 was obtained. This means that there was an effect of effleurage massage on the intensity of primigravida labor pain in the first stage of latent phase.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Teknik Birth Ball Terhadap Kemajuan Persalinan

Survey Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) year 2014 noted that 42.96% of prolonged labor was th... more Survey Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) year 2014 noted that 42.96% of prolonged labor was the main cause of maternal and perinatal death followed by bleeding 35.26% and eclampsia 16.44. Other efforts to prevent prolonged labor are the use of birth ball techniques that support labor so that it can run physiologically. It is also one of the most helpful methods of responding to pain in an active way and reducing the duration of labor in the active phase. This type of research used in this study was a pre-experimental study using a static group comparison research design, with purposive sampling technique where sampling is based on the consideration of the researcher himself. The sample used was 30 inpartum mothers. Analysis of bivariate data using Mann Withney. The results obtained p-value 0.0000 <0.05, which means that there is a significant effect of the implementation of the birth ball technique on the progress of labor. The average progress of labor for a birth ball perfo...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh program customer relationship management thd loyalitas pelanggan PT Arta Trans Nusantara

Research paper thumbnail of Tingkat Depresi Penderita Diabetes Mellitus DI Puskesmas Gayaman Kecamatan Mojoanyar Kabupaten Mojokerto

Depression is one of the pressures that can aggravate diabetes. According Diabetes mellitus can b... more Depression is one of the pressures that can aggravate diabetes. According Diabetes mellitus can be influenced by two factors consist of physical factors and psychological factors. Where physical factor is due to obesity (obesity), while psychological factors caused by negative thought patterns about themselves associated with the illness, and stress. Of the two factors will lead to the occurrence of depression in patients with diabetes mellitus, this study aims to determine the level of depression with diabetes mellitus. This study used a descriptive research design, the population of all patients with diabetes mellitus in sub-district health centers Mojoanyar Gayaman Mojokerto totaling 37 people, using a consecutive sampling technique. Consecutive sampling as many as 15 respondents sample instrument used in the form of a questionnaire sheet, data processing through the stages of Editing, Coding, Scoring, and Tabulating. Then presented in the form of a frequency distribution. The re...

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Senam Hamil dengan Lama Tidur Ibu Hamil Trimester III di Puskesmas Putri Ayu Kota Jambi

Pregnancy is a period that is eagerly awaited by mothers. In conditions of pregnancy there are ho... more Pregnancy is a period that is eagerly awaited by mothers. In conditions of pregnancy there are hormonal and physiological changes. The changes that occur are expected to be carried out by pregnant women in order to have a comfortable pregnancy. Sleep disturbance is one of the complaints that occurs during pregnancy, the complaint is caused by various physiological, hormonal, vascular and metabolic changes. Empirical studies show that up to 25% of pregnant women report significant sleep disturbances in the first trimester, with rates rising to 75% in the first trimester. third trimester. Overcoming sleep disorders during pregnancy can be done in various ways in order to stabilize good sleep quality, such as determining a good and comfortable sleeping position while sleeping, basic relaxation exercises, one of which is pregnancy exercise. This study aims to determine the relationship between pregnancy exercise and sleep duration of pregnant women. Quantitative research design. The sub...

Research paper thumbnail of 미생물,발효,생물공학 : 식물기생성 선충 포식곰팡이의 형태 및 계통분류학적 특성

Research paper thumbnail of La teoría del caso del demandante en el proceso laboral y la responsabilidad civil contractual del empleador por accidentes de trabajo en el módulo laboral de Huancayo en el periodo 2015 y 2016

The present thesis describes the transit of labor procedural justice between the scriptural and o... more The present thesis describes the transit of labor procedural justice between the scriptural and orality, establishing a new system of solution of labor conflicts, which, in turn, shows a radical change in the way of litigation; fertile ground to generate a significant problem, because, if an ineffective theory of the case of an inadequate and improvised defense of the plaintiff's lawyer, would risk the recognition of the right of the injured worker, because it corresponds to the latter, the burden evidence to prove the damage within the processes of payment of compensation for damages caused by accidents at work; a fact that would not allow an effective protection of the right to achieve and achieve the supreme value of any legal system that is justice. So that, research shows that the correlation between the plaintiff's attorney's theory of the case and the employer's contractual civil liability processes for workplace accidents is significant, at 95% confidence with a significance level α = 0.05; through observation sheets of judging hearings and surveys, which were processed and subjected to the hypothesis test called "chi square" that determined the relationship between the two variables. THE AUTHOR.

Research paper thumbnail of Permodelan Penyebaran Batuan Potential Acid Forming (Paf) Dan Non Acid Forming (Naf) Sebagai Upaya Pengendalian Air Asam Tambang Dengan Metode Capsuling DI Pt. Putra Perkasa Abadi Site Girimulya (Bib), Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu, Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan

Batubara adalah bahan bakar fosil yang dapat terbakar, terbentuk dari tumbuhan yang telah terkons... more Batubara adalah bahan bakar fosil yang dapat terbakar, terbentuk dari tumbuhan yang telah terkonsolidasi antara strata batuan lainnya dan diubah oleh kombinasi pengaruh tekanan dan panas selama jutaan tahun sehingga membentuk lapisan batubara. World Energy Council menyebutkan Indonesia menduduki peringkat kelima produsen batubara dunia setelah China, Amerika Serikat, India dan Australia. Indonesia memiliki sekitar 125 ribu juta ton sumberdaya dan 24 ribu juta ton cadangan batubara. Rencana Produksi Batubara tahun 2018 sebesar 704 juta ton dengan Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) sebesar 115 juta ton dan target ekspor sebesar 590 juta ton. PT. Putra Perkasa Abadi site Girimulya (BIB) yang bergerak di bidang pertambangan batubara pada tahun 2018 mempunyai target produksi sebesar 12 juta ton batubara. Ini membuktikan bahwa semakin besar eksploitasi batubara di Indonesia di masa yang akan datang yang akan berbanding lurus dengan kerusakan lingkungan salah satunya air asam tambang. Tindak...

Research paper thumbnail of Pembelajaran Baca Tulis Al-Qur’an Anak Usia Dini

Pengenalan pembelajaran baca tulis Al-Qur’an salah satu keharusan yang wajib diberikan pada anak ... more Pengenalan pembelajaran baca tulis Al-Qur’an salah satu keharusan yang wajib diberikan pada anak usia dini sebagai bagian dari umat muslim. Al-Qur’an sebagai kitab suci umat Islam berperan sebagai sumber hukum, dasar dari ilmu pengetahuan dan  sebagai tolak ukur dalam pembentukan perilaku anak usia dini. melalui pembelajaran dasar-dasar Al-Qur’an seperti membaca dan menuliskannya anak mengenal nilai-nilai baik yang terkandung didalam Al-Qur’an. Pembentukan karakter religius adalah melalui pembelajaran Al-Qur’an salah satunya mampu membaca dan menuliskannya. Karakter religius dan pribadi yang Qur’ani diperlukan dalam membentuk bangsa yang beradab. Penelitian  ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pembelajaran baca tulis Al-Qur’an yang baik dan seharusnya bagi anak usia dini. Metode yang diguanakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi literatur. Tekhnik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan da...

Research paper thumbnail of григорий алексеевич василевич

Research paper thumbnail of дослідження впливудобавок компанії mc bauchemie на фізичні властивості бетону та технологію виготовлення дорожніх залізобетонних плит

Наукові нотатки

, Sep 11, 2021

Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», Інститут будівництва та інженерії довкілля, каф... more Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», Інститут будівництва та інженерії довкілля, кафедра автомобільних доріг та мостів 1 Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», Інститут комп'ютерних наук та інформаційних технологій, кафедра систем штучного інтелекту 2 Керівник відділення компанії ТОВ МЦ Баухемі в Західному регіоні 3 ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ВПЛИВУДОБАВОК КОМПАНІЇ MC-BAUCHEMIE НА ФІЗИЧНІ ВЛАСТИВОСТІ БЕТОНУ ТА ТЕХНОЛОГІЮ ВИГОТОВЛЕННЯ ДОРОЖНІХ ЗАЛІЗОБЕТОННИХ ПЛИТ Високий рівень експлуатаційних показників дорожніх залізобетонних плит, що піддаються багатоповторюваним силовим, вологісно-температурним та корозійним впливам, забезпечується за рахунок оптимізації виробництва з використанням суперпластифікаторів на основі полікарбоксилатів MC-PowerFlow 7915 та MC-PowerFlow 7925 компанії MC-Bauchemie. Таке технологічне рішення дозволяє знизити собівартість продукції через виключення процесів віброущільнення бетонної суміші та тепло-вологісного оброблення виробів. Ключові слова: залізобетонні дорожні плити, полікарбоксилати, міцність бетону, тепло-вологісне оброблення (ТВО). Ю.Л. Новицкий, Н.И. Топилко, Ю.П.Кривенчук, В.А. Пристай ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ВЛИЯНИЯ ДОБАВОК КОМПАНИИ MC-BAUCHEMIE НА ФИЗИЧЕСКИЕ СВОЙСТВА БЕТОНА И ТЕХНОЛОГИЮ ИЗГОТОВЛЕНИЯ ДОРОЖНЫХ ЖЕЛЕЗОБЕТОННЫХ ПЛИТ Высокий уровень эксплуатационных показателей дорожных железобетонных плит, подвергающихся циклическим силовым, влаго-температурным и коррозионным воздействиям, обеспечивается за счет оптимизации производства с использованием суперпластификаторов на основе поликарбоксилатов MC-PowerFlow 7915 и MC-PowerFlow 7925 компании MC-Bauchemie. Такое технологическое решение позволяет снизить себестоимость продукции за исключения процессов виброуплотнения бетонной смеси и тепло-влажной обработки изделий. Ключевые слова: железобетонные дорожные плиты, поликарбоксилаты, прочность бетона, тепло-влажная обработка (ТВО).

Research paper thumbnail of covid 19疫病による手外傷入院患者の救急処置時間の検討 jst 京大機械翻訳

Jiefangjun Yufang Yixue Zazhi, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Pseudomonas Thiazolinophilumによるdl 2 アミノ Δ 2 チアゾリン 4 カルボン酸 I の酵素分解によるl システインの生産 酵素生産と酵素反応条件の検討 文献情報 J Global 科学技術総合リンクセンター

Research paper thumbnail of Galvano Della Volpe from the Idealistic Dialectics to the Marxian Method



Research paper thumbnail of Valutazione Comparativa DI Siero Collirio Proveniente Da Donatori e Da Sangue Cordonale

Research paper thumbnail of KOMUNIKASI RITUAL DALAM TRADISI BARODAK SUKU SAMAWA(Studi pada Wanita yang Dituakan di Dusun Baru Desa Baru Tahan Kecamatan Moyo Utara Kabupaten Sumbawa Besar)

Research paper thumbnail of Karakter Wirausaha pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Kesejahteraan Keluarga Fakultas Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Universitas Negeri Padang

Jurnal Kapita Selekta Geografi, Feb 11, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Wakaf Tunai Dalam Perspektif Islam

Wakaf merupakan sedekah harta secara permanen dengan membekukan atau membatasi pe... more Wakaf merupakan sedekah harta secara permanen dengan membekukan atau membatasi pemanfaatannya (tasaruf) untuk hal-hal yang diperbolehkan dalam syariat Islam. zat harta-benda yang diwakafkan tidak boleh ditasharrufkan. Sebab yang ditasharrufkan adalah manfaatnya. Dalil wakaf tercantum dalam Al- Quraan surah Ali Imran ayat 92 dan As- Sunnah (HR. Muslim), sehingga mampu mendorong Kaum Muslimin menyedekahkan hartanya untuk menggapai ridho Allah SWT. Menurut Imam Nawawi salah satu bentuk dari sedekah jariyah adalah wakaf. Wakaf adalah memindahkan hak milik pribadi menjadi milik suatu badan yang memberi manfaat bagi masyarakat. Ada lima syarat dan rukun wakaf yang harus dipenuhi: Wakif atau orang yang mewakafkan harta, Mauquf bih atau tersedia barang atau harta yang akan diwakafkan, Mauquf „Alaih atau pihak yang diberi wakaf dan peruntukan wakaf atas harta yang tersedia, Shighat atau pernyataan sebagai ikrar wakif untuk kehendak...

Research paper thumbnail of Manfaat Hipnoterapi pada Ibu Hamil di Puskesmas Putri Ayu Kota Jambi

Jurnal Abdimas Kesehatan (JAK), 2022

Feelings of anxiety often accompany pregnancy, especially a mother who is mentally unstable. Anxi... more Feelings of anxiety often accompany pregnancy, especially a mother who is mentally unstable. Anxiety reaches a climax at birth. Pain during childbirth has long been the subject of conversation among women. Therefore, many young mothers-to-be face childbirth with feelings of anxiety. Many attempts were made to overcome the anxiety problems of mothers who are about to give birth. Starting medically and various psychological therapies. One method that can be used is hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is an approach that is often used to deal with anxiety. The strategy used is a combination of physical relaxation and cognitive restructuring to overcome anxiety. The output target of this educational activity about the benefits of hypnotherapy for pregnant women will also be published in the form of a national scientific journal so that it can be accessed by the public. This community service activity is carried out at the Putri Ayu Health Center, Jambi City. Implementation time in July 2020. The...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Effleurage Massage on the Intensity of Primigravida Stage I Labor Pain Latent Phase

Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology, 2019

Effleurage Massage is a touch or gentle, slow, long and unbroken stroke using the tips of the fin... more Effleurage Massage is a touch or gentle, slow, long and unbroken stroke using the tips of the fingers. This massage effleurage aims to make the mother feel comfortable and relaxed, close the gate of pain and increase endorphin hormone production. A research has been conducted which aims to find out whether there is the effect of massage effleurage on the intensity of primigravida labor pain in the first phase of latent phase at BPM Nurleli Purba, Bandar Khalifah District. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research design with one group pretest posttest. The population in this study were all primigravida first-stage mothers in the latent phase, the sample in this study was 10 respondents with accidental sampling technique in accordance with inclusion criteria. Based on the results of the study it was found that prior to the intervention of the mother with 70% severe pain and 30% moderate pain, while after the intervention was obtained 40% mild pain and 60% moderate pain. Based on these results, the P-value 0.004 <0.05 was obtained. This means that there was an effect of effleurage massage on the intensity of primigravida labor pain in the first stage of latent phase.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Teknik Birth Ball Terhadap Kemajuan Persalinan

Survey Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) year 2014 noted that 42.96% of prolonged labor was th... more Survey Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) year 2014 noted that 42.96% of prolonged labor was the main cause of maternal and perinatal death followed by bleeding 35.26% and eclampsia 16.44. Other efforts to prevent prolonged labor are the use of birth ball techniques that support labor so that it can run physiologically. It is also one of the most helpful methods of responding to pain in an active way and reducing the duration of labor in the active phase. This type of research used in this study was a pre-experimental study using a static group comparison research design, with purposive sampling technique where sampling is based on the consideration of the researcher himself. The sample used was 30 inpartum mothers. Analysis of bivariate data using Mann Withney. The results obtained p-value 0.0000 <0.05, which means that there is a significant effect of the implementation of the birth ball technique on the progress of labor. The average progress of labor for a birth ball perfo...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh program customer relationship management thd loyalitas pelanggan PT Arta Trans Nusantara

Research paper thumbnail of Tingkat Depresi Penderita Diabetes Mellitus DI Puskesmas Gayaman Kecamatan Mojoanyar Kabupaten Mojokerto

Depression is one of the pressures that can aggravate diabetes. According Diabetes mellitus can b... more Depression is one of the pressures that can aggravate diabetes. According Diabetes mellitus can be influenced by two factors consist of physical factors and psychological factors. Where physical factor is due to obesity (obesity), while psychological factors caused by negative thought patterns about themselves associated with the illness, and stress. Of the two factors will lead to the occurrence of depression in patients with diabetes mellitus, this study aims to determine the level of depression with diabetes mellitus. This study used a descriptive research design, the population of all patients with diabetes mellitus in sub-district health centers Mojoanyar Gayaman Mojokerto totaling 37 people, using a consecutive sampling technique. Consecutive sampling as many as 15 respondents sample instrument used in the form of a questionnaire sheet, data processing through the stages of Editing, Coding, Scoring, and Tabulating. Then presented in the form of a frequency distribution. The re...

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Senam Hamil dengan Lama Tidur Ibu Hamil Trimester III di Puskesmas Putri Ayu Kota Jambi

Pregnancy is a period that is eagerly awaited by mothers. In conditions of pregnancy there are ho... more Pregnancy is a period that is eagerly awaited by mothers. In conditions of pregnancy there are hormonal and physiological changes. The changes that occur are expected to be carried out by pregnant women in order to have a comfortable pregnancy. Sleep disturbance is one of the complaints that occurs during pregnancy, the complaint is caused by various physiological, hormonal, vascular and metabolic changes. Empirical studies show that up to 25% of pregnant women report significant sleep disturbances in the first trimester, with rates rising to 75% in the first trimester. third trimester. Overcoming sleep disorders during pregnancy can be done in various ways in order to stabilize good sleep quality, such as determining a good and comfortable sleeping position while sleeping, basic relaxation exercises, one of which is pregnancy exercise. This study aims to determine the relationship between pregnancy exercise and sleep duration of pregnant women. Quantitative research design. The sub...

Research paper thumbnail of 미생물,발효,생물공학 : 식물기생성 선충 포식곰팡이의 형태 및 계통분류학적 특성

Research paper thumbnail of La teoría del caso del demandante en el proceso laboral y la responsabilidad civil contractual del empleador por accidentes de trabajo en el módulo laboral de Huancayo en el periodo 2015 y 2016

The present thesis describes the transit of labor procedural justice between the scriptural and o... more The present thesis describes the transit of labor procedural justice between the scriptural and orality, establishing a new system of solution of labor conflicts, which, in turn, shows a radical change in the way of litigation; fertile ground to generate a significant problem, because, if an ineffective theory of the case of an inadequate and improvised defense of the plaintiff's lawyer, would risk the recognition of the right of the injured worker, because it corresponds to the latter, the burden evidence to prove the damage within the processes of payment of compensation for damages caused by accidents at work; a fact that would not allow an effective protection of the right to achieve and achieve the supreme value of any legal system that is justice. So that, research shows that the correlation between the plaintiff's attorney's theory of the case and the employer's contractual civil liability processes for workplace accidents is significant, at 95% confidence with a significance level α = 0.05; through observation sheets of judging hearings and surveys, which were processed and subjected to the hypothesis test called "chi square" that determined the relationship between the two variables. THE AUTHOR.

Research paper thumbnail of Permodelan Penyebaran Batuan Potential Acid Forming (Paf) Dan Non Acid Forming (Naf) Sebagai Upaya Pengendalian Air Asam Tambang Dengan Metode Capsuling DI Pt. Putra Perkasa Abadi Site Girimulya (Bib), Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu, Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan

Batubara adalah bahan bakar fosil yang dapat terbakar, terbentuk dari tumbuhan yang telah terkons... more Batubara adalah bahan bakar fosil yang dapat terbakar, terbentuk dari tumbuhan yang telah terkonsolidasi antara strata batuan lainnya dan diubah oleh kombinasi pengaruh tekanan dan panas selama jutaan tahun sehingga membentuk lapisan batubara. World Energy Council menyebutkan Indonesia menduduki peringkat kelima produsen batubara dunia setelah China, Amerika Serikat, India dan Australia. Indonesia memiliki sekitar 125 ribu juta ton sumberdaya dan 24 ribu juta ton cadangan batubara. Rencana Produksi Batubara tahun 2018 sebesar 704 juta ton dengan Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) sebesar 115 juta ton dan target ekspor sebesar 590 juta ton. PT. Putra Perkasa Abadi site Girimulya (BIB) yang bergerak di bidang pertambangan batubara pada tahun 2018 mempunyai target produksi sebesar 12 juta ton batubara. Ini membuktikan bahwa semakin besar eksploitasi batubara di Indonesia di masa yang akan datang yang akan berbanding lurus dengan kerusakan lingkungan salah satunya air asam tambang. Tindak...