Sri Rum Giyarsih - (original) (raw)
Conference Presentations by Sri Rum Giyarsih
Since establishing a new province on 16 February 2001 pursuant to Act No. 38 of 2000, Gorontalo C... more Since establishing a new province on 16 February 2001 pursuant to Act No. 38 of 2000, Gorontalo City, as the capital city, have experienced a rapid growth in both population and physical city. As we know, the development of cities are affected by 6 (six) factors: (a) accessibility, (b) public services; (c) land characteristics, (d) land owner characteristics, (e) regulatory measures and (f) developers initiatives. But, there are interesting things happening in the city of Gorontalo, the local wisdom of Gorontalo society is regarded as one of the factors that influence the physical changes of the city, namely the tradition of burying family members on the yard. In this study, the perceptions of both migrants and local society about the tradition will be explored. This study uses ecological approach. Its relationship with the object of research used surveys because in this study people's perceptions about the tradition of burying family members on the yard will be revealed. Analysis used in this study is qualitative analysis. This study was drawn with 128 samples representing 16 villages as the representation of 49 villages in research area. The result shows that 72.66% disagree with the tradition and only 27.34% agree. 94.53% of respondents are not willing to buy houses with graves in the yard and tend to buy land and then build or buy new housing, and only 5.47% are willing to buy an existing home grave. This, of course, accelerates the physical development of Gorontalo City because of the 94.53% of respondents who disapprove this, 55% of them have bought houses/vacant land to build. Perceptions of respondents who have already bought houses with graves in them are 67.97% of respondents intend to move the graves, and only 32.03% of which have no problem of the graves
Papers by Sri Rum Giyarsih
Jurnal Multidisiplin Madani
Every year, a large number of tourists visit the Limpakuwus Pine Forest tourist attraction. Overc... more Every year, a large number of tourists visit the Limpakuwus Pine Forest tourist attraction. Overcrowding in tourist attraction areas is caused by the high number of visitors, which can harm environmental conditions and tourist comfort. The aim of this research is to investigate the use of SWOT analysis in the tourism management of the Limpakuwus Pine Forest tourist attraction. This research method uses a survey method by taking a sample of a number of tourists, and managers of Limpakuwus Pine Forest tourist attractions. The type of data collected consists of primary data and secondary data obtained through observation and interviews with respondents, as well as literature, selects through related agencies. Based on the results, the Limpakuwus Pine Forest tourism industry is currently in a consolidation phase, during which its growth is accelerating. From the time it first opened until now, this phase has been marked by an increase in visitors, who are now at their peak. Because of t...
The research is conducted in the village of Kepuharjo, Sleman regency, located in the north of th... more The research is conducted in the village of Kepuharjo, Sleman regency, located in the north of the Yogyakarta Special Administrative Region, Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to determine the livelihood strategies, patterns and phases of activity, as well as a determinant factor in the livelihood strategies of dairy cattle farmers before and after the 2010 eruptions of Mount Merapi. This research is based on the application of a single case study method. The single case study consists of several cases of household units in the village of Kepuharjo. The instruments used for data collection are direct observation, in-depth interview and document research. Informants are dairy cattle farmers in the hamlets of Kaliadem, Jambu, and Petung in Kepuharjo Village, Cangkringan sub-district, selected through snowball sampling. The results of this study indicate that there are three household livelihood strategies of dairy cattle farmers in the pre-eruptive stage: accumulation, consoli...
Indonesian Journal of Geography
This study aimed to analyse the impact of urban sprawl on the (1) social, (2) economic, and (3) t... more This study aimed to analyse the impact of urban sprawl on the (1) social, (2) economic, and (3) technological conditions of the population in Tamanan Village, on the outskirts of Yogyakarta City. For data collection, this survey research employed structured interviews with 40 respondents selected through multistage random sampling. It also used complementary in-depth interviews with seven (7) purposively sampled key informants to deepen the analysis. The answers from the structured interviews were analysed with descriptive statistics in the form of single-frequency tables, while the data derived from the in-depth interviews were processed using a qualitative descriptive approach. The results show that the impact of urban sprawl on the social (37.5%) and economic conditions (40%) was mostly high, while the effect on the technological conditions of the population in the study area fell mainly under the medium category (47.5%). In conclusion, the phenomenon of urban sprawl in the study...
Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menyampaikan kepada pembaca tentang pentingnya sinergisme spasial dan... more Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menyampaikan kepada pembaca tentang pentingnya sinergisme spasial dan sinergisme fungsional.
Jurnal Kawistara, 2021
Social media occupies increasingly important roles in disaster response management. However, ther... more Social media occupies increasingly important roles in disaster response management. However, there are still doubts regarding the effectiveness of social media-based disaster communication. This paper aims to understand the discourse that emerge in Twitter containing facts or opinion regarding the flood disaster communication in DKI Jakarta under the different leadership of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (2014- 2017) and Anies Rasyid Baswedan (2017-2020). This research used the methods of Corpus Assisted Discourse Study (CADS) and Actor Network Theory (ANT). These methods collected data on the discourse that is happening on Twitter and analyzes the network of actors who are active in discussions about floods in DKI Jakarta at different periods of leadership. This research found that the discourse that has developed on Twitter about floods in DKI Jakarta covers the personal problems of the leaders, the personality of the leaders, and the political position of the leaders, offered little mess...
Jurnal Bumi Indonesia, 2016
Urban areas became the main attraction of human to meet the need for shelter. Urban have evolved ... more Urban areas became the main attraction of human to meet the need for shelter. Urban have evolved along with the increasing number of people living in it. The tendency of human beings to live in the city and the natural population growth led to increased demand for shelter space and other facilities (Sutanto, 1995). Meanwhile, the land availability in the city is very limited, so there are develops several conditions of settlements. To understand the phenomenon, then this paper aims to: 1) know the quality of micro settlements in the city of Temanggung, 2) compare the quality of micro settlements between the city center and the suburbs, 3) the effect of getting the land / buildings to quality micro settlements. The result shows that the quality of the housing in the City of Temanggung average is in the high and medium grade. In Micro-quality housing in the city center is better than the quality of suburban settlements. Meanwhile the relationship between the land and ways to obtain the quality of the housing has a strong correlation value of 0.567.
Jurnal Bumi Indonesia, 2016
Samas coastland is one of the tourism object which have many infrastructures that sustainability ... more Samas coastland is one of the tourism object which have many infrastructures that sustainability of its development vulnerable to shore erosion if the problem is not resolved immediately. The research aims to study the level of vulnerability and study the community capacity to deal with shore erosion in Samas coastland. SMCE method is used to vulnerability assessment. The method used for the assessment of community capacity is a scoring method of the results from structured interview. The results of vulnerability assessment show that three scenarios, they are physical scenario, socioeconomic scenario, and equal scenario have same value that indicates Srigading village has a higher vulnerability than Gadingsari village. The results of household vulnerability assessment on physical, social, and economic parameters each show 50%, 8,93%, and 46,43% households have high vulnerability. The results of community capacity assessment show that communities in Samas coastland have community capacity with medium classified.
2020 6th International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST), 2020
The 2004 tsunami destroyed most of the built-up areas in the city of Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The p... more The 2004 tsunami destroyed most of the built-up areas in the city of Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The physical development recoveries were immediately taken place to restore urban function. This study aims to identify spatio-temporal patterns of built-up expansion in the city of Banda Aceh during the recovery (2005–2009) and post-recovery period (2009–2019). Urban land cover was classified from Landsat imagery using the supervised classification method with maximum likelihood. The results indicate that the built-up area has increased from 1426 ha in 2005 to 3321 ha in 2019. The intensity of growth in the initial period was high, while the intensity in the following period has decreased significantly. Urban recovery had contributed greatly to the built-up expansion in a relatively short period of time. This study also proved the difference in the direction of expansion at the micro-scale (sub-district level) in the two periods.
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap karakteristik migran sirkuler asal jawa dengan ... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap karakteristik migran sirkuler asal jawa dengan fokus; (1) niat migrasinya di masa mendatang yang diprediksi menggunakan variabel upah, umur, lama tinggal, dan tingkat pendidikan; (2) penyesuaian diri mereka dalam dimensi ekonomi, serta fisik dan lingkungan tempat tinggal. Analisis dilakukan dengan teknik regresi model binary logistic untuk tujuan penelitian pertama, dan teknik statistik deskriptif (mean) yang diperkuat dengan teknik uji beda untuk tujuan penelitian yang kedua. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; (1) variabel upah, umur, lama tinggal, dan tingkat pendidikan secara bersama-sama memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap niat migrasi dari para migran sirkuler asal Jawa; (2) penyesuaian diri migran sirkuler asal jawa menunjukkan pola yang berfluktuasi dengan semakin lamanya migran tinggal di Kuta Selatan dalam dimensi ekonomi, dan penyesuaian dirinya semakin berhasil dengan semakin lamanya mereka sudah tinggal di Kuta Se...
Media Komunikasi Geografi
Minat menjadi migran permanen akan berdampak positif dan negatif, baik bagi daerah tujuan maupun ... more Minat menjadi migran permanen akan berdampak positif dan negatif, baik bagi daerah tujuan maupun bagi daerah asal. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Yogyakarta dengan responden mahasiswa asal NTT anggota KESA. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi minat mahasiswa asal NTT anggota KESA menjadi migran permanen di Yogyakarta menurut karakteristik migran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode campuran (mixed method) dengan mengunakan metode survei terhadap 43 orang dan wawancara mendalam dengan tujuh orang. Data yang dikumpulkan disajikan dalam bentuk deskriptif dengan menggunakan tabel frekuensi tunggal dan tabel silang, dan analisis kualitatif untuk memperkuat atau mendukung penelitian kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minat mahasiswa asal NTT anggota KESA menjadi migran permanen dilihat karakteristik migran yaitu jenis kelamin, lama tinggal dan keberadaan keluarga terdahulu, diketahui bahwa sebagian besar migran yang berminat menjadi migran permanen di Yogyakarta...
Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review, 2021
Environmental damage is the real threat of natural resources where the economic motives (utility)... more Environmental damage is the real threat of natural resources where the economic motives (utility) are often contrary to the conservation motives (protection). However, there are some efforts to reduce the damage. One of them is called bottom-up innovation, which is known as grassroots innovation. This study aims to identify and analyze the innovations emerging from society to preserve the environment in the geopark area, which is used as tourism objects. It is a qualitative descriptive study conducted on Nglanggeran Ancient Volcano Geosite, Pindul Cave Geosite, and Siung Beach Geosite. This study shows that the grassroots innovations are not purely initiated by local communities but by some people who are members of tourism awareness groups or Pokdarwis. The innovations were carried out independently without the help of experts or the government, the innovations were developed by a “trial and error” process, and the innovations are temporary and sometimes only solve the current prob...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan smartcard d... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan smartcard di Transjogja, (2) mengetahui intensitas mahasiswa memanfaatkan layanan sistem smartcard pada Transjogja, (3) mengetahui perbedaan penggunaan kartu single trip dan regular smartcard. Metode yang digunakan yaitu survei dengan menggunakan data primer didapat dari wawancara langsung di halte transjogja dengan teknik analisis deskriptif, skoring dan tabulasi silang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas dari 99 responden mahasiswa 60% diantaranya menggunakan kartu single trip dan 40% smartcard dalam pembayaran menggunakan transjogja. Mahasiswa yang tidak menggunakan smartcard memiliki persepsi belum ingin beralih kartu regular smartcard dan masih bertahan dengan kartu single trip karena dengan penggunaan yang jarang selain itu menghindari beban biaya bulanan dan memilih yang fleksibel dapat digunakan kapanpun jika dibutuhkan sepeti kartu single trip. Hasil tersebut menjelaskan bahwa si...
Penelitian ini mengkaji kualitas lingkungan permukiman di kawasan obyek wisata dengan tujuan memp... more Penelitian ini mengkaji kualitas lingkungan permukiman di kawasan obyek wisata dengan tujuan memperoleh data kualitas lingkungan permukiman dan data korelasi kualitas lingkungan permukiman dengan jarak lokasi obyek wisata Umbul Kapilaler dan Umbul Ponggok di Desa Ponggok. Penelitian menggunakan parameter: aspek penghuni rumah, fisik bangunan permukiman, status legalitas, dan lingkungan permukiman. Metode yang digunakan adalah teknik cluster sampling . Responden yang dipilih adalah 60 keluarga di daerah penelitian. Penilaian kualitas lingkungan permukiman menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Selain menggunakan analisis deskriptif untuk menjelaskan penilaian kualitas lingkungan permukiman, penelitian ini menggunakan metode person product moment. Hasil penelitian di Dusun Umbulsari menunjukan bahwa 2 permukiman memiliki kategori baik, 10 permukiman memiliki kategori sedang, 18 permukiman memiliki kategori buruk. Sedangkan, di Dusun Ponggok menunjukan bahwa 13 permukiman memiliki kategori ...
Pesisir Kota Pekalongan merupakan salah satu wilayah rawan banjir rob, yang mana sudah terjadi le... more Pesisir Kota Pekalongan merupakan salah satu wilayah rawan banjir rob, yang mana sudah terjadi lebih dari 10 tahun. Kondisi ini memberikan dampak sosial yang dirasakan oleh masyarakat seperti terjadinya pergeseran peran gender dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi area rawan banjir rob serta mengkaji pembagian peran gender pada masyarakat sebagai bentuk adaptasi. Metode yang digunakan yaitu mix method dengan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Penelitian diawali dengan pembuatan peta kelas kerawanan banjir dengan menggunakan nilai elevasi muka air tertinggi (HHWL) dan DEM . Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis deskriptif dari situasi sosial yang dikaji yang kemudian dilakukan triangulasi data. Pengumpulan data menggunakan studi pustaka, wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil yang didapat yakni dapat ditentukan kerawanan banjir di masing-masing kelurahan dengan kelas banjir rendah, sedang dan tinggi. Pembagian peran reproduktif masih dibebankan...
Solid State Technology, 2020
This study was designed to explain the transformation of the employment status among online trans... more This study was designed to explain the transformation of the employment status among online transportation workers in the City of Palembang in the demographic bonus era. It employed mixed methods that combined quantitative and qualitative approaches and revealed that in the demographic bonus, the employment statuses of workers before joining online transportation were unemployed, formal-sector workers, and informal-sector workers. More than fifty percent of workers in the formal and informal sectors left their employments following their decision to focus on working in a mobility service provider. This change offered several benefits; for instance, they could manage their working time, earn a higher income, communicate with various individuals, and acquire many friends and knowledge of many locations in the city. On the other side, the disadvantage was that customers might occasionally cancel their orders. As for those who also continued to work in the formal and informal sectors, t...
Solid State Technology, Oct 16, 2020
Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review, 2021
Environmental damage is the real threat of natural resources where the economic motives (utility)... more Environmental damage is the real threat of natural resources where the economic motives (utility) are often contrary to the conservation motives (protection). However, there are some efforts to reduce the damage. One of them is called bottom-up innovation, which is known as grassroots innovation. This study aims to identify and analyze the innovations emerging from society to preserve the environment in the geopark area, which is used as tourism objects. It is a qualitative descriptive study conducted on Nglanggeran Ancient Volcano Geosite, Pindul Cave Geosite, and Siung Beach Geosite. This study shows that the grassroots innovations are not purely initiated by local communities but by some people who are members of tourism awareness groups or Pokdarwis. The innovations were carried out independently without the help of experts or the government, the innovations were developed by a “trial and error” process, and the innovations are temporary and sometimes only solve the current prob...
Since establishing a new province on 16 February 2001 pursuant to Act No. 38 of 2000, Gorontalo C... more Since establishing a new province on 16 February 2001 pursuant to Act No. 38 of 2000, Gorontalo City, as the capital city, have experienced a rapid growth in both population and physical city. As we know, the development of cities are affected by 6 (six) factors: (a) accessibility, (b) public services; (c) land characteristics, (d) land owner characteristics, (e) regulatory measures and (f) developers initiatives. But, there are interesting things happening in the city of Gorontalo, the local wisdom of Gorontalo society is regarded as one of the factors that influence the physical changes of the city, namely the tradition of burying family members on the yard. In this study, the perceptions of both migrants and local society about the tradition will be explored. This study uses ecological approach. Its relationship with the object of research used surveys because in this study people's perceptions about the tradition of burying family members on the yard will be revealed. Analysis used in this study is qualitative analysis. This study was drawn with 128 samples representing 16 villages as the representation of 49 villages in research area. The result shows that 72.66% disagree with the tradition and only 27.34% agree. 94.53% of respondents are not willing to buy houses with graves in the yard and tend to buy land and then build or buy new housing, and only 5.47% are willing to buy an existing home grave. This, of course, accelerates the physical development of Gorontalo City because of the 94.53% of respondents who disapprove this, 55% of them have bought houses/vacant land to build. Perceptions of respondents who have already bought houses with graves in them are 67.97% of respondents intend to move the graves, and only 32.03% of which have no problem of the graves
Jurnal Multidisiplin Madani
Every year, a large number of tourists visit the Limpakuwus Pine Forest tourist attraction. Overc... more Every year, a large number of tourists visit the Limpakuwus Pine Forest tourist attraction. Overcrowding in tourist attraction areas is caused by the high number of visitors, which can harm environmental conditions and tourist comfort. The aim of this research is to investigate the use of SWOT analysis in the tourism management of the Limpakuwus Pine Forest tourist attraction. This research method uses a survey method by taking a sample of a number of tourists, and managers of Limpakuwus Pine Forest tourist attractions. The type of data collected consists of primary data and secondary data obtained through observation and interviews with respondents, as well as literature, selects through related agencies. Based on the results, the Limpakuwus Pine Forest tourism industry is currently in a consolidation phase, during which its growth is accelerating. From the time it first opened until now, this phase has been marked by an increase in visitors, who are now at their peak. Because of t...
The research is conducted in the village of Kepuharjo, Sleman regency, located in the north of th... more The research is conducted in the village of Kepuharjo, Sleman regency, located in the north of the Yogyakarta Special Administrative Region, Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to determine the livelihood strategies, patterns and phases of activity, as well as a determinant factor in the livelihood strategies of dairy cattle farmers before and after the 2010 eruptions of Mount Merapi. This research is based on the application of a single case study method. The single case study consists of several cases of household units in the village of Kepuharjo. The instruments used for data collection are direct observation, in-depth interview and document research. Informants are dairy cattle farmers in the hamlets of Kaliadem, Jambu, and Petung in Kepuharjo Village, Cangkringan sub-district, selected through snowball sampling. The results of this study indicate that there are three household livelihood strategies of dairy cattle farmers in the pre-eruptive stage: accumulation, consoli...
Indonesian Journal of Geography
This study aimed to analyse the impact of urban sprawl on the (1) social, (2) economic, and (3) t... more This study aimed to analyse the impact of urban sprawl on the (1) social, (2) economic, and (3) technological conditions of the population in Tamanan Village, on the outskirts of Yogyakarta City. For data collection, this survey research employed structured interviews with 40 respondents selected through multistage random sampling. It also used complementary in-depth interviews with seven (7) purposively sampled key informants to deepen the analysis. The answers from the structured interviews were analysed with descriptive statistics in the form of single-frequency tables, while the data derived from the in-depth interviews were processed using a qualitative descriptive approach. The results show that the impact of urban sprawl on the social (37.5%) and economic conditions (40%) was mostly high, while the effect on the technological conditions of the population in the study area fell mainly under the medium category (47.5%). In conclusion, the phenomenon of urban sprawl in the study...
Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menyampaikan kepada pembaca tentang pentingnya sinergisme spasial dan... more Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menyampaikan kepada pembaca tentang pentingnya sinergisme spasial dan sinergisme fungsional.
Jurnal Kawistara, 2021
Social media occupies increasingly important roles in disaster response management. However, ther... more Social media occupies increasingly important roles in disaster response management. However, there are still doubts regarding the effectiveness of social media-based disaster communication. This paper aims to understand the discourse that emerge in Twitter containing facts or opinion regarding the flood disaster communication in DKI Jakarta under the different leadership of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (2014- 2017) and Anies Rasyid Baswedan (2017-2020). This research used the methods of Corpus Assisted Discourse Study (CADS) and Actor Network Theory (ANT). These methods collected data on the discourse that is happening on Twitter and analyzes the network of actors who are active in discussions about floods in DKI Jakarta at different periods of leadership. This research found that the discourse that has developed on Twitter about floods in DKI Jakarta covers the personal problems of the leaders, the personality of the leaders, and the political position of the leaders, offered little mess...
Jurnal Bumi Indonesia, 2016
Urban areas became the main attraction of human to meet the need for shelter. Urban have evolved ... more Urban areas became the main attraction of human to meet the need for shelter. Urban have evolved along with the increasing number of people living in it. The tendency of human beings to live in the city and the natural population growth led to increased demand for shelter space and other facilities (Sutanto, 1995). Meanwhile, the land availability in the city is very limited, so there are develops several conditions of settlements. To understand the phenomenon, then this paper aims to: 1) know the quality of micro settlements in the city of Temanggung, 2) compare the quality of micro settlements between the city center and the suburbs, 3) the effect of getting the land / buildings to quality micro settlements. The result shows that the quality of the housing in the City of Temanggung average is in the high and medium grade. In Micro-quality housing in the city center is better than the quality of suburban settlements. Meanwhile the relationship between the land and ways to obtain the quality of the housing has a strong correlation value of 0.567.
Jurnal Bumi Indonesia, 2016
Samas coastland is one of the tourism object which have many infrastructures that sustainability ... more Samas coastland is one of the tourism object which have many infrastructures that sustainability of its development vulnerable to shore erosion if the problem is not resolved immediately. The research aims to study the level of vulnerability and study the community capacity to deal with shore erosion in Samas coastland. SMCE method is used to vulnerability assessment. The method used for the assessment of community capacity is a scoring method of the results from structured interview. The results of vulnerability assessment show that three scenarios, they are physical scenario, socioeconomic scenario, and equal scenario have same value that indicates Srigading village has a higher vulnerability than Gadingsari village. The results of household vulnerability assessment on physical, social, and economic parameters each show 50%, 8,93%, and 46,43% households have high vulnerability. The results of community capacity assessment show that communities in Samas coastland have community capacity with medium classified.
2020 6th International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST), 2020
The 2004 tsunami destroyed most of the built-up areas in the city of Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The p... more The 2004 tsunami destroyed most of the built-up areas in the city of Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The physical development recoveries were immediately taken place to restore urban function. This study aims to identify spatio-temporal patterns of built-up expansion in the city of Banda Aceh during the recovery (2005–2009) and post-recovery period (2009–2019). Urban land cover was classified from Landsat imagery using the supervised classification method with maximum likelihood. The results indicate that the built-up area has increased from 1426 ha in 2005 to 3321 ha in 2019. The intensity of growth in the initial period was high, while the intensity in the following period has decreased significantly. Urban recovery had contributed greatly to the built-up expansion in a relatively short period of time. This study also proved the difference in the direction of expansion at the micro-scale (sub-district level) in the two periods.
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap karakteristik migran sirkuler asal jawa dengan ... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap karakteristik migran sirkuler asal jawa dengan fokus; (1) niat migrasinya di masa mendatang yang diprediksi menggunakan variabel upah, umur, lama tinggal, dan tingkat pendidikan; (2) penyesuaian diri mereka dalam dimensi ekonomi, serta fisik dan lingkungan tempat tinggal. Analisis dilakukan dengan teknik regresi model binary logistic untuk tujuan penelitian pertama, dan teknik statistik deskriptif (mean) yang diperkuat dengan teknik uji beda untuk tujuan penelitian yang kedua. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; (1) variabel upah, umur, lama tinggal, dan tingkat pendidikan secara bersama-sama memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap niat migrasi dari para migran sirkuler asal Jawa; (2) penyesuaian diri migran sirkuler asal jawa menunjukkan pola yang berfluktuasi dengan semakin lamanya migran tinggal di Kuta Selatan dalam dimensi ekonomi, dan penyesuaian dirinya semakin berhasil dengan semakin lamanya mereka sudah tinggal di Kuta Se...
Media Komunikasi Geografi
Minat menjadi migran permanen akan berdampak positif dan negatif, baik bagi daerah tujuan maupun ... more Minat menjadi migran permanen akan berdampak positif dan negatif, baik bagi daerah tujuan maupun bagi daerah asal. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Yogyakarta dengan responden mahasiswa asal NTT anggota KESA. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi minat mahasiswa asal NTT anggota KESA menjadi migran permanen di Yogyakarta menurut karakteristik migran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode campuran (mixed method) dengan mengunakan metode survei terhadap 43 orang dan wawancara mendalam dengan tujuh orang. Data yang dikumpulkan disajikan dalam bentuk deskriptif dengan menggunakan tabel frekuensi tunggal dan tabel silang, dan analisis kualitatif untuk memperkuat atau mendukung penelitian kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minat mahasiswa asal NTT anggota KESA menjadi migran permanen dilihat karakteristik migran yaitu jenis kelamin, lama tinggal dan keberadaan keluarga terdahulu, diketahui bahwa sebagian besar migran yang berminat menjadi migran permanen di Yogyakarta...
Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review, 2021
Environmental damage is the real threat of natural resources where the economic motives (utility)... more Environmental damage is the real threat of natural resources where the economic motives (utility) are often contrary to the conservation motives (protection). However, there are some efforts to reduce the damage. One of them is called bottom-up innovation, which is known as grassroots innovation. This study aims to identify and analyze the innovations emerging from society to preserve the environment in the geopark area, which is used as tourism objects. It is a qualitative descriptive study conducted on Nglanggeran Ancient Volcano Geosite, Pindul Cave Geosite, and Siung Beach Geosite. This study shows that the grassroots innovations are not purely initiated by local communities but by some people who are members of tourism awareness groups or Pokdarwis. The innovations were carried out independently without the help of experts or the government, the innovations were developed by a “trial and error” process, and the innovations are temporary and sometimes only solve the current prob...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan smartcard d... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan smartcard di Transjogja, (2) mengetahui intensitas mahasiswa memanfaatkan layanan sistem smartcard pada Transjogja, (3) mengetahui perbedaan penggunaan kartu single trip dan regular smartcard. Metode yang digunakan yaitu survei dengan menggunakan data primer didapat dari wawancara langsung di halte transjogja dengan teknik analisis deskriptif, skoring dan tabulasi silang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas dari 99 responden mahasiswa 60% diantaranya menggunakan kartu single trip dan 40% smartcard dalam pembayaran menggunakan transjogja. Mahasiswa yang tidak menggunakan smartcard memiliki persepsi belum ingin beralih kartu regular smartcard dan masih bertahan dengan kartu single trip karena dengan penggunaan yang jarang selain itu menghindari beban biaya bulanan dan memilih yang fleksibel dapat digunakan kapanpun jika dibutuhkan sepeti kartu single trip. Hasil tersebut menjelaskan bahwa si...
Penelitian ini mengkaji kualitas lingkungan permukiman di kawasan obyek wisata dengan tujuan memp... more Penelitian ini mengkaji kualitas lingkungan permukiman di kawasan obyek wisata dengan tujuan memperoleh data kualitas lingkungan permukiman dan data korelasi kualitas lingkungan permukiman dengan jarak lokasi obyek wisata Umbul Kapilaler dan Umbul Ponggok di Desa Ponggok. Penelitian menggunakan parameter: aspek penghuni rumah, fisik bangunan permukiman, status legalitas, dan lingkungan permukiman. Metode yang digunakan adalah teknik cluster sampling . Responden yang dipilih adalah 60 keluarga di daerah penelitian. Penilaian kualitas lingkungan permukiman menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Selain menggunakan analisis deskriptif untuk menjelaskan penilaian kualitas lingkungan permukiman, penelitian ini menggunakan metode person product moment. Hasil penelitian di Dusun Umbulsari menunjukan bahwa 2 permukiman memiliki kategori baik, 10 permukiman memiliki kategori sedang, 18 permukiman memiliki kategori buruk. Sedangkan, di Dusun Ponggok menunjukan bahwa 13 permukiman memiliki kategori ...
Pesisir Kota Pekalongan merupakan salah satu wilayah rawan banjir rob, yang mana sudah terjadi le... more Pesisir Kota Pekalongan merupakan salah satu wilayah rawan banjir rob, yang mana sudah terjadi lebih dari 10 tahun. Kondisi ini memberikan dampak sosial yang dirasakan oleh masyarakat seperti terjadinya pergeseran peran gender dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi area rawan banjir rob serta mengkaji pembagian peran gender pada masyarakat sebagai bentuk adaptasi. Metode yang digunakan yaitu mix method dengan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Penelitian diawali dengan pembuatan peta kelas kerawanan banjir dengan menggunakan nilai elevasi muka air tertinggi (HHWL) dan DEM . Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis deskriptif dari situasi sosial yang dikaji yang kemudian dilakukan triangulasi data. Pengumpulan data menggunakan studi pustaka, wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil yang didapat yakni dapat ditentukan kerawanan banjir di masing-masing kelurahan dengan kelas banjir rendah, sedang dan tinggi. Pembagian peran reproduktif masih dibebankan...
Solid State Technology, 2020
This study was designed to explain the transformation of the employment status among online trans... more This study was designed to explain the transformation of the employment status among online transportation workers in the City of Palembang in the demographic bonus era. It employed mixed methods that combined quantitative and qualitative approaches and revealed that in the demographic bonus, the employment statuses of workers before joining online transportation were unemployed, formal-sector workers, and informal-sector workers. More than fifty percent of workers in the formal and informal sectors left their employments following their decision to focus on working in a mobility service provider. This change offered several benefits; for instance, they could manage their working time, earn a higher income, communicate with various individuals, and acquire many friends and knowledge of many locations in the city. On the other side, the disadvantage was that customers might occasionally cancel their orders. As for those who also continued to work in the formal and informal sectors, t...
Solid State Technology, Oct 16, 2020
Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review, 2021
Environmental damage is the real threat of natural resources where the economic motives (utility)... more Environmental damage is the real threat of natural resources where the economic motives (utility) are often contrary to the conservation motives (protection). However, there are some efforts to reduce the damage. One of them is called bottom-up innovation, which is known as grassroots innovation. This study aims to identify and analyze the innovations emerging from society to preserve the environment in the geopark area, which is used as tourism objects. It is a qualitative descriptive study conducted on Nglanggeran Ancient Volcano Geosite, Pindul Cave Geosite, and Siung Beach Geosite. This study shows that the grassroots innovations are not purely initiated by local communities but by some people who are members of tourism awareness groups or Pokdarwis. The innovations were carried out independently without the help of experts or the government, the innovations were developed by a “trial and error” process, and the innovations are temporary and sometimes only solve the current prob...