Stanisław Kuciel - (original) (raw)
Papers by Stanisław Kuciel
Czasopismo Techniczne. Mechanika, 2006
Archiwum Odlewnictwa, 2006
Gwałtowny rozwój produkcji i przetwórstwa polimerów i kompozytów na ich osnowie stwarza wiele pro... more Gwałtowny rozwój produkcji i przetwórstwa polimerów i kompozytów na ich osnowie stwarza wiele problemów ściśle związanych zarówno z produkcją, technologią jak i recyklingiem. Zjawisku temu towarzyszy wzrost istotnych problemów gospodarczych i ekonomicznych. Problem ten szczególnie dotyczy dużych aglomeracji miejskich. Wzmiankowane fakty spowodowane są trudnościami związanymi z biodegradacją, różnorodnością odpadów pochodzenia polimerowego oraz niewystarczającym stopniem ich recyklingu [1,2]. Innym problemem jest konieczność poprawy właściwości polimerów. W szczególności to dotyczy zwiększenia modułu Younga, pozwalającą na poszerzenie aplikacji tych polimerów.
Przetwórstwo Tworzyw, 2013
Micro & Nano Letters, 2013
Biomaterials is a term used to indicate materials that constitute parts of medical implants, extr... more Biomaterials is a term used to indicate materials that constitute parts of medical implants, extracorporeal devices, and disposables that have been utilised in medicine, surgery, dentistry and veterinary medicine as well as in every aspect of patient health care. Ceramics biomaterials are used as components of hip implants, dental implants, middle ear implants and heart valves. Porous or particulate calcium phosphate ceramic materials such as tricalcium phosphate (TCP) have proved successful for resorbable hard tissue replacements when low loads are applied to the material. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the biological characteristics of the biomaterial developed. Interactions of TCP with polyacrylate polymers in aqueous dispersions were characterised using X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, pH determination and viscosity measurements.
Przetwórstwo Tworzyw, 2015
Przetwórstwo Tworzyw, 2017
Kompozyty hybrydowe na osnowie polilaktydu z włóknami węglowymi i bazaltowymi Streszczenie: Kompo... more Kompozyty hybrydowe na osnowie polilaktydu z włóknami węglowymi i bazaltowymi Streszczenie: Kompozyty hybrydowe na osnowie biodegradowalnego polilaktydu wytworzono metodą wtryskiwania z włóknami węglowymi i bazaltowymi o równowagowym udziale 7,5% i 12,5% w Zakładach Azotowych w Tarnowie. Wykonano przegląd dostępnej literatury oraz przeprowadzono szereg badań wytrzymałościowych zgodnych z Polskimi Normami. badania te obejmowały statyczną próbę rozciągania i zginania oraz oznaczanie udarności wg Charpy'ego. Wykonano je w zmiennych temperaturach (-24, 20 i 60 o C) oraz po próbie degradacji hydrolitycznej prowadzonej przez 21 dni. Za pomocą skaningowego mikroskopu elektronowego wykonano zdjęcia mikrostruktury na przełomach próbek rozciąganych. Właściwości hybrydowych kompozycji z włóknami węglowymi i bazaltowymi na osnowie polilaktydu są znacznie lepsze niż porównywalnych kompozycji z włóknem szklanym, wzrasta wytrzymałość, sztywność oraz udarność. słowa kluczowe: polilaktyd, kompozyty hybrydowe, włókna węglowe i bazaltowe. hybrids CoMPosiTes oN The PolylACTide bAse WiTh CArboN ANd bAsAlT fibers Abstract: hybrid composites on biodegradable polylactide matrix with carbon and basalt fibers in equilibrium participation 7,5% and 12,5% were produced by molding injection in Zakłady Azotowe in Tarnow. To investigate the properties of this composition has been review of the literature and conducted series research on the strength samples according to Polish standards. These research included: tensile test, bend test and Charpy impact test. They were done in variable temperatures (-24, 20 and 60 Celsius degree) and after hydrolytic biodegradation of materials, which lasted 21 days. We were taken photos to check fracture samples after tensile test using scanning electron microscope. The properties of hybrid composites with carbon and basalt fibers on the polylactide base are much better than comparable composites with glass fibers, increasing durability, stiffness and impact strength.
International journal of precision engineering and manufacturing. Green engineering/International journal of precision engineering and manufacturing green technology, Jul 2, 2024
Czasopismo Techniczne, 2018
Nowadays electric and electronic equipments are produced on a large scale, for example, personal ... more Nowadays electric and electronic equipments are produced on a large scale, for example, personal computers. Therefore, more and more waste is recycled. To increase the strength properties of recycled materials, they are reinforced with various types of fillers such as natural. Over the last few years, fillers from tuffs of volcanic origin have been gaining in popularity. It is characterized by a low mass, high hardness, high matrix adhesion, which allow for uniform distribution of particles in the volume of the material. In this paper, composites based on recycled polystyrene waste with tuff microparticles in mass weight of 10% and 20% were produced by injection moulding. The basic mechanical properties at room temperature (+24°C)-24 and +80°C were evaluated. The aim of the study was to demonstrate the possibility of using the mineral filler particles as compatibilizer for recycled polystyrene waste of poor quality.
Przetwórstwo Tworzyw, 2017
Przetwórstwo Tworzyw, 2015
Streszczenie. W pracy dokonano oceny mo¿liwoœci wzmacniania poli(oksymetylenu) POM ró¿nymi rodzaj... more Streszczenie. W pracy dokonano oceny mo¿liwoœci wzmacniania poli(oksymetylenu) POM ró¿nymi rodzajami w3ókien syntetycznych. W czêœci doœwiadczalnej przedstawiono wyniki badañ podstawowych w3aœciwoœci fizyko-mechanicznych kompozytów POM o handlowej nazwie Tarnoform T-400 wzmacnianych odpadowymi, d3ugimi (20-30 mm) w3óknami bazaltowymi. Dodatek 20 i 40% masowo w3ókien zwiêksza o ponad 30-70% wytrzyma3oœæ i kilkukrotnie sztywnoœæ takich kompozytów. Rezultaty te, uzyskano bez kompandowania i wytwarzania granulatu. W zakoñczeniu wskazano potencjalne mo¿liwoœci zastosowania nowych kompozytów.
Przetwórstwo Tworzyw, 2012
Przetwórstwo Tworzyw, 2014
Kompozyty na osnowie biopoliamidu z m¹czk¹ ³upin orzecha modyfikowane powierzchniowo nanocz¹stkam... more Kompozyty na osnowie biopoliamidu z m¹czk¹ ³upin orzecha modyfikowane powierzchniowo nanocz¹stkami srebra Streszczenie. Biokompozyty poliamidu 10,10 z 10%wag. i 30%wag. m¹czki ³upin orzecha charakteryzowano pod k¹tem zastosowañ konstrukcyjnych i medycznych. Dokonano wstêpnych prób pokrycia powierzchni wytworzonych próbek nanocz¹stkami srebra. W celach porównawczych wytworzono i badano kompozytu poliamidu 10,10 z 30%wag. w³ókna szklanego. Okreoelono w³aoeciwooeci mechaniczne, przeprowadzono analizy z zastosowaniem skaningowego mikroskopu elektronowego. Zmierzono parametry chropowatooeci powierzchni. Okreoelono ch³onnooeae wody i jej wp³yw na w³aoeciwooeci mechaniczne po 7 dniach moczenia. Biokompozyty wykaza³y wzrost modu³u sprê-¿ystooeci, nisk¹ gêstooeae, wy¿sze w³aoeciwooeci plastyczne i lepsz¹ jakooeae powierzchni ni¿ kompozyty z w³óknem szklanym. Modyfikacjê powierzchniow¹ nanocz¹stkami srebra wskazano jako interesuj¹ce rozwi¹zanie, szczególnie dla sprzêtu medycznego, jednak same techniki nanoszenia wymagaj¹ dopracowania. BIOPOLYAMIDE MATRIX COMPOSITES WITH WALNUT SHELL FLOUR SURFACE-MODIFIED BY SILVER NANOPARTICLES Summary. In the study, biocomposites of polyamide 10,10 with 10%wt. and 30%wt. of walnut shell flour were characterized in respect to structural and extracorporeal medical applications. Preliminary attempts were made to cover the composites with silver nanoparticles. For comparison purposes, specimens of PA 10.10 with 30%wt. glass fibers were also manufactured and tested. Mechanical properties were tested and the composite structure was observed using scanning electron microscope. Surface roughness parameters were measured. Water absorption and its influence on mechanical properties was assessed after 7 days of soaking. The biocomposites showed an increase in modulus of elasticity, higher ductile properties and better surface quality than composites with glass fibers. Surface modification with silver nanoparticles was indicated as an interesting solution, especially for medical equipment, however the techniques of application should be refined
Polimery, 2018
This paper aims to outline the consequences of unintended mixing of polyolefin and biodegradable ... more This paper aims to outline the consequences of unintended mixing of polyolefin and biodegradable materials during recycling. The research was done on blends of high density polyethylene (PE-HD) and two commercial biopolymers intended for packaging applications. The mechanical properties, microstructures, water absorptions and DSC results were analyzed. A significant decrease in the blend properties compared to neat polyethylene and biopolymers is a warning against the poor waste management of biodegradable products.
Journal of Polymers and The Environment, Feb 7, 2019
Due to the ubiquity and single-use character of plastic products, their production represents a b... more Due to the ubiquity and single-use character of plastic products, their production represents a burden to the environment. Therefore, an increasing interest in biodegradable and bio-compostable materials has been observed in the recent years. Bio-based materials are becoming more and more popular, especially in applications where biodegradability provides an advantage for customers and environment. However, biodegradable materials are more expensive compared with durable plastic materials, so to reduce costs and in order to improve their mechanical properties, biocomposites are created by reinforcement with natural fibers: cellulose, hemp, jute, cotton, etc. This paper is focused on the investigation of the selected group of biocomposites based on poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) with the addition of 15 wt% of various fillers (nanocellulose, walnut shell flour, eggshell flour, and tuff). Thus far, there is limited information concerning comparison of the different natural fillers introduced into the poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) matrix. Here, the following mechanical properties were evaluated: the tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, strain at break, flexural modulus, and flexural stress at 3.5% strain. The tensile test was performed at various temperatures (− 24, + 23, and + 60 °C), followed by samples conditioning in water and compost. Thermal behavior of the biocomposites was studied by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The study showed that the value of the elasticity modulus of each composite was higher in comparison with neat poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate), at each of the above temperatures. The factor responsible for the enhancement of the mechanical properties of composites (enhancement of the stiffness of the material) was the increase in crystalline phase content in composites. Interestingly, at − 24 °C, all of the analyzed composites exhibited over twofold increase in tensile strength which was accompanied by an almost 30% increase in elastic modulus. This phenomenon likely resulted from an increase in tensile strength and an increase in internal stress at interfaces within the components of the composites during tests. It was also observed that both conditioning in water and degradation in the compost heap led to a considerable decrease in mechanical properties of the examined composites. The scanning electron microscopy analysis, carried out to assess the distribution of particles and the adhesion of fillers to the matrix, revealed that the size and the shape of the particles affected the mechanical properties of the composites.
Przetwórstwo Tworzyw, 2012
Przetwórstwo Tworzyw, 2012
Engineering of Biomaterials, 2011
Czasopismo Techniczne. Mechanika, 2006
Archiwum Odlewnictwa, 2006
Gwałtowny rozwój produkcji i przetwórstwa polimerów i kompozytów na ich osnowie stwarza wiele pro... more Gwałtowny rozwój produkcji i przetwórstwa polimerów i kompozytów na ich osnowie stwarza wiele problemów ściśle związanych zarówno z produkcją, technologią jak i recyklingiem. Zjawisku temu towarzyszy wzrost istotnych problemów gospodarczych i ekonomicznych. Problem ten szczególnie dotyczy dużych aglomeracji miejskich. Wzmiankowane fakty spowodowane są trudnościami związanymi z biodegradacją, różnorodnością odpadów pochodzenia polimerowego oraz niewystarczającym stopniem ich recyklingu [1,2]. Innym problemem jest konieczność poprawy właściwości polimerów. W szczególności to dotyczy zwiększenia modułu Younga, pozwalającą na poszerzenie aplikacji tych polimerów.
Przetwórstwo Tworzyw, 2013
Micro & Nano Letters, 2013
Biomaterials is a term used to indicate materials that constitute parts of medical implants, extr... more Biomaterials is a term used to indicate materials that constitute parts of medical implants, extracorporeal devices, and disposables that have been utilised in medicine, surgery, dentistry and veterinary medicine as well as in every aspect of patient health care. Ceramics biomaterials are used as components of hip implants, dental implants, middle ear implants and heart valves. Porous or particulate calcium phosphate ceramic materials such as tricalcium phosphate (TCP) have proved successful for resorbable hard tissue replacements when low loads are applied to the material. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the biological characteristics of the biomaterial developed. Interactions of TCP with polyacrylate polymers in aqueous dispersions were characterised using X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, pH determination and viscosity measurements.
Przetwórstwo Tworzyw, 2015
Przetwórstwo Tworzyw, 2017
Kompozyty hybrydowe na osnowie polilaktydu z włóknami węglowymi i bazaltowymi Streszczenie: Kompo... more Kompozyty hybrydowe na osnowie polilaktydu z włóknami węglowymi i bazaltowymi Streszczenie: Kompozyty hybrydowe na osnowie biodegradowalnego polilaktydu wytworzono metodą wtryskiwania z włóknami węglowymi i bazaltowymi o równowagowym udziale 7,5% i 12,5% w Zakładach Azotowych w Tarnowie. Wykonano przegląd dostępnej literatury oraz przeprowadzono szereg badań wytrzymałościowych zgodnych z Polskimi Normami. badania te obejmowały statyczną próbę rozciągania i zginania oraz oznaczanie udarności wg Charpy'ego. Wykonano je w zmiennych temperaturach (-24, 20 i 60 o C) oraz po próbie degradacji hydrolitycznej prowadzonej przez 21 dni. Za pomocą skaningowego mikroskopu elektronowego wykonano zdjęcia mikrostruktury na przełomach próbek rozciąganych. Właściwości hybrydowych kompozycji z włóknami węglowymi i bazaltowymi na osnowie polilaktydu są znacznie lepsze niż porównywalnych kompozycji z włóknem szklanym, wzrasta wytrzymałość, sztywność oraz udarność. słowa kluczowe: polilaktyd, kompozyty hybrydowe, włókna węglowe i bazaltowe. hybrids CoMPosiTes oN The PolylACTide bAse WiTh CArboN ANd bAsAlT fibers Abstract: hybrid composites on biodegradable polylactide matrix with carbon and basalt fibers in equilibrium participation 7,5% and 12,5% were produced by molding injection in Zakłady Azotowe in Tarnow. To investigate the properties of this composition has been review of the literature and conducted series research on the strength samples according to Polish standards. These research included: tensile test, bend test and Charpy impact test. They were done in variable temperatures (-24, 20 and 60 Celsius degree) and after hydrolytic biodegradation of materials, which lasted 21 days. We were taken photos to check fracture samples after tensile test using scanning electron microscope. The properties of hybrid composites with carbon and basalt fibers on the polylactide base are much better than comparable composites with glass fibers, increasing durability, stiffness and impact strength.
International journal of precision engineering and manufacturing. Green engineering/International journal of precision engineering and manufacturing green technology, Jul 2, 2024
Czasopismo Techniczne, 2018
Nowadays electric and electronic equipments are produced on a large scale, for example, personal ... more Nowadays electric and electronic equipments are produced on a large scale, for example, personal computers. Therefore, more and more waste is recycled. To increase the strength properties of recycled materials, they are reinforced with various types of fillers such as natural. Over the last few years, fillers from tuffs of volcanic origin have been gaining in popularity. It is characterized by a low mass, high hardness, high matrix adhesion, which allow for uniform distribution of particles in the volume of the material. In this paper, composites based on recycled polystyrene waste with tuff microparticles in mass weight of 10% and 20% were produced by injection moulding. The basic mechanical properties at room temperature (+24°C)-24 and +80°C were evaluated. The aim of the study was to demonstrate the possibility of using the mineral filler particles as compatibilizer for recycled polystyrene waste of poor quality.
Przetwórstwo Tworzyw, 2017
Przetwórstwo Tworzyw, 2015
Streszczenie. W pracy dokonano oceny mo¿liwoœci wzmacniania poli(oksymetylenu) POM ró¿nymi rodzaj... more Streszczenie. W pracy dokonano oceny mo¿liwoœci wzmacniania poli(oksymetylenu) POM ró¿nymi rodzajami w3ókien syntetycznych. W czêœci doœwiadczalnej przedstawiono wyniki badañ podstawowych w3aœciwoœci fizyko-mechanicznych kompozytów POM o handlowej nazwie Tarnoform T-400 wzmacnianych odpadowymi, d3ugimi (20-30 mm) w3óknami bazaltowymi. Dodatek 20 i 40% masowo w3ókien zwiêksza o ponad 30-70% wytrzyma3oœæ i kilkukrotnie sztywnoœæ takich kompozytów. Rezultaty te, uzyskano bez kompandowania i wytwarzania granulatu. W zakoñczeniu wskazano potencjalne mo¿liwoœci zastosowania nowych kompozytów.
Przetwórstwo Tworzyw, 2012
Przetwórstwo Tworzyw, 2014
Kompozyty na osnowie biopoliamidu z m¹czk¹ ³upin orzecha modyfikowane powierzchniowo nanocz¹stkam... more Kompozyty na osnowie biopoliamidu z m¹czk¹ ³upin orzecha modyfikowane powierzchniowo nanocz¹stkami srebra Streszczenie. Biokompozyty poliamidu 10,10 z 10%wag. i 30%wag. m¹czki ³upin orzecha charakteryzowano pod k¹tem zastosowañ konstrukcyjnych i medycznych. Dokonano wstêpnych prób pokrycia powierzchni wytworzonych próbek nanocz¹stkami srebra. W celach porównawczych wytworzono i badano kompozytu poliamidu 10,10 z 30%wag. w³ókna szklanego. Okreoelono w³aoeciwooeci mechaniczne, przeprowadzono analizy z zastosowaniem skaningowego mikroskopu elektronowego. Zmierzono parametry chropowatooeci powierzchni. Okreoelono ch³onnooeae wody i jej wp³yw na w³aoeciwooeci mechaniczne po 7 dniach moczenia. Biokompozyty wykaza³y wzrost modu³u sprê-¿ystooeci, nisk¹ gêstooeae, wy¿sze w³aoeciwooeci plastyczne i lepsz¹ jakooeae powierzchni ni¿ kompozyty z w³óknem szklanym. Modyfikacjê powierzchniow¹ nanocz¹stkami srebra wskazano jako interesuj¹ce rozwi¹zanie, szczególnie dla sprzêtu medycznego, jednak same techniki nanoszenia wymagaj¹ dopracowania. BIOPOLYAMIDE MATRIX COMPOSITES WITH WALNUT SHELL FLOUR SURFACE-MODIFIED BY SILVER NANOPARTICLES Summary. In the study, biocomposites of polyamide 10,10 with 10%wt. and 30%wt. of walnut shell flour were characterized in respect to structural and extracorporeal medical applications. Preliminary attempts were made to cover the composites with silver nanoparticles. For comparison purposes, specimens of PA 10.10 with 30%wt. glass fibers were also manufactured and tested. Mechanical properties were tested and the composite structure was observed using scanning electron microscope. Surface roughness parameters were measured. Water absorption and its influence on mechanical properties was assessed after 7 days of soaking. The biocomposites showed an increase in modulus of elasticity, higher ductile properties and better surface quality than composites with glass fibers. Surface modification with silver nanoparticles was indicated as an interesting solution, especially for medical equipment, however the techniques of application should be refined
Polimery, 2018
This paper aims to outline the consequences of unintended mixing of polyolefin and biodegradable ... more This paper aims to outline the consequences of unintended mixing of polyolefin and biodegradable materials during recycling. The research was done on blends of high density polyethylene (PE-HD) and two commercial biopolymers intended for packaging applications. The mechanical properties, microstructures, water absorptions and DSC results were analyzed. A significant decrease in the blend properties compared to neat polyethylene and biopolymers is a warning against the poor waste management of biodegradable products.
Journal of Polymers and The Environment, Feb 7, 2019
Due to the ubiquity and single-use character of plastic products, their production represents a b... more Due to the ubiquity and single-use character of plastic products, their production represents a burden to the environment. Therefore, an increasing interest in biodegradable and bio-compostable materials has been observed in the recent years. Bio-based materials are becoming more and more popular, especially in applications where biodegradability provides an advantage for customers and environment. However, biodegradable materials are more expensive compared with durable plastic materials, so to reduce costs and in order to improve their mechanical properties, biocomposites are created by reinforcement with natural fibers: cellulose, hemp, jute, cotton, etc. This paper is focused on the investigation of the selected group of biocomposites based on poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) with the addition of 15 wt% of various fillers (nanocellulose, walnut shell flour, eggshell flour, and tuff). Thus far, there is limited information concerning comparison of the different natural fillers introduced into the poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) matrix. Here, the following mechanical properties were evaluated: the tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, strain at break, flexural modulus, and flexural stress at 3.5% strain. The tensile test was performed at various temperatures (− 24, + 23, and + 60 °C), followed by samples conditioning in water and compost. Thermal behavior of the biocomposites was studied by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The study showed that the value of the elasticity modulus of each composite was higher in comparison with neat poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate), at each of the above temperatures. The factor responsible for the enhancement of the mechanical properties of composites (enhancement of the stiffness of the material) was the increase in crystalline phase content in composites. Interestingly, at − 24 °C, all of the analyzed composites exhibited over twofold increase in tensile strength which was accompanied by an almost 30% increase in elastic modulus. This phenomenon likely resulted from an increase in tensile strength and an increase in internal stress at interfaces within the components of the composites during tests. It was also observed that both conditioning in water and degradation in the compost heap led to a considerable decrease in mechanical properties of the examined composites. The scanning electron microscopy analysis, carried out to assess the distribution of particles and the adhesion of fillers to the matrix, revealed that the size and the shape of the particles affected the mechanical properties of the composites.
Przetwórstwo Tworzyw, 2012
Przetwórstwo Tworzyw, 2012
Engineering of Biomaterials, 2011