Stefanie Peer - (original) (raw)
Papers by Stefanie Peer
The value of travel time savings (VTTS) representing the willingness to pay to reduce travel time... more The value of travel time savings (VTTS) representing the willingness to pay to reduce travel time, consists of two components: the value of liberating time [equal to the value of leisure (VoL)] and the value of time assigned to travel (VTAT), representing the travel conditions of a trip. Their relative values indicate which dimension to emphasize when investing in transport: speed or comfort. In this paper, we formulate and estimate a framework aimed at the improvement in the estimation of the VoL. By introducing a novel treatment of time assigned to domestic work, we consider that unpaid labor should be assigned a wage rate as a measure of the expenses avoided when assigning time to those chores. We use state-of-the-art data on time use and expenses as well as online data on gig workers collected in Austria, and apply the time-use and expenditure model of Jara-Diaz et al. (Transp Res Part B 42(10):946–957, 2008). The wage rates for paid and unpaid work were combined to re-formulate...
Um nachhaltiges individuelles Verkehrsverhalten zu erreichen, ist es wesentlich, Probleme im aktu... more Um nachhaltiges individuelles Verkehrsverhalten zu erreichen, ist es wesentlich, Probleme im aktuellen Verkehrssystem, die ein Hemmnis fuIˆr nachhaltige MobilitA¤t darstellen, zu analysieren, um entsprechende technische und organisatorische LA¶sungen sowie begleitende gesellschaftspolitische MaAŸnahmen (etwa auch zur FA¶rderung sozialer Innovationen) vorschlagen zu kA¶nnen. Das vorliegende Diskussionspapier versucht dies auf folgende Weise zu erreichen: Es werden zunA¤chst die zukuIˆnftigen Entwicklungen im Verkehrssektor und MobilitA¤tsbereich abgeschA¤tzt, wobei verschiedene Facetten des MobilitA¤tsbeduIˆrfnisses, Fragen der Raumordnung, neue Verkehrs- und MobilitA¤tskonzepte und Alternativen zu gegenwA¤rtigen Formen von MobilitA¤t und Verkehr eine Rolle spielen. Ausgehend von der ErA¶rterung jener Faktoren, die MobilitA¤tsentscheidungen und Verkehrsmittelwahl beeinflussen oder prA¤gen und welchen Einfluss diese auf dem Weg zu nachhaltiger MobilitA¤t und zu nachhaltigem Verkehr ha...
An efficient and reliable transport system is crucial for the functioning of modern economies, as... more An efficient and reliable transport system is crucial for the functioning of modern economies, as it gives people as well as firms the possibility to engage in different activities at different locations. Passenger transport, for instance, enables people to choose residential locations that are different from their work locations. The large extent to which people make use of this possibility gives rise to the well-known phenomenon of traffic congestion. This dissertation tries to achieve a better understanding of scheduling choices individuals make in the face of congestion. From disaggregate data on departure time and travel routine choices, the travelersr willingness to pay for reducing recurrent and non-recurrent congestion is estimated. Understanding travel behavior at the level of the individual, rather than at a more aggregate (e.g. network) level facilitates more precise predictions of travelersr responses to transport policies, and thus more accurate policy appraisals. Throu...
Introduction Most studies on travel behavior ignore that the travelers’ valuations of trip attrib... more Introduction Most studies on travel behavior ignore that the travelers’ valuations of trip attributes may depend on the temporal context of the choices used to derive these valuations. One exception is the study by Peer et al. (2015), which is based on revealed preference (RP) data. They find that car drivers value travel time higher in the long-run context (corresponding to the choice of travel routines), probably because changes in travel time can be exploited better through the adjustment of routines. Moreover, schedule delays are valued higher in the short-run context (corresponding to the choice of day-specific departure times), likely reflecting that scheduling constraints tend to be more binding in the short-run. This means that the rescheduling costs are bigger in the short run. The latter finding is consistent with Borjesson et al (2012) who find that valuations of variability in reduced-form models (where travelers know the travel time distribution) are much higher than th...
Motivation and objectives Mode choice models have been extensively used to evaluate policy implic... more Motivation and objectives Mode choice models have been extensively used to evaluate policy implications and level-of-service changes, providing a powerful tool in transport planning for developing effective travel demand forecasts (Bhat, 1998). As a key valuation indicator, the value of travel time has always been subject to extensive debate in both academia and politics, because savings in travel time have accounted for the biggest share of user benefits in most cost-benefit analysis. Following Jara-Diaz and Guevara (2003), the value of travel time is the sum of two components: 1) the subjective value of travel time savings (VTTS), representing the willingness to reduce travel time in favor of other activities that generate more utility and 2) the direct (dis)-utility derived from the time assigned to travel (VTAT). The sum of these components equals the value of time as a resource (VOR), which is the marginal utility of an additional unit of leisure. VTTS and VTAT both may differ ...
in Practice, 2012
Unreliable travel times cause substantial costs to travelers. Nevertheless, they are often not ta... more Unreliable travel times cause substantial costs to travelers. Nevertheless, they are often not taken into account in cost-benefit analyses (CBA), or only in very rough ways. This paper aims at providing simple rules to predict variability, based on travel time data from Dutch highways. Two different concepts of travel time variability are used, which differ in their assumptions on information availability to drivers. The first measure is based on the assumption that, for a given road link and given time of day, the expected travel time is constant across all working days (rough information: RI). In the second case, expected tra- vel times are assumed to reflect day-specific factors such as weather conditions or week- days (fine information: FI). For both definitions of variability, we find that the mean travel time is a good predictor. On average, longer delays are associated with higher variability. However, the derivative of variability with respect to delays is decreasing in dela...
Natural Field Experiments, 2016
If left unidentified and uncorrected, self-selection biases may greatly compromise the external v... more If left unidentified and uncorrected, self-selection biases may greatly compromise the external validity of the outcomes of field experiments. We show that self-selection biases in terms of observed und unobserved characteristics can be well identified and corrected by means of a complementary stated preference (SP) experiment conducted among the participants and non-participants of a field experiment. In the SP experiment, respondents are confronted with hypothetical choice situations that closely resemble the choice situations present in the field experiment. The SP experiment does not only allow us to compare participants and non-participants with respect to their behavior and implied preferences in the hypothetical choice situations, but also renders it possible to infer how non-participants would have behaved if they had decided to participate, using an innovative modeling approach to elicit the corresponding preference structures. We apply this approach in the context of a lar...
Decomposition of the value of travel time savings into the value of leisure and the value of time... more Decomposition of the value of travel time savings into the value of leisure and the value of time assigned to travel
Based on an innovative field experiment, this paper analyzes the effect of spatially and temporal... more Based on an innovative field experiment, this paper analyzes the effect of spatially and temporally differentiated pricing instruments on the travel behavior of commuters. The study aims to understand the underlying preferences, trade-offs, and restrictions faced by participants. The experiment uses a smartphone-based tracking technology performing automatic detection of travel modes. We recruited volunteers commuting by car to Vienna (Austria). A dedicated app recorded the commuting behavior of 95 participants throughout five weeks, including a week of pre- and post-measurement, respectively. Only a few participants changed their behavior in the expected direction. Plausible reasons are the experiment's innovative design, as well as, inconvenience related to adjusting one's schedule and mode of transport, in particular altering one's start of work.
Transportation Research Part A-policy and Practice, 2018
1 This paper presents the first representative estimates of the marginal willingness to pay 2 for... more 1 This paper presents the first representative estimates of the marginal willingness to pay 2 for a reduction in travel time (VTTS) for Austria, being of great importance for transport 3 policy appraisals. The main focus is to investigate mode and user-type effects using a 4 pooled RP/SP modeling approach for mode, route and destination choice data, revealing 5 average VTTS estimates for car (9.90 Euro/h), public transport (3.90 Euro/h), bike (7.30 6 Euro/h) and walk (11.40 Euro/h). 7 The only user characteristic being able to decompose this large difference in average 8 VTTS between car and public transport into a smaller part, that can be purely attributed 9 to the mode-specific valuation of in-vehicle travel time, is urban residential location area: 10 When controlling for it, the VTTS difference becomes 5.5 Euro/h, which, compared to 11 the total average VTTS difference of about 6 Euro/h, is still relatively high. 12 As our results indicate that in the case of Austria, character...
The modeling of individuals' departure time choices has gained increasingly interest over the... more The modeling of individuals' departure time choices has gained increasingly interest over the past few decades. Understanding drivers' preferences for different departure times not only has important implications for policy evaluation (e.g., road pricing, peak spreading), but the resulting parameters obtained from the discrete choice model can also be used as key inputs for traffic demand models. There is a long tradition of estimating departure time choice models using SP data, due to the scarcity of good quality RP data. In the more recent literature there are an increasing number of studies that combine both types of data. While these studies focused more on the econometric issues of joint SP-RP estimation, less attention has been paid on the data issue, particularly the quality control of the RP observations and the comparability of choice situations between SP and RP data. In the current study, we used the data collected from Dutch ‘Spitsmijden' project, which invo...
Basil Schmid PhD student at the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, ETH Zurich, Switzer... more Basil Schmid PhD student at the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, ETH Zurich, Switzerland E-Mail: Simona Jokubauskaite PhD student at the Institute of Applied Statistics and Computing, BOKU Vienna, Austria E-Mail: Florian Aschauer PhD student at the Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences, BOKU Vienna, Austria E-Mail: Dr. Stefanie Peer Institute for Multi-Level Governance and Development, WU Vienna, Austria E-Mail: Dr. Reinhard Hoessinger Institute for Transport Studies, BOKU Vienna, Austria E-Mail: Prof. Regine Gerike Institute of Transport Planning and Road Traffic, TU Dresden, Germany E-Mail: Prof. Sergio Jara-Diaz Department of Civil Engineering, University of Chile E-Mail: Prof. Kay W. Axhausen Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, ETH Zurich, Sw...
hEART 2018 Simultaneous estimation of a joint time use, expenditure allocation and mode choice mo... more hEART 2018 Simultaneous estimation of a joint time use, expenditure allocation and mode choice model: A simulated maximum likelihood approach Basil Schmid PhD student at the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, ETH Zurich, Switzerland E-Mail: Simona Jokubauskaite PhD student at the Institute of Applied Statistics and Computing, BOKU Vienna, Austria E-Mail: Florian Aschauer PhD student at the Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences, BOKU Vienna, Austria E-Mail: Dr. Stefanie Peer Institute for Multi-Level Governance and Development, WU Vienna, Austria E-Mail: Dr. Reinhard Hoessinger Institute for Transport Studies, BOKU Vienna, Austria E-Mail: Prof. Regine Gerike Institute of Transport Planning and Road Traffic, TU Dresden, Germany E-Mail: Prof. Sergio Jara-Diaz Department of Civil Engi...
Economics of Transportation
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
This paper presents the joint time-use, expenditure and mode choice model, based on the theoretic... more This paper presents the joint time-use, expenditure and mode choice model, based on the theoretical framework of Jara-Díaz and Guevara (2003), for the first time estimated in panel setting while using surveyed expenditure data. This extended estimation takes into account multiple trips per individual, as well as mode availability. The model was estimated using the novel dataset gathered in Austria in 2015. It includes individual-specific information on time-use, expenditures and mode choice. As a result, we calculate the value of leisure (VoL), travel time savings (VTTS) and time assigned to travel (VTAT), that are relevant inputs to appraisals of transport policies. We also show that, at least for the Austrian working population, the omission of expenditures in the model might result in a significant overestimation of the value of leisure (16.83%); the VoL (9.29€/h) was estimated to be considerably lower than the wage rate (12.14€/h) and the VTTS varies strongly between the modes (9.98€/h for car, 3.91€/h for public transport, 9.25€/h for bike and 17.53€/h for walk). The joint estimation framework produced positive estimates of VTAT (5.38€/h) only for public transport, reflecting the favorable public transport conditions in Austria.
International Encyclopedia of Transportation
The value of travel time savings (VTTS) representing the willingness to pay to reduce travel time... more The value of travel time savings (VTTS) representing the willingness to pay to reduce travel time, consists of two components: the value of liberating time [equal to the value of leisure (VoL)] and the value of time assigned to travel (VTAT), representing the travel conditions of a trip. Their relative values indicate which dimension to emphasize when investing in transport: speed or comfort. In this paper, we formulate and estimate a framework aimed at the improvement in the estimation of the VoL. By introducing a novel treatment of time assigned to domestic work, we consider that unpaid labor should be assigned a wage rate as a measure of the expenses avoided when assigning time to those chores. We use state-of-the-art data on time use and expenses as well as online data on gig workers collected in Austria, and apply the time-use and expenditure model of Jara-Diaz et al. (Transp Res Part B 42(10):946–957, 2008). The wage rates for paid and unpaid work were combined to re-formulate...
Um nachhaltiges individuelles Verkehrsverhalten zu erreichen, ist es wesentlich, Probleme im aktu... more Um nachhaltiges individuelles Verkehrsverhalten zu erreichen, ist es wesentlich, Probleme im aktuellen Verkehrssystem, die ein Hemmnis fuIˆr nachhaltige MobilitA¤t darstellen, zu analysieren, um entsprechende technische und organisatorische LA¶sungen sowie begleitende gesellschaftspolitische MaAŸnahmen (etwa auch zur FA¶rderung sozialer Innovationen) vorschlagen zu kA¶nnen. Das vorliegende Diskussionspapier versucht dies auf folgende Weise zu erreichen: Es werden zunA¤chst die zukuIˆnftigen Entwicklungen im Verkehrssektor und MobilitA¤tsbereich abgeschA¤tzt, wobei verschiedene Facetten des MobilitA¤tsbeduIˆrfnisses, Fragen der Raumordnung, neue Verkehrs- und MobilitA¤tskonzepte und Alternativen zu gegenwA¤rtigen Formen von MobilitA¤t und Verkehr eine Rolle spielen. Ausgehend von der ErA¶rterung jener Faktoren, die MobilitA¤tsentscheidungen und Verkehrsmittelwahl beeinflussen oder prA¤gen und welchen Einfluss diese auf dem Weg zu nachhaltiger MobilitA¤t und zu nachhaltigem Verkehr ha...
An efficient and reliable transport system is crucial for the functioning of modern economies, as... more An efficient and reliable transport system is crucial for the functioning of modern economies, as it gives people as well as firms the possibility to engage in different activities at different locations. Passenger transport, for instance, enables people to choose residential locations that are different from their work locations. The large extent to which people make use of this possibility gives rise to the well-known phenomenon of traffic congestion. This dissertation tries to achieve a better understanding of scheduling choices individuals make in the face of congestion. From disaggregate data on departure time and travel routine choices, the travelersr willingness to pay for reducing recurrent and non-recurrent congestion is estimated. Understanding travel behavior at the level of the individual, rather than at a more aggregate (e.g. network) level facilitates more precise predictions of travelersr responses to transport policies, and thus more accurate policy appraisals. Throu...
Introduction Most studies on travel behavior ignore that the travelers’ valuations of trip attrib... more Introduction Most studies on travel behavior ignore that the travelers’ valuations of trip attributes may depend on the temporal context of the choices used to derive these valuations. One exception is the study by Peer et al. (2015), which is based on revealed preference (RP) data. They find that car drivers value travel time higher in the long-run context (corresponding to the choice of travel routines), probably because changes in travel time can be exploited better through the adjustment of routines. Moreover, schedule delays are valued higher in the short-run context (corresponding to the choice of day-specific departure times), likely reflecting that scheduling constraints tend to be more binding in the short-run. This means that the rescheduling costs are bigger in the short run. The latter finding is consistent with Borjesson et al (2012) who find that valuations of variability in reduced-form models (where travelers know the travel time distribution) are much higher than th...
Motivation and objectives Mode choice models have been extensively used to evaluate policy implic... more Motivation and objectives Mode choice models have been extensively used to evaluate policy implications and level-of-service changes, providing a powerful tool in transport planning for developing effective travel demand forecasts (Bhat, 1998). As a key valuation indicator, the value of travel time has always been subject to extensive debate in both academia and politics, because savings in travel time have accounted for the biggest share of user benefits in most cost-benefit analysis. Following Jara-Diaz and Guevara (2003), the value of travel time is the sum of two components: 1) the subjective value of travel time savings (VTTS), representing the willingness to reduce travel time in favor of other activities that generate more utility and 2) the direct (dis)-utility derived from the time assigned to travel (VTAT). The sum of these components equals the value of time as a resource (VOR), which is the marginal utility of an additional unit of leisure. VTTS and VTAT both may differ ...
in Practice, 2012
Unreliable travel times cause substantial costs to travelers. Nevertheless, they are often not ta... more Unreliable travel times cause substantial costs to travelers. Nevertheless, they are often not taken into account in cost-benefit analyses (CBA), or only in very rough ways. This paper aims at providing simple rules to predict variability, based on travel time data from Dutch highways. Two different concepts of travel time variability are used, which differ in their assumptions on information availability to drivers. The first measure is based on the assumption that, for a given road link and given time of day, the expected travel time is constant across all working days (rough information: RI). In the second case, expected tra- vel times are assumed to reflect day-specific factors such as weather conditions or week- days (fine information: FI). For both definitions of variability, we find that the mean travel time is a good predictor. On average, longer delays are associated with higher variability. However, the derivative of variability with respect to delays is decreasing in dela...
Natural Field Experiments, 2016
If left unidentified and uncorrected, self-selection biases may greatly compromise the external v... more If left unidentified and uncorrected, self-selection biases may greatly compromise the external validity of the outcomes of field experiments. We show that self-selection biases in terms of observed und unobserved characteristics can be well identified and corrected by means of a complementary stated preference (SP) experiment conducted among the participants and non-participants of a field experiment. In the SP experiment, respondents are confronted with hypothetical choice situations that closely resemble the choice situations present in the field experiment. The SP experiment does not only allow us to compare participants and non-participants with respect to their behavior and implied preferences in the hypothetical choice situations, but also renders it possible to infer how non-participants would have behaved if they had decided to participate, using an innovative modeling approach to elicit the corresponding preference structures. We apply this approach in the context of a lar...
Decomposition of the value of travel time savings into the value of leisure and the value of time... more Decomposition of the value of travel time savings into the value of leisure and the value of time assigned to travel
Based on an innovative field experiment, this paper analyzes the effect of spatially and temporal... more Based on an innovative field experiment, this paper analyzes the effect of spatially and temporally differentiated pricing instruments on the travel behavior of commuters. The study aims to understand the underlying preferences, trade-offs, and restrictions faced by participants. The experiment uses a smartphone-based tracking technology performing automatic detection of travel modes. We recruited volunteers commuting by car to Vienna (Austria). A dedicated app recorded the commuting behavior of 95 participants throughout five weeks, including a week of pre- and post-measurement, respectively. Only a few participants changed their behavior in the expected direction. Plausible reasons are the experiment's innovative design, as well as, inconvenience related to adjusting one's schedule and mode of transport, in particular altering one's start of work.
Transportation Research Part A-policy and Practice, 2018
1 This paper presents the first representative estimates of the marginal willingness to pay 2 for... more 1 This paper presents the first representative estimates of the marginal willingness to pay 2 for a reduction in travel time (VTTS) for Austria, being of great importance for transport 3 policy appraisals. The main focus is to investigate mode and user-type effects using a 4 pooled RP/SP modeling approach for mode, route and destination choice data, revealing 5 average VTTS estimates for car (9.90 Euro/h), public transport (3.90 Euro/h), bike (7.30 6 Euro/h) and walk (11.40 Euro/h). 7 The only user characteristic being able to decompose this large difference in average 8 VTTS between car and public transport into a smaller part, that can be purely attributed 9 to the mode-specific valuation of in-vehicle travel time, is urban residential location area: 10 When controlling for it, the VTTS difference becomes 5.5 Euro/h, which, compared to 11 the total average VTTS difference of about 6 Euro/h, is still relatively high. 12 As our results indicate that in the case of Austria, character...
The modeling of individuals' departure time choices has gained increasingly interest over the... more The modeling of individuals' departure time choices has gained increasingly interest over the past few decades. Understanding drivers' preferences for different departure times not only has important implications for policy evaluation (e.g., road pricing, peak spreading), but the resulting parameters obtained from the discrete choice model can also be used as key inputs for traffic demand models. There is a long tradition of estimating departure time choice models using SP data, due to the scarcity of good quality RP data. In the more recent literature there are an increasing number of studies that combine both types of data. While these studies focused more on the econometric issues of joint SP-RP estimation, less attention has been paid on the data issue, particularly the quality control of the RP observations and the comparability of choice situations between SP and RP data. In the current study, we used the data collected from Dutch ‘Spitsmijden' project, which invo...
Basil Schmid PhD student at the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, ETH Zurich, Switzer... more Basil Schmid PhD student at the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, ETH Zurich, Switzerland E-Mail: Simona Jokubauskaite PhD student at the Institute of Applied Statistics and Computing, BOKU Vienna, Austria E-Mail: Florian Aschauer PhD student at the Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences, BOKU Vienna, Austria E-Mail: Dr. Stefanie Peer Institute for Multi-Level Governance and Development, WU Vienna, Austria E-Mail: Dr. Reinhard Hoessinger Institute for Transport Studies, BOKU Vienna, Austria E-Mail: Prof. Regine Gerike Institute of Transport Planning and Road Traffic, TU Dresden, Germany E-Mail: Prof. Sergio Jara-Diaz Department of Civil Engineering, University of Chile E-Mail: Prof. Kay W. Axhausen Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, ETH Zurich, Sw...
hEART 2018 Simultaneous estimation of a joint time use, expenditure allocation and mode choice mo... more hEART 2018 Simultaneous estimation of a joint time use, expenditure allocation and mode choice model: A simulated maximum likelihood approach Basil Schmid PhD student at the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, ETH Zurich, Switzerland E-Mail: Simona Jokubauskaite PhD student at the Institute of Applied Statistics and Computing, BOKU Vienna, Austria E-Mail: Florian Aschauer PhD student at the Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences, BOKU Vienna, Austria E-Mail: Dr. Stefanie Peer Institute for Multi-Level Governance and Development, WU Vienna, Austria E-Mail: Dr. Reinhard Hoessinger Institute for Transport Studies, BOKU Vienna, Austria E-Mail: Prof. Regine Gerike Institute of Transport Planning and Road Traffic, TU Dresden, Germany E-Mail: Prof. Sergio Jara-Diaz Department of Civil Engi...
Economics of Transportation
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
This paper presents the joint time-use, expenditure and mode choice model, based on the theoretic... more This paper presents the joint time-use, expenditure and mode choice model, based on the theoretical framework of Jara-Díaz and Guevara (2003), for the first time estimated in panel setting while using surveyed expenditure data. This extended estimation takes into account multiple trips per individual, as well as mode availability. The model was estimated using the novel dataset gathered in Austria in 2015. It includes individual-specific information on time-use, expenditures and mode choice. As a result, we calculate the value of leisure (VoL), travel time savings (VTTS) and time assigned to travel (VTAT), that are relevant inputs to appraisals of transport policies. We also show that, at least for the Austrian working population, the omission of expenditures in the model might result in a significant overestimation of the value of leisure (16.83%); the VoL (9.29€/h) was estimated to be considerably lower than the wage rate (12.14€/h) and the VTTS varies strongly between the modes (9.98€/h for car, 3.91€/h for public transport, 9.25€/h for bike and 17.53€/h for walk). The joint estimation framework produced positive estimates of VTAT (5.38€/h) only for public transport, reflecting the favorable public transport conditions in Austria.
International Encyclopedia of Transportation