Franziska Stelzer - (original) (raw)
Papers by Franziska Stelzer
Die gestiegene gesellschaftliche Relevanz von Reallaboren für die Gestaltung einer nachhaltigen Z... more Die gestiegene gesellschaftliche Relevanz von Reallaboren für die Gestaltung einer nachhaltigen Zukunft wird durch den vermehrten Einbezug von Reallaborkonzepten in verschiedenen politischen Strategien auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene deutlich. Weniger klar ist bisher, wie Reallabore für eine umweltorientierte Digitalpolitik genutzt werden können. Die vorliegende Kurzstudie "Reallabore als umweltbezogenes Politikinstrument" stellt konzeptionelle Grundlagen für Reallabore als Politikinstrument einer transformativen Umweltpolitik dar und leitet Handlungsempfehlungen für den zielgerichteten und wirkungsvollen Einsatz von Reallaboren im Rahmen einer umweltorientierten Digitalpolitik ab. In der Kurzstudie werden im Sinne der Digitalagenda des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit Reallabore als "Experimentierräume für digitalbasierte sozialökologische Innovationen, in denen digitale Tools, Anwendungen und neue Kooperationsstrukturen ent...
Various experimental approaches of transformative research in real-world settings have emerged. Y... more Various experimental approaches of transformative research in real-world settings have emerged. Yet, similarities, differences, and specific contributions remain unclear. A characteristic-based comparison reveals complementarities and provides orientation. Real-world laboratories (RwLs, German Reallabore) belong to a family of increasingly popular experimental and transdisciplinary research approaches at the science-society interface. As these approaches in general, and RwLs in particular, often lack clear definitions of key characteristics and their operationalization, we make two contributions in this article. First, we identify five core characteristics of RwLs: contribution to transformation, experimental methods, transdisciplinary research mode, scalability and transferability of results, as well as scientific and societal learning and reflexivity. Second, we compare RwLs to similar research approaches according to the five characteristics. In this way, we provide an orientatio...
This Ernst Strüngmann Forum seeks to link justice, sustainability, and diversity agendas. In supp... more This Ernst Strüngmann Forum seeks to link justice, sustainability, and diversity agendas. In support, this chapter discusses how linkages between these three concepts h ave formed and changed in the climate change discourse, particularly in light of the recent Paris Agreement. As the latest addition to the portfolio of international climate change agreements, the Paris Agreement establishes a landscape in which nation-states, subnational actors, and transnational networks will be able to reconfi gure existing linkages between sustainability, diversity, and justice, and perhaps improve upon them. Here, three possible developments are identifi ed which may substantially infl uence the reconfi guration process. Recognition is given to the sustainability and justice defi cits that have plagued the “top-down” character of the international climate change discourse, and it is hypothesized that the Paris Agreement opens the door for “bottom-up” movements to claim a larger segment of climat...
This Ernst Strüngmann Forum seeks to link justice, sustainability, and diversity agendas. In supp... more This Ernst Strüngmann Forum seeks to link justice, sustainability, and diversity agendas. In support, this chapter discusses how linkages between these three concepts h ave formed and changed in the climate change discourse, particularly in light of the recent Paris Agreement. As the latest addition to the portfolio of international climate change agreements, the Paris Agreement establishes a landscape in which nation-states, subnational actors, and transnational networks will be able to reconfi gure existing linkages between sustainability, diversity, and justice, and perhaps improve upon them. Here, three possible developments are identifi ed which may substantially infl uence the reconfi guration process. Recognition is given to the sustainability and justice defi cits that have plagued the “top-down” character of the international climate change discourse, and it is hypothesized that the Paris Agreement opens the door for “bottom-up” movements to claim a larger segment of climat...
Erstellt im Rahmen des Projektes "Forschung in Reallaboren begleiten, systematisieren und transfe... more Erstellt im Rahmen des Projektes "Forschung in Reallaboren begleiten, systematisieren und transferieren (ForReal)" Einer Kooperation von Finanziert von IETSR Discussion papers in Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research präsentieren erste Ergebnisse laufender Forschung an der Professur für Transdisziplinäre Nachhaltigkeitsforschung an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg. Sie laden zur kritischen Diskussion ein und zielen auf eine Weiterentwicklung der Forschung zu Nachhaltigkeitstransformationen ab. Die Professur schätzt den wissenschaftlichen Wert und die Qualität der Publikationen, identifiziert sich jedoch nicht notwendiger Weise mit ihrem Inhalt.
The Ernst Strungmann Forum seeks to link justice, sustainability, and diversity agendas. In suppo... more The Ernst Strungmann Forum seeks to link justice, sustainability, and diversity agendas. In support, this chapter discusses how linkages between these three concepts have formed and changed in the climate change discourse, particularly in light of the recent Paris Agreement. As the latest addition to the portfolio of international climate change agreements, the Paris Agreement establishes a landscape in which nation-states, subnational actors, and transnational networks will be able to reconfigure existing linkages between sustainability, diversity, and justice, and perhaps improve upon them. Here, three possible developments are identified which may substantially influence the reconfiguration process. Recognition is given to the sustainability and justice deficits that have plagued the "top-down" character of the international climate change discourse, and it is hypothesized that the Paris Agreement opens the door for "bottom-up" movements to claim a larger segm...
EconStor Preprints, 2017
Reallabore sind derzeit ein popularer Forschungsansatz an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft... more Reallabore sind derzeit ein popularer Forschungsansatz an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Neben vermuteten Potentialen, wie der Erzeugung von Transformationswissen und einem Beitrag zu gesellschaftlichem Wandel, gibt es auch vielfaltige offene Fragen, u. a. im Hinblick auf das Verhaltnis zu transdisziplinarer Forschung, der Ubertragbarkeit des erzeugten Wissens oder der Gestaltung von Experimenten in der "realen Welt". Auch eine breit getragene Definition von Reallaboren existiert derzeit nicht. Dieses Diskussionspapier mochte daher dreierlei leisten: Es beginnt mit dem Herausarbeiten von Reallabor-Merkmalen als a) Beitrag zu Transformationsprozessen, b) Experimenten als zentraler Forschungsmethode, c) Transdisziplinaritat als Forschungsmodus, d) dem Ziel der Ausweitung und Ubertragung der Ergebnisse und e) Reallaboren als Orten wissenschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Lernens. Im Nachgang werden diese Merkmale durch Ruckbezug auf die einschlagig...
very research. This merger is not without challenges: while stated laboratory settings operate wi... more very research. This merger is not without challenges: while stated laboratory settings operate within societal settings and neces sarily adapt their proceedings to the given contexts, actors and problems, the very no tion of the laboratory comes with the promise of generating transferable and general izable knowledge. Thus, there are numerous open questions including terminologies and concepts, concrete methodologies as well as epistemological foundations.
Das Wuppertal Institut hat das Forschungsformat der Reallabore konzeptionell und praktisch entsch... more Das Wuppertal Institut hat das Forschungsformat der Reallabore konzeptionell und praktisch entscheidend mitgepragt. Insbesondere in den letzten funf Jahren erlebt dieses Format einen ungeahnten Aufschwung. Vor diesem Hintergrund blickt der vorliegende In Brief auf die Perspektiven fur die kunftige Forschung in Reallaboren. Drei Forderungen sind dabei von zentraler Bedeutung: (1) die Besinnung auf die ursprunglichen Kern-Charakteristika der Reallabor-Idee, (2) der systematische Capacity-Aufbau fur Reallabore im Wissenschaftssystem und (3) die Etablierung von langfristiger angelegten Reallaborstrukturen.
Questions regarding the societal impact of research, how to reach impact and what is needed to st... more Questions regarding the societal impact of research, how to reach impact and what is needed to stabilize the effects are rising from various sides. Societal impact is seen as part of a social contract that exists between science and society. This entails that research must address pressing social issues which in turn implies a number of core challenges such as gathering evidence or the creation of actionable knowledge. The transdisciplinary research approach "real-world laboratory" is discussed as possible way to address and to overcome some of the challenges. A "real-world laboratory" currently being established in the city of Wuppertal serves as case study, linking conceptual and empirical investigations.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning
Reallabore werden in verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Kontexten eingerichtet, um Lösungen für Pro... more Reallabore werden in verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Kontexten eingerichtet, um Lösungen für Probleme der urbanen Transformationen zu erproben (vgl. Schäpke/Stelzer/ Caniglia et al. 2018). Sie sind vornehmlich in der transformativen Nachhaltigkeitsforschung verankert (vgl. WBGU 2011) und spiegeln einen experimental turn in den Sozial-und Wirtschaftswissenschaften wider: Traditionelle wissenschaftliche Forschungsmethoden stoßen demnach angesichts immer komplexerer Veränderungen und Anforderungen an die Gesellschaft beispielsweise beim Umgang mit dem Klimawandel an ihre Grenzen. Daher sollen in Reallaboren Akteure aus Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft gemäß dem transdisziplinären Paradigma, das dem Reallabor-Konzept zugrunde liegt, eng und ,auf Augenhöhe' zusammenarbeiten (vgl. Wanner/Hilger/Westerkowski et al. 2018). Reallabore sollen Evidenz über sozial robuste Lösungsstrategien für gesellschaftliche Probleme generieren. Zentrale methodische Grundlage sind (Real-)Experimente, welche eine Brücke vom ,Wissen zum Handeln' schlagen.
Sustainability Science
The transdisciplinary research mode has gained prominence in the research on and for sustainabili... more The transdisciplinary research mode has gained prominence in the research on and for sustainability transformations. Yet, solution-oriented research addressing complex sustainability problems has become complex itself, with new transdisciplinary research formats being developed and tested for this purpose. Application of new formats offers learning potentials from experience. To this end, we accompanied fourteen research projects conceptualized as real-world labs (RwLs) from 2015 to 2018. RwLs were part of a funding program on ‘Science for Sustainability’ in the German federal state of Baden-Württemberg. Here, we combine conceptual and empirical work to a structured collection of experiences and provide a comprehensive account of RwLs. First, we outline characteristics of RwLs as transformation oriented, transdisciplinary research approach, using experiments, enabling learning and having a long-term orientation. Second, we outline eleven success factors and concrete design notes we ...
GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society
Various experimental approaches of transformative research in real-world settings have emerged. Y... more Various experimental approaches of transformative research in real-world settings have emerged. Yet, similarities, differences, and specific contributions remain unclear. A characteristic-based comparison reveals complementarities and provides orientation.Real-world laboratories (RwLs, German Reallabore) belong to a family of increasingly popular experimental and transdisciplinary research approaches at the science-society interface. As these approaches in general, and RwLs in particular, often lack clear definitions of key characteristics and their operationalization, we make two contributions in this article. First, we identify five core characteristics of RwLs: contribution to transformation, experimental methods, transdisciplinary research mode, scalability and transferability of results, as well as scientific and societal learning and reflexivity. Second, we compare RwLs to similar research approaches according to the five characteristics. In this way, we provide an orientation...
GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 2018
Various experimental approaches of transformative research in real-world settings have emerged. Y... more Various experimental approaches of transformative research in real-world settings have emerged. Yet, similarities, differences, and specific contributions remain unclear. A characteristic-based comparison reveals complementarities and provides orientation.
GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society
Urban areas provide space and place for experimentation with sustainability transitions in real-w... more Urban areas provide space and place for experimentation with sustainability transitions in real-world laboratories. Members of the existing urban laboratories in Baden-Württemberg and experts have discussed the challenges of these innovative research settings, as well as possible solutions.
Die gestiegene gesellschaftliche Relevanz von Reallaboren für die Gestaltung einer nachhaltigen Z... more Die gestiegene gesellschaftliche Relevanz von Reallaboren für die Gestaltung einer nachhaltigen Zukunft wird durch den vermehrten Einbezug von Reallaborkonzepten in verschiedenen politischen Strategien auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene deutlich. Weniger klar ist bisher, wie Reallabore für eine umweltorientierte Digitalpolitik genutzt werden können. Die vorliegende Kurzstudie "Reallabore als umweltbezogenes Politikinstrument" stellt konzeptionelle Grundlagen für Reallabore als Politikinstrument einer transformativen Umweltpolitik dar und leitet Handlungsempfehlungen für den zielgerichteten und wirkungsvollen Einsatz von Reallaboren im Rahmen einer umweltorientierten Digitalpolitik ab. In der Kurzstudie werden im Sinne der Digitalagenda des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit Reallabore als "Experimentierräume für digitalbasierte sozialökologische Innovationen, in denen digitale Tools, Anwendungen und neue Kooperationsstrukturen ent...
Various experimental approaches of transformative research in real-world settings have emerged. Y... more Various experimental approaches of transformative research in real-world settings have emerged. Yet, similarities, differences, and specific contributions remain unclear. A characteristic-based comparison reveals complementarities and provides orientation. Real-world laboratories (RwLs, German Reallabore) belong to a family of increasingly popular experimental and transdisciplinary research approaches at the science-society interface. As these approaches in general, and RwLs in particular, often lack clear definitions of key characteristics and their operationalization, we make two contributions in this article. First, we identify five core characteristics of RwLs: contribution to transformation, experimental methods, transdisciplinary research mode, scalability and transferability of results, as well as scientific and societal learning and reflexivity. Second, we compare RwLs to similar research approaches according to the five characteristics. In this way, we provide an orientatio...
This Ernst Strüngmann Forum seeks to link justice, sustainability, and diversity agendas. In supp... more This Ernst Strüngmann Forum seeks to link justice, sustainability, and diversity agendas. In support, this chapter discusses how linkages between these three concepts h ave formed and changed in the climate change discourse, particularly in light of the recent Paris Agreement. As the latest addition to the portfolio of international climate change agreements, the Paris Agreement establishes a landscape in which nation-states, subnational actors, and transnational networks will be able to reconfi gure existing linkages between sustainability, diversity, and justice, and perhaps improve upon them. Here, three possible developments are identifi ed which may substantially infl uence the reconfi guration process. Recognition is given to the sustainability and justice defi cits that have plagued the “top-down” character of the international climate change discourse, and it is hypothesized that the Paris Agreement opens the door for “bottom-up” movements to claim a larger segment of climat...
This Ernst Strüngmann Forum seeks to link justice, sustainability, and diversity agendas. In supp... more This Ernst Strüngmann Forum seeks to link justice, sustainability, and diversity agendas. In support, this chapter discusses how linkages between these three concepts h ave formed and changed in the climate change discourse, particularly in light of the recent Paris Agreement. As the latest addition to the portfolio of international climate change agreements, the Paris Agreement establishes a landscape in which nation-states, subnational actors, and transnational networks will be able to reconfi gure existing linkages between sustainability, diversity, and justice, and perhaps improve upon them. Here, three possible developments are identifi ed which may substantially infl uence the reconfi guration process. Recognition is given to the sustainability and justice defi cits that have plagued the “top-down” character of the international climate change discourse, and it is hypothesized that the Paris Agreement opens the door for “bottom-up” movements to claim a larger segment of climat...
Erstellt im Rahmen des Projektes "Forschung in Reallaboren begleiten, systematisieren und transfe... more Erstellt im Rahmen des Projektes "Forschung in Reallaboren begleiten, systematisieren und transferieren (ForReal)" Einer Kooperation von Finanziert von IETSR Discussion papers in Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research präsentieren erste Ergebnisse laufender Forschung an der Professur für Transdisziplinäre Nachhaltigkeitsforschung an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg. Sie laden zur kritischen Diskussion ein und zielen auf eine Weiterentwicklung der Forschung zu Nachhaltigkeitstransformationen ab. Die Professur schätzt den wissenschaftlichen Wert und die Qualität der Publikationen, identifiziert sich jedoch nicht notwendiger Weise mit ihrem Inhalt.
The Ernst Strungmann Forum seeks to link justice, sustainability, and diversity agendas. In suppo... more The Ernst Strungmann Forum seeks to link justice, sustainability, and diversity agendas. In support, this chapter discusses how linkages between these three concepts have formed and changed in the climate change discourse, particularly in light of the recent Paris Agreement. As the latest addition to the portfolio of international climate change agreements, the Paris Agreement establishes a landscape in which nation-states, subnational actors, and transnational networks will be able to reconfigure existing linkages between sustainability, diversity, and justice, and perhaps improve upon them. Here, three possible developments are identified which may substantially influence the reconfiguration process. Recognition is given to the sustainability and justice deficits that have plagued the "top-down" character of the international climate change discourse, and it is hypothesized that the Paris Agreement opens the door for "bottom-up" movements to claim a larger segm...
EconStor Preprints, 2017
Reallabore sind derzeit ein popularer Forschungsansatz an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft... more Reallabore sind derzeit ein popularer Forschungsansatz an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Neben vermuteten Potentialen, wie der Erzeugung von Transformationswissen und einem Beitrag zu gesellschaftlichem Wandel, gibt es auch vielfaltige offene Fragen, u. a. im Hinblick auf das Verhaltnis zu transdisziplinarer Forschung, der Ubertragbarkeit des erzeugten Wissens oder der Gestaltung von Experimenten in der "realen Welt". Auch eine breit getragene Definition von Reallaboren existiert derzeit nicht. Dieses Diskussionspapier mochte daher dreierlei leisten: Es beginnt mit dem Herausarbeiten von Reallabor-Merkmalen als a) Beitrag zu Transformationsprozessen, b) Experimenten als zentraler Forschungsmethode, c) Transdisziplinaritat als Forschungsmodus, d) dem Ziel der Ausweitung und Ubertragung der Ergebnisse und e) Reallaboren als Orten wissenschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Lernens. Im Nachgang werden diese Merkmale durch Ruckbezug auf die einschlagig...
very research. This merger is not without challenges: while stated laboratory settings operate wi... more very research. This merger is not without challenges: while stated laboratory settings operate within societal settings and neces sarily adapt their proceedings to the given contexts, actors and problems, the very no tion of the laboratory comes with the promise of generating transferable and general izable knowledge. Thus, there are numerous open questions including terminologies and concepts, concrete methodologies as well as epistemological foundations.
Das Wuppertal Institut hat das Forschungsformat der Reallabore konzeptionell und praktisch entsch... more Das Wuppertal Institut hat das Forschungsformat der Reallabore konzeptionell und praktisch entscheidend mitgepragt. Insbesondere in den letzten funf Jahren erlebt dieses Format einen ungeahnten Aufschwung. Vor diesem Hintergrund blickt der vorliegende In Brief auf die Perspektiven fur die kunftige Forschung in Reallaboren. Drei Forderungen sind dabei von zentraler Bedeutung: (1) die Besinnung auf die ursprunglichen Kern-Charakteristika der Reallabor-Idee, (2) der systematische Capacity-Aufbau fur Reallabore im Wissenschaftssystem und (3) die Etablierung von langfristiger angelegten Reallaborstrukturen.
Questions regarding the societal impact of research, how to reach impact and what is needed to st... more Questions regarding the societal impact of research, how to reach impact and what is needed to stabilize the effects are rising from various sides. Societal impact is seen as part of a social contract that exists between science and society. This entails that research must address pressing social issues which in turn implies a number of core challenges such as gathering evidence or the creation of actionable knowledge. The transdisciplinary research approach "real-world laboratory" is discussed as possible way to address and to overcome some of the challenges. A "real-world laboratory" currently being established in the city of Wuppertal serves as case study, linking conceptual and empirical investigations.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning
Reallabore werden in verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Kontexten eingerichtet, um Lösungen für Pro... more Reallabore werden in verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Kontexten eingerichtet, um Lösungen für Probleme der urbanen Transformationen zu erproben (vgl. Schäpke/Stelzer/ Caniglia et al. 2018). Sie sind vornehmlich in der transformativen Nachhaltigkeitsforschung verankert (vgl. WBGU 2011) und spiegeln einen experimental turn in den Sozial-und Wirtschaftswissenschaften wider: Traditionelle wissenschaftliche Forschungsmethoden stoßen demnach angesichts immer komplexerer Veränderungen und Anforderungen an die Gesellschaft beispielsweise beim Umgang mit dem Klimawandel an ihre Grenzen. Daher sollen in Reallaboren Akteure aus Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft gemäß dem transdisziplinären Paradigma, das dem Reallabor-Konzept zugrunde liegt, eng und ,auf Augenhöhe' zusammenarbeiten (vgl. Wanner/Hilger/Westerkowski et al. 2018). Reallabore sollen Evidenz über sozial robuste Lösungsstrategien für gesellschaftliche Probleme generieren. Zentrale methodische Grundlage sind (Real-)Experimente, welche eine Brücke vom ,Wissen zum Handeln' schlagen.
Sustainability Science
The transdisciplinary research mode has gained prominence in the research on and for sustainabili... more The transdisciplinary research mode has gained prominence in the research on and for sustainability transformations. Yet, solution-oriented research addressing complex sustainability problems has become complex itself, with new transdisciplinary research formats being developed and tested for this purpose. Application of new formats offers learning potentials from experience. To this end, we accompanied fourteen research projects conceptualized as real-world labs (RwLs) from 2015 to 2018. RwLs were part of a funding program on ‘Science for Sustainability’ in the German federal state of Baden-Württemberg. Here, we combine conceptual and empirical work to a structured collection of experiences and provide a comprehensive account of RwLs. First, we outline characteristics of RwLs as transformation oriented, transdisciplinary research approach, using experiments, enabling learning and having a long-term orientation. Second, we outline eleven success factors and concrete design notes we ...
GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society
Various experimental approaches of transformative research in real-world settings have emerged. Y... more Various experimental approaches of transformative research in real-world settings have emerged. Yet, similarities, differences, and specific contributions remain unclear. A characteristic-based comparison reveals complementarities and provides orientation.Real-world laboratories (RwLs, German Reallabore) belong to a family of increasingly popular experimental and transdisciplinary research approaches at the science-society interface. As these approaches in general, and RwLs in particular, often lack clear definitions of key characteristics and their operationalization, we make two contributions in this article. First, we identify five core characteristics of RwLs: contribution to transformation, experimental methods, transdisciplinary research mode, scalability and transferability of results, as well as scientific and societal learning and reflexivity. Second, we compare RwLs to similar research approaches according to the five characteristics. In this way, we provide an orientation...
GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 2018
Various experimental approaches of transformative research in real-world settings have emerged. Y... more Various experimental approaches of transformative research in real-world settings have emerged. Yet, similarities, differences, and specific contributions remain unclear. A characteristic-based comparison reveals complementarities and provides orientation.
GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society
Urban areas provide space and place for experimentation with sustainability transitions in real-w... more Urban areas provide space and place for experimentation with sustainability transitions in real-world laboratories. Members of the existing urban laboratories in Baden-Württemberg and experts have discussed the challenges of these innovative research settings, as well as possible solutions.