Stjepan Posavec - (original) (raw)
Papers by Stjepan Posavec
Privatni {umoposjed je u posljednjih nekoliko godina zasigurno najdinami~nije podru~je hrvatskog ... more Privatni {umoposjed je u posljednjih nekoliko godina zasigurno najdinami~nije podru~je hrvatskog {umarstva. Privatne {ume i {umoposjednike je potrebno ponovo sagledati u svjetlu promjene vlasni~kih odnosa kao posljedice povrata imovine te promjene vlasnika u pogledu interesa prema {umskom posjedu. Prosje~ni privatni {umoposjed u Hrvatskoj, kao jednoj od zemalja u tranziciji, okarakteriziran je malom ~esticom (0,7 ha), velikim brojem {umoposjednika, i skromnom razinom organizacije. Ovaj rad ima cilj predstaviti osnovne karakteristike privatnog {umoposjeda u odnosu na njegovu veli~inu, tip {ume, na~in gospodarenja, prostorni raspored te va`e}e zakonodavstvo. U nastavku se obra|uje postoje}e stanje organiziranosti {umoposjednika, mogu}nosti unapre|enja organizacije kao i gospodarenja privatnim {umoposjedom. Bit }e obra|ena i va`nost uloge novoosnovane [umarske savjetodavne slu`be kao izdanka Ministarstva regionalnog razvoja, {umarstva i vodnog gospodarstva u spomenutim procesima.
Drvna Industrija, 2010
SAŽETAK • Prerada drva i proizvodnja namještaja Republike Hrvatske razvila se na visokovrijednoj ... more SAŽETAK • Prerada drva i proizvodnja namještaja Republike Hrvatske razvila se na visokovrijednoj šumskoj sirovini, a svoj rad temelji na njezinu iskorištavanju, dugogodišnjoj tradiciji prerade drva te na kvalitetnim ljudskim resursima. Stoga je ta djelatnost važan segment gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske. Međutim, kako zbog globalnih gospodarskih kretanja, tako i zbog nedovoljno obnovljene i niskoproduktivne proizvodnje, nepopunjenosti kapaciteta te nerazvijene proizvodnje viših faza prerade, ukupni je prihod industrijske prerade drva u odnosu prema potencijalu sirovine relativno nizak, pa je potrebno što prije steći uvid u stanje sektora, u čemu važnu ulogu ima istraživanje tržišta. Stoga je provedena analiza i usporedba pojedinih tržišnih pokazatelja poput proizvodnje, izvoza, uvoza, potrošnje, prodaje i udjela prodaje hrvatskih proizvođača na domaćem tržištu proizvoda područja prerade drva (DD 20) i namještaja (DN 36). Proizvodnja ostalih drvnih proizvoda, kao i proizvodnja namještaja u promatranom su se povećavale iz godine u godinu razdoblju i to u korist proizvodnje ostalih drvnih proizvoda.
Biomass & Bioenergy, Oct 1, 2015
Abstract Production of woody biomass-based energy, mainly by using fuel wood, is a common way of ... more Abstract Production of woody biomass-based energy, mainly by using fuel wood, is a common way of forest utilization in selected South-Eastern European countries – Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Due to specific forest ownership patterns in the region, state owned forests are the most important source of all forest assortments, including woody biomass. Having in mind the increasing energy needs on the global scale, particularly those for energy from renewable sources, private forests may play an important role in terms of wood mobilization and energy production from woody biomass. The purpose of this research was to identify the willingness of private forest owners in selected countries to supply woody biomass for energy as well as to identify the factors that influence it. The survey data collected in 2012 from 1.400 private forests owners (random samples of 350 private forests owners in each of the four countries), show a relatively high degree of willingness (38–55% of the respondents) to manage their forests in order to produce woody biomass. Furthermore, the results, demonstrated that the willingness of private forest owners to supply woody biomass was namely influenced by age in analysed countries. The models found that relatively younger owners were more likely to supply woody biomass. An adequate institutional and financial support to private forest owners and the designing of an appropriate mix of forest policy instruments are necessary for a better wood mobilisation and the triggering of woody biomass supply from private forests in selected South-Eastern European countries.
Informatologia, Sep 22, 2012
Forestry is an important source of income for forest owners and for employees in rural areas. The... more Forestry is an important source of income for forest owners and for employees in rural areas. The future of the people, who make a living in rural areas from forestry, will considerably depend on how individuals and institutions react in view of the changes, how forest owners and managers obtain new knowledge and put it into practice in forestry, and how institutions, especially forest administration, extension services, forest research or other institutions best deal with emerging changes. The new EU strategies for economic and social revival of rural areas included the diversification of economic activities, especially into tourism and leisure, the promotion of local products and new markets, the development of human resources and the support of national and international cooperation at the same time that promoted the participation of local stakeholders in the creation of rural employment. Forest Act from 2005 is the basic law that defines the key entites and their relationships with regard to forests and forestry in the Republic of Croatia. The principle of sustainable management of forest resources is obligatory for all entities dealing with forests and forest land. The private forest ownership in Croatia is highly fragmented. On average each owner holds two parcels which are not connected. The borders are not marked and in practice there is no certainty of ownership. Accessibility of private forests by forest roads is limited. The paper presents sociological forest functions and forest management goals among smallscale forest owners based on a sample of 350 owners in Croatia.
U radu su prikazane metode procjene vrijednosti opce korisnih funkcija suma na podrucju Hrvatskog... more U radu su prikazane metode procjene vrijednosti opce korisnih funkcija suma na podrucju Hrvatskog Mediterana. Utvrđena vrijednost suma uvelike ovisi o opcekorisnih funkcijama, sto je i prvenstvena uloga mediteranskih suma.
Inovácie sa stali jednou z hlavných tém moderného ponímania lesníctva. Ich prínos sa skúma v zahr... more Inovácie sa stali jednou z hlavných tém moderného ponímania lesníctva. Ich prínos sa skúma v zahraničí, tak ako aj na Slovensku, napríklad v projekte Integrácia rozvojových, inovačných a environmentálnych politík pre lesníctvo. Dôležitosť tohto prístupu spočíva hlavne v tom, že sa odkláňa od klasického poňatia lesného hospodárstva, ktoré je zamerané prevažne na drevo a obchod s ním. Následná diverzifikácia výstupov pri uplatňovaní efektívneho zavádzania inovácií je nepochybná, no napriek tomu sa mnohí vlastníci tomuto prístupu z mnohých dôvodov vyhýbajú. Skúmanie inovačného správania v Chorvátsku vyplýva z výskumu, ktorý sa uskutočnil s respondentmi v hlavných inštitúciách, ktoré sa zaoberajú lesníctvom. Okrem konkrétnych inovácií, ktoré sú uvedené aj v tomto článku, je cieľom prieskumu hodnotiť postoje k inovačnému správaniu z pohľadu inštitúcií nie vlastníkov-a to napríklad aj faktorov, ktoré im napomáhajú, a naopak bránia ich uskutočňovaniu. Vyhotovenie daného prieskumu bude v budúcnosti po ďalšom zanalyzovaní slúžiť na porovnanie inovačného správania v Chorvátsku a na Slovensku a na zdieľanie "best practices" z oboch krajín.
Clanak predstavlja pregled gospodarenja usitnjenim privatnim sumama u Hrvatskoj. Prikazana je usp... more Clanak predstavlja pregled gospodarenja usitnjenim privatnim sumama u Hrvatskoj. Prikazana je usporedba između resursa državnih i privatnih suma, te je raspravljeno postojece stanje sitnih privatnih suma, sumovlasnika i gospodarenje. Na temelju dostupnih podataka, istraživanja struktura sastojina privatnih suma, socioloskih istraživanja uzorka sumovlasnika usitnjenih suma, dobiveni su rezultati SWOT analize. Povrsina sitnih privatnih suma iznosi 461, 137 ha ili 19 % ukupne povrsine suma u Hrvatskoj, a udjel po drvnoj zalihi je 11.7 %. Međutim, privatne sume su jako rascjepkane. Ukupno postoji oko 600, 000 sumovlasnika. U stvarnosti, osim nekih izuzetaka, privatnim sumama se ne gospodari. Opcenito, gospodarenje sitnim privatnim sumama je obilježeno visokim stupnjem usitnjenosti, nepostojanju udruga sumovlasnika (nepostojanje jedinstvenog pristupa gospodarenja), postojanje "tipicnog profila" sumovlasnika, izostanak sumskouzgojnih radova i tradicije bavljenja sumarstvom. U radu su ponuđene preporuke za unapređenje stanja i gospodarenja sitnim privatnim sumama.
Nova mehanizacija šumarstva
U radu je analizirana uloga ekoturizma na području Plitvičkih dolina, točnije važnost ekoturizma ... more U radu je analizirana uloga ekoturizma na području Plitvičkih dolina, točnije važnost ekoturizma u Općini Rakovica koja je dio širega turističkoga konteksta Nacionalnoga parka. Plitvičke doline šire su područje koje gravitira obližnjemu Nacionalnomu parku Plitvička jezera. Opisan je povijesni razvoj turizma ove regije, definirani su oblici turizma, a naglasak je stavljen na izuzetno važan oblik turizma, na ekoturizam. Ta vrsta turizma na prvo mjesto stavlja očuvanje prirode i okoliša te je glavni pokretač turizma te regije. Sustavnim razvojem ponude usluga, atrakcija i aktivnosti cijelo se područje oko Nacionalnoga parka pretvorilo u jednu od privlačnijih turističkih destinacija u Hrvatskoj pod imenom Plitvičke doline. Kako bi se analizirala ponuda i potražnja toga turističkoga tržišta te zadovoljstvo turista, kreiran je i proveden anketni upitnik među posjetiteljima (vrijeme skupljanja: ljeto 2023, broj ispitanika: 60). Rezultati uključuju analizu frekvencije posjeta te njihovu sez...
Prospects for fir management in a changeable environment, 2019
Competition on the European and world market, combined with growing consumer and customer demands... more Competition on the European and world market, combined with growing consumer and customer demands, have made the quality of products and services one of the key factors that contribute to conquering the market. Following a series of recent changes, the field of wood industry and furniture manufacture in the Republic of Croatia has become dominated by small and medium-sized wood processing and furniture manufacturing plants, which cannot compete on the European and world market solely by themselves. The solution lies in cooperation and integration into production chains of those companies which are already present in these markets. The article discusses the integration of wood processing and furniture manufacturing plants into those chains of manufacturers and furniture sellers which demand ISO standards from the series 9000, as well as compliance with ISO standards.
Forestry is an important source of income for forest owners and for employees in rural areas. The... more Forestry is an important source of income for forest owners and for employees in rural areas. The future of the people, who make a living in rural areas from forestry, will considerably depend on how individuals and institutions react in view of the changes, how forest owners and managers obtain new knowledge and put it into practice in forestry, and how institutions, especially forest administration, extension services, forest research or other institutions best deal with emerging changes. The new EU strategies for economic and social revival of rural areas included the diversification of economic activities, especially into tourism and leisure, the promotion of local products and new markets, the development of human resources and the support of national and international cooperation at the same time that promoted the participation of local stakeholders in the creation of rural employment (Serafim, 1999). Forest Act from 2005 is the basic law that defines the key entites and their...
In Europe, forest fires are a serious and constant threat. They destroy forests and forest land, ... more In Europe, forest fires are a serious and constant threat. They destroy forests and forest land, causing damage, financial loss, and long-lasting impacts on forest ecosystem services. There are several ways to decrease the number of forest fires, including continuous investment in fire prevention measures and the intensive implementation of adaptive sustainable forest management measures, which need additional financial resources. In many cases, forest management activities in karst forests are not implemented in a timely manner and in coordination with other stakeholders. A comprehensive study about the impact of forest fires on different economic activities (tourism and protected areas) is not currently available. In this study, the legislative framework in Croatia was analysed in relation to the fire protection activities and jurisdictions of different institutions. From data collected in the period 2013–2020, the first-age class afforestation costs and growing stock assortment v...
Privatni {umoposjed je u posljednjih nekoliko godina zasigurno najdinami~nije podru~je hrvatskog ... more Privatni {umoposjed je u posljednjih nekoliko godina zasigurno najdinami~nije podru~je hrvatskog {umarstva. Privatne {ume i {umoposjednike je potrebno ponovo sagledati u svjetlu promjene vlasni~kih odnosa kao posljedice povrata imovine te promjene vlasnika u pogledu interesa prema {umskom posjedu. Prosje~ni privatni {umoposjed u Hrvatskoj, kao jednoj od zemalja u tranziciji, okarakteriziran je malom ~esticom (0,7 ha), velikim brojem {umoposjednika, i skromnom razinom organizacije. Ovaj rad ima cilj predstaviti osnovne karakteristike privatnog {umoposjeda u odnosu na njegovu veli~inu, tip {ume, na~in gospodarenja, prostorni raspored te va`e}e zakonodavstvo. U nastavku se obra|uje postoje}e stanje organiziranosti {umoposjednika, mogu}nosti unapre|enja organizacije kao i gospodarenja privatnim {umoposjedom. Bit }e obra|ena i va`nost uloge novoosnovane [umarske savjetodavne slu`be kao izdanka Ministarstva regionalnog razvoja, {umarstva i vodnog gospodarstva u spomenutim procesima.
Drvna Industrija, 2010
SAŽETAK • Prerada drva i proizvodnja namještaja Republike Hrvatske razvila se na visokovrijednoj ... more SAŽETAK • Prerada drva i proizvodnja namještaja Republike Hrvatske razvila se na visokovrijednoj šumskoj sirovini, a svoj rad temelji na njezinu iskorištavanju, dugogodišnjoj tradiciji prerade drva te na kvalitetnim ljudskim resursima. Stoga je ta djelatnost važan segment gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske. Međutim, kako zbog globalnih gospodarskih kretanja, tako i zbog nedovoljno obnovljene i niskoproduktivne proizvodnje, nepopunjenosti kapaciteta te nerazvijene proizvodnje viših faza prerade, ukupni je prihod industrijske prerade drva u odnosu prema potencijalu sirovine relativno nizak, pa je potrebno što prije steći uvid u stanje sektora, u čemu važnu ulogu ima istraživanje tržišta. Stoga je provedena analiza i usporedba pojedinih tržišnih pokazatelja poput proizvodnje, izvoza, uvoza, potrošnje, prodaje i udjela prodaje hrvatskih proizvođača na domaćem tržištu proizvoda područja prerade drva (DD 20) i namještaja (DN 36). Proizvodnja ostalih drvnih proizvoda, kao i proizvodnja namještaja u promatranom su se povećavale iz godine u godinu razdoblju i to u korist proizvodnje ostalih drvnih proizvoda.
Biomass & Bioenergy, Oct 1, 2015
Abstract Production of woody biomass-based energy, mainly by using fuel wood, is a common way of ... more Abstract Production of woody biomass-based energy, mainly by using fuel wood, is a common way of forest utilization in selected South-Eastern European countries – Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Due to specific forest ownership patterns in the region, state owned forests are the most important source of all forest assortments, including woody biomass. Having in mind the increasing energy needs on the global scale, particularly those for energy from renewable sources, private forests may play an important role in terms of wood mobilization and energy production from woody biomass. The purpose of this research was to identify the willingness of private forest owners in selected countries to supply woody biomass for energy as well as to identify the factors that influence it. The survey data collected in 2012 from 1.400 private forests owners (random samples of 350 private forests owners in each of the four countries), show a relatively high degree of willingness (38–55% of the respondents) to manage their forests in order to produce woody biomass. Furthermore, the results, demonstrated that the willingness of private forest owners to supply woody biomass was namely influenced by age in analysed countries. The models found that relatively younger owners were more likely to supply woody biomass. An adequate institutional and financial support to private forest owners and the designing of an appropriate mix of forest policy instruments are necessary for a better wood mobilisation and the triggering of woody biomass supply from private forests in selected South-Eastern European countries.
Informatologia, Sep 22, 2012
Forestry is an important source of income for forest owners and for employees in rural areas. The... more Forestry is an important source of income for forest owners and for employees in rural areas. The future of the people, who make a living in rural areas from forestry, will considerably depend on how individuals and institutions react in view of the changes, how forest owners and managers obtain new knowledge and put it into practice in forestry, and how institutions, especially forest administration, extension services, forest research or other institutions best deal with emerging changes. The new EU strategies for economic and social revival of rural areas included the diversification of economic activities, especially into tourism and leisure, the promotion of local products and new markets, the development of human resources and the support of national and international cooperation at the same time that promoted the participation of local stakeholders in the creation of rural employment. Forest Act from 2005 is the basic law that defines the key entites and their relationships with regard to forests and forestry in the Republic of Croatia. The principle of sustainable management of forest resources is obligatory for all entities dealing with forests and forest land. The private forest ownership in Croatia is highly fragmented. On average each owner holds two parcels which are not connected. The borders are not marked and in practice there is no certainty of ownership. Accessibility of private forests by forest roads is limited. The paper presents sociological forest functions and forest management goals among smallscale forest owners based on a sample of 350 owners in Croatia.
U radu su prikazane metode procjene vrijednosti opce korisnih funkcija suma na podrucju Hrvatskog... more U radu su prikazane metode procjene vrijednosti opce korisnih funkcija suma na podrucju Hrvatskog Mediterana. Utvrđena vrijednost suma uvelike ovisi o opcekorisnih funkcijama, sto je i prvenstvena uloga mediteranskih suma.
Inovácie sa stali jednou z hlavných tém moderného ponímania lesníctva. Ich prínos sa skúma v zahr... more Inovácie sa stali jednou z hlavných tém moderného ponímania lesníctva. Ich prínos sa skúma v zahraničí, tak ako aj na Slovensku, napríklad v projekte Integrácia rozvojových, inovačných a environmentálnych politík pre lesníctvo. Dôležitosť tohto prístupu spočíva hlavne v tom, že sa odkláňa od klasického poňatia lesného hospodárstva, ktoré je zamerané prevažne na drevo a obchod s ním. Následná diverzifikácia výstupov pri uplatňovaní efektívneho zavádzania inovácií je nepochybná, no napriek tomu sa mnohí vlastníci tomuto prístupu z mnohých dôvodov vyhýbajú. Skúmanie inovačného správania v Chorvátsku vyplýva z výskumu, ktorý sa uskutočnil s respondentmi v hlavných inštitúciách, ktoré sa zaoberajú lesníctvom. Okrem konkrétnych inovácií, ktoré sú uvedené aj v tomto článku, je cieľom prieskumu hodnotiť postoje k inovačnému správaniu z pohľadu inštitúcií nie vlastníkov-a to napríklad aj faktorov, ktoré im napomáhajú, a naopak bránia ich uskutočňovaniu. Vyhotovenie daného prieskumu bude v budúcnosti po ďalšom zanalyzovaní slúžiť na porovnanie inovačného správania v Chorvátsku a na Slovensku a na zdieľanie "best practices" z oboch krajín.
Clanak predstavlja pregled gospodarenja usitnjenim privatnim sumama u Hrvatskoj. Prikazana je usp... more Clanak predstavlja pregled gospodarenja usitnjenim privatnim sumama u Hrvatskoj. Prikazana je usporedba između resursa državnih i privatnih suma, te je raspravljeno postojece stanje sitnih privatnih suma, sumovlasnika i gospodarenje. Na temelju dostupnih podataka, istraživanja struktura sastojina privatnih suma, socioloskih istraživanja uzorka sumovlasnika usitnjenih suma, dobiveni su rezultati SWOT analize. Povrsina sitnih privatnih suma iznosi 461, 137 ha ili 19 % ukupne povrsine suma u Hrvatskoj, a udjel po drvnoj zalihi je 11.7 %. Međutim, privatne sume su jako rascjepkane. Ukupno postoji oko 600, 000 sumovlasnika. U stvarnosti, osim nekih izuzetaka, privatnim sumama se ne gospodari. Opcenito, gospodarenje sitnim privatnim sumama je obilježeno visokim stupnjem usitnjenosti, nepostojanju udruga sumovlasnika (nepostojanje jedinstvenog pristupa gospodarenja), postojanje "tipicnog profila" sumovlasnika, izostanak sumskouzgojnih radova i tradicije bavljenja sumarstvom. U radu su ponuđene preporuke za unapređenje stanja i gospodarenja sitnim privatnim sumama.
Nova mehanizacija šumarstva
U radu je analizirana uloga ekoturizma na području Plitvičkih dolina, točnije važnost ekoturizma ... more U radu je analizirana uloga ekoturizma na području Plitvičkih dolina, točnije važnost ekoturizma u Općini Rakovica koja je dio širega turističkoga konteksta Nacionalnoga parka. Plitvičke doline šire su područje koje gravitira obližnjemu Nacionalnomu parku Plitvička jezera. Opisan je povijesni razvoj turizma ove regije, definirani su oblici turizma, a naglasak je stavljen na izuzetno važan oblik turizma, na ekoturizam. Ta vrsta turizma na prvo mjesto stavlja očuvanje prirode i okoliša te je glavni pokretač turizma te regije. Sustavnim razvojem ponude usluga, atrakcija i aktivnosti cijelo se područje oko Nacionalnoga parka pretvorilo u jednu od privlačnijih turističkih destinacija u Hrvatskoj pod imenom Plitvičke doline. Kako bi se analizirala ponuda i potražnja toga turističkoga tržišta te zadovoljstvo turista, kreiran je i proveden anketni upitnik među posjetiteljima (vrijeme skupljanja: ljeto 2023, broj ispitanika: 60). Rezultati uključuju analizu frekvencije posjeta te njihovu sez...
Prospects for fir management in a changeable environment, 2019
Competition on the European and world market, combined with growing consumer and customer demands... more Competition on the European and world market, combined with growing consumer and customer demands, have made the quality of products and services one of the key factors that contribute to conquering the market. Following a series of recent changes, the field of wood industry and furniture manufacture in the Republic of Croatia has become dominated by small and medium-sized wood processing and furniture manufacturing plants, which cannot compete on the European and world market solely by themselves. The solution lies in cooperation and integration into production chains of those companies which are already present in these markets. The article discusses the integration of wood processing and furniture manufacturing plants into those chains of manufacturers and furniture sellers which demand ISO standards from the series 9000, as well as compliance with ISO standards.
Forestry is an important source of income for forest owners and for employees in rural areas. The... more Forestry is an important source of income for forest owners and for employees in rural areas. The future of the people, who make a living in rural areas from forestry, will considerably depend on how individuals and institutions react in view of the changes, how forest owners and managers obtain new knowledge and put it into practice in forestry, and how institutions, especially forest administration, extension services, forest research or other institutions best deal with emerging changes. The new EU strategies for economic and social revival of rural areas included the diversification of economic activities, especially into tourism and leisure, the promotion of local products and new markets, the development of human resources and the support of national and international cooperation at the same time that promoted the participation of local stakeholders in the creation of rural employment (Serafim, 1999). Forest Act from 2005 is the basic law that defines the key entites and their...
In Europe, forest fires are a serious and constant threat. They destroy forests and forest land, ... more In Europe, forest fires are a serious and constant threat. They destroy forests and forest land, causing damage, financial loss, and long-lasting impacts on forest ecosystem services. There are several ways to decrease the number of forest fires, including continuous investment in fire prevention measures and the intensive implementation of adaptive sustainable forest management measures, which need additional financial resources. In many cases, forest management activities in karst forests are not implemented in a timely manner and in coordination with other stakeholders. A comprehensive study about the impact of forest fires on different economic activities (tourism and protected areas) is not currently available. In this study, the legislative framework in Croatia was analysed in relation to the fire protection activities and jurisdictions of different institutions. From data collected in the period 2013–2020, the first-age class afforestation costs and growing stock assortment v...