Suciu Cosmin - (original) (raw)

Books by Suciu Cosmin

Research paper thumbnail of Arheologia Banatului : cercetări, descoperiri, intervenţii (eds: V. Bunoiu, D. Vlase)

Research paper thumbnail of Vinca Culture in Transylvania

Research paper thumbnail of Cercetările arheologice preventive de la Turdaș-Luncă (jud. Hunedoara). Campania 2011 / The Preventive Archaeological Research from Turdaș-Luncă (Hunedoara County). The 2011 Campaign

Cercetarea sistematică a sitului arheologic de la Turdaş-Luncă a constituit şi constituie o provo... more Cercetarea sistematică a sitului arheologic de la Turdaş-Luncă a constituit şi constituie o provocare pentru fiecare generaţie de arheologi.

Research paper thumbnail of The First Neolithic Sites in Central/South-East European Transect. Volume II: Early Neolithic (Starčevo-Criş) Sites on the Territory of Romania edited by Sabin Adrian Luca and Cosmin Suciu.

The modelling of the process of Neolithization – one of the basic tasks of the FEPRE project – re... more The modelling of the process of Neolithization – one of the basic tasks of the FEPRE project – requires the building of a complete data base, including radio carbon dates and inventory of FTN sites: both those excavated as well as those recorded in the course of surface surveys. In view of the fact that in the Neolithization of Europe the axis running from the Balkans to the Carpathians is of essential importance the editors have decided to compile the inventory of FTN sites along this axis and subdivided into: I – Bulgaria, II – Romania, III – Eastern Hungary, IV – Eastern Slovakia, V – South-Eastern Poland. The result is a five-volume catalogue of FTN sites: Vol. I – Bulgaria – sites of the Monochrome and the Early Painted Pottery Phase (Karanovo I type); Vol. II – Romania (Transylvania and Banat) – sites of the Early Phase (with white-painted pottery); Vol. III – Eastern Hungary (Tisza basin) – sites of the Körös-Starcevo Cul ture; Vol. IV – Eastern Slovakia – sites of the Early Phase of the Eastern Linear Pottery Culture; Vol. V – South-Eastern Poland – LBK sites. The database and analysis of archaeological records provide the most up-to-date groundwork for the construction of the model on Neolithization of Central Europe within the frame work of the FEPRE project. Contents: 1) Starcevo-Cris Culture in Western part of Romania – Transylvania, Banat, Crisana, Maramures, Oltenia and Western Muntenia: repository, distribution map, state of research and chronology (Sabin Adrian Luca, Cosmin Ioan Suciu and Florian Dumitrescu-Chioar); 2) Architecture of the Early Neolithic in Romania (Gheorghe Lazarovici and Cornelia Magda Lazaovici); 3) Technological uniformity? Early Neolithic ceramic vessels, cult objects, net weights and daub production in Romania (Michela Spataro); 4) The management of livestock in Early Neolithic settlements (Starcevo-Cris complex) from Transylvania and Banat (Georgeta El Susi); 5) Technology of skeletal materials of the Starcevo-Cris Culture in Romania. Some considerations (Corneliu Beldiman and Diana-Maria Sztancs); 6) Some aspects of the earliest Neolithic chipped stone assemblages of Transylvania and the Banat (Romania) (Paolo Biagi); 7) Catalogue of the Early Neolithic settlements in Western part of Romania – Transylvania, Banat, Crisana, Maramures, Oltenia and Western Muntenia (Sabin Adrian Luca, Cosmin Ioan Suciu and Florian Dumitrescu-Chioar). [See also BAR –S2048, 2009 The First Neolithic Sites in Central/South-East European Transect Volume I: Early Neolithic Sites on the Territory of Bulgaria edited by Ivan Gatsov and Yavor Boyadzhiev. Specific Targeted Research Project on the Formation of Europe: Prehistoric Population Dynamics and the Roots of Socio-Cultural Diversity. Institute of Archaeology,Jagiellonian University. ISBN 978 1 4073 0624 7]

Papers by Suciu Cosmin

Research paper thumbnail of The early Vinča culture in Transylvania: Considerations regarding its chronological position using correspondence analysis

Quaternary International, 2020

By applying a correspondence analysis to the morphological characteristics of the early Vinča cul... more By applying a correspondence analysis to the morphological characteristics of the early Vinča culture pottery from the Miercurea Sibiului-Petriș site and using the results as prior-estimates for the Bayesian approach, we show the time span of the Vinča layer no. II corresponds only to Vinča B phase. This is contrary to prior assertions
connecting this layer to the Vinča A phase. Enlarging the territory and using the eponymous site of Belo Brdo as a comparison, we conclude that a Vinča A horizon exists in Transylvania, a horizon that corresponds to
the same phase from Romanian and Serbian Banat and Middle Danube region. The Vinča B stage from Transylvania is rather different than that one from Middle Danube region, reopening the discussions about a
Transylvanian aspect of the Vinča culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeological research in Miercurea Sibiului – Petris¸ (Sibiu County, Romania): the Starčevo-Cris¸ level during 1997–2005 (a preliminary report)

Documenta Praehistorica, 2008

The article presents an archaeological description of the Starčevo-Cris close complexes at Miercu... more The article presents an archaeological description of the Starčevo-Cris close complexes at Miercurea Sibiului-Petris, one of the Earliest Neolithic settlements in Romania. The site belongs to the early wave of First Temperate Neolithic communities who reached Romania. Each complex is presented through plans, statistical ceramic analyses and some representative materials. White painting is present here in the earlier complexes.

Research paper thumbnail of Florin Drașovean, Cosmin Ioan Suciu, Dragoș Diaconescu, Cercetările arheologice preventive din anul 2015 în Piața Sfântul Gheorghe a Timișoarei, Patrimonium Banaticum, VI/2016

Aşezarea din epoca târzie a bronzului de la Călineşti Oaş. Contribuţii la cercetarea sistemelor d... more Aşezarea din epoca târzie a bronzului de la Călineşti Oaş. Contribuţii la cercetarea sistemelor de fortificaţii din spaţiul carpatic / The Călinești Oaș Late Bronze Age settlement. Contributions towards the systematic research of fortification systems in the Carpathian Basin 33 Doina Benea Observaţii privind producţia opaiţelor romane lucrate la roată din provincia Dacia / Bemerkungen über die Produktion der römischen Lampen bei Drehscheibe geformt aus der Provinz Dacia 51 Ana Cristina Hamat O camee de epocă romană descoperită în cadrul cercetării de la mănăstirea franciscană din Caransebeș / A roman cameo discovered during the study of the Caransebeș Franciscan monastery 69 Bogdan Muscalu Noi puncte arheologice identificate pe raza localităţii Hodoni (com. Satchinez, jud. Timiş) / New archaeological sites discovered near Hodoni village (Satchinez, Timiș) 77 Alexandru Ionescu, Claudiu Toma, Călin Timoc Un nou sit arheologic de secolele II-IV, la sud de localitatea Igriș (jud. Timiș). Date privind arheologia peisajului / A new 2 nd -4 th centuries archaeological site south of Igriș village (Timiș county). Data regarding landscape archaeology 91 Bogdan-Alin Craiovan, Octavian-Cristian Rogozea Contribuții la repertoriul așezărilor atribuite Evului Mediu din vestul României / Contributions towards the medieval settlements repertoire of western Romania 101 Florin Draşovean, Cosmin Ioan Suciu, Dragoş Diaconescu Cercetările arheologice preventive din anul 2015 în Piaţa Sfântul Gheorghe a Timişoarei / The 2015 rescue excavation in Timișoara's Sfântul Gheorghe Square 139 Raoul M. Șeptilici Observații pe marginea unui fals monetar descoperit în Piața Sfântul Gheorghe din Timișoara / Observations regarding a counterfeit coin discovered in Timișoara's Sfântul Gheorghe Square 161 Dragoş Diaconescu Observaţii arheologice privind linia exterioară de fortificaţie a cetăţii turceşti a Timişoarei / Archaeological remarks regarding the outer fortifications of Ottoman Timișoara 165 PATRIMONIU ARHITECTURAL Mihai-Corneliu Popovici-Donici Reconstituiri arhitecturale pentru trei locuințe neolitice din situl Parța pe baza unei metode noi. Concluzii tipologice locale / The architectural reenactment of three Neolithic housing units situated at Parța, as per a New Method. Local typological conclusions 195 Maja Bâldea Studiu de caz. Bisericile de lemn din Coșevița și Pietroasa, județul Timiș / Case study. The wooden curches of Coșevița and Pietroasa, Timiș county 213 Gabriel Szekely Arhitecţi creatori ai Stilului Neoromânesc în zona Banatului / Neo-Romanian style architects in the Banat 235 PATRIMONIU MOBIL Andreea Foanene Icoane bănățene pe sticlă / Banat icons on glass 249

Research paper thumbnail of An incised fragment of the Early Neolithic from Miercurea Sibiului – Valea Gârbovei

In the C25 feature, belonging to the Early Neolithic settlement, from Miercurea Sibiului –Valea G... more In the C25 feature, belonging to the Early
Neolithic settlement, from Miercurea Sibiului –Valea
Gârbovei there was found an incised ceramic fragment with
linear and clear signs that have analogies in what is called
Danube Script. The article is stressing about the context of
the discovery and the chronological moment of the ceramic

Research paper thumbnail of J. K. Kozłowski, T. Goslar, C. I. Suciu, P. Mirea -Radiocarbon dating of the Early Neolithic wooden objects from Southern Romania

AMS dating of the two wooden objects (a pot and a bracelet) from Early Neolithic contexts from Mă... more AMS dating of the two wooden objects (a pot and a bracelet) from Early Neolithic contexts from Măgura and Grădinile settlements gave astonishing results corresponding to the Interpleniglacial period. Further analyses and research indicates that the Early Neolithic Starcevo Culture groups from South Romania intentionally searched and used mineralized fossil wood available in river valleys beds from South Carpathian slopes.

Research paper thumbnail of Metodologia analizei post‑săpătură a sitului de la Turdaş (I). Câteva observaţii legate de modalitatea de publicare şi interpretare a sistemului de fortificare

Post-Excavation Analysis Methodology of Turdaş Site (I). Some Observations on Earlier Publication... more Post-Excavation Analysis Methodology of Turdaş Site (I). Some Observations on Earlier Publication and
Interpretation of the Fortified System
One recent study, published in 2014, is having my name as author along the name of the scientifically coordinator of the Turdaş-Luncă archaeological site Sabin Adrian Luca (I did not know about this article). Unfortunately the study is a copy/paste (and some minor added comments) of another study published two years earlier in some strange circumstances and the interpretations are solely assumed only by Sabin Adrian Luca. Those interpretations are in an advanced contradiction with the description of the archaeological features present in both studies. The methodology used for supporting the comments is subjective and we cannot agree with it because it is intended to change the real view and chronology of the fortified system from Turdaş site.


Florian Dumitrescu Chioar, member of the research team from Turdaș, partner in C Sector, was in c... more Florian Dumitrescu Chioar, member of the research team from Turdaș, partner in C Sector, was in charge for a while with this sector (unearth of the first layer and

Research paper thumbnail of Excavations from 2010 at Tărtăria – Gura Luncii, Alba County

The 2010 systematic campaign at the well-known site of Tărtăria – Gura Luncii was intended to ide... more The 2010 systematic campaign at the well-known site of Tărtăria – Gura Luncii was intended to identify the old excavations in the area of the terrace edge, near N. Vlassa’s 1961and I. Paul’s 1989 excavations. Those excavations were identified. A Petreşti level was discovered under the agricultural level with in situ materials in SI/2010 and SIA/2010.

Research paper thumbnail of X-ray computed tomography investigations of Cucuteni ceramic statuettes

Documenta Praehistorica, Dec 2013

Deciphering the internal structure of prehistoric artefacts can provide spectacular insights that... more Deciphering the internal structure of prehistoric artefacts can provide spectacular insights that might help us understand the people who made them. In order to preserve the integrity of these relics of past civilisations, it is desirable to make such investigations using non-destructive techniques. Recent decades have witnessed a growth in the X-ray computed tomography (CT) applications in the study of cultural heritage objects. This paper presents and discusses tomographic investigations of two Cucuteni ceramic statuettes discovered in Romania. The study was made with a CT device specially designed for archaeometric applications.

Research paper thumbnail of X-ray tomographic examinations of Teleac, Cicau and Apulum rattles

39th International Symposium on Archaeometry

"The examination and characterization of cultural heritage artefacts involves the employment of a... more "The examination and characterization of cultural heritage artefacts involves the employment of a wide palette of analytical techniques. Preferably, the examination of art and archaeological objects should be conducted in a nondestructive or at least minimally invasive manner.
Computed Tomography (CT) is a powerful, non-destructive technique useful for the visualization of the inner structure of complex objects, providing information on their threedimensional
In recent years, an X-ray tomographic device was developed in the Department for Applied Nuclear Physics from “Horia Hulubei” National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, M!gurele, Romania. This device and the software implementing the ppropriate reconstruction algorithms were specially designed to perform imaging investigations of cultural heritage artefacts made of low-Z materials - clay, wood, bone. Recently, a large number of
archaeological ceramics objects from several Romanian museums were imaged using this home-made CT machine.
This paper presents the results of the tomographic investigations of three rattles from the Romanian cultural heritage. The objects belong to Alba Iulia National Museum of Union and Aiud Municipal Museum and they were dated to the Iron Age, Bronze Age and Roman periods, respectively. The obtained tomographic images led to the identification of the precise number and shape of bodies
contained in their inner structure. The CT scans helped in the determination of the internal dimensions of the artefacts."

Research paper thumbnail of  X-ray Tomography Studies of Prehistoric Ceramic Artifacts

International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series Vol. 27 (2014) 1460135 (8 pages)

"X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) is a powerful non-destructive technique that can yield interest... more "X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) is a powerful non-destructive technique that can yield
interesting structural information not discernible through visual examination only. This paper
presents the results of the CT scans of four objects belonging to the Romanian cultural heritage
attributed to the Vinča, Cucuteni and Cruceni-Belegiš cultures. The study was performed with an
X-ray tomographic device developed at the Department for Applied Nuclear Physics from Horia
Hulubei National Institute for Nuclear Physics and Engineering in Măgurele, Romania. This
apparatus was specially designed for archaeometric studies of low-Z artifacts: ceramic, wood,
bone. The tomographic investigations revealed the internal configuration of the objects and
provided information about the degree to which the previous manipulations affected the
archaeological items. Based on the X-ray images resulting from the CT scans, hints about the
techniques used in the manufacturing of the artifacts were obtained, as well as some indications
useful for conservation/restoration purposes"

Research paper thumbnail of Early Vinča Culture Dynamic in South-Easthern Transylvania

South-Eastern Transylvania is a key point for controlling the middle Mureş Valley, for access fro... more South-Eastern Transylvania is a key point for controlling the middle Mureş Valley, for access from the Banat and the Hungarian Plain to Northern Transylvania and to Eastern
Transylvania and the Southern area of Oltenia and Muntenia. The early Vinča communities securedthe area in the middle of the sixth millennium BC and the Danube Gorge at almost the same time. A new way of life quickly spread marking the transition to the Middle Neolithic period

Research paper thumbnail of Cataloque of the Early Neolithic (Starcevo-Cris Culture) settlements in Western part of Romania – Transylvania, Banat, Crișana, Maramureș, Oltenia and Western Muntenia

Research paper thumbnail of A ceramic import from Neolithic discovered at Miercurea Sibiului-Petriş, Sibiu County

Orice corespondenţă referitoare la această publicaţie rugăm a se adresa la: Muzeul Naţional Bruke... more Orice corespondenţă referitoare la această publicaţie rugăm a se adresa la: Muzeul Naţional Brukenthal -Muzeul de Istorie Casa Altemberger, Str. Mitropoliei, nr. 2, Sibiu, 550179.


Research paper thumbnail of Archaeological research in Miercurea Sibiului – Petris¸ (Sibiu County, Romania): the Starčevo-Cris¸ level during 1997–2005 (a preliminary report)

The article presents an archaeological description of the Starčevo-Cris close complexes at Miercu... more The article presents an archaeological description of the Starčevo-Cris close complexes at Miercurea Sibiului-Petris, one of the Earliest Neolithic settlements in Romania. The site belongs to the early wave of First Temperate Neolithic communities who reached Romania. Each complex is presented through plans, statistical ceramic analyses and some representative materials. White painting is present here in the earlier complexes.

Research paper thumbnail of Arheologia Banatului : cercetări, descoperiri, intervenţii (eds: V. Bunoiu, D. Vlase)

Research paper thumbnail of Vinca Culture in Transylvania

Research paper thumbnail of Cercetările arheologice preventive de la Turdaș-Luncă (jud. Hunedoara). Campania 2011 / The Preventive Archaeological Research from Turdaș-Luncă (Hunedoara County). The 2011 Campaign

Cercetarea sistematică a sitului arheologic de la Turdaş-Luncă a constituit şi constituie o provo... more Cercetarea sistematică a sitului arheologic de la Turdaş-Luncă a constituit şi constituie o provocare pentru fiecare generaţie de arheologi.

Research paper thumbnail of The First Neolithic Sites in Central/South-East European Transect. Volume II: Early Neolithic (Starčevo-Criş) Sites on the Territory of Romania edited by Sabin Adrian Luca and Cosmin Suciu.

The modelling of the process of Neolithization – one of the basic tasks of the FEPRE project – re... more The modelling of the process of Neolithization – one of the basic tasks of the FEPRE project – requires the building of a complete data base, including radio carbon dates and inventory of FTN sites: both those excavated as well as those recorded in the course of surface surveys. In view of the fact that in the Neolithization of Europe the axis running from the Balkans to the Carpathians is of essential importance the editors have decided to compile the inventory of FTN sites along this axis and subdivided into: I – Bulgaria, II – Romania, III – Eastern Hungary, IV – Eastern Slovakia, V – South-Eastern Poland. The result is a five-volume catalogue of FTN sites: Vol. I – Bulgaria – sites of the Monochrome and the Early Painted Pottery Phase (Karanovo I type); Vol. II – Romania (Transylvania and Banat) – sites of the Early Phase (with white-painted pottery); Vol. III – Eastern Hungary (Tisza basin) – sites of the Körös-Starcevo Cul ture; Vol. IV – Eastern Slovakia – sites of the Early Phase of the Eastern Linear Pottery Culture; Vol. V – South-Eastern Poland – LBK sites. The database and analysis of archaeological records provide the most up-to-date groundwork for the construction of the model on Neolithization of Central Europe within the frame work of the FEPRE project. Contents: 1) Starcevo-Cris Culture in Western part of Romania – Transylvania, Banat, Crisana, Maramures, Oltenia and Western Muntenia: repository, distribution map, state of research and chronology (Sabin Adrian Luca, Cosmin Ioan Suciu and Florian Dumitrescu-Chioar); 2) Architecture of the Early Neolithic in Romania (Gheorghe Lazarovici and Cornelia Magda Lazaovici); 3) Technological uniformity? Early Neolithic ceramic vessels, cult objects, net weights and daub production in Romania (Michela Spataro); 4) The management of livestock in Early Neolithic settlements (Starcevo-Cris complex) from Transylvania and Banat (Georgeta El Susi); 5) Technology of skeletal materials of the Starcevo-Cris Culture in Romania. Some considerations (Corneliu Beldiman and Diana-Maria Sztancs); 6) Some aspects of the earliest Neolithic chipped stone assemblages of Transylvania and the Banat (Romania) (Paolo Biagi); 7) Catalogue of the Early Neolithic settlements in Western part of Romania – Transylvania, Banat, Crisana, Maramures, Oltenia and Western Muntenia (Sabin Adrian Luca, Cosmin Ioan Suciu and Florian Dumitrescu-Chioar). [See also BAR –S2048, 2009 The First Neolithic Sites in Central/South-East European Transect Volume I: Early Neolithic Sites on the Territory of Bulgaria edited by Ivan Gatsov and Yavor Boyadzhiev. Specific Targeted Research Project on the Formation of Europe: Prehistoric Population Dynamics and the Roots of Socio-Cultural Diversity. Institute of Archaeology,Jagiellonian University. ISBN 978 1 4073 0624 7]

Research paper thumbnail of The early Vinča culture in Transylvania: Considerations regarding its chronological position using correspondence analysis

Quaternary International, 2020

By applying a correspondence analysis to the morphological characteristics of the early Vinča cul... more By applying a correspondence analysis to the morphological characteristics of the early Vinča culture pottery from the Miercurea Sibiului-Petriș site and using the results as prior-estimates for the Bayesian approach, we show the time span of the Vinča layer no. II corresponds only to Vinča B phase. This is contrary to prior assertions
connecting this layer to the Vinča A phase. Enlarging the territory and using the eponymous site of Belo Brdo as a comparison, we conclude that a Vinča A horizon exists in Transylvania, a horizon that corresponds to
the same phase from Romanian and Serbian Banat and Middle Danube region. The Vinča B stage from Transylvania is rather different than that one from Middle Danube region, reopening the discussions about a
Transylvanian aspect of the Vinča culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeological research in Miercurea Sibiului – Petris¸ (Sibiu County, Romania): the Starčevo-Cris¸ level during 1997–2005 (a preliminary report)

Documenta Praehistorica, 2008

The article presents an archaeological description of the Starčevo-Cris close complexes at Miercu... more The article presents an archaeological description of the Starčevo-Cris close complexes at Miercurea Sibiului-Petris, one of the Earliest Neolithic settlements in Romania. The site belongs to the early wave of First Temperate Neolithic communities who reached Romania. Each complex is presented through plans, statistical ceramic analyses and some representative materials. White painting is present here in the earlier complexes.

Research paper thumbnail of Florin Drașovean, Cosmin Ioan Suciu, Dragoș Diaconescu, Cercetările arheologice preventive din anul 2015 în Piața Sfântul Gheorghe a Timișoarei, Patrimonium Banaticum, VI/2016

Aşezarea din epoca târzie a bronzului de la Călineşti Oaş. Contribuţii la cercetarea sistemelor d... more Aşezarea din epoca târzie a bronzului de la Călineşti Oaş. Contribuţii la cercetarea sistemelor de fortificaţii din spaţiul carpatic / The Călinești Oaș Late Bronze Age settlement. Contributions towards the systematic research of fortification systems in the Carpathian Basin 33 Doina Benea Observaţii privind producţia opaiţelor romane lucrate la roată din provincia Dacia / Bemerkungen über die Produktion der römischen Lampen bei Drehscheibe geformt aus der Provinz Dacia 51 Ana Cristina Hamat O camee de epocă romană descoperită în cadrul cercetării de la mănăstirea franciscană din Caransebeș / A roman cameo discovered during the study of the Caransebeș Franciscan monastery 69 Bogdan Muscalu Noi puncte arheologice identificate pe raza localităţii Hodoni (com. Satchinez, jud. Timiş) / New archaeological sites discovered near Hodoni village (Satchinez, Timiș) 77 Alexandru Ionescu, Claudiu Toma, Călin Timoc Un nou sit arheologic de secolele II-IV, la sud de localitatea Igriș (jud. Timiș). Date privind arheologia peisajului / A new 2 nd -4 th centuries archaeological site south of Igriș village (Timiș county). Data regarding landscape archaeology 91 Bogdan-Alin Craiovan, Octavian-Cristian Rogozea Contribuții la repertoriul așezărilor atribuite Evului Mediu din vestul României / Contributions towards the medieval settlements repertoire of western Romania 101 Florin Draşovean, Cosmin Ioan Suciu, Dragoş Diaconescu Cercetările arheologice preventive din anul 2015 în Piaţa Sfântul Gheorghe a Timişoarei / The 2015 rescue excavation in Timișoara's Sfântul Gheorghe Square 139 Raoul M. Șeptilici Observații pe marginea unui fals monetar descoperit în Piața Sfântul Gheorghe din Timișoara / Observations regarding a counterfeit coin discovered in Timișoara's Sfântul Gheorghe Square 161 Dragoş Diaconescu Observaţii arheologice privind linia exterioară de fortificaţie a cetăţii turceşti a Timişoarei / Archaeological remarks regarding the outer fortifications of Ottoman Timișoara 165 PATRIMONIU ARHITECTURAL Mihai-Corneliu Popovici-Donici Reconstituiri arhitecturale pentru trei locuințe neolitice din situl Parța pe baza unei metode noi. Concluzii tipologice locale / The architectural reenactment of three Neolithic housing units situated at Parța, as per a New Method. Local typological conclusions 195 Maja Bâldea Studiu de caz. Bisericile de lemn din Coșevița și Pietroasa, județul Timiș / Case study. The wooden curches of Coșevița and Pietroasa, Timiș county 213 Gabriel Szekely Arhitecţi creatori ai Stilului Neoromânesc în zona Banatului / Neo-Romanian style architects in the Banat 235 PATRIMONIU MOBIL Andreea Foanene Icoane bănățene pe sticlă / Banat icons on glass 249

Research paper thumbnail of An incised fragment of the Early Neolithic from Miercurea Sibiului – Valea Gârbovei

In the C25 feature, belonging to the Early Neolithic settlement, from Miercurea Sibiului –Valea G... more In the C25 feature, belonging to the Early
Neolithic settlement, from Miercurea Sibiului –Valea
Gârbovei there was found an incised ceramic fragment with
linear and clear signs that have analogies in what is called
Danube Script. The article is stressing about the context of
the discovery and the chronological moment of the ceramic

Research paper thumbnail of J. K. Kozłowski, T. Goslar, C. I. Suciu, P. Mirea -Radiocarbon dating of the Early Neolithic wooden objects from Southern Romania

AMS dating of the two wooden objects (a pot and a bracelet) from Early Neolithic contexts from Mă... more AMS dating of the two wooden objects (a pot and a bracelet) from Early Neolithic contexts from Măgura and Grădinile settlements gave astonishing results corresponding to the Interpleniglacial period. Further analyses and research indicates that the Early Neolithic Starcevo Culture groups from South Romania intentionally searched and used mineralized fossil wood available in river valleys beds from South Carpathian slopes.

Research paper thumbnail of Metodologia analizei post‑săpătură a sitului de la Turdaş (I). Câteva observaţii legate de modalitatea de publicare şi interpretare a sistemului de fortificare

Post-Excavation Analysis Methodology of Turdaş Site (I). Some Observations on Earlier Publication... more Post-Excavation Analysis Methodology of Turdaş Site (I). Some Observations on Earlier Publication and
Interpretation of the Fortified System
One recent study, published in 2014, is having my name as author along the name of the scientifically coordinator of the Turdaş-Luncă archaeological site Sabin Adrian Luca (I did not know about this article). Unfortunately the study is a copy/paste (and some minor added comments) of another study published two years earlier in some strange circumstances and the interpretations are solely assumed only by Sabin Adrian Luca. Those interpretations are in an advanced contradiction with the description of the archaeological features present in both studies. The methodology used for supporting the comments is subjective and we cannot agree with it because it is intended to change the real view and chronology of the fortified system from Turdaş site.


Florian Dumitrescu Chioar, member of the research team from Turdaș, partner in C Sector, was in c... more Florian Dumitrescu Chioar, member of the research team from Turdaș, partner in C Sector, was in charge for a while with this sector (unearth of the first layer and

Research paper thumbnail of Excavations from 2010 at Tărtăria – Gura Luncii, Alba County

The 2010 systematic campaign at the well-known site of Tărtăria – Gura Luncii was intended to ide... more The 2010 systematic campaign at the well-known site of Tărtăria – Gura Luncii was intended to identify the old excavations in the area of the terrace edge, near N. Vlassa’s 1961and I. Paul’s 1989 excavations. Those excavations were identified. A Petreşti level was discovered under the agricultural level with in situ materials in SI/2010 and SIA/2010.

Research paper thumbnail of X-ray computed tomography investigations of Cucuteni ceramic statuettes

Documenta Praehistorica, Dec 2013

Deciphering the internal structure of prehistoric artefacts can provide spectacular insights that... more Deciphering the internal structure of prehistoric artefacts can provide spectacular insights that might help us understand the people who made them. In order to preserve the integrity of these relics of past civilisations, it is desirable to make such investigations using non-destructive techniques. Recent decades have witnessed a growth in the X-ray computed tomography (CT) applications in the study of cultural heritage objects. This paper presents and discusses tomographic investigations of two Cucuteni ceramic statuettes discovered in Romania. The study was made with a CT device specially designed for archaeometric applications.

Research paper thumbnail of X-ray tomographic examinations of Teleac, Cicau and Apulum rattles

39th International Symposium on Archaeometry

"The examination and characterization of cultural heritage artefacts involves the employment of a... more "The examination and characterization of cultural heritage artefacts involves the employment of a wide palette of analytical techniques. Preferably, the examination of art and archaeological objects should be conducted in a nondestructive or at least minimally invasive manner.
Computed Tomography (CT) is a powerful, non-destructive technique useful for the visualization of the inner structure of complex objects, providing information on their threedimensional
In recent years, an X-ray tomographic device was developed in the Department for Applied Nuclear Physics from “Horia Hulubei” National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, M!gurele, Romania. This device and the software implementing the ppropriate reconstruction algorithms were specially designed to perform imaging investigations of cultural heritage artefacts made of low-Z materials - clay, wood, bone. Recently, a large number of
archaeological ceramics objects from several Romanian museums were imaged using this home-made CT machine.
This paper presents the results of the tomographic investigations of three rattles from the Romanian cultural heritage. The objects belong to Alba Iulia National Museum of Union and Aiud Municipal Museum and they were dated to the Iron Age, Bronze Age and Roman periods, respectively. The obtained tomographic images led to the identification of the precise number and shape of bodies
contained in their inner structure. The CT scans helped in the determination of the internal dimensions of the artefacts."

Research paper thumbnail of  X-ray Tomography Studies of Prehistoric Ceramic Artifacts

International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series Vol. 27 (2014) 1460135 (8 pages)

"X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) is a powerful non-destructive technique that can yield interest... more "X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) is a powerful non-destructive technique that can yield
interesting structural information not discernible through visual examination only. This paper
presents the results of the CT scans of four objects belonging to the Romanian cultural heritage
attributed to the Vinča, Cucuteni and Cruceni-Belegiš cultures. The study was performed with an
X-ray tomographic device developed at the Department for Applied Nuclear Physics from Horia
Hulubei National Institute for Nuclear Physics and Engineering in Măgurele, Romania. This
apparatus was specially designed for archaeometric studies of low-Z artifacts: ceramic, wood,
bone. The tomographic investigations revealed the internal configuration of the objects and
provided information about the degree to which the previous manipulations affected the
archaeological items. Based on the X-ray images resulting from the CT scans, hints about the
techniques used in the manufacturing of the artifacts were obtained, as well as some indications
useful for conservation/restoration purposes"

Research paper thumbnail of Early Vinča Culture Dynamic in South-Easthern Transylvania

South-Eastern Transylvania is a key point for controlling the middle Mureş Valley, for access fro... more South-Eastern Transylvania is a key point for controlling the middle Mureş Valley, for access from the Banat and the Hungarian Plain to Northern Transylvania and to Eastern
Transylvania and the Southern area of Oltenia and Muntenia. The early Vinča communities securedthe area in the middle of the sixth millennium BC and the Danube Gorge at almost the same time. A new way of life quickly spread marking the transition to the Middle Neolithic period

Research paper thumbnail of Cataloque of the Early Neolithic (Starcevo-Cris Culture) settlements in Western part of Romania – Transylvania, Banat, Crișana, Maramureș, Oltenia and Western Muntenia

Research paper thumbnail of A ceramic import from Neolithic discovered at Miercurea Sibiului-Petriş, Sibiu County

Orice corespondenţă referitoare la această publicaţie rugăm a se adresa la: Muzeul Naţional Bruke... more Orice corespondenţă referitoare la această publicaţie rugăm a se adresa la: Muzeul Naţional Brukenthal -Muzeul de Istorie Casa Altemberger, Str. Mitropoliei, nr. 2, Sibiu, 550179.


Research paper thumbnail of Archaeological research in Miercurea Sibiului – Petris¸ (Sibiu County, Romania): the Starčevo-Cris¸ level during 1997–2005 (a preliminary report)

The article presents an archaeological description of the Starčevo-Cris close complexes at Miercu... more The article presents an archaeological description of the Starčevo-Cris close complexes at Miercurea Sibiului-Petris, one of the Earliest Neolithic settlements in Romania. The site belongs to the early wave of First Temperate Neolithic communities who reached Romania. Each complex is presented through plans, statistical ceramic analyses and some representative materials. White painting is present here in the earlier complexes.

Research paper thumbnail of Starcevo-Cris Culture in Western Romania - repository, distribution map, state of research and chronology

Research paper thumbnail of Baza de date deschisă (14C) pentru neoliticul şi eneoliticul din zona carpato-danubiană

We present a C14 database for Neolithic and Eneolithic from Carpathians and Danube areas, with a ... more We present a C14 database for Neolithic and Eneolithic from Carpathians and Danube areas, with a high
accessibility and interactivity for end-users. The interested scholars can be part in our on-line debate. This database
is now in testing process and will be fully operational in maximum six months. The end-users are capable to submit
feedbacks and new dates, but in the same time they can access the database and whole articles related to it.

Research paper thumbnail of Sabin Adrian LUCA Cosmin SUCIU Migrations and Local Evolutions in the Early Neolithic in Transylvania The Typological Stylistic Anal

Migrations and local evolution in the early neolithic in transylvania: the typological-stylistic ... more Migrations and local evolution in the early neolithic in transylvania: the typological-stylistic analysis and the radiocarbon data suMMary -Migrations and local evolution in the Early Neolithic in Transylvania: the typological-stylistic analysis and the radiocarbon data. The earliest Neolithic sites are located in southwestern Transylvania (the Haţeg region), in the middle Mureş Valley, and along its tributaries and the Someş River (in the Cluj county region). New radiocarbon results, typological and statistical observations, indicate that a fully Neolithic culture appeared in Transylvania around 7200 uncal BP. In Transylvania, the term Starčevo-Criş is used to define a cultural phenomenon spread over a long period of time, with four stages of evolution, which span from the appearance of the first Neolithic to the arrival of the first Vinča communities. The term Pre-Criş deals with the process of Neolithisation, or the first two stages of the Starčevo-Criş Culture. The stylistic-typological and statistical analyses that have been made in recent years force us to consider as most suitable the theory, at least in Transylvania, of a gradual development, in the form a unitary complex closely related to the nearby surroundings at the south of the Danube.

Research paper thumbnail of Descoperirile Cucuteni-Ariușd de la Păuleni