I made Sukarta - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by I made Sukarta
HEALTHY : Jurnal Inovasi Riset Ilmu Kesehatan
Nutrition and the mother's age are two things that determine the process of pregnancy giving ... more Nutrition and the mother's age are two things that determine the process of pregnancy giving birth to a normal baby. Good nutrition is important for pregnant women in terms of babies being born normally. Pregnant women aged between 20-35 years will give birth to babies with a normal weight of 2500 - 4 000 grams with a gestational age of 37-42 weeks (Ekayanthi, 2018). Data on Low Birth Weight (LBW) in Indonesia in 2018 was (6.2%) with South Sulawesi ranking 8th highest (7.2%) (Riskesdas, 2018). The general objective is to find out whether there is a relationship between nutritional status and age of pregnant women with the incidence of LBW at RSKDIA Siti Fatimah Makassar. Analytical survey research method, cross-sectional approach. Time February to May 2019, Location, Siti Fatimah Regional Special Hospital for Women and Children Makassar. The population of pregnant women who gave birth in the period August to December 2018 was a sample of 83 people. The sample criteria met the ex...
Sosialisasi antenatal care sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan terhadap kondisi buruk yang dapat... more Sosialisasi antenatal care sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan terhadap kondisi buruk yang dapat dialami setiap ibu hamil, sekalipun kehamilan merupakan hal normal bagi setiap wanita dalam memenuhi fungsi reproduksinya. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat berbasis riset diterapkan pada bulan Juli dan berakhir bulan Oktober 2020, dengan metode intervensi non fisik pada kelompok kader Posyandu di Kelurahan Mandala, menggunakan media lembar balik dan leaflet dengan evaluasi pretest dan post tes. Hasilnya meningkatkan pengetahuan Kader 48,9 %, dalam implementasinya 75,8% yang secara efektif kader mampu memberikan penyuluhan kepada ibu hamil dalam kegiatan bulanan Posyandu tentang perlunya pemeriksaan kehamilan oleh ibu hamil hingga melahirkan. Disarankan optimalisasi peran kader dalam upaya sosialisasi ANC terstandar, baik secara individu maupun kelompok pengunjung Posyandu setiap bulan.Kata Kunci; Sosialisasi Antenatal Care Terstandar, metode kelompok kader posyand
Medico-Legal Update, 2021
Based on projections of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) the number of populat... more Based on projections of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) the number of population Indonesia in 2018 reached 265 million people. The number consists of 133,17 million men and 131,88 million women and 44,10 million are teenagers. The population data in South Sulawesi in 2018 was 8,771,970 people and in 2015 the population of South Sulawesi was 8,520 million people and 1,56 million people were teenagers. Adolescent sexual behavior, especially premarital sexual behavior, still dominates the debate in terms of moral, psychological, and physical. Premarital sex in adolescents is a serious problem because it relates to the low use of contraception and adolescents tend to have more sexual partners if they start having premarital sex at an earlier age. This article aims to find out knowledge, attitudes, actions of premarital sexual behavior and its relationship with the environment promiscuity in adolescents in Makassar, Indonesia. This research is an observational analytic study with cross-sectional study design. The time used in this study is 8 months. The location of the study will be conducted in high school students 17 & 19 in Makassar, one of the Metropolitan cities in Indonesia. The population in this study is high school students 17 & 19 in Makassar City as many as 200 students. In this study, researchers used the proportionate random sampling method, a sample consists of 134 students. The analysis used in the study was the Chi-Square test. This study results that there was a significant relationship between premarital sex knowledge with a social circle of friends with p-value = 0.029 and also a significant relationship between knowledge with a place to hang out with p-value = 0.009. There was a significant relationship between premarital sex attitudes with the social environment of friends with p-value = 0.034 and there was also a significant relationship between attitudes with the place to hang out with p-value = 0.020. There is a significant relationship between premarital sex behavior with the community's social environment with p-value = 0.003.
Tingginya AKI di Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh penyebab langsung akibat komplikasi kehamilan, persal... more Tingginya AKI di Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh penyebab langsung akibat komplikasi kehamilan, persalinan, dan perdarahan masa nifas serta keterlambatan mengetahui, memutuskan, merujuk dan terlambat mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan yang adekuat. Indonesia menetapkan target penurunan AKI dengan pendekatan Making Pregnancy Safer (MPS) namun kenyataannya target pencapaian persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan belum sepenuhnya tercapai. Oleh karena itu dilakukanlah penelitian tentang hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap ibu bersalin dengan pemilihan tenaga penolong persalinan di wilayah Puskesmas Pambong Kabupaten Majene tahun 2012. Jenis penelitian “Survey Analitik” dengan desain “Cross Sectional Study” dengan uji statistik X 2 ( Chi-sqaure ). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua ibu melahirkan di Puskesmas Totoli Kabupaten Majene tahun 2012. Pemilihan sampel secara Cluster Random Sampling dengan benar sampai 64 orang. Hasil analisis bivariat dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa ada hubungan antara pe...
KNOWLEDGE: Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Healthy in Health Act No. 36 of 2009 Chapter 1 Article 1 states that health is a state of well-be... more Healthy in Health Act No. 36 of 2009 Chapter 1 Article 1 states that health is a state of well-being of body, soul and social that allows everyone to live productively socially and economically. The ASEAN Tobacco Control Report (2019) reveals that more than 30% of Indonesian children start smoking before the age of 10. That number reached 20 million children. (Kurniawati 2019). This fantastic number is based on data on the number of Indonesian children aged 0-14 years based on the 2010 census, which exceeded 67 million people. (Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia Health Bulletin 2014) General objective of the research, "Knowledge of factors related to the incidence of child smoking in RT 08 RW 04 Selayar village, Banta Banteng Village, Rapocini District, Makassar City. 2019. This type of research is analytic with a cross sectional approach, research variables are socioeconomic status, parent models, peers. The research was conducted from July to October 2019, located RT 8 ...
HEALTHY : Jurnal Inovasi Riset Ilmu Kesehatan
Nutrition and the mother's age are two things that determine the process of pregnancy giving ... more Nutrition and the mother's age are two things that determine the process of pregnancy giving birth to a normal baby. Good nutrition is important for pregnant women in terms of babies being born normally. Pregnant women aged between 20-35 years will give birth to babies with a normal weight of 2500 - 4 000 grams with a gestational age of 37-42 weeks (Ekayanthi, 2018). Data on Low Birth Weight (LBW) in Indonesia in 2018 was (6.2%) with South Sulawesi ranking 8th highest (7.2%) (Riskesdas, 2018). The general objective is to find out whether there is a relationship between nutritional status and age of pregnant women with the incidence of LBW at RSKDIA Siti Fatimah Makassar. Analytical survey research method, cross-sectional approach. Time February to May 2019, Location, Siti Fatimah Regional Special Hospital for Women and Children Makassar. The population of pregnant women who gave birth in the period August to December 2018 was a sample of 83 people. The sample criteria met the ex...
Sosialisasi antenatal care sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan terhadap kondisi buruk yang dapat... more Sosialisasi antenatal care sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan terhadap kondisi buruk yang dapat dialami setiap ibu hamil, sekalipun kehamilan merupakan hal normal bagi setiap wanita dalam memenuhi fungsi reproduksinya. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat berbasis riset diterapkan pada bulan Juli dan berakhir bulan Oktober 2020, dengan metode intervensi non fisik pada kelompok kader Posyandu di Kelurahan Mandala, menggunakan media lembar balik dan leaflet dengan evaluasi pretest dan post tes. Hasilnya meningkatkan pengetahuan Kader 48,9 %, dalam implementasinya 75,8% yang secara efektif kader mampu memberikan penyuluhan kepada ibu hamil dalam kegiatan bulanan Posyandu tentang perlunya pemeriksaan kehamilan oleh ibu hamil hingga melahirkan. Disarankan optimalisasi peran kader dalam upaya sosialisasi ANC terstandar, baik secara individu maupun kelompok pengunjung Posyandu setiap bulan.Kata Kunci; Sosialisasi Antenatal Care Terstandar, metode kelompok kader posyand
Medico-Legal Update, 2021
Based on projections of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) the number of populat... more Based on projections of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) the number of population Indonesia in 2018 reached 265 million people. The number consists of 133,17 million men and 131,88 million women and 44,10 million are teenagers. The population data in South Sulawesi in 2018 was 8,771,970 people and in 2015 the population of South Sulawesi was 8,520 million people and 1,56 million people were teenagers. Adolescent sexual behavior, especially premarital sexual behavior, still dominates the debate in terms of moral, psychological, and physical. Premarital sex in adolescents is a serious problem because it relates to the low use of contraception and adolescents tend to have more sexual partners if they start having premarital sex at an earlier age. This article aims to find out knowledge, attitudes, actions of premarital sexual behavior and its relationship with the environment promiscuity in adolescents in Makassar, Indonesia. This research is an observational analytic study with cross-sectional study design. The time used in this study is 8 months. The location of the study will be conducted in high school students 17 & 19 in Makassar, one of the Metropolitan cities in Indonesia. The population in this study is high school students 17 & 19 in Makassar City as many as 200 students. In this study, researchers used the proportionate random sampling method, a sample consists of 134 students. The analysis used in the study was the Chi-Square test. This study results that there was a significant relationship between premarital sex knowledge with a social circle of friends with p-value = 0.029 and also a significant relationship between knowledge with a place to hang out with p-value = 0.009. There was a significant relationship between premarital sex attitudes with the social environment of friends with p-value = 0.034 and there was also a significant relationship between attitudes with the place to hang out with p-value = 0.020. There is a significant relationship between premarital sex behavior with the community's social environment with p-value = 0.003.
Tingginya AKI di Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh penyebab langsung akibat komplikasi kehamilan, persal... more Tingginya AKI di Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh penyebab langsung akibat komplikasi kehamilan, persalinan, dan perdarahan masa nifas serta keterlambatan mengetahui, memutuskan, merujuk dan terlambat mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan yang adekuat. Indonesia menetapkan target penurunan AKI dengan pendekatan Making Pregnancy Safer (MPS) namun kenyataannya target pencapaian persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan belum sepenuhnya tercapai. Oleh karena itu dilakukanlah penelitian tentang hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap ibu bersalin dengan pemilihan tenaga penolong persalinan di wilayah Puskesmas Pambong Kabupaten Majene tahun 2012. Jenis penelitian “Survey Analitik” dengan desain “Cross Sectional Study” dengan uji statistik X 2 ( Chi-sqaure ). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua ibu melahirkan di Puskesmas Totoli Kabupaten Majene tahun 2012. Pemilihan sampel secara Cluster Random Sampling dengan benar sampai 64 orang. Hasil analisis bivariat dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa ada hubungan antara pe...
KNOWLEDGE: Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Healthy in Health Act No. 36 of 2009 Chapter 1 Article 1 states that health is a state of well-be... more Healthy in Health Act No. 36 of 2009 Chapter 1 Article 1 states that health is a state of well-being of body, soul and social that allows everyone to live productively socially and economically. The ASEAN Tobacco Control Report (2019) reveals that more than 30% of Indonesian children start smoking before the age of 10. That number reached 20 million children. (Kurniawati 2019). This fantastic number is based on data on the number of Indonesian children aged 0-14 years based on the 2010 census, which exceeded 67 million people. (Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia Health Bulletin 2014) General objective of the research, "Knowledge of factors related to the incidence of child smoking in RT 08 RW 04 Selayar village, Banta Banteng Village, Rapocini District, Makassar City. 2019. This type of research is analytic with a cross sectional approach, research variables are socioeconomic status, parent models, peers. The research was conducted from July to October 2019, located RT 8 ...