Ari Sulistyanto - (original) (raw)
Teaching Documents by Ari Sulistyanto
Abstrak: Penelitian ini diharapkan mempunyai signifikasi teoritis pada model tindakan komunikasi.... more Abstrak: Penelitian ini diharapkan mempunyai signifikasi teoritis pada model tindakan komunikasi. Dengan mengambil pada kasus konflik kepentingan antara Polri dengan KPK dalam menangani kasus korupsi “simulator SIM” yang terjadi pada tahun 2012. Para penggiat anti korupsi maupun KPK adalah pengusung narasi besar dalam mewujudkan tindakan komunikasi. Tetapi dorongan untuk melakukan narasi reproduksi kultural terhambat dengan “kekerasan hukum” yang dilakukan oleh institusi Polri. Melalui metode pendekatan sejarah dan analisa penafsiran kritis, didapatkan kesimpulan. Lifeworld adalah dunia KPK dan aktivis penggiat anti korupsi yang merupakan interaksi para aktor untuk reproduksi budaya. Dalam pandangan Habermas, lifeworld bergerak secara evolusioner untuk mencapai integrasi sosial dan yang kemudian terjadi integrasi sistem. Tetapi dengan adanya media social, transformasi lifeworld bergerak cepat, karena social media tidak membatasi ruang dan waktu. Dengan kondisi tersebut, mempercepat pembentukan opini dan gerakan moral untuk perubahan atau emansipasi. Melalui kasus sengketa KPK-Polri ini menjadi model bagaimana transformasi dan emansipasi di lakukan menuju masyarakat komunikatif.
Papers by Ari Sulistyanto
Rapid disaster response is necessary since it involves various stakeholders in disaster. However,... more Rapid disaster response is necessary since it involves various stakeholders in disaster. However, rapid response is difficult to implement due to structural constraints and organizational hierarchy. This research aims to reveal structural constraints to crisis communication management in the internal organization of the Transportation Ministry. Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) approaches offer a framework to understand management in general in responding to crisis situation. This research uses a qualitative method with case study approaches. The results of this research show that in the pre-crisis phase the organization serves as media for sections at the Transportation Ministry to interact in monitoring potential crisis. In the crisis and post-crisis response phases, the establishment of an Ad Hoc Crisis Communication Team (TKK) has changed the organization from being under stringent hierarchic structure to being more flexible and responsive in crisis response. This r...
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat UBJ
Economic development that is carried out by activating Village-Owned Enterprises is explained in ... more Economic development that is carried out by activating Village-Owned Enterprises is explained in the Regulation of the Minister of Villages (Permendesa), Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 of 2015 concerning the Establishment, Management and Management and Amendment of Village-Owned Enterprises or so-called BUMDES. The purpose of establishing BUMDES in article 3 states that: (a) improving the village economy; (b) optimizing village assets to be useful for village welfare; (c) increasing community efforts in managing the economic potential of the village; (d) developing inter-village business cooperation plans and / or with third parties; (e) create market opportunities and networks that support citizens' general service needs; (f) open employment; (g) improving the welfare of the community through improving public services, growth and equitable distribution of the village economy; and (h) increase the income of the villa...
KnE Social Sciences
This paper examines a conflict of interest case between Polri and KPK in handling corruption case... more This paper examines a conflict of interest case between Polri and KPK in handling corruption cases "SIM simulator" that occurred in 2012. Anti-corruption activists and the Commission were thebearers of a great narrative in realizing the act of communication. But the impetus for cultural reproduction narrative was hampered by "legal violence" committed by the police institution. Lifeworld is the world of KPK and anti-corruption activists which is the interaction between the actors for cultural reproduction. In Habermas’ view, lifeworld moves evolutionarily to achieve the following social integration and system integration. But, through social media, the transformation of lifeworld runs quickly, because social media is borderless and timeless. In this way, to accelerate the formation opinions and moral movement to change or emancipation, the Police-Anti-Corruption Commission dispute case have become a model of how to make transformation and emancipation in society ...
Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research , 2018
This study aims to describe the discourse fight campaign of Indonesia President election in 2014 ... more This study aims to describe the discourse fight campaign of Indonesia President election in 2014 and the impact of the mass media as the public column. The unit analysis of the study is the campaign news headline of Indonesia President election in 2014 of Seputar Indonesia and Media Indonesia newspapers. Van Dijk discourse analysis model was applied in the study. The research result showed that in the construction process, when the news goes to reductor level which had been done by the juornalists was always changed and suit to the character and media policy including the policy of the tittle statement and the language used. The newspapers have become different and provocative. So, in the discourse fight in Indonesia President ellection in 2014, there were representations to the candidates which was done by both of the mass media, and then went to the actors' charater assassination and the distortion of the public column become not authentic. This was because of the mass media in their news had taken sides the candidate who is being the prominent figure.
Abstrak: Penelitian ini diharapkan mempunyai signifikasi teoritis pada model tindakan komunikasi.... more Abstrak: Penelitian ini diharapkan mempunyai signifikasi teoritis pada model tindakan komunikasi. Dengan mengambil pada kasus konflik kepentingan antara Polri dengan KPK dalam menangani kasus korupsi “simulator SIM” yang terjadi pada tahun 2012. Para penggiat anti korupsi maupun KPK adalah pengusung narasi besar dalam mewujudkan tindakan komunikasi. Tetapi dorongan untuk melakukan narasi reproduksi kultural terhambat dengan “kekerasan hukum” yang dilakukan oleh institusi Polri. Melalui metode pendekatan sejarah dan analisa penafsiran kritis, didapatkan kesimpulan. Lifeworld adalah dunia KPK dan aktivis penggiat anti korupsi yang merupakan interaksi para aktor untuk reproduksi budaya. Dalam pandangan Habermas, lifeworld bergerak secara evolusioner untuk mencapai integrasi sosial dan yang kemudian terjadi integrasi sistem. Tetapi dengan adanya media social, transformasi lifeworld bergerak cepat, karena social media tidak membatasi ruang dan waktu. Dengan kondisi tersebut, mempercepat pembentukan opini dan gerakan moral untuk perubahan atau emansipasi. Melalui kasus sengketa KPK-Polri ini menjadi model bagaimana transformasi dan emansipasi di lakukan menuju masyarakat komunikatif.
Rapid disaster response is necessary since it involves various stakeholders in disaster. However,... more Rapid disaster response is necessary since it involves various stakeholders in disaster. However, rapid response is difficult to implement due to structural constraints and organizational hierarchy. This research aims to reveal structural constraints to crisis communication management in the internal organization of the Transportation Ministry. Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) approaches offer a framework to understand management in general in responding to crisis situation. This research uses a qualitative method with case study approaches. The results of this research show that in the pre-crisis phase the organization serves as media for sections at the Transportation Ministry to interact in monitoring potential crisis. In the crisis and post-crisis response phases, the establishment of an Ad Hoc Crisis Communication Team (TKK) has changed the organization from being under stringent hierarchic structure to being more flexible and responsive in crisis response. This r...
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat UBJ
Economic development that is carried out by activating Village-Owned Enterprises is explained in ... more Economic development that is carried out by activating Village-Owned Enterprises is explained in the Regulation of the Minister of Villages (Permendesa), Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 of 2015 concerning the Establishment, Management and Management and Amendment of Village-Owned Enterprises or so-called BUMDES. The purpose of establishing BUMDES in article 3 states that: (a) improving the village economy; (b) optimizing village assets to be useful for village welfare; (c) increasing community efforts in managing the economic potential of the village; (d) developing inter-village business cooperation plans and / or with third parties; (e) create market opportunities and networks that support citizens' general service needs; (f) open employment; (g) improving the welfare of the community through improving public services, growth and equitable distribution of the village economy; and (h) increase the income of the villa...
KnE Social Sciences
This paper examines a conflict of interest case between Polri and KPK in handling corruption case... more This paper examines a conflict of interest case between Polri and KPK in handling corruption cases "SIM simulator" that occurred in 2012. Anti-corruption activists and the Commission were thebearers of a great narrative in realizing the act of communication. But the impetus for cultural reproduction narrative was hampered by "legal violence" committed by the police institution. Lifeworld is the world of KPK and anti-corruption activists which is the interaction between the actors for cultural reproduction. In Habermas’ view, lifeworld moves evolutionarily to achieve the following social integration and system integration. But, through social media, the transformation of lifeworld runs quickly, because social media is borderless and timeless. In this way, to accelerate the formation opinions and moral movement to change or emancipation, the Police-Anti-Corruption Commission dispute case have become a model of how to make transformation and emancipation in society ...
Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research , 2018
This study aims to describe the discourse fight campaign of Indonesia President election in 2014 ... more This study aims to describe the discourse fight campaign of Indonesia President election in 2014 and the impact of the mass media as the public column. The unit analysis of the study is the campaign news headline of Indonesia President election in 2014 of Seputar Indonesia and Media Indonesia newspapers. Van Dijk discourse analysis model was applied in the study. The research result showed that in the construction process, when the news goes to reductor level which had been done by the juornalists was always changed and suit to the character and media policy including the policy of the tittle statement and the language used. The newspapers have become different and provocative. So, in the discourse fight in Indonesia President ellection in 2014, there were representations to the candidates which was done by both of the mass media, and then went to the actors' charater assassination and the distortion of the public column become not authentic. This was because of the mass media in their news had taken sides the candidate who is being the prominent figure.