Kertati Sumekar - (original) (raw)
Papers by Kertati Sumekar
E Jupekhu, Sep 1, 2013
The research was motivated by the problems that researchers found in 20 huts SDLB N Duo Pariaman.... more The research was motivated by the problems that researchers found in 20 huts SDLB N Duo Pariaman. Researchers menukan an X deaf children who have barriers to skills make box file. This research uses experimental approach in the form of Single Subject Research (SSR), using the ABA design. The subjects were Deaf child. Data collected through the process and look at the percentage of children who achieved work to do every step of the activity to make a box file. Where the Baseline condition (A1) as much as five times the meeting, Intervention (B) nine times through task analysis and observation of Baseline (A2) as much as five times the meetings are no longer given intervention. Results of this study shows that children's ability to improve the skills of making box files has increased. In the Baseline condition were performed in five meetings varied means her tendency toward increased (+) by a percentage that is between the range of 12% to 16%, in the intervention condition during nine meetings with the treatment given by task analysis, on the ability of children with hearing X can not create a file box fit into the work step has been increased and varies with the direction kecendrunganya increase (+) and the percentage is between the range of 22% to 78%. And Baseline (A2) is no longer granted after intervention during five meetings to be increased (+) by the percentage between the range of 86% to 100%. Based on these results we can conclude the task analysis is effective in improving the skills of making cardboard file boxes on deaf children in the fourth grade N 20 cottage Duo SDLB Pariaman. Kata-kata kunci : Analisis Tugas; Keterampilan Boks File; Tunarungu PENDAHULUAN Keterampilan bagi sebagian orang adalah suatu kelebihan yang harus dimiliki karena dalam segala aspek kita sebagai individu untuk terampil menyikapi segala hal.
Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 2020
This article explains about efforts to protect copyrighted weaving motifs by registering Intellec... more This article explains about efforts to protect copyrighted weaving motifs by registering Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) weaving motifs with the aim of ultimately increasing the competitiveness of weaving in the Global market. The focus of the activity, namely: increasing knowledge and awareness about the importance of protecting the copyrighted work of motifs, the ability of craftsmen resources in doing innovation both in terms of raw materials, motifs and marketing. The method used is a value chain. This approach systematically calculates and maps problems in all stages starting from raw materials, production and marketing processes as well as analysis of various linkages and information flow along the chain. The development strategy based on mapping the potential of human resources and superior commodities possessed, then synergize with the Regional Government and the Central Government, related Departments and Agencies synergistically and coordinative. The results of the study concluded that there is still a lack of ability of the craftsmens human resources technically and knowledge of the meaning of IPR protection for the work created for the benefit of business and business sustainability. On the other hand, consumers lack awareness to give credit to woven works by making IPR one of the considerations in making choices other than preferences for motives, prices and other factors. This article based on the results of a leading applied research university in 2019 funded by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti) through a DRPM grant.
Research Fair Unisri, Jan 14, 2020
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah , meningkatkan omzet penjualan dan kenaikan harga jual Pengraji... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah , meningkatkan omzet penjualan dan kenaikan harga jual Pengrajin batik serta bordir melalui pendaftaran Hak Cipta menuju pemasaran global dengan beberapa fokus kegiatan, yaitu : (1) meningkatkan kemampuan sumber daya manusia dan merumuskan manajemen Pengrajin agar mempunyai peningkatan daya saing yang tinggi , (2) meningkatkan pemahaman dan kesadaran Pengrajin untuk mendaftarkan Hak Cipta , agar meningkatkan omzet dan harga penjualan produk , (3) memperluas akses pasar sampai ke pasar global. Metode pendekatan yang dipakai adalah rantai nilai (value chain). Pendekatan ini secara sistematis memperhitungkan keseluruhan tahapan mulai dari proses produksi dan juga analisis dari berbagai keterkaitan dan aliran informasi sepanjang rantai. Strategi pengembangan didasarkan pada : (1) Pemetaan potensi sumber daya manusia dan komoditas unggulan yang dimiliki , untuk kemudian didaftarkan Hak Ciptanya,(2) Mendorong peningkatan peran Perguruan Tinggi , Pemerintah Daerah dan Pemerintah Pusat , Dinas dan Instansi Vertikal , perusahaan swasta , Badan Usaha Milik Daerah , Badan Usaha Milik Negara serta masyarakat untuk membangun ekonomi secara sinergis. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa masih kurangnya kemampuan sumber daya manusia Pengrajin dalam meningkatkan daya saing yang tinggi , masih banyak Pengrajin yang belum memiliki pemahaman tentang pentingnya pendaftaran hak cipta dan Pengrajin belum mampu secara mandiri mengakses pasar global .
JBE (Jurnal Bingkai Ekonomi), Jul 31, 2021
The organization such as hospital must maintain the performance of the service to the community a... more The organization such as hospital must maintain the performance of the service to the community as well as obtaining adequate funding for the survival of the organization. For it can not ignore the human resources that have included attention to the culture of the organization. Neglect of organizational culture can impact the performance organization can also seriously impact on the quality of health services. Required by the organization's commitment to human resources within the organization can be well maintained. Employees force measurement related to organizational goals and values to find the influence of organizational commitment on job satisfaction. Commitment is seen as an orientation to the organization that shows the value of the individual is thinking and prioritizing work and organization. Individuals will try to give all its efforts in order to help the organization achieve their purpose. While the reward or compensation for the provision of fringe benefits, either directly how the financial (monetary) and non-financial (award), compensation is any form of remuneration provided to employees and arising out of employment. The hospital provides rewards if the impact on the performance of employees will be drawn ever good or otherwise. Two aspects related to the payment of financial compensation directly in the form of wages, salaries, incentives, commissions and bonuses. And indirect payments in the form of financial benefits, such as insurance and paid vacation money the company. Compensation to improve performance and motivate employees.
RESWARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini dilakukan sebagai bentuk pengembangan UMKM Kedai Kopi yang tenga... more Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini dilakukan sebagai bentuk pengembangan UMKM Kedai Kopi yang tengah marak menjamur dikalangan anak muda. Mitra dalam kegiatan ini adalah Kedai Kopi Love Story yang terletak di Desa Besito, Kecamatan Gebog, Kabupaten Kudus. Karena usaha masih tergolong baru, maka permasalahan utama atas adanya konsep social distancing di era new normal ini adalah masih sedikitnya pembeli, selain karena selama ini pemasaran produk dilakukan secara offline dari mulut ke mulut, juga karena mitra belum mempunyai kemampuan manajerial yang cukup dalam pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia. Sehingga mitra memerlukan pendampingan dalam pengelolaan risiko dari aspek pemasaran dan sumber daya manusia yang dimilikinya. Berdasarkan permasalahan mitra tersebit, maka tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah (1) peningkatan aspek pemasaran; dan (2) peningkatan kemampuan pengelolaan SDM. Metode yang digunakan adalah sosialisasi, pelatihan dan pendampingan langsung kepada mitra. Solusi yang diberika...
Formosa Journal of Science and Technology, Mar 31, 2023
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Digital
This study aims to analyze the influence of servant leadership on the work motivation of doctors.... more This study aims to analyze the influence of servant leadership on the work motivation of doctors. This research was conducted at UPT RSUD RAA Soewondo Pati with a total population of 66 respondents and a sample of 40 respondents using the proportional random sampling technique. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire instrument The data analysis technique uses PLS (partial least squares). The results of this study indicate that servant leadership has a significant effect on the work motivation of doctors. Remuneration has a significant effect on the work motivation of doctors. Servant leadership has a significant effect on doctors' job satisfaction. Remuneration has a significant effect on a doctor's job satisfaction. Work motivation has a significant effect on a doctor's job satisfaction. Servant leadership and remuneration had a significant effect on a doctor's job satisfaction, which was mediated by work motivation.
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Digital
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis Pengaruh Servant Leadership dan Person Organization Fit ter... more Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis Pengaruh Servant Leadership dan Person Organization Fit terhadap Kinerja pada PNS Se-Kabupaten Demak dengan Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Sebagai Variabel Intervening. Populasi berjumlah sebanyak 245. Sampel sebanyak 150 orang. Teknik sampling menggunakan proportional random sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) Servant Leadership berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB); (2) Person Organization Fit berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) ; (3) Servant Leadership berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai; (4) Person Organization Fit berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai ; (5) Organizational Citizenship Behavior berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai ; (6) Organizational Citizenship Behavior mampu memediasi pengaruh Servant Leadership terhadap kinerja pegawai ; (7) ...
The purpose of this study is to verify and analyze the influence of trust, social interaction, so... more The purpose of this study is to verify and analyze the influence of trust, social interaction, social norms, shared vision towards knowledge sharing and innovation and business performance on small medium enterprises embroidery and convection industry in Kudus, Central Java. This study took a sample of 125 respondents. Respondents were owners of small and medium enterprises embroidery and convection industries. Technical analysis using Structural Equation Model (SEM) with AMOS software.This research generally has a positive effect on trust, shared vision, social interactions toward knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing has positive effect on innovation and business performance, as well as innovations affect business performance.The theoretical findings in this study are: (1) improving business performance can be done by increasing trust, shared vision, and social interaction, through knowledge sharing, (2) to improve the business performance can be done through increasing knowledge...
Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 2020
This article explains about efforts to protect copyrighted weaving motifs by registering Intellec... more This article explains about efforts to protect copyrighted weaving motifs by registering Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) weaving motifs with the aim of ultimately increasing the competitiveness of weaving in the Global market. The focus of the activity, namely: increasing knowledge and awareness about the importance of protecting the copyrighted work of motifs, the ability of craftsmen resources in doing innovation both in terms of raw materials, motifs and marketing. The method used is a value chain. This approach systematically calculates and maps problems in all stages starting from raw materials, production and marketing processes as well as analysis of various linkages and information flow along the chain. The development strategy based on mapping the potential of human resources and superior commodities possessed, then synergize with the Regional Government and the Central Government, related Departments and Agencies synergistically and coordinative. The results of the stud...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah , meningkatkan omzet penjualan dan kenaikan harga jual Pengraji... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah , meningkatkan omzet penjualan dan kenaikan harga jual Pengrajin batik serta bordir melalui pendaftaran Hak Cipta menuju pemasaran global dengan beberapa fokus kegiatan, yaitu : (1) meningkatkan kemampuan sumber daya manusia dan merumuskan manajemen Pengrajin agar mempunyai peningkatan daya saing yang tinggi , (2) meningkatkan pemahaman dan kesadaran Pengrajin untuk mendaftarkan Hak Cipta , agar meningkatkan omzet dan harga penjualan produk , (3) memperluas akses pasar sampai ke pasar global . Metode pendekatan yang dipakai adalah rantai nilai (value chain). Pendekatan ini secara sistematis memperhitungkan keseluruhan tahapan mulai dari proses produksi dan juga analisis dari berbagai keterkaitan dan aliran informasi sepanjang rantai. Strategi pengembangan didasarkan pada : (1) Pemetaan potensi sumber daya manusia dan komoditas unggulan yang dimiliki , untuk kemudian didaftarkan Hak Ciptanya,(2) Mendorong peningkatan peran Perguruan Tinggi , Pemerint...
JBE (Jurnal Bingkai Ekonomi), 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan dan menganalisis pengaruh kepercayaan dan interaksi s... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan dan menganalisis pengaruh kepercayaan dan interaksi sosial, terhadap berbagi pengetahuan dan inovasi dengan kinerja bisnis pada usaha kecil dan menengah industri konveksi di Kabupaten Kudus. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel sebanyak 117 responden. Responden adalah pemilik usaha kecil menengah industri bordir dan konveksi. Temuan teoritis dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan dapat dilakukan dengan melalui peningkatan kepercayaan, interaksi sosial, melalui berbagi pengetahuan, Untuk meningkatkan kinerja bisnis dapat dilakukan dengan melalui peningkatan berbagi pengetahuan dan inovasi. Penelitian ini menyumbang temuan dalam teori modal sosial, dan teori inovasi, didalam menjelaskan peran berbagi pengetahuan sebagai variabel yang memediasi variabel-variabel modal sosial
Formulation of the problem of this study was to determine whether there is the influence of servi... more Formulation of the problem of this study was to determine whether there is the influence of service marketing mix variables (product, price, location, promotion , service providers (people), the process of service (process), and evidence physical) against the loyalty of members in using the services of BMT Development KJKS Lasem Prosperous Nation. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the influence of variables services marketing mix (product (product), price (price), location (place), promotion (promotion), service providers (people), the process of service (process), and physical evidence (physical evidence)) against the loyalty of members in using the services of KJKS BMT Bina Umat Sejahtera Lasem Kudus Branch. That simultaneously showed the product (product), price (price), location (place), promotion (promotion), service providers (people), the process of service (process), and physical evidence (physical evidence) proved to affect the loyalty of members of the BMT KJKS Bina Lasem Prosperous Nation. Only variable that is partially a product (product), price (price), promotion (promotion) and the process of service (process) which proved to significantly influence the loyalty of members of the BMT KJKS Bina Lasem Prosperous Nation. While the variable location (place), service providers (people), physical evidence (physical evidence) does not significantly influence the loyalty of members in using the services of of KJKS BMT Bina Umat Sejahtera Lasem Kudus Branch.
The problem is formulated how leadership influences on employee performance environment PT. Barut... more The problem is formulated how leadership influences on employee performance environment PT. Barutama Kudus, how team factors influence the performance of employees within PT. Barutama Kudus, how situational factors influence factors on the performance of employees of PT. Holy Barutama and how the influence of leadership, team factors and situational factors jointly on the performance of employees of PT. Barutama Kudus. A study done of course to have particular purpose. As for the objectives of this study was to determine the effect of leadership on employee performance environment PT. Barutama Kudus, to determine the effect of team factors on the performance of employees within PT. Barutama Kudus, to determine the influence of factors of leadership, team factors, situational factors on the performance of employees of PT. Barutama Kudus and to determine the effect of leadership, team factors and situational factors jointly to the performance environment employees of PT. Barutama Kudus. The results of calculations on the partial regression leadership variables have a significant influence on employee performance. The results of calculations on a linear regression on the team as a partial variable factors have a significant influence on employee performance. The results of calculations on a linear regression on the variable factors of leadership, team factors, situational factors have partially positive and significant influence on the performance of employees. That the leadership variable (X,), team factors (X2) and situational factors (X3) simultaneously have positive and significant influence on the performance of employees within PT. Barutama Kudus.
E Jupekhu, Sep 1, 2013
The research was motivated by the problems that researchers found in 20 huts SDLB N Duo Pariaman.... more The research was motivated by the problems that researchers found in 20 huts SDLB N Duo Pariaman. Researchers menukan an X deaf children who have barriers to skills make box file. This research uses experimental approach in the form of Single Subject Research (SSR), using the ABA design. The subjects were Deaf child. Data collected through the process and look at the percentage of children who achieved work to do every step of the activity to make a box file. Where the Baseline condition (A1) as much as five times the meeting, Intervention (B) nine times through task analysis and observation of Baseline (A2) as much as five times the meetings are no longer given intervention. Results of this study shows that children's ability to improve the skills of making box files has increased. In the Baseline condition were performed in five meetings varied means her tendency toward increased (+) by a percentage that is between the range of 12% to 16%, in the intervention condition during nine meetings with the treatment given by task analysis, on the ability of children with hearing X can not create a file box fit into the work step has been increased and varies with the direction kecendrunganya increase (+) and the percentage is between the range of 22% to 78%. And Baseline (A2) is no longer granted after intervention during five meetings to be increased (+) by the percentage between the range of 86% to 100%. Based on these results we can conclude the task analysis is effective in improving the skills of making cardboard file boxes on deaf children in the fourth grade N 20 cottage Duo SDLB Pariaman. Kata-kata kunci : Analisis Tugas; Keterampilan Boks File; Tunarungu PENDAHULUAN Keterampilan bagi sebagian orang adalah suatu kelebihan yang harus dimiliki karena dalam segala aspek kita sebagai individu untuk terampil menyikapi segala hal.
Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 2020
This article explains about efforts to protect copyrighted weaving motifs by registering Intellec... more This article explains about efforts to protect copyrighted weaving motifs by registering Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) weaving motifs with the aim of ultimately increasing the competitiveness of weaving in the Global market. The focus of the activity, namely: increasing knowledge and awareness about the importance of protecting the copyrighted work of motifs, the ability of craftsmen resources in doing innovation both in terms of raw materials, motifs and marketing. The method used is a value chain. This approach systematically calculates and maps problems in all stages starting from raw materials, production and marketing processes as well as analysis of various linkages and information flow along the chain. The development strategy based on mapping the potential of human resources and superior commodities possessed, then synergize with the Regional Government and the Central Government, related Departments and Agencies synergistically and coordinative. The results of the study concluded that there is still a lack of ability of the craftsmens human resources technically and knowledge of the meaning of IPR protection for the work created for the benefit of business and business sustainability. On the other hand, consumers lack awareness to give credit to woven works by making IPR one of the considerations in making choices other than preferences for motives, prices and other factors. This article based on the results of a leading applied research university in 2019 funded by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti) through a DRPM grant.
Research Fair Unisri, Jan 14, 2020
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah , meningkatkan omzet penjualan dan kenaikan harga jual Pengraji... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah , meningkatkan omzet penjualan dan kenaikan harga jual Pengrajin batik serta bordir melalui pendaftaran Hak Cipta menuju pemasaran global dengan beberapa fokus kegiatan, yaitu : (1) meningkatkan kemampuan sumber daya manusia dan merumuskan manajemen Pengrajin agar mempunyai peningkatan daya saing yang tinggi , (2) meningkatkan pemahaman dan kesadaran Pengrajin untuk mendaftarkan Hak Cipta , agar meningkatkan omzet dan harga penjualan produk , (3) memperluas akses pasar sampai ke pasar global. Metode pendekatan yang dipakai adalah rantai nilai (value chain). Pendekatan ini secara sistematis memperhitungkan keseluruhan tahapan mulai dari proses produksi dan juga analisis dari berbagai keterkaitan dan aliran informasi sepanjang rantai. Strategi pengembangan didasarkan pada : (1) Pemetaan potensi sumber daya manusia dan komoditas unggulan yang dimiliki , untuk kemudian didaftarkan Hak Ciptanya,(2) Mendorong peningkatan peran Perguruan Tinggi , Pemerintah Daerah dan Pemerintah Pusat , Dinas dan Instansi Vertikal , perusahaan swasta , Badan Usaha Milik Daerah , Badan Usaha Milik Negara serta masyarakat untuk membangun ekonomi secara sinergis. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa masih kurangnya kemampuan sumber daya manusia Pengrajin dalam meningkatkan daya saing yang tinggi , masih banyak Pengrajin yang belum memiliki pemahaman tentang pentingnya pendaftaran hak cipta dan Pengrajin belum mampu secara mandiri mengakses pasar global .
JBE (Jurnal Bingkai Ekonomi), Jul 31, 2021
The organization such as hospital must maintain the performance of the service to the community a... more The organization such as hospital must maintain the performance of the service to the community as well as obtaining adequate funding for the survival of the organization. For it can not ignore the human resources that have included attention to the culture of the organization. Neglect of organizational culture can impact the performance organization can also seriously impact on the quality of health services. Required by the organization's commitment to human resources within the organization can be well maintained. Employees force measurement related to organizational goals and values to find the influence of organizational commitment on job satisfaction. Commitment is seen as an orientation to the organization that shows the value of the individual is thinking and prioritizing work and organization. Individuals will try to give all its efforts in order to help the organization achieve their purpose. While the reward or compensation for the provision of fringe benefits, either directly how the financial (monetary) and non-financial (award), compensation is any form of remuneration provided to employees and arising out of employment. The hospital provides rewards if the impact on the performance of employees will be drawn ever good or otherwise. Two aspects related to the payment of financial compensation directly in the form of wages, salaries, incentives, commissions and bonuses. And indirect payments in the form of financial benefits, such as insurance and paid vacation money the company. Compensation to improve performance and motivate employees.
RESWARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini dilakukan sebagai bentuk pengembangan UMKM Kedai Kopi yang tenga... more Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini dilakukan sebagai bentuk pengembangan UMKM Kedai Kopi yang tengah marak menjamur dikalangan anak muda. Mitra dalam kegiatan ini adalah Kedai Kopi Love Story yang terletak di Desa Besito, Kecamatan Gebog, Kabupaten Kudus. Karena usaha masih tergolong baru, maka permasalahan utama atas adanya konsep social distancing di era new normal ini adalah masih sedikitnya pembeli, selain karena selama ini pemasaran produk dilakukan secara offline dari mulut ke mulut, juga karena mitra belum mempunyai kemampuan manajerial yang cukup dalam pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia. Sehingga mitra memerlukan pendampingan dalam pengelolaan risiko dari aspek pemasaran dan sumber daya manusia yang dimilikinya. Berdasarkan permasalahan mitra tersebit, maka tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah (1) peningkatan aspek pemasaran; dan (2) peningkatan kemampuan pengelolaan SDM. Metode yang digunakan adalah sosialisasi, pelatihan dan pendampingan langsung kepada mitra. Solusi yang diberika...
Formosa Journal of Science and Technology, Mar 31, 2023
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Digital
This study aims to analyze the influence of servant leadership on the work motivation of doctors.... more This study aims to analyze the influence of servant leadership on the work motivation of doctors. This research was conducted at UPT RSUD RAA Soewondo Pati with a total population of 66 respondents and a sample of 40 respondents using the proportional random sampling technique. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire instrument The data analysis technique uses PLS (partial least squares). The results of this study indicate that servant leadership has a significant effect on the work motivation of doctors. Remuneration has a significant effect on the work motivation of doctors. Servant leadership has a significant effect on doctors' job satisfaction. Remuneration has a significant effect on a doctor's job satisfaction. Work motivation has a significant effect on a doctor's job satisfaction. Servant leadership and remuneration had a significant effect on a doctor's job satisfaction, which was mediated by work motivation.
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Digital
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis Pengaruh Servant Leadership dan Person Organization Fit ter... more Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis Pengaruh Servant Leadership dan Person Organization Fit terhadap Kinerja pada PNS Se-Kabupaten Demak dengan Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Sebagai Variabel Intervening. Populasi berjumlah sebanyak 245. Sampel sebanyak 150 orang. Teknik sampling menggunakan proportional random sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) Servant Leadership berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB); (2) Person Organization Fit berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) ; (3) Servant Leadership berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai; (4) Person Organization Fit berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai ; (5) Organizational Citizenship Behavior berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai ; (6) Organizational Citizenship Behavior mampu memediasi pengaruh Servant Leadership terhadap kinerja pegawai ; (7) ...
The purpose of this study is to verify and analyze the influence of trust, social interaction, so... more The purpose of this study is to verify and analyze the influence of trust, social interaction, social norms, shared vision towards knowledge sharing and innovation and business performance on small medium enterprises embroidery and convection industry in Kudus, Central Java. This study took a sample of 125 respondents. Respondents were owners of small and medium enterprises embroidery and convection industries. Technical analysis using Structural Equation Model (SEM) with AMOS software.This research generally has a positive effect on trust, shared vision, social interactions toward knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing has positive effect on innovation and business performance, as well as innovations affect business performance.The theoretical findings in this study are: (1) improving business performance can be done by increasing trust, shared vision, and social interaction, through knowledge sharing, (2) to improve the business performance can be done through increasing knowledge...
Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 2020
This article explains about efforts to protect copyrighted weaving motifs by registering Intellec... more This article explains about efforts to protect copyrighted weaving motifs by registering Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) weaving motifs with the aim of ultimately increasing the competitiveness of weaving in the Global market. The focus of the activity, namely: increasing knowledge and awareness about the importance of protecting the copyrighted work of motifs, the ability of craftsmen resources in doing innovation both in terms of raw materials, motifs and marketing. The method used is a value chain. This approach systematically calculates and maps problems in all stages starting from raw materials, production and marketing processes as well as analysis of various linkages and information flow along the chain. The development strategy based on mapping the potential of human resources and superior commodities possessed, then synergize with the Regional Government and the Central Government, related Departments and Agencies synergistically and coordinative. The results of the stud...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah , meningkatkan omzet penjualan dan kenaikan harga jual Pengraji... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah , meningkatkan omzet penjualan dan kenaikan harga jual Pengrajin batik serta bordir melalui pendaftaran Hak Cipta menuju pemasaran global dengan beberapa fokus kegiatan, yaitu : (1) meningkatkan kemampuan sumber daya manusia dan merumuskan manajemen Pengrajin agar mempunyai peningkatan daya saing yang tinggi , (2) meningkatkan pemahaman dan kesadaran Pengrajin untuk mendaftarkan Hak Cipta , agar meningkatkan omzet dan harga penjualan produk , (3) memperluas akses pasar sampai ke pasar global . Metode pendekatan yang dipakai adalah rantai nilai (value chain). Pendekatan ini secara sistematis memperhitungkan keseluruhan tahapan mulai dari proses produksi dan juga analisis dari berbagai keterkaitan dan aliran informasi sepanjang rantai. Strategi pengembangan didasarkan pada : (1) Pemetaan potensi sumber daya manusia dan komoditas unggulan yang dimiliki , untuk kemudian didaftarkan Hak Ciptanya,(2) Mendorong peningkatan peran Perguruan Tinggi , Pemerint...
JBE (Jurnal Bingkai Ekonomi), 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan dan menganalisis pengaruh kepercayaan dan interaksi s... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan dan menganalisis pengaruh kepercayaan dan interaksi sosial, terhadap berbagi pengetahuan dan inovasi dengan kinerja bisnis pada usaha kecil dan menengah industri konveksi di Kabupaten Kudus. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel sebanyak 117 responden. Responden adalah pemilik usaha kecil menengah industri bordir dan konveksi. Temuan teoritis dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan dapat dilakukan dengan melalui peningkatan kepercayaan, interaksi sosial, melalui berbagi pengetahuan, Untuk meningkatkan kinerja bisnis dapat dilakukan dengan melalui peningkatan berbagi pengetahuan dan inovasi. Penelitian ini menyumbang temuan dalam teori modal sosial, dan teori inovasi, didalam menjelaskan peran berbagi pengetahuan sebagai variabel yang memediasi variabel-variabel modal sosial
Formulation of the problem of this study was to determine whether there is the influence of servi... more Formulation of the problem of this study was to determine whether there is the influence of service marketing mix variables (product, price, location, promotion , service providers (people), the process of service (process), and evidence physical) against the loyalty of members in using the services of BMT Development KJKS Lasem Prosperous Nation. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the influence of variables services marketing mix (product (product), price (price), location (place), promotion (promotion), service providers (people), the process of service (process), and physical evidence (physical evidence)) against the loyalty of members in using the services of KJKS BMT Bina Umat Sejahtera Lasem Kudus Branch. That simultaneously showed the product (product), price (price), location (place), promotion (promotion), service providers (people), the process of service (process), and physical evidence (physical evidence) proved to affect the loyalty of members of the BMT KJKS Bina Lasem Prosperous Nation. Only variable that is partially a product (product), price (price), promotion (promotion) and the process of service (process) which proved to significantly influence the loyalty of members of the BMT KJKS Bina Lasem Prosperous Nation. While the variable location (place), service providers (people), physical evidence (physical evidence) does not significantly influence the loyalty of members in using the services of of KJKS BMT Bina Umat Sejahtera Lasem Kudus Branch.
The problem is formulated how leadership influences on employee performance environment PT. Barut... more The problem is formulated how leadership influences on employee performance environment PT. Barutama Kudus, how team factors influence the performance of employees within PT. Barutama Kudus, how situational factors influence factors on the performance of employees of PT. Holy Barutama and how the influence of leadership, team factors and situational factors jointly on the performance of employees of PT. Barutama Kudus. A study done of course to have particular purpose. As for the objectives of this study was to determine the effect of leadership on employee performance environment PT. Barutama Kudus, to determine the effect of team factors on the performance of employees within PT. Barutama Kudus, to determine the influence of factors of leadership, team factors, situational factors on the performance of employees of PT. Barutama Kudus and to determine the effect of leadership, team factors and situational factors jointly to the performance environment employees of PT. Barutama Kudus. The results of calculations on the partial regression leadership variables have a significant influence on employee performance. The results of calculations on a linear regression on the team as a partial variable factors have a significant influence on employee performance. The results of calculations on a linear regression on the variable factors of leadership, team factors, situational factors have partially positive and significant influence on the performance of employees. That the leadership variable (X,), team factors (X2) and situational factors (X3) simultaneously have positive and significant influence on the performance of employees within PT. Barutama Kudus.