Suroto Munahar - (original) (raw)
Papers by Suroto Munahar
IIUM Engineering Journal, Jul 4, 2023
Energy-efficient engines were introduced due to limited amount of global energy and the need for ... more Energy-efficient engines were introduced due to limited amount of global energy and the need for engine power to carry vehicle loads. It was discovered that the power factor of these engines was essential in developing automotive technology with subsequent significant effect on driving comfort. Moreover, it was possible to control the power and energy savings of vehicle engines by adjusting the Air to Fuel Ratio (AFR). Therefore, this study focused on achieving AFR values in the stoichiometric range of 14.7 in order to produce good emissions. The technology applied was observed to have some drawbacks, specifically in fulfilling engine power when the vehicle operates with a large load. This led to the development of a new method by designing an AFR control system with due consideration for driving behavior using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The aim was to overcome the problem of meeting engine power and ensuring better efficiency. The driving behavior was classified into through categories including the sporty, standard, and eco schemes. The eco scheme was the smooth behavior of a driver during the movement of the vehicle in a busy urban area, the sporty scheme was the responsive driving behavior when the vehicle operates on the highway at speeds above 80 km/h, and the standard scheme was the behavior between the eco and sporty schemes. Furthermore, the driving behavior in a sporty scheme required the addition of fuel to increase engine power while eco-scheme focused on reducing fuel to increase fuel economy. The findings showed that control system designed was able to improve driving comfort in terms of fuel economy during the eco scheme with an average AFR value of 15.68. The system further reduced the value to 13.66 during the sporty scheme. Furthermore, the AFR under stoichiometry was discovered to have produced the maximum engine power. The system was expected to be incorporated into electric, gasfired and fuel cell vehicles in the future. ABSTRAK: Faktor kuasa enjin dan enjin cekap tenaga adalah penting dalam membangunkan teknologi automotif. Mesin penjimat tenaga diperlukan kerana jumlah tenaga global yang terhad. Manakala kuasa enjin digunakan bagi membawa muatan kenderaan. Kedua-dua faktor ini sangat mempengaruhi keselesaan pemanduan. Penjimatan kuasa dan tenaga dalam enjin kenderaan boleh dipenuhi dengan mengawal Nisbah Angin kepada Minyak (AFR). Tumpuan kajian semasa adalah berorientasikan ke arah mencapai nilai AFR dalam julat stoikiometri (14.7) atas sebab ingin mencapai pelepasan terbaik. Namun begitu, teknologi ini mempunyai kelemahan terutama dalam
Borobudur Engineering Review
Gas buang mesin diesel merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya pemanasan global. Kandungan gas b... more Gas buang mesin diesel merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya pemanasan global. Kandungan gas buang ini diantarnya opacity yang berasal dari polutan warna hitam. Unsur karbon dari pembakaran mesin diesel yang ada dalam opacity sangat berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Untuk itu, opacity hasil pembakaran mesin diesel perlu dikendalikan. Metode pengendalian ini diantaranya dengan melakukan pengukuran gas buang menggunakan opacity meter test bench. Harga sangat mahal, tidak praktis dan memerlukan tempat khusus merupakan kelemahan dari opacity meter test bench. Oleh karena itu, Penelitian ini mengusulkan pengembangan opacity meter berdasarkan digital image processing. Kelebihan alat yang dikembangkan memiliki harga cukup terjangkau, praktis dan proses pengolahan dapat dilakukan secara online. Alat ini bekerja berdasarkan perbedaan warna pada gas buang. Kamera menangkap warna gas buang disimpan dalam file jpg. File jpg selanjutnya dikonvert dalam data digital RGB (Red Green Blue). Selain merub...
This article reports on technological mastery assistance in three small metal forming industries ... more This article reports on technological mastery assistance in three small metal forming industries in Indonesia. Problems in the blangking and piercing separately process caused increased production time which resulted in inefficiency cost. Therefore, the expert team aided in metal forming technology through participatory action research (PAR) methods and experimental methods through reverse engineering for several products. The PAR method involves optimal contribution and participation from the industry. Assistance in mastering technology in small metal-forming industries reduces the manufacturing process from seven to three stages, increasing efficiency. The press machine's tonnage capacity must balance with the force blanking/piercing requirement. The minimum press machine requirement is 6.7 tons, and based on the availability of existing press machines, the expert team recommends a 20-ton capacity press machine. Total efficiency can be further increased by implementing full pr...
The emergence of Corona Virus Disease 19 (Covid-19) required a new method to control its spread. ... more The emergence of Corona Virus Disease 19 (Covid-19) required a new method to control its spread. During this time, controlling COVID-19 was carried out by implementation of a sterilization chamber using a liquid-based disinfectant. However, the use of liquid-based disinfectants has been evaluated to be less effective because it allows disrupting the respiratory tract. Therefore, this work presents a negative pressure sterilization chamber using Ozone and UV-C lamp. Ozone has been recommended by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) as a substitute for liquid-based disinfectants. In addition, to maximize performance, the chambers are added with UV-C lamps. The negative pressure sterilization chamber with Ozone and ultraviolet lamps was successfully created with the main parts of the cubicle chamber, an Ozone generator, at least one ultraviolet lamp, exhaust fan, switch, and a timer. The negative pressure sterilization chamber with Ozone and ultraviolet lamps according to this w...
Program Studi Mesin Otomotif Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelangsaat ini merupakan program studi ya... more Program Studi Mesin Otomotif Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelangsaat ini merupakan program studi yang menjadi salah satu dari 6 (enam) Program Studi D3 Mesin Otomotif terbaik nasional serta memiliki akreditasi cukup baik. Namun, Dana Operasional Mahasiswa (DOM)masih tergantung pada SPP mahasiswa. Disisi lain,Pelayanan praktek terhadap mahasiswa sangat dibutuhkan. Menurut Permenristekdikti No. 44 tahun 2015 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi menuntut institusi perguruan tinggi untuk mengupayakan sumber dana selain dari mahasiswa. Dalam menangani permasalahan tersebut strategi yang ditempuh oleh program studi dengan mengembangkan unit usaha bengkel. Pengembangan unit usaha bengkel digunakan untuk meningkatkankualitas mutu program studi. Bengkel difungsikan sebagai laboratorium terapan tetapi juga dapat menghasilkan profit.Unit usaha bengkel yang didirikan telah mendapat pendanaan dari IBIKK selama 2 tahun. Saat ini unit usaha bengkel mendapat pendanaan skim IBIKK ditahun kedua. ...
IKM Kharisma dan IKM Gajah Super merupakan industri kecil olahan pangan yang tergabung dalam KUBE... more IKM Kharisma dan IKM Gajah Super merupakan industri kecil olahan pangan yang tergabung dalam KUBE Raos Mina Kota Magelang. Kedua industri tersebut melakukan usaha mengolah produk ikan menjadi rambak/kerupuk ikan. Rambak /kerupuk ikan adalah salah satu jenis makanan yang berbahan baku pangan hewani dari produk ikan. Produk ikan ini sebenarnya merupakan limbah dari industri pengolahan ikan seperti cold storage, canning, dan smoked fish. Kandungan gizi kulit ikan yang sudah diolah menjadi rambak adalah kadar air 6 persen, kadar abu 1 persen, kadar lemak 0,5 persen, dan kadar protein 26,9 persen. Oleh karena itu rambak/kerupuk kulit ikan dapat menjadi alternatif penyediaan pangan bergizi dengan harga yang terjangkau. Kedua IKM tersebut mengalami kendala dalam proses produksi, yaitu pada proses perajangan bahan baku yang masih manual dengan menggunakan peralatan tangan/handtools. Melalui metode ini potongan produk ikan yang dihasilkan tidak seragam ukurannya, dan sehari hanya mampu meraj...
Makalah ini menyajikan hasil investigasi kandungan penyusun bahan bakar pertalite terhadap emisi ... more Makalah ini menyajikan hasil investigasi kandungan penyusun bahan bakar pertalite terhadap emisi gas buang. Molekul pertalite dan premium diuji dengan Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometri (GC-MS), sedangkan emisi gas buang diuji dengan Engine gas analyzer. Hasil uji GC-MS menunjukan bahwa pertalite memiliki kandungan molekul penyusun yang lebih banyak dari premium, sedangkan hasil uji emisi menunjukkan pertalite menghasilkan gas berbahaya lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan premium.
LPG sebagai bahan bakar alternatif yang sangat menjanjikan, banyak digunakan disejumlah negara ma... more LPG sebagai bahan bakar alternatif yang sangat menjanjikan, banyak digunakan disejumlah negara maju. Penggunaan LPG tersebut karena memiliki properties yang baik seperti nilai kalor, nilai oktan yang tinggi serta emisi yang lebih ramah lingkungan. Makalah ini mempelajari pengaruh tekanan kompresi terhadap emisi gas buang untuk kendaraan motor bensin satu silinder dengan menggunakan bahan bakar alternatif LPG. Pengujian dilakukan dengan variasi tekanan kompresi dari 12,5 Bar, 13 Bar, 13,5 Bar dan 14 Bar untuk setiap perubahan nilai lambda pada campuran kurus. Hasil pengujian berupa emisi gas buang (CO, CO2 dan HC). Hasil pengujian menunjukan secara umum bahwa nilai emisi gas buang yang terbaik adalah pada tekanan kompresi 13,5 Bar, baik untuk nilai CO, CO2 dan HC dibanding dengan tekanan kompresi yang lain.
Peningkatan efisiensi bahan bakar, kualitas pembakaran engine dan pengurangan emisi polutan gas b... more Peningkatan efisiensi bahan bakar, kualitas pembakaran engine dan pengurangan emisi polutan gas buang, menjadi target orientasi teknologi kendaraan. Kedepan kendaraan ramah lingkungan, hemat energi dan nyaman menjadi pioner arah perkembangan teknologi. Dalam bidang gasoline engine saat ini, salah satunya orientasi teknologi dititikberatkan pada pengaturan campuran udara dan bahan bakar (Air to Fuel Ratio – AFR). Hal ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan efisinsi bahan bakar, kontrol emisi gas buang dan pencapaian kinerja engine secara optimal. Dua tahun terakhir perkembangan otomotif nasional sudah sampai pada Low Cost Green Car (LCGC) dan Low Carbon Emission Program (LCEP). Namun demikian, Kenyataan yang ada pembakaran pada campuran kurus (lean mixturing) atau setidaknya campuran pembakaran ideal (stoichiometry) pada seluruh rentah putaran engine belum tercapai. Hal ini disebabkan salah satunya kontrol engine yang ada saat ini, sebagian besar hanya pada kontrol internal engine. Aplikasi...
During this time, the AFR control systems on the Ligh Duty Vehicles (LDVs) generally only engage ... more During this time, the AFR control systems on the Ligh Duty Vehicles (LDVs) generally only engage the engine condition, such as manifold pressure, engine speed. In fact, fuel consumption is not only influenced by the engine dynamics but also influenced by outside factors such as gear position (transmission) and vehicle speed. Therefore, this paper presents a simulation to control the Air to Fuel Ratio (AFR) on Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) engine that accommodated engine dynamics, vehicle speed dynamics, and gear position dynamics (transmission). Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) was selected for AFR modeling because of the engine work in a non-linear condition. The simulation results show that the model developed is able to control the AFR on the vehicle speed changes. Even, the system is able to perform fuel cut-off at the time of deceleration from high speeds.
Gula semut merupakan salah satu produk unggulan daerah Kabupaten Magelang. Kecamatan candimulyo m... more Gula semut merupakan salah satu produk unggulan daerah Kabupaten Magelang. Kecamatan candimulyo merupakan daerah penghasil gula semut yang cukup banyak. Nira pohon kelapa merupakan bahan baku dalam pembuatan gula semut. Produk ini memiliki kelebihan jika dibanding dengan gula cetak pada umumnya. Produk dapat disimpan dalam jangka waktu satu sampai dua tahun tanpa mengalami perubahan warna dan rasa. Tempat penyimpanan produk memerlukan tempat yang rapat dan kedap udara. Aroma khas karamel palma gula semut sangat sesuai untuk menambah citarasa pada makanan dan minuman. Namun demikian, gula semut yang menjadi komoditi ekspor ini masih kurang dikenal oleh masyarakat magelang dan sekitarnya. Metode yang ditempuh dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra dengan membantu pengusaha gula semut untuk dapat memasarkan produknya secara sederhana dan tepat sasaran. Kegiatan pemasaran yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk memperluas pemasaran serta mengenalkan gula semut ke masyarakat magelan...
Pengembangan teknologi informasi saat ini, menjadi salah satu media promosi yang paling efektif. ... more Pengembangan teknologi informasi saat ini, menjadi salah satu media promosi yang paling efektif. Kondisi ini sejalan dengan penggunaan teknologi informasi yang semakin luas cakupannya. Area jangkauan, skup pengguna teknologi maupun minat pengguna teknologi informasi dari waktu ke waktu terus mengalami peningkatan. Disisi lain perkembangan industri 4 yang terus bergulir diberbagai bidang. Teknologi informasi sangat berperan dalam kemajuan industri 4 dimasa mendatang. Bengkel Unimma Autocare sebagai unit usaha pengembangan kampus sedang mengembangkan kapabilitasnya. Melihat kondisi ini, Bengkel Unimma Autocare sangat perlu menggunakan teknologi informasi sebagai media pengembangan kapabilitas bisnisnya. Metode yang ditempuh dengan membangun website yang dipergunakan untuk pengelolaan manajerial bengkel, media promosi maupun laporan kepada pengguna bengkel. Pembuatan account di media sosial yang digunakan sebagai promosi kepada pengguna bengkel terus digalakkan. Hasil yang diperoleh da...
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2021
Damage to the car compartment, thermal discomfort, fuel wastage, health risks, and the death thre... more Damage to the car compartment, thermal discomfort, fuel wastage, health risks, and the death threat of passengers/pets in the cabin due to high temperatures in cars parked under the sun is an interesting discussion. Therefore, this research examines the characteristics of solar cells-based cabin cooler system on car parked under the sun. Four ST32M100W-FLP solar panels installed on the car roof are used to activate the existing evaporator blower with modified wiring lines. The blower is activated in two modes, i.e addition and without addition of external air at blower speed levels 1 (ṁ=0.0086 kg/s) and level 2 (ṁ=0.0114 kg/s). The results showed that the car cabin cooler able to reduce cabin temperature by 9.8 • C. In addition to temperature reduction, latent and sensible cooling effect, as well as heat index (HI) are also discussed in this paper. It was found that due to increased humidity, the release of sensible heat affects the car cabin cooling while parked under the sun from noon to afternoon. Finally, the car cabin cooler can reduce the heat index (HI) from danger and extreme danger categories to caution and extreme caution category.
Quantum Teknika : Jurnal Teknik Mesin Terapan, 2020
Musicool is an alternative refrigerant developed as a working fluid in a steam compression refrig... more Musicool is an alternative refrigerant developed as a working fluid in a steam compression refrigeration system. Musicool has many advantages compared to conventional refrigerants, The advantage is that it is environmentally friendly. This study aims to determine the characteristics of musicool 134 on a steam compression refrigeration machine using a double evaporator. The test was done by comparing the characteristics of a single evaporator refrigeration machine and a double evaporator using musicool 134. The research variable is the airflow through the evaporator that is equal to 0.022 kg / s, 0.027 kg / s, 0.033 kg / s. The test data were taken measuring the temperature and pressureof each component in the refrigeration machine then using the P-h diagram musicool 134, to determine the refrigeration machines performance. The study results provide information that using a double evaporator will give rise to an improved refrigeration system performance compared to using a single evaporator.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
A minor breakdown of the cooling system will cause engine overheating. One of the factors causing... more A minor breakdown of the cooling system will cause engine overheating. One of the factors causing the engine overheating is the crust on radiator of cooling system. Based on the problem, therefore, corrosion on the cooling system, especially radiator, should be controlled. There are some methods in controlling the corrosion; one of them is the inhibitor treatment. The research aims to know the corrosion mechanism, the corrosion type, and the kind of inhibitor that produces the lowest corrosion rate. The tool used to measure the chemical composition of the radiator is spectrometer, while microscope optic is used to know the radiator corrosion type. The corrosion rate testing is used three electrode cells according to tafel extrapolation method. The results of the test of the nitric acid inhibitor treatment with the addition of various methods showed that the most optimal result is on the addition of nitric acid inhibitor by 5%. It is proven by the decrease of corrosion rate from 0.00...
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat), 2019
Central Java Province is a province that has dairy producing areas, including Boyolali Regency. T... more Central Java Province is a province that has dairy producing areas, including Boyolali Regency. This area is known as a dairy producing area that can supply milk needs in the Semarang, Klaten and Solo regions. However, the milk processing industry has not fully supported the dairy farmers. This condition can be known when the milk processing industry sets too high quality standards, causing problems for dairy farmers. This effect causes milk from dairy farmers to be thrown away. Another problem arises due to the inaccurate time of collection with the time of milk extraction to be accommodated in the KUD. Milk storage and cooling equipment owned by cattle farmers are not optimal because they use electricity sourced from PLN, thus increasing production costs. For that reason, in solving these problems by making milk storage devices and coolers with energi from biogas. The results of the implementation of this technology can reduce production costs because the milk storage process does...
Quantum Teknika : Jurnal Teknik Mesin Terapan, 2019
Jurnal Penjaminan Mutu, 2018
In the past decade, the general method for measuring the performance of research and scientific p... more In the past decade, the general method for measuring the performance of research and scientific publications in a Study Program at a Higher Education is by the Rough Value (Nilai Kasar, NK) calculated per three years. This value is derived from the accreditation instrument. In fact, the calculation of the performance of research and scientific publications with NK cannot represent an annual performance. Therefore, this paper presents a new method for calculating research and scientific publications performance with an index (IP-PS and IPub-PS), which is calculated annually. An example of quality measurement practice in the Automotive Diploma Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang. As a result, calculations with IP-PS and IPub-PS are more likely to present real conditions per year than using NK.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
This paper presents the development of a smart brake controller (SBC) that applied to passenger c... more This paper presents the development of a smart brake controller (SBC) that applied to passenger cars to reduce accidents while stopped on a hill road. Crash accidents often occur due to the lack of driver skill or negligence in holding the brake pedal. The smart brake controller works by electro-mechanically to lock the brake system even though the brake pedal is released. The results showed that SBC could work well on a variety of vehicle loads and variations in road slope.
IIUM Engineering Journal, Jul 4, 2023
Energy-efficient engines were introduced due to limited amount of global energy and the need for ... more Energy-efficient engines were introduced due to limited amount of global energy and the need for engine power to carry vehicle loads. It was discovered that the power factor of these engines was essential in developing automotive technology with subsequent significant effect on driving comfort. Moreover, it was possible to control the power and energy savings of vehicle engines by adjusting the Air to Fuel Ratio (AFR). Therefore, this study focused on achieving AFR values in the stoichiometric range of 14.7 in order to produce good emissions. The technology applied was observed to have some drawbacks, specifically in fulfilling engine power when the vehicle operates with a large load. This led to the development of a new method by designing an AFR control system with due consideration for driving behavior using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The aim was to overcome the problem of meeting engine power and ensuring better efficiency. The driving behavior was classified into through categories including the sporty, standard, and eco schemes. The eco scheme was the smooth behavior of a driver during the movement of the vehicle in a busy urban area, the sporty scheme was the responsive driving behavior when the vehicle operates on the highway at speeds above 80 km/h, and the standard scheme was the behavior between the eco and sporty schemes. Furthermore, the driving behavior in a sporty scheme required the addition of fuel to increase engine power while eco-scheme focused on reducing fuel to increase fuel economy. The findings showed that control system designed was able to improve driving comfort in terms of fuel economy during the eco scheme with an average AFR value of 15.68. The system further reduced the value to 13.66 during the sporty scheme. Furthermore, the AFR under stoichiometry was discovered to have produced the maximum engine power. The system was expected to be incorporated into electric, gasfired and fuel cell vehicles in the future. ABSTRAK: Faktor kuasa enjin dan enjin cekap tenaga adalah penting dalam membangunkan teknologi automotif. Mesin penjimat tenaga diperlukan kerana jumlah tenaga global yang terhad. Manakala kuasa enjin digunakan bagi membawa muatan kenderaan. Kedua-dua faktor ini sangat mempengaruhi keselesaan pemanduan. Penjimatan kuasa dan tenaga dalam enjin kenderaan boleh dipenuhi dengan mengawal Nisbah Angin kepada Minyak (AFR). Tumpuan kajian semasa adalah berorientasikan ke arah mencapai nilai AFR dalam julat stoikiometri (14.7) atas sebab ingin mencapai pelepasan terbaik. Namun begitu, teknologi ini mempunyai kelemahan terutama dalam
Borobudur Engineering Review
Gas buang mesin diesel merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya pemanasan global. Kandungan gas b... more Gas buang mesin diesel merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya pemanasan global. Kandungan gas buang ini diantarnya opacity yang berasal dari polutan warna hitam. Unsur karbon dari pembakaran mesin diesel yang ada dalam opacity sangat berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Untuk itu, opacity hasil pembakaran mesin diesel perlu dikendalikan. Metode pengendalian ini diantaranya dengan melakukan pengukuran gas buang menggunakan opacity meter test bench. Harga sangat mahal, tidak praktis dan memerlukan tempat khusus merupakan kelemahan dari opacity meter test bench. Oleh karena itu, Penelitian ini mengusulkan pengembangan opacity meter berdasarkan digital image processing. Kelebihan alat yang dikembangkan memiliki harga cukup terjangkau, praktis dan proses pengolahan dapat dilakukan secara online. Alat ini bekerja berdasarkan perbedaan warna pada gas buang. Kamera menangkap warna gas buang disimpan dalam file jpg. File jpg selanjutnya dikonvert dalam data digital RGB (Red Green Blue). Selain merub...
This article reports on technological mastery assistance in three small metal forming industries ... more This article reports on technological mastery assistance in three small metal forming industries in Indonesia. Problems in the blangking and piercing separately process caused increased production time which resulted in inefficiency cost. Therefore, the expert team aided in metal forming technology through participatory action research (PAR) methods and experimental methods through reverse engineering for several products. The PAR method involves optimal contribution and participation from the industry. Assistance in mastering technology in small metal-forming industries reduces the manufacturing process from seven to three stages, increasing efficiency. The press machine's tonnage capacity must balance with the force blanking/piercing requirement. The minimum press machine requirement is 6.7 tons, and based on the availability of existing press machines, the expert team recommends a 20-ton capacity press machine. Total efficiency can be further increased by implementing full pr...
The emergence of Corona Virus Disease 19 (Covid-19) required a new method to control its spread. ... more The emergence of Corona Virus Disease 19 (Covid-19) required a new method to control its spread. During this time, controlling COVID-19 was carried out by implementation of a sterilization chamber using a liquid-based disinfectant. However, the use of liquid-based disinfectants has been evaluated to be less effective because it allows disrupting the respiratory tract. Therefore, this work presents a negative pressure sterilization chamber using Ozone and UV-C lamp. Ozone has been recommended by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) as a substitute for liquid-based disinfectants. In addition, to maximize performance, the chambers are added with UV-C lamps. The negative pressure sterilization chamber with Ozone and ultraviolet lamps was successfully created with the main parts of the cubicle chamber, an Ozone generator, at least one ultraviolet lamp, exhaust fan, switch, and a timer. The negative pressure sterilization chamber with Ozone and ultraviolet lamps according to this w...
Program Studi Mesin Otomotif Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelangsaat ini merupakan program studi ya... more Program Studi Mesin Otomotif Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelangsaat ini merupakan program studi yang menjadi salah satu dari 6 (enam) Program Studi D3 Mesin Otomotif terbaik nasional serta memiliki akreditasi cukup baik. Namun, Dana Operasional Mahasiswa (DOM)masih tergantung pada SPP mahasiswa. Disisi lain,Pelayanan praktek terhadap mahasiswa sangat dibutuhkan. Menurut Permenristekdikti No. 44 tahun 2015 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi menuntut institusi perguruan tinggi untuk mengupayakan sumber dana selain dari mahasiswa. Dalam menangani permasalahan tersebut strategi yang ditempuh oleh program studi dengan mengembangkan unit usaha bengkel. Pengembangan unit usaha bengkel digunakan untuk meningkatkankualitas mutu program studi. Bengkel difungsikan sebagai laboratorium terapan tetapi juga dapat menghasilkan profit.Unit usaha bengkel yang didirikan telah mendapat pendanaan dari IBIKK selama 2 tahun. Saat ini unit usaha bengkel mendapat pendanaan skim IBIKK ditahun kedua. ...
IKM Kharisma dan IKM Gajah Super merupakan industri kecil olahan pangan yang tergabung dalam KUBE... more IKM Kharisma dan IKM Gajah Super merupakan industri kecil olahan pangan yang tergabung dalam KUBE Raos Mina Kota Magelang. Kedua industri tersebut melakukan usaha mengolah produk ikan menjadi rambak/kerupuk ikan. Rambak /kerupuk ikan adalah salah satu jenis makanan yang berbahan baku pangan hewani dari produk ikan. Produk ikan ini sebenarnya merupakan limbah dari industri pengolahan ikan seperti cold storage, canning, dan smoked fish. Kandungan gizi kulit ikan yang sudah diolah menjadi rambak adalah kadar air 6 persen, kadar abu 1 persen, kadar lemak 0,5 persen, dan kadar protein 26,9 persen. Oleh karena itu rambak/kerupuk kulit ikan dapat menjadi alternatif penyediaan pangan bergizi dengan harga yang terjangkau. Kedua IKM tersebut mengalami kendala dalam proses produksi, yaitu pada proses perajangan bahan baku yang masih manual dengan menggunakan peralatan tangan/handtools. Melalui metode ini potongan produk ikan yang dihasilkan tidak seragam ukurannya, dan sehari hanya mampu meraj...
Makalah ini menyajikan hasil investigasi kandungan penyusun bahan bakar pertalite terhadap emisi ... more Makalah ini menyajikan hasil investigasi kandungan penyusun bahan bakar pertalite terhadap emisi gas buang. Molekul pertalite dan premium diuji dengan Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometri (GC-MS), sedangkan emisi gas buang diuji dengan Engine gas analyzer. Hasil uji GC-MS menunjukan bahwa pertalite memiliki kandungan molekul penyusun yang lebih banyak dari premium, sedangkan hasil uji emisi menunjukkan pertalite menghasilkan gas berbahaya lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan premium.
LPG sebagai bahan bakar alternatif yang sangat menjanjikan, banyak digunakan disejumlah negara ma... more LPG sebagai bahan bakar alternatif yang sangat menjanjikan, banyak digunakan disejumlah negara maju. Penggunaan LPG tersebut karena memiliki properties yang baik seperti nilai kalor, nilai oktan yang tinggi serta emisi yang lebih ramah lingkungan. Makalah ini mempelajari pengaruh tekanan kompresi terhadap emisi gas buang untuk kendaraan motor bensin satu silinder dengan menggunakan bahan bakar alternatif LPG. Pengujian dilakukan dengan variasi tekanan kompresi dari 12,5 Bar, 13 Bar, 13,5 Bar dan 14 Bar untuk setiap perubahan nilai lambda pada campuran kurus. Hasil pengujian berupa emisi gas buang (CO, CO2 dan HC). Hasil pengujian menunjukan secara umum bahwa nilai emisi gas buang yang terbaik adalah pada tekanan kompresi 13,5 Bar, baik untuk nilai CO, CO2 dan HC dibanding dengan tekanan kompresi yang lain.
Peningkatan efisiensi bahan bakar, kualitas pembakaran engine dan pengurangan emisi polutan gas b... more Peningkatan efisiensi bahan bakar, kualitas pembakaran engine dan pengurangan emisi polutan gas buang, menjadi target orientasi teknologi kendaraan. Kedepan kendaraan ramah lingkungan, hemat energi dan nyaman menjadi pioner arah perkembangan teknologi. Dalam bidang gasoline engine saat ini, salah satunya orientasi teknologi dititikberatkan pada pengaturan campuran udara dan bahan bakar (Air to Fuel Ratio – AFR). Hal ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan efisinsi bahan bakar, kontrol emisi gas buang dan pencapaian kinerja engine secara optimal. Dua tahun terakhir perkembangan otomotif nasional sudah sampai pada Low Cost Green Car (LCGC) dan Low Carbon Emission Program (LCEP). Namun demikian, Kenyataan yang ada pembakaran pada campuran kurus (lean mixturing) atau setidaknya campuran pembakaran ideal (stoichiometry) pada seluruh rentah putaran engine belum tercapai. Hal ini disebabkan salah satunya kontrol engine yang ada saat ini, sebagian besar hanya pada kontrol internal engine. Aplikasi...
During this time, the AFR control systems on the Ligh Duty Vehicles (LDVs) generally only engage ... more During this time, the AFR control systems on the Ligh Duty Vehicles (LDVs) generally only engage the engine condition, such as manifold pressure, engine speed. In fact, fuel consumption is not only influenced by the engine dynamics but also influenced by outside factors such as gear position (transmission) and vehicle speed. Therefore, this paper presents a simulation to control the Air to Fuel Ratio (AFR) on Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) engine that accommodated engine dynamics, vehicle speed dynamics, and gear position dynamics (transmission). Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) was selected for AFR modeling because of the engine work in a non-linear condition. The simulation results show that the model developed is able to control the AFR on the vehicle speed changes. Even, the system is able to perform fuel cut-off at the time of deceleration from high speeds.
Gula semut merupakan salah satu produk unggulan daerah Kabupaten Magelang. Kecamatan candimulyo m... more Gula semut merupakan salah satu produk unggulan daerah Kabupaten Magelang. Kecamatan candimulyo merupakan daerah penghasil gula semut yang cukup banyak. Nira pohon kelapa merupakan bahan baku dalam pembuatan gula semut. Produk ini memiliki kelebihan jika dibanding dengan gula cetak pada umumnya. Produk dapat disimpan dalam jangka waktu satu sampai dua tahun tanpa mengalami perubahan warna dan rasa. Tempat penyimpanan produk memerlukan tempat yang rapat dan kedap udara. Aroma khas karamel palma gula semut sangat sesuai untuk menambah citarasa pada makanan dan minuman. Namun demikian, gula semut yang menjadi komoditi ekspor ini masih kurang dikenal oleh masyarakat magelang dan sekitarnya. Metode yang ditempuh dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra dengan membantu pengusaha gula semut untuk dapat memasarkan produknya secara sederhana dan tepat sasaran. Kegiatan pemasaran yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk memperluas pemasaran serta mengenalkan gula semut ke masyarakat magelan...
Pengembangan teknologi informasi saat ini, menjadi salah satu media promosi yang paling efektif. ... more Pengembangan teknologi informasi saat ini, menjadi salah satu media promosi yang paling efektif. Kondisi ini sejalan dengan penggunaan teknologi informasi yang semakin luas cakupannya. Area jangkauan, skup pengguna teknologi maupun minat pengguna teknologi informasi dari waktu ke waktu terus mengalami peningkatan. Disisi lain perkembangan industri 4 yang terus bergulir diberbagai bidang. Teknologi informasi sangat berperan dalam kemajuan industri 4 dimasa mendatang. Bengkel Unimma Autocare sebagai unit usaha pengembangan kampus sedang mengembangkan kapabilitasnya. Melihat kondisi ini, Bengkel Unimma Autocare sangat perlu menggunakan teknologi informasi sebagai media pengembangan kapabilitas bisnisnya. Metode yang ditempuh dengan membangun website yang dipergunakan untuk pengelolaan manajerial bengkel, media promosi maupun laporan kepada pengguna bengkel. Pembuatan account di media sosial yang digunakan sebagai promosi kepada pengguna bengkel terus digalakkan. Hasil yang diperoleh da...
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2021
Damage to the car compartment, thermal discomfort, fuel wastage, health risks, and the death thre... more Damage to the car compartment, thermal discomfort, fuel wastage, health risks, and the death threat of passengers/pets in the cabin due to high temperatures in cars parked under the sun is an interesting discussion. Therefore, this research examines the characteristics of solar cells-based cabin cooler system on car parked under the sun. Four ST32M100W-FLP solar panels installed on the car roof are used to activate the existing evaporator blower with modified wiring lines. The blower is activated in two modes, i.e addition and without addition of external air at blower speed levels 1 (ṁ=0.0086 kg/s) and level 2 (ṁ=0.0114 kg/s). The results showed that the car cabin cooler able to reduce cabin temperature by 9.8 • C. In addition to temperature reduction, latent and sensible cooling effect, as well as heat index (HI) are also discussed in this paper. It was found that due to increased humidity, the release of sensible heat affects the car cabin cooling while parked under the sun from noon to afternoon. Finally, the car cabin cooler can reduce the heat index (HI) from danger and extreme danger categories to caution and extreme caution category.
Quantum Teknika : Jurnal Teknik Mesin Terapan, 2020
Musicool is an alternative refrigerant developed as a working fluid in a steam compression refrig... more Musicool is an alternative refrigerant developed as a working fluid in a steam compression refrigeration system. Musicool has many advantages compared to conventional refrigerants, The advantage is that it is environmentally friendly. This study aims to determine the characteristics of musicool 134 on a steam compression refrigeration machine using a double evaporator. The test was done by comparing the characteristics of a single evaporator refrigeration machine and a double evaporator using musicool 134. The research variable is the airflow through the evaporator that is equal to 0.022 kg / s, 0.027 kg / s, 0.033 kg / s. The test data were taken measuring the temperature and pressureof each component in the refrigeration machine then using the P-h diagram musicool 134, to determine the refrigeration machines performance. The study results provide information that using a double evaporator will give rise to an improved refrigeration system performance compared to using a single evaporator.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
A minor breakdown of the cooling system will cause engine overheating. One of the factors causing... more A minor breakdown of the cooling system will cause engine overheating. One of the factors causing the engine overheating is the crust on radiator of cooling system. Based on the problem, therefore, corrosion on the cooling system, especially radiator, should be controlled. There are some methods in controlling the corrosion; one of them is the inhibitor treatment. The research aims to know the corrosion mechanism, the corrosion type, and the kind of inhibitor that produces the lowest corrosion rate. The tool used to measure the chemical composition of the radiator is spectrometer, while microscope optic is used to know the radiator corrosion type. The corrosion rate testing is used three electrode cells according to tafel extrapolation method. The results of the test of the nitric acid inhibitor treatment with the addition of various methods showed that the most optimal result is on the addition of nitric acid inhibitor by 5%. It is proven by the decrease of corrosion rate from 0.00...
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat), 2019
Central Java Province is a province that has dairy producing areas, including Boyolali Regency. T... more Central Java Province is a province that has dairy producing areas, including Boyolali Regency. This area is known as a dairy producing area that can supply milk needs in the Semarang, Klaten and Solo regions. However, the milk processing industry has not fully supported the dairy farmers. This condition can be known when the milk processing industry sets too high quality standards, causing problems for dairy farmers. This effect causes milk from dairy farmers to be thrown away. Another problem arises due to the inaccurate time of collection with the time of milk extraction to be accommodated in the KUD. Milk storage and cooling equipment owned by cattle farmers are not optimal because they use electricity sourced from PLN, thus increasing production costs. For that reason, in solving these problems by making milk storage devices and coolers with energi from biogas. The results of the implementation of this technology can reduce production costs because the milk storage process does...
Quantum Teknika : Jurnal Teknik Mesin Terapan, 2019
Jurnal Penjaminan Mutu, 2018
In the past decade, the general method for measuring the performance of research and scientific p... more In the past decade, the general method for measuring the performance of research and scientific publications in a Study Program at a Higher Education is by the Rough Value (Nilai Kasar, NK) calculated per three years. This value is derived from the accreditation instrument. In fact, the calculation of the performance of research and scientific publications with NK cannot represent an annual performance. Therefore, this paper presents a new method for calculating research and scientific publications performance with an index (IP-PS and IPub-PS), which is calculated annually. An example of quality measurement practice in the Automotive Diploma Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang. As a result, calculations with IP-PS and IPub-PS are more likely to present real conditions per year than using NK.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
This paper presents the development of a smart brake controller (SBC) that applied to passenger c... more This paper presents the development of a smart brake controller (SBC) that applied to passenger cars to reduce accidents while stopped on a hill road. Crash accidents often occur due to the lack of driver skill or negligence in holding the brake pedal. The smart brake controller works by electro-mechanically to lock the brake system even though the brake pedal is released. The results showed that SBC could work well on a variety of vehicle loads and variations in road slope.