Dwi Surya Atmaja - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Dwi Surya Atmaja
Penelitian dilatarbelakangi karena kurangnya bahan ajar berbasis digital, sehingga menimbulkan ma... more Penelitian dilatarbelakangi karena kurangnya bahan ajar berbasis digital, sehingga menimbulkan masalah seperti, menurunya literasi membaca pada peserta didik, pembelajaran kurang efektif membuat peserta didik sulit memahami materi pembelajaran. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan, kualitas, respon peserta didik pada bahan ajar chatbot berbasis artificial intelligence materi sistem pencernaan manusia dikelas V SDN 04 Pontianak Timur Tahun ajaran 2022/2023 M. Metode penelitan menggunakan Research and Development (R&D), model 4D Analisis penelitian bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data mengunakan validasi, angket, wawancara semi trustrukur. Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar validasi, pedoman wawancara dan lembar angket. Teknik analisis data yaitu, data hasil validasi, data hasil wawancara, data hasil angket respon peserta didik. Hasil penelitian 1) proses pengembangan berjalan sesuai dengan prosedur, terdiri 4 tahap yaitu, Define (pe...
Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan langkah-langkah pengembangan produk, hasil kualitas pen... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan langkah-langkah pengembangan produk, hasil kualitas pengembangan bahan ajar chatbot, dan respon peserta didik dari penggunaan bahan ajar chatbot pada materi sistem peredaran darah manusia, Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Reseacrh and Development (R&D) dengan model 4D (define, design, development, dessimate). Pengujian produk ini dilakukan dengan 28 peserta didik kelas V SD. Uji validasi dilakukan oleh dua ahli materi, dua ahli software, dan dua ahli Bahasa dengan hasil diperoleh nilai 1 dengan kategori “sangat tinggi” pada setiap validasi. Maka dari itu disimpulkan bahwa dalam pengembangan bahan ajar chatbot dengan materi sistem peredaran darah manusia kelas V SD telah valid. Bahan ajar chatbot dapat dimanfaatkan dalam proses kegiatan pembelajaran. Pada bagain penyebaran bahan ajar chatbot pada siswa kelas V diperoleh hasil respon baik, sehingga bahan ajar berupa chatbot pada materi sistem peredaran darah dapat dinyatakan valid dan efisien.
This study explores the dynamics of multiculturalism in Singkawang, the most tolerant city in Ind... more This study explores the dynamics of multiculturalism in Singkawang, the most tolerant city in Indonesia. It surprises every scholar studying conflicts as the city can adequately manage conflicts. It was evidenced by the cessation of the deadly conflict, the Sambas 1999 in the city, and by the establishment of ethnocultural groups inherited since the Dutch colonialism that generated pseudo-multiculturalism, in which all ethnic and religious communities have been tolerant but exclusive and fragile to conflict. Fortunately, as the champ of economic but socio-political competition, the Chinese have an ancestral tradition of sharing their wealth considerably. This is with no regard to either the profane or sacred places or their Muslim counterparts' social or ritual activities. Supposedly, instead of refusing "infidelity" contributions, local ulama appreciate and, in return, struggle to promote the substitution of pejorative calls of Chinese with Tionghoa. In conclusion, th...
Muallimuna : Jurnal Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
The purpoise oif this research is toi describe the proicess oif develoiping chatboit teaching mat... more The purpoise oif this research is toi describe the proicess oif develoiping chatboit teaching materials based oin artificial intelligence oin living things' respiratoiry system material, toi describe the quality oif artificial intelligence based chatboit teaching materials oin living things' respiratoiry system material, and toi describe students' respoinses toi chatboit based teaching materials. artificial intelligence oin the material oif the respiratoiry system oif living things. This research is research and develoipment (R&D) using the 4D develoipment moidel by Thiagarajan et al with its phases namely define, design, develoipment, and disseminate. The data were oibtained froim validating the eligibility questioinnaire foir teaching materials and student respoinse questioinnaires, validating chatboit teaching material proiducts, and student respoinses. The results shoiwed that the validatioin oif the instrument oibtained a CVI value oif 1 which placed it in the very ...
Review of Religious Research, 1999
Introduction - a tale of two texts the rise and fall of the Mu'tazila in premodern Islam the ... more Introduction - a tale of two texts the rise and fall of the Mu'tazila in premodern Islam the life and works of Qadi' abd Al-Jabbar a "thick description" of the five Usul Kiab Al-Usul Al-Khamsa (book of the five fundamentals) - a translation the persistance of traditionalism and rationalism the significance of Mu'tazilism in Indonesia Harun Naustion's defense of Mu'tazilism Kaum Mu'tazilah dan Pandangan Rasionalanya (the Mu'Tazila and rational philosophy) - a translation modern and postmodern glosses of Mu'tazilism the implication of modernity - deconstructing the argument.
El-Tsaqafah, May 18, 2022
This study aims to reveal creative education through the application of the Learning Management S... more This study aims to reveal creative education through the application of the Learning Management System (LMS) MODEL as a means of teaching Arabic and principles in choosing educational methods in the industrial era 4.0. Education in the digital era or what is known as the industrial era 4.0 must be accompanied by technology that makes it easier for lecturers and students in the educational process, including Arabic. Researchers obtained data through interviews, observation and documentation, then analyzed through a ranking process as follows: data reduction, where in this process the researcher collected and recorded data, filtered, compiled and focused on matters related to the research topic. Then they present a summary of the data and conclude with a conclusion. The researcher reached the results of the study that the implementation of the Learning Management System (LMS) MODEL as a method of learning Arabic in the Department of Arabic Language Education at the Islamic University in general resulted in an increase in students' language skills. In addition, education through the application of the Learning Management System (LMS) MODEL as a means of teaching Arabic accommodates a list space for students to discuss and send messages and allows them to interact among themselves and between students and teachers, leading to various interactions towards better language skills, and produce optimal language skill competencies because there are no time and place limitations in the educational process.
Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business, 2019
Instead of being known as the “City of Tasbih”, nowadays Singkawang is either known as the “City ... more Instead of being known as the “City of Tasbih”, nowadays Singkawang is either known as the “City of Amoy (Chinese girls)” or the “City of Thousand ChineseTemples”. Cap Go Meh annually International Festival is another evidence of Chinese image making towards the city. This indicates a sort of Chinese domination that must be studied, economically, politically, and socially. Furthermore, the research aims to explore the dynamics of Chinese Counterpart especially the Muslim Business elites' challenge such as ironic the ongoing dominating development. To explore the dynamics, in-depth interviews were held. Key figures among Muslim businessmen, Chinese elites, government officials, even laypeople were questioned in order to obtain a clear description and balanced analysis of possible biases and perspectives of the interviewees. Quantitative data are analyzed and discussed. In short, the research’s findings are: The desire of an Islamic Singkawang is still intact, driven mainly by M...
Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan, 2019
Abstr ak: Terdapat dua isu yang saling berlawanan pada dominasi domain kognitif, yaitu pertama, l... more Abstr ak: Terdapat dua isu yang saling berlawanan pada dominasi domain kognitif, yaitu pertama, lebih diutamakan untuk mendahulukan nilai-nilai afektif sebelum kognitif, dan kedua, narasi-narasi Emotional Quotient (EQ) dan Spiritual Quotient (SQ) dipromosikan untuk mendorong pentingnya Intelectual Quotient (IQ) dalam sistem pendidikan. Setelah melalui proses yang dinamis, usulan muncul untuk meningkatkan Kurikulum Berbasis Sekolah (KBS) menjadi Kurikulum 20 13 (K13). Dalam K13, domain afektif dimunculan dalam bentuk Kompentensi Spiritual dan Kompetensi Sosial sementara domain kognitif dan psikomotorik dipertahankan. Secara teologis konsep yang ditawarkan ini sesuai dengan apa yang disebut Insan Kamil dan usaha untuk membangun tujuan-tujuan yang diharapkan tersebut terletak pada transformasi dari pengetahuan yang profan menuju perspektif teologi Islam yang dianggap suci. Ilmu pengetahun sebagai Cahaya Ilahi hanya dapat ditransformasikan oleh orang yang berhati suci (guru). ملخص : ه...
Election of regional head (Pilkada) is one form and mechanism of democracy. The regional leader i... more Election of regional head (Pilkada) is one form and mechanism of democracy. The regional leader is directly elected. Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government in its enactment has created a new atmosphere in the process of regional head elections (Pilkada), both at the provincial level and at the district and city level, with the enactment of this Law they must be directly elected by all people who have suffrage in each area. This election system, in fact, has added to the vibrant process of democracy in Indonesia. This is because the Pilkada opens the broadest involvement of all people in the process of electing their regional government leaders. However, without undermining the importance of the spirit of democratic society through the elections, various negative impacts / interpretations of this kind of succession system of government are now appearing. It is common knowledge now that to win local elections, a person needs a lot of funds, both to finance legal activiti...
Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business, 2019
Instead of being known as the “City of Tasbih”, nowadays Singkawang is either known as the “City ... more Instead of being known as the “City of Tasbih”, nowadays Singkawang is either known as the “City of Amoy (Chinese girls)” or the “City of Thousand ChineseTemples”. Cap Go Meh annually International Festival is another evidence of Chinese image making towards the city. This indicates a sort of Chinese domination that must be studied, economically, politically, and socially. Furthermore, the research aims to explore the dynamics of Chinese Counterpart especially the Muslim Business elites' challenge such as ironic the ongoing dominating development. To explore the dynamics, in-depth interviews were held. Key figures among Muslim businessmen, Chinese elites, government officials, even laypeople were questioned in order to obtain a clear description and balanced analysis of possible biases and perspectives of the interviewees. Quantitative data are analyzed and discussed. In short, the research’s findings are: The desire of an Islamic Singkawang is still intact, driven mainly by M...
Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan, 2018
This research aims to explore the wisdom of socio-religious interaction and tradition in West Kal... more This research aims to explore the wisdom of socio-religious interaction and tradition in West Kalimantan Malay society towards Chinese ethnic. This research recommends local wisdom as a media to downgrade the tension of social political and religious interactions that have been perceived recently as the threat of national and even global harmony. The source of data in this study was Deutro Malay ethnic and Chinese ethnic at Teluk Pak Kedai. The data was determined through purposive techniques by considering the two circles of key informants, i.e. information from the closest circumference (epicentrum) with the source of wisdom, which in this study consists of a closed circle from the figure of Haji Ismail Mundu and Foundation (China), and information from peripherals. The Data collected through in-depth interviews, observations and documentation were then analyzed by using qualitative normative cycle formats to be presented in thematic classifications in line with the focus and rese...
Al-Albab, 2016
What does the term "terrorism" mean. " Why does the term "terrorism" often identified as Islam? "... more What does the term "terrorism" mean. " Why does the term "terrorism" often identified as Islam? "If terrorism is an ism that affects "terror" that it generates, while Islam which literally means "peace", then the two terms certainly mismatch! Such question and statement show Muslims' concern over frequent phenomena of "terrorism" using Islamic religious symbols. The research undertaken proved that there are three explanations. First, a close tripartite network connection between "terrorism experts" and the circles of power policy holders who are also supported by senior journalists in the international media influence. Second, a long tradition of Orientalist studies in the study of the Middle East region and the study of religion in the Arab culture. Figures such as Bernard Lewis, Noah Feldman, Raphael Patai and other Middle East experts often sit with other experts in the field of terrorism (the first factor) and become main advisors and expert staff for the US government in the formulation of action to counter terror. It was the catalyst for the transmission of viewpoint which then decorated orientalist discourse of Islamic terrorism in the process of political policies. Third, a lot of Islamic terrorism discourse refers to the long tradition of cultural stereotypes and biased representations of the media that often portray Islam and Muslims as 'the enemy'. The reason is that it reflects the perspective of socio-Western culture that fears and worries the other oriental parties which has been stereotyped since the imperial era. Many also argue that the dichotomy of the orientalist views are deliberately preserved as a form of new style imperialism.
Penelitian dilatarbelakangi karena kurangnya bahan ajar berbasis digital, sehingga menimbulkan ma... more Penelitian dilatarbelakangi karena kurangnya bahan ajar berbasis digital, sehingga menimbulkan masalah seperti, menurunya literasi membaca pada peserta didik, pembelajaran kurang efektif membuat peserta didik sulit memahami materi pembelajaran. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan, kualitas, respon peserta didik pada bahan ajar chatbot berbasis artificial intelligence materi sistem pencernaan manusia dikelas V SDN 04 Pontianak Timur Tahun ajaran 2022/2023 M. Metode penelitan menggunakan Research and Development (R&D), model 4D Analisis penelitian bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data mengunakan validasi, angket, wawancara semi trustrukur. Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar validasi, pedoman wawancara dan lembar angket. Teknik analisis data yaitu, data hasil validasi, data hasil wawancara, data hasil angket respon peserta didik. Hasil penelitian 1) proses pengembangan berjalan sesuai dengan prosedur, terdiri 4 tahap yaitu, Define (pe...
Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan langkah-langkah pengembangan produk, hasil kualitas pen... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan langkah-langkah pengembangan produk, hasil kualitas pengembangan bahan ajar chatbot, dan respon peserta didik dari penggunaan bahan ajar chatbot pada materi sistem peredaran darah manusia, Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Reseacrh and Development (R&D) dengan model 4D (define, design, development, dessimate). Pengujian produk ini dilakukan dengan 28 peserta didik kelas V SD. Uji validasi dilakukan oleh dua ahli materi, dua ahli software, dan dua ahli Bahasa dengan hasil diperoleh nilai 1 dengan kategori “sangat tinggi” pada setiap validasi. Maka dari itu disimpulkan bahwa dalam pengembangan bahan ajar chatbot dengan materi sistem peredaran darah manusia kelas V SD telah valid. Bahan ajar chatbot dapat dimanfaatkan dalam proses kegiatan pembelajaran. Pada bagain penyebaran bahan ajar chatbot pada siswa kelas V diperoleh hasil respon baik, sehingga bahan ajar berupa chatbot pada materi sistem peredaran darah dapat dinyatakan valid dan efisien.
This study explores the dynamics of multiculturalism in Singkawang, the most tolerant city in Ind... more This study explores the dynamics of multiculturalism in Singkawang, the most tolerant city in Indonesia. It surprises every scholar studying conflicts as the city can adequately manage conflicts. It was evidenced by the cessation of the deadly conflict, the Sambas 1999 in the city, and by the establishment of ethnocultural groups inherited since the Dutch colonialism that generated pseudo-multiculturalism, in which all ethnic and religious communities have been tolerant but exclusive and fragile to conflict. Fortunately, as the champ of economic but socio-political competition, the Chinese have an ancestral tradition of sharing their wealth considerably. This is with no regard to either the profane or sacred places or their Muslim counterparts' social or ritual activities. Supposedly, instead of refusing "infidelity" contributions, local ulama appreciate and, in return, struggle to promote the substitution of pejorative calls of Chinese with Tionghoa. In conclusion, th...
Muallimuna : Jurnal Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
The purpoise oif this research is toi describe the proicess oif develoiping chatboit teaching mat... more The purpoise oif this research is toi describe the proicess oif develoiping chatboit teaching materials based oin artificial intelligence oin living things' respiratoiry system material, toi describe the quality oif artificial intelligence based chatboit teaching materials oin living things' respiratoiry system material, and toi describe students' respoinses toi chatboit based teaching materials. artificial intelligence oin the material oif the respiratoiry system oif living things. This research is research and develoipment (R&D) using the 4D develoipment moidel by Thiagarajan et al with its phases namely define, design, develoipment, and disseminate. The data were oibtained froim validating the eligibility questioinnaire foir teaching materials and student respoinse questioinnaires, validating chatboit teaching material proiducts, and student respoinses. The results shoiwed that the validatioin oif the instrument oibtained a CVI value oif 1 which placed it in the very ...
Review of Religious Research, 1999
Introduction - a tale of two texts the rise and fall of the Mu'tazila in premodern Islam the ... more Introduction - a tale of two texts the rise and fall of the Mu'tazila in premodern Islam the life and works of Qadi' abd Al-Jabbar a "thick description" of the five Usul Kiab Al-Usul Al-Khamsa (book of the five fundamentals) - a translation the persistance of traditionalism and rationalism the significance of Mu'tazilism in Indonesia Harun Naustion's defense of Mu'tazilism Kaum Mu'tazilah dan Pandangan Rasionalanya (the Mu'Tazila and rational philosophy) - a translation modern and postmodern glosses of Mu'tazilism the implication of modernity - deconstructing the argument.
El-Tsaqafah, May 18, 2022
This study aims to reveal creative education through the application of the Learning Management S... more This study aims to reveal creative education through the application of the Learning Management System (LMS) MODEL as a means of teaching Arabic and principles in choosing educational methods in the industrial era 4.0. Education in the digital era or what is known as the industrial era 4.0 must be accompanied by technology that makes it easier for lecturers and students in the educational process, including Arabic. Researchers obtained data through interviews, observation and documentation, then analyzed through a ranking process as follows: data reduction, where in this process the researcher collected and recorded data, filtered, compiled and focused on matters related to the research topic. Then they present a summary of the data and conclude with a conclusion. The researcher reached the results of the study that the implementation of the Learning Management System (LMS) MODEL as a method of learning Arabic in the Department of Arabic Language Education at the Islamic University in general resulted in an increase in students' language skills. In addition, education through the application of the Learning Management System (LMS) MODEL as a means of teaching Arabic accommodates a list space for students to discuss and send messages and allows them to interact among themselves and between students and teachers, leading to various interactions towards better language skills, and produce optimal language skill competencies because there are no time and place limitations in the educational process.
Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business, 2019
Instead of being known as the “City of Tasbih”, nowadays Singkawang is either known as the “City ... more Instead of being known as the “City of Tasbih”, nowadays Singkawang is either known as the “City of Amoy (Chinese girls)” or the “City of Thousand ChineseTemples”. Cap Go Meh annually International Festival is another evidence of Chinese image making towards the city. This indicates a sort of Chinese domination that must be studied, economically, politically, and socially. Furthermore, the research aims to explore the dynamics of Chinese Counterpart especially the Muslim Business elites' challenge such as ironic the ongoing dominating development. To explore the dynamics, in-depth interviews were held. Key figures among Muslim businessmen, Chinese elites, government officials, even laypeople were questioned in order to obtain a clear description and balanced analysis of possible biases and perspectives of the interviewees. Quantitative data are analyzed and discussed. In short, the research’s findings are: The desire of an Islamic Singkawang is still intact, driven mainly by M...
Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan, 2019
Abstr ak: Terdapat dua isu yang saling berlawanan pada dominasi domain kognitif, yaitu pertama, l... more Abstr ak: Terdapat dua isu yang saling berlawanan pada dominasi domain kognitif, yaitu pertama, lebih diutamakan untuk mendahulukan nilai-nilai afektif sebelum kognitif, dan kedua, narasi-narasi Emotional Quotient (EQ) dan Spiritual Quotient (SQ) dipromosikan untuk mendorong pentingnya Intelectual Quotient (IQ) dalam sistem pendidikan. Setelah melalui proses yang dinamis, usulan muncul untuk meningkatkan Kurikulum Berbasis Sekolah (KBS) menjadi Kurikulum 20 13 (K13). Dalam K13, domain afektif dimunculan dalam bentuk Kompentensi Spiritual dan Kompetensi Sosial sementara domain kognitif dan psikomotorik dipertahankan. Secara teologis konsep yang ditawarkan ini sesuai dengan apa yang disebut Insan Kamil dan usaha untuk membangun tujuan-tujuan yang diharapkan tersebut terletak pada transformasi dari pengetahuan yang profan menuju perspektif teologi Islam yang dianggap suci. Ilmu pengetahun sebagai Cahaya Ilahi hanya dapat ditransformasikan oleh orang yang berhati suci (guru). ملخص : ه...
Election of regional head (Pilkada) is one form and mechanism of democracy. The regional leader i... more Election of regional head (Pilkada) is one form and mechanism of democracy. The regional leader is directly elected. Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government in its enactment has created a new atmosphere in the process of regional head elections (Pilkada), both at the provincial level and at the district and city level, with the enactment of this Law they must be directly elected by all people who have suffrage in each area. This election system, in fact, has added to the vibrant process of democracy in Indonesia. This is because the Pilkada opens the broadest involvement of all people in the process of electing their regional government leaders. However, without undermining the importance of the spirit of democratic society through the elections, various negative impacts / interpretations of this kind of succession system of government are now appearing. It is common knowledge now that to win local elections, a person needs a lot of funds, both to finance legal activiti...
Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business, 2019
Instead of being known as the “City of Tasbih”, nowadays Singkawang is either known as the “City ... more Instead of being known as the “City of Tasbih”, nowadays Singkawang is either known as the “City of Amoy (Chinese girls)” or the “City of Thousand ChineseTemples”. Cap Go Meh annually International Festival is another evidence of Chinese image making towards the city. This indicates a sort of Chinese domination that must be studied, economically, politically, and socially. Furthermore, the research aims to explore the dynamics of Chinese Counterpart especially the Muslim Business elites' challenge such as ironic the ongoing dominating development. To explore the dynamics, in-depth interviews were held. Key figures among Muslim businessmen, Chinese elites, government officials, even laypeople were questioned in order to obtain a clear description and balanced analysis of possible biases and perspectives of the interviewees. Quantitative data are analyzed and discussed. In short, the research’s findings are: The desire of an Islamic Singkawang is still intact, driven mainly by M...
Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan, 2018
This research aims to explore the wisdom of socio-religious interaction and tradition in West Kal... more This research aims to explore the wisdom of socio-religious interaction and tradition in West Kalimantan Malay society towards Chinese ethnic. This research recommends local wisdom as a media to downgrade the tension of social political and religious interactions that have been perceived recently as the threat of national and even global harmony. The source of data in this study was Deutro Malay ethnic and Chinese ethnic at Teluk Pak Kedai. The data was determined through purposive techniques by considering the two circles of key informants, i.e. information from the closest circumference (epicentrum) with the source of wisdom, which in this study consists of a closed circle from the figure of Haji Ismail Mundu and Foundation (China), and information from peripherals. The Data collected through in-depth interviews, observations and documentation were then analyzed by using qualitative normative cycle formats to be presented in thematic classifications in line with the focus and rese...
Al-Albab, 2016
What does the term "terrorism" mean. " Why does the term "terrorism" often identified as Islam? "... more What does the term "terrorism" mean. " Why does the term "terrorism" often identified as Islam? "If terrorism is an ism that affects "terror" that it generates, while Islam which literally means "peace", then the two terms certainly mismatch! Such question and statement show Muslims' concern over frequent phenomena of "terrorism" using Islamic religious symbols. The research undertaken proved that there are three explanations. First, a close tripartite network connection between "terrorism experts" and the circles of power policy holders who are also supported by senior journalists in the international media influence. Second, a long tradition of Orientalist studies in the study of the Middle East region and the study of religion in the Arab culture. Figures such as Bernard Lewis, Noah Feldman, Raphael Patai and other Middle East experts often sit with other experts in the field of terrorism (the first factor) and become main advisors and expert staff for the US government in the formulation of action to counter terror. It was the catalyst for the transmission of viewpoint which then decorated orientalist discourse of Islamic terrorism in the process of political policies. Third, a lot of Islamic terrorism discourse refers to the long tradition of cultural stereotypes and biased representations of the media that often portray Islam and Muslims as 'the enemy'. The reason is that it reflects the perspective of socio-Western culture that fears and worries the other oriental parties which has been stereotyped since the imperial era. Many also argue that the dichotomy of the orientalist views are deliberately preserved as a form of new style imperialism.