Susi Evanita - (original) (raw)

Papers by Susi Evanita

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Iklan Televisi Dalam Perspektif Teori Pengaruh Selektif

Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, Jan 29, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Prokem Brand: Antecedents of Customers’ Buying Decision on Ayam Neraka

KnE Social Sciences, 2019

Brand is created to inspire a good image in the minds of consumers. But lately there has been an ... more Brand is created to inspire a good image in the minds of consumers. But lately there has been an interesting trend, where a brand is created with a negative connotation, to which we have given the term Prokem Brand. Ayam Neraka is one of the famous Prokem Brand in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the influence of Brand Equity, Promotion, and Reference Groups toward the Buying Decision of Ayam Neraka in Padang. The population of this study is all the Ayam Neraka Cafe consumers with a sample size of 80 people. The sampling technique is Accidental, where we distribute questionnaires to consumers that happened to be found during the study. Data analysis was done using linear regression analysis. This study found that, simultaneously, the independent variables significantly affect Buying Decisions. But from all three, Brand Equity and Reference Group are the only variables that significantly affect Ayam neraka consumers' Buying Decisions. Based on this study, we then gave the name Prokem Brand to brands like Ayam Neraka, who have names with negative connotations, but paradoxically viewed as a good brand by a limited consumer, that is, the youth.

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Program Tahfiz Qur’An DI MTSN 5 Agam: Pendekatan Evaluasi Program Pendidikan Metode Cippo

Jurnal Evaluasi Pendidikan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan program sekolah MTsN 5 Agam yaitu Program... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan program sekolah MTsN 5 Agam yaitu ProgramTahfidz Qur’an sebagai salah satu Mata Pelajar muatan wajib disekialh tersebut. Penenlitian ini menganalisis program pendidikan MTsN 5 Agam dengan menggunakan model evaluasi CIPPO ((komponen konteks (C), masukan atau Input (I), Proses (P), dan hasil atau produk (P), juga diperlukan evaluasi terhadap dampak atau outcome (O)). Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif, kemudahan menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif ini adalah karena mudah untuk menyesuaikan jenis penelitian kualitatif ketika berhadapan dengan berbagai realitas. Hasil peenlitin ini menunjukan bahwa setiap aspek evaluasi menunjukan hasil yang sangat baik, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa program yang dilakasanakan sangat baik.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Lingkungan Sekolah, Teman Sebaya dan Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada SMK Bidang Manajemen Bisnis Jurusan Pemasarandi Kecamatan Jambi Selatan Kota Jambi

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the school environment, peers, and study ... more The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the school environment, peers, and study motivation on the student achievement in SMK business management marketing majors south jambi subdistrict jambi city. By using proportional random sampling technique analysis, the obtained of samples with the number of students is 109. The results showed, in the school environment to support Based on the research results, it can be concluded that in a school environment in order to support the smooth implementation of the learning process, should be able to pay attention to the need for means of support. Thus, students can develop their skills with the help of friends his age to be more motivated to improve learning outcomes, especially in the field of vocational students of business management marketing majors south jambi subdistrict jambi city. Keyword : School Environment, Peers, Study Motivation, Study Achievement.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Pemberdayaan Usaha Kecil Batu Akik di Kota Padang

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Komitmen Kerja Guru DI SMP Negeri Kecamatan Sungai Limau Kabupaten Padang Pariaman

This study aims to identify and analyze: 1) the effect of principal leadership on teacher motivat... more This study aims to identify and analyze: 1) the effect of principal leadership on teacher motivation River Junior High School district Lemons, 2) Effect of principal leadership on teachers’ commitmen Lemons River Junior High School district, 3) Effect of motivation on teachers’ commitmen Lemons River Junior High School district. Population in this study were all school teachers Secondary Schools in District Lemons River totaling 101 teachers. Mechanical Sampling using ”proportional stratified random sampling. The number of sample is 75 teachers. The date analysis technique used path analysis. The result of the study found that : 1) Leadership headmaster significant effect on teacher motivation Secondary Schools in the district of Padang Pariaman district Lemons River 2) Leadership headmaster significant effect on teachers’ work commitment Secondary Schools in the district of Padang pariaman district Lemons River. 3) Motivation significant effect on teachers’ work commitment Seconda...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dan Kompetensi Guru Terhadap Kinerja Guru Bidang Produktifjurusan Manajemen Bisnis DI Smkkota Jambi

Jurnal Ilmiah Dikdaya, Jul 28, 2017

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the principal leadership and the teacher... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the principal leadership and the teacher competence consisting of pedagogic competence, personal competence, social competence, and professional competence on the performance of teachers in SMK City of Jambi. The population in this study was the teacher of existing productive fields in the SMK City of Jambi totaling 136 people. By using proportional random sampling technique analysis, the obtained of samples with the number of teachers is 94. The method of analysis used is path analysis, where the data acquisition is done through questionnaires, interviews, and literature as a reference for this study. The results showed that the influences of positive and significant the principal leadership and the teacher competence on performance of teachers in the productive field of SMK City of Jambi.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Online Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing UMKM ( Studi Keju Lasi)

Strategi pemasaran adalah salah satu cara memenangkan keunggulan bersaing yang berkesinambungan b... more Strategi pemasaran adalah salah satu cara memenangkan keunggulan bersaing yang berkesinambungan baik itu untuk perusahaan yang memproduksi barang atau jasa. Strategi pemasaran dapat dipandang sebagai salah satu dasar yang dipakai dalam menyusun perencanaan perusahaan secara menyeluruh (Setiawati, 2017). Dipandang dari luasnya permasalahan yang ada dalam perusahaan, maka diperlukan adanya perencanaan yang menyeluruh untuk dijadikan pedoman bagi segmen perusahaan dalam menjalankan kegiatannya. Alasan lain yang menunjukkan pentingnya strategi pemasaran adalah semakin kerasnya persaingan yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan pada umumnya. Dalam situasi yang demikian, tidak ada lagi pilihan lain bagi perusahaan kecuali berusaha untuk menghadapinya atau sama sekali keluar dari arena persaingan. Keadaan ini tidak terkecuali akan dihadapi oleh UMKM Sumatera Barat, seperti Keripik Sanja Ane, Sanjai Ummi Aufa Hakim, Rumah Susu Padang Panjang dan Keju Lasi. Sehingga tertarik untuk mengangkat judul Ana...

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Service Quality and Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty of Minang Fantasi Water Park in Padang Panjang City

Proceedings of the 2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and Accounting (PICEEBA-2 2018), 2019

This study aims to analyze the effect of service quality and customer satisfaction on consumer lo... more This study aims to analyze the effect of service quality and customer satisfaction on consumer loyalty in the Minang Fantasi Water Park in Padang Panjang. Population in this study is all visitors to the Minang Fantasi Water Park in Padang Panjang with total sample are 204 respondents. The analytical technique used was path analysis. Analytical results produce service quality have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction; Service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty; The customer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on the loyalty of the tourism customers of the Minang Fantasi Water Park in Padang Panjang.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Komunikasi Untuk Menciptakan Kawasan Pantai Yang Bersih Dari Sampah (Studi Kasus Taplau Padang)

Ensiklopedia Sosial Review, 2021

Waste management so far has not been optimally carried out because it is not in accordance with e... more Waste management so far has not been optimally carried out because it is not in accordance with environmentally sound waste management methods and techniques so that it has a negative impact on the cleanliness of the coastal area and the environment becomes dirty. The waste problem has become a national problem, so that its management needs to be carried out in a comprehensive and integrated manner from upstream to downstream in order to provide economic benefits, be healthy for the community, and safe for the environment, and can change people's behavior. This can be seen from the conditions in Taplau Padang that waste management is still not running optimally. The condition of waste in coastal tourist areas in general has not been managed optimally even though it already has waste management components. In fact, many cleaning managers face problems and obstacles that result in services that are not in accordance with the technical provisions and expectations of tourists. Takin...

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Work Climate and Work Motivation on the Performance of Public Elementary School Teachers in 2x11 Kayu Tanam District, Padang Pariaman Regency

Proceedings of the Third Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA 2019), 2019

The purpose of this study is to analyze the Influence of Work Climate, and Work Motivation on the... more The purpose of this study is to analyze the Influence of Work Climate, and Work Motivation on the Performance of Public Elementary School Teachers in 2x11 Kayu Tanam District, Padang Pariaman Regency. This study used 300 respondents as the sample. The data analysis technique of this research is path analysis. The results showed that work motivation and performance had a significant effect on the teacher's work

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of National Education Standards on Academic Quality of Graduates Vocational High School in Solok City and Regency

Proceedings of the 2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and Accounting (PICEEBA-2 2018), 2019

This study determined the effect of national education standards on academic quality of graduate ... more This study determined the effect of national education standards on academic quality of graduate vocational high school in Solok city and regency. The population was 47 skills competencies in vocational high schools. The sample consisting of 40 skills competencies was selected using purposive sampling technique. Data in this study used national examination scores, accreditation scores, amount of graduate vocational high school who are accepted to work in the business/ industry and amount of graduates vocational high school who are accepted to continue them education in the college. Analyzed and presented using multiple regression analysis with SPSS software. The results showed: (1) content standards and financing standards with positive and significant effect on the national examinations scores, (2) educators and education personnel standards with positive and significant effect on the amount of graduates vocational high school who are accepted to work in business/ industry, (3) process standards with negative and significant effect on amount of graduates vocational high school who are accepted to continue them education in the college (4) graduates competence standards, facilities standards, management standards and assessment standards doesn't have significant effect on academic quality of graduates vocational high school. It means that there was other factors influence academic quality of graduate vocational high school such as interests, motivation, and parents' background.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Marketing Mix Satisfaction on Purchase intentions of GM Brand Helm on Students of State University of Padang

Proceedings of the 2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and Accounting (PICEEBA-2 2018), 2019

This study examines the impact of Satisfaction of Marketing Mixed on Purchase intention of GM Bra... more This study examines the impact of Satisfaction of Marketing Mixed on Purchase intention of GM Brand Helm on Padang State University Students. This research is descriptive causative research aims to find the influence of an independent variable that is in this research is satisfaction of product, satisfaction of price, satisfaction of promotion and satisfaction of distribution to dependent variable that is purchase intention. The number of samples is 200 respondents. Analytical technique used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to know the impact of the effect of Satisfaction on Marketing Mix of Purchase intention. The results of the study prove that satisfaction of product, satisfaction of price, satisfaction of promotion have a significant effect on consumer purchase intention on GM helmet product, and satisfaction of distribution have a significant effect on purchase intention of GM helmet product.

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of the Dimensions of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction on Repurchase Intention of Customers of Rocky Plaza Hotel Padang

Proceedings of the Third Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA 2019), 2019

This research aims to analyze the influence of the dimensions of service quality and customer sat... more This research aims to analyze the influence of the dimensions of service quality and customer satisfaction on repurchase intention. The population of this study is customers who came to Rocky Plaza Hotel based on the number of rooms sold which amounted to 98 people whit the sampling technique using probabilitysampling. Data collection is done by filling out questionnaires and data analysis techniques used path analysis. The results of the study show that the responsiveness and assurance variables have a significant influence on the interest in repurchasing Rocky Plaza Hotel Padang customer. Whereas for tangible, reliability, empathy and customer satisfaction does not have a significant effect on the interest in repurchasing customers of Rocky Plaza Hotel Padang. The total direct and indirect influence in this study is 20.56% and the remaining 79.4% is influence by other variables not explained in this study.

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance in Padang Panjang City Government

Proceedings of the 2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and Accounting (PICEEBA-2 2018), 2019

The purpose of this study to analyze the effect of of Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction an... more The purpose of this study to analyze the effect of of Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance in Padang Panjang City Government. This type of research includes quantitative research specifically this research wants to see about the influence of Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment to performance. As for the population or the object of this study are employees of the State Civil Service in the Padang Panjang City Government. The sampling method used for this research is proportional random sampling with a total sample of 272 respondents. The results show: (1) organizational culture, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, has a positive and significant effect on employee performance; (2) organizational culture and job satisfaction has no significant positive effect on organizational commitment Employees; (3) Organizational Culture has a positive and significant influence on Employee Performa...

Research paper thumbnail of Social Interaction Between Etnics in Market Mastery in Sungai Penuh City Market in Kerinci Regency in a Sociological Prepective

Research paper thumbnail of Repurchase Intentions Analysis in Future Funding Package of Mobile Marketing Sharia (MMS) BTPN Akabiluru

Proceedings of the 2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and Accounting (PICEEBA-2 2018), 2019

This study aims to analyze the influence of marketing mix (product, price, promotion, location, p... more This study aims to analyze the influence of marketing mix (product, price, promotion, location, person, process and physical evidence) on repurchase intention the future package financing in MMS Akabiluru BTPN Sharia Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota. The population of this study is all customers of BTPN Sharia MMS Akabiluru, which gets the financing of future packages in 2016 as many as 747 people. The sample is determined by simple random sampling method, as many as 261 respondents. Data analysis technique used is analysis of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The results showed that the product, cost, location, promotion, employee, process, and physical evidence has significant effect on repurchase intention the future package financing at BTPN Sharia MMS Akabiluru.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Learning Media and Self-Regulated Learning on the Students Achievement in Accounting Computer Courses (The Case Study at Class XII SMK DEK Business School Padang)

Proceedings of the Third Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA 2019), 2019

In last decade, the needs of accounting computer skills were very needed in the workforce. Howeve... more In last decade, the needs of accounting computer skills were very needed in the workforce. However, some of Vocational High School students were not still skilled in operating the accounting computer program. To resolve that case, so the teacher should use the right learning media in the learning process. One of the right learning media was the accounting computer module. This accounting computer module was purposed the students could learn independently. At this time, the students' self-regulated learning was very low. The students were very dependent on the teacher. This research purposed to know how the effects of using the accounting computer module and self-regulated learning toward the students' learning result and then, to know the interaction in using the accounting computer module with self-regulated learning. The method of this research was quasi experiment. At the end of this research showed that there were the significant effects from using accounting computer module toward the students' learning result, the significant effects from selfregulated learning of accounting computer toward the students' learning result, and then there was not the interaction between the uses of accounting computer module with selfregulated learning.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Satisfaction on Service Quality and Promotion toward Client Loyalty of Integrated service unit - Animal Health Center (UPT- Puskeswan) and Artificial Insemination (IB) in Pariaman City

Proceedings of the Third Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA 2019), 2019

The purpose of this study is to analyze 1) the effect of satisfaction on service quality toward l... more The purpose of this study is to analyze 1) the effect of satisfaction on service quality toward loyalty, 2) the effect of promotion toward loyalty, 3) the effect of satisfaction on the service quality and promotion simultaneously toward loyalty. The type of this study is causality research. The population of this study is all the people who use the services of UPT Puskeswan and IB Kota Pariaman. The sample size of this study is 100 respondents. The variables of this study are satisfaction on service quality and promotion as independent variables and loyalty as the dependent variable. The sampling technique using accidental sampling. Data collection is done by filling out questionnaires, and data analysis techniques used to test hypotheses is multiple linear regression. The results of this study found that: 1) The satisfaction on service quality has a significant effect toward loyalty. It means that loyalty is influenced by satisfaction on service quality positively. The higher the level of client satisfaction on service quality, certainly it will increase client loyalty. 2) Promotion has a significant effect toward loyalty. This means that loyalty is positively influenced by promotion. The more routine the form of promotion carried out; it will certainly increase client loyalty. 3) The satisfaction on service quality and promotion together has a significant effect toward loyalty. The higher the level of client satisfaction on service quality and also supported by effective promotional activities, it will certainly increase client loyalty.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Teacher’s basic skills, learning facilities, and learning motivations on learning outcomes: evidence from economic subjects in social science majors (IPS) at Padang senior high schools

Proceedings of the Third Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA 2019), 2019

This study aims to find out and analyze the relationship between teacher’s basic skill and learni... more This study aims to find out and analyze the relationship between teacher’s basic skill and learning facilities on economic subjects in majors at social science, the effect of teacher’s basic skill on learning motivation in economic subjects, the effect of learning facilities on learning motivation in economic subjects, the effect of teacher’s basic skill on learning outcomes in economic subjects, the effect of learning facilities on learning outcomes in economic subjects, the effect of learning motivation on learning outcomes in economic subjects at Padang senior high schools. This research uses survey research. The population of the study is year eleven students at Padang senior high school, the sample consists of 257 students with a sampling technique was proportional random sampling. The result of path analysis shows: teacher’s basic skill has positive impact on learning facilities, learning motivation, and learning outcomes, learning facilities has positive effect on learning mo...

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Iklan Televisi Dalam Perspektif Teori Pengaruh Selektif

Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, Jan 29, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Prokem Brand: Antecedents of Customers’ Buying Decision on Ayam Neraka

KnE Social Sciences, 2019

Brand is created to inspire a good image in the minds of consumers. But lately there has been an ... more Brand is created to inspire a good image in the minds of consumers. But lately there has been an interesting trend, where a brand is created with a negative connotation, to which we have given the term Prokem Brand. Ayam Neraka is one of the famous Prokem Brand in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the influence of Brand Equity, Promotion, and Reference Groups toward the Buying Decision of Ayam Neraka in Padang. The population of this study is all the Ayam Neraka Cafe consumers with a sample size of 80 people. The sampling technique is Accidental, where we distribute questionnaires to consumers that happened to be found during the study. Data analysis was done using linear regression analysis. This study found that, simultaneously, the independent variables significantly affect Buying Decisions. But from all three, Brand Equity and Reference Group are the only variables that significantly affect Ayam neraka consumers' Buying Decisions. Based on this study, we then gave the name Prokem Brand to brands like Ayam Neraka, who have names with negative connotations, but paradoxically viewed as a good brand by a limited consumer, that is, the youth.

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Program Tahfiz Qur’An DI MTSN 5 Agam: Pendekatan Evaluasi Program Pendidikan Metode Cippo

Jurnal Evaluasi Pendidikan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan program sekolah MTsN 5 Agam yaitu Program... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan program sekolah MTsN 5 Agam yaitu ProgramTahfidz Qur’an sebagai salah satu Mata Pelajar muatan wajib disekialh tersebut. Penenlitian ini menganalisis program pendidikan MTsN 5 Agam dengan menggunakan model evaluasi CIPPO ((komponen konteks (C), masukan atau Input (I), Proses (P), dan hasil atau produk (P), juga diperlukan evaluasi terhadap dampak atau outcome (O)). Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif, kemudahan menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif ini adalah karena mudah untuk menyesuaikan jenis penelitian kualitatif ketika berhadapan dengan berbagai realitas. Hasil peenlitin ini menunjukan bahwa setiap aspek evaluasi menunjukan hasil yang sangat baik, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa program yang dilakasanakan sangat baik.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Lingkungan Sekolah, Teman Sebaya dan Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada SMK Bidang Manajemen Bisnis Jurusan Pemasarandi Kecamatan Jambi Selatan Kota Jambi

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the school environment, peers, and study ... more The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the school environment, peers, and study motivation on the student achievement in SMK business management marketing majors south jambi subdistrict jambi city. By using proportional random sampling technique analysis, the obtained of samples with the number of students is 109. The results showed, in the school environment to support Based on the research results, it can be concluded that in a school environment in order to support the smooth implementation of the learning process, should be able to pay attention to the need for means of support. Thus, students can develop their skills with the help of friends his age to be more motivated to improve learning outcomes, especially in the field of vocational students of business management marketing majors south jambi subdistrict jambi city. Keyword : School Environment, Peers, Study Motivation, Study Achievement.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Pemberdayaan Usaha Kecil Batu Akik di Kota Padang

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Komitmen Kerja Guru DI SMP Negeri Kecamatan Sungai Limau Kabupaten Padang Pariaman

This study aims to identify and analyze: 1) the effect of principal leadership on teacher motivat... more This study aims to identify and analyze: 1) the effect of principal leadership on teacher motivation River Junior High School district Lemons, 2) Effect of principal leadership on teachers’ commitmen Lemons River Junior High School district, 3) Effect of motivation on teachers’ commitmen Lemons River Junior High School district. Population in this study were all school teachers Secondary Schools in District Lemons River totaling 101 teachers. Mechanical Sampling using ”proportional stratified random sampling. The number of sample is 75 teachers. The date analysis technique used path analysis. The result of the study found that : 1) Leadership headmaster significant effect on teacher motivation Secondary Schools in the district of Padang Pariaman district Lemons River 2) Leadership headmaster significant effect on teachers’ work commitment Secondary Schools in the district of Padang pariaman district Lemons River. 3) Motivation significant effect on teachers’ work commitment Seconda...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dan Kompetensi Guru Terhadap Kinerja Guru Bidang Produktifjurusan Manajemen Bisnis DI Smkkota Jambi

Jurnal Ilmiah Dikdaya, Jul 28, 2017

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the principal leadership and the teacher... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the principal leadership and the teacher competence consisting of pedagogic competence, personal competence, social competence, and professional competence on the performance of teachers in SMK City of Jambi. The population in this study was the teacher of existing productive fields in the SMK City of Jambi totaling 136 people. By using proportional random sampling technique analysis, the obtained of samples with the number of teachers is 94. The method of analysis used is path analysis, where the data acquisition is done through questionnaires, interviews, and literature as a reference for this study. The results showed that the influences of positive and significant the principal leadership and the teacher competence on performance of teachers in the productive field of SMK City of Jambi.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Online Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing UMKM ( Studi Keju Lasi)

Strategi pemasaran adalah salah satu cara memenangkan keunggulan bersaing yang berkesinambungan b... more Strategi pemasaran adalah salah satu cara memenangkan keunggulan bersaing yang berkesinambungan baik itu untuk perusahaan yang memproduksi barang atau jasa. Strategi pemasaran dapat dipandang sebagai salah satu dasar yang dipakai dalam menyusun perencanaan perusahaan secara menyeluruh (Setiawati, 2017). Dipandang dari luasnya permasalahan yang ada dalam perusahaan, maka diperlukan adanya perencanaan yang menyeluruh untuk dijadikan pedoman bagi segmen perusahaan dalam menjalankan kegiatannya. Alasan lain yang menunjukkan pentingnya strategi pemasaran adalah semakin kerasnya persaingan yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan pada umumnya. Dalam situasi yang demikian, tidak ada lagi pilihan lain bagi perusahaan kecuali berusaha untuk menghadapinya atau sama sekali keluar dari arena persaingan. Keadaan ini tidak terkecuali akan dihadapi oleh UMKM Sumatera Barat, seperti Keripik Sanja Ane, Sanjai Ummi Aufa Hakim, Rumah Susu Padang Panjang dan Keju Lasi. Sehingga tertarik untuk mengangkat judul Ana...

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Service Quality and Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty of Minang Fantasi Water Park in Padang Panjang City

Proceedings of the 2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and Accounting (PICEEBA-2 2018), 2019

This study aims to analyze the effect of service quality and customer satisfaction on consumer lo... more This study aims to analyze the effect of service quality and customer satisfaction on consumer loyalty in the Minang Fantasi Water Park in Padang Panjang. Population in this study is all visitors to the Minang Fantasi Water Park in Padang Panjang with total sample are 204 respondents. The analytical technique used was path analysis. Analytical results produce service quality have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction; Service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty; The customer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on the loyalty of the tourism customers of the Minang Fantasi Water Park in Padang Panjang.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Komunikasi Untuk Menciptakan Kawasan Pantai Yang Bersih Dari Sampah (Studi Kasus Taplau Padang)

Ensiklopedia Sosial Review, 2021

Waste management so far has not been optimally carried out because it is not in accordance with e... more Waste management so far has not been optimally carried out because it is not in accordance with environmentally sound waste management methods and techniques so that it has a negative impact on the cleanliness of the coastal area and the environment becomes dirty. The waste problem has become a national problem, so that its management needs to be carried out in a comprehensive and integrated manner from upstream to downstream in order to provide economic benefits, be healthy for the community, and safe for the environment, and can change people's behavior. This can be seen from the conditions in Taplau Padang that waste management is still not running optimally. The condition of waste in coastal tourist areas in general has not been managed optimally even though it already has waste management components. In fact, many cleaning managers face problems and obstacles that result in services that are not in accordance with the technical provisions and expectations of tourists. Takin...

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Work Climate and Work Motivation on the Performance of Public Elementary School Teachers in 2x11 Kayu Tanam District, Padang Pariaman Regency

Proceedings of the Third Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA 2019), 2019

The purpose of this study is to analyze the Influence of Work Climate, and Work Motivation on the... more The purpose of this study is to analyze the Influence of Work Climate, and Work Motivation on the Performance of Public Elementary School Teachers in 2x11 Kayu Tanam District, Padang Pariaman Regency. This study used 300 respondents as the sample. The data analysis technique of this research is path analysis. The results showed that work motivation and performance had a significant effect on the teacher's work

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of National Education Standards on Academic Quality of Graduates Vocational High School in Solok City and Regency

Proceedings of the 2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and Accounting (PICEEBA-2 2018), 2019

This study determined the effect of national education standards on academic quality of graduate ... more This study determined the effect of national education standards on academic quality of graduate vocational high school in Solok city and regency. The population was 47 skills competencies in vocational high schools. The sample consisting of 40 skills competencies was selected using purposive sampling technique. Data in this study used national examination scores, accreditation scores, amount of graduate vocational high school who are accepted to work in the business/ industry and amount of graduates vocational high school who are accepted to continue them education in the college. Analyzed and presented using multiple regression analysis with SPSS software. The results showed: (1) content standards and financing standards with positive and significant effect on the national examinations scores, (2) educators and education personnel standards with positive and significant effect on the amount of graduates vocational high school who are accepted to work in business/ industry, (3) process standards with negative and significant effect on amount of graduates vocational high school who are accepted to continue them education in the college (4) graduates competence standards, facilities standards, management standards and assessment standards doesn't have significant effect on academic quality of graduates vocational high school. It means that there was other factors influence academic quality of graduate vocational high school such as interests, motivation, and parents' background.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Marketing Mix Satisfaction on Purchase intentions of GM Brand Helm on Students of State University of Padang

Proceedings of the 2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and Accounting (PICEEBA-2 2018), 2019

This study examines the impact of Satisfaction of Marketing Mixed on Purchase intention of GM Bra... more This study examines the impact of Satisfaction of Marketing Mixed on Purchase intention of GM Brand Helm on Padang State University Students. This research is descriptive causative research aims to find the influence of an independent variable that is in this research is satisfaction of product, satisfaction of price, satisfaction of promotion and satisfaction of distribution to dependent variable that is purchase intention. The number of samples is 200 respondents. Analytical technique used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to know the impact of the effect of Satisfaction on Marketing Mix of Purchase intention. The results of the study prove that satisfaction of product, satisfaction of price, satisfaction of promotion have a significant effect on consumer purchase intention on GM helmet product, and satisfaction of distribution have a significant effect on purchase intention of GM helmet product.

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of the Dimensions of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction on Repurchase Intention of Customers of Rocky Plaza Hotel Padang

Proceedings of the Third Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA 2019), 2019

This research aims to analyze the influence of the dimensions of service quality and customer sat... more This research aims to analyze the influence of the dimensions of service quality and customer satisfaction on repurchase intention. The population of this study is customers who came to Rocky Plaza Hotel based on the number of rooms sold which amounted to 98 people whit the sampling technique using probabilitysampling. Data collection is done by filling out questionnaires and data analysis techniques used path analysis. The results of the study show that the responsiveness and assurance variables have a significant influence on the interest in repurchasing Rocky Plaza Hotel Padang customer. Whereas for tangible, reliability, empathy and customer satisfaction does not have a significant effect on the interest in repurchasing customers of Rocky Plaza Hotel Padang. The total direct and indirect influence in this study is 20.56% and the remaining 79.4% is influence by other variables not explained in this study.

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance in Padang Panjang City Government

Proceedings of the 2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and Accounting (PICEEBA-2 2018), 2019

The purpose of this study to analyze the effect of of Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction an... more The purpose of this study to analyze the effect of of Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance in Padang Panjang City Government. This type of research includes quantitative research specifically this research wants to see about the influence of Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment to performance. As for the population or the object of this study are employees of the State Civil Service in the Padang Panjang City Government. The sampling method used for this research is proportional random sampling with a total sample of 272 respondents. The results show: (1) organizational culture, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, has a positive and significant effect on employee performance; (2) organizational culture and job satisfaction has no significant positive effect on organizational commitment Employees; (3) Organizational Culture has a positive and significant influence on Employee Performa...

Research paper thumbnail of Social Interaction Between Etnics in Market Mastery in Sungai Penuh City Market in Kerinci Regency in a Sociological Prepective

Research paper thumbnail of Repurchase Intentions Analysis in Future Funding Package of Mobile Marketing Sharia (MMS) BTPN Akabiluru

Proceedings of the 2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and Accounting (PICEEBA-2 2018), 2019

This study aims to analyze the influence of marketing mix (product, price, promotion, location, p... more This study aims to analyze the influence of marketing mix (product, price, promotion, location, person, process and physical evidence) on repurchase intention the future package financing in MMS Akabiluru BTPN Sharia Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota. The population of this study is all customers of BTPN Sharia MMS Akabiluru, which gets the financing of future packages in 2016 as many as 747 people. The sample is determined by simple random sampling method, as many as 261 respondents. Data analysis technique used is analysis of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The results showed that the product, cost, location, promotion, employee, process, and physical evidence has significant effect on repurchase intention the future package financing at BTPN Sharia MMS Akabiluru.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Learning Media and Self-Regulated Learning on the Students Achievement in Accounting Computer Courses (The Case Study at Class XII SMK DEK Business School Padang)

Proceedings of the Third Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA 2019), 2019

In last decade, the needs of accounting computer skills were very needed in the workforce. Howeve... more In last decade, the needs of accounting computer skills were very needed in the workforce. However, some of Vocational High School students were not still skilled in operating the accounting computer program. To resolve that case, so the teacher should use the right learning media in the learning process. One of the right learning media was the accounting computer module. This accounting computer module was purposed the students could learn independently. At this time, the students' self-regulated learning was very low. The students were very dependent on the teacher. This research purposed to know how the effects of using the accounting computer module and self-regulated learning toward the students' learning result and then, to know the interaction in using the accounting computer module with self-regulated learning. The method of this research was quasi experiment. At the end of this research showed that there were the significant effects from using accounting computer module toward the students' learning result, the significant effects from selfregulated learning of accounting computer toward the students' learning result, and then there was not the interaction between the uses of accounting computer module with selfregulated learning.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Satisfaction on Service Quality and Promotion toward Client Loyalty of Integrated service unit - Animal Health Center (UPT- Puskeswan) and Artificial Insemination (IB) in Pariaman City

Proceedings of the Third Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA 2019), 2019

The purpose of this study is to analyze 1) the effect of satisfaction on service quality toward l... more The purpose of this study is to analyze 1) the effect of satisfaction on service quality toward loyalty, 2) the effect of promotion toward loyalty, 3) the effect of satisfaction on the service quality and promotion simultaneously toward loyalty. The type of this study is causality research. The population of this study is all the people who use the services of UPT Puskeswan and IB Kota Pariaman. The sample size of this study is 100 respondents. The variables of this study are satisfaction on service quality and promotion as independent variables and loyalty as the dependent variable. The sampling technique using accidental sampling. Data collection is done by filling out questionnaires, and data analysis techniques used to test hypotheses is multiple linear regression. The results of this study found that: 1) The satisfaction on service quality has a significant effect toward loyalty. It means that loyalty is influenced by satisfaction on service quality positively. The higher the level of client satisfaction on service quality, certainly it will increase client loyalty. 2) Promotion has a significant effect toward loyalty. This means that loyalty is positively influenced by promotion. The more routine the form of promotion carried out; it will certainly increase client loyalty. 3) The satisfaction on service quality and promotion together has a significant effect toward loyalty. The higher the level of client satisfaction on service quality and also supported by effective promotional activities, it will certainly increase client loyalty.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Teacher’s basic skills, learning facilities, and learning motivations on learning outcomes: evidence from economic subjects in social science majors (IPS) at Padang senior high schools

Proceedings of the Third Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA 2019), 2019

This study aims to find out and analyze the relationship between teacher’s basic skill and learni... more This study aims to find out and analyze the relationship between teacher’s basic skill and learning facilities on economic subjects in majors at social science, the effect of teacher’s basic skill on learning motivation in economic subjects, the effect of learning facilities on learning motivation in economic subjects, the effect of teacher’s basic skill on learning outcomes in economic subjects, the effect of learning facilities on learning outcomes in economic subjects, the effect of learning motivation on learning outcomes in economic subjects at Padang senior high schools. This research uses survey research. The population of the study is year eleven students at Padang senior high school, the sample consists of 257 students with a sampling technique was proportional random sampling. The result of path analysis shows: teacher’s basic skill has positive impact on learning facilities, learning motivation, and learning outcomes, learning facilities has positive effect on learning mo...